Cleaning the Basement

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on May 17, 2010




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"Tell me again about all the fun we're going to have this weekend." I said to Robert as we pulled the boxes out from the wall, coughing at the dust that raised. "And while we're at it, can you give me your definition of fun' so I can be sure I understand."

"Dude, it's only ten a.m. on Saturday, you know." Robert returned. "Just what did you expect to be doing at ten on a Saturday morning, anyhow?"

"I don't know...sleeping?" I ventured.

"Nobody forced you to get out of bed."

"Right. That vacuum cleaner your mother hauled into the room and turned on was just a suggestion from her."

"Mom cleans house on the weekends." Robert said. "I told you that."

"Yeah, you did." I conceded. "What you didn't tell me was that she expected you and me to help her clean house on the weekend."

"Come on, all we have to do is clean out the basement." Robert said. "It'll take us, what, a couple of hours? Then we can get cleaned up and check out what's going on around town."

"Gee, only a couple of hours of this?" I said. "I don't know if I can handle this much fun."

"Call it paying room and board for your stay here at Hotel Miller." Robert said. He wiped the back of his hand over his forehead, leaving a streak of dirt as he did so. He grinned, the white of his smile and the blond of his hair countered the dirt effectively, making him look damned irresistible. I had to smile back.

"Or maybe just lots of good clean, fun?" I returned.

"That's the spirit." Robert said. "Now dig in and let's get these boxes opened. Mom said to keep the Christmas decorations and anything that looked valuable enough to put into a garage sale. Toss the rest in the trash. Anything we really want out of this, we can have."

"Payment for the labor." I agreed. "I find a number one issue of Superman, it's all mine."

I opened the box I had. "Yuck! Mice got into this one! It's loaded with mice turds!"

"Toss it all."

"Toss my cookies is more like it! You're not smelling fresh mice turds here!" I hauled the box upstairs and out the kitchen back door to the alleyway curb where the trash cans were, then headed back for more.

I had to admit, if you were determined to clean the house top to bottom like Robert's mom seemed to be, she'd picked a nice weekend to do it. First nice weekend this year, in fact, it had stayed cold far into spring and rained every weekend after that until now.

I passed Robert at the doorway coming back, he had another box. "I found the mice's ladies' room. You must have had the gent's facility."


"Mom can call the exterminator on Monday. Look at it this way, the mice will have ruined so much of the real crap, our job will be that much easier."

"Bleah, bleah, bleah!" I said as I went back down into the basement.

When Robert came down, I gave him a few "Bleahs" just to be sure he'd heard it.

"What's that, a bad vampire imitation?"

"I'm sounding disgusted."

"You don't look so hot, either."

"How much longer we got to go on this?"

"We've worked on it less than ten minutes."

"That's eight minutes too long. I need a break."

"The longer we take breaks, the longer the job will take us." Robert warned, standing by me, one hand on an overhead pipe, the other on his hip, looking like some sort of dirt-smeared Greek god gazing down on me. Those beautiful muscles he had built up in his freshman year at college and added to his sophomore year, now they were at their optimum lusciousness and beauty. He'd never look as good the rest of his life as he did right now, like when I'd seen him at the gay bars near the college, dancing shirtless to the beat from the loudspeakers and his own inner music. No wonder I had jumped at the chance to spend the weekend with him. How was I to know his house had a guest room for me to sleep in? I'd counted on sharing his!

"I'll take the chance." I said. I sat down on a box that looked sturdy enough to take me. "Explain again how I got talked into doing this?"

"I offered you the chance to get off the college campus." Robert said.

Ouch. Good point. "By telling me some sweet little lies about how much fun we'd have this weekend."

"We'll have fun this weekend. Just not right now."

"What's wrong with right now?"

"This is a small town, remember?" Robert cautioned. "Cleaning the basement is about as hot as the place gets until sundown."

"Terrific. I never would have come here had I known." I moaned. "You seduced me into coming here with a lot of lies about the wonderful time I'd have this weekend. I should file a breach of promise suit."

"You've been studying the law too hard." was Robert's only observation on that.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because breach of promise suits are only valid if the promise leads to a compromise of your honor. In other words, I'd have to get to bone you for you to collect on it."

"Hmph." I said. "There's only one way I'd let you bone me."

"And what's that?" Robert wanted to know.

"You'd have to ask me." I pointed out.

"True." Robert put his head to one side as if considering it. "Well, thanks for letting me know."

I wasn't expecting that! "So what is this? Do you expect me to do all the work on this?"

"Work on what?"

"Seduction. I gotta seduce myself here? Sheesh, what a rotten weekend this is turning out to be!" I said, standing up, which put me right up against Robert's body. I put my arms around him and said, "That makes me so mad, I'm almost tempted not to let you do it."

"Almost?" Robert said as he put his own arms around me.

"Yeah, almost." And I kissed him. Those lips of his tasted just as I'd dreamed they would. And when that tongue of his slid onto mine, it was coated with the nectar of ecstasy, I shuddered as it played over my own tongue, stroking me with liquid life.

When he released me, I dove to kiss that long, tender neck of his and he sighed, "Damn it, Chuck, where were you last night?"

"Stuck in the guest room."

"I expected you to sneak out." Robert chided me. "God, this is my home, I couldn't drag you by the hair on your head into my room, could I?"

"I guess I missed my cues."

"You certainly missed all of them at the bars, too." Robert said. "I had to drag you all the way home with me to even get this chance."

Boy, had I read Robert wrong all along? Well, there was only one cure for that. "Shut up and fuck me." I growled.

"I thought you'd never ask." Robert said as he lowered me back down onto the boxes.

With his mother upstairs, and possibly going to come down any minute, we didn't dare get too undressed. The door to the basement made a sort of wail when you opened it, by unspoken consent, we were counting on that to give us time to "straighten up" before she got down the stairs. Robert stepped one foot out of his shorts, I settled for pulling my own shorts down (up) to my knees. Robert had actually brought a tube of Lube with him into the basement, so maybe I hadn't had to do all the work of seduction myself after all. He slathered his cock, I raised my legs up above my head with my hands under my upper thighs and he aimed his dong right for the opening that position of mine presented. I felt the glans of his cock kiss my sphincter and I just closed my eyes and sighed. "Now this is why I came out here this weekend."

I said.

"Really? I thought you were after a taste of my mother's peach pie." Robert reminded me of one of the promised perks he'd mentioned when he'd invited me out for the weekend.


"No, no, I'm not the asshole here. I'm the prick." Robert corrected me. "You're the asshole." And to underscore his correction, he swivelled his hips and the glans popped inside me.

"Okay, then, you big prick, fuck me." I whispered. "Fuck me nice and hard, give me a reason to help you finish cleaning out this Godawful basement with you instead of heading into town to play video games at the arcade or something." I'd seen an arcade on the way into town; apparently a deliberate anachronism, boasting pinball games and the kinds of videogames that had been popular in the 80's. The place actually looked interesting to me!

"Don't worry, my joystick will rack up a better score than you could get on Ms. Pacman."

Robert promised. And he nudged another couple of inches of his pud inside of me.

"Come on, then, stud, wakka-wakka-wakka!" I urged him.

That made Robert laugh, and I beamed to see that smile on his face. He has such a beautiful face when he smiles, I wanted to make him laugh and never stop laughing, just so I could watch that face as it lights up and beams with the joy of life.

Then he shoved in a bit further and the smile dropped off his face, but the light remained. The light of passion's awakening.

"Yeah, come on, you got it in me, now, get to bumping those balls on my ass." I coaxed him. "Let me ride that dong of yours, ride it hard!"

Robert began to move and I groaned. Oh, God, he was pushing my joy buzzer! That one spot inside your butt where your whole world lights up, Robert's prick was pushing right up against it, every move he made, I was getting sparks like a fireworks fuse.

"Oh, God, yeah, uh, uh, uh!" I gasped as Robert began to thump my ass in earnest. "God, yeah, fuck me, fuck me good, God, yeah, uh, uh, uh!"

"Yeah, Chuck, God you have a tight butt, God, yeah, uh, yeah, yeah, uh!" Robert grunted as he pounded away at me.

"Shit, man, you fuck me this good the rest of the weekend, I'll help clean your whole fucking house!" I moaned. "Man, yeah, it's worth it, yeah, oh, uh, yeah, uh, oh!"

"Don't give my Mom ideas." Robert warned. "Oh, ah, uh, unkh, unkh, unkh!"

"Getting close already?" I moaned. "God, you are, your cock's getting so fucking hot inside me, it's fucking burning me!" An only slight exaggeration, his hot prong was feeling awfully good as it massaged my prostate. "Shit, you are one hot fuck, Robert, I've got to get this again tonight, man, you got to fuck me again tonight, okay? Okay?"

"Yeah, man, all night long." Robert gasped. "Work all day, fuck all night, it's a deal."

"Oh, yeah, oh, God, yeah, uh, oh, God, I'm coming, too, I'm coming, uh, uh, GUH-HUH-HUH-UH-UH-UH! KUHHHHHH!"and I splattered my shorts that hovered above my cock with my jizz, it splattered and splashed and ricocheted off to pepper my legs with dots of pearl-colored joy-juice, and my ass clenched as I creamed, pucker-pucker-pucker-pucker!

Robert gasped again, louder, "Oh, yeah, fuck, I'm coming, too, UH-UH-GUH-UH-GUH-UH-UH, GNNNNNGHHH!"

A wash of hot salty sperm gushed into my bowels, while Robert sagged down onto my chest, his broad, strong arms carrying my legs with him as he sank, and I was pinned by him better than any wrestler could have, he touched my forehead with his own, and I panted upwards into the hot exhalations of his breaths that washed into my own lungs in return. Heat pouring into my ass and my mouth at the same time, and both borne from Robert's lithe, sizzling body!

Robert stopped hunching at me as his orgasm subsided, and he was only resting now upon me, his forehead and nose touching mine now, we still breathed each other's lives into ourselves with every breath, and I smiled through my dizzied exhalations and Robert smiled in return, then he kissed me, hard and we fed each other our breath directly, only our nostrils pulling in fresh oxygen to add to the mixture and expelling the carbon dioxide, we were a life cycle of two people, me breathing him and him breathing me, no plants, no skies, just the two of us, and I wanted that to go on forever.

We held it for a moment longer, in fact, and then the wail of the basement door at the top of the stairs sounded its alarm. Robert jumped off me with alacrity and I got off the boxes and onto my feet and my shorts pulled up, while Robert hopped to get his other foot back inside his own shorts. I stood ready to block his mother's view of him, but he got them up before she made her appearance.

"There you two are." she said. "I hadn't heard anything for a while and I was wondering."

"Just resting a little while." Robert said. "We're getting back to work now."

"I can see you've been working." his mother said, noting the sweat that adorned our bodies. "Don't take it too hard. We've got all weekend to get this house ready for spring cleaning, you know."

"I know, Ma."

"All weekend?" I asked as innocently as I could.

"I am so glad Robert has a friend who'll give up his weekend to help me clean my house." Robert's mother said. "It's such a chore now that his father has passed on." Robert's father had died last fall. "So anything you find down here you want, you just keep it, don't bother asking if it's all right."

"I will, thanks." I said.

"You boys want anything to drink?"

"Maybe a bit later." Robert interjected. "We want to clean up a bit more down here first."

"Yeah, there's a lot to do this weekend after all." I put in, with a loaded look at Robert, who gave me a regretful half-smile.

His mother went back upstairs and I waited for the door to make its announcement to say anything.

"All weekend?" I said. "Spring cleaning? The entire house?"

"Well..." Robert started.

"Is that all I am to you? A willing body to haul boxes out of the basement?"

"There's the attic, too." Robert didn't seem so repentant, now. "And the closet in that spare room. Mom and Dad really did accumulate an awful lot of crud and Mom's determined to get rid of it. So she asked me to come home this weekend to help her, and wanted to know if anyone at the college would come out to help us that wouldn't charge too much."

"And when you thought of cheap and easy, you thought of me?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, Chuck." Robert said. "I really do like you and want you to have a good time here, too. I wasn't joking about the two of us fucking all night long." His hand moved over my forearm like a sensuous spider.

"After working all day, of course. We'll be lucky to stay awake long enough for a quickie tonight." I thought about it, then I laughed. "Damn it!"


"This weekend. It turns out I was seduced after all!" I said.

And Robert laughed. God, when that guy laughs like that, I fall in love with him all over again. I can't deny him anything.

Including hauling boxes out of his basement!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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