Claiming Kelly

By moc.loa@1212lluST

Published on May 3, 2006


Kelly woke up the next morning around 7 and had breakfast. I came down around 7:30 and greeted me brother-in-law with a deep kiss and a grope of his crotch. My mother and sister were still asleep, and from the grope.. I could tell Kelly was getting horny. I didn't need any further convincing. Grabbing him by the hair, I pulled him out of his chair and threw him face down on the kitchen table. I pulled his jeans down in one motion, and seconds later I was balls deep in his ass, fucking him hard and fast. Kelly merely grunted and moaned as he took my dick into his hole, and I licked his back, neck and shoulders. With one final thrust, I drove my cock all the way up inside him and dumped my morning load in his ass. I pulled out of his hole and went to the fridge to get some orange juice while Kelly pulled his pants back up and said.. "Thank you sir." I sat down across the table from him and reached into the pocket of my robe and handed him a plane ticket. "The flight leaves at eleven.. you have to be there before nine for check-in.. you might want to get yourself ready." Kelly got up and left the kitchen, headed towards the basement room he lived in. Fifteen minutes later he reappeared in front of me all dressed and ready to go. I drove Kelly to the airport and informed him on the way about the client... " Dominic Kastinopolus.. 29 years old, Greek, never travels anywhere without his guard dog, he will have a car waiting for you at the airport. You are his for the week, you do whatever he says, then at the end of the week you get back on a plane and come back here. He has paid in full already, your percentage is in your account." I reached into my pocket and handed him a debit card..."Here is your card... do not lose it.. enjoy yourself and make the client happy." With that, we pulled up to the airport and parked the car. I helped Kelly with his bags into the airport and got him checked in. I motioned over my shoulder to the men's room and he followed me in. I didn't bother with using a stall, and as soon as we were inside, Kelly dropped to his knees and pulled my cock out of my pants. Without questioning, he swallowed it over and over again all the way to the base. I planted my hands firmly on the back of his head and began skullfucking him, my balls slapping against his chin. In minutes, I blasted my load down his throat and he eagerly swallowed the whole thing. He sat back on his calves and whispered "Thank you sir" as he tucked my cock back into my pants and stood up. I escorted Kelly to the gate and watched his sweet ass as he headed towards the check in counter and boarded his flight. An hour later, Kelly landed at the airport. Grabbing his bags from the carousel, he looked at the crowd of drivers standing behind him with signs. He looked them over for a minute before he saw one that said "KELLY McCORD". He walked up to the driver and was escorted to the limousine waiting outside. Entering the hotel lobby, Kelly marveled at the extreme grandeur of the place. He was handed a room key by the driver and was told to go upstairs to the room while he took his bags up for him. Kelly rode the elevator to the penthouse suite and as he opened the door, the spectacular view took his breath away. The driver came up behind him and placed his bags on the floor, said " Have a good day sir." Then left. Kelly wandered around the room, looking through the floor to ceiling windows totally in awe. As he wandered, he heard a voice behind him "I am glad you like the view.. the one I am seeing is not so bad either." Kelly quickly turned to see his client for the week standing behind him on the opposite side of the room. "You must be Kelly... I am pleased to meet you.. my name is Dominic." Kelly looked the man over.. he didn't look ANYTHING like what he expected. He was imagining a handsome, well built young 29 year old man.. but instead what stood before him was anything but that! Dominic was maybe all of five foot tall, and somewhere around two hundred thirty pounds with a huge belly, fat cheeks, and a greasy looking moustache. Kelly had to refrain from flinching at the sight of him. "Relax Kelly, I prefer walking around the suite naked at all times and I insist you do the same. Take off those clothes, you will not have need for them for the week." Kelly swallowed hard, everything about this man repulsed him, yet he had paid in advance so he had to do whatever he said. Slowly Kelly removed his clothes and stood naked before the man, his hands cupped over his crotch. Dominic laughed. "There will be none of that this week Kelly... please remove your hands." Sheepishly, Kelly moved his hands away, revealing his cock and balls. Dominic whistled and said.. "Very nice." As he moved closer to Kelly. Dominic put his arm around Kelly's shoulder, pulling him closer. Looking into Kelly's eyes, Dominic whispered.. "I have a feeling you will be worth every cent I paid for you." Then he kissed Kelly on the lips. Reluctantly, Kelly returned the kiss and Dominic forced his tongue into Kelly's mouth. Dominic pushed Kelly chest first against the window, pressing his now hard cock against the cold glass. Dominic then dropped to his knees behind Kelly and used his thumbs to pry open the tight round cheeks of Kelly's ass. Sliding his thumbs to Kelly's tight hole, he gently pressed them into Kelly's twitching cunt and pried it open. The next thing Kelly felt was the greek's tongue dipping in and out of his asshole, making him grunt and moan from the pleasure coursing through his body. Dominic stood up. Placed one hand on Kelly's shoulder and with the other, pressed Kelly's face hard against the glass. As Kelly stared out the glass from the corner of his eye, Dominic whispered into his ear.. "Time to get fucked my little slut" The pain ripping through Kelly's ass was almost unbearable. Dominic rammed his entire cock into Kelly in one fast motion. Sure he had bigger cocks inside his ass... Dominic only had about five inches or so... but apparently the greek enjoyed rough fucks. As he drilled his cock in and out of Kelly's ass, he repeatedly banged Kelly's head against the glass just as hard as he forced his cock up inside him. Kelly's cock reacted on it's own, growing harder and longer with each thrust. After what seemed like hours, but in truth was only about five minutes.. Kelly's hard cock twitched, jerked, and belched out a huge load of cum all over the window. Minutes later, Dominic's load followed, coating Kelly's insides. Dominic withdrew his cock, making a slurping sound as it exited Kelly's ass, and forced Kelly onto his knees. "Clean the window with your tongue bitch.. I don't want to see any traces of your cum on that glass when you are finished." Obediently, Kelly complied with Dominic's order and licked the window clean of his cum. Kelly began to stand, but was met with a slap across the face from Dominic. "We are not done with you yet bitch... get on your hands and knees!" Again, Kelly complied.. wondering who Dominic meant when he said `we' before. Kelly had his answer within a few seconds. Dominic had his dog... a rather large great dane.. in the living room of the suite with them. He lead the dog over to Kelly by his leash. He laughed at Kelly saying.. "Time for one dog to show the other how to be broken in." Kelly panicked! Was Dominic really going to let this great dane fuck him in the ass?? He didn't have to wait long to find out as the dog mounted Kelly and began fucking his ass. Dominic laughed as Kelly began crying from the humiliation. Then the greek got on his knees in front of Kelly and forced his cock down his throat. Kelly was being fucked from both ends now, and he couldn't do a thing about it. After approximately fifteen minutes, Kelly felt the dog spooge in his asshole just as Dominic flooded his tonsils with his load. But Dominic wasn't finished with his humiliation. He ordered Kelly to turn to the dog and suck his cock. Kelly hesitated, and was greeted by another slap to the back of the head. "Do as I say bitch.. you are bought and paid for, and I own you for the week!"

Reluctantly, Kelly opened his mouth and swallowed the dog's cock, sucking feverishly, just to get it over and done with. It didn't take the dog long, and only a few minutes later, Kelly's mouth was filled with the dog's cum. Kelly felt humiliated and wanted to cry, but didn't want to get punished by Dominic again. After the dog had been led away, Kelly sat on his calves, his head hung low to his chest. Dominic returned from securing the dog and patted Kelly on the head. "You did good today bitch, rest for the remainder of the day. Tomorrow night you and I are going to a business party. Your tuxedo will be delivered tomorrow morning. Get your rest, I am sure I have quite a few friends at the party who would LOVE to use you ." Kelly gathered his clothes, his bags, and shuffled off to his room. Locking the door behind him, he sat upright on the bed, knees pulled up to his chest, wrapped his arms around them, and cried.

Next: Chapter 5

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