Closing The Deal

By tjcoach

Published on May 12, 2024



This story is purely a work of adult erotic fantasy, copyright me 2020. I own it and all legal rights to it. If you're under the age of majority in your jurisdiction, please come back when you're of legal age.

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For a Tumblr fan of coach who requested a story about his hot jock ass...and the inspirational photos he provided for it. Happy jacking, stud!

Closing the Deal

I was on business in Dallas, and swore I wouldn't go looking for trouble while I was there, but I'd enjoyed some guy time on business trips before, and the wife had been particularly miserable with two sick kids at home...too tired for sex, as had become all too common, and both looking forward to week apart just to relieve the tension between us. On top of that, I was under real pressure at work to bring home this contract, so I landed in big D with a chip on my shoulder, determined to woo this job away from a big competitor there who had home field advantage.

I arrived a day early for my meeting with their marketing group...wanted to review my presentation, get settled into my hotel and get a good night's sleep to make a good impression. But by four o'clock, I was finished reviewing and pacing the room like a tomcat...figured I needed to burn some energy, and decided to go down to the hotel exercise room and work up an appetite before dinner. I hit the treadmill hard for about 40 minutes and was sitting on the floor, resting my back against the dumbbell rack opposite the mirrored wall, stretching my thighs when he came in. "Fuuuck," I thought silently..."just my type." He was a shorter, compact, fireplug of a as fuck, and handsome as hell too...with a scruffy beard, and nice hairy arms and legs...and damn, those thick thighs were highlighted nicely by the well-worn sweatpants he had on...clinging to the mounds of his round ass. His slightly too small t-shirt showed off solid pecs and rode up just high enough to get a glimpse of the treasure trail leading into his sweats when he turned to close the door behind him.

I gave him a polite head nod of acknowledgement, and he returned it with a smile, then walked right toward me before stopping in front of me and reaching over my head.

"Scuse me, bud," he said as he lifted a dumbbell off the rack, his musky crotch just inches from my face.

"Sorry, man," I mumbled sheepishly as I started to push myself up, before realizing I'd crash right into him if I continued. He stepped back, reached down and offered me a hand, yanking me to my feet with his strong grip, then shaking my hand a little too tightly, and probably a little longer than was necessary..

"I'm Jake," he offered as he released my hand and I took a step forward so he could grab another dumbbell. His eyes were laser locked on mine for a moment, then he scanned me up and down, like he was apprising an opponent.

"TJ," I offered with a smirk, hoping now that he was scoping me out almost as shamelessly as I was him. He walked over to the mats in front of the mirrored wall and began his routine, starting with squats...his full, round ass nearly bursting out the top of his sweats. I picked up some smaller dumbbells myself and started doing some curls, just as an excuse to stay and watch him for awhile. I have to confess, I'm a leg and ass man...and he was pressing my buttons with those squats and lunges, his ass spreading out wide over his powerful hips as he sank down to a sitting position, his back arching seductively. It was having an effect on my dick, too, stretching down the leg of my shorts, watching his ass flex with each squat...his sweats seeming to ride a little lower each time he stood up. I guess he realized they were slipping when he put the dumbbells down on the floor and untied the drawstring. His sweats slid halfway down his big ass when he reached in the front and adjusted his junk, not realizing he was giving me a little show, and flashing his dick to me in the mirror. I could hardly believe he was freeballing in them! He hiked them up after a sec and tied the drawstring again before continuing his workout. My dick was going into full chub mode now, so I figured it was time to head up for a shower before dinner. "Stay focused," I reminded myself. "You're here to work, not play."

"Later, Jake," I hollered across the room before leaving. He didn't answer...just waved a dumbbell in my direction as he continued his lunge. I went up to my room and showered...considered jerking off my leaky dick, but decided against it...enjoying this feeling of being horny and on edge, recalling the image of Jake's ass and that flash of dick. I was drying off when the wife called...carried on for a good half hour about her day while I uh-huhed, and okay hun'd, wanting nothing more than for the call to end so I could get down to the restaurant for a bite to eat. We finally said our goodbyes and love yous and I slipped on a pair of shorts and a comfortable polo shirt before heading down to the lobby where I discovered the restaurant had a one-hour wait.

So I headed across the lobby to the sports bar, resigned to getting a sandwich and a beer instead, when I felt a strong hand clap me on the back, and Jake's familiar voice.

"Hey TJ...can I buy you a drink, man?"

I turned and we shook hands again, this time returning his firm grip with one of my own, and placing my hand on his shoulder and giving him a manly squeeze.

"Looks like we're both running late for dinner, huh Jake? I was just going to grab a beer and a to join me? I'm here on business and hate to eat alone." I realized I was rambling a bit...a little too eager maybe, but he was just as happy to have a guy to talk to over dinner, so we found an empty booth and sat down. Monday night football was just starting...Giants vs. the naturally, being a Dallas fan, he was rooting against the G-men, and since I'm a Bucs fan, and had no skin in the game, I had no problem rooting for the Vikings to humor him. The waitress recommended the prime rib sandwiches so we both went for that, and since he insisted it was "Miller Time," we shared a pitcher of beer to start off.

It was funny, both of us being in town for business, that the subject never came up, but we were just having a good time talking football and a little about our families that the time flew by. Like me, he was a married guy...around 40 I'd guess, so a decade or so younger than me...but we were pretty similar in build...he was about an inch shorter than me, and definitely leaner. My dad bod was a tad thicker and furrier, but pretty solid for a guy my age. And I have to admit, I was into him...big time...high fiving when the Vikings did well, or when Eli threw an interception. His knee brushed mine under the table often and neither of us seemed to care, which was turning me on, but I wasn't quite sure if he was into me too, or just enjoying the company of another football fan. We'd put away two pitchers of beer and finished our sandwiches by halftime, so I picked up the check over his protests...explaining that I needed to turn in.

"Listen, TJ...I got a bottle of Maker's Mark upstairs. How about a nightcap before you turn in old man," he teased. "It's the least I can do to repay you for dinner." Now I'm the first to admit that I'm a pretty cheap drunk, and had a pleasant buzz on with the beer alone, but my determination to stick to business was weakening.

"I dunno, Jake. I've got an important meeting tomorrow morning. I wanna be fresh for that, you know?"

"C'mon, drink," he urged. "You'll be in bed before you know it," he added with a wink. He threw his arm around me and steered me toward the lobby elevator before I could offer another excuse. And his arm remained on my shoulder the whole way up to the top floor executive suite. I don't know if his intentions were simply friendly or something more, but my dick was formulating a plan of its own, stretching and thickening in my shorts.

"Damn...nice digs, buddy," I commented as he led me into the sitting room with a large plush sofa and big screen tv. He turned on the game while I admired the view of downtown from his window, then he grabbed a couple of glasses from the kitchenette and poured us each a healthy shot.

"Where's the john, buddy? I asked. "I gotta recycle some of this beer."

"Down the hall, TJ," he answered. "Kick off your shoes and make yourself comfortable, too, why dontcha?" I scooted out of my loafers and went to the bathroom where I pulled out my semihard dick and pissed like a racehorse...felt fucking nice to relieve myself like that. I milked my dick for those last drops of piss, then gave it a few good tugs to work it up nice and hard before I tucked it into my boxers and washed my hands, splashing a little water on my face to freshen up too. "Time to give this dude a clue," I smiled down at my dick. I dried off and wandered back out to the sitting room where I stopped dead in my tracks. There was Jake sitting on the sofa in just his t-shirt, calmly sipping his drink in one hand, and thumbing a thick, eight inch boner in the other.

He had the biggest smirk on his face as he placed his drink on the table and leaned back...his rock hard dick standing proudly erect between his widespread thighs.

"Thought I told you to make yourself comfortable, TJ? he grinned, gripping his cock and stroking it proudly.

I smiled back at him, relieved that my instincts had been correct, and excited about the direction the evening was now taking. I pulled my shirt off over my head and dropped it casually on the floor, then unbuttoned my shorts and unzipped them slowly. He watched wide-eyed as I slid them down over my obscenely tented boxers and let them fall around my ankles. I walked over between his legs, my knees pressing against his, and leaned down over him, reaching for my drink next to his. I waited for him to pick up his glass before clinking them together.

"Cheers, Jake," I smiled before downing my drink in one burning gulp. "ahhhh!"

I leaned down over him again and placed my glass on the table. My gaze never left his, as his hands slid up my thighs and into my boxers. I placed my hand behind his neck and pulled his lips to mine, feeding him my tongue in a deep, spit and whiskey laced kiss as he stroked my nutsack. I pulled away reluctantly, and stood up, hooked my thumbs into my shorts and slid them off my ankles. I knelt onto the couch, my thighs straddling his as I sat my hairy ass down on his legs, our dicks rubbing together...melting into another deep kiss, his arms wrapped tight around my back as our tongues explored sloppily...licking and sucking on his lips...tracing my tongue down over his sweaty neck and enjoying the saltiness of his skin.

"Awwwww, fuck, TJ...I knew the instant I laid eyes on you that you'd be good at this," he groaned as I worked my way up his neck and dipped my tongue into his ear. "Geeeeezus,!"

He pulled my face back to his and we made out like a couple of horny teenagers...our bodies grinding slowly, his fingers raking my back as I reached between us and gripped our precum slicked cocks...stroking them together in my fist.

"Fuck...slow down, buddy, or I'm gonna cum way too quickly," he warned me, picking me up by the armpits and easily pushing me off his thighs, onto my back on the sofa. He stretched out on top of me, cradling my face in his hands and kissed me again. He knelt up with one knee on the couch and one foot on the floor, motioning me to roll over onto my belly.

"Let's slow this down a little, alright man?" he suggested, sitting back down on the back of my thighs and rubbing my back in a relaxing massage. His cock nestled into my ass cheeks, humping them as he leaned forward, pressing his hands into my back and gliding them up to my shoulders. I grunted softly as he pressed me into the couch and kneaded my shoulders and upper arms...felt so damn nice to be spoiled by him. We watched the game like that for awhile, spread out on the couch, him massaging me while I grunted softly under his skilled hands, but I was more interested in looking at him than the TV. I bucked my ass up a little and rolled over onto my back. He lifted up slightly then sat back down on my thighs, continuing to rub me down, paying special attention to my hairy tits and the stiff nipples that capped them off. I ran my hands up and down his muscular thighs as he leaned forward a little, massaging my neck and letting his thick ass ride up over my cock, then sliding back down almost to my knees. I groaned out loud when he ran his tongue under my nuts, sucking on each one in turn before licking his way up the shaft of my cock, lapping at the puddle of precum on my belly, then sucking skillfully on the sensitive head of my cock. I pulled him up onto my chest, wrapping my arms around his strong back as we kissed again, savoring the sweet taste of my pre on his tongue, and the firmness of his cock pressing against mine. I slid my hands down over his ass, gripping his asscheeks and pulling them open as I hiked him further up my belly. My cock popped up behind him and rubbed menacingly over his taint and up into his ass trench.

"I'm really hoping you're a power bottom," I whispered into his ear as his face nuzzled into my neck. He didn't answer...just reached back and positioned the head of my cock against his pucker and pushed back onto my cock, sitting fully upright as he sank down onto my shaft.

"Already lubed...unnnhhh...and ready to milk a load out of you, stud," he grunted. "Does that answer your question?"

I couldn't respond...just groaned in sheer pleasure as my cock bottomed out in his powerful ass and felt his hole clamp down tight when he started grinding on me, gripping my shaft like a vise.

"Geezusssss...fuuuuck, Jake! Gaadamnnn!" I cried. He got his feet under him and started bouncing on my cock, riding up the full length of my shaft before slamming back down on my hips with a loud grunt. We went from zero to 60 in about one raucous minute. Me pumping my hips up into his ass...meeting his thrusts in a near violent fuck, as his hard cock slapped against my reddening belly, spitting precum as it did.

"Fuck me hard, stud!" he ordered, leaning forward on one hand and gripping his swollen cock in his fist. I grabbed his shoulders and got my feet under my hips for leverage, fucking up into his ass as hard as I could. His breath was ragged...coming in short grunts now, his sweat raining down on me. I felt his ass clamp down on my cock as I load flooding his guts as I punched my cock deep in his ass in short, hard jabs with each spurt.

"unnnnhhhhh...fuuuuck!" he grunted, gripping his dick fiercely as his hot load spurted onto my chest and neck...his ass spasming on my cock with each spurt of his load, gasping and grunting as his climax subsided. He collapsed onto my chest, my cock still buried in his ass...his cum cementing us together in a tight, exhausted hug. We lay like that for at least ten minutes, recovering from the intensity of our orgasms, my cock finally slipping from his ass when he rolled to his side next to me. We kissed gently and took turns rubbing his creamy load into each other's chest, licking our fingers and swapping sticky kisses as we did.

"Let's get cleaned up," he suggested finally, standing up and extending a hand to me as he led me, hand in hand, to the shower. We washed each other thoroughly, kissing and hugging as we did...honestly one of the sexiest showers I've ever taken with another person, man or woman.

"Stay the night...please?" he asked earnestly. "I want to wake up with you, this again." he grinned.

"I can't buddy," I explained. "I wish I could...but I have a really important business meeting in the morning and I need to be well rested for it. And you and I both know, if I stay, we won't get any rest at all...raincheck?"

"Awright," he conceded. "I'm going to hold you to that." I'm sure you'll do great. Knock em dead, tiger!"

We had one last hug by the door, and a kiss that lingered longer than it should have, but somehow not nearly long enough. I pulled myself away, reluctantly, and we said our goodbyes. "See you tomorrow, Jake?" I asked expectantly as he held the door open for me.

"For sure, TJ," he replied. "I'm looking forward to that already."

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