Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Nov 20, 1999


Coach's Assistant chapter 3

While I hurried to go back to the lockers I so nobody looking but I felt very happy in a strange way. I loved what had happened. Sucking that beautiful guy made my day. Hopefully nobody would notice that I was gone for 15 minutes or so.

I went back to the hall first to get the bags of my brother and the rest. Then I looked around to see of my farther was already on the floor with his team. He was working on the other side of the hall at the pommel horse. I decide I was just going back to the locker when somebody stood suddenly before me and I bumped into him. I felt on my butt and looked up to see to whom I bumped in.

There was standing an odd looking guy, I thought he was in the beginning of his 20 and he just starred at me.

"Oh, I didn't hurt you did I"

"No you didn't I said".

He gave me his hand and when I came up I just got a touch of pain in my back. He must have seen that because he looked at me and said: " Well, just to be sure, let me check.

When he saw that I didn't know what he mend he said: "I am the doctor over here so just go with me to my office and let me check your back".

Well there was of cause only one thing I could do; I had to go along. We went outside the hall again and to the right. His office was only a few meters away from the classroom were I was mouth fucked by Peter.

We went in and he said. "Well take of your T-shirt then I can take a look. "

I took of my T-shirt and he went to stand behind my back. He started to rub it. It felt kind of strange, not a rub a normal doctor would give but I liked it. I started to get another boner. I hoped that he was just not going to notice it.

"Ok, no problem there just some bruises from the shock you got"

"Where are you from because I have never seen you around here".

"That could be right sir, I am from the opposite team, I am the coaches assistant".

"O, that is fine, we will meat in the future then".

"Why is that" I asked.

"I am also the regional doctor for the teams that haven't their own doctor. I will come around to visit your team in about two weeks or so".

"Oh" I just said.

"Well just get the T-shirt on and go back, it will hurt until tomorrow or so and then it should be over."

I went back to our own lockers where David and the other teammates were already dressed. They didn't seem to be bothered by the fact that I stayed away so long. I just waited with them until the other half of the team finished their game and then we could get home.

During the next two days life just got by. I stroke my cock every evening just thinking about that handsome jock I had sucked. During day I dreamed about him sometime I had a lot of difficulties just to focus on the lessons.

It would have been somewhere around noon when my brother walked towards me and saw that I was just starring down the hall.

"He brother were are you"

I didn't hear him and just kept staring at the most beautiful boy I had seen until then. He must have been of the age of David and he was just standing on the other side of the hallway. He was looking gorgeous with his blond hair. Deep green eyes and he was as long as I was. His body looked well build but that was a little hard to see because of the wide clothes he was wearing.

David must have noticed who or what was having my attention because he suddenly hit me on the back, came a little closer and said: "You like what you are seeing, don't you".

And before I could help myself I answered him softly "Yes".

Then just realizing what I did I turned completely red and looked at David he just laughed and said see you tonight brother. He just kept me standing there without saying anything and I just didn't know what to do. I thought about leaving and going home directly there and then. On the other side if I was going to stay I could get some more glimpses of that beautiful boy who I was sure of must have been new to our school because I would have noticed him before.

During the rest of the day I did my best to get another glimpse of him but he seemed to have disappeared. At the end of the day there was the gymnastic training of the team. They had that three times a week and I always went to help and even exercise myself a little bit. But on the Wednesday (today) I was always a half-hour late because of the fact that my lessons went on longer so I hurried to the gym when I was finished.

I went inside the office of my farther. He was sitting at his desk and when I walked in he said: "Just get changed and do your own excursive today I don't need your help today with anything. They are doing there normal routine. "

I went into the lockers and started to change in my own training suite I always wore when I got the change to workout a little why the team did there exercise. When I was almost finished David walked into the lockers and said: "hi brother, you better get ready quickly because there is a surprise for you in the gym".

I just looked at him, but he walked away to the toilets I just new he was teasing me as usual and I just slowly walked into the gym. Then when I was on the doorstep and planned to walk into the hall my eyes dropped almost to the floor when I saw that my young stud of that afternoon was standing right there in the middle of the hall at the rings preparing himself for an exercise. I just couldn't move and kept standing there in the doorway looking at what was indeed a beautiful build body.

"And did you like the surprise, you better be careful or every one will know". David came back and stopped just behind me whispering in my ear again.

I looked backwards and was planning to say something when I saw that Dad was coming closer and then pushed us into the hall.

"As you can see son, we have a new team member. He has just moved overhear. He was at his old college the best gymnast they had. I believe he was in the top 5 ranking of his region. Come on let me introduce you. He already did that with everybody else around when we started"

We walked towards the middle of the hall near to the rings and waited until he finished his exercise. He performed well, I think even better then any of the other teammemeber. Then he did his last move and got of the rings.

"Frances" My farther said. "I want you to meet the last member of our team, my assistant and son".

I stepped forward and said "Hi Francis, that looked very good".

"Well I am glad you liked it, I saw the coach coming in and wanted to show him what I can"

"Well I think that worked" I replied.

It was very hard for me to say anything to him so I just walked away to the other side were there were some fitness apparatus to do my exercise over there. I had a hard time not looking at him all the time and when I say a hard time I mean that just as I say.

I decided not to end my work session at the same time as my brother and his team because then I had to shower with them and I was sure that I would get very hard if I had to do that with them. I wanted to see Francis get changed but I was just afraid of it. This had to wait until the next match. I waited for almost 15 minutes when I stopped. Everyone was already dressed up and my farther was waiting there also. "Go on, we are waiting for you, just get changed. Shower you can do at home". I looked around but Francis had already left. I quickly changed and got out of there.

David just looked at me and smiled a few times but didn't say anything. At home I left my farther and David downstairs and walked toward the shower beside my bedroom. I quickly got out of my clothes and wanted to get into the shower. I had two reasons. I smelled terrible and my dick was as hard as it ever had been just thinking about Francis. At the moment I wanted to get my towel and start to walk towards the shower David entered my room without knocking.

"He" I said, while I quickly went with my hand s before my hard cock.

"What he" David said. "I just wanted to see if you where ok, but I have seen enough to confirm my suspicion which I have for a while now. You prefer boys over girls don't you?"

With that questions a total silence came over us. I hardly good answer but my cock said it all and when I wanted to say something it just didn't left my mouth.

"No problem for me Brother, as long as you are feeling happy with it".

"Are you sure David, you really don't mind".

"No, Nick why should I, you are still my brother."

Relieved I picked up the towel and sat down. "You are not going to tell Dad are you. I don't think I am ready for that yet".

"No, that is up to you, Though you should be more careful when you start staring at people like Francis. You were quite obvious were you thought went "

"Do you think any of the others noticed it"

"No I don't think so, Nick. Because I had my thoughts already I noticed but tell me what do you find so attractive about Francis".

I was kind of embarrassed with the open way he talked about it and I had trouble answering him, my face turned red and then I said: "well I am not sure. I think it are those deep green eyes and that beautiful smile of him".

"Yea, you mean not the way he looks".

"Well, of cause he looks very well, well build and all".

Then a call came from downstairs: Dinners up in about 20 minutes so hurry up Nick"

"I better take a shower now but thanks David this means a lot for me that you are ok with it"

"No problem Brother, when ever you want to talk just do".

With that he went downstairs and I got into the shower. Because of the conversation my dick wasn't hard any more but when I was in the shower and started thinking about Francis again it came back very quick. I slowly opened the tap and started to wash myself with one hand and stroking my cock with the other. I came hard and cum spurted everywhere. I knew then that I had to be very careful not to get a boner when Francis was around. I better be careful until I know more about him.

The next game wasn't until two Saturdays away so it would take a while before I would be able to see him in his gymnastic outfits. They never used to wear that during practice. But the next practice I was in early and my farther urge me to make sure that some special equipment was ready so I wasn't in the lockers when they were changing. Today we had a special force program at hand, in which I had to go along with the placer trough a routine and each time I had to take down their results. My farther in the mean time was taking special time with the others to show them their mistakes during the last meet and how to improve on that.

So the last person to go around the exercise was Francis. Until then we didn't talked too much to each other. We had said Hi when we bumped into each other during the day but now I had to show him all the exercise he had to do and even help him with some of them. Doing push-ups was one of them and I had to be sure they didn't touch the ground but went low enough to count. Normally I would place my hand below them so that they would touch it. My hand was placed on belly level. When we came to this exercise I had a hard time not to place my hand a little lower but I was just to scare of what Francis would think about it.

He touched my hand with his belly each time and I had they were as electric shocks for me. In the meantime he told me he moved because of divorce from his parents and his mamma didn't wanted to stay in the same neighborhood as his dad.

I had learned already from David that he was a more than able student and was not the normal jock that normally would just started to hit the average. So I brought the subject on study and what kind of interests he had. We discovered a mutual inters in computers. We went through the routine without touching each other any more but when we were finished the practice time was up and again I was instructed to clear the hall again so when I came back in the team members were already changed again.

David and I didn't discussed the subject me liking boys anymore but he didn't changed his attitude any how so life went on just the same.

The first training of the next week my farther told us that on Thursday the doctor would be around to have a full check up on every body. There were some laughter's from those who had been on the team last year but they just didn't say much about it. I was glad I wasn't on the team because I sure would stand in my underwear in front of that doctor. The way he touched me last time was very strange.

At home that evening my farther came to my room and we had a chat about how if I liked to be his assistant. I told him I was Ok with it as long as I had enough time for my studies. When he started to leave my room he said: "I think it is a good idea now you are working out a little too to have a check up by the doctor when he comes next Thursday so make sure you have a copy of the questionnaire too".

I just couldn't say anything but when he shut the door my mind wondering of about what could happen next Thursday.

Ok so far chapter 3 of coach's assistant. The story is getting underway little by little.

Next: Chapter 4

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