Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Apr 22, 2002


Hi Guys,

First of all I want to thank every one who took the effort to fill the from on my website in and send it to me. It is really great to have some idea of what you readers are thinking of the direction the story is going on.

I want to thank Seph, John, Lionel, Brian, Butch, Ash, John, Joe, Tom, Sancho, Uros, Paul, Risto, Dave, Rohish and Tuomas and the ones that didn't leave a name for taking the time to fill it in.

I have one special request. I got a very nice respons from R'sto. but he didn't leave a valid e-mail address. That was not necessary of course but I would really want to come in contact with this person so if you are the one and reading this please contact me.

I also want to thank Ian and Zhviko for there great support so far.

And last but not least Dana and Bill for doing such a great job as editors of this story.

The reaction where great and I got some new idea's on how to continue with the story, some I will use some not, others may will a take to come around. I have already though of some new things I want help so go to the new questionnairre page at my website

Or if you want to react to the story you can also send a mail to: or use ICQ: 36967366

Then to finish off and I am sure you are already reading the story by now. Under no circumstances will I disclose whether or not I actually know any celebrity who may make an appearance. This story is not intended to imply anything about the sexual orientation of any people mentioned in it

So where we left of in chapter 25:

"Hmm, they look cute," he said. He started to walk over to them when Andy's boyfriend , forgot his name , turned around and saw us coming.

At that moment Francis froze and screamed, "NO!!!"

Along with everyone else in the room, I looked at him and then at Andy's boyfriend, who'd turned pale at the same moment.

"Francis" he said, as he came closer to us.

"No, Brian, get away," Francis whispered, but Andy's boyfriend didn't move. I saw Francis start to turn around and run out of there.

I wanted to run after him but first I had to find out what was going on here. Then the name came to me: Brian, Francis had yelled. I looked one more time at them and then turned around knowing all I needed to know.

Chapter 26

Alexei tried to stop me but I said, "I need to be with him, Alexei".

"I know Nick, but what is going on here?"

"Well, I know some of it. I think you better talk with Andy and Brian to find out more".

I left him there and walked towards the door where Francis had disappeared. I am not sure how hard he was running away. I only hoped that he was somewhere out there.

I looked around, but he was not there. I found the exit sign pointing down toward a staircase. I followed it and ended up just outside the hotel at the corner of the main entrance. There he was, sitting on the edge of the last stair, with his head in his arms, crying I thought.

I walked towards him and sat down beside him. When I put my arms around him, he looked up and put his head onto my shoulder with a big sigh, crying.

He cried for a time and then looked up to me: "Is this never going to end; can we never have a good time?"

That was not exactly what I expected at that point, so I looked at him and said: "We will as soon as every bad cat has turned his back to us".

"What?" He said.

"Just an expression my mom often used, Francis, but I think you know what it means".

"I think I do Nick, but it just felt like it went better for the two of us tonight. I really liked the way you held my hand again and also that you introduced me as you're boyfriend and then, well shit!"

"I know Francis".

"You do Nick? Do you really know who that was?"

"Yes, I think I do Francis".

"Well then you understand why I ran away. I was just not prepared to see him again".

"Hmm. I'm not sure Francis, if I would react like that, but I can see that that would shock you".

"Did you say that he saw us perform today"?

"Yes that is what Andy said".

"Wow! Never thought he wanted to see me again, not after what happened".

"He knows you couldn't do anything about it, Francis; that it was your parents' fault".

"I have no idea what he thought, Nick. I haven't told you everything about what happened".

"Oh? Would you want to tell me the rest of the story then? Only if you want to Francis".

"Well after I took the pills and I was in hospital, I asked the doctor to give him a call, not telling my parents about it".

"The doctor said he would and later told me he had done it, but that Brian didn't want to come and see me, not even outside visiting hours and ... "

He started to cry again. "Sshhh, Francis I'm here for you".

"I know, Nick", he said when his crying stopped.

"You know, until now I never knew why he didn't want to see me anymore, or what happened with him. I know my parents called his parents after my attempt. I think they wanted to make sure he didn't see me anymore".

"So why did you run away then? Why didn't you want to talk with him about it?"

"In there, unprepared? Oh no! I never could have done that. He really hurt me by not coming around. I even tried to call him a few times after that. The first time I was told he was not at home, the second time he answered the phone himself and put it down the moment he understood that it was me".

"Ah, like that".

"Yes like that, and now he expects me to talk with him just like that".

"He seems to be pretty interested to see what you are doing now, otherwise I don't think he would have been there this afternoon".

"Hm, perhaps".

"So you are a little better now?"

"Yes I guess, but I don't want to go in there again".

"Ok I will go in and let Alexei now we are out on a walk, and be back in about 1 hour. They should have finished dessert by then".

"Just wait here. I will grab your coat and be back in 5 minutes or so".

I walked into the hotel and back to the room where the benefit took place. I looked around to see where Alexei was. I found him beside Andy, Randy and Brian. I walked to them and tapped Alexei on the shoulder, "May I have a talk with you Alexei?"

"Oh hi Nick. Is Francis ok?" Brian interrupted.

I looked at Brian and wanted to turn my face to Alexei to talk with him. I am not sure what Alexei saw on my face but he said then: "I think it is ok to talk here Nick, I am sure the others want to know also if Francis is OK".

I looked again at Brian, not sure what to do.

"I am sorry Nick, but I had no idea that Francis was you're boyfriend and would be here tonight.

"Hm, that may be the case, but still... " I started to answer to him.

"Listen Nick, Brian just wants to apologize to Francis and you".

"Well I am not sure that Francis is ready to listen Brian. He is ok, past the shock so to say, but everything he went through just came back to the surface when he saw you".

"I am sorry Nick, that is one thing I never wanted to happen, but also of what I was afraid would happen. That is why I didn't try to talk with him this afternoon, because I was afraid of his reaction".

"Well you have a new boyfriend and so does he so just let it stay with that". I said a little harsher then I intended, and again I saw the look on Alexei's face.

"So what did you want to talk about with me, Nick"?

"I just wanted you to know that we will go for a walk for an hour or so, and then be back. That should give you the time to finish dessert. We will be waiting outside".

"Does Francis not want to come back anymore"?

"No I think he had enough for tonight".

"Ok we will see you in 1 hour outside".

I turned away and started to go back to Francis.

"Are we still going to see each other for lunch tomorrow Nick? I would really like that", Andy yelled just before I reached the door. I looked around and walked a little bit back to them.

"I'm not sure Andy. I will have to ask Francis and will let you know".

"Lunch", Randy said. "What a good idea! Nick, would you mind if I joined you also? Maybe then the whole situation wouldn't be to strange for the four of you".

I started to wonder what Alexei and Brian had told them. I thought about it, but maybe if there were more people around it would be .

"Fine by me Randy. I will let Francis know. Maybe you can join also James, because I think Alexei is out of town already tomorrow".

"Yes! That would be nice".

"Ok I will go back to Francis now, and we will meet you in 1 hour in front of the hotel".

"Wait again Nick. Why don't you use the limo and take a ride and make sure you are back in 1 hour?"

"Can we"?

"Yes! Go and do it! No problem for us. I have rented it for the whole evening".

I went outside and got our coats although we wouldn't need them if we were going to take a ride in the limo. I talked to the driver just before I left the hotel. He was drinking and reading something at the bar.

"So where do you want to go Nick?" Francis asked as I reached him. He looked better again, more self-confident, as he is most of the times.

"Well, Alexei offered us the limo for the next hour, so if you want we can take a ride and ask the driver to drive us around".

Francis found that a good idea so we got into the car and just before I got in, I told the driver to bring us to the beach. I knew that was only 15 minutes from the hotel so we could have a short stroll down the beach.

"Was Alexei not curious why we didn't come back in?" Francis asked when I sat beside him.

"No, no need of it Francis. I think every one there heard what was said. When I walked away, he asked if I knew what was going on and I told him to ask Andy and his boyfriend. I found them still talking when I came back in".

"Ah so they know now".

"Well I am not sure what he knows, but at least that Brian has been your ex- boyfriend.

I leaned forward and looked inside the fridge to see what was in there.

"You want something to drink Francis?"

"Yes I could use something". We looked through it and saw some whiskey there. We looked at each other and with not too much said we opened the bottle and poured some.

"Is this a good idea Francis"?

"I have no idea Nick, I can only say I need some to forget a little bit about this day".

"Oh you won't want to forget it all do you"?

"Oh no, only about some parts of the evening".

"Hm, well maybe it will work, at least a little bit".

"So did they want something when you were talking to Alexei?"

"Hm can't keep something hidden from you, can I?"

"No, I saw when you came back that there was something on your mind you couldn't decide how to tell me".

"It is nothing special, but Andy and Brian still want to meet us tomorrow for lunch".

Francis stayed silent for a while and then looked at me and said: "I don't think that's a good idea Nick. I have nothing to say to him".

"Hmm. I thought so, but I would really like to get to know Andy a little bit better and Randy offered to join us also if we wanted. He seemed to be eager to get to know us".

"Well, I don't think so. Maybe some day, but now".

"Just think about it Francis, you don't have to decide just now. I told them I would give them a call in the morning".

"Ok I will do that".

We just sat there and looked at each other just happy we were together. I felt the car stop and I started to open the door.

"Do you want us to get out Nick?" Francis asked while he sipped some more of the whiskey.

"Yes, I think hat would be a good idea Francis, just a change of scenery".

He sighed a little: "I was just starting to get comfortable in here".

"I know. Now get out of there".

I pulled him along. I looked at the driver and said: "Will be back in about 20 to 25 minutes".

"Where are we?" Francis asked.

I got his hand and led him down the few stairs that were between us and the beach and ocean.

"Is that the ocean I hear?"

"Yes. I thought you would want to have a nice stroll down the beach".

He looked up to me, stared for a second and then said: " I love you so much Nick, thanks for this".

I got his hand and we started to walk down the stairs to the beach.

We got out of our shoes and walked barefoot over the sand. First just holding hands, but I wanted more. I wanted to feel safe again with him. But I also wanted to comfort him.

I moved a little closer to him and he stopped walking and got tense when I took my hand out of his, but when I put it on his shoulder and pulled him close to me I felt him relax.

We shared the closeness on an almost empty beach. I put my head on his shoulder and we walked quite some time. I knew we couldn't get too far away, so I slowly tried to turn around so we could go back. When I saw the waves rolling onto the beach I thought 'what the heck' and I pulled him towards the water. So we walked back enjoying the cold water on our feet but still holding each other close.

When we were almost back where we got onto the beach we stopped and just looked at the ocean. Big waves came roaring towards us, but were broken off just before they reached the shore.

I looked up from his shoulder and saw that he was looking at me. I felt close to him now, more at ease than I had felt for some time. I knew I could trust him with almost anything and still I had pushed him away. How I could I have done that? I lifted my head a little and blew some air over his ear. Then slowly I brought my mouth closer to his ear and I started to kiss it softly and slowly, taking it in my mouth and sucking on it a little bit.

I heard him sigh and let out a big moan.

I was not sure if I could continue, but maybe this was enough. I kissed once more before I whispered to him: "I love you Francis".

He didn't answer back but the look on his face was enough for me. He relaxed even more.

"We should get back to the car now, otherwise they will wonder where we are".

Still he didn't say anything, but we just started to walk back to the car. I had put my head on his shoulder again and stayed there until we reached the car.

The driver opened the door and smiled as we got in.

"You want something more to drink?" Francis asked as he opened the fridge and took the whiskey out of it, pouring his glass almost full again.

"Yes that would be nice, although we need to be careful with it. I think it is getting to us faster then we know.

"Well I don't care tonight Nick, we deserve it".

"Maybe yes".

"Well I'm sure. Look what all we did today".

He then looked at me and a grave look came over his face.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but you are different tonight, touching me, holding hands and then just a moment ago kissing my ear. I believe I almost came just there on the beach".

Wow! I knew he noticed the difference, but somehow I hoped he would not talk about it yet. We kept looking at each other.

"I want to kiss you Nick, so badly, but I am not sure if I you would like that".

How could I answer that? I slowly leaned a little bit towards him, bringing my lips close to him and then softly I pressed them on his. Not opening my mouth, but just a little lip kiss.

We stayed locked with our lips to each other for a while just touching slightly moving our lips and then I let go and backed off.

"Never doubt the fact that I want you to kiss me Francis. I like that very much".

"I know but lately... And then tonight you changed all of a sudden. I just don't want to do anything that you are not ready for".

"I know Francis and I love you for it. I am trying something Alexei said tonight".

"Ah and what advise did he gave you?

"Go back again and take it step by step".

"Ah, that is why you wanted to hold hands. And you think that will help?"

"Well it did so far. He said it was quite normal for me to need to start to learn trusting again. And I think he is right about it, but it's not easy."

"Just take your time Nick, I am not going anywhere". He brought his face towards me and for a second I was scared he wanted to kiss me, but instead of my mouth, he went for my cheek and he placed a warm kiss on it.

"Thanks Francis".

He stayed close with his head and instead of going back to his seat, he came closer and put his head on my chest, just looking at me and then closed his eyes.

I sipped some more of my whiskey and I also got Francis' glass and held it to his mouth. He opened his eyes, saw what I wanted to do and opened his mouth a little bit. I poured some whiskey in it, making sure it was not too much at once.

He then closed his eyes and I started to go through his hair with my right hand. Just fondling it.

I felt again that the car stopped, but neither of us moved and we waited.

Nothing happened for quite a while and then the door was opened.

"They are in here. Oh look at that! Come on guys, make some room for us".

I knew from the first words that it had been David who had opened the car door. Neither Francis nor I moved, but I had to look at David's face.

"Come on you two, move over so we can join".

"Shall we?" I asked Francis.

But before he could answer, David was pushed aside by Kathy. She didn't wait, but just got in and sat down on Francis just about his upper legs.

Francis got up real quick "Wow Kathy, you should watch what you eat girl you are getting heavy".

I knew that was not the right thing to say to her at the moment. She looked at him and because she had the advantage sitting on him she started to tickle him.

He started to laugh and tried to get away from her.

"Wow you guys, take it easy I'm also still here".

"Yes and we wanted to come in", came a sound from the outside. The door on my side was opened and James looked inside.

"What is taking you so long? Just move over. Wow! Sorry, didn't knew you wanted to have a threesome," he said and started to laugh when he saw what position we were in.

"Well come on you guys, we need to be getting out of here". This time it was Alexei who wanted some action in getting in the car.

Without too much asking Alexei, James and David entered the car giving us three a rather strange look but also it was impossible for us to move now. With Kathy still on the upper legs of Francis, Francis was more or less sitting up with his shoulders on my chest so I couldn't move either.

"Well now what?" Alexei asked.

"I have no idea, but this does not feel too comfortable, Francis". I answered.

"Ok what if I try to pursuade Kathy to come and sit on my lap?" David laughed a little.

"Could you please, David?" I almost begged.

"Kathy, don't you think my lap is so much nicer, much more muscles than that of Francis?"

Kathy looked at David, not sure how to respond. "Maybe, but what's in it for me if I move?"

"A kiss" David said with his persuasive tone in his voice.

"I'm not sure if that is enough. I think I can have that anyway, if I want".

"Well maybe kisses on some places I know you really like?"

"Where?" she asked.

"Wow! Hold it" Alexei interrupted, "That is information we don't need to know".

Kathy started to laugh and looked at David again: "Well are you not going to give me a kiss then?"

He sat at the edge of the couch and right in front of us they started to kiss each other pretty heavy and deep.

"Hmmm guys, please," I said begging. Francis looked shocked at them. Yea guys, please".

When they at last quit the kiss, Kathy looked at David. "Hmm. I'm not sure that that is enough, but I'm sure I'm going to get more later".

She started to shift and ended up on David's lap, and he smiled. "See, I knew I could get her to join me".

"Down boy" Kathy answered while she shifted on David's lap. He started to get red and we started to laugh realizing what she had been talking about.

When we stopped laughing, Alexei looked at Francis and me and asked: "So Francis, are you feeling better?"

Francis looked at me and answered: "Yes. Nick knew exactly what I needed to make me feel better Alexei".

"Wow! Too much information again, Francis. What is getting into you tonight guys?"

We both started to blush a little: "Sorry Alexei, but this time you better get your mind out of the gutter, because that wasn't what I was referring to. We just took a walk on the beach; nothing more".

This time it was Alexei who was embarrassed and looked at James. "Hmm", he said, "That is maybe not such a bad idea to end the evening with". He turned to us: "Do you mind taking another one?"

We both laughed and replied almost at the same time: "No, we will survive".

Alexei pushed the window down so he could talk with the driver and instructed him to go back to the beach area.

We stayed rather silent during the rest of the trip. When the car stopped, we got out of the car and made our way down to the beach area.

Each couple close together, sometimes a little whispering. "You guys go ahead, we will stay here and just enjoy the view, we walked enough for today" I told them.

"Ok, but stay here so we know where to get you when we come back" Alexei replied.

We just sat down on the beach overlooking the ocean and the harbor at the left hand side. It was not close enough by to block the view. This time I made sure that my head landed on Francis when we sat down.

I closed my eyes and just rested on his chest going up and down slowly with the rhythm of his breathing.

He slowly started to go through my hair. I tensed a little bit at first when he started, but I got relaxed more as I found out he didn't go any further.

After a while I opened my eyes and saw that he was looking at me.

"What were you thinking about Nick?"

"Nothing much to be honest Francis, just enjoying being with you and thought how relaxing it is to feel the rhythm of you're breathing".

"Oh my god Nick, you are so beautiful, so ... " and with that Francis started to cry a little bit, looked away from me and closed his eyes.

Why is that, I wondered. What did I do this time. My god I never wanted him to get hurt.

"Francis" I said softly. He looked at me again and opened his eyes. Tears were still running softly over his face.

"Please tell me what is wrong baby," I continued when our eyes were locked again. .

"Oh, no Nick nothing is wrong" he answered quickly.

"Why the tears then?" I asked, suddenly a little confused about what happened.

"Just that you are so perfect, and I am so sorry you were hurt. If there was just anything I could do about it, but I feel so helpless".

Now I was really confused. "I am not perfect Francis".

"Oh yes you are. You just always know what to say to make me feel better, even when I'm already feeling terrific. You have no idea what you do to me do you? The way you were laying there in the light of the moon and then just giving in to the fact that you are enjoying being with me".

This time I started to blush a little. Our eyes were still locked together. "I just love you so much that it hurts sometimes and I want to kiss you, Nick". He said with a sigh to end it this time.

"Well why don't you try it then?" I replied.

The look on his face changed this time. I think I surprised him with that. He looked deep into my eyes to make sure I was telling him this, then he lifted my head a little and brought his head down to me. Slowly he started with my ear, kissing it softly, blowing some soft warm air over it in the meantime.

Slowly he came towards my cheek, but before he did this he softly whispered. "You can trust me Nick, I never will do anything to hurt you, I would rather hurt myself before doing something to harm you. I love you so much".

Then he placed his lips on mine and I felt that he opened his mouth this time. I started to tremble a little bit when I felt his tongue touch my lips. Couldn't I give myself to him again? I knew I could trust him. A little voice in my head started to play again. He wants you, then he will leave you, he only wants you for your body; when he gets it he will hurt you. You can't trust him. Shut up, I thought, this is Francis, not Mike, and I slowly started to open my mouth and return the kiss.

When our tongues touched each other, I thought electricity went through my body. Oh how I had missed that. The kiss went on for quite some time, but we needed to breathe again so I slowly let him go. What I saw in his eyes was something I had not seen before. There was passion and ... Now I started to cry a little. Oh why did I love him so very much?

"Don't worry Francis, it's just tears of happiness, nothing more," I said quickly when I saw his face began his worried look.

I laid my head back on his chest and just closed my eyes again. Not knowing exactly what he was doing, but I just wanted to enjoy him here, being with him on the beach, smelling his scent, feeling his heartbeat.

"Hmm, you go out to a romantic spot and what do they do? They fall asleep," A voice said making me open my eyes.

"We are not all just horny bastards like you are" I replied after I saw the clothes of both couples were pretty wrinkled.

"We were not sleeping, just enjoying each other company". Francis completed for me.

"Well if you are finished with that, then we better get out of here. It is a little bit after midnight" Alexei said laughing.

I looked at Francis, smiled at him. "In that case we might be pursuaded to join you if we may have another drink".

"Hm, I'm not sure that is such a good idea. I saw the half empty whiskey bottle. I think you two had enough of it so far".

"Please Alexei, just a nightcap to complete this beautiful day".

"Yes, please Alexei". David joined us this time. "We deserve it you know, with our performance of today".

"Ok. But we better get in quickly then". We went to the car and got in. This time it was Alexei who got the glasses and poured the rest of the bottle of whiskey in our glasses.

"Cheers guys, a drink to today and more practice hours so you improve for the state finals".

"Wow that is a sure way to destroy our good mood, Alexei" David said.

"I know, but you must never forget that winning is nice, but the day after you need to start to prepare for the next competition. That is not won by sitting on your ass and enjoying the last victory".

"Sorry Alexei, but I thought that you were not our coach today and we weren't expecting a lecture before leaving". Francis intervened.

"Oops! Sorry guys, just wanted you to know that when you win it only last as long as your next competition. You need to be there then and perform again just as if you aren't the champion".

"Ok we know it now" David added this time, but for now, Cheers guys".

We had some nice laughs in the car and then we came close to the end of this perfect day. We stopped at James' house first and Alexei got out with him. We didn't open the window this time, giving them some privacy they deserved.

"I am not sure if I could do it like that" David said.

"Like what honey?" Kathy asked.

"A long distance relationship like James and Alexei".

"Well, they looked quite happy tonight", she replied.

"I know; but still, I noticed that James didn't say much more when we were back in the car. This must not be easy on him".

"If we are going to have lunch with the others, Francis, would you mind if I would ask James to join us?"

"No that is fine, but as long as you know I didn't decide on it".

I saw that David wanted to say something on the subject, but I quickly looked at him and I think he got the message. This was not the time to bring that subject back on.

Alexei came back into the car after a while looking not so happy anymore, and he was quiet also after he told the driver to drop him off at the Hotel before bringing us home.

We rode that part in silence. When Alexei got out of the car I started to follow him.

"Just leave him, Nick", Francis said when he saw I wanted to go after him.

"No Francis, I need to thank him, honey".

"Ok. Don't take too long though".

I got out of the car and tapped Alexei on his shoulder. He was standing still just staring at the entrance of the hotel.

"What?" he said turning around.

I started to hug him and I looked up "Thanks Alexei, for everything tonight".

He started to get relaxed a little more. "So things are better between you two?"

"Yes, I think you're advise worked. At least we established some contact again and we talked a lot tonight".

"Is he going to be fine with Brian being around?"

"Well, that is one of the hurdles we need to take, but I think he will be after we sit down together tomorrow for lunch".

"Ok, you better get back in there. I will call or mail soon again, ok?"

"Yes, thanks Alexei".

He turned around and walked into the hotel. I got back into the car.

"So where now?" the driver asked.

"Home " I said and we both entered the car. He seemed to have enough information with that.

I looked at Kathy and David, who were sitting nicely cuddled together on the couch on the other side of us.

Francis had put his head on my shoulder in the meantime. When David and Kathy started to kiss, I thought 'what the heck' and I bent my face a little bit to Francis until our lips touched. He suddenly opened his eyes not expecting this way of physical contact from me.

We kissed softly and slowly.

"Hm, you can startle me always like that if you want". He said when we needed some air.

"I know", I said.

"So do you think those two will say anything before heading in the house?"

"Don't expect, Francis, they look like they have used glue".

We started to laugh. "You know, we need to get some oxygen in a moment if they don't let go soon".

"I don't think so Francis, they are just going to be the first of a new race who breathes only each other's air".

Francis started to laugh even more and then we reached at the same time for our legs as Kathy kicked them.

"Wow! They are still alive, although that looked almost like a mad cow that starts to kick with its legs".

This time Francis completely lost it, and both Kathy and David looked at me now.

"So I got your attention. I only wanted to know if we have to ask the driver to bring Kathy back home or not".

David looked at Kathy and said: "No I don't think that is necessary".

They kept looking at each other "But you are in no state to drive anymore" I said.

Without breaking their stare David answered me. "I know, but there is space enough in my room".

"Oh", was the only think I could say. That was a major step in their relationship. Looking at Kathy's face, I could see she was not going to object to him.

I got closer to Francis and whispered: "I am so happy for David. They make a real nice couple don't you think?"

"Hm", he said and smiled at me letting me know that he agreed on that.

When we arrived at home we walked upstairs and Francis wanted to go to his own room, but I kept his hand so I pulled him back.

"You don't want to join me tonight?" I asked, giving him a persuasive smile.

"You don't need to use that smile, Nicky. I will be more than happy to join you as long as you are sure that you feel good with that".

"Come on in", I said not answering him yet.

When the door was closed behind us and I pushed Francis onto the bed, sitting at the edge of it I answered his question.

"As long as you don't expect anything and let me decide the action, I will be fine".

To prove that I kissed him on his ear and started to nibble on it a little bit.

I could feel how he started to relax a little bit.

"Do you know what I really would like to do before we go to sleep Francis"?

"No Nick, but I am sure you are going to tell me".

"Would you dance for a while with me".

He smiled and got his jacket off, while I walked to the CD player and put on some music of the backstreet boys. I walked back to him and he took me in his arms. Swirling to the rhythm of the music, we danced through my room. It felt really as a perfect ending of a pretty heavy day. At last feeling Francis close by, both relaxed and without tension was so nice. I could smell his body scent and took a deep breath of it. I really enjoyed this. I felt the strong muscles of his chest and ...

I am not sure, but more thoughts would just not enter my mind. We kept on dancing for quite some time.

"I think we better find the bed, Nicky. I am really starting to get tired". Francis said when a new number on the CD started to play.

"Thanks for this Francis".

He stepped back to the side of the bed and wanted to start to undress.

"No wait! Let me".

Surprised, he looked at me when I came close to him and slowly I started to take off his shirt, touching his chest slightly while doing so. Then while he sat down on the bed I took his shoes off. Before I took his socks off, I touched his feet, just giving them a slow massage. He sighed and I looked at him. He had closed his eyes. I knew he liked what I was doing and I slowly went up to his trousers just brushing his legs slowly. I opened his trousers and then undid the zipper. This time it was not a sigh, but a full moan that escaped from his lips. I started to pull his trousers off his legs and he lifted them slowly to make that possible. Instead of pulling the legs further, I made sure that I had one hand under his left buttock when he sat down again. He jumped a little bit when he felt the contact with my hand, but I followed and started to feel his buttock a little bit making sure to be out of there before he sat back again.

Then I pulled his trousers further down until I could take them off. I looked up at his dark blue skinny briefs he was wearing. He looked so nice and I knew he was enjoying the attention, because he was pretty stiff in that skinny brief.

I looked at his face. He still had his eyes closed waiting for me to move, but suddenly I felt I had gone far enough. I had no idea what I would do if I would go on. I wanted to, but I was afraid that if I went further I would stop at a point where he would be really disappointed, so instead of feeling more of his beautiful body I whispered in his ear: Would you return the favor?"

His eyes opened and he smiled at me. I sat down beside him on the bed and this time he started to undress me. First again my shirt, then my shoes, and he finished with my trousers. I felt I started to get really hard when he softly brushed my dick when I took the pants off. He knew somehow that that was all I wanted for the moment. When he got them off my feet I looked at him and smiled.

I bent forward a little and placed a neat kiss on his lips. We kissed some more, and more, and more, well too long to tell here, but I really started to feel tired, so somewhere when we came up for air I said: "I thought we were going to sleep".

"I am getting too much distraction for that now, Nicky boy".

"I know, but I think it is better we see if we can sleep now for a while".

He looked a little disappointed but said: "Ok".

We fell on the bed beside each other and I looked again at him. Before he could make himself comfortable in the bed, I slowly crept close to him and then I put my head on his shoulder and I just closed my eyes.

I am not sure that he was happy with that, but I think before he could say or do anything I had fallen asleep.

I woke up the next morning and I tried to straighten out my pillow, but it wouldn't move, so I got more aware of where I was and found my self still laying on Francis' chest. I tried to get up but then I realized that I couldn't move either. The arms of Francis were around my waist so I couldn't move. I felt my back aching, and knew that falling asleep like that was nice and it felt great but not good for my back. I knew he was still sleeping because of the slow rhythm of his breathing. I slowly turned my head a little bit so I could look at him.

For the next while I just lay there enjoying watching him sleep, looking at his face and seeing small changes while he was breathing. I realized that I could look at him just like this forever. I am not sure if it was me who woke him, but suddenly I started to see some more movement behind his eyelids and I felt him tense up his muscles. Then slowly his eyes opened and I gave him a good morning smile. Almost the moment he realized that I was lying on his chest and looking at him, a big smile appeared on his face.

"Hm how long have you been a wake, Nick?

"A while" I answered.

"How late is it?"

"I have no idea Francis, I didn't look at the clock yet and even if I wanted, I just couldn't do it".

"Oh sorry Nick" he said when he realized he was holding me.

"No problem Francis, just enjoying myself'.

"With what".

"Just you sleeping first and then waking up".

"Ah, well it is nice to wake up beside you, just a nice way to start a new day".

"I know," I said and I turned my head a little bit and closed my eyes again.

"I am not sure sleeping at the moment is such a good idea though".

"Why not Francis?"

"Because I want to go out today and enjoy the weather outside somewhere with you".

I quickly opened my eyes and looked at him. "Hm, that could be fun, but I don't mind lying around with you all day".

"Hm sweetie, that sounds like a good idea, but I think I will pass that one this time; just want to do something together today outside the house".

"Well that is fine and we have already a lunch appointment". At the moment I said that I was not sure it was such a good idea, but I knew that we had to talk it about anyway.

"I am still not sure about that though, Nick. I have no idea if there is anything that needs to be said ".

"Don't you think it would be a good chance to close that book of your life Francis"?

"Hm, maybe but... " he started.

"I think it would give you an opportunity to get it off your chest, what ever it is what you want to tell him".

"But at this moment I have no idea what I want to tell him".

"Well, we could go and then you can always decide if you want to say anything to him or just leave it all alone".

"You really want to meet Andy and Randy, don't you Nick?"

"Ok, you got me there, Francis, but I mean it that this would be a good opportunity to say or ask what ever you want to Brain. Anything that you have to carry with you after what happened".

"Ok, if this means so much for you, you can call and tell him we can meet somewhere for lunch. But I am not promising that I am going to talk with Brian".

"That is fine as long as you considered it for your own sake".

"Ok, I will, but then we also need to get out of bed or we would ask them to join us for lunch over here".

"Hm don't think that that is such a good idea Francis".

"Well then we better get in the shower and dressed and see if there is anything for breakfast".

"Hm showering, we, "I said with a whisper trying to sound a little obvious what I was thinking about.

"Would you want that Nick?

"Want yes, Francis, for real; but dare, that is another question".

"Well don't push your self Nick, just like already where we are now. So what do I have to do around here to get a morning kiss"?

I was glad he dropped the subject so quickly because at first I didn't realize what I had said, but when he had said 'would you want that Nick' it struck me that that was quite a step and I was a little bit afraid that I would get scared again when we were in the shower.

I didn't answer him on his question but slowly brought my mouth to his lips and softly kissed him on the lips.

Then I quickly got up and ran to the cupboard to get a towel and walked away to the shower yelling, "Hey you lazy ass, thought you wanted to shower".

He only laughed. I quickly went into the shower and started to open the handle.

When I was finished and was drying myself off, almost ready to walk back to the bedroom, there was a knock on the door.

"Hey are you almost ready Nick?"

I opened the door, "Yes, David, I am. Why, are you in a hurry?"

He started to blush a little and when I looked at him a little bit closer I thought I saw some cum spots in his hair.

"Hm can see you are indeed in a hurry to get in".

"Smart ass" he answered while he pushed himself into the bathroom closing the door behind him.

Instead of walking back to my bedroom I walked towards that of David and when I saw that the door was still opened I looked in.

"So how come you are so happy Nick? It was almost if there was a bird in the shower this morning. David said that it had been a long time since he heard you whistle in there".

"I am sure you don't want an answer on that Kathy although we didn't have to get to the bathroom in such a hurry as David did".

Now it was her turn to blush a little. "Just having fun together".

"I know, and I am really happy for you, you are a pretty nice couple and I would love to have you as my future sister in law so good for you".

She started to blush a little bit more. "At least we had some fun. So how are you and Francis getting along Nick? I know you had quite some fun last night, and I haven't seen you in such a mood for some while now. I tried to ask David if there was something wrong, but he didn't answer me".

"Sorry for that Kathy, but let me just say I had a rough couple of weeks and I am dealing with some unpleasant things".

"Well you don't have to tell me, I am just glad that you are doing better".

"I would like to tell you Kathy, but it is just not something that is easy to do and I have asked David not to tell you, so that is why he didn't answer you. Maybe some day in the future, and I think you will understand why I didn't tell you anything".

"That is fine, don't worry, just as long as you know if there is something you want to talk about I am here".

I walked towards her. She was getting out of bed and I started to hug her.

"Thanks Kathy, I am happy David found some one wonderful as you are".

"Hm guys, if this gets any more soapy I am going to cry". David interrupted us.

"Oh you are already cleaned up David! Well you always have been a quickie".

I really meant that he was quick with showering, but both Kathy and David must have felt I was talking about something else that had happened, because they both started to laugh and turning red.

"Get out of here you silly".

"So can I tell Francis to get into the shower or do you want to go first, Kathy?"

"No, Francis can go first, no problem Nick", David said quickly

"Just be careful David, you already have used up your one shower a day", I said laughing and at the same time closing the door.

I walked into my room and saw that Francis was already sitting at the edge of the bed. Because I was laughing he looked at me and said: "What is so funny Nick?

"I will tell you later Francis, just get into the shower".

He looked at me smiling and went to the bathroom. I got dressed and when I was finished I heard the tap still running so I walked down to the kitchen.

"Good morning Dad", I said while I entered the kitchen.

"Good morning Nick", Dad answered without looking back.

"Is breakfast almost ready?"

"Yes it is. Maybe you can get the cereal and some orange juice and put it on the table. I think I got everything else".

I got the things he wanted and I sat down at the table.

"Is there still time for a few telephone calls Dad?"

"Yes that's fine, but who do you want to call this early? Can't it wait until after breakfast?"

"No, it has to do with lunch so I will do that and will be back in a flash".

I called Andy and Brian and I was happy that it was Andy who answered the phone. We agreed to meet at 1 pm and he said he would call Randy as well. He didn't ask if Francis had said anything so I just hang up the phone.

I went back in the kitchen and looked at Dad who was sitting at the table.

"So you also have a lunch appointment today, Nick? I was kind of hoping we could have lunch all together today".

"Sorry Dad, but we met a few people yesterday and they asked if we could meet with them for lunch".

I was not going to tell him that the former boyfriend of Francis was one of them.

"Are they friends of Alexei".

"Yes, some of them are. The are part of the same sponsor and do the same kind of charity things".

"Do I know any of them, are they also celebrities".

"Yes two of them are. One is the tennis player Andy Roddick and the other is Randy Harrison".

"Wow! Those are great names to get to know, Nick. You are starting to travel in high society".

"Well we just had a nice chat with them yesterday and they wanted to see us again for lunch so I hope you do not mind".

"Well as long as we can have dinner all together tonight then. I will ask Kathy and David later when they come down for breakfast".

"Ah, so you know Kathy is here. "

"Yes, David was so kind to push a note under my door last night. I think he learned the lesson I taught you pretty well".

"And you didn't mind?"

"Well, Nick I start to getting use to the idea because I know that you and Francis spend nights together. I know you don't do it all the time and I am fine with that".

I just didn't know what to say.

"You thought you were sneaky enough for me not to find out, Nick?"

"Well you said that you didn't want that, Dad".

"I know. I can't keep you from doing it, so as long as it is not on a regular basis I am ok with it".

"Thanks Dad".

"So this means things are better between you two?"

"Why do you ask dad?"

"I know Francis hasn't spent the night in your bedroom lately and I know he did last night".

"Ah, well, things are starting to get back on track".

"I am glad, son. You know if you want to talk you can always come by".

"I know, for now the shrink is doing his best on it".

"I am glad you took our advice and went Nick. I could hardly stand seeing you like that. Not to forget about the performance you put on onstage yesterday. That was incredible".

"Thanks Dad".

We chatted a while and then David and Kathy came down followed by Francis pretty soon. We talked about a lot of stuff and we evaluated the day before. Alexei had called Dad that morning before returning home and said that he thought he would be able to come another week to train us for the regional final. If everything would go as planned he would be there two weeks before the competition as that was the right time to train pretty hard on perfection and then let it rest the last week.

So I didn't bring up the subject of lunch anymore, but Dad asked if David and Kathy would be there for dinner and they agreed on that. So we would spend beside breakfast also dinner together. Dad wanted us to be around at 5 since he wanted to make something special.

We stayed chatting for quite some while, but when it came close to noon we needed to go otherwise we would be too late.

"So are you ready to go Francis?"

"I think so Nick, I am still not sure if I want to talk with him but I will want to try it".

"Well just take your time, and you will see it will be all fine. Nothing to worry about".

"Maybe but he was my first love Nick, that is something you don't forget that easily".

Wow, I thought, was he afraid of falling in love again? This was something new. I, well never mind any reason for me to get jealous about nothing. He loves me now and not Brian.

I looked at him, took him by the hand and said "Come, let's get us ready".

We walked out of the kitchen hearing David saying something like what a cute couple they are. Followed by the laughs of both Dad and Kathy. I was not sure Francis had heard it also, but we went towards my room.

" I just need to get my coat Nick, then I am ready to go".

He let my hand go and walked further into the hall. I went into my room and got my coat as well. It was still not cold outside but there was some rain predicted.

I walked out of my room and waited for Francis. When he came out of the room and walked towards me he didn't look like the self-assured Francis he always was. Just like yesterday evening there were signs of doubt of what he was going to do.

I put my arm around his shoulder when I reached him. "Everything will be fine Francis, I know it will. I think somehow Brian wanted to talk with you also, otherwise he would never have been there to watch us".

"I know Nick, and he can't be in love anymore with me, he has Andy now".

"Is this what you are afraid of Francis, you falling for him again or the other way around"?

"I am not sure Nick, you know I love you, but still he was the first to ... .

Oh my god why is this difficult".

"Hm I know Francis, but I am here to help you".

We walked downstairs and out of the door. The place we would go was only about 20 minutes walking from our home so we went by foot.

We kept walking with my arm around his shoulder until four houses further on I saw a man looking at us. Then I realized that he was looking at. Francis seemed to notice it also because he tried to get his shoulder away from my arm but I said softly: "if you don't mind Francis, I like walking like this with you. Let others think what they want".

He only smiled and we walked further.

"You know Francis, maybe this is just the perfect moment to see him again and to get answers on all the questions you have after what happened back then".

"You think so Nick?"

"Well yes, and maybe Brian thinks that also, otherwise he would not have been there yesterday".

"Maybe Nick".

"Well whatever happens honey, I trust you. I know you love me".

While I said that I had pushed my hand a little harder at his shoulder so we started to walk even closer together. We reached the park, which we had to cross.

"Don't you think it is better if we get a little more distance here, Nick? You know there are always some schoolmates of ours playing here and I am not ready for that at the moment. I think we have enough to deal with".

"Hm, you are right Francis", and I brought my arm back to my side just brushing his hand and arm now while we walked into the park.

"I must say Francis, that after last night I long for the time that we can hold hands together and behave like a normal couple in public. It felt really great last night".

"I know Nick and soon we will be able to do that, but for now let's take it one hurdle at a time".

Just in time we reached the restaurant. Brian and Andy were already there and it seems that the status of Andy had given us a rather secluded place at the backside of the restaurant looking out on the terrace there.

"Nice place you got us Andy", I said trying to break the ice. I saw the tension on the face of both Brian and Francis.

"Yes that's what you get from being famous: special places, special attention. Sometimes good, sometimes not so good good".

"Well you can't have it all, can you?"

"No, but we can try".

I gave both Andy and Brian a handshake and said that I was glad that they were here.

"Nice to meet you at last Francis", Andy said when he got a handshake from Francis.

"Sorry for my behavior of last night, but I think Brian told you all about it".

"To be honest Francis, yes, he has".

Andy sat back on his chair leaving only Brian and Francis standing now. Looking at each other. I was not sure what was going to happen but it better happen soon, because the silence starting to get deafening.

"He is not going to bite Francis". I said at last to try to make things easier.

Andy started to laugh a little bit about it then Brian said: "Oh god Francis, come here. I missed you so much". With that he almost fell into the arms of Francis. For a second I saw an attack of panic in the eyes of Francis, but then he relaxed and let him self be hugged by Brian.

I was not sure if I was completely happy with that after what Brian said, but I knew I could trust Francis.

"I missed you too Brian" I heard Francis answering.

They let go of each other and wanted to go sit beside each other.

"Hmm, I think to be honest Francis, that Brian wants to talk to you, and if that is ok with Nick, you better do that in private in a second. I know you probably have some questions for Brian as well".

Wow! Andy was pushing this really quickly. I only hoped that Francis was ready for this.

"Yes I think that is a good idea, if you want to that is, Francis. I would never want you to do something you are not up to".

"Hm all good advise today I think. Nick thought it was also a good idea to talk with you Brian so maybe we better do so".

They walked away to a table that was just outside on the empty terrace.

"You know Nick, I would really want to be a bird on that table and listen to what they are talking about, but I think it is important for them to have this conversation. Brian was hardly able to sleep last night. He thought it would be better had you or Francis prepared for the fact that he was being around there. He said that he had seen you two standing at the window just before dinner, but he hadn't got the nerve to come up to you then".

"Well, I had to talk Francis into getting here, but I think you are right, they both are walking around with unresolved business that needs to be clarified".

"I just hope that they get to some understanding. I know that Brian has hurt Francis, but there was just no other possibility if I understood it correctly. Brian hasn't told me everything, but it seems that it had something to do with Francis' parents".

I sighed and Andy looked at me, "You know them?"

"Well knowing them is the wrong word for it. Lets say that they threw Francis out of the house when they got suspicious that he was seeing a guy again".

"Wow! That is something. Where is he staying now?"

"At my place. My father was ok with him staying for the time being".

"So you are already living together Nick, smart move".

"I am not sure that you can call it living together but at least we can see each other when we want and that is something I really appreciate".

"So you never saw his parents?"

"No, not so far, and I think I am never going to see them. I know it is hurting Francis a lot, but he is not regretting getting out of there at the end. I think he misses his mom the most but his dad is ancient history for him".

"Well I just hope that they can fix things, Brian is a great guy and I have seen him worrying for a while now that he would bump into Francis somehow".

"Why is that; does he live here now?"

"Yes. He found himself a job, and well, I am here too when I am training or like now injured".

"Oh, how did he find out that Francis had also moved here"?

"He got his name on the list of one of the gymnastics competitions some while ago. He isn't performing himself anymore, but he is still following every little detail of what there is to know in the sport".

"I really would like to start to know you and Brian better". "Well to be honest I was really looking forward to get to know a few more gay couples, even if there is one famous one".

"Shsst, I am happy that I am not that famous, I am not followed all the time so I can sometimes live like a normal person. I just need to be careful when I am around the tennis court and at home".

"Lets just wait and see if they can settle things Andy".

"I think they will Nick".

<<<< In the meanwhile, outside on the terrace >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

<<<<<<< Hmmm, no, let that part wait until Francis can tell Nick what happened, sorry guys >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

While Brian and Francis kept talking, something I saw as a good thing because those mend that can at least come to some understanding; Randy walked in and sat down at the table.

<<Well sorry to leave you guys hanging like this I will get back with chapter 27 pretty soon as it is almost written. Let me know what you want to happen next send me an e-mail: or use ICQ: 36967366

Next: Chapter 27

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