Cleaning Up Can Be Fun - Gay/High School

By moc.liamykcul@xelykcul

Published on Apr 21, 2010



CLEANING UP CAN BE FUN (Copyright 2010 by Lucky Lex.)

All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner. Exclusive permission to post electronically is given to and its affiliated mirror sites only.

This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to any person, place, or written works are purely coincidental. It contains consensual sex between young men. Do not read if you find that objectionable or if it is illegal for you to view this content for whatever reason.

The characters in this story practise unprotected sex. Please be aware that this is VERY dangerous in today's world and should not be indulged in unless you are in a long-term monogamous relationship and trust your partner implicitly.

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"Have you seen the local paper?" Dad asked, looking over his glasses at me.

"How can I?" I asked, "You've had your nose buried in it since it arrived."

It was Saturday, and the first morning of the ten-day winter half-term break. "They're asking for volunteers to clean up the local canal." He said.

"So?" I asked.

"So how do you feel about having a go? It would be better than mooching around the house." He said, and he had a good point; since I came out I didn't have many – if any – friends and I could do with spending some time with people other than my family.

"What's it all about?" I asked.

"Well, it says here that the local wildlife is in danger because of all the rubbish in the canal, and also a lot of the weed has to be cleared to improve the quality of the water. It sounds like a worthwhile project to me." Dad said.

"What do I have to do?" I asked.

"You can sign up at the Town Hall on Monday morning and they'll give you all the details then." Dad said, handing me the newspaper. I looked through the article but could glean no further information.

"I suppose I could give it a try." I said a little reluctantly.

I moped around over the weekend and I was so bored by Monday morning that I was quite looking forward to going down to the Town Hall to find out more about the canal project.

Monday was, as expected, a cold morning but the sky was clear and the sun shone brightly. As I dressed in warm clothing I admired myself in the mirror. For a sixteen year-old I was on the short side and slightly built. My red hair was cut short, and like many redheads (I hate being called ginger') I have green eyes. My slight build makes me look younger than my age, but if you saw me naked there would be no mistake that I was well on my way into adulthood as I had the hairiest cock in the school and it measured a shade over six inches at its hardest, and still looked a respectable size when soft. My previously tight ball sack had now loosened and you could make out the walnut-like balls hanging within. It was obvious that I was hard inside my corduroy slacks but I didn't want to jack off because I was still a little tender from several solo sessions the previous night while I was reading a hot little story that I had printed off from Nifty'. I slipped a long sweater over my head to conceal my hardness and went downstairs for breakfast. Mum and Dad had already left for work so I put a couple of slices of bread into the toaster and poured myself a bowl of cereal.

After breakfast I went off to the Town Hall, arriving at about ten-thirty. I went straight to the reception desk where a guy in uniform greeted me and asked if he could help. I told him why I was there and asked where I should go, but he told me that I was too late and they already had enough volunteers for the project. I thanked his and turned to go home. There must have been a disappointed look on my face because after I had gone a few paces he called me back.

"Look son," he said. "You probably won't be interested, but my son is going to be working on a similar project down in Wales. I think there are one or two places left, but you may not want to get involved."

"Why would that be?" I asked.

"Well, it's being organised by the local GLB Association."

"The Girls' Life Brigade?" I queried.

The guy behind the desk laughed long and hard before saying, "Hardly!! I meant the Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Association."

"Oh, that's OK then," I said without thinking.

"Great," he said without batting an eyelid. "I'll give my son a call and see if he's home. If he is, maybe you could go round and see him and he'll tell you all about it." He pulled out his mobile phone and called his son, telling him to expect me shortly. "What's your name kid?" he asked, looking at me.

"Mike," I replied. "Mike Cameron."

He ended the conversation with his son and then turned his attention back to me. "Here's our address," he said, scribbling on a scrap of paper. "My son's name is Gavin, Gavin Hope, and he's expecting you soon. Do you know where it is?"

I looked at the address, which was quite close to where I lived and assured him I'd have no trouble finding it, thanked him profusely and set off to meet Gavin.

I arrived at the house which was in a reasonably nice road; not exactly affluent, but people took care of their houses and gardens. The house itself was unremarkable, being identical to all the others around it. I walked up to the front door and rang the bell, and the door was soon opened by a boy of about my age and very similar in looks and stature. Whilst I couldn't quite have been looking in a mirror, we could easily have been related.

"Hi, I'm Mike Cameron." I said, holding out my hand.

"Gavin Hope." He said, taking my hand; but instead of shaking it he pulled me to him and hugged me, then kissed me on both cheeks, rather like the French do. I must have looked a little apprehensive because he apologised saying, "Sorry Mike, I must be in GLB mode. We always greet each other this way."

"That's OK," I said, "I just wasn't quite prepared for it.

"Some of our members have been rejected by their friends and families because of their sexual orientation, and it's just our way of showing that everyone is accepted in our group, whatever their preferences."

"That's a great idea," I said. "My family are OK with me being gay, but I lost a lot of friends when I came out."

"Me too," Gavin said sadly. "Even the guy who'd been my best mate for twelve years turned against me, although we're back on speaking terms now but it isn't like it was before. Now then, Dad tells me you might be interested in coming down to Wales with us."

"Yea, I wanted to get involved in the local scheme, but your Dad said they were fully booked."

"That's right." Gavin confirmed, "I was toying with the idea of doing it myself, but some of my ex-mates were going to get involved so I thought it better not to. Then I found this project on line down in Wales and spoke to the GLB about it and we decided to go for it. We'll be cleaning up a stretch of canal about five miles long. It's set in a sort of yesteryear village which is open to the public as a museum throughout the summer months and the canal runs right through the middle of it. With the abnormally hot summer this year, the canal has become overgrown with weeds and water plants, and being in a fairly isolated spot, some of the local oiks have been going there at night and dumping all manner of rubbish in the canal. There are about twenty of us going down there tomorrow and we'll stay for three or four nights until we've got it cleaned up."

"What will you be doing, camping?" I asked.

"Good God, no." Gavin said. "It will be much too cold to camp out; besides, Wales has a reputation of being wet at the best of times, so the weather would prohibit it. The village actually has real cottages furnished in various styles from the turn of the century up until the 1950s, and we'll be staying in them."

"And what about food?" I asked.

"The owners of the village are seeing to that." He said. "There will be a sort of mobile canteen with professional cooks like they have on film locations," he said. "They'll make sure we all get three square meals a day because I gather the work will be pretty exhausting."

"It sounds as though it's well organised," I said, "but it could be fun too."

"Definitely fun," he said. "The GLB are a great bunch. Even though some of them are couples, we still do a lot of things as a group."

"Won't I be the odd one out if they're all couples?" I asked.

"No, I said most of them are couples. I haven't got a partner, and there are a couple of other guys and one or two girls who are unattached. What about you? Have you got anyone special?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I've never really had a relationship with another guy." I said, looking at my feet, slightly embarrassed.

"Ah," Gavin said. "I don't want to pry, but does that mean you've not really done anything sexual before?"

"Will that be a problem?" I answered with a question.

"Not at all." He said. "Whilst there will definitely be some `goings on' either in couples or bigger groups, everything we do is on a strictly consensual basis. Nobody is expected to or forced to do anything they don't want to. No strings and no recriminations."

I breathed a sight of relief. I couldn't see myself getting involved in anything, but on the other hand if the opportunity arose with the right guy at the right time ... well, who knows? I thought to myself.

"So what time tomorrow are you leaving, and what should I bring?" I asked.

"The minibuses will be leaving from outside the Methodist church at 11 o'clock, but if you're here by 10.15, dad will take us both in the car so you won't have to lug all your stuff across town." He said. "That way you'll arrive with me and I can introduce you to the rest of the gang. They're a great bunch and I'm sure you'll like them; Oh, just one word of warning, one of the girls, Beth, is strikingly beautiful. I'm 100% gay and even I find her attractive, but her partner, Ellen, gets obsessively jealous if anyone so much as looks at her twice, so just watch your step."

"Thanks for the warning." I said. "All being well, I'll be here in the morning at 10.15," I said.

"Great, as far as clothes go, they'll supply all the protective stuff, just bring plenty of warm gear." Gavin said, then took me in a hug and we kissed cheeks again, but this time instead of letting me go he kissed me lightly on the lips. "That's because I think you're special." He said.

I didn't know what to say but I blushed, which made Gavin grin as he showed me out. "See you tomorrow." He said as he closed the door behind me. I looked around to make sure nobody was watching and then reached down and adjusted my swelling cock inside my jeans. That final kiss had done something to me that I hadn't expected ... but I liked it, and I liked Gavin.

That night my thoughts were of him and of the few days to come, and while I pleasured myself his cute face kept springing into my mind. The feel of his soft lips on mine was something I would never forget, and I was hoping I wouldn't have to rely solely on the memory one such experience.

Tuesday morning dawned bright and VERY chilly. Mum and Dad were delighted that I had the opportunity to go to Wales, although I hadn't told them that it had been organised by the GLB, but I still don't think they would have stood in my way. They were pleased that I had decided to go, and made sure that I'd packed everything I was likely to need. They wanted me to lug boots and waterproofs with me, but I assured them that all the protective equipment would be supplied. I got to Gavin's house just before the appointed time and found his father putting Gavin's gear into the car. As he took mine from me he said, "Thank God you're here, Mike. Gavin's done nothing but talk about you since yesterday. Mike this, Mike that. Anyone would think he had a crush on you."

"Daaad!" Came Gavin's voice from the back of the garage. He appeared beside his father blushing furiously. "Take no notice of him, Mike, he's just trying to embarrass me." Gavin said good-naturedly.

"Just telling the truth," his dad said, walking back into the house. As soon as we were alone Gavin pulled me to him and hugged me, then we did the cheek kissing thing again, but then I found myself unexpectedly leaning in and kissing him on the lips.

"That's because I think you're special too." I said. I'd never done that before and I'd had no forewarning that I was going to do it now, but it seemed the right thing to do. Judging by the insane grin on Gavin's face, he thought so too.

"Come in and meet Dad properly," he said, putting his arm around my shoulder and leading me through the communicating door and into the house.

"Dad, meet Mike properly; Mike this is my dad, but he likes my friends to call him Harry."

"And I hope you and Gavin are going to be friends," his dad said, "so Harry it is." He took my hand and shook it, giving me the same grin that I had just seen on Gavin's face. They were very much alike facially, but Harry was very tall and I thought it unlikely that Gavin would ever catch up with him. Besides, I didn't want a tall boyfriend. BOYFRIEND? Where had that come from?

We got into the car, Gavin travelling in front with Harry and me in the back and we drove across town. It took us about twenty minutes so we were well in time for the minibuses, which had already arrived when we got there as had some of the other members of the GLB and an older couple.

Harry unloaded our bags and then wandered over to speak to the couple and Gavin took me over to where the youngsters were standing. "Hi gang, I'd like you to meet Mike, he's joining us for this venture. Mike, this is Julian and Ricky, Tom and Robbie, Jimmy and Ben and Emma and Denise. They're all couples, and this is Willie and Colin who are presently without partners and the boy over there with the oldies is Tony. That's his mum and dad with him and they're going to be our drivers and will stay with us while we're away, although they'll be very much in the background, both while we're working and with any extra-curricular activities, if you know what I mean."

There were general `hellos' all round followed by the hugging and kissing. Passers by looked a bit bemused by it all and one or two gave disapproving looks; one chap a bit older than us actually made a disparaging remark, but as there were so many of us, nobody felt threatened, and it really made me feel like a member of the group.

"We're just waiting for Beth and Ellen, Ches and Buddy , oh, and Pippa. Emma said.

"Here come Beth and Ellen now." Colin said. I turned to look and saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen accompanied by quite a plain, skinny girl. So this was the couple that Gavin had warned me about.

"Hi girls, meet Mike." Gavin said as they joined us after leaving their bags at the minibus. Mike, this is Beth, and her own personal Rottweiler, Ellen." Gavin said. This earned him a punch on the arm from the latter, but it was administered with a well-meaning smile.

"Ouch," he said, turning to me and putting his head on my shoulder.

I put my arms around him in mock comfort as Ellen said, "I hope you're going to be a good influence on him, Mike. He needs someone to take him in hand."

"Oh, yes please," Gavin remarked with a lascivious smile in my direction, pretending to unzip his flies.

"Dirty bugger!" Ellen scolded him.

Everyone around laughed at this exchange and as the laughter subsided the stragglers arrived and were introduced with more hugs and kisses.

It suddenly occurred to me when I say Gavin pretend to unzip his flies that I would probably have to share a bedroom with one or more of these guys ... or girls!!! Why hadn't I thought of that before? Was I worried about it? Would I see things going on that I'd never seen before? Would I be expected to join in? I was comforted by the fact that I had been told that everything that happened had to be consensual, but I thought that if pressed, there wasn't a lot that I wouldn't involve myself in; after all, I couldn't remain a virgin all my life, could I? The mere thought of it made me get a little hard.

"All aboard," Brian shouted and we wandered towards the minibuses. The girls seemed to gravitate to one of the buses and the guys to the other, but to even things up a little Colin, our plumpest boy, joined the girls.

Obviously the couples shared double seats and Gavin grabbed my hand and led me to the very back seat of the bus. He shoved me into the window seat and, grinning, slid in next to me, pressing is leg against mine. I liked the sensation!

Sitting in front of us were Jimmy and Ben, a really cute couple but totally dissimilar. Jimmy was tall and slim with straight dark hair where Ben was built like a rugby player, short and solid, though far from fat, with a mass of blond curls. They were a very tactile couple, finding every excuse to touch one another, and found every possible opportunity to peck one another on the cheek. I was totally unused to seeing such affection between boys, but it seemed so natural, and I knew that I wanted something like it for it for myself. Maybe it could happen between Gavin and me; he seemed to have taken a liking to me.

"Do you still think I'm special?" Gavin asked, out of the blue.

"Yea, I do." I said. Gavin gave me a lopsided smile, leaned in and kissed me. A cheer went up round the minibus.

"Yea! Gavin's got himself a boyfriend!" Willie shouted.

"Have I?" Gavin asked, looking into my eyes.

"If you like." I replied.

"I like." He said, leaned forwards and kissed me again, lingering this time. I felt his tongue against my lips and for the first time in my life I opened up and let a part of someone else's body enter mine. Our tongues did battle for a while and when we finally broke the kiss, I was speechless, but Gavin managed one word; "Wow!"

"That was great," I said when I finally managed to get my brain together again; as I said it another cheer went up around the minibus, but it wasn't for us this time; we were being overtaken by the other bus and the whole of the side of the bus nearest us was a mass of naked butts. We were being well and truly mooned!

During the rest of the journey there were little make-out sessions going on around the bus from time to time, including between Gavin and me, and I was hard a lot of the time. When I looked down into my lap towards the end of the journey I was not surprised to find a damp patch on the front of my trousers. "Don't worry about it," Gavin said with a grin, revealing bigger one in his own crotch. "I'm sure we won't be the only ones, although I think Tom and Robbie avoided it be having their cocks out for most of the journey."

"What!!" I almost shouted. "How do you know?" I whispered when several lads turned to look at me.

"They usually do," Gavin said. "They don't get to see a lot of one another outside the group, so they usually can't wait to start messing around with each other when they do get together. The rest of the group give them as much space as possible and let them get on with it. We all know what it must be like for them."

"Yea, but I don't think I could ... you know ... with everyone watching."

"That's just the point," Gavin said. "Nobody is watching them." This gave me a lot to think about, and I came to the conclusion that this was going to be a great group to spend time with. Everybody understood everybody else's situaton, and while there was some good-natured leg-pulling, it seemed that there was also a great deal of `live and let live' going on.

We arrived at the village at around four in the afternoon, having made a short stop half way so we could relieve ourselves and take on board essential supplies, like fizzy drinks and chocolate. There was, however, a bucket supplied on the bus which several lads had used to pee in, a couple of them having no modesty at all and whipping out their cocks in front of the rest of the group to wolf-whistles and cat calls, showing even more of the easy-going nature of the group.

We were met at the village by several members of staff who welcomed us and gave us a quick tour of the buildings and the canal we would be working on. "It's only about four feet deep in the middle and just eighteen inches or so closer to the banks. There are chest-high waders for those working the middle; the rest of you will be able to make do with thigh length waders." We were told. They then gave Brian and Mary details of the sleeping accommodation and left us to it. We all went to the catering truck to get a snack while Brian and Mary sorted out who would be sleeping where. The food was great, and if this was a sample of what was to come over the next few days I would be well and truly satisfied. Gavin stuck to me like glue and was ready to argue if they tried to split us up, but he needn't have worried. We were to stay in the lock-keeper's cottage with Fiona and Claire. There were only the two bedrooms so it would just be the four of us. Work on the canal was not due to start until the following day so we were left to out own devices for a couple of hours until dinner time.

We joined up with the two girls with whom we were going to share the house and made our way there. I would never have guessed that the girls were lesbians; they were both petite and attractive and didn't conform to the butch stereotype that I had always imagined. In fact only one of the group fitted this description, and even she wasn't as full on as I'd expected. Another of my preconceptions shattered!

When we got to the house it was a bit of an eye-opener. As it was furnished in the style of the 1940s, there was, of course, no central heating. There was, however, an open fireplace with copious supplies of wood, coal and newspaper. Claire took the initiative, saying that her family still had coal fires at home and she sowed us how to lay and light the fire. We went upstairs and the girls opened the door of the first bedroom. "This'll do for us," Fiona said, "the views are fantastic from here.

Gavin and I went across the landing to the second bedroom and when he opened the door he looked in and then turned to me with a HUGE grin on his face. "Double bed." He said smugly and led me into the room. "Which side do you want?" He asked.

"Umm ... you choose," I said, never having had the option before; in fact, if I'd been told I'd been told I'd be sharing a bed before I left home, I probably wouldn't have come, but my experience with the group, especially with Gavin, on the journey had made a big impression on me and I was actually quite looking forward to it now.

"Oh, you lucky sods," came Fiona's voice from the doorway. "If I'd known there was a double I'd have chosen this room. I don't suppose you want to swap."

"No way." I found myself saying unexpectedly. Gavin raised his eyebrows and grinned at me again.

"I'll take the wall side." He said. "That way I'll have to crawl all over you if I have to get up in the middle of the night."

"Huh!" Fiona said. "He'll probably be crawling all over you anyway. His last boyfriend hardly got a wink of sleep, poor lad."

"Yes he did!" Gavin countered, "And he wasn't my boyfriend. We were just experimenting together."

"Tosh!" said Fiona, tossing her head and leaving us to sort out our belongings; then she returned and thoughtfully said, "You know, come to think of it, I never actually saw you kiss one another."

"We didn't." Gavin said. "I told you, we were just using one another to ... ... ..."

"OK, OK," Fiona said, "I don't need the details. What you boys do to one another is disgusting and I don't want to know."

"No worse than what you girls do." Gavin said.

"Hmmm ... I suppose so, but we're not as messy." Fiona conceded. "Remember, I have to change my brother's bed, and at thirteen he's just discovering that his dick's not just for peeing out of!"

"Send him in my direction and I'll show him what to do with it." Gavin said with a lecherous smile. I punched him on the shoulder in mock-jealousy. "No, on second thoughts, I think I may have found what I've been looking for," he added, looking at me. "Now leave us alone so we can get out bits and pieces sorted out."

"It depends what bits and pieces you mean." Fiona smirked and ducked out of the door to avoid the scarf that Gavin threw at her.

Once we were alone Gavin closed the bedroom door and I started to unpack my bags. "Leave that for a minute." Gavin said. "Look Mike, I may have been a bit full-on with what I've been saying. Don't get me wrong, I fancy you like mad, but I don't want to rush you into anything. I know it's all very strange to you, but I really want us to get together."

I looked him in the eye, and although I could see something akin to lust there, I could also see that he cared, and that he meant what he said.

"How about I let you take the initiative," I said, thinking carefully as I spoke, "and we see where it takes us. As long as you understand that no' means no', or at least, `not yet'?"

"That would work nicely for me." He said, taking my hand and sitting me on the bed. He leaned towards me and we kissed again, long and hard, and it wasn't just the kiss that was hard. "Come on," he said, and lay down. I lay next to him and he put his arms around me, pulling me to him. I responded by putting my arms around him, pressing our bodies hard together. I could feel that he was aroused too and we ground our cocks together. I could feel that I was leaking profusely and feared that I might empty my juice into my pants, but at that precise moment I didn't care.

"Hey, hey," Gavin said after a minute. "Don't let's get too carried away too early. There'll be plenty of time for all that tonight."

I was a bit taken aback. "But I thought you wanted ... ..."

"All in good time." Gavin said. "Let's just enjoy one another's company for now." He kissed me gently.

"OK," I agreed and kissed him back. The next thing I knew Claire was at the door saying, "Wake up sleepyheads, time for dinner." I couldn't believe that I had fallen asleep and told Gavin so.

"Just shows how relaxed you are with me." He said. "And that's just how it should be. Things will get hectic enough tonight." He added with a grin. "Provided you're OK with that."

"I'm hopeful." I said, and grinned back at him as my stomach rumbled. "Now let's get off and have something to eat." When we got downstairs Fiona was building up the fire and it was warm and toasty in the sitting room; a stark contrast to the chill of the bedroom. I could see that Gavin and I were going to have to sleep close together for comfort tonight. My cock grew hard again in anticipation.

"OK gang, let's go and eat." Gavin said.

Dinner was a wonderful meal, home-made steak pie with new potatoes and fresh vegetables, and most of us sat around for a while in the makeshift dining room and chatted, and I got to know some of the others a little better. While Gavin went for a pee, they told me that he had had a tough time after his previous boyfriend had dumped him when he refused to do certain things. They didn't go into detail as to what he'd been expected to do, but even in my ignorance I could imagine. They told me that even though there hadn't been a romantic attachment between them, he'd been pretty cut up when it had happened, and that this was the happiest they'd seen him since then.

As time went on several of the gang disappeared, Fiona and Claire being first, and when we finally got home I could hear moaning when I opened the front door. "What's that?" I asked.

"Sssshhh!" Gavin said as he pushed open the sitting room door.

I couldn't believe what I saw; there on the sofa were the extremely scantily clad bodies of Fiona and Claire. The bulk of their clothing was scattered around the room as though it had been cast off in a frenzy. A bra was hanging comically from one of the wall lights and there was a pair of panties hooked on a dining room chair. Their hands were all over one another's bodies and they were lip-locked together as though with superglue.

I had never seen a naked girl in the flesh before, and their actual bodies didn't turn me on, but what was going on certainly did. In fact, it was making me very horny. Fiona's right hand was grasping one of Claire's boobs and Claire had her hand down on Fiona's fanny. (For the benefit of my American readers, a British fanny is not a butt, but a girl's reproductive organ, but I hate the `c' word and will not use it).

As we watched, Fiona's moaning was getting louder and louder and it seemed that she was nearing orgasm. I began to stroke myself as I heard Gavin behind me say, "Hot stuff, man."

Claire must have heard him speak as she turned her head and sad, "Hey you two, if you must perv on us, close the bloody door; there's a terrible draught in here."

"No, we'll leave you in peace," Gavin said. "We've got our own business to attend to." So saying, he grabbed my hand and pulled me, almost forcefully, up the stairs and into our bedroom. He closed the door behind us, took me into his arms and we kissed ... and kissed ... and kissed, hard cock to hard cock.

Whilst holding the kiss I felt Gavin's hands leave me and he shrugged off his jacket, then I felt his hands unbuttoning mine and pulling it over my shoulders. Then he turned his attention to my shirt and unbuttoned it from the top, pulling it out of the waistband of my trousers and stripping it off me.

He broke the kiss and pushed me down to sit on the bed while he knelt and removed my shoes and socks. It was pretty chilly in the unheated bedroom, but I guess a little of the heat from the sitting room underneath may have permeated through the floorboards. Next he unbuckled my belt and stood me up again so he could pull my trousers to my ankles, then he held my hands as I stepped out of them. Needless to say, the front of my briefs was soaking with precum and the smell of sex was pretty intense, as I'd been leaking on and off all day. I was so hard that my cock was almost poking out of the waistband as Gavin sat me down again and stood back, looking at me.

"Are you OK with this so far?" He asked.

"Oh, yes. Just go ahead and I'll tell you if I want you to stop." I murmured, my voice quaking with emotion and anticipation. I wanted to grab my cock and jack myself off, but I knew that there was better to come.

Gavin began to strip his clothes off and he took his time, obviously giving me a show, which I was only too ready to watch. When he'd removed his shirt I saw that he had a large amount of hair on his chest for his age, and it took me by surprise, but I actually found it unexpectedly sexy. His shoes and socks followed his shirt and then he unzipped his flies and let his trousers fall to his knees. The bulge in his briefs left little to the imagination and like me the front of his crotch was a much darker blue compared to the rest of his pants.

Finally he grasped his waistband and pulled it out and over his throbbing weapon. He let them drop to the ground and stepped out of them. "You like?" He asked.

I gulped. "I like very much," I whispered, unable to speak louder. He was circumcised, which I wasn't, and his copious pubic hair matched that on his chest. His balls were tight up against the base of his cock unlike mine which hung low, but what I saw I heartily approved of, and couldn't wait to get to grips with.

Gavin pushed me back on the bed and lay down beside me, enfolding me in his arms and pulling me as tightly to him as he could. It almost felt as though he was trying to merge our two bodies into one. I could feel his chest hair against my nipples, which turned me on almost to orgasm. I was moaning with pleasure until he turned his mouth to mine and we kissed passionately. After a few seconds I pushed him away in desperation.

"Sorry, but I'm going to cum in my pants if this carries on." I said.

"Well, in that case we'd better get them off." He said. I nodded.

"Are you still sure you're OK with this?" He asked.

"Never more certain." I said quickly, breathing hard.

He grasped my waistband so he could pull them off, and he threw them across the room. I couldn't help but giggle when they landed on the door knob.

Gavin gazed down at me. "You're quite, quite beautiful." He said.

What could I say? I just grinned in response and Gavin joined me on the bed and instead of lying beside me he straddled my legs, grasped my cock in one hand and then leaned forward. "Sure?" He asked.

I nodded, unable to speak. He moved downwards and took the tip of my cock into his mouth. Any control I'd had over myself up until that point disappeared and, thinking back, I'm totally surprised that I didn't spill my love juice there and then. As it was I managed about another minute before I filled Gavin's mouth with my seed. I tried to apologise that I hadn't warned him, but I just couldn't form the right words.

My cock was beginning to get a little sensitive when Gavin pulled off and moved up the bed to kiss me long and deep, sharing my seed with me. I felt stickiness between us and realised that Gavin had also reached his climax, quite when or how that had happened I had no idea as I never felt for one second that he had given me anything less than a hundred per cent of his attention.

As I lay there in the afterglow of sex, I marvelled at the fact that I felt no sense of guilt or embarrassment. At home when I took care of myself I always felt a little guilty afterwards and wanted to cover myself up and dispose of the evidence immediately, but lying here with Gavin's seed all over my stomach and the boy himself in my arms there was no such feeling.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Gavin asked.

"Hmmm," I purred. "Just thinking how right this feels."

Gavin giggled. "You sound like a contented cat." He replied.

"OK, I'll be a cat as long as I can snuggle up with you." I told him.

"And what about me?" He asked. "If you're a cat, what am I?" I thought for a moment.

"That's easy." I said. "With all your body hair, I think you're a gorilla. Fierce on the outside, but a big softie in the middle."

"Am I really fierce?" he asked in a concerned voice.

"Not fierce exactly, but you're more experienced and confident than me, so maybe `protective' would be a better word." I told him.

"I think I like that, as long as you let me protect you." I snuggled closer to him to show my approval.

"Do you remember that Elton John number, Song for Guy?'" I asked. "That was about a gorilla in London Zoo." I explained. "So I think I'll call you Guy' in future, you can be my pet gorilla."

"I like that." Gavin (or should that be Guy) said. "By the way, I hope you realise you're in for a lot of ribbing in the morning."

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, you made a hell of a lot of noise when I was sucking you off. It was only for a minute, but I'm sure the girls must have heard you and they're bound to tell everyone else at breakfast." Gavin explained.

"Do you know, I don't think I care. They're a great group of kids and I know that it will be good-natured." I replied.

"Yes, but you'll have to learn to be quieter when we make love at home." He said.

"At home? Do you mean your parents let you ... ..."

"Of course." He said. "They know that I'm gay and they realise that I'm going to have sex somehow or other, and they'd rather I did it in the privacy of my own home rather than skulk around and risk being caught. What about your folks?"

"Ummm ... I don't know." I said. "The situation has never arisen. Of course, I'm out to them but I've never had a proper boyfriend before. Any messing about I've done has been in the toilets at school, or in the park during the holidays." I said.

"No probs," Gavin said. "We can have lots of sleepovers at my house. I'm sure my folks will be glad I've got someone special again, and you're a definite improvement on the last one."

"Yea, the group told me you'd had problems with your last boyfriend." I said.

"Yea, you can't keep secrets from this lot." He said. "Did they tell you why?"

"No, I think they were reluctant to betray any secrets." I said.

"I didn't think they would." Gavin said. "Let's just say he wanted to have three-way sex with his pet dog."

"Oh, gross." I said.

"Yea. Gross is the right word, and also it would be cruel to the dog." He said, "But I'd rather not say any more."

"I can understand that." I said, trying to achieve the impossible and snuggle closer than we already were.

"Let's sleep." Gavin said. "We have a busy day ahead tomorrow, and I hope we'll have another eventful night too."

"I could live with that." I said. "Goodnight Guy."

"Hmmm, I have to have a special name for you too ... ummm ... I think I'll sleep on it. Goodnight Mike."

We kissed and fell asleep wrapped in one another's arms.

Gavin woke me as he climbed over me to go and pee at around 3am so we had a quick kiss, and when he got back I went to empty my bladder too. As I opened the bathroom door to come out, so the girls' bedroom door opened and Fiona stood there naked. I stared at her and she stared at me and then we both giggled at the same time, realising that although we were slightly embarrassed, there was no sexual reaction at all in either of us.

There was, however, a sexual reaction when I got back into bed with Gavin. Firstly the smell of our earlier oral sex was heavy in the air as neither of us had cleaned up afterwards; then as soon as we cuddled up I felt that he was hard again which, combined with his chest hair against my oh so sensitive nipples, started me off again. I had never sucked cock in my life, but I told myself, `It's now or never' as I straddled Gavin's legs.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Same as you did for me." I said.

"You don't have to, you know."

"I want to." I said. "But I don't know whether I'll be able to."

"Well, if you really want to then," Gavin agreed, "but we'll do one another."

He got us into the sixty-nine position, lying on our sides. "Just watch your teeth," he said, then took the head of my cock into his mouth. I gazed at his beautiful love tool for a moment, held my breath and opened my mouth. My first reaction was one of relief that it didn't taste of pee. I rolled my tongue over his glans and wondered at the velvety texture before pushing downwards and taking in another inch or two. I could feel Gavin working on me and tried to mimic his moves, and I thought I was succeeding as he was quite voluble. I remember thinking that if the girls hadn't heard me before they would certainly be able to hear him now, even though he had my cock in his mouth. Not only that, but as he moaned and mumbled it sent a vibration through my cock, the like of which I had never felt before.

This was a new experience for me on more than one level. Firstly I'd never sucked cock before and secondly, when I'd imagined what it might be like I'd always envisaged an uncut cock like my own. Gavin's being circumcised seemed to make his skin a whole lot tighter than I'd expected.

I'd begun to get a slight sweet and sour taste, which I guessed was precum because I could feel that my own had started to flow, and I decided now that it was `all or nothing' time so I plunged down to the base of his cock, almost gagging when it pressed against the back of my throat but managing to stave it off. Gavin copied my move and our moans increased in volume. I knew that I wouldn't be able to hold off much longer and guessed that Gavin was in a similar state. I proved myself right when a few seconds later he began to whimper like a puppy dog and I felt his glans swell in my mouth before tasting that salty but sweet tasting nectar that was his love juice. So excited was I at tasting my boyfriend's seed for the first time that I rewarded him with my own a second or two later.

Our frenzied activity slowed as our energy dwindled, but I was reluctant to let my lover's love muscle go. It was only when I started to get very sensitive that I finally released him and we manoeuvred ourselves into our sleeping positions and kissed one another to sleep.

It occurred to me the following morning that there was no shower in the cottage, it being furnished as a 1940s property, and I knew time would be short for four of us to have a bath, but when I went out on to the landing I heard both girls laughing and splashing around, so assumed (rightly) that they were sharing a bath. When I mentioned this to Gavin his eyes lit up and I immediately knew that we would be doing the same. The problem in the meantime, however, was that we were both dying to pee. Then Gavin had a brilliant idea and looked in the bedside cupboard to find an old-fashioned chamber pot. I'm sure that when the designers placed it there they didn't in their wildest dreams believe that it would be used.

After relieving himself Gavin went and hammered on the bathroom door and despite the abuse that the girls gave him they were soon back in their bedroom allowing us to run a fresh bath for the two of us. It was a good job there was an old `Ascot' gas water heater; had there been an immersion heater there probably wouldn't have been enough hot water for us.

"Toss you for who gets the tap end." I said, looking around for something to use as a coin.

"No, let me get in first, and then you get in between my legs." He said.

We positioned ourselves and as Gavin soaped up a wash cloth I could feel his hardening cock against the base of my spine. He put the soap into the soap dish and began to wash my back for me; then he reached around and started soaping my chest. The dried semen took some cleaning, but he did a pretty good job. He told me to stand up while he soaped up the cloth again and then began washing me from the waist down, leaving my wedding tackle until last, although it was sticking out a mile.

When he finally got there I was leaking again so he leaned forward and licked away my precum then washed me thoroughly, smiling as I moaned with pleasure.

"Should I carry on?" He asked with a wicked grin.

"You'd damned well better!" I replied, licking my lips with anticipation. It only took a couple of minutes before I shot my load, howling loudly with my legs almost giving way. Gavin grabbed me and sat me down and held me until I got my strength back, then he handed me the soap and wash cloth and I repeated the process for him. As I was washing his chest there was a pounding on the bathroom door.

"Almost breakfast time you two," Claire's voice said. Remember, `Man cannot live by love alone' she added, misquoting the Bible.

"It's bread, not love." I shouted back, "And judging by what I'm looking at (I twanged his hard cock) we won't be much longer. Claire giggled and I heard her telling Fiona what I'd said, causing her to laugh too.

I quickly worked the cloth over most of Gavin's body, paying particular attention to his chest and pubes where his seed from the previous night was still sticking to his hair; then I worked on his cock, and if anything I think he shot his load even quicker than I had, whimpering and moaning.

"I hope you're going to clean your disgusting mess off that bath when you've finished." Fiona said from outside the door. "We're off to breakfast now."

We got out of the bath and gave it a quick rinse before getting dressed and setting off for the catering van. We grabbed our food and went in to the makeshift dining room next door. As we entered a cheer went up which turned into a slow hand clap. I looked over to Fiona and Claire and there facial expressions hovered between humour and guilt, so I knew immediately that they'd spilled the beans about last night.

I wasn't surprised, therefore, when one by one or two by two everybody came up to us while we ate and offered us their congratulations; several of them insisting on hugs and kisses.

"I guess that makes it official then, Guy" I said. "We're an item."

"Yea," he said, blushing. And I've thought of a name for you too."

"What's that?" I asked.

"Well, I'm Guy because I'm hairy like a gorilla, so I'm going to call you Red because of your hair and the way you blush whenever you get embarrassed."

"Yea, I think I like that." I said.

So there it is. We hadn't even started on the work yet, but we had already proved that cleaning up can be fun; not only that, we were now officially a couple. I'd found my first boyfriend (or rather he'd found me) and even though we'd only had oral sex, I knew that things would progress from there, and indeed they did, but oral would always be our favourite. I had found a whole new set of friends and I soon became a fully fledged member of the GLB Association, and they proved to be a constant source of friendship and support. Mum and Dad accepted Gavin as my partner and he very soon became like another son to them. Gavin's dad Harry insisted that he'd known that I was the one for Gavin as soon as he'd clapped eyes on me, so things couldn't possibly have worked out any better.


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