Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Dec 3, 2002


Chapter 32.

Well a bit sooner as I expected so I hope you like this new chapter of Coaches Assistant.

In the country where I live December 5th is a special day. What it is all about you can learn on my website and of cause the links that are on that page. But it is a special day to give and receive gifts so want to see what my gift for you is then visit my website at: (but only on december 5th or a few day longer).

Also I want to thank Bill this time for the great job of editing chapter 32 on such short time. Keep up your health my friend.

So if you want to comment on this or my website send mail to or use ICQ: 36967366. My website is: Some new stuff is added to the site and something special is about to come online for only 1 evening WHEN take a look.

So lets go on with Chapter 32:

The rest of the evening we enjoyed each other's company. I did some sketching and Francis some reading. I saw he was also a bit occupied with what I told him before, but I knew he would tell me if he wanted to talk about it.

So Monday came and nothing much happened. Also on Tuesday nothing much happened.

I didn't get a reply from either Randy or Alexei until I opened the e-mail on Tuesday evening.

I had written Alexei an e-mail with the answer that he could use the gym, so that was fine now. Since I just got a response I thought I'd better open them to see what they both had to say.

Hi Nick,

Thanks for your reply on Sunday. I am glad to be able to stay with you and I am sure you are glad with that as well (grins). So we will be able to spend some time outside the gym as well. I will think about the time schedule, but I guess doing all the work- outs together with you guys as well as earlier in the day before school starts will be a good idea. I will call your Dad on Friday to discuss the details.

I talked with James a few times since Sunday and this morning I was able to bring up the subject of why he didn't contact you or Francis. He didn't answer it straight on so I have no idea what the real reason is, but I think he will tell me sooner or later. So keep me informed about it. I think that so far James has not a lot of friends so I am a bit lost on this.

Did Randy contact you? Do you know when he will be visiting?

I am really looking forward to spending time with you and the others.

See you on Saturday. I will be at the airport around 11 am. Will you pick me up?



Well that seemed like a short message with a lot of questions in it, but nothing on the holiday. That is kind of a bummer I would say. Well we can talk about that on the weekend.

I just replied to him:

Hi Alexei,

Yea I did send Randy a message but didn't read the answer yet. Will do that in a moment and will let you know when he is coming to visit us. I am looking forward to James' call and will make sure that I invite him to stay over this weekend so you can spend some time together as well. (grin back).

I will make sure that one of us will be there to meet you on Saturday morning. I am not sure how we can do that but I will let you know, or you will find out if some one is screaming your name.

So only a few days to go. I am really looking forward to your visit Alexei, in more then one way.

Your friend


Then I opened the mail from Randy.

Hi Nick,

Thanks for your mail. I think I would be able to come and join you guys on the second weekend. I think I can manage to be in town on Friday evening, then stay there until Sunday morning. I am not sure that my boyfriend can come along, so I just have to talk with him to see when I can come. But I will let you know next week.

Maybe you can look around and see if there is some nice party we can go to on the Saturday evening. That is if your Dad will let you go to one with only one week until the championship.

I will keep in contact



Ah, he is coming alone again. It would be nice to meet his boyfriend, but maybe another time I guess. I better send him a short answer as well.

Hi Randy,

Looking forward to your visit. I am going to see if there is a party or something going on that Saturday. I am sure that when Dad knows that Alexei is coming along he will trust us enough now to let us go.

I am sorry to hear that your boyfriend won't be able to come and join us as that would have been nice, but maybe next time.

So keep cool and let us know when you arrive.



I just closed the computer and then I heard the door open and I turned around.

"What are you doing Nick?"

"I just read and answered the mails from Randy and Alexei. Alexei asked if we could pick him up and Randy told us he would be coming in the second weekend but without his boyfriend".

"Ah good, so you think your Dad will drive us to pick up Alexei".

"I don't know. He normally does grocery shopping on Saturday morning. I will ask him in a moment so we can see how we are going to do that".

"Did he say anything about James?"

"Yea he asked him why he didn't contact us, but James was a bit evasive on that but he promised he would. He said that James didn't have too many friends as far as he knew. I told him that we would try to ask James over while he was here as well. It might be a bit crowded but it might work if we put the two spare beds that are up in the attic in both our rooms".

"I didn't know you had spare beds up there".

"Yea they are from a while ago when we bought new ones for David and me".

"Ok then we better go down and see what your Dad think about this all".

"Wait a minute Francis".

He turned around and looked at me "anything more Nick?".

"Well I am just wondering how you are doing. After last Sunday you never brought the subject up anymore, but I can see that it is keeping you mind busy".

His smile disappeared and I knew he was still trying to figure it out, so instead of waiting for his answer I continued. "I just want you to know that whenever you are ready to talk about it I am here".

His smile came back just a bit and he said: "I am sorry Nick but I am still trying to sort this out, but if I want to talk I will let you know".

"Good then now let us get downstairs".

We went downstairs and found Dad in his study.

"Hi guys, what's up". "Hi Dad, I just had a message from Alexei and I have a few questions. Can we disturb you or are you busy".

"No you can jump in now. I am just reading through the programme for the meet that came in today".

"Ah so when do we have to perform Dad?"

"We are in the last group to go on Nick, so that means that it will probably be around 3 in the afternoon or so. A bit later than I expected and hoped, because that means we will need to think of something to keep you all occupied. I know that some of you will be jumping up and down all the time from being nervous. And I definitely don't want you to lose any energy before we have to go on".

"I'm sure you will think of something. And you can always ask Alexei next week".

"Yea that is true so when is he arriving Nick?"

"On Saturday morning around 11 am".

"Hmm not the best of times. I really need to get some groceries and stuff as I don't think I will have time for that on Friday or afternoon".

"Then we just have to find a way to get him from the airport I guess. We could take the bus and then a taxi back".

"No Nick, I think I can ask Brian if he or his boyfriend can pick us up". Francis said.

"Who is Brian, Francis?" Dad asked.

I saw that he coloured a bit before he replied; "Sorry sir, that is my former boyfriend who we met again when Alexei took us out. He, or at least his boyfriend, will be able to drive the car".

"Ah, do you think they would be able to do that?"

"Yes sir I think so".

"Ok ask them and let me know".

"Yes sir".

"Anymore Nick or was that all?"

"No I wanted to go and fetch the beds from the attic. We are going to invite another friend to stay with us, also a gymnast for the next weekend".

"Ah that's fine, but where are you going to put his bed? I don't think there is room for three beds in your room".

Shit that was the tricky question. How could I tell him that Alexei wouldn't mind that James would be in his room. But Francis beat me to it.

"Well we don't think Alexei would mind, because they can chat about gym and stuff".

"Does Alexei know who this friend of yours is?"

"Yes he does and he has no problem with it".

"It isn't Mike is it, because I'm not sure I would like to have him over here".

I laughed a bit because of that and gave the answer: "No Dad, don't worry it is not Mike and remember he couldn't do anything about it".

"Oh that's typical you Nick, still trying to cover up for him. Well I am not impressed by his performance at the moment, so he needs to improve, otherwise I don't think he will make it to the team for the meet".

"I hope you are honest about that Dad and that you are not giving Mike problems because of what happened. I'm not sure I would like that".

"No, I will be honest, don't worry. So that is all Nick?"

"Yes I think so. Oh wait! Alexei said he would call you sometime this week to put in all the details for next week".

"Yes I was hoping he would. Ok, then I have only one more thing to talk about with you, Francis".

"Me sir?".

I could see that he was afraid that the subject of his mother would come up, but I know that my Dad would trust me on that subject.

"Yes Francis. I saw that nice present you got Nick. I just want to see if you need any pocket money from now on, like Nick and David get. I don't want you to feel like you can't buy anything more because you gave those expensive gifts to Nick".

"Oh no, Sir. There is nothing to worry about in that area. I still have access to my bank account. They can't block that".

"Ok, well if you need advice about that just let me know".

"Yes sir".

We left the room and went back up to my room.

"So we better make some room here for the extra bed then. Where do you want it Nick?"

"Lets do that in a moment Francis. I wonder that your bank account will be empty some time. What then?"

He started laughing a bit: "There is nothing you need to worry your beautiful head over, honey. My grandparents left me a good bit of money and they put that in my name. I have control over that when I'm 16, so I think that they must have suspected something".

"Oh ok, I just wondered".

"More questions Nick? You better not say no because I can see on your face that you have".

"You know me too well. Are you sure that Brian will pick us up to get Alexei?"

"Yes I can ask him. We have been e-mailing and I was looking for a time to get together again, and they are still in town".

"Oh," I said and I knew I was not honest with him and even a bit jealous. Something I hadn't felt for quite some time and I didn't like it one bit.

He must have sensed my feelings when he said: "Nothing to be jealous about Nick. I am all yours".

And he kissed me on the mouth to reassure me.

"I know Francis, I am sorry".

"Don't be; it just makes me feel wanted Nick nothing wrong with that".

"I guess not".

"So where are those beds?"

The rest of the evening we were getting everything in order for the guys to come and join us. Although James didn't call I was sure he would love to spend the weekend at our place. Francis contacted Brian and he was pleased he and Andy could help us out and they would pick us up around 9.30 to go to the airport. They wanted to be there on time so we could have a coffee or something as well.

The next day on Wednesday I had an appointment with my shrink.

'So Nick what do you like to discuss today?"

I had been thinking about this question, as I knew he would ask. It was his way to see what was on my mind. After the sessions until now, I learned that he would come up with that, so I had been thinking about what I wanted to discuss. There was, until the weekend, just one subject on my mind. I knew I had to talk with him some day about sketching and my Mom's death, but I was not sure that I could do that already. But after Sunday evening and playing with Francis, I had another subject on my mind.

"I am not sure Doc. I have been thinking about something but I am not sure how to bring this up".

"Well so far Nick, you haven't had that problem and you know you can tell me anything, so don't be afraid".

"I think it has to do with that Doc, about trust, and maybe also about me not being sure I want it as well".

"Hmm, now that is a subject you know is not easy after what you have been through, and I told you before that it will take a lot of time to trust someone to get that close to you again".

"Yea I know you did, but well you know I have a boyfriend".

"Although you didn't mention him so far Nick I thought you had, yes".

"Well I think it has to do with intimacy. I guess. I'm so afraid that I will scare him off some how. About two weeks ago we were... umm." I turned a bit red not sure how to bring up this subject. It was strange to talk about this with some one else.

"You can trust me and I can assure you I have heard it all before, so nothing to be ashamed about Nick".

At the beginning I was not that happy with the shrink, but the last few weeks we talked about a lot of things and it really seemed to have helped me to clear up things, so I guess that was good. So I told him slowly what had happened in the shower with Francis, and me being afraid I did hurt him when I put my finger in his ass. And what had happened last Sunday because I knew that Francis had really liked it when I had stimulated his ass with my toe.

"Well Nick this is something that you have to understand is normal. Your experience will not make it easy to have the idea that stimulating that area will bring pleasure as well as pain, so it is normal that you hesitate and even get fright attacks. Did your boyfriend try to do anything with you yet?"

"No, he didn't yet but after last Sunday I am afraid he will try some time soon and ..... No let me rephrase that. I'm not afraid he will try that, I'm more afraid of what my reaction will be to it".

"Yes. I can see that, but you just need time, time to learn to trust him again and time to get adjusted to the idea. You just have to let him know how you feel and it is up to you to give him some idea how far he can go. I would suggest that you take it step by step together".

We talked about it for a little longer, how I could do that and stuff. But the main idea I had already upfront, I just needed to learn to trust Francis. I knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt me, so with my heart I knew that I could trust him and that it would be ok, but head was not that far along yet I guess.

"So just take it easy and let your boyfriend know what is going on with you. Trust him enough to share your feelings Nick".

"Yes, I think that is the thing to do".

"So you are going to be alright until the next session?"

"Yes I think so".

"Maybe you should think about a session together with your boyfriend Nick. That way you can talk about this stuff in a non-threatening surrounding".

I looked at him. "You think that that would help?"

"Yes. I have done it before and it helped most of the time, but you must be sure you can do this as it most likely won't be easy".

"Ok I will think about it Doc, thanks".

I felt more relieved now that I talked about it with the Doc. I knew it was normal to feel like that and that I somehow just needed to find, in my head, the trust I knew I had in my heart about Francis.

On the evening James called we had a long chat on the phone. He apologized for not calling before, but he was thrilled with the idea of spending the weekend with us and of course with Alexei. He asked his parents while we were still on the phone and they seemed to like the idea although they wanted to talk with my Dad as well before he came over. So I promised them I would ask my Dad to ring them before Saturday. James would try to be here around 1 pm. That would be the time we thought we would be back from the airport as well.

So we worked hard during the next days to make sure we wouldn't have much homework for the weekend and with the workouts. We were still working on the muscles and stuff. Dad let us off the hook from having walks each morning. Now we only had them on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

But still when it was Friday evening I still felt tired and I knew that Francis was close to feeling the same way. But we decided to meet up with Andrew and Peter right after school at the café across the street. David and Kathy would meet us as well.

"Hi there Nick, we're down here".

I think it was Andrew who yelled through the café to let us know where they were. We walked to them and sat down.

"So, strangers, how have you been doing?" Andrew asked.

"Strangers?" I asked.

"Yes we tried to catch up to you this week but you were always busy or at lunch. I don't think I have seen you there any time this week".

"Sorry Andrew, but we were doing homework during lunch time".

"Oh being brains now besides sports stars".

I saw that he was joking with us, but I thought I would do this seriously.

"No, just wanted to make sure I have lots of time on my hands this weekend".

"Ah, what is this weekend then? You are going to do something special this weekend?"

"No, didn't we tell Alexei is going to be arriving tomorrow to train us again next week".

"Ah so you are going to party again".

"No Peter, just working hard next week and spending some time. Another friend of ours is coming over the weekend after that, so maybe you could join us then as well".

"Next weekend, not tomorrow you mean Nick?"

"Yea next weekend. Alexei will still be here and another friend of ours will be joining us then".

"Ok let us see and ask our parents, then we will let you know this week. Ok?"

"That's fine. So what have you two been up to?"

"Oh not too much" Andrew said after a moment of silence.

"Yea I can tell" Francis interrupted, as he saw Peter's face turn red.

"Well I am sure that you two haven't been silent on things either". And this time it was our turn to colour a bit red.

"So how are things going Francis? Everything on schedule for the meet?"

"Don't ask me, ask Nick's Dad. But my muscles don't feel like performing a lot at the moment so they would like to wait for a bit".

"Oh that isn't good for the meet is it?"

"No, but I guess we will slow down training before that. I think we will even next week, working on techniques rather then muscle stuff with Alexei around".

"Ah that's good."

Then David and Kathy joined us, so conversation turned a bit to school and other stuff, not a lot of interesting items to tell here.

When we were at the point of leaving, I knew there was something that I needed to ask Kathy.

"Kathy I need your help with something".

"Aha! You are going to dress up again, Nick, for something special". David joked.

"No, but I would like to see if you can ask your nephew who works at the café something".

"Yea I can give him a ring no problems with that, Nick. What do you want to know?"

"If there is anything special going on next Saturday. We want to go out with Alexei and some of the others that evening and I think it would be nice to go down there".

"Hmm that is a good idea Nick", Francis said.

"Ok. I will ask them and let you know".

"Thanks Kathy" and I kissed her on the cheek to let her know I appreciated the effort.

"You better be careful David, or your brother will steal her away" Peter said.

We all laughed about that and left the café.

The next morning I almost jumped out of bed when Francis knocked on my door and then jumped on my bed.

"Wake up Nick or we will be too late".

My god it was a long time since I had seen Francis that happy. There was a big smile on his face.

"You are really looking forward to seeing Alexei again aren't you?"

"Yes. Brian and Andy, too".

Hmm, strange reply again mentioning Brian like that. I opened my eyes further trying to get more awake.

"So did you already have a shower?"

"Yes, sleepy head I did. We only have 30 minutes before they are here to pick us up so I am going to get some breakfast after I pushed you into the shower".

"Now that sounds like a perfect idea Francis".

"Oh yea I know but I will get out the moment you are in so nothing like that now, we just don't have enough time".

"Oh you think? I can remember that you don't need a lot of time for it at all Francis".

He coloured, but at the same time started to get me out of the bed. Dragged you could say. I didn't fight back as I wanted him to be with me in the bathroom, so I just let him. But when he tried to get out of the bathroom again I held his hand.

"Ah I thought you worked with me too well so far. But I'm going to have breakfast".

"Are you sure?" I started to push down my pants making sure he got an eyeful before I turned around. I didn't hear the door shut, so I knew that he was still there, so I kept on going and slowly started to push my t-shirt over my head.

"Hmmm " was all the noise he made. I turned around again and I looked at him. "So are you going to join me?"

Again no response as he stood there and looked at me.

I got a bit closer to him so that I could give him a small kiss on his lips. First he didn't open his mouth but then slowly he started to open up. What started as a tease went straight on into a real passionate kiss.

A moment before I wanted to let go, he stopped kissing, turned around and said "See you downstairs in a few minutes".

"My god! Come here Francis. You can't let me stand here like this." I was completely hard from that kiss.

"Sorry. I warned you and you should know better then to play with me".

"Bla bla" I said. "I'm sure I could ...."

"No! Go under the shower and see you in 5 minutes downstairs. And you better not take care of that young man that is mine later today".

I started to blush, but knew we would have more fun later if I left it alone.

He left the bathroom and I knew I had better hurry up.

I did meet them downstairs about 10 minutes later.

"Ah, you made it" Francis said when I sat down.

"Yes, thanks to you I did".

"Uh, did you help him Francis" David asked. I was not sure he knew what happened but his question was not asked by accident.

"Well let's say I made sure he won't be the one we have to wait for".

"Ah, I think I get it. You must have done something wrong brother".

I blushed, not able to say a lot, but I think that David had somehow heard either in the hall or the bathroom what had been going on. So I just let it pass on and got on with my breakfast.

A few moments later I heard the door open and Dad walked into the house. He had been out running.

"So you are going to pick up Alexei while I do the grocery shopping, and then we can all have lunch together when we are home right?"

"Yes that sounds nice Dad".

"Is Kathy going to be here as well David?"

"I think she said something about dropping in this morning. I think she would love to see Alexei again as well".

I almost said something like what is a girl like her doing around all these gay guys, but I just kept my mouth closed as my Father didn't know that Alexei was gay.

"Ok, any more surprise visitors I need to take into account? That friend of yours Nick, when is he coming?"

Again something else came into my mind. Francis really had made sure I was horny that morning as on my lips were the words "probably just after Alexei does" just barely stayed in.

"Around 1, so he probably will want to have lunch as well".

"Good any other surprises this morning?"

"Well if you don't mind, maybe Brian and Andy could eat with us as well. They are helping us with picking up Alexei".

"Ok. I will get enough for all of us, now let's get this thing rolling. I think I just saw a car stopping for you guys".

"Yea on time as usual" Francis said.

"Oh does that mean you think I am always late?"

Francis coloured this time and answered. "Uhh, no Nick".

We got our coats and went to the car.

"Hey guys you are right on time" Francis said while he walked over to Brian who was standing outside of the car.

It was Andy who answered. "Well thank me because Brian seemed to have other plans for this morning".

I started laughing when I heard that and in the meantime I reached Brian and hugged him just like Francis had done. I also whispered in his ear. "Hmm great minds think alike"

That was enough for Brian to start laughing as well.

"What are you laughing about" Andy asked.

"Oh I think I know what this is about" Francis answered while he hugged Andyl.

"Ah you had to make sure Nick was on time as well".

"You got it Andy" Francis replied.

"Well if our hornballs make sure that we get in the car, I'm sure we will be there on time to pick Alexei up".

I'm not sure how it happened, but Andy and Francis ended up in the front of the car and Brian and I in the back.

"Hmm are you still horny Nick?"

Now that was a surprise question from Brian, so open and all. I looked at him, but before I could say anything Francis answered that one. He seemed to feel at ease in the quick way Brian made one connection to the other.

"You bet he is Brian, and you keep your hands to yourself. I want to make sure he stays that way until tonight".

That got some more laughs from Andy this time.

"Hmm guys I'm driving; please don't distract me. I had enough of that already this morning".

Now that got more chuckles all around and we started to talk about what had been going on and stuff. They wanted to know where our next competition was so that they could see if they could make it to watch it. We made sure they knew where it was and how late we had to perform.

So about 30 minutes before the airplane landed we reached the airport and Andy got us to a secluded area of the airport where he led us to a hostess that was there.

"Miss can you help me? A friend of ours is coming with ..., Nick what plane is he on?"

"I know he is landing at 11 this morning that's all".

"Well let me see. Ok, they are on time so they should be here in about 20 minutes".

"Hmm sorry, but that is not really what I wanted to know. I just wanted to make sure that we could wait for him in a secluded area. I am not going to wait out in the open there that might attract to much attention for me and my friend who is on the plane".

"Oh you want to wait in the celebrities area. May I ask what your name is?"

"I am Andy Roddick, don't you recognise me?"

"Sorry Sir, I have no idea who you are".

"Now that is an ego booster" I said. "Ma'am this is a big tennis star, probably the most sought after young player around. And the friend we are waiting for is the Russian gymnast Alexei Nemov. You can check to make sure that he is on that plane. I think a secluded area is a good idea Andy".

"Sorry guys but I need to check before I can allow you in. I think you understand I have to be careful as there might be others in that area".

She walked away to the nearest phone and started to talk.

"So you do this all the time Andy?"

"Yes, it just make it easier to get on and off a plane. If she agrees, some one will meet Alexei in the plane and lead him to us before the others are allowed to leave".

"Ok if you gentlemen would please follow me.

We were brought to a secluded area and the hostess talked with someone at the door, pointing to us. She nodded and then the lady left. This was a very nice area secluded from the rest. There was a large bar where we could get a drink and a very large coffee bar as well.

So after we got our coffee we sat down and talked about what had been keeping us busy. To my surprise, Brian was talking with me most of the time and he almost didn't say anything to Francis. So I guess it was nice to learn more about him, and I think that was the idea he had upfront all the way. When I at some point looked at Francis I saw he was looking at us while listening to Andy and he had a smile on his face. So I guess this might have been a set-up between them. Hmm I better ask him later on, I though.

So after some time the lady at the door came closer.

'Sirs, the plane with Mr. Nemov just landed and I will go and get him, so he should be here in 5 minutes. Do you want me to get a cab or something?"

"No, that's fine. Thanks for your help with this" Andy answered. So she left to get Alexei. And indeed, as she had said, about 5 minutes later he came through the entrance.

"Ah, now I see how you managed to pull this together. Hi Andy, how are you?"

"I'm fine thanks Alexei".

"So come here Nick, and give me a hug".

Without hesitation he came towards me and we hugged. I was still a bit unsure about doing this in public, but then I remembered that there was no one around other than the airport lady, and I'm sure she had seen this before.

So after Alexei hugged every one, he started to talk to Andy about the advantages of being known. When we reached the car Francis and I got into the back with Alexei.

"So what is on the rest of the programme for today? You already got me one surprise so far".

"Well Dad has arranged a big lunch for us all, so we could talk. Oh bye the way Brian and Andy, you are invited to stay as well".

"Ah nice. I think we can stay, can't we Andy or did you have plans for this afternoon?"

"No I don't think so, so if you don't mind we loved to join you".

"So after that Nick?" Alexei asked.

"No, nothing special for today, just time to relax and to talk I guess". Then I leaned forward a bit to him and whispered: "I'm sure you and James want some time together".

A smile appeared on his face. "Is he going to be there this afternoon?'.

"Yea he will stay until tomorrow evening".

"Nice! Thanks Nick".

"Stop whispering you two and tell us how long you are going to be in town Alexei".

"Until next Sunday evening. I hope I will have taught these buggars here enough to make a change at the state championships".

"Hey, that's nice. Well maybe if you want we can do something together next Saturday. That is if your training allows".

"Yes, that would be nice, although you are right. I'm not drinking any alcohol at the moment, but that doesn't mean I don't want to go out and have a good time. Did you already look around to see if there was a party going on somewhere, Nick?"

"Yes I am looking, but I haven't heard of anything special yet, but I will find us one".

"Good. I think I would like it if you would be there as well, Andy. Then I'm not the only celebrity around".

"Fine. I think we can make it".

"Hmm guys",

"Yea Francis?" Andy and Alexei answered at the same time.

"We have already invited some friends of ours as well, so I hope you don't mind".

"No of course not. As long as we can be open about it everything we have no problem with seeing your friends".

"Oh you don't have to worry David and Kathy know it all and Peter and Andrew are gay themselves".

"Good. Make sure you find a nice place, Nick".

We chatted about all kind of things and I can assure you that the lunch we had at home was great. Dad really did some work for it. The only thing that was not nice for Alexei was that James was not around yet. I'm not sure but he seemed to be late. We were almost finished when he showed up.

"Can you get that Nick? There's some one at the door".

"Yea Dad, that would be James I guess".

I opened the door and there he was.

"Is your Dad around Nick? My mom wants to talk with him".

"Ok wait a minute then I'll get him".

"Dad, James' mom wants to talk with you".

Dad walked to the car and started to chat with his mom. They looked one time in our direction and then she started the car and Dad came walking back to us.

"Ok, I'm going to be honest with you, James. She wanted to make sure that you did behave and you were not allowed to go anywhere without me knowing it. I agreed on that, so that means I have some responsibility. But I think that you are old enough to make sure you don't bring me any trouble. I have no idea why she was concerned, but I think it's better that you tell me. Don't you think so?" Wow my Dad really was direct to the point again. I saw that James was looking at me for help and I think that he wanted to move out of here straight away.

"James, Dad knows about the relationship between me and Francis, so you don't have to worry about anything. You can tell him anything".

"It's kind of private, sir. I'm not sure I want to share that with you".

"I think you better as I know my son. He will want you to visit here more often and then I will want to know why your mother is reacting like she does. She doesn't know that you are gay?"

"Yes sir she knows, but well, she know I also like older guys more than ones of my own age, and she doesn't like that".

"Oh, well I think you will be ok here. There is only one older guy here and that is me".

We started to laugh a bit then Dad continued: "I think you must do what you prefer James but I also want to make sure that you are honest with me. I don't want to get in trouble with your mom".

"Yes Sir".

"Ok, then we better go in there and meet the others".

James followed us into the kitchen. He gave all the others a handshake when he was introduced, but I saw that he was looking at Alexei almost all the time. When he reached him, instead of the handshake, there was a big hug. I think James just told my Dad that he was going to be honest. Alexei returned the hug quite long and when I looked at Dad I saw a question mark on his face.

"Hmm sorry guys but .......................

So if you want to comment on this or my website send mail to or use ICQ: 36967366. My website is: OH yea and don't forget to visit the website as there is a special day coming up soon with special things ONLY on that day. Want to know when go to the Website.

Next: Chapter 33

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