Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Jun 24, 2003


Coach's Assistant.

Hi guys, yea I know it has been a little while but I have been busy with work, exams, doing my bathroom and the weather is just to beautiful to go sit inside to write. I haven't got a laptop yet with which I can write in the garden but with weather like this that would bring you lots and lots of new chapters but well that is not happening yet.

Your reaction to it keep it possible for me to get on with it so if you want to share your experiences while reading let me know.

Then I started on my website also a new story named TOM and a corner of stories written bye others (starting with Alex) (

If you are not into these kind of stories then don't read on. I have no knowledge of any sexual preferences of celebrities mentioned in this story, all is based on pure fiction.

Let me know what you think of the story, or bye ICQ: 36967366

Here we go with chapter 38.

"Are you sure Francis? Just anyone could come walking in".

" Well then they know that we are busy and probably if they are polite will go away without saying anything".

I chuckled a bit at that and smiled at him. I knew exactly what he saw as I started to get hard the moment he entered the room. It surprised me as I thought they would have waited for me to come out.

" So you are ok with this Nick?"

"It is kind of exciting I must admit".

This time it was Francis who chuckled and said: "I can see that Nick".

He put his hands around my hips and lifted me up a bit until I was just above the bed. He set me down so I was just on the edge. He pushed my underwear down after he put me on the bed.

I started to push it off but he stopped me. "Let me". He slowly pushed his hands over my skin lower and lower. He left them rest on my lower belly and rubbed it for a few moments. Then he put his hands on the underwear again and started to push it over my hips. Slowly rubbing my buttocks he pushed the underwear below them.

A bit embarrassed, I looked into his eyes.

"You know I have been wanting to do this all evening. From the time we started dancing there was not a moment I did not want to get you out of those clothes. But I never expected that it would be this easy to get you naked".

"Hmm, I'm not sure we have the time Francis, so you better do something about it".

"Oh we are not in a hurry. I think Alexei saw me coming in so he knows what is going on if we don't come out quickly."

I blushed a bit more now. My hands were now on each side of his head. He was still on his knees and I bent a bit forward so I could kiss him. First on his forehead but then I bent a bit farther and finally got to his well-formed lips. I slowly started to lick them first and then when he opened his mouth I let my tongue slip in and wander around the inside of his mouth. I knew that teasing like this would get him on the edge of doing almost anything.

At the moment I wanted to let go for a bit of air. I thought my tongue was tangled between his lips and his tongue and couldn't get out of there. He sucked hard on it now and I felt that I would need air soon. But the feeling of the need for air together with the suction on my tongue got me feeling quite high.

At last he let go and I started to open my eyes. I found myself looking into his and I felt like I was starting to sink in deep. Instead of me taking the lead from the kiss, I started to feel that I relaxed into letting him take over. He didn't try to kiss me again, but slowly dragged his tongue down, first arriving on my left nipple. Licking it teasingly slow he then moved to my right and repeated it on that one.

I couldn't help it, a moan left my lips. He continued to lick my nipple, but he looked at my face. He smiled when he saw that I was smiling and having trouble breathing normally.

He went a bit lower again stopping at my belly button for a second to lick it and I'm not sure but I think he tried to bite it as well. New feelings of enjoyment came to me when he slowly moved on toward my lower belly. My god! I always knew how sensitive that area was but I really liked it when Francis licked it.

Just before reaching my dick, which was pointing up proud and stiff, he looked up again.

"Are you ready for this Nick?"

"What a question Francis!"

"So you wouldn't mind then if somebody came in?"

'Damn' I thought 'He totally made me forget where we were'. I looked around and I was on the side of the bed. Anyone who would walk in would see Francis' back and my face and then realise exactly what we were doing. I don't know if he saw the fear on my face but just at the moment I realised that he started to lick my dick and I felt my hormones take over completely.

He slowly went further on down on my cock, reaching the base and starting to lick my balls a bit and then going back to the head of my dick. Just slowly teasing me he went around the top of it. I pushed my hips forward as there was only one thing that I wanted at the moment. I wanted to feel his warm, wet mouth around my dick. I wanted to feel him suck the air away around it and feel it tight in his mouth.

It didn't take too long before he slowly started to take my dick completely in his mouth. First slowly, then deeper and deeper, still making me long for it as he took it in his mouth and slowly started to suck on it and let it slip out again, too early I felt.

"Faster Francis, please" I said between moans.

Then he stopped altogether and looked at me.

"You are horny aren't you Nick? You really want me to ...."

" Come on Francis, you know I want it, you are driving me mad with your slow stuff".

"So you're not afraid anymore of cumming in your hospital room?" he said with a smirk on his face.

Again I looked around anxious to see if some one had entered when he went back to it. This time not only making slow deep suction but alternately fast.

I felt my balls start to pull up together. But then as I thought I heard something at the door, the excitement was lost for a moment because of anxiety. 'Damn' I thought 'this is dangerous. What if some one would walk in, like my dad or Alexei or David?'

I felt Francis again take my dick deeper in his mouth than anytime before. 'My god' I thought and then there was no stopping anymore. And exactly at that time, yeah you guessed it, the door opened. I let out a moan as I felt gush after gush of cum leave my dick and land at the back of Francis' mouth. I think it became too much as he let my dick slip out of his mouth and more cum shot out, now even harder. At least it felt like that and it landed on his face.

I knew that the door had opened, but the enormous feelings of my orgasm made it impossible to open my eyes and see who was there. After a few seconds I opened my eyes and looked. I saw no one, but the door was indeed open. Had someone come in, seen or heard us and turned around and left? I looked at Francis' face. I smiled when I saw that he was pretty much covered in cum.

"Hmm now that's a view", I said.

I bent forward and slowly started to lick my cum off his face. First on his right side and when I wanted to move to the other side I passed his lips, but before I got a chance to go to the other side he leaned forward a bit more and kissed me on the lips. I opened my mouth and felt him do the same. Sharing my cum with him made me go crazy again. We never had done something like this before and I could feel new feelings of belonging to each other and trusting each other going through me. I slowly let go and opened my eyes. I looked at him and he smiled, but also his mouth was still open and he moaned loudly. I looked at him and saw him thrust his hips forward.

Now it was my turn to smile at him and I could see that the moment he opened his eyes and saw that I realised what had happened, he started to blush.

"No need for that Francis".

"Sorry Nick but do you know how special that felt sharing your cum with you?"

"I have a pretty good idea and I think if I hadn't cum just a minute ago I probably would have shot again myself".

This time there was a knock on the door.

"Are you guys ready?"

The strange sound of this sentence hit me. Someone knew I was not alone in here and that we were busy or had been busy.

Before I could say anything it was Francis who answered the question. " Yea David, Nick just needed help with dressing. It seems that he was not completely over his dizziness. But I think it's almost gone." The last bit was said with a chuckle in his voice.

" Good! The last thing I wanted to do was come in and give you a hand with that Francis".

'Damn now what?' I thought 'Here were both Francis and David making fun of me and I just didn't know what to say.

" We will be out in a minute or so David". I answered.

" Good Nick take your time. Just wanted you to know that we will be waiting outside in the parking lot".

The door closed again and I looked at Francis.

"Close call I would say".

"Not sure it was a close call Francis. I think he came in a bit earlier."

"You think so Nick?" I saw that Francis looked over his shoulder to see how much David could have seen.

" Well I think that you shut the door when you came in and I believe that it was open before David said anything so I he must have been here a bit earlier".

"Damn, do you think he will tell the others?"

"No, don't think so. He might make some funny remarks but that's all".

"Well we better get going then".

"Hmm now you're in a hurry Francis?"

He smiled at me. " Come on and let's you get dressed".

I got dressed while he washed his face. When we left the room the doctor that had taken care of me came towards us.

"So you feel nothing out of sorts now you are out of bed Nick?"

"No, doctor, I will be fine".

"Good! I just wanted to make sure. You never know what might cause things like this. There are so many strange diseases going around these days".

" Well I'm sure that nothing like that will happen again doctor."

"Good! As long as you are careful out there guys. Trust is good but safety over everything".

I saw a smile on his face and just when he turned around he whispered "You are a good-looking couple, make sure you can trust each other on all things and be honest about them".

I looked at the doctor with a bit of shock and saw that Francis had the same expression on his face.

" Don't worry guys, just a warning. Remember, if you ever want to be tested just come around and I'll make sure it will happen discreetly. Now go and have a good evening and Sunday. Don't do too much Nick, just keep calm to be on the safe side".

I smiled at him and while I took his hand to thank him I said: " Thanks for everything and we will keep the offer in mind".

Francis thanked him as well and together we walked toward the exit.

" We never talked about it before did we Nick?" Francis said.

"No, and I think the doc is right. It's time we did, but probably not tonight ok?"

"Ok, but with the things we've been doing lately we better not stall it too long either".

Just on the corner of the parking they were all standing, still waiting for us. It was good that Dad had his car; otherwise we would have had trouble getting home. I was not sure how late it was, but Peter and Andrew were taken home by Brain and Andy. Alexei, Randy and me went in my dad's car and David and Kathy got into her car.

I knew the evening was not over, although I somehow had lost track of time as well. I still was not sure how Francis and my dad would react to what had happened. I knew that they deserved to know the truth about it. David, well I was not sure that Randy wanted him there but it would be very difficult not to be honest with him, after all he had done for me lately.

I looked to the other side where Randy was sitting. He was not looking at us, but outside. I saw that Francis knew I was looking at Randy and he moved a bit closer and whispered. "Whatever happened tonight Nick, it will sort itself out, don't worry".

Hmm. I hoped he was right about that and that we might not bring Randy further trouble. I knew the first thing he needed now were friends, so a positive reaction from both Francis and dad was important. We arrived home and David got us drinks while we all sat down.

"Now Nick can you tell us what happened tonight? You promised me you would tell it me all when we got home".

"I know Dad, but Randy has a say in this as well. So Randy do you mind if David stays around?"

I saw that Randy looked from David to me.

"No, don't think so Nick, as long as well ....." his voice broke and he looked for help towards Alexei.

Alexei put his arm around him and I could see that that did some good for him.

"I think that we need a promise here, don't you think Nick?"

"Hmmm yeah I think that might be a good idea".

Alexei continued: " There is a lot to be explained I know, but before we can do so, there is a promise you all need to make. Whatever we do after tonight it is just not possible for any of us to say anything to others as it might hurt people very much. I think that goes for both Randy and Nick, so we just have to make sure that we have the approval of both of them for what ever we decide to do about it all".

"This sounds heavy Alexei. Not sure I can make such a promise without knowing the whole story. Tha's a lot to ask of me".

" Well Sir I think this is a matter of trust here. I think you just have to trust them both enough to know that they will do whatever is right about it".

I saw my dad looking at me. I could see he was making up his mind. I gave him a small smile. Then I saw him turning towards Randy. He looked at him closely. First Randy had his eyes locked on my dad's face but he turned away after a short while. I knew that probably my dad would interpret that incorrectly.

But before my dad could say anything it was Francis who said: "I give you my promise. I know that Nick will do the right thing if there is something we need to do and I think, although I don't know Randy that well, he is not someone who would walk out on his friends. So I won't say anything to anyone about what is said tonight and I respect whatever decision that Nick and Randy have made or will make about this".

I moved closer to him and kissed him on his cheek. "Thanks for that Francis". He smiled back at me. I now looked back to my dad. I could see he was still not convinced.

This time it was David who spoke up. "I will do the same. I just know that you have grown up a lot lately Nick, so I know you will do what is best for you and your friends".

I felt very proud of that as in the past David looked out for me to make sure I didn't get hurt in anyway.

"Ok, I'm still not convinced Nick, but I will go along with you for now. If I'm not convinced about this tonight we might have another talk about it later".

"Ok that's good enough for me now Dad, as long as you listen carefully tonight then I think we will be fine. I just want to know for sure that no one here is going to hurt, in any way, Randy's career or him as a person".

"So now we all promised Nick, what happened tonight? I still find it very strange that you first fainted without any physical reason and then had another bit of a black out".

"I know you want to know what happened Dad, and I think it will become very clear to you the moment Randy does exactly what he did just before I fainted".

They all looked at Randy and I saw him pulled back into his shell a bit

"Do you have your wallet with you Randy? I asked.

"Yes you want it?" he answered.

"Well not your wallet but ..." instead of finishing the sentence I stood up and walked towards him. I saw that he got his wallet out of his pocket. Just when he was getting the picture out of his wallet the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it " Alexei said as he stood up.

I got the picture from Randy and walked toward my dad. Just before I handed him the picture I was stopped by the loud voices that came from the front door.

"I know that little weasel is here. I want to see him now".

"Calm down man. I think that he doesn't want to see you at the moment".

"What did he tell you? He's a liar you know. You can never trust his pretty face and he needs to be kept reined in at all times. He just walked this time and I will make sure that he knows that he is not to do that again".

"No sir, I think you better not come any further".

We heard a few pushes and some glasses broke. I had turned my face towards Randy and saw that he looked frightened and tried to hide behind the couch, but also there were some new tears on his face. I slowly walked away from my dad and stopped just in front of Randy. I looked at him and he saw the question in my eyes. But then again voices came from the front door.

"You little fuck, you want him for yourself don't you. Well he's mine and I'm sure the moment he knows that I'm here he will leave with me. He knows what will happen if he doesn't".

"I think for now it's better that you leave."

"No! I won't let you have that little fuck. He's mine and mine alone".

Again some strange noises came form the front door and I saw that both David and Francis had started walking towards the doorway to the hall and the front door.

"No guys, I think that Alexei can handle this best". There was no way I wanted them to know in this way who Randy's boyfriend, well alleged boyfriend was. I knew by what was said and the fear on Randy's face that this was not love, this was just blackmail of a person that somehow, just like me, loved to be told what he should do.

Then we heard the door close and a moment later Alexei walked back in.

"Who was that?" dad asked before any one else could.

Alexei looked at Randy.

"Where did he go?" Randy asked softly so we could hardly hear.

"Gone for the moment Randy, no worries, you are safe here".

Randy looked around again, meeting all the eyes that were looking at him.

"My God is anyone going to tell me what's going on or ....".

"Calm down Dad. You know I was. We can't help it that things seemed to get out of hand."

At least that's how it felt for me. I must admit the sound of that voice again sent chills through me. I wondered why Dad hadn't recognised it at all.

"Well you can say that again! Is everything still in place Alexei? It sounded like you trashed the place".

"Nothing broken sir, just a few black and blue spots"

I walked towards my dad and I thought about the words I would use.

"Just before I fainted, we talked about boyfriends." I smiled at Francis when I said that. "As we spoke about Randy's boyfriend, I mentioned I had never seen his picture. So I asked him if he had one with him. He said he did and showed me the picture. He could never have known the impact that picture would have on me, and he never intended to hurt me, so please keep that in mind".

I saw that my dad looked puzzled when he reached his hand out and I slowly put the picture in his hand. Not ready to see his face, I turned around and looked at Francis. He tried to smile, a reassuring smile, I could see that. He tried, but I could see concern and questions on his face as well.

I heard my dad take a deep breath just after he looked at the picture and all eyes immediately were on him. He looked at me, then to Randy and then to Alexei and back to me.

"I see now why Nick, are you ok?"

I smiled when I took the picture back and walked towards Francis. David at the same time walked behind him so I knew they would see it at the same time. I repeated what I had done with my dad. I gave them the picture and turned around.

I looked now at Alexei and saw a soft smile on his face. I wondered how he persuaded the doc to leave. My God! That he showed up like that down here is incredible. But to be honest there was not a lot of time to think more as a scream erupted from Francis' mouth.

Before I knew it he was beside me and hugging me. I turned around slowly to look at him. Tears started to run down his face and he whispered slowly " How is this possible Nick? This can't be".

I looked over Francis' shoulder towards David and I saw that there was only anger on his face. Not a little anger, but a lot. I turned back towards Francis and gave him a smile.

"I'm fine now Francis. We have talked about this".

From the corner of my eye, I saw David walking towards Randy so I let Francis go and made sure I was there before him.

"Stop now David. There is nothing Randy could do about it, as you will find out in a moment. He is just as much a victim as I was".

It seems that for at least someone it all came together now as my dad asked: "Alexei was that him at the door?"

"Yes sir it was".

"Didn't he recognise you?".

"I don't think he was in much of a state to recognise me at all Sir. He saw me only for a short time then with Nick, so I don't think there is anything to be worried about for the moment. But we need to think how we can resolve this".

"Is this all I think it is Randy? Is he blackmailing you?"

Randy just nodded. Alexei was again sitting beside him trying to reassure him that everything would work out fine.

"Good! It's time we do something to end this once and for all".

"Wait a minute Dad. You promised not to do anything that we would not agree on".

"I know, but I'm not sure that it applies to this case anymore".

"Yeah it does, Dad. You promised and there is just too much at stake here".

"You want this to end Randy?"

"Think so Sir" He answered Dad's question "but you need to understand that there is no way I can let this get out in any way".

"I know Randy, but we have enough to make a strong case against the doctor, so I think we will be able to put a stop to this".

I had always wondered just what happened the last time, on the morning my dad had gone to the doctors' hotel. He had never told any of us, just that he had taken care of it.

"I first have to go and make a phone call guys, then I will be back and tell you what I have in mind".

Dad walked towards the kitchen to make his call.

(In the meantime in the living room)

"Sorry guys that you all have to go through this, but I had no idea that you knew the doc" Randy started to apologize

"No need for that" Francis said, "if this means it all will come to an end then it will be fine. I don't like the idea of someone blackmailing you at all".

I just moved closer to Francis and we cuddled for a bit. Normally that would have gotten us several comments, but it seems that everybody could understand the need for it. We just sat there, silently waiting for my dad to return.

"So guys that's done. I just called some assistance so if he gets here before I finish telling you what I did on that Sunday morning a few weeks back, don't get mad at him or me for telling at least bits to him".

I had no idea who he was talking about but for sure this meant that someone else new about my situation and I am not sure if I like that at all.

" He should be here before the doc returns so that will be some help for sure. I never told you what happened on that Sunday morning as I though that it would not help you in anyway. But now I think it's better that you know. You have to understand that my intention was to stop this for all times. I didn't want him to be a gymnastics doctor anymore, as I knew that he was making a mess of it all. So I called my friend Joshua to help me with this. I think you have never seen him before, but we tend to go out together and have some drinks in the local bar. He's a cop and I thought he might know a way to help me with this".

" You told all this to a cop?" I interrupted him.

"Yeah, I did Nick. I needed someone to put some pressure on the doc, and I think Joshua did this just wonderfully. You have to keep in mind that there was no way that I wanted to take this to court Nick. I just couldn't face the fact that you would have to go and testify in public about what had happened. I was afraid that the doc would know that too and would use that knowledge to get out of it".

"Oh, ok". I said a bit timid. He was right of course, there could have been no way of doing that.

" So we got to the hotel room where they were staying. I told him my demands, leaving Nick and Mike alone, stop being a doc for gymnastic teams and he better not show his face around in this town again. Now he immediately started to argue until Joshua, who was not in his uniform, made it clear that we had a very strong case against him. As I expected he countered with the fact that he didn't mind going into court with this as he thought that his own lawyer could very well make the judges understand that Nick did all of this for his own pleasure. He told us that he had a very good idea about the questions to be asked. So at the end he gave us his promise never to come in contact with Nick and Mike again, get rid of the website and he gave us the promise he would never do it again. He continued to be a gymnast doctor but he promised me he would work with the older guys. Now I know this sound a bit weak but I just wanted this to get over with".

"I think you did best under the circumstances Sir" Alexei answered. "I know you did your best and you were right not take it to court. It could have been a nasty thing for Nick to go through".

I just nodded at that and I felt Francis pull me a bit closer. I just put my head on his shoulder.

"So now that leaves us with the question of how we are going to resolve this again. I assume I am right that you want to end this blackmail?"

" Yes, Sir. I never thought there would be a way out of it, so if you have some way to help me without drawing any attention to it, that would be great".

"Well, I'm not sure. It will depend a bit on the reaction of the doc of course, but I think we're going to have a good chance with Joshua here and with you all here this time. Maybe a bit of a painful question Randy, but has he something solid in his hands to blackmail you with or is it just a story of some kind?"

I saw Randy look at Alexei. I knew this question would come up sometime and I knew a bit of it of course, but I was not sure what he would be able to tell us at this point. I had some time to come to grips with the idea we would confront the doc's with it all, Randy was realising this for only a few hours and I knew that he could not get a grip on it all yet. From my own experience I knew it was very confusing.

"I think we can say, Randy, that he has something solid in his hands without the need to tell them what. But I think that we need to try and get that out of his hands to make sure he doesn't go public with it at a later time or even blackmail you with it again".

He just nodded at Alexei's suggestion but he didn't say anything.

"So what is it that he has on you Randy?" my dad putting the question in the open now.

"Some video tapes, Sir" he answered.

"Ok, we better make sure we get them back. You know what they look like Randy?"

"Yes I do, he showed them to me several times".

"Good do you have any idea where he hides them?"

"Yes, under a few loose wooden planks in his bedroom. They are right under his window, but he has a lock on the box they are in".

"You never tried to take them away?"

"He told me he had at least one copy somewhere else so I didn't dare to do that. Although he never told me where they are, so it might not be true but I didn't think I should take the risk".

"Yeah I can understand that" my dad answered.

The doorbell rang and I saw that Randy got closer to Alexei again.

"I will answer it" my dad said and walked to the door.

He came back with a cop right behind him, Joshua I guessed. He was dressed in his uniform this time so he had probably been on call.

" I just explained a little to Joshua about what's going on. Let me introduce you to everyone Josh".

He introduced us and I saw him look curiously at both Alexei and Randy. When he stood in front of me he looked at me and said. "Sorry for what happened with you Nick, hope you are dealing with it alright".

"Yes, thank you sir".

"Good and call me Joshua. I have the idea I know David and you pretty much from all the stories your dad told me during the last year or so".

"And you must be the guy that saved Nicks life" he said when Francis stood up for a handshake.

I saw that he coloured quite a bit and wasn't sure what to say. At the same time I saw Randy look towards me. I knew I would have some questions about that in the future. I knew that dad had told him something but not all of it. I looked at dad and saw he was not comfortable with Joshua being so straightforward.

I think that Joshua must have seen all our faces and smiled a bit when he said: "Hmm your dad should have told you that I am a bit outspoken guys. Sorry if I blabbed this so openly but that's just who I am".

I started to like this guy and I'm not sure why, but as a friend I could see why dad got him involved in all this.

"Ok, I talked it through a bit with Joshua at the door and I think we have the solution for some of our problem. He thinks he can call someone, another cop, who can make sure that the doc hands over the videos as soon as the doc arrives so he has no time to make copies. The guy would escort the doc from the airport straight home".

"So when is he going to arrive? We want to make sure he's not going to walk out of this when he sees us all".

" I think in about 30 minutes", Alexei said.

"Ok, that gives us some time to go through this and I want an autograph from the two of you, otherwise I don't think I'll be welcome back home with my wife".

So for the next 15 minutes we talked about how we would do this and Joshua got to know Alexei a little better. It seems that his wife had been a former gymnast in high school and college as well and was still very interested in the sport.

We were all in position when the doorbell rang again. Joshua had gone out the back door and would come in through the front door to make sure the doc would not walk out of this.

Alexei went to answer the door and we could hear that they started a bit of a fight again, just as we planned. We wanted the doc to get mad again and force his entry into the house. Alexei would not really resist when he did that, just enough to let the doc know he was not allowed to enter at all. Then the door of the living room burst open and I guess we knew that it had worked. The doc appeared in the doorway but didn't move one step further the moment he saw who all was sitting in there. He must have recognised all of us straight away. The self-confident look he had on his face disappeared fast and I could see he started to get nervous.

But it was Alexei who pushed him further into the room. When he realised that, he wanted to back out, but this time when he turned he didn't see Alexei there, but Joshua in full uniform.

"I think you better get inside Sir. We want to have a little chat with you".

He looked around and ended up looking straight at Randy.

"Are you sure Randy? Are you sure you want to end all this? If you want to we still can walk out now. And I think if you look deep in your heart you want to be with me".

He was appealing to Randy strongly to leave with him now. He pretty well understood, with us around, what would happen and he tried to persuade him the best he could.

"I know you loved what we had, why throw that all away? You know you will miss it and with you being in the picture, you know you can't just go around and take risks, you know that".

I saw that Randy had it difficult. I knew the appeal would have had a lot more chance if we were not there. I could see that Alexei moved a bit closer to Randy and whispered something in his ear. I couldn't hear what was said, but Randy looked a bit stronger on hearing his words.

The doc looked toward me now and he continued. " I think even Nick misses what he had with Mike. He might not tell it here out loud, but I know he does. He will find that out in the future for sure, but he could have had so much more in life already. He could have exactly every dream coming true".

His words hit me like a hammer. Partly because they were unexpected, as I thought I would be safe now, but mostly because I could feel that there was a bit of truth in what he was saying. All the fears and doubts of the last weeks flipped back into my mind and I think that Francis must have seen them also as I felt his arms tighten around me now.

"I think you are wrong Sir. He has my love and I will make damned sure that that is enough for him".

The doc just smiled at us and turned his attention back to Randy now, hoping that my doubts might have been clear enough on my face to help him to convince Randy.

"You know you need some one to help you with everything Randy, and don't expect these guys to do that. They will be out of your life the moment I'm gone. You don't think they want to deal with a little punk like you?"

"I think it's time you shut up doc. I think Randy knows we will be better friends then you ever have been to him if he looks in his heart. He knows that I have been his friend now for a long time despite whatever happened in the past. And I think with the others, they are keepers as well, and not just friends for a few hours. I know them too well".

"So you ran back to your old boyfriend again then Randy. You trading me for him? I thought he had hurt you too much to do that again".

Now these were some words we hadn't expected and I think that Randy didn't want them to be opened at all either.

"So you think that? My God you are a selfish arse aren't you?" Randy had stood up and instead of the vulnerable guy that had been there a moment ago there was now a lot of anger in his face and even in his voice.

"You think that he is my former boyfriend? Well I can tell you he has been a friend but not the boyfriend you mean. He would never do that to anyone".

I think at this point the doc saw that he lost his battle. He walked towards one of the chairs and looked at Joshua and my dad.

"So what do you want?"

"Ah you are getting it now".

"I just wanted to make sure that Randy was sure about this and didn't want to go back".

"Well you see he doesn't and we want to make sure you will not be blackmailing him anymore".

"What! Did he tell you that I was blackmailing him?" the doc interrupted my dad.

"This shows just exactly what kind of lying bitch he is".

"Hmm I think I'd stop that if I were you as we already believe him. So what we want is this. One, you are going to stay out of this city forever. We will find out that you are back in town easily. Secondly, we want you to stay away from Randy for good. To make sure that will happen we are going to get you to the airport to make sure you will be on the flight we want and you will be met at the airport by someone who you will give the videos to that you have. You better make sure all of them are there because we still have the videos of you. I thought at first of giving them back to you so you know we will be clear of you, but we won't. I want them safe to make sure that you are going to apply our rules as we want. Clear to you so far?"

"Yes I think so. Is there a third?"

"Yes there is. We want you to stop your practice as a doctor for any kind of sports activity. You will have one month to make sure that this goes into effect. We will check on that and if you are still on anyone's list, we will make sure they throw you out. The last bit has to do with just barging in here".

I saw a puzzled look on his face now. He was not showing any emotions while my daddy laid down the demands, but he looked a bit scared now.

"You have come into this house without permission so I am going to charge you with illegal entry and Joshua is going to make sure you are put away for the night. We just want to make sure you know what will happen if you try to out this about us, as you will be sentenced to jail then for sure".

"You don't have to do that, you can trust me".

"It's not a question of trust Sir, but more that we want to make sure you understand we are serious about all of this. Can you take him with you Josh? It's getting rather late and I think it's time we started to see our beds".

The doc started to protest loudly when Joshua pulled him off his chair. He was not a party for Joshua as he was much stronger, but to make sure he was not going to struggle too much he got handcuffed.

A few minutes later it was all quiet again and we just sat there. I think everyone was happy that this experience was over.

"I think we should all go to bed now guys. I know you might want to talk more about what happened, but we can do that in the morning. I think it's almost 3 a.m. so more than late enough to go to bed".

Dad was right and I could feel that Francis got up and pulled me with him. "Good idea" I heard him say. I saw that Alexei was doing the same with Randy. So we went to our separate rooms for the night. I was glad that Francis had to stay in mine, as I would need the feeling of him beside me, cuddling up to me.

Well that was it for now guys, There is more to come but if you want to let me know if you liked that is always appreciated. Any suggestions are welcome to it as well. E-mail; or bye ICQ: 36967366

Next: Chapter 39

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