Clothing Optional

Published on Jan 23, 2020


Clothing Optional - Chapter 06 - Bathhouse

Clothing Optional - Chapter 06 - Bathhouse

This chapter includes the following uncommon themes:

  • Eating ass

About this series

This is a series set in an alternate society where clothing is optional, in basically all places, and it is somewhat expected for no clothing to be worn in certain places/activities such as swimming and sports. This series follows a gay teenager (named Collin because that's my name), who has friends of both genders, and various sexualities, living in a Northern California Coastal town. Even with its non-sexual base, this series is still very sexual, and very inappropriate; and is therefore only for mature audiences.

At the end of the story there will be a link to a Strawpoll or two, which contains a question that will decide something small in the next chapter.

I happily take any feedback and suggestions at


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Strawpoll Results

Boy Preference

After 48 hours of voting time, Justin won with 46 votes (59.74%), Trevor got 31 votes (40.26). The gap is starting to close. However I will only use Justin in this story because of how it works. If you would like a Trevor refresher I would recommend the previous story.

What do you like more?

After 48 hours of voting time, there were the following results:




Roll Range




1 - 36




37 - 65




66 - 78




79 - 86




87 - 89

Of a random roll from 1 to 89, I rolled an 40, meaning that the decided answer is "Public".

Start of Chapter

Collin sat naked on the fabric passenger seat of Justin's car. "You still wanna go?" An equally naked Justin asked.

"Yeah." Collin answered. "Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know," Justin said, "I just want to make sure." There was a relatively long pause, "Oh, thanks." Collin said.

The two kept riding in silence. "How many times have you been to a bathhouse?" Collin asked Justin. "Twice, this will be my third." Justin answered.

Another relatively long pause, "Nice." Collin said.

Justin slowed down and turned right into a concrete driveway. He continued driving for about fifteen seconds until he arrived at a building that was the size and fashion of a large house, but definitely wasn't one. Justin pulled into a parking space marked by barely-visible lines.

"Leave your bag in the car I have everything we need in mine." Justin said when turning off the car.

Collin obliged and but his backpack flat on the floor, and stepped out of the car. Justin got out the driver's side and walked around to Collin's side of the car with a basic pull-string bag. "Oh grab your I.D." Justin reminded. "Collin quickly opened up the car, and got his ID card out of his wallet in the very front pouch of his backpack, closed the door again, and handed it to Justin who handed it back to Collin. Justin started walking towards what was obviously the entrance, but only because every other location on the outside of the building was definitely not it. Collin followed.

Both of the boys walked through the automatic doors to a fully-clothed female receptionist. "Hello!" The woman said cheerfully, "May I have your reservation code please?" Justin took a second to remember "5719atl" he said from memory. The woman typed it in real time with no issue. "Alright I have it here, may I see your IDs please?" Both the boys handed the woman their ID cards. She checked their age and handed them back to the boys, and typed something on the computer.

"Okay you're all set to go," the woman said, "Please head through the door on my left to get into the changing room, no clothing is allowed except for things like jockstraps, and absolutely no cameras or electronics are allowed. Do you consent to sexual activity and to stop any actions when someone asks you to? Anyone is allowed to touch you at any time unless you tell them to stop, and verbal consent must be given for sex of any kind." She asked. Both of them said yes. The whole thing was designed to make it ambiguous if anyone had came here before - generic scripted phrases, generic voice.

Justin pulled the door open and walked through it, Collin followed. Inside was a very standard looking locker room with lockers, benches, and private showers. Justin went over to a set of lockers and a bench that was sort of out of the way.

Justin sat down on the wooden bench and set the bag next to him, and started to take off his shoes. "I'm gonna go fully naked but I want you to wear a jockstrap." Justin said. "Since you're my sub."

Collin sat down on the other side of Justin's bag and started to take off his shoes. Once he was done, he looked in the bag to find a jockstrap - he didn't really expect anything else but he was somehow still surprised.

Collin stood up, took the jockstrap out of the bag, and started to put it on, slowly. It fit him perfectly.

"This feels like bathing suit material." Collin said. "That's because it is." Justin said.

"Oh." Collin said.

Justin stood up and put his bag and his shoes in the most convenient locker. Collin put his shoes in as well. Justin closed the locker and put the lock on.

Justin looked over at Collin. "What?" Collin defended. "It's just like, we're going to have sex with each other at some point, there's just a weird kind of feeling to that." Justin said; he rubbed the back of his hand down Collin's chest and then flattened his palm so he could briefly grab Collin's left butt cheek. Collin giggled.

Both of the boys looked at each other. "Are you sure you're fine with this?" Justin asked one last time, "Yes." Collin said.

Okay. Justin said, then he quickly started walking towards the exit into the main area. But after they went through the door they were confronted by a man that stopped them quickly so he could check they weren't bringing in anything they shouldn't. When the man waved the boys through, they then ended up in the main area. Collin looked around. There were about fifteen guys mostly around the young side - a few years older than Justin and Collin. Justin led Collin outside, and to a hot tub - the place Justin felt was best for Collin to start.

Justin sat down crisscross on the edge of the water, Collin instinctively followed suit, but dangled his feet in the water. The four other guys, three in the lightly bubbling hot tub, looked over to see who just arrived. "Hello." Justin said. "I'm Justin, and this is my sub, Collin." All of the guys said hi and introduced themselves; they consisted of a Jamie, an Edward, a Johnathan, and a Michael. Michael was sitting on the

Jamie was sitting on top of Edward, and it had just occurred to Collin that they were having sex, or were about to, Justin already knew. Johnathan looked really young, probably 20. He politely felt Collin's back and butt.

The six guys engaged in small talk for about ten minutes, just stuff comprising of what they do and what their interests are and everything.

Justin started to get an erection. The way he was sitting made it extremely visible - Justin presented it with pride. "So when did you meet Collin?" Edward asked Justin, "Oh we're friends - he's really shy about sex so I suggested this to him and he agreed." Justin answered. Edward looked at Justin's erect penis to silently show to Justin he had noticed it, "Do you wanna break him in?" Edward asked.

"Of course." Justin said, like he was following Edward's directions. Actually he was literally following the Edward's directions. "Up." Justin commanded. Collin obliged, and stood up facing the men in the hot tub. "Turn around." Collin said again.

Collin turned around, giving the four other men and anyone who happened to be looking a perfect view of Collin's butt. Collin stood still waiting for the next instruction. "Get in doggy facing away from us." Justin said. Collin slowly got on all fours, and adjusted himself so that his back was curved and his butt slightly in the air, giving the men a perfect view of his anus, perineum, and scrotum. Two men, both about 18 or 19, joined in the hot tub to watch the show.

Collin loved the feeling of men looking at him. This alone gave him an erection. Justin was still sitting on the edge of the water. He switched positions so his knees rested on the ledge in the hot tub, and moved just behind Collin. Justin's butt was out of the water, and anyone on the side could still see his raging boner.

Justin grabbed both hands on Collin's pelvis, and started to eat Collin out. The flavor was repulsive but the feeling overcame that. Justin continued for about thirty long seconds and then moved back and stared at Collin's newly cleaned hole.

"Turn on your back." Justin said. Collin obliged and awkwardly turned on his back, and curled up his legs. Justin pulled Collin's legs down, Collin didn't fight. Justin pulled Collin's Jockstrap off and put it besides Collin. Justin pulled Collin closer to the hot tub so his butt was just on the edge, and then pushed Collin's legs back up, exposing his hole again.

Collin was waiting, staring up at the sky, not knowing what was going on around them, or who was looking. Justin re-centered himself and held onto Collin's legs.

Collin felt Justin's penis forcing its way into him, then Justin's penis inside of him.

Justin started fucking Collin. Collin kept on his back. His penis quickly became erect. Justin put himself further in Collin, and kept going in and out. Collin moaned.

The sun was bright and the air dry. The whole process continued for one and a half minutes. Both the boys loved every second of it.

Justin orgasmed, marked by his sudden change in movements, and soft moan. He started to cum inside Collin, but pulled out before he was finished, dripping some of the cum in the hot tub.

Justin sat back up on the edge at the same time Collin said, "Can someone else please finish me?" Collin did not know this but it was normal for Justin to choose someone for him since he was Justin's sub. It didn't matter anyway since Collin wasn't choosing. Justin chose a twenty year old light-blonde twink that looked like he wanted in on the action. The man trudged through the water to get to the same position where Justin was. "Do you consent?" The twink asked. "Yes." Collin said.

The man held onto Collin's legs, and pushed himself into Collin. The twink's penis was a bit girthier than Justin's, but wasn't as long, that didn't matter too much though. Collin felt almost nothing but pleasure, and near blindness from looking at the bright sky for so long. Collin loved the feeling of someone he hadn't ever seen fucking him, and the idea of Justin's cum still inside of him. It didn't take long for Collin to orgasm. He came all over his chest, neck, and the tile ground. The twink kept going, but noticed that Collin had finished, so he made every effort to finish himself. About ten short seconds later the twink orgasmed, and came inside of Collin. The twink then pulled out and returned to sitting in the pool.

Collin stayed laying on his back, the cum of two different people running out of his still exposed hole. He laughed lightly. He loved the feeling of people watching him, appreciating his body


Srawpoll (boy preference):

Strawpoll 2:

The decision in the second poll will be calculated like a weighted lottery. If choice A has 80% of the votes and choice B has 20%, choice A has an 80% chance of winning and B has a 20% chance.

Next: Chapter 7

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