Claiming Kelly

By moc.loa@1212lluST

Published on Jun 22, 2006


Kelly woke from his sleep next to Carlo. Half the day had already gone by, and he was ready to get his revenge on Brent. Kelly quietly walked from the bedroom in the hotel to the main room and picked up the phone. Making a quick call, Kelly was checking on the situation back home. The phone rang loudly in Jimmy's pants pocket... he knew who was calling. Reaching into the pocket he took out his cell phone and flipped it open. "What' s up Kel?" he asked. "Oh everything is fine here.. yeh, Doug is just finishing with the little cocksucker, just like we planned. Details? Well ok..." Jimmy relayed the events of the afternoon's rape of Kelly's brother-in-law Brent. "After getting to the house and pretending to be wasted, the faggot did exactly what you said he would. He brought us into the bedroom where we turned the tables on him. Doug slammed all the way inside him with one stroke, and while the bitch screamed, I stuffed his throat with my cock. You shoulda seen his face Kel... he was crying like a little bitch. After about five minutes of banging his face, I dumped a big ass load down his throat and made him swallow it all... the little cocksucker LOVED it.. he damn near begged for more.. of course it was hard to tell what he was saying since he was groaning from Doug banging his ass. Doug finished with him a few minutes later, then stuffed his cock down the bitch's throat and made him clean it off. After we were done, we sorta tied him to the bed.. face down. Yeh, buck ass naked with his face in the pillows. We invited a few of the guys from the team over... I figure since they won so many games this season they deserved a party'. Yeh, they each took a shot in the faggot's ass... after about the fifth guy, they started sliding in pretty easy." Kelly smiled to himself on the other end of the phone. "How many guys used him Jimmy? Take a guess." Jimmy laughed.. "Oh I ain't gotta guess Kel, half the team showed up.. you KNOW they' re all faggots anyway.. most high school baseball players fuck around with eachother anyway. There was about seven or eight of them total. Add in me and Doug, that makes ten guys that used this bitch's cunt today.. SOME of them even went back for seconds and thirds. I'm telling ya buddy... your brother-in-law is one talented little faggot." Kelly and Jimmy both laughed, and in the background, Doug let out a loud grunt as he deposited another load of cum in Brent's worn out ass. "Yeh Kel, that was Doug... yeh.. let loose another load.. damn that's gotta be at least the third time he has used that ass.. I ain't never seen Doug fuck someone this much in my life!" Kelly laughed and told Jimmy that he would be back in town in the morning. "That's cool Kel, you want us to keep banging this bitch or what?" Kelly thought it over but told Jimmy to let Brent go, but asked.. " You DID get it all on tape right?" Jimmy laughed and said "Oh yah, for sure buddy! Doug is taking the tape out right now. We will have it ready for you first thing in the morning when you get here." Kelly hung-up just as Carlo walked out of the bedroom. "Who was that?" Carlo asked. "Oh just my buddy Jimmy.. him and his cousin Doug set up Brent perfectly for me... even had a few friends come over for a free sample'.. and they got it all on tape! That son of a bitch messed with the wrong guy this time." Carlo laughed and came over to Kelly to hug him, but Kelly pushed him away. "Look Carlo, I appreciate all your help and everything, and I am grateful you got me outta that fag-convention.. but I told you before, I aint no fag." Carlo looked at him and snorted.. "Well you coulda fooled me when you were sucking my cock like a pro, nevermind taking it up your ass a few times."

Kelly rolled his eyes and spoke.. "I TOLD you dude, I appreciated all you did to help me, so I figured the LEAST I could do was let ya fuck me once or twice.. I mean, it aint like I haven't been pimped out before.. but that's over now.. I got that asshole right where I want him, so I aint gonna be nobody' s bitch anymore. I got enough money earned and put in the bank to live a decent life with my wife and kid on the way.. I am done with this whoring shit."

Carlo looked at Kelly and simply said... "Asshole!" Carlo grabbed his things and stormed out of the hotel. Kelly sat back down on the bed, ran his hand thru his hair and said... "Whatever, faggot" The next morning there was a knock on Jimmy's front door. Dragging himself out of bed dressed in his boxer briefs, Jimmy threw on a bathrobe and trudged to his front door. "Oh hey Kel, welcome home bud!" Jimmy hugged his friend, and Kelly threw his bag on the floor. "Thanks for everything Jimmy.. youre a great friend, I KNEW you and Doug would help me out." Jimmy laughed and said.. "Yeh well.. it was pretty easy. In fact, Dougie aint done with the faggot yet." Kelly looked confused, and Jimmy quietly pushed open Doug's bedroom door. There on the bed. Naked, face down on the bed, and tied to the posts was Brent. Across his back were fresh red welts and his ass was still dripping Doug's last load. Doug himself was asleep on a chair next to the bed, a thick black leather belt in his hand. Jimmy closed the door as he and Kelly chuckled quietly and headed to the kitchen. "Seems Doug is in love with that ass, he been fucking it non-stop ever since yesterday morning." Kelly laughed out loud, then took a sip of the coffee Jimmy had given him. "You got the tape right?" he asked his friend. " Sure do Kel, and I took special precautions to blur out the faces of the dudes using your brother-in-law so that they can't be identified. The only one you can DEFINITELY see is Brent." Kelly grinned.. "Awesome job bro!" Jimmy handed him the tape and Kelly hugged his friend. "You guys are the best! When Doug wakes up tell him if he wants the faggot, it's all for him!" The two laughed as Kelly left the house and returned to his home. His wife greeted him at the door and Kelly opened his bag and handed out the gifts he had bought while on his trip. His wife asked where he got all the money from and he said... "I was in Vegas baby... I got lucky at the blackjack table and cleaned up pretty good." He handed her the checkbook and showed her the balance, and she nearly freaked out. Jumping inhis arms she hugged her husband and helped him unpack. Two hours later, a tired and extremely sore Brent returned home. Kelly intentionally slapped him on the back to greet him, and Brent flinched. Kelly excused himself and Brent, using the excuse that he wanted to give his brother-in-law the gift he brought him back from Vegas. As they entered the bedroom, Kelly shoved Brent on bed and said "Shut up and watch this faggot. From now on, you don't tell ME to do anything!" Slipping the tape into the vcr, Kelly showed Brent the hours of his rape and humiliation by Jimmy, Doug, and half the high school baseball team. "You'll notice.. bitch.. that the ONLY face you can see is your own..and also at the bottom is the DATE too. If you EVER decide to try and pimp me again, your mom gets a copy. Now I aint stupid.. I know she is aware of what you did out on the streets, but if I remember correctly.. you PROMISED her you aren't doing that shit again.. so imagine where YOU will end up the second she sees this tape. Oh,and by the way.. destroy this if you want.. I have made PLENTY of copies just in case." Kelly left the room and let Brent watch the rest of the videotape by himself.

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