Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Jan 31, 2004


Chapter 46 of Coach's Assistant

Hi guys, well here is a new chapter of Coach's Assistant as promised reasonable fast so I hope you are ok with that. Not sure I will keep up this pace of new chapters but we will see.

If you want to read more about what I have been writing so far go to my website and find the first and second story that I have been writing in the past or the new story Tom that I am writing together with Coach's Assistant at the moment.

I also tend to have some specials from time to time on my website so now it is a valentine's special.

If you want to let me know what you like about the website, stories or what ever contact me at:, or on MSN or ICQ. My website can be found at


Now on with the story:

[with Francis in the hospital]

Driving to the hospital didn't take as long as I thought it would. Everything went quickly after entering the emergency room. My mom had started to fill in the paperwork and I was transferred to the x-ray area. It seemed they really wanted to make sure that there was no damage inside my head. Well, I could have told them there was none as it didn't hurt that much at all. The only worry that came to me more and more was, where was Nick? Alexei hadn't seen him, so he must have stayed with Brian and Andy or Peter and Andrew. Well, I just hoped he'd be here soon as it was quite lonely down here.

I also didn't want him to hear the story of what happened from others, although I guess that wish was almost out of the question now. But still, he'd be angry, worried ... A smile appeared on my face; yea, he was a really good boyfriend, but sometimes he should learn to loosen up a bit. I know he had wanted to party to celebrate today's victory very much with all our friends present but ... well, I hope he's not too upset that that has had to wait.

I had the idea that mom found him a nice boy, so I guess that part of my life was going in a good direction as well. I know we both would need his help and support to get this situation behind us. If my dad would fight this, we'd end up in court and I wasn't sure I'd be able to testify. Also, if that were to happen, it'd all get out in the open and that would mean coming out at school. Wow! So many things to worry about! Hmm ... I started to feel sleepy while thinking about what happened. I saw ...

[back in Francis and Nick's room]

When they all got together with the security agent 30 minutes later in Nick and Francis's room, they knew that they gotten nowhere. This was starting to be frustrating. No one had seen Nick after he'd left the press conference. Well, at least we knew he'd sent Francis's mom upstairs to see Francis but what had he done after that? The phone rang and everyone started to look a bit apprehensive. Alexei answered it, then handed it over to the security officer.

"One of his colleagues," Alexei whispered in answer to the unasked question.

We all waited to see if there was any news. The possibility that Francis's dad might have somehow got to Nick started to seem more and more possible.

"OK, I'll tell them. Just continue to look for him."

Hmm, that last sentence didn't offer very much hope that there was positive news, we thought. We looked at him.

"Sorry guys, but there's nothing yet. The cops returned my call but it seems that there is already a lawyer present with Francis's dad and he has advised him to say nothing. They're now in conference, so hopefully they'll have something to say later on."

"A lawyer that fast?" Andy asked. "I never can get one that fast if I need one."

We smiled a bit. "Yea, I think one of his family members a lawyer, according to what the cops said."

"Oh, well. So, now what."

"Did you all check out your own rooms as well?" the security guard asked.

"Yea, we did and we also put a note under the door of Peter and Andrew's room, asking them to contact us the moment they get back."

"Good! Well, I guess all you can do for now is wait. We can't do anything until we hear from the cops."

"You don't want to go and ask guests in the hotel lobby if they've seen any of the missing guys?"

"Well, no. It's way too early and that would draw a lot of unwanted attention. Let's see what the cops have to say. He's only been missing for an hour or so missing. He might just have walked outside somewhere and be back any minute."

Nobody felt the need to answer that because no one believed that Nick had just left for a walk. We all felt that there was more to it than that.

"Sorry, but I can't stay here doing nothing. I'm going to go out and do another round," Alexei said.

"OK, guys. I'm not opposed to that but don't make a nuisance of yourselves to any of the guests, or at least, not yet."

We all left again for another 30 minutes of looking around, but we agreed to met back in the room by then.

[in the lounge in the hospital]

"Hmmm, I didn't know that taking x-rays would take this long."

"No, me neither, but don't worry, he'll be OK."

"Thanks, you've been a great help so far ... Robert, correct? It's a bit difficult to say Nick's dad all the time or coach."

"Well, I'm more or less used to it, but you're right, using first names is a bit easier."

"Oh, well, my name is Linda, just in case you need to use it."

"Thanks. I think we might get to know each other a lot better, Linda."

"It looks like it, Robert, but then again I have no regrets about that. In the few times I'd spoken with Nick before, he showed me he's a remarkably young man."

"You've spoke with him before?"

"Yes, I've said 'hi' to him a few times, once in the mall and the other time just before the meet this morning while he was drawing in the park."

Oh, Nick's dad thought, that's what he's been doing before the meet! He'd missed Nick on the floor with the rest of the team during the first round, but he'd been too busy with the others to go and ask them if they knew where he was.

"He can draw very well, you know."

"Oh! He even let you see his drawings?" the coach said with a bit more jealousy in his voice than he'd wanted to express.

"Well, I more or less looked over his shoulder twice while he was doing it. You've never seen anything he's done then?"

"No, not lately. He's kind of secretive about his work."

"Hmm, they really are taking a lot of time, aren't they?"

"Yes ... but that at least will give Nick time to get here. If we go in without Nick with us, Francis will start worrying for sure."

They looked up as someone shouted "Dad" in the hall.

David and Brian came walking towards where they'd been sitting.

"Hmmm, shit, she is here! Now what?" Brian whispered to Dave as they opened the door to the lounge.

"Don't be nervous. It'll be OK. Remember what Alexei told us: they've talked about it."

"Hi, David. You found us."

"Yea, it was a bit of work, but we did it."

"Is that you, Brian?"

"Yes, ma'am," he answered a bit shyly.

"Wow! What are you doing here?"

"Well, visiting Francis, of course. How is he?"

"Well, they took him in for x-rays but since then, we've gotten no news," the coach said.

"Oh, well, no news is good news. We'll think positively," Brian answered.

"I mean, Brian, what are you doing, here in town?" Francis's mother continued, still surprised to see him.

"We knew he was here for the championships and we wanted to be there to encourage him."

"Oh, I had no idea you were back in contact with him again."

"I know, we more or less bumped into each other some weeks ago and we've stayed in contact ever since."

"Oh, god, we've really made a mess of his life, haven't we?" Francis's mother wailed as more and more tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"Don't blame yourself. It'll all work out now," the coach said as he took her in his arms.

She cried for a while and looked up. "I'm sorry, Brian, for everything that happened."

"I know. It wasn't your fault."

"Well, otherwise, you might have still been together."

"Hmmm, I'm not sure. I think Francis needs a bit less of an adventurer than me, so I'm not sure we'd have worked out in the end."

"Where is Nick, son?"

"Hmmm, well, let's sit down," David answered.

"Alexei didn't find him?"

Worried looks came on the faces of both the parents.

"Oh, my god! My husband! He must have run into Nick! Oh, shit, what now?"

And with that she started to cry again.

David's dad took her into his arms again but looked up to David to get some kind of a denial on what Francis's mother just had said.

David just set his shoulders and looked at Brian, who said, "Let me call Andy and see if there's any news. We've been away quite a while."

Brian walked to the other corner of the lounge and got his cell phone out.

We watched as he started to talk. It took a while. I presumed that there wasn't any good news, otherwise he'd have been back soon to tell us they'd be on their way.

As he walked back to us, we all watched him.

"Sorry, guys, no news yet. They've contacted the police to see if your husband could confirm that he ran into Nick. It seems they came up with the same idea as we did but, so far, there's been no answer to that question."

"Damn!" David responded.

Everyone remained quiet for a while.

"Hmmm, what are we going to tell Francis when we're allowed to see him?" Brian asked. "If he's still the same person as he was, he'll be worried the instant he sees us arrive without Nick."

"Oh, damn! I didn't think about that," David's dad answered.

"Well, maybe we should stay here for the time being. You'd better check out first how he's doing. If he's OK, we won't be able to avoid visiting him, but otherwise I'd say we can stay here."

"Hmmm, that might work. I'm not sure, though, how long we can pull that off, but we can always try."

"Well, first, we have to wait until we see a doctor."

With that, everyone went silent again, everyone with his or her own thoughts about Francis and Nick.

[in the meantime, in Mike's room, Nick speaks]

I'd heard the knock at the door. I wasn't sure who it was ... then there were whispers in the background and the shower was put on. I still couldn't move. I'd tried to get loose but that wouldn't work and I could feel that the thing around my cock was connected with something that was not that long, so just moving forward a little ways was too much.

I heard the shower stop and then some people came into the room. I had no idea how many or what was going to happen. I felt my dick twitch a few times, though. It seemed that my dick had a mind of its own. How was it possible that I was this horny and had let Mike get to me this easily?

Then Mike started to talk again and another, yet not as painful, shock went through my body. It was more teasing now, not a shock like the one before ... although in the first moment, I anticipated another flash of pain through my dick and balls. But, oh no, I felt my dick start to get hard ... not a bit, but a lot. Damn! Just the thing that I didn't want to happen.

They couldn't think that I was enjoying this!. Yea, yea, smooth talk, Mike.

Make me feel humiliated in front of them. I knew it was working, as my dick continued to rise.

I know that this was part of what I'd been discussing with the Doctor ... how and why did I respond to this so easily? He'd told me that guys in my age are easily aroused sexually and just a few things have to happen and we start to feel horny. We'd talked about why these feelings would hit me when I was embarrassed and humiliated, but we hadn't found an answer for that. He also said that fighting the feelings would sometimes only have the opposite effect, so when Mike told me to go and suck them, one by one, I turned around and started to do it.

Now you'd think that I was enjoying it ... but I was more or less on automatic pilot as it came to following my hormones. There was one aspect of this, though, that kept running through my mind while I was doing it. I closed off all other thoughts and just let my feelings take over for the rest. That though was about Francis and his dad. What had happened? I was scared he would have hurt him but, oh damn! I should have gotten hotel security instead of running after him. Well, I'd better work with Mike. If I obey, maybe I'll be out of here sooner.

He wanted me to go and stand on the chair. The guys' crotches had smelled and tasted nice, I had to admit that, but now what? My arm was taken and I was told to go and stand on the chair. I felt one of the guys fumble with my cock and balls, and something was put around it again. It wasn't as smooth as the "ring" that I thought Mike had put around it. The ring was still there but this ...

"OK, number 1, pull it tighter," I heard Mike say.

Wow! I tried not to shout or cry out as the clink was pulled tighter. I got the feeling it was some kind of rope, as my balls were trapped together closely.

"OK, put a knot on it."

Mike's commands were short and they gave me just enough time to realize what the next step would be, what they were going to do. Hmmm, this was not nice, as I'd just enough time to get nervous about it. I felt it tighten even more and then it felt a bit better. I guess, just before the knot was tied, the rope became a little looser. It would have been impossible to keep the rope tight, and still tie a knot in it.

Then it was silent for a bit. What were they doing? Since I was just standing there with the blindfold on, I couldn't ell what was happening. I was lost, just looking into the black cloth, trying to guess what was going on using every other sense. But that was not easy. I thought at some point that they where writing something down or so but I was not sure.

"OK, Nick, are you ready?"

"Ready for what?"


"What?" Then I screamed.

"Hmmm, you deserve a punishment for that, slave."

Damn! He wanted me to say two words and call him "sir." I'd forgotten that because I was concentrating on what was going on.

"Yes, Sir."

"What yes Sir, slave?"

"Yes, Sir, I'm ready for it."

I still had no idea. What was going to happen? I was standing, still with my underwear on but my balls were hanging outside the sack, free now.

[in the meantime, back in Francis and Nick's room]

We'd gathered again in Francis and Nick's room, more disappointed with the lack of results than before. I guess the idea that something was wrong became more and more pressing in our minds. Even if Nick had been walking outside, he should have been back by now.

"Any news?" Alexei asked when he walked into the room, one of the last to arrive.

We'd all split up before to look on our own in the hopes we could search a larger area at the same time so that Nick wasn't able to escape us.

"No news from Nick. I talked with Brian on the phone ... he and David arrived at the hospital and they were wondering if there was any news as well."

"Damn! Did they tell you what they'd tell Francis, Andy?" Alexei asked.

"No, they didn't, but his mom and the coach hadn't seen Francis either, so they were still waiting for the doctor to come back and tell them what was wrong."

"Oh, well, more worries then, I guess."

"Don't think that, Alexei," injected Kathy. "He was fine when we left ... you told us so. They are just checking him carefully to be on the safe side."

"I guess, Kathy, but still. What can we do? There are only the four of us [James, Alexei, Andy, and Kathy). We'd need a whole army to go through a hotel like this."

"Oh, no. Nobody is going to do that yet, mister," the security guard said as he walked in.

"Sorry, I was just expressing myself badly, I guess, but at some point we have to make decisions about what to do."

"Well, maybe ... but that won't be until the morning, I guess. I can't go running around the hotel, doing a full room-to-room search to see where someone is ... someone who might not even be missing."

"Maybe, but we think he is. Did the cops get back to you?"

"I knew you were going to ask me that, so I checked myself and called them but so far no news."

"So you want us just to go and sit and wait down here?"

"Well, at least one of you should remain here. I thought that two of you might go and wait in the lobby. You know what he looks like, and what Peter and Andrew look like as well. And the fourth person, I think, needs to get some sleep in the meantime and then you can relieve each other during the night. At least some of you will get some sleep then."

We looked at each other. We all wanted to stay up, but then again, the security officer was speaking some sense.

"OK, you guys. You do first shift then, and I'll go to bed. One of you, wake me up in two hours, OK?"

"OK, Kathy, sounds like a plan."

Andy decided to stay up in the room so he could contact Brian from time to time as well. So James and I walked downstairs.

"You know," he said. "This started to be one creepy evening, Alexei. I'm not sure I've seen my mom for some time now. I know she wanted to check into a room so do you mind if I go and check at Reception?"

"No, of course, go ahead."

I saw James walk up to Reception. Well, a missing mom would be all we needed now, I guess.

He picked up the phone, I saw, and I waited for him to end the conversation and come back.

My god, what a day! It started out marvelously, although that was not such a surprise. I had known they'd a good shot, but the way Nick had performed those last three rotations was incredible. I hadn't had time with him yet to discuss it. I knew it had something to do with his concentration but, then again, he should not have been able to do that at all. Well, maybe I could learn something from him on this point. I'd need it for the next championships later this fall. But first things first ... first we had to find him. It was hard to believe that they'd had to go through all these things in such a short time. I only hoped Nick was OK and, if not, that he was somehow holding on and not breaking down.

Well so far this chapter more to follow if you want to send in idea's let me know. If you want to let me know what you like about the website, stories or what ever contact me at:, or on MSN or ICQ. My website can be found at

Next: Chapter 47

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