Cleaning Up

By D One

Published on May 20, 2007



"Naw, I'm gonna stick around and help Adam clean up so his old man won't bitch at em" Gary said.

The four whined but took off leaving him by the door. It had been an evening of pizza, the world cup on TV and lies about sex with the girls at school.

Adam ran out just in time to say good bye to everyone. He was shirtless as he was during the TV marathon. So was Gary..the other boys had pulled their jeans and shirts back on. Adam, however, had taken his jeans off leaving himself in his boxers.

Gary wanted to find an excuse to do the same.

Adam put his arm over Gary's bare shoulder. "Man thanks, I can use the help" he squeezed the nearest shoulder "I'll have to think of some way to thank you".

The two got busy fluffing squashed pillow, pickikng up discarded plates and napkins and stuffing empty pop cans in trash bags.

"You hot?" Adam asked seeing Gary taking his cargo shorts off.

"Uh yea, figured we had more work to do" he said following Adam into the kitchen.

"We could use the dishwasher but Dad will freak, let's wash em" Adam said and put hte plates in the sink and then turned on the water which splashed all over him.

"Shit" he said and stuck his thumbs in his shorts pusing them off his hips. "come one, we can keep our clothes dry this way" he said now standing totall naked at the sink. He reaimed the faucet and squeezed the soap bottle aiming it into the accumulating water.

Gary wasn't sure what to do. "Hell if you don't mind my boner" he said and bent over to pull hiw own shorts off his butt.

"Wow nice one, all the work or the warm water?" Adam turned to look and laughed.

"Not sure maybe it's the company" Gary said and wished he hadn't.

Adam didn't answer but handed a wet dish to Gary. "Here dry" he said without looking.

Gary's boner became a full blast hard rock hardon as he dried each dish standing next to Adam.

As they talked about the guys, school and their parents, Adam would occasionally move close letitng his leg and even his hip touch Gary's.

"Excuse me" he'd say but do it again.

Gary wasn't sure what was on Adam's mind or even his own. But the idea of standing in the kitchen naked like that more then excited him.

"There, all done" Adam turned to Gary who was drying the last dish. To Gary's delight Adam too had an erection.

"Guess we need to wank these things soft, come on" Adam said grabbing both his and Gary's discarded shorts.

Gary followed enjoying a long fully enjoyable view of Adam's buttocks as he moved. Each side flexed with each step. His ball sac could be seen between them as he pranced up the stairs.

"Shit man, what if your Dad comes home" Gary said as they reached the top landing.

"There's a lock on my door" Adam said turning and smiling. His hand was on his erection. "Want to get a shower before or after?"

"After" Gary said moving into Adam's bedroom. "A lock? you're lucky my folks just come in anyetime".

"Good thing mine don't they'd get an eyeful sometimes. You were at the last sleepover right?"

"No" Gary said. It had bothered him he wasn't invited to that event only a month ago. He thought Adam was pissed at him or something.

"Oh yea, wasn't sure you'd get into it, maybe I was wrong" Adam said "we'll see".

Inside the bedroom, Adam locked the door. "OK I promised you something for helping me clean up. Shit, Dad won't even believe we had the gang over after he sees what we did downstairs."

Adam talked on but Gary wasn't paying attention. He watched Adam move him to the bed and make him sit down. Then he puta towel on the floor and knelt in front of him.

And he stopped talking as he lowered his head.

"Shit man" was all Gary could say as he felt Adam's lips surrouned his cock. He'd been one of Adam's friends for all four years of high school. Now they were seniors and soon would be graduating. Their final summer of freedome was ahead and then college or military or jobs or whatever.

Gary leaned back propping himself with his arms. Adam's lips and tongue seemed to be more then paying him back for his work. They seemed to be thoroughly enjoying his cock and gonads.

"Gonna cum" Gary gasped but didn't ahve time to aim his cock elsewhere. Adam gripped the back of his bare buttocks as Gary felt his body give up spurts.

"You ok?" Gary asked as Adam backed away. He licked his lips and smiled.

"Very ok, like that?" Adam asked

"Shit yea, I guess i owe you one" Gary said not knowing what else to say.

"We have all night, I guess I owe you a sleepover" Adam said as he stood and moved close to the bed.

"Well? Get busy, you haven't finished cleaning up around here."

Gary looked at the round tube of egorged flesh that was aimed at his face.

"What are we going to do all night if we do this now?" He asked and then began to lick Adam's cock.

"Oh I have lots of things we can do" Adam said as he places his hands on Gary's head.

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