Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Aug 4, 2001


Coach's assistant chapter 15

{Hi guys here it is at last a new chapter of coach's assistant. I was glad with the comments I got from the last chapter so please keep sending them. They are a real encouragement to continue writing. See address at the end of the chapter.

I would love to thank both my editors Dana and Bill for the effort they put into it to correct my English and suggestions to improve the story. And to that one special person who is really making a contribution. I can say I put something of it in this chapter even without knowing it. Thanks you are really good for me.

Ok here we go with again, hope you like where we are going keep in touch

Tim icq: 36967366

Chapter 15

Once again I was awake early. I just lay back in bed, wondering about everything that had happened the day before - the pain I had felt in the morning hours seeing Mike, talking to him - the loneliness I had felt which led me to my desperate act.

Then everything that had happened with Francis - his concerns, his story and the feelings which I felt when we kissed and, even more so, the feelings I had when I was lying beside him, smelling him, feeling his smooth body beside me, the way he helped me with David and later on with my Dad. It was unbelievable all of that could have happened in only one day. I was really looking forward to seeing Francis later that day. I could hardly wait to see his handsome face and his soft hair, and looking into those beautiful eyes.

I must have fallen asleep again because the next thing I heard was my alarm bell, so I opened my eyes and saw that it was really time to get up. I walked into the bathroom and, when I looked into the mirror, I saw that I looked a lot better than the day before. It wouldn't be too difficult to convince my dad that I wanted to go to school.

When I came downstairs, dad was already there and I said "Good morning."

"Good morning, Nick, and how are we feeling this morning?"

"Much better, dad. I had a really good nights sleep, better than I've had in days."

"Well, that's good to hear. I didn't know that Francis was a friend of yours. I thought he hangs out more with David."

So there it was. Last night, he didn't want to talk about it at all and this morning he just couldn't wait to ask me that question. It still made me wonder what Francis had said to my dad.

"Well, we get along pretty well. We found out we have the same tastes in music, so we discussed that last night and we talked about other things, too. You don't mind, do you?"

"No, of course not, Nick, but I was just curious. Normally you don't hang out with any of the gymnasts. You really seem different lately and you're doing so well as a reserve gymnast. If we had known this before, you could have been a lot better by now. I'm not saying that you should have expressed your interest, but you seem to have the talent for it."

"Thanks, dad," I said as my face turned a little red from the unexpected compliment he gave me. He wasn't that comfortable saying complimentary things to either David or me, so he must really like what I had been doing lately, otherwise he would never have said such a thing.

"Are you going to join us for practice today or do you want to skip one more?"

"I think I'd better skip one more, dad. I'm just not up to it. But I will be there on Friday when Alexei is coming. I wouldn't want to miss that."

"No problem, Nick. That is fine by me. Can you get some groceries on your way home this afternoon?"

"Sure. Now I'd better be off or I'll be late."

"OK. Just one more thing: if you don't feel well during the day, just let me know and go home."

"I think I'll be fine today, dad, so don't worry about it."

I left and walked to school slowly. I knew David had the first hour free of classes, so he was still lying in bed.

When I arrived at school, I looked around to see if Francis was there, but I couldn't find him. Maybe he also had the first hour free.

I didn't see him during the morning and I started to feel empty again. I saw Mike during the second period and he looked at me several times but didn't try to talk to me.

When the lunch period arrived, I saw that Francis was standing at the end of the cafeteria just looking around. When he saw me, he waved and I walked towards him.

"Hey, there you are! How are you doing?"

"Well, I'm feeling a little bit better now that I've seen you. I was about to have a fit."

"Do you want to go outside and sit down together somewhere?"

"Sure, that's a good idea, Francis."

It was difficult not to kiss him or even stare at him. When we left the cafeteria, I saw that David was looking at us with a big smile on his face.

We went to the other end of the school yard where normally very few people went during the lunch.

I'm sure we talked a great deal during lunch but I simply can't remember what we said. I know we looked into each other's eyes a lot. Time went by and we had to return to class all too soon.

"I won't be able to come around after class, Nick, because I promised the coach that I would take an extra training session today. So I will see you tomorrow."

"OK, Francis, that is no problem. Do you mind if I call you this evening if I need to?"

"If you need to talk, you can always call me, Nick. Never forget that."

We went our separate ways. We had no classes together, so I faced few distractions for the rest of the day. And that was just what I needed. I went home after my last class, buying the groceries on the way.

The evening passed by without anything special happening. David was not home and I just watched some television and went to bed early. Despite the fact that I was really looking forward to speaking with him, I forgot to call Francis. I must have been too tired.

Thursday passed, again without anything happening. Once again I had lunch with Francis and we spent more time looking at each other than saying anything.

When David came home later that evening, he came to my room.

"Hi, Nick. How are you feeling?"

"Much better, David. Thank you for asking. I though you were going to be home late again tonight."

"Well, my friend Katy and I were studying together again, but decided it was better to stop a little bit earlier tonight."

"You call that studying, David?" I asked him.

"Well, you know what I mean, Nick, so why ask about it?"

"So, you're really getting to know each other better at this moment?"

"Yea, you could say that. I like her a lot, so we'll just have to see what happens."

"Well, I hope it works out. I really like Katy, she's such a bright person."

"Is that the only thing you're interested in, Nick? Don't you see how beautiful she is?"

"Sorry David, of course I see that, too."

The way David reacted to what I said made it clear that he had really strong feelings for Katy. He was right: Katy was not only intelligent but also very pretty.

"And how are things going with you and Francis, Nick?"

"OK, I guess." I didn't know how much I should tell him.

"I saw you two having lunch together the last two days and going outside to be alone."

"Yes, we did. We just talked a lot."

"About that what was bothering you at the beginning of the week?"

"Not especially."

"Don't you want to talk about that, Nick? I can see that it still bothers you."

"Please, David, not now. I don't want to talk about it. Please drop it." As I finished, I started to cry..

"Don't cry, Nick. I'm not going to push you, but I don't think it's a good idea not to talk about it. It's still eating you. Just see how quickly you started to cry after I asked you about it."

I just stared at him. I really didn't want to talk to him about that subject. I looked away.

"OK, Nick. If you don't want to talk now, that's fine. But please, if you ever want to talk about it, just let me know."

"Thanks, David. I will, but I'm not ready to do so yet."

"This must be pretty heavy then, Nick. You talk about your feelings about Francis without any problem, and that cannot be easy to do."

"Well, Francis …." Just saying his name made me feel all happy and satisfied again. I started to blush.

"Yep, what about Francis, Nick?"

"Well, he's so nice, so easy to talk to. I really like him, you know."

"Yes, I understand that, Nick. Your emotions are written on your face when you talk about him. Did you tell him what happened this weekend?"

"No, I didn't, David. He knows it was bad, but not exactly what happened."

"Well, just have fun with him … though I should warn you, if you want to hide your relationship with him, you'd better have lunch with us tomorrow. Otherwise, some of our colleagues on the team will start wondering what is going on between you two. And they won't have to guess what's happening if they see you very often."

"Oh, why is that, David?"

"Well, every time you two look at each other, it's as if there's no one else in the world."

"But I …." I started to stumble.

"I know. You don't have to say anything, Nick. I know when I see two people in love."

"Do you think Francis really loves me, David?"

"What do you think, Nick? Just look at how he reacts when he sees you. Of course, that is something you don't see because you're all starry eyed whenever you see him."

"Well, I guess that is true."

"OK, I'm going to bed. Whenever you're ready to talk to me, just let me know and I'll be there for you. Don't forget that."

"Thanks, David."

He walked out of my room and I started to wonder about what we had just said. A while ago such a conversation would never been possible. Things had changed since I had started to be the coach's assistant. I had met Francis, I had become closer to my brother David, and I was going to meet Alexei Nemov. Only one bad thing happened and that was Mike. Well, not Mike himself, but what had happened because of our knowing each other. I like Mike and I also liked some of what we did together, at least a little. I didn't mind being ordered around.

Tomorrow I had to go to the gym. I hoped to continue doing my best. As the team assistant, I had access to my father's office and I knew I would use that privilege this time. It would be a good way to meet Alexei before the others did. I knew I had the hour before practice off, so I intended to be there early.

I slept quite well that night. I'm not sure what I dreamed about but it was good.

The next day I went to school and told my father that I would come to his office that afternoon to do the paperwork that had piled up while I had been away for the week. He just smiled but said nothing.

I didn't see Francis during the morning but, as we had the last few days, we spent some time during lunch together. Not the whole period, but a little private time together. He agreed to come around that evening after dinner.

I went to my father's office an hour before practice began and I did some paperwork. My dad was not around; I knew he would probably be getting Alexei from the airport.

When I had almost completed the paperwork, I heard the door open. I looked up and there he was.

"Hi, I'm looking for the coach of the gymnastic team. They told me that this was his office."

"Well, uh …," I started but I couldn't say anything.

"I believe you want to say something."

"Yes, I'm sorry, sir, but my dad, the coach, is not here. I thought he was getting you from the airport, sir."

"Well, I didn't see him there and I'm here now. I am Alexei Nemov, as you probably already know from the look on your face."

"Well, my name is Nick, sir, and I am the coach's assistant and the reserve on the team."

"Hi, Nick, it's nice to meet you," he said as he reached forward to shake my hand.

"And please, call me Alexei. It makes me feel very old when you call me sir."

"Yes, sir, um, Alexei."

"Do you know where you father is?"

"Well, I thought he was picking you up from the airport. If you didn't see him there, I'm not sure where he is."

"Can you reach him somehow?"

"Of course, why didn't I think of that? I'll try his cell phone number."

I called dad and he picked up the phone. He had just arrived at the airport, having been delayed by heavy traffic. I told him that Alexei Nemov was already here. He told me he would come back straight away and asked if I would entertain Alexei in the meantime. I hung up and looked to see where Alexei went.

"Hi, there you are. My father was late arriving at the airport because of the heavy traffic. But he'll be right back."

"OK, that's fine by me … Nick, was it not?"

"Yes, Alexei, it was. What do you want to do until he arrives?"

`Well, if you don't mind, I just want to check out the facilities and equipment you have here. Your father told me on the phone that he had a training schedule for every gymnast with the level of each on it. Can you show me those?"

"No problem. Just look at what we have around here and, when you are finished, come back to the office and I will show you the stats."

He walked a little closer to our training area where all the equipment was standing. I just looked at him. He was wearing tight black jeans, which fit perfectly around his sculpted ass. His well-built legs seemed to be outlined quite effectively. He had a white T-shirt on, covered by a black leather jacket. I would love to see what was underneath when he took that jacket off. His upper body was at least as heavily muscled as his legs. I turned away thinking of what a stud he was not only in his pics or on television, but in person as well.

I walked back and returned to my paperwork. The other team members would not arrive for another 30 minutes and dad would be back before that.

I looked up when I heard that voice again. "Do you have those stats for me, Nick?"

I really liked it when he said my name like that, softly, with a little Russian accent.

"Sure, I put them on that table over there."

"Would it disturb you if I went over them here?"

I almost said yes because he really would bother me, but he was being very polite and that was something I just couldn't say.

"No, no problem, Alexei, go ahead."

He walked towards the table and, just before he sat down, he took off his jacket. I could only stare at his white T-shirt and what was underneath it. I quickly looked the other way when he turned around to look at me, just in time to avoid him seeing me stare.

We stayed that way for almost 30 minutes, until I heard my father come back.

I introduced them and they started to talk about what would be happening today. I knew there would be a press conference later on after the practice. And the team would arrive soon, so dad wanted to make sure that Alexei knew what was scheduled for the rest of the evening.

I just sat at my desk, occasionally glancing at Nemov, trying to hide my interest because I didn't wanted to be too obvious.

Then all hell broke loose as the other team members entered the locker room and tried to invade the coach's office. My father took Alexei back to the lockers and started to introduce everyone. I walked back with them and stood off to the side. My father somehow forgot to introduce me in front of the team; that seemed a little strange.

The coach started to explain what would happen during the next hour. Alexei would have a small private chat with each team member, and would assess every person as he was doing his routine. Everyone started to ask questions, but dad said they should wait until after practice.

Everyone started to undress and I quickly got back to the office and got my gear. When I returned to the locker room, they were all ready. I quickly started to change and, as I undid my pants, I saw Francis looking at me with a huge smile on his face. I almost didn't know what I should do, but I am sure I felt my face begin to blush, not a little bit, but quite deeply. When Francis saw that, he smiled and walked quickly into the gymnasium.

When I was dressed, I too went to the gymnasium and saw that most of the apparatus was already in place. Two guys were practising on each piece, and I saw that dad and Alexei were discussing the routines. I just looked around. Normally the team would work in threesomes when they practised and so there would be a place for me.

But this time people were paired and there wasn't a person without a partner.

When dad saw my dilemma, he walked towards me and said, "I'm sorry, Nick, but we wanted to make this week as efficient for the others as possible so we paired everyone up. You can do some sit-ups and other exercises along the sidelines or go into the fitness area to work with weights to build up your muscles."

I was just too stunned to respond to him. First he forgot to introduce me to Alexei in front of the others; then he was separating me from the rest of the team, or at least that was the way it felt. I would have no chance to see Alexei at work or have him work with me. I just couldn't believe what was happening. Obviously my dad thought I was a good stand in if he needed one, but for something big like this, I was no longer a real member of the team.

I just turned around and went to the other side of the practice area, where I could work out a little. I should have said something but I was too upset over what was happening to do so.

The hour went by in a blur. I tried to watch Alexei as much as possible, seeing him give valuable pointers to some of the others. This was just upsetting me more and more and, when the practice was half over, I decided to leave. I changed, wrote a note to Francis, and put it in the pocket of his pants. I knew he would find it and read it. I just wanted to let him know that I was glad that he was coming around later that evening.

I had planned to stay for the press conference but I just couldn't, so I arrived home early. I suddenly felt tired again and out of place. Had that been the same dad who, last night, complimented me on my achievements? I really got the feeling that we were returning to our earlier relationship. I thought we had progressed beyond that but, once again, I felt that I was still the little nerd who did everything wrong.

I felt sad and a little out of it again. What could I do to please him? Was there nothing I could do? I just started to feel rotten about myself again and I just sunk down into what was undoubtedly a severe attack of self-pity and emotional distress.

I must have somehow dozed off because the next thing I knew, I felt someone touching my cheeks with his lips.

"Hi, Sleeping Beauty. How are you, just getting some rest?"

"So it seems. I was a little tired and I must have dozed off. But waking up like that makes it worth while."

With that, I raised myself up a little and kissed him on the lips. Yummy … his taste just made me go wild. As you may already have guessed, it was Francis who walked into my bedroom.

"You were just so cute lying there asleep. I didn't know if I should just look at you all evening, enjoying the sight of you at rest, or if Ishould wake you. I'm glad I woke you."

I wanted to say something but again our lips touched and we enjoyed the feelings which came over us, making them last as long as possible.

When we finally broke for air, he moved me a little side ways and we lay beside each other on my bed.

"Were you crying, Nick? I could see the stains on your cheek when you where asleep."

"Well, just a little, " I said. I didn't want him to know why I was crying.

I couldn't even remember that I had, but it must have been just before I fell asleep.

"Well, don't worry, I'm here."

With that he started to stroke my hair with one hand and my chest with the other. I just closed my eyes, enjoying every feeling he gave me. We just lay there for at least a half-hour or so. We just cuddled and kissed from time to time, not saying anything special but enjoying the moment.

We really must have been into it because we never heard anyone enter the house. But happily the stairs creaked, so we knew that there was someone coming up. Francis quickly got off the bed and sat down on a chair on the other side of my room, picking up a book that was on the table.

I tried to get myself straightened up a little and to sit straight up on the bed.

"There you are, Nick. I've been looking for you for some time now. You might have left a note when you left. I should have known that you would be too tired to complete a full practice."

"I'm sorry, dad, but it slipped my mind." I could hardly believe I said that because I was really mad at him but I didn't want to say anything in front of Francis, who would be upset by my anger.

"Oh, hi, Francis. I didn't see you. Are you going to stay for a while then?"

"Certainly, sir, if that's alright. We were just discussing some music."

"That is fine by me. I only came up to see where Nick was and I wanted to tell you that we have a problem, as you would have known if you had stayed, Nick. Someone screwed up the hotel reservations for Alexei, so he is going to stay in our guest room. I want you to give him some privacy. OK?

"Wow, is he really staying here? Can we talk with him?" Francis asked before I could say anything.

"Well, that is up to him, but for now, please leave him alone. He has had a long trip so he probably wants some sleep. I told him where he could find everything and where your rooms are. I also told him that, if he had a question, he should ask you. I am going to read a little downstairs and then go to bed. I can trust you two not to disturb him?"

:Of course, dad. We'll leave him alone, don't worry."

"OK, just don't make it too late, Francis. Night."

He left the room and we looked at each other.

"He is staying here. Hmmmm, this is going to be interesting."

"Stop dreaming, Nick. I'm here with you, so stop lusting after other men."

"Do I detect a touch of jealousy there, Francis?"

He blushed but as he started to answer, I just stared at him and said. "Don't say anything. Just come here and I will show you that you don't have anything to worry about."

When he laid down beside me, we started to kiss each other again. I could feel my body respond and my dick became hard instantly. I only hoped that Francis wouldn't notice, for I was still a little embarrassed by the effect his touch or his kisses had on me. We continued to explore each other's bodies for some time, but we never got our hands below our waists.

I was in heaven and was so focused on what we were doing that the next thing I heard was, "Oh, sorry guys."

We had fallen asleep and I tried to open my eyes to see who had spoken, wondering why he said "guys" instead of "guy."

I tried to pull the arm off my chest but when I did so, the arm didn't respond. I looked at my chest and saw that it was not my arm that was lying there. By then I was awake. It was Francis who was lying there beside me. But if that was the case, then who was at the door? I quickly turned my head towards the door.

Then it came to me. My dad had told us yesterday that Alexei was staying in the guest room and he had told him where my bedroom was in case he needed something.

"I'm sorry, Nick. I had no plan to disturb you two."

"No problem, Alexei, but please, come in."

"Are you sure, Nick?"

"Yes, please, Alexei. I don't want to wake anyone else yet. I'd like to give an explanation for this first." I looked at Francis as I said that.

Alexei closed the door.

"So you two aren't an item if you need to give an explanation."

"Well …,' I stammered a bit. I seemed to be at a loss for words fairly often recently, I thought to myself.

"If you don't want to say anything, you don't have to tell me, Nick. I am fine with it. I have seen lots of relationships in the gymnastic world, so don't worry about it."

"Well, there is something of a problem, Alexei. You see, we are just getting to know each other and nobody else knows, so I would appreciate it if you didn't tell any one."

"OK, no problem, Nick. I won't tell. But isn't it better to wake Francis up now?"

"I guess so." I turned around towards Francis and nudged him awake.

Francis started to mumble something but I just couldn't make sense of it. I shook him again and he opened his eyes.

"Nick, what are you doing here?"

"I should ask that of you, Francis, because you are in my bedroom."

"Oh, no, damn. I must have fallen asleep."

"So it seems."

"But why did you wake me up the way you did? I would have preferred the way I woke you last night."

I felt my cheeks blush again. "Well, that would be a bit difficult; we have a visitor already this morning."

He looked around and, when he saw Alexei, he went pale.

"Don't worry, Francis. I won't tell anyone. Nick just explained the situation to me."

"Oh, he did."

He looked back at me and started to kiss me. I quickly broke it off. It just didn't feel right to do this in front of Alexei.

"Don't worry, Nick. I have seen that before, so don't stop for my sake. At least if it is just a good morning kiss and not the start of something more."

I started to laugh a little bit at the thought of that.

"Hmmmm, what time is it, Nick? I should get home before my parents wake; otherwise, they'll wonder what is going on."

I looked around to see the clock. "Well, that is going to be somewhat difficult, Francis, because it is almost 10 o'clock and if I look outside I would say in the morning."

"Oh, no, don't tell me that, Nick. I said that I wanted to be honest with them, but not quite yet."

"Don't worry, Francis. We'll just say that you stayed over and slept at my place."

"I thought of that, but they won't buy it, you know."

"Well, could we say that you slept over because you wanted to chat some more with Alexei?"

"Well, that might work, Nick. Do you mind, Alexei, if we involve you in this?"

"No, I'm fine with that. As I said to Nick before, I have seen a lot of gay guys in the gymnastic world and I have seen the struggles some of them feel. So don't worry about it; if need be, I'll be there to back you up."

"Well, we'd better get ready then and get downstairs for breakfast to see if father buys the explanation," I said.

"I guess you wanted something, Alexei?"

"Yes, I found the bathroom but do you know where I could find towels and stuff?"

"Of course! They are in the cupboard in the hall, right beside the bathroom door."

"Thanks. I'll have a shower and meet you downstairs in a moment."

"Fine, we'll first have breakfast and then shower later."

Alexei left the room and I looked at Francis. "Don't worry, Francis, we have a good explanation and they'll buy it, I'm sure."

"Well, I hope they do, but I'd better get downstairs and try to call them right now."

Francis straightened himself up and left the room. I looked around and thought it was a good idea to get something else on and then go downstairs to see if Francis needed any help.

As I reached the top of the stairs, David opened his door.

"What is all that noise this morning. Has everyone forgotten that today is Saturday and there is no meet today?"

I turned around and said to him, "There's just a lot of people around this morning David, more then we expected."

He had a puzzled look on his face. "I know Alexei is staying here, as you would have discoverd if you had stayed for practice last evening."

"I know, but I didn't mean Alexei, David."

"Oh, who do you mean then? Please tell me, as I'm not into any riddles on a Saturday morning."

"Well, I thought it better to tell you than hide it. Francis and I fell asleep last night talking to each other and we just woke up."

"Ah, talking, you say!"

"Yes, talking, David." I tried to sound as persuasive as possible, but I also felt my cheeks color.

"Well, it doesn't matter to me as long as dad knows about it."

"I was just going downstairs to see if he was there and to tell him what happened."

"You'd better do that. Has Alexei already come out of his room?"

"Well, you might say that, David. He woke us up this morning."

"He did what?"

"Shhhh," I said, "be quiet. I don't want dad to find out or come up to find out what is going on. I will tell you later, OK?"

"Fine, but are you sure I want to know more about that?"

I started to walk downstairs. There was one thing I knew from the conversation with David and that was that dad was already downstairs.

I walked past Francis in the hall. He was talking calmly to his parents as I went into the kitchen.

"Good morning, dad."

"Morning, Nick. How are you this morning and is Alexei already awake?"

"Yes, he is. He's just taking a shower."

"Ah, is that David on the telephone? I though I heard someone speaking a moment ago."

"No, that's not David, dad."

"Well, who did you call this early on Saturday morning?"

`It wasn't me either, dad. It's Francis. He's calling his parents to tell them he stayed at our house last night."

"Oh! I thought we had a rule that I would be told when someone is staying over and why didn't he call his parents last night?"

"Well, we were talking together and with Alexei when we somehow must have fallen asleep." I tried to say this as convincingly as possible, trying not to blush as I spoke.

"Well, next time, you'd better tell me. If something had happened last night, I wouldn't have known that he was here. Where did he sleep?"

"He slept in the chair in my room."

"That must have been a dreadful night for him then, Nick."

"Well, I haven't asked him yet how he slept. When we woke up, he thought it would be better to call his parents first."

At that moment Francis entered the kitchen. I immediately looked at him to see if the telephone call went well. He had a little smile on his face, so I guessed it had gone well.

"Coach, can I ask you something?" Francis said as he entered the kitchen.

"Yea, no problem, Francis."

"Could you give my parents a call later today to tell them that I stayed over because we chatted with Alexei for quite a while? They just want you to confirm what happened. They were a little upset by my not calling last night, so it would make my life a little bit easier if you could do that. I have written the number on the paper beside the telephone."

"If you want me to do that I can, but I would have thought they would trust you a little more than that."

"Well, they are just worried."

I could see on his face that he was only half serious about that part. There was more going on but he seemed to be trying to be as convincing as possible about what he said.

"OK, I'll give them a call later today. So what do you want for breakfast?"

That changed the subject and we started breakfast. I gave Francis a questioning look but he just smiled, so I thought his parent would buy his story as long as dad called them.

When we were almost finished, Alexei came into the kitchen.

"Good morning, everyone."

"Morning, Alexei," we all said, trying to hide the fact that both Francis and I had already seen him that morning.

"Did you sleep well, Alexei?"

"I did, thank you very much."

"I hope these two guys didn't keep you awake too late. I told them not to disturb you."

"No, they didn't disturb me. We started to talk yesterday when I walked into Nick's room to see where the towels were for my shower this morning. We had a very nice chat then."

"Well, that is fine by me. But if they bother you this week, just let me know."

"OK, I will."

As we finished breakfast, dad said, "I will call your parents in a moment, Francis. Should I tell them that you'll be home soon?"

"Yes, I guess I will, sir. I have to do some homework too, but if it's OK, I'll come back Sunday evening."

"That is fine by me, Francis. You know our door is always open as long as Nick or David wants to see you."

"I know, but I just wanted to be sure now that Alexei is here."

"I don't mind, Francis, the more people here, the happier I am," Alexei answered.

"No problem with Sunday evening, Francis. Nick will probably be busy until then anyway."

I looked at my dad. "Why is that? We haven't planned anything today or tomorrow as far as I know."

"Well you have now. I promised Alexei that you would show him the town this afternoon and I have another thing for you to do tomorrow."

I looked at my dad. With what had happened during the past 24 hours, I was really annoyed with him. "And what if I had had other plans?"

"Then you'd have to cancel them."

"No way," I said.

"If there's a problem, Nick, I can see the town by myself," Alexei said before my dad could answer.

I looked at Alexei and saw that he was a little bit embarrassed about being in the middle of a family dispute like this.

"This has nothing to do with you, Alexei," I said to him. "But dad, why didn't you ask me before promising such a thing to Alexei?" I was ready to give him another chance.

"I would have if you hadn't left yesterday without telling me where you were going."

"So you just promised without asking me? Well, I am really getting sick of this, dad. I have just about had it, after what happened yesterday. I thought that things were changing after our little talk this week but it seems not."

"What do you mean?" my father asked with a startled look on his face.

He didn't even know what I was talking about. Shit, this was even worse than I thought. He was doing all this without even thinking.

"Oh, damn. If you don't see it, then I feel sorry for you, but I am not your little puppy. I am a human being with feelings and not just some animal that can be told to do whatever you like."

I started to scream and cry at the same time. It was not easy to get me so angry, but if I was, there was little to say or do. I got red and continued crying and screaming.

"What are you talking about? I told you last week you were doing good on the team."

"Oh! So good you forgot to introduce me to Alexei in front of the team yesterday and so good that I don't have a record to show Alexei? No, it's just little insignificant me doing his father a favor, but not really considered a member of the team, not deserving of being treated as a member of the team."

Having said that, I thought I should get out of there. Our argument was getting us nowhere and I didn't want to lose it completely in front of Francis and Alexei.

I ran back to my room and just lay on my bed. I started to cry. My father had hurt me badly this time. I realised that doing everything he wanted to please him didn't work. He would never see me as a person but just as some nerd he had to cope with.

I don't know how long I stayed there but at some point, I felt Francis's arm on my back. I looked up and saw his eyes focused on mine.

"I am sorry you had to witness that, Francis."

"I'm not. Now I know what was bothering you. You have to become more open, Nick, not always keep everything inside. Remember that I am always here for you and ready to listen."

I saw a lot of compassion in his eyes and I threw myself into his arms.

He held me for a few moments and then I drew back.

"What did father say after I left?"

"Nothing much. He just sat there and, after a moment, he said that he'd better call my parents."

"Typical of him. Do you see now what I mean? If David had had an outburst like that, dad would have been in his room within a few minutes."

"Well, don't worry, Nick. I know he loves you. He was hurt when you said those things. I know you didn't see that because you were so angry, but I am sure he loves you."

"I don't know anything about love any more, Francis."

"Never doubt one thing, Nick. I love you."

With that, he started caressing me and we had a very long and deep kiss. When we ended that, I said, "I know, Francis, and I love you, too." We looked into each other's eyes and they stayed locked together for a while.

"Do you have to go, Francis?"

"Yes, I do, Nick. I have to deal with a little trouble at home. They were very suspicious, you know. Only when I told them that I would have your dad ring them did they stop questioning me. I am sure I can't hide this from them for much longer, but we must at least wait and see if we can resolve your home situation."

"Thanks, I would appreciate that."

There was a knock on the door. "Is it safe to come in, guys?"

It was the voice of Alexei. "Yes, come in, Alexei."

He came in and looked at us. "Are you OK, Nick?"

"Yes, thanks Alexei. I'm really sorry you had to witness that."

"That's OK, I have seen family fights before. I meant what I said: if you don't want to show me the town, that is fine. I can find my own way."

"No, that is not a problem, Alexei. I would love to show you around. It is only the things dad did that really got me pissed."

"OK, I will leave you to it, then, and be back in two hours. Is that all right?"

"Sure, that is fine by me. See you then."

He walked out of the room and I looked at Francis. "Do you really have to go so soon?"

"I had better, but I'll be back tomorrow night around 6. Maybe I can have dinner here if my parents let me."

We kissed again and then slowly Francis walked out of the room. We kept our eyes locked on each other until he closed the door.

I just stayed in my room. I didn't want to see my dad. If he wanted to talk with me, he could come to my room.

I didn't see my Dad all afternoon, until I left together with Alexei. He was probably out getting groceries or running other errands.

We toured the town and we got a lot of attention. Alexei was recognised a great deal. Later, I learned that there had been a big article with a prominent picture of him with my dad and the team in the local newspaper.

We had a great time. We talked a lot about a number of things. I had been afraid of that. I didn't know why Alexei would want to hang out with a high school brat like me. But it was really a pleasant afternoon.

When we came back just before dinner, I went straight up to my room, not wanting to talk to my dad.

But I was there about 5 minutes or so when there was a knock on my door.

"Nick, can we talk?"

It was my father but I wasn't too sure I wanted to talk with him yet. I knew I had hurt him, but that was the only way I could get though to him.

"Nick, please, we need to talk," he asked again when I didn't reply right away.

"Come on in," I said without much enthusiasm.

The door opened and my dad entered, first just looking around before getting a chair and sitting down on it beside my bed.

"I was a little surprised about your outburst this morning, Nick. I didn't see it coming and I really thought we had things worked out better after our little talk this week. I am a little angry that you did it in front of Alexei and Francis though."

"I'm …," I started.

"No, please, Nick, let me talk and when I am finished you can respond or leave it be for now. I did a lot of thinking today. Besides buying the groceries, I went out to the park and just sat a long time on a bench thinking about what you said. I know you are right somehow, but you must believe me when I say I love you." He waited a moment before he continued, but I just knew there was more to come and I didn't want to respond yet.

"Like I said, I know you are right about a few things you said. I have more problems talking to you than to David. It's always been that way, and I don't know why. Maybe I see a lot of myself in David and I usually know how he feels. We can talk easily about gym and other sports we both find interesting. But with you I am just not sure what to talk about. Still, I see a lot of myself in you, especially about character and stuff. You have to realize that I wasn't good in sports when I was your age. I was also by myself a lot and only when I went to university and got involved in gymnastics did I start to have friends and stuff. That is why I was so happy when you joined the team by becoming my assistant. I thought that would resolve our communications problems, but I know that isn't enough. So I will try to do better. I will try to listen more to you and to be more open. But I need help with that. I was very closed myself when I was your age and it is important that you tell me what you feel and what you want. I just can't guess."

This was a lot to hear from my father. He must have been doing a lot of thinking. We had never talked like this before.

"I just want you to know that I am ready to start fresh again if you are. I am not sure you can forgive me yet but I hope you can try to help me and be more open about what you feel and stuff."

He just looked at me. I did want to say something to him, but I just didn't know what exactly.

"You don't have to answer now, Nick. Just let me know if you want to talk, OK?"

"Yes, dad," I said to give him an answer at least.

He walked to the door and opened it.

"Dad," I said.

"Yes. Nick?"

"I just wanted to say thanks for what you said, and I will try to become more open."

"That is all I ask, Nick, and don't forget, I really do love you. Dinner will be ready in about an hour."

I started to think a great deal about what dad had just said. I knew he was right. I would forgive him and, indeed, I had to be more open with him. Otherwise there would be no communication at all. Francis had already told me this, and he was right. I started to think about Francis and how our relationship was changing very quickly. I still hadn't been with him naked, so I hadn't really felt his hard body against mine. I adored his strong chest, his lovely earlobes, his powerful, well-muscled legs. I started to daydream a little when Alexei knocked on my door and told me dinner was ready.

I went downstairs and predictably, nothing special happened during dinner. They all (dad, David and Alexei) did their best to get me involved in the conversation as much as possible. I appreciated their efforts and I knew I had to try to do my best also.

I did participate in the dinner talk, and all went well. I went to bed early that night; I just wanted to do a little reading before I went to sleep. I started to read Lord of the Rings by Tolkien. I had heard a friend talking about it and what he said made me curious about the book. I looked something up on the Internet about it and found that there was a big crowd of fans of the book with almost entirely positive reaction to it.

I woke up around 10 in the morning. It was Sunday. I know that Francis would be around that evening, perhaps for supper. I got up and had my shower.

During breakfast, we exchanged our plans for the day and I told the others I had nothing special organized. I went back to my room afterwards and continued to read my book. I really started to get into the story, the beautiful birthday party of Bilbo and Frodo and the discovery of the ring.

I was so involved in the book that I didn't hear when the door opened.

"Nick, do you have a moment?"

"Sure, Alexei, I'm just reading. What is on your mind?"

"I just wanted to ask you a favour. I have discussed the possibility of doing some exercise this afternoon to keep myself in form. I talked to a guy named Mike because I'd understood he had some fitness apparatus in his basement. He agreed to my doing some exercise but he's not going to be home this afternoon. He said you know what is there and how to use them. So could you go with me?"

I completely froze at that point. I just looked at Alexei, but couldn't answer him.

"Hey, you do know where he lives and how to work the machines, don't you?"

"Yes, I know," I said.

I felt the whole of my world turn upside down again. What could I do? I was still not strong enough to go to Mike's place on my own, that was for certain. I was just getting to the point where I could avoid thinking about that horrible experience, and now Alexei wanted me to go to Mike's house. I could have said no, of course, but I had no good explanation for doing so. Everyone knew I had nothing else planned this afternoon, so why not go there? I had never said anything to anyone, so dad must think that I enjoyed myself at Mike's. I was sure he would make me tell him why I didn't want to go there after our conversation of this morning. He would try to understand me and so he would push me to open up to him.

There was only one thing I could do.

Sorry guys but there is where I want to leave the story for now. I hope you like the new developments and I love to hear what you think what Nick should do. Any response is appreciated and can be send to or by ICQ to: 36967366

Next: Chapter 16

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