Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Nov 11, 2001


Chapter 18 of Coach's Assistant

Well here it is chapter 18 at last. I know that it has been quite a few weeks since my last post but I really needed it to make this chapter into the one I wanted to. I hope you enjoy it also and ofcause I am interesting in hearing your reactions.

Regarding any implication of knowing about the sexual live of Alexei Nemov I must declare that this is not based on any true knowledge I have about him.

Then I want to thank both my editors to make sure that this chapter is more enjoyable to read for you all.

I just wanted to say that I really liked the story Ambushed which I read on nifty lately and found a very good story sofar. Ok here we go again with Francis and Nick.

Ok for now guys enjoy it and let me know what you want me to do further with it.

Where we left of:

I looked up when I heard someone entering the kitchen.

"You're early, Nick. Did you not sleep well?"

"Good morning, dad. No, not so good. I just thought I would start on breakfast instead of lying there waiting until it was time to get up."

"Hmmm, I believe this is the first time I've seen you prepare breakfast. Dinner, yes, that is what I'm used to from you, but breakfast!"

"Well, I'm not going to make this a part of my routine, you can count on that, too."

"OK. Well, you'd better make sure everyone is awake if you want them to eat something before they go. I will watch the oven."

I saw that he was looking at the table then. "Hey, didn't you put one plate too many on the table?"

I looked at him, just not knowing what to say and I felt my face start to get red.

Ok lets go on with chapter 18:

I quickly went upstairs and knocked on David's door. When there was no response, I slowly opened it and looked to see if he was awake. He was lying with his face towards the door so I saw that he was still sleeping. I went to his bed and gently shook him "David, breakfast is ready."

"Mmmm, let me sleep," David murmured sleepily.

"Come on, David, I prepared breakfast and you promised you would be there this morning."

David opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Are you nervous this morning, Nick? You haven't made breakfast in a long time."

"I know, but I just couldn't sleep any longer, so I decided to get up and start breakfast."

"Is Dad already downstairs?"

"Yes, he is, keeping an eye on the stuff in the oven."

"Oh, you really did go to a lot of trouble this morning, didn't you?"

"Yes, I did, so get up."

I tugged on his arms and when he was half way out of bed, I let go of him and started towards the door.

"OK, I'll be down in10 minutes."

"Well, the croissants should be ready by then, too."

I closed his door and went up to my bedroom. I quietly opened the door and looked at my bed to see if Francis was awake or not. He was lying on his back with one arm above the sheets and one underneath. In his sleep, he didn't look quite so sad. He wasn't smiling, but at least he wasn't distraught, the way he had been last night.

I started to walk towards the bed, my eyes focused on his face, his beautiful hair, those lovely cheeks, and those lips I could kiss forever. I wasn't sure if I could wake him up; he looked so peaceful lying there in bed, and I knew that reality would hit him as soon as he was awake. I continued to gaze at him sleeping; then knelt down beside the bed. I had decided how I was going to wake him up.

I slowly brought my mouth to his left ear and started to blow into it gently. When he didn't respond to that, I placed some light kisses on his earlobe. Again there was no reaction. Instead of just kissing his earlobe harder, I took it in my mouth and sucked on it.

I looked up to see if there was any response. Though I thought I saw some change in his breathing, he still kept his eyes closed. I wasn't sure if he was awake or not.

I moved to the side of his head and started to kiss his cheeks, going slowly towards his nose. If he wasn't going to respond to gentle prodding, I was just going to have to be a little bit more aggressive and nip his nose.

I had almost reached his nose when suddenly, without warning, he turned his head and, instead of me biting his nose, he kissed me full on my lips.

"Thanks, Nick. You just reminded me why I came here after what happened last night."

"I love you, Francis. You must never forget that."

"I know. Nick."

As he said that, he kissed me again, this time deeper and with even more passion.

"I'm sorry, Francis, but I'm afraid it's time to get up for breakfast. Plus, you have to do something about your breath before you kiss me any more, or I may not enjoy it as much as I want to," I added, teasing.

With a puppy dog look in his eyes, he held my gaze and said, "Just one more, please?"

"No," I said firmly. "Breakfast is ready and you have to shower and get dressed first."

"Oh, please, just one more?"

He continued begging and I knew there was only one way to get him out of bed. I stood up and quickly pulled the sheets down. He was completely surprised by that and he blushed when he saw my eyes travel from his upper body towards his crotch.

I wasn't prepared for what I saw: he was wearing a pair of quite sexy black briefs. But that wasn't what made him embarrassed; there was a little more bulge than I had seen up to that point in the lockers. He quickly grabbed the sheets and pulled them back up to his waist.

"No need to hide anything, Francis. I wanted to see it and I'm sure I'll see a lot more of it in the future."

"I know, but you just caught me by surprise there and what with the kisses and all . well.."

"What do you think happened to me?" I asked as I pointed at my crotch. "You thought I wouldn't get excited when you kissed me?"

"OK, get out of here so I can go to the bathroom. I'll be down in 5 or 10 minutes."

"If you want warm croissants, you'd better hurry or David will have eaten them all."

"He's already downstairs, Nick?"

"Well, he should be in a few minutes, so we can face Dad together."

"OK, that's good. I'll hurry and be down as soon as possible."

I went back downstairs. I knew we had to face Dad soon and give him some explanation. I wasn't sure yet how he would react. I went into the kitchen and checked to see whether Dad had arrived. He was sitting at the table and it looked like he had just got the croissants out of the oven.

"The croissants are ready, so I hope you were able to rouse the others. Though I am not sure Alexei will appreciate you waking him up."

"Well, I didn't even try, Dad. I just let him sleep."

I was waiting for the obvious question that was going to follow.

"So why did you put an extra plate on the table then?"

"Well, I had someone sleep over last night and .."

"You did what??? I thought we agreed last time that you'd tell me in advance, Nick. You know if something happens at night that I want to know who is in the house. I expected you to learn that lesson last time."

"I'm sorry, Dad, but there was no way I could tell you. You were already sound asleep when he came over and I thought it better not to wake you up. Besides, David was with us and knew there was someone staying over."

"Well, then it isn't so bad, but I wouldn't have minded if you'd woke me up.

I did some reading before I went to sleep last night."

"I know, but it was quite late when he came over."

"Before we get into this, Nick, who are we talking about? Who slept over and will he be joining us for breakfast?"

"Well, um . Francis did, Dad. But can't we wait until he and David come downstairs to discuss this? I asked David what to do and he said it would be better to tell you in the morning."

"OK, I'd appreciate it if Francis could call before he imposes on us like that in the future."

"I understand, Dad, but it just wasn't possible this time. Otherwise he would have."

"Hmm, let me guess: has this got something to do with the way his parents reacted when you had dinner with Alexei?"

I thought about what I should say to that. I was trying to stall a bit in the hopes that both David and Francis would come down so we could discuss this together.

"I guess it is, but please, can we wait a moment until David and Francis get down here?"

Dad didn't say any more at that point and just started eating his croissant, waiting for the others to come down. He looked at me from time to time and I was really glad when I heard them coming down together.

"So Francis, I hope you slept well?"

"Yes, thank you, sir."

"And you, David?"

"I did too, Dad."

"Next time you know you must wake me up and tell me that someone is sleeping over, David. You know the rules about this. I am disappointed in you and Nick not telling me."

"But Dad .."

"No 'but Dads' David. We'll discuss it this evening. I am not going to bend on this one. I have to know who is in the house just in case there is an emergency. I don't want to have to be the person to tell Francis's parents that their son died in a fire because I didn't know he was there. And as for you Francis .."

My dad was on his "safety" speech and I just hoped he wouldn't scare Francis too much. I was not sure what Francis could handle at that moment. I had already seen that he was upset by the tone my father had adopted.

"As for you, Francis, next time call the evening before. This is the second time you've done this and I'm not so happy about it."

I saw how all the colour left Francis's face, and some tears started to form in his eyes. Francis looked at me for support. I looked again at David because I couldn't say a word; I only wanted to get up and take Francis in my arms to comfort him.

"That is not fair, Dad," David started. "Francis couldn't help it this time."

My Dad looked at me and then at David again before turning towards Francis. He must have seen how pale Francis was and the tears that were starting to form.

"I'm not mad at you, Francis, but I just don't like the idea of someone sleeping over without me knowing it. That's all."

'Dad, please, let it be," I said.

But Dad wanted more. He saw the concern on my face and he looked at Francis again.

"Why didn't you call first, Francis?"

I looked at Francis and I knew he just wanted to flee. This was all going to be just too much.

"Francis, please tell me why you didn't call." A little concern slipped into my Dad's voice.

I stood up and walked over to Francis. I stood behind him and rested my hands on his shoulders to let him know I was there.

"Would you have preferred that Francis sleep outside, Dad?" I answered on Francis's behalf.

"Why should he spend the night outside? He could have gone .. Oh no, you're having a fight with your parents?"

Francis just nodded.

"You wouldn't have wanted him to spend the night outside, Dad, so we though it would be better if he slept in Nick's room."

"Now I kind of understand, but you two could have got me up."

"We know that, but it was really late and we saw no point in waking you up."

"Do your parents know where you are, Francis?"

"No, Dad, they don't know and they don't need to know either," I said.

"Well, they must be worried about you, so we'd better call them now."

"No, Dad, that is not a good idea, believe me. Maybe later, but not now," David answered this time before I could argue.

I still had my hands on Francis' shoulders and I felt him shaking with nervousness, afraid he might have to call his parents in order to stay.

My Dad looked at Francis and asked, "Whatever happened, Francis? They'll be worried about you and want to know where you are. They still love you, never forgot that."

Just hearing those words, an echo of what we had said to each other upstairs, made me look at Francis to see how he would respond. But his gaze was locked onto my Dad and then, without warning, he turned his head around, buried his face against me and started to cry.

My Dad looked at me and then from me to David. "Sorry, Francis, I didn't mean to upset you. You are welcome in this house, as you know, so don't worry about it. You can stay until you've worked things out with your parents."

I looked at David, hoping he wouldn't say any more because I wasn't sure whether Francis or even I could handle it.

"Thanks, Dad," David answered for us. "Maybe we can try to finish breakfast now, go to school and talk about it later tonight. Is that OK by you, Nick?"

"Yes, David, that strikes me as a good idea."

"Well, if Francis is not up to talking at the moment . and I don't think he is . we'll sit down tonight and talk about it."

Francis slowly turned towards my Dad with tears running down his face. "Thank you, sir. I would like that . I just can't talk about it at the moment."

"Don't worry about it, Francis. We can discuss it later and you must know that if I can do something to help you and your parents, I will."

"Thanks, Dad," I said, feeling quite relieved.

"Do you think you are up to going to school today, Francis? I can see that whatever happened took a lot out of you. If you want, you can stay here today and if Nick or David wants to keep you company that is fine by me, too. I will make sure that your other teachers know and they can give me your homework assignments."

"You mean, I can stay home, too?" I asked.

"Yes, Nick, to keep Francis company. I think he could use that."

I wasn't sure what Dad meant because when he said that either of us could stay home, he looked at David first, as if he thought that he was the one who should stay with Francis.

"Thanks, Dad. We can do some studying together."

"Fine, Nick, as long as you also prepare dinner. We'll have more time to discuss what we can do to get Francis back home. Do you want me to call them today, Francis?"

"No, sir, please don't tell them that I am here. Please don't call them."

"OK, we'll discuss things tonight. Well, let's just enjoy this nice breakfast because it's been a long time since Nick went to this much effort."

Dad was smiling as he said that.

We started to eat breakfast and we chatted about gymnastics and other subjects, but nothing more was said about Francis and his plight. I returned to my place and saw Francis smile at me. My defenses started to melt and I knew I had to look the other way or else I wouldn't be able to eat one more bite.

I liked the idea of spending the whole day with Francis. I knew that Alexei might also be around, but I knew that I had to help Francis prepare for tonight.

"I'm going to take a shower, if that's alright?"

I knew that Francis had already showered, so I wasn't sure why he said that.

I could only think that he wanted to get away from the table.

"You know where to find it," Dad replied. "I'll be going soon but if there's anything you need today, just call me, OK?"

"Yes, Dad, we will."

Francis and Dad left the room. David and I stayed behind, just as I wanted.

"Thanks, David, for your support. We really needed it."

"Well, you did pretty well yourself, Nick, though if you don't want Dad to know that you two are a couple, you'd better be careful because it was quite obvious to me this morning."

"Thanks, David, but I think I might just tell him tonight. I don't want to lie to him and I know I can't pretend if Francis is going to be around."

"No, you can't continue to hide, that's for sure. Will you be OK today?''

"Yep, we will, and if we run into any problems, Alexei is always here to talk with and help us out."

"OK, then take care and I'll see you two tonight."

"You'll be here to support us?"

"Sure, I have nothing planned, so I'll be here, just like I was this morning."

"I know, David, and I appreciate your support a lot."

"Well, that is what brothers do."

I walked upstairs to join Francis. First I checked the shower, but I heard no water running, so I walked straight to my room. I opened the door and saw that he was lying on the bed with his back towards the door. He was in a fetal position, sobbing, and I knew he was in pain. I slowly moved towards the bed and sat down on it.

I laid my hand on his shoulder and, when I touched him, he shook just a little bit more. Then he turned around and, as I started to say something, he cried even harder and laid his head on my lap. I started to comfort him by running my fingers through his hair. We stayed like that for a while. I tried to calm him down by saying that everything was going to be all right.

It took him a while to stop crying, then suddenly he looked up and said, "I'll be out of here before your Dad comes home, so you won't have to explain everything to him."

"What!!! No, Francis, we're going to see this through together. David will be here, too, and you've got nothing to be afraid of."

Our eyes stayed locked together.

"Are you sure. Nick? Because when we tell your Dad what happened, we'll have to tell him everything. Just saying that I had a fight with my parents won't be enough. I noticed how he reacted this morning. If we try to tell less than the full story, he'll just try to contact them and then he will find out the whole story for sure."

"I know, Francis, but if that is what it takes, we'll do it."

"Thanks, Nick." And with that, he kissed me on the lips. Slowly I opened my mouth and his tongue slid inside and oh so gently we started to explore more and more of each other. It was like dancing to slow music.

When we stopped to catch our breath, he looked at me and continued our conversation. "You know that if he puts one and one together, he'll know that we are a couple. The way you intervened this morning will have made him suspicious, too."

"I know. David told me the same thing just a minute ago. He said that, if you were going to be around, I had to be careful and he didn't think I could keep up the charade that we were just friends."

"So, are you ready to tell him everything?"

"Yes, I think I am and I trust my Father to be pretty sensible about it. I'm not afraid of a reaction like the one from your parents."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes, I am quite sure, Francis. I would be greatly disappointed if we got a negative response. He might be shocked by it, yes, but he won't let us down. But we don't have to deal with that now, we'll have the whole day ahead of us to decide how we'll tell him."

"OK, I'm glad I'm here, and you and David have been such good friends, Nick.

I can't thank you enough for all you've done for me. So, what do you want us to do now, some studying?"

"Hmm, no, I don't think so. I was up early and I could still use some rest, so why don't we just lay down on the bed and enjoy each other's company?"

Francis lay down on the bed and I placed myself very close to him. The bed was too narrow for us not to be close. We just lay there for a while and then suddenly we turned our heads towards each other at the same time. Our eyes locked again and I felt my cock stiffen. Those lovely deep blue eyes were just too much. I gently put my hand on the back of his head and ran my fingers through his hair. Then I pulled his head a little closer to me. I opened my mouth and slowly touched his lips and started to suck on the upper one. I let go and he opened his mouth. We started to kiss very deeply and emotionally. I don't think I had ever been this close to Francis before. Feelings of protection and worry came together with the true love I felt for him.

I was sure then that I wanted more from him this time, though I was not sure if Francis wanted the same. I didn't want to take advantage of his situation, of the troubled feelings he had. Then I felt Francis's hand on mine and he slowly pulled it down towards his crotch. I moved away from his lips and looked into his eyes.

"Are you sure, Francis?" I asked in a very soft voice.

"Yes, Nick, I want you to feel it, to touch it, to rub it . please."

He let go of my hand but I needed no more incentive. I slowly started to rub his crotch through his pants. I could feel exactly where his cock was; even feel his blood pumping through it. I could feel it harden under my hand.

Francis moaned and I slowly pulled his zipper open. I slipped my hand inside to feel once more his beautiful organ. I knew then that I wanted to touch his bare skin. I pulled his jeans down so I could see the outline of a very hard and thick cock lying within his white Calvin Klein underwear.

I rubbed his cock now through his underwear, sometimes squeezing it a little bit. When I did that, Francis's moans were louder. "Oh, Nick . yes, please, touch it. Your hand feels so wonderful . go on, touch it, and squeeze it."

I looked at his face and saw that Francis had his eyes closed. He was really enjoying this. I started to pull his underwear down. First, the head of his cock popped out. It was nicely coloured, just a little pink, not too red, and the skin was pulled back over his dick. His dick head was large and hard. I slowly pulled the underwear further down. My god, what a huge cock! I never thought that someone could have such a thick cock, at least not someone of Francis's age. He moaned more as I pulled his underwear down his legs. His balls, well shaped and just around the same size as mine, came into view. I pulled the underwear down a little more as Francis said, "Be careful, I'm almost there."

"I know, Francis, I can see."

With one hand, I took his balls and slowly rolled them in my hand. With my other hand, I took his cock and grasped its thickness. The feeling of my hand on his cock was just too much; my dick started to spasm and I felt mycum spurt into my underwear.

Francis must have noticed it because he said, "You must like what you feel," interrupted by a deep moan as I slowly rubbed his dick again. When I pulled on it a couple of times, that was enough: spurts of cum landed on his T-shirt. I looked surprised at the amount of cum that launched across his chest. The first gushes reached almost to his chin, and the next six or seven landed on his chest and stomach before the last drops dribbled into his crotch hair.

I kept looking at his chest until I felt my head nudged and Francis started to kiss me. That took a while and, when we finished, Francis said, "Thank you, Nick. That was one of the best orgasms I've ever had, much more pleasant then the recent jacking jobs I had to do myself."

I just smiled and said, "Glad I could give you a hand."

He started to laugh at that and he kissed me again. I felt his hand brush over my crotch and he must have felt the wet spot because, as he finished the kiss, he looked down and said, "It looks like I'm not the only one who enjoyed himself."

I softly said, "No, I liked it too, Francis, touching your cock, feeling the skin, it was all so great. It felt as if I could feel the blood going in and out of it. It was as hard as muscles can get when you work out for a long time."

"Well, if you want me to return the favour .," and he gently started to open my zipper.

I waited for a second but then decided I didn't want this right now. I put my hand on his to stop him. He looked at me and I saw a little bit of disappointment on his face.

"Of course, I want it, Francis. There is nothing I would like to experience more. But I am already on a complete high because of the feelings of having your cock in my hands and playing with your balls. Besides, I already had an orgasm about the time you did I want to enjoy it when you touch me and I am not sure I could feel any better than I do right now. Maybe later. "OK," he said but he didn't sound completely convinced.

"I mean it, Francis. You'll see and feel me soon, but not right now." I smiled at him and then kissed him again.

We started another lip and tongue dance and I knew I would have to stop soon or I wouldn't be able to breathe any more.

We laid down on the bed for a few hours, I think just enjoying each other's presence; sometimes kissing but most of the time just resting in each other's arms. I think my mind wandered as often as Francis' did towards the coming evening.

At one point, I heard the door of the bathroom so I knew that Alexei was awake and out of bed.

I knew we had to get up, too. I had to do some homework and I was sure that Francis had some to do as well, but it was just so nice lying beside each other.

But in the end, we got up and did some homework and listened to some music. Alexei must have left the house because I didn't hear him any more and I expected him to come to my room if he heard the music.

For lunch we went down to the kitchen. We had some pancakes and just talked about school and the gymnastics team. Francis asked about my relatives and where they all were.

Then suddenly we heard the key in the back door and Alexei walked in. "Hey, what are you two doing home so early?"

"Early, Alexei? We didn't go to school at all."

"You know, I'll have to tell your Dad because he'll find out any way."

"He already knows. As a matter of fact, he was the one who suggested it."

A look of surprise crossed Alexei's face. "Why?" he asked.

I looked at Francis and he nodded, giving me permission to tell Alexei the whole story. So I told Alexei what had happened. I didn't hold back anything, not even the way his parents had put him out of the house.

"Oh, no! They didn't! I am so sorry, Francis."

He had walked over to Francis and started to hug him. Francis's eyes started to tear up.

"So, what did your Dad say about it?"

"He only knows that Francis had a fight with his parents, not what happened afterwards. He hasn't seen the suitcase yet."

"Are you going to tell him what happened?"

"Yes, tonight. He wanted to hear more this morning, but we said that we should wait until tonight for him to hear the full story."

Alexei had kept his eye on Francis throughout this discussion, but he turned towards me and said, "Are you going to tell him that you're gay, too?"

"I'm not sure yet, but he's going to figure it out soon, Alexei. He'll soon put it all together, I think. We've spent quite a lot of time together lately, so I think it's not too hard to figure out. And David told me I'd never be able to keep up the charade of us just being friends if Francis was here all the time. I'm afraid he's right about that."

"Ah, how do you expect your Dad to react if you tell him everything, Nick? Do you want me to be around, too?"

"I'm not sure. I think he might be shocked at first, but I don't expect an especially negative response. If you are going to be around later tonight, great, but David will also be here. I don't want my dad to think that he is the last person on earth I am telling all this to. So I think I'd prefer it if you could be there later to talk with him if he needs that."

"OK, I can do that, no problem."

He stopped for a moment, thinking about something. Then he started to stammer and he blushed.

"I guess I'd better tell you because you're going to be around this afternoon so you'll find out anyway. James is coming to visit me in about 30 minutes. I hope you have no problem with that."

"No, of course not. I like James and you do whatever you want to do. We'll try not to be in your way."

"Hey, it sounds as if you think we're getting together to do important stuff, Nick. We just wanted to spend the afternoon together, maybe watching a movie or something."

"OK, sorry, I presumed too much," I said, blushing at my assumption that something was going on.

"Would you mind if we joined you, Alexei?" Francis asked.

"No, of course I wouldn't mind. I'm not sure if James will, but I don't think so."

"OK, do you want something for lunch, or can I clean up?"

"No, I've already had something to eat, so you can go ahead. I'll pick out a movie to watch."

We quickly got the dishes done and walked into the living room. Though we hadn't heard him arrive, James was already there, and it looked as if Alexei had already told him that we were there because he didn't seemed too surprised.

"Glad you're joining us, although I believe the reason why is not a good one," said James. And with that, he walked over to Francis and gave him a big hug.

"OK, that is enough hugging for today . let go, Francis."

They were a little surprised by my tone of voice, and I knew that what I said came out a little bit harsher than I had intended. So I tried to adopt a more laughing tone saying, "There is only one guy who is allowed to hug you like that, and that's me." I had walked towards Francis and pulled him towards me in a strong embrace. Then I knew what I had to say, and softly I whispered in his ears, "I love you, Francis." I felt him grip me tighter, as if he wanted me to know that he'd heard what I said.

We sat down on the couch and started to watch the movie. It wasn't a great one but not a bad one, either. I saw that Francis was still distracted because most of the time his gaze was off somewhere else in the room and not on to the television.

Alexei must have seen it too, because he said,"Not the best of choices, you think?" "No, I believe David bought it but regretted the purchase later."

"So, do you want to do something else?" I looked at Francis who answered, "Yes, that's fine by me." But it was said with very little enthusiastic. "OK, what do you guys think about us playing some cards?" Alexei suggested. "Yes, I like to play cards," James said. "Good idea." "Fine by me," I said.

I got out the cards and we started to play some poker, but as anyone knows, playing poker without any stakes is not much fun. I said, "Not playing for anything isn't much fun."

"You're right," James said, "but I don't have any money with me." A ghost of a smile passed Alexei's lips. "We could play with our clothes as the stakes." I looked at Francis and then at James. They both nodded, leaving me to respond." "That could be fun, Alexei." "Have any of you played this way before?" We all said no, and so Alexei explained the rules and we started to play.

I'm not going to tell you in detail how the game went, but I can say one thing: Alexei had played a lot of poker before, as he admitted afterwards. So, we all lost a few hands and Alexei won most of them. After 30 minutes of play, I still had on my trousers and underwear and so did James. Francis had done a little better and also retained his T-shirt. I knew I was close to being down to my underwear.

What was kind of strange was that, even though I had seen all of them in their underwear or even without, I felt excited and kind of strange. I wanted to lose and have to take my trousers off.

And you can guess what happened: I lost the next hand and had to take off my pants. Francis started to applaud and had a big smile on his face. I realised then that this had been a very good distraction from all his problems.

I slowly stood up and started to unzip my pants. James and Alexei started to cheer me on as I slowly, almost teasingly, lowered my pants. But when I got out of them, I sat down as quickly as I could. I was semi-hard and was getting a little embarrassed by the fact. "I want to see more," Francis said, "but I can wait until later." They all laughed at that comment. I just smiled and started to deal the cards for the next hand. Francis lost that round and took off his T-shirt. Then James lost and also removed his pants.

I smiled at him, letting him know that I appreciated what lay hidden in his trousers. I saw that Alexei was staring hard at James with a big smile on his face.

James also sat down as quickly as he could and started to deal the next round. I lost again and Alexei said, "Well, maybe we have gone far enough. Maybe we should quit. I'm not sure if you guys are up to another round." "Well, we can think of something else," Francis said. "We can stop now and let the two who have lost almost everything do something else to please us in private."

"Hmmm, where you are going with this, Francis?" Alexei asked. I looked at James and he looked at me. "As long as we can have some fun, too, I think we might be able to continue. What do you think, James?" I asked. "Hmmm, that might be a good idea. I think I like this direction," James answered. 'I think if you want to go any further, we should go upstairs," Francis said.

I knew what was going to happen because Francis had told me something earlier that day. I got hard from that thought. I stood up and walked towards the door. "Well, you seem to be ready for it," Alexei added with a smile on his face. "I am really looking forward to it, Alexei," I replied.

When we entered my bedroom, Francis turned me around and started to kiss me.

"You know what I want, don't you?" "Yes, I know, Francis." He started to rub my bare chest with his hands. Slowly he moved from one nipple to the other and then back again. The other hand was on my back and slowly moving lower. It felt like a bolt of lightning hit my spine as Francis pulled my underwear down and started to stroke my ass in slow, gentle circles.

Then he released my nipples and his hands wandered down to the front of my underwear. Just before he touched my bulge, I started to tremble.

"You'd better go lie down on the bed, Nick. I want you to enjoy this as much as possible."

I laid down on the bed. Francis got down beside me, sitting in the middle of the bed. He turned me slightly sideways so he could continue to work both sides of me with his hands.

This time he laid his hand on my crotch and I felt gallons of blood rush into my cock, which got very hard very quickly, quicker than I had ever gotten hard before.

After he rubbed my bulge a few times, he slid my underwear off and examined me carefully. I closed my eyes and felt like this was one of my dreams.

I'm not sure I remembered much of the next few minutes, but I know that the intensity of the feelings rushing through my body was more than I'd ever felt before. I could hardly believe that there could be more than this.

I started to hump Francis's fist, which he had put around my shaft. That must have been the signal for Francis because he quickly picked up the pace and started to stroke it heavily.

When he touched my asshole with his other hand, that was enough to put me over the edge. My legs gave way and streams of cum erupted from my cock. I shot further than I ever remember shooting. I came and came. But as my orgasm ebbed, the emotional high also fell.

I am sure I laid silent and unmoving for a few minutes until, suddenly, I felt Francis putting his lips on mine.

"Hmmm, you liked that, didn't you?"

"Oh, god, Francis, I love you so much. It was so wonderful."

"I thought so, but I just wanted to hear it from you."

We kept kissing for a while. I felt Francis's crotch against my leg and I wanted to touch it.

"No, this was for you. I can wait until next time, Nick."

"Well, it doesn't feel like that, Francis," I said with a grin.

"You'd better clean up so we can do some homework before the afternoon ends and we need to start supper."

"You're not changing the subject, are you, Francis?"

"Come on, Nick, get into the shower, boy."

"Hmmm, now you sound just like my father."

"Oh, god, I love you so much, Nick." And with that he put his lips back on mine and we started to do a little more of the lip dance we'd perfected this morning.

After a while I pushed him up, smiled at him and went and had a shower.

When I was finished, we just worked at my desk, our bodies a little bit apart from each other so we could do some studying.

We continued with that until it was 5 p.m. Then we went downstairs. I noticed that Francis became increasingly quieter.

"Don't worry, Francis. It will all be all right. I know my Dad . he won't kick us out onto the street." I walked over to him and, when I got behind him, I hugged him from the back to let him know I was always going to be there for him.

"I know, Nick. But after last night, I'm not sure how anyone is going to react to it. I know one thing: I can't handle another reaction like the one from my parents."

"Well, he won't respond that way . and if he does, David is going to be there and Alexei will be upstairs, so help will be available."

"I know, but knowing something and feeling it are two different things. Are you sure, Nick, that you want to come out to your Dad tonight, too?"

"I don't want to continue lying to him, Francis. I'm sure that he'll notice soon enough because I don't think we will be keep our hands or our eyes off each other to prevent suspicion."

"Oh, I know. Well, we'll just have to wait and see how things go. Let's start dinner."

We had worked for 45 minutes and everything was nearly ready when we heard the front door open and we heard voices in the hallway.

At first, I didn't realise what was happening, but Francis walked towards me and placed himself behind me. I immediately rubbed his shoulder and gave him a gentle smile before my Dad and David entered the kitchen.

"So, how was your day, boys? Are you feeling any better, Francis?"

Dad must have had a good day because he was in a really good mood. I saw that David had a big smile on his face, too.

"We're fine. We got some more sleep and we did some homework."

"Ahhhh, perfect. Did anyone see Alexei? We missed him at training. He missed a lot, I would say."

We hadn't thought about Alexei and James after we went to my bedroom. I wasn't sure if I'd heard them leaving the house, so they could have been upstairs still in the guest bedroom.

"I haven't seen him for the last three hours, Dad. Maybe you could go take a look, Francis, to see if he's in his room?"

By the look on his face, I knew that Francis understood what I wanted him to do. I also knew what I was afraid of. He disappeared upstairs.

"How is he really, Nick? He surprised me this morning. I'm sorry the way I talked to him this morning . that must have given him another shock."

"I think he's just trying to get through the day without thinking too much about it, Dad. We talked about it and he's still not too sure about telling you everything, but I think he knows he has to and that he can trust you with it."

"OK, well first we'll have dinner and then we can meet in the living room so you can explain what happened and what we can do about it."

Dad went upstairs to freshen up. I looked at David and said, "You two seem to be very happy tonight. Anything I should know?"

"Let's just say that I made sure he'd be in a good mood for the things you have to tell him tonight."

"How did you do that, David?"

"Practice went very well. Both Mike and I did the entire new routine without any mistakes on four of the six apparatus."

"Well, congratulations! That's really a big improvement . no wonder he was in a good mood."

"To make things even better, I told him I'd like it if he'd prepare dinner on Sunday so that I could ask Kathy to come over to join us."

"Hmmm, things are really getting serious between you two, aren't they?"

"Yes, we talked about it and Kathy liked the idea of getting to know you two a little better. We'll be going for dinner the following Sunday to her place."

"How did Dad react to that news?"

"He was very excited and said that Kathy was a really lovely girl and that he would love to cook something special for her."

"Well, I'm glad for you, David. I hope we'll still be here on Sunday to join you."

"I think you will, Nick . don't worry about it. He'll perhaps be a little shocked, but he will accept it."

"Thanks, David. I know it's not what you want to hear, but I really appreciate you being here for me."

"I'm glad you confided in me, Nick. I'm your brother and sometimes in the past I was afraid that we would become two complete strangers instead of brothers."

"I know, David. I felt that way, too, sometimes." I walked over to him and we hugged each other.

We were still hugging when Dad came back into the room. He looked a little bit surprised, I guess, but he didn't say anything about it.

"If you want it, the shower is free, David."

"Thanks, Dad."

David went upstairs as Francis returned to the kitchen.

"I found Alexei; he was sleeping. He'll be down in a couple of minutes or so."

"Ah, that is why he missed the training session. I'll ask him if he wants to give an extra one on Saturday morning instead."

I tried to tell from the look on Francis's face whether James was still up there, or whether he had just left, but all I could gather was that James had already left our house.

We completed dinner preparations while Dad read the evening paper at the table. David and Alexei joined us just before we started. Most of the time we ate in silence, as if no one wanted to say anything, which would be trival in comparison with the conversation we'd be having after dinner. Dad asked Alexei if he would give another training session, which he agreed to immediately. He was pleased to hear that Mike and David had done so well but wondered whether this was just a fluke or if they could repeat it again tomorrow.

When dinner was finished, I started to clean up and Alexei said that he was going upstairs so we could talk in private. Dad looked surprised at that, but Alexei said, "Nick had to explain to me why he was home with Francis; otherwise, I would have brought them to school this morning."

"Yes, they just could have been skipping school today," Dad agreed.

"Thanks, Alexei," I yelled after him as he left the room.

"OK, if you clean here up, David and I will be waiting for you in the living room."

We finished up as quickly as we could, though I thought that Francis tried to stall a bit.

"Are you are ready for this, Francis?"

"Maybe I should ask you the same question, Nick."

"I'm fine. Don't worry but I just wanted to be sure that you're ready to tell Dad the whole story. You know you have to tell him what they did at the end or he will insist on calling your parents."

"I know . that part became clear to me today. But I think I'll be able to do it if you and David are there."

"I'll be at your side all the way, Francis . don't worry about it."

We walked into the living room. Dad and David had chosen the two armchairs, leaving the couch in between them for us.

We sat down and looked at them.

"So, can you tell me what happened, Francis? Don't worry . I won't do anything as long as you're honest and treated your parents with respect."

Francis looked towards me and took a deep breath.

"Well, coach, I'm not sure where to start. I think I have to tell you why we moved over here at the beginning of the new school year."

"That's a good place to start . and I won't interrupt. We can deal with any questions I might have later."

"Thanks . that will be fine. OK, well .."

Readers will know the story Francis told Dad. He explained everything: his former sexual experience, seeing the shrink, starting all over here . and then he started to say that he had fallen in love again here and that his parents had become suspicious. He tried to explain the need for the phone calls Dad had to make when he slept over and when he had been invited to dinner the other night.

Dad listened carefully without saying a word. I could see that he had a lot of questions, but he let Francis go on. He looked at David often and sometimes he looked at me, but most of the times e focused his attention on Francis.

When Francis came to the things that had happened the night before, he started to cry and David went to the kitchen to get him a glass of water.

"Take it easy, Francis. And if you don't want to continue, then we can go on tomorrow if you prefer."

"No, sir, I want to finish this. I'm not sure if I could start over again."

Francis's breathing returned to normal and he explained what had happened last night. Dad looked puzzled when Francis told how I had found him outside on the terrace.

"So, that is why I didn't call before, sir. I didn't know where I was going to go."

Instead of saying anything, Dad just walked over to Francis, pulled him upright and started to hug him. "You can stay as long as you want, Francis. There is no problem with that. Alexei is leaving soon and you can use the guest room from Sunday evening on. Until then, you can sleep on the couch if you wish."

"Thanks, sir. I wasn't sure how you would react after my talk with my parents yesterday. Although David and Nick told me that you would be supportive."

"To be honest, Francis, I am kind of surprised by what has happened. I know that there is no justification for a parent to do the things yours did. No matter what you do or who you are, you are still their son."

"Not in their eyes," he answered.

"But I still have a few more questions which I hope you're willing to answer."

"Yes, if I can, I will."

Until then David and I had just been present for support. Dad had looked at us a few times but asked us nothing. Dad started to ask all kind of questions about the shrink and other stuff. He and Francis talked for about 20 minutes, seemingly unaware that we were even in the room.

"OK, Francis, that's enough for now. Can you make us a cup of coffee, please? I think you know where everything is in the kitchen?"

"Yes, sir, I know." He looked at me before walking into the kitchen.

I started to get up to help him when Dad said, "Stay just a moment, Nick. I didn't ask him to do that so you could join him but to make sure I had you two here for a moment without him."

"Oh," I said.

"I just wanted to tell you that I am proud of what you two did for Francis. I know that took a lot of courage to take a stand against normal social standards. I'm glad you acted the way I thought I raised you."

"Thanks, Dad," we both said at the same time.

"You must know that I can't keep this secret from school. I'll have to give them a new address for Francis and I will have to call his parents at some point to tell them where their son is."

"Do you have to tell the whole story at school, Dad?" David said. "I'm not sure if Francis is ready for that."

"Well, I'll have to tell a few people the whole story because otherwise they will want me to call his parents. But for the rest, I think we'll just say that he had a quarrel with his parents without telling them the reason."

"Hmmm, I do think that would be best."

"Please don't call his parents without him knowing it, Dad. I think we'll have to be honest with him about that."

"I know, Nick, and I won't do anything without telling him first."

Before anything more could be said, Francis walked back into the living room with four cups of coffee. He put them on the table and looked over towards me before he looked at Dad.

"I was wondering what I should say to you when I came back into the living room, but I know that all I can say is 'Thank you'."

"Well, there is still one question on my mind, but if you don't want to tell me, then you don't have to because it is none of my business."

"If I can, I will answer it, sir'.

"You said all of this happened here because you fell in love again. May I know who that is and if that love has been reciprocated?"

Francis looked at David, then at Dad, and then towards me.

"If you don't want to say, you don't have to tell me, Francis but if it is someone at school or on the gymnastics team, then maybe I should know."

"Well, I'm not sure if I can tell you, sir. I'll have to ask him if he minds me telling you."

"OK, I can see why you need to do that. Just let me know when you have asked."

David and Francis had both turned towards me. I knew that this was the time to bring it up. Francis had made a perfect opening for me to tell Dad, and his reactions so far had been positive. But somehow I just couldn't do it there and then. I took the cup in my hand and took a sip from it.

Dad wasn't suspicious about what was going on among the three of us because he said, "Has David told you the good news already?"

"Ah .," I started to say.

"Yes, he is officially engaged to Kathy as of this week. She'll come to dinner at our place on Sunday."

"Oh, stop, Dad," David interrupted. "Engaged is maybe a little too much to say at this moment . let's just say that we're going steady and we might be engaged in the future."

"OK, whatever, but I never realised that this was moving alsong so quickly. I wasn't ready to think of you two married and having grandchildren. Little Davids and Nicks running around."

At that moment, I believe my skin lost all colour. I could never tell him what I wanted to this evening, not after hearing his last sentence. No way could I have told him tonight after what he said. I felt tears welling up in my eyes and I decided to retreat to the kitchen as quickly as I could.

"I need more sugar for my coffee," I said as I darted into the kitchen.

"Do you need any help?" Francis yelled, because he'd seen my reaction.

"Let me, Francis. I'll be right back with him." David left the living room and joined me in the kitchen.

"Come on, Nick. He didn't mean that the way it sounded. Anyway, you know he has no reason to think that you're not going to provide him with grandchildren some day."

"I know, David, but there's no way I can disappoint him with the news tonight. I'm just too afraid of his reaction."

"Come on, Nick. You have to tell him. You don't want to worry all the time that he'll discover you two kissing or even more."

"I know. I don't want that to happen, David. I don't want him to find out that way but I am just not sure I could tell him tonight."

"I'm here for you, so don't worry too much about it. Our presence will temper his reaction, I'm sure, and I'm also sure that Francis doesn't want to hide who his lover is either."

"OK, give me a minute to catch my breath before we go back in."

Meanwhile, in the living room, Dad was asking Francis, "What was that all about? Something I said?"

"I'm not sure, sir. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Nick was ill last week?"

"Well, I hope David can sort him out. I'm really glad they're getting along so well. I found them hugging in the kitchen when I came down from my shower this afternoon."

"It's good to have a brother you can talk to. Maybe if I had one, things would have been different."

"I'm sure everything will work out fine for you, Francis. You're a nice lad, bright, with lots of friends like David and Nick to hang around with."

"I know. They mean a lot to me at the moment, almost like the brothers I never had."

I heard only that last line as we walked back into the living room. Dad looked at David then back to me. "Are you OK, Nick?"

"Sure, I'm fine, Dad."

"But he does have something to tell you," David continued the sentence I knew I had to finish.

"Oh, well, why don't you say what you want, Nick, or would you prefer the privacy of your room?"

"No, Dad, there's no reason for secrecy, David and Francis already know."

I tried to find the words to continue but I wasn't sure where to start. Dad just kept looking and waiting.

Then I knew there was only one way to say it. I knew that what I was going to do would surprise Francis, but I knew he would cope.

I put my arms around Francis and said at the same time, "I'm the one Francis fell in love with."

Francis wanted to jump out of my embrace, but I wouldn't let him. I just held him a little closer to reassure him.

"Oh," Dad answered, looking from me to David and then to Francis.

It was quiet for, I think, more than a minute. I wasn't sure I could stand it any longer when Dad opened his mouth and shut it again. Then he tried again and said, "I'm sorry about my reaction, Nick, but you kind of surprised me with that one. You love him too?"

"Yes, Dad, with all my heart."

"Oh," he said again.

"Isn't that nice . so we'll be able to have our girl . oops, girl and boy friends for dinner on Sunday," David said, trying to lighten the atmosphere a little.

Because Dad was not saying too much, I edged closer to Francis, afraid of what Dad was going to say next.

Dad just kept looking at us, still wondering what he should say. Then . I think more trying to say something instead of meaning it, he added, "I'm sorry, guys, but I'm not sure what to say."

"What about congratulations?" David suggested.

That seemed to have jolted Dad out of his shock. "Yes, of course, that is appropriate, David."

He stood up and walked towards me and he held out his hand.

I stood up and started to take his hand, but then he just pulled me against him.

"Congratulations, Nick."

"Thanks, Dad."

He let me go but kept standing just in front of me.

"Are you happy with that and with Francis, son?"

"Yes, I am, Dad. I've never been happier in my life than I have the last couple of days."

"Well, that's all that matters to me, your happiness."

He hugged me again and then went back to his chair.

"You knew about this, David?"

"Yes, dad."

"And you're fine with it?"

"Yes, just as you said . as long as Nick is happy. He's still my brother, nothing can change that."

"Well, this is all beginning to make sense now when I look back. Francis staying in Nick's bedroom, you two getting closer the last few days .. So, anyone want to watch some TV?"

That was kind of an abrupt change of subject, and I knew that Dad still was having trouble with the idea, but I also knew he just needed time to deal with it. Well, he wanted me to be more open with him and here I was, doing what he asked, so he had to cope with it himself. I knew I had Francis and David and Alexei if need be. I just snuggled a little closer against Francis who regarded me with a puzzled look, as if he wanted to know if I was OK.

I knew I was for now and I also knew I had to talk with Dad alone later.

We watched TV for almost an hour when I said I wanted to go do some homework before going to bed. "Are you joining me, Francis?"

But before Francis could say anything, Dad answered for him. "I think if you're really going to do homework, Francis had better stay downstairs, don't you think?"

I looked rather disappointed but said, "OK, Dad."

I left the livingroom and went up to my room, a little disappointed that dad didn't trust me enough. I started to work on a history report, which had to be done by the end of the week.

Meanwhile in the livingroom, Dad and Francis were chatting again.

"Hmmm, Francis, may I ask you something?"

"Yes, sir, like I said, I will answer it if I can."

"Please understand, I hope you don't mind me asking, but it is something that has weighed on my mind since Nick told me. You didn't force yourself onto my son last week when he was having troubles, did you? I know he hasn't been himself lately and I just want to make sure that he is truly being honest about what he is feeling."

"Sorry, but do you really think I would do such a thing?"

"Please don't get mad, Francis. After all that has happened, I just wanted to be absolutely sure."

"Well, I'm sorry, sir, but I'm not going to give you an answer to that, and if you think you can't trust me, I'd better leave this house as soon as I can."

"No, Francis, you misunderstand. It isn't that I don't trust you. It's just that I know you've been in love with a guy before so you know what you feel. But Nick is just coming to terms with a lot of things and I'm not sure if his feelings for you are real or just one of deep friendship because of what you've done for him lately."

"OK, now I understand what you're getting at, but I'm not the one to answer that question. You can ask Nick or even David, but I don't think I can answer it."

Dad turned towards David. "Can you explain it to me, David?"

"The only thing I can say, dad, is that Nick has thought about this very carefully and he's sure about his feelings. You'll have to trust him on that."

"Are you sure? Because you boys are still so young, there is so much to discover, and this could just be one of those explorations."

"I'm not sure if I can answer that. I think you'll have to ask Nick himself, but when I found those two last night in the kitchen, I could see only love on Nick's face. Don't ask me how I know but it's the same look he sees when I look at Kathy, I can just feel that."

"OK, I guess I'll have to talk to him about it but I still find the two of you very young, Francis. So I would prefer that you sleep on the couch and that you behave yourselves when you are alone."

"Oh," Francis said, a little bit surprised by that last sentence.

"Do you really think you can forbid them doing anything, Dad? You've been young yourself . you know what happens when you are forbidden something by your parents."

"Well, we'll just have to talk about that later, too."

With that he picked up the newspaper and started to read it again. It was quiet in the living room: Francis and David were watching television although both had something quite different on their minds.

Back in Nick's bedroom:

I heard a knock, knock on my bedroom door. "May I come in, Nick?"

"Yes, you can, Alexei."

"So, how did it go?"

"Well, it all went quite well, I think, although Dad was kind of shocked when I told him that I loved Francis. I'm pretty sure he isn't over that shock yet."

"So, you told him! Good for you! And he's OK with you and Francis?"

"Yes, I guess so, but Dad wouldn't allow him to come upstairs when I said I was going to start my homework, so I'm not sure just how comfortable he is with what I told him."

"Well, I guess he needs some time to get used to it. He'll turn around and accept it all in time."

"Oh, yes, I think he will. I know we'll have to have a more private talk soon to clear the air on a few things, but he'll do that when he feels ready."

I was a little surprised when my bedroom door opened further and an unexpected voice said, "I think I'm ready now, Nick. I was hoping we could talk a little more?"

I didn't know what to say except "Come on in, Dad."

Well, that is it for now. I hope waiting for this chapter was worth it. I always enjoying what you guys think of the story and if you like it the way it is going. I would also like to have your ideas on how to get the guys out of the blackmail situation with the docs and Mike. If you want to contact me use HYPERLINK or by ICQ: 3967366

Next: Chapter 19

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