Coach Burke

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 13, 2023


Well readers, if you've been waiting for billy's leather debut, you're gonna read about it this time around. There's a bit more to cover though, some of it before we went out, and some after (spoiler alert: the debut went well, and there was some serious sex afterward. Patience my children, patience).

Living with billy is what, I guess, religious folks would call "an exercise in temperance" or "an exercise in patience." billy is NOT very demonstrative (at least out of bed he's not). I don't get a good feel for when he's upset, however rare that is, or when he wants something (but he made it REAL clear at least once, as you'll find out), and he has a code of ethics that I'm not quite sure I understand, to this day. I'm not sure what the opposite of a "PUSHY" bottom is, because billy's not that. Yes, he's a sub but... someone should help me find the word I'm looking for. Read on.

Well, after I had bought billy all those clothes at the store where obnoxious Jumbotron worked, my man did something that was really ingenious, and very, VERY hot. He went through all of the clothes and took about 2/3 of them to use for everyday and church wear. Then, he took the other third - my favorites - and he went back to the store, and exchanged them for the same thing, but a size smaller, so that they hugged him even tighter. I remember when he did it: he wore a mustard yellow one to dinner once, and I looked at him, and he smiled. "You think I'm getting fat, don't you Sir?" I guess he knew that's what I was thinking, because I blushed and almost spat out what I was eating (probably something fattening). He didn't give me a chance to answer. "NAH. I'm not. " He smiled. "I know how you like me dressed, Sir, so I took some of the stuff back and sized it down." I was already getting a boner from sitting opposite my muscular stud, with the way the shirt framed every nook and cranny and now, knowing that he had done this... well, my horniness was jumping off the charts. "So you met..." "What did you call him, 'Jumbotron,?' he started to laugh. "Yeah, I sure did. Got his phone number too. You shoulda seen his face. Looked like yours when you ate that baked soybean casserole" "I don't understand, billy. Tell me more." "OH. When he gave me his number and asked if I wanted to get together, I smiled and said 'thanks, I'm flattered, but I'm getting fucked to filth by my lover. He got me these clothes. You met him. This guy.' When I pulled up your picture, that's when it happened." I felt his foot rubbing up against mine. "billy....." "I'm gonna get the check and then I'm gonna take you home and fuck the shit outta you." "AGAIN? You did that last night Sir." "And...." billy said nothing, he just signaled for the waiter. I did. I POUNDED him. He moaned, HARD, and the cuddling afterward was almost as good as the sex. ALMOST (I never believe guys who say they like sex, but LOVE cuddling. Call me skeptical).

And that leads into what happened next. Get some coffee , it's a biggie. It was a Saturday afternoon. billy had finished his run, and there really was NOTHING going on at the apartment. NOTHING. I was just siting there with the early Sunday paper, and I heard billy clear his throat from the bedroom. "Sir... " he smiled. "This is another one of the outfits you got me. Any interest?" He had on a short sleeved, magenta shirt, and white pants. Did I have any interest. "Damn right I do," I said as I got up. "Gonna have to catch me Sir." He turned to start playing one of those games where you chase each other around the table or bed, or what have you. I'm not fast, but I CAN be when I have to, and I was that afternoon. billy probably made it easier too because, well, like I said, he almost never let me know when he was horny. He was horny that afternoon. I caught him, and he squealed as I grabbed him around the middle, and started dragging him to the bedroom. "You are gonna pay for flirting, billy boy" I told him as I threw him on the bed. His shirt had come untucked in the chase, which made it easy for me to get my hand up inside and start poking around at his navel. His giggles were getting me hotter. I held him down and unbuttoned the shirt. NOW, I could REALLY get into that navel of his, and I did. His giggles turned to out and out laughs, and when I bent down and raspberried that navel: I saw the cum spot on his pants. I don't know what motivated me to do what I did next, but I wrapped my hand around his head and hand gagged him. I didn't tickle his navel, but I kept my finger there. I whispered "you wanna get FUCKED sweetcakes?" There was a muted 'mmmmmmmmmmph' from my baby, and he shook his head up and down.

Here it comes folks. I have thought this through, at least a dozen times. I looked at him "You wanna get married sweetpea?" His eyes got big and he didn't hesitate. He shook his head MUCH more vigorously than he did at the thought of being fucked. I was floored. I was floored that I had just "proposed," and I was even more floored that he had "said" yes." This took a little serious discussion. My boner hadn't gone down, but it had to wait. I ungagged him. "billy? Are you teasing me? I mean..." "Sir... I wouldn't tease you about that." He locked eyes with me. "I have known that you are the one since week two together, and I have just been biting my tongue waiting for you to ask." I started to release him and he said "DON'T YOU DARE. I have a fucking coming to me and I want it!" "But... but billy.. you got to explain this to me." He sighed big time. "BOSS. I mean.. SIR." He smiled. He was razzing me. "I told you this. I told you this more than once. I have been waiting for the man who isn't intimidated by me, who don't take no for an answer, and who also..." he paused "fucks like a demon, cares for me like an angel, and treats me like a brother... until we're in bed." "I... I DO all of that? Are you...." I knew the answer. To this day, billy has never told a lie. "WELL, the answer is YES Sir. You weren't teasing me were you?" I didn't know the answer to that. I still don't, but.... "Uh no. Will you marry me?" "DAMN IT TO HELL SIR I ALREADY TOLD YOU YES. BUT WE'RE GONNA DO THIS RIGHT. Engagement party.. For one time, YOU'RE gonna be the one to get down on his knees, and you are gonna get me the most expensive fucking engagement ring I can find. Now get my fucking pants off and FUCK ME STUD" My fingers went down to his belt buckle. I started loosening it, then I stopped. "I love you billy burke." "And I love you Douglas Leo Fitts. And I'm gonna start LIKING you instead, if you don't get that cock of yours into my ass NOW"

Having a lover who's built like a brick shit house, is a bottom, and a former gymnast, never gets old. (I know, I know. I keep writing that. I want all of you to stay jealous). To answer the question: no, not yet. We DID have the engagement party, but when billy said he wanted to it right, he meant right, and... BIG. One night we sat down with the invitation list. "billy, there are 250 people here." "Hmmm. You're right Sir. We're gonna need a bigger hall." "No, it's not the hall billy. The hall will hold 350" "Yeah I know, but I havent' given the rest of my guests yet." So, you see, we're trying to save for, as Phil called it "The Mother of all weddings."

Now, to the leather party. Given billy's church schedule, which is something he has NEVER given up, going out on Saturday night was not possible; however, since he taught his last class at 3 on Friday now, I "convinced" him (you may read that as you like: it was a half hour of foot and pit tickling) that he should come home, take a nap, and then he'd be fresh for the party. I'd be home at 5 and join him in the bed. I did: he was naked. And rock hard. "I wonder what he's dreaming of?" I said softly. He answered. "You inside of me," but it wasn't going to happen THAT night. We had to rest. I looked at his beautiful body. The one I had fucked on Thursday night after I gave him a full body shave. He had gotten used to those: once every other two weeks, and I always threw in something new. That Thursday night, I had "gummed" his chin, getting those nerve endings before I went after his neck and ear. I had even let him shoot before I went into him and did what (billy says) I do best.

We napped until about 9. When I started pulling out the harnesses, my chaps, and billy's hot pants, I saw the look on his face. billy would never tell me he didn't want to go: he had already "lost" that fight. But it was clear: he didn't have his heart in this. "billy, you're gonna go. I said you are. We don't have to stay long, but we're going." He muttered like a child. "yes sir. Whatever you say." I smiled. "Shove that cock into these shorts, and then I'll fit you into the harness." GOD did he look HOT. He looked even hotter when I gave him my surprise: a muir hat, just like mine. There was no way I couldn't be jealous of how good he looked, but as I had my hands on his forearms while we took a look in front of my mirror, he said "Let's try to get a selfie Sir. We look DAMN HOT." Later than night, we had Jerry take one of us. By then, I had gotten billy's armband on him and I collared him. "DAMN Sir. Didn't you ever read Diana Vreeland saying that you should MINIMIZE accessories?" How did he know that? The man still surprises me. Anyway, my smart mouth was ready. "We did. I didn't make you wear a cock cage. You want that instead of the collar." My answer "you win Sir."

Jerry and Phil had gotten the uber and came over. I had asked Jerry if he could do that, because, while I would have LOVED to have given billy a shot of humiliation by walking him to a taxi, another one of my friends had said to me "baby steps, stud. You worked to land him, don't lose him by pulling too hard." So, with the car up front, all we had to do is get in and drive. It was 11: usually billy was asleep for two hours. He was quiet the whole ride down. I kept on trying to reassure him. "You're gonna be fine. You are gonna be FINE. "

HE LOVED IT. As soon as we walked in, someone threw him a WOOF, and then someone yelled "FUCK ME HOTSTUFF. BACK AT THE SLING." He smiled. Then he began to laugh. "What's so funny billy boy? " "Sir, did you see who that came from?" I looked up. It was Jumbotron "You know, billy... if THAT happened " "If it happens, I want to be the one in the sling" Phil muttered. Big Phyllis hadn't gotten laid in a while. That changed that night, but... For most of the evening, I had my arm around billy, and he was holding on, tight. Part of it was protection, I know it: but you know, when you have some experience, you read things. billy was saying "This is MY man. I'm his. Stay away." And people did. For the most part. These parties usually get quite out of hand, and "accidental gropings" or "invitations," etc, happen a lot: especially for guys as hot as billy (there was no one there that night as hot as billy, in my biased opinion). But they stayed away. I pulled billy tighter. "Something tells me I'm gonna find myself spread open like that chicken you pounded this week, Sir." I nibbled his ear and whispered "you got that right. What do you think?" "Nice. Sexy men, but all I can think is 'that one needs to spend more time on his chest, ' or 'spindly legs' or 'give up the 'roids kid, you're way too young." He patted my hand. "And I know what I'm getting in a little while, and I can't wait." I showed him around the space. He was FASCINATED by the sling, not so much by the fist fucking that happened in it. "Sir, you don't want..." I shook my head no. "Not my scene, stud. But if you want a sling..." "Early wedding present Sir?" He smiled. I smiled back. "Lets talk. Right now, let's kiss." THAT got some more Woofs. I even got an invitation. The guy said "If you've got a stud like that under you, you gotta have a magic fucking cock. " It was an invitation to an orgy. Given what I was seeing, no, we were NOT going to that one.

Cab drivers seem to know: after a leather event, the guys are big tippers. billy didn't want to use an uber , and there was a cab driver right outside. In the car, I ran my hand on the inside of his thigh. "So, what you think, stud?" "I'm glad that I went Sir. It made you happy. Job number 1 is making my man happy - that's you." I looked at my watch. It was nearly 3 in the morning (I had put it in my fanny pack with my wallet). "You wanna sleep or..." "You really asking Sir? Did you not see my shorts?" He was bulging. He was really bulging. "May I Sir?" He didn't wait for an answer: he put his hand on my cock, and began squeezing it. I think that was the first time he had done that. The doorman was asleep so we COULD have, but we didn't. Instead, when we got in the elevator, billy jumped up on me like a koala bear and we started kissing. He laughed. "Glad to see that bench pressing is working Sir." It was. I was psyched. He was wrapped around me and I could barely get the key out of the door to get us in. We went directly to the bedroom and I was on top of him, with my tongue down his throat. Then I shifted to his ear, and his neck. Then I went to his newly discovered hot spot and I began kissing and licking his nipples. billy was bucking so hard, and I knew from experience what leather can do to your cock. "Let me get that off you muffin" I whispered. His cock was monstrous that night. "STOP STARING AT IT AND GET YOURS IN ME SIR. NOW!!!" I smiled. "You giving your TOP orders?" "DAMN RIGHT I AM. YOU CAN PUNISH ME TOMORROW. NOW HELP ME SCRATCH THAT ITCH MR SIR." I tried to control myself. I really did. But the smell of leather, mingled with the smell of billy that I had gotten used to: I was out of control. "WHOA SIR. SCRATCH THE ITCH DON'T RIP OFF THE SKIN." "SHUT THE FUCK UP BOTTOM. TAKE IT YOU BITCH" "OH GOD YES SIR YES SIR. FUCK BILLY THE BITCH FUCK HIM . FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK HIM!!!!" His moaning tapered off into cries. I couldn't get enough of him that night. When he shot, I pushed out my tongue to get some of his salty load. "RETURN THE FAVOR SIR. SHOOT ON MY FACE." When I climaxed, I pulled out so I could get some on him. I got his lips, he smiled. "MMMMM. Better than your cooking." "I'm putting that on the list. Too tired to tickle you now." "MMMMMMMMM. " billy smiled. "No Sir. No tickling tonight, please. Hold me. Hold your hubby to be." He fell asleep on my chest. And I was thrilled with that."


So, we're gonna continue gang. What do you all wanna know about billy and I? Drop me a line, and if I got something to say on the topic, I'll say it. TO BE CONTINUED

Next: Chapter 12

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