Clothing Optional

Published on Jun 28, 2020


Clothing Optional - Chapter 10 - Dinner (Interlude)

Clothing Optional - Chapter 10 - Dinner (Interlude)

This chapter includes the following uncommon themes:

  • Scat

About this series

This is a series set in an alternate society where clothing is optional, in basically all places, and it is somewhat expected for no clothing to be worn in certain places/activities such as swimming and sports. This series follows a gay teenager (named Collin because that's my name), who has friends of both genders, and various sexualities, living in a Northern California Coastal town. Even with its non-sexual base, this series is still very sexual, and very inappropriate; and is therefore only for mature audiences.

At the end of the story there will be a link to a Strawpoll or two, which contains a question that will decide something small in the next chapter.

I happily take any feedback and suggestions at

What's an Interlude?

An interlude is a shorter bit of entertainment that interrupts the regular story line, or album theme, or play, or whatever the given entertainment is. In this case, my interludes are interrupting the reader-chosen storyline. No part of the polls will be integrated into this story. There will be no poll results from the last story, nor any new polls in this story - all is on pause for the next regular story, but there are some plot elements that are in interludes only.

The previous interlude I wrote did incorporate polls, but as I outlined (in my apology) in my previous story, I am making an effort to make this series better and more professional, so I will be adhereing to what an interlude normally is, and respecting your decisions as readers.


If you want, you can email me at to sign up for new story notifications. Please note that I am a human that does indeed have things to do and may not be able to send them in a timely manner.

Start of Chapter

Justin, Collin, Lucas, and Trevor all stood around a square table that sat four people. The table was set, and in the center was a serving platter that had four ribeye steaks on it, which the four were having for dinner.

The four boys were jacking off, had been for a little bit. Trevor was the first to climax. He let out a sigh of pleasure, and ejaculated all over the steaks, onto Collin's plate (which was on the other side of the table) and onto his.

Justin was next, aiming for the steaks, but going all across the table. Collin climaxed next, getting most of his cum onto the steaks and his plate. Lucas went about ten seconds afterwards, spreading his cum all over the table.

The four boys sat down, and all gazed at the cum covered table and food. This was Lucas' idea. It was a sunday - the day after Collin's session with Lucas. Lucas had been wanting to do this for a while and needed all three of the other boys to make this work - equal amount tops and bottoms.

Lucas was the first to take a steak, he used his fork to drag it onto his plate. Nothing else but four steaks was being served, not even a drink, except for desert. The other three boys followed. All four waited for someone to say something, "This is my first time trying this." Lucas said. "I read about it online, apparently the salty and acidic flavor of the cum fits well with the steak, as long as you cook it without any seasoning. It's supposed to make you want the cum."

Lucas cut off a peice, and put it in his mouth. "Okay that doesn't suck - It's actually pretty good." Lucas said after he swallowed the piece. The three boys all tried some as well.

"I love this." Collin said. "Thanks!" Lucas said. "Well, not the stea- well, yes the steak, but just this:" Collin motioned to the three other boys, "I like just having intamate friends like this. There's just a weird feeling to sex when you're not in a romantic relationship with the person, and a whole other feeling to things like using your friends' cum as a sauce."

Lucas swallowed another peice, "And I love it not being stigmatized - twenty years ago this wouldn't be acceptable, but now it's at minimum," Lucas paused to chew food, "understandable."

The four kept eating, "A lot has changed just in our lifetimes," Justin said, "Nudity has been legal for decades, but culture hasn't been as open as it is now until the last ten years, even in terms of sexuality I'd say twenty years, max."

"Like, sex is basically the whole point of our existence, why shun it? STDs are a thing of the past, birth control is near flawless now." Lucas added.

"People still aren't used to it," Collin said, "I'm still not, I still heavily focus on your guys' nudity. I get aroused just thinking about how intimate we have all been with each other. I've just had it stigmatized so much I'ts a bad habit. We've all had sex with each other, all seen every part of each other; and I know there's nothing wrong with that I just feel like there should be? or that I'm thinking wrong?"

The four kept devouring their steaks. Each took a mixture of culinary and sexual enjoyment from eating the steak.

"Hey, Collin," Lucas addressed, "Our video has over 50 thousand views already."

"Wow." Collin said. "I'm still surprised that, as popular as you are, I never watched a video of you before yesterday." Collin stopped to think if he should tell Lucas about the photos, "I guess since you're a pornstar you'll be okay with this." "Be okay with what?" Lucas showed that he was paying attention, "Before I started having sex with Justin and Lucas here, I used to jack off to a large library of stolen yearbook photos, you included."

Can I see?" Lucas asked. "Me jacking off?" Collin assumed the wrong anticeedent. "No the photos, can I see them?" Lucas reiterated. "Oh, yeah, sure." Collin said. He scooted out his char, walked over to his backpack, and grabbed his phone. He unlocked his phone and navigated to the "Favorites." Album. He clicked on the photo of Lucas on the soccer field, and handed it to him. Lucas set the phone down on the table so that the others could see. "Hot." He said, talking about the photo of him. "I am in a quite vunerable position there." he noted.

Lucas started swiping through the photos - a freshman smiling at the camera, sitting criss-cross who had an erection - a photo of a design painted on someones' penis, taken on body paint day - the one of Justin on the soccer field - one of a boy who was in downward dog showing the camera something he had painted on his butt, also for body paint day - the school portrait of Trevor, which showed his full body - one of a football game - one of a boy reading something in front of the class - one of Trevor's butt - one of the swim team standing for a group photo.

"These are strangely erotic." Lucas said, swiping to one of a boy standing, smiling at someone else. "The thrill of having something you shouldn't probably adds to it."

Lucas handed the phone back to Collin, it was covered in cum, of course. "How did you get the yearbook photos?" Trevor asked.

"They're backed up on a hard drive in Ms. Greison's office," Collin said, "I just took the hard drive and put it back the next day in a different place."

"Really?" Trevor exclaimed, "I thought you like hacked into the school or something." Trevor said. "Nope," Collin started to explain, "Hacking is just trying to find the easiest and least risky exploit."

"Neat." Trevor said.

The four boys were already almost finished with their pourposefully somewhat-small steaks, Lucas finished first. "Okay, so," Lucas said when he was done, "For desert the tops are randomly paired to a bottom, and the tops eat out the bottom, all of what he can push out; but the tops get to fuck the bottoms after."

"Nice." Trevor said, interested. "Do we do it on the table?"

"Yes, the bottoms, you and I, lie face down in opposite directions."

"How do we choose who goes with who?" Collin asked.

"Flip a coin." Lucas said. "If you flip heads, you'll be paired with me, and tails you'll be paired with Trevor."

"Hey, Siri, flip a coin." Collin said in the direction of his phone." His phone played a happy tone while Siri did its thing, "It's heads." She said.

"Alright, then I'm paired with you." Collin said to Lucas.

Collin got thoughts again, as he finished off his steaks he couldn't stop thinking how nonchelaunt Lucas was about being eaten out, and fucked, and that it was decided by a coin toss.

Trevor was the last to finish his steak. Lucas stood up, and started to clear the table. The other three handed dishes and silverware to him as he placed it on the counter behind him. The table was still covered in cum.

"Alright," Lucas said turning back to face everyone, "can you all please stand up and move the chairs out of the way?" The three boys followed the instructions.

Lucas stood towards the left of the side of the table one clockwise to where he was sitting, "Alright so," Lucas started to climb up on the table. "You just lay down so your butt is on the end of the table." He said to Trevor, "And move your legs apart like so:" Lucas spread his legs, and put the bottom half of his legs in the air. Trevor followed his lead.

"Collin and Justin, you can use your chairs." Lucas said. Collin grabbed his chair, and paced it close behind Lucas. Collin sat down in the chair. Justin sat down in his. Collin stared at Lucas' butt. It was so perfectly shaped, and his hole was so inviting and warm, completely exposed to Collin.

Justin took the lead. He put his face in Trevor's butt, and started to eat him out. Trevor started to push his stool out, and sighed in concentration. Justin ate it right up.

Collin started to eat Lucas out. He had a healthy and strong taste. Collin licked around the outside before sticking his tounge up Lucas' intestines. Justin was busy eating Trevor's leftovers from yesterday.

Lucas started to poop. His stool tasted terrible. Collin removed his tounge as he felt the first but pushing its way out, and put his open mouth around Lucas' hole. Collin let the first bit into his mouth. He swallowed the first bit of Lucas' stool when his mouth was full. More came, and Collin swallowed it. More came again, Collin swallowed again.

Lucas was starting to empty out, he pushed out all he could, but Collin only had to swallow once more before he removed his mouth. Justin, having started earlier, was already done, and was already standing up getting ready to fuck Trevor. Collin did the same, and stood up. Collin was already hard. He stepped closer to Lucas, and rubbed his penis up against Lucas' hole - he loved keeping himself back from fucking someone like this, it makes him want the bottom more. He penetrated into Lucas, and started fucking him. Justin and Trevor were being loud as always, and the sounds turned Collin on. He kept going in and out of Lucas, and held onto his hips. Collin kept going in and out, in and out. Emotions ran over him again. He did not take much pleasure from eating Lucas's stool, but still loved doing it. He thought about how vunerable Lucas was, how intamate they were.

Collin kept going in and out, in and out.

Collin orgasmed, and came huge load inside Lucas. Justin orgasmed and came a slightly smaller load in Trevor. Collin pulled out of Lucas, and stuck his right pointer finger up Lucas' hole. He felt around a bit, then pulled it out, and stuck it in his mouth.

Collin put both hands on Lucas' butt cheeks, and started massaging and feeling them. He rubbed his penis against Lucas' hole more.

Next: Chapter 10

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