Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Apr 4, 2004


Hi guys, well here is a new chapter of Coach's Assistant as promised reasonable fast so I hope you are ok with that. Not sure I will keep up this pace of new chapters but we will see.

If you want to read more about what I have been writing so far go to my website and find the first and second story that I have been writing in the past or the new story Tom that I am writing together with Coach's Assistant at the moment.

I have started a yahoo group in which I shall announce when new chapters of coach's assistant will be put on the website. The name of the group is underwearspankinggay. You can join up at

If you want to let me know what you like about the website, stories or what ever contact me at:, or on MSN or ICQ. My website can be found at


[in Mike's room, Nick speaking]

I was awakened by a hard dick . my god, again? I must have been having an erotic dream but, the moment I wanted to go and squeeze my dick, I found I couldn't move my hand. Then slowly I remembered where I was. Oh damn! Still here. It was also dark. I tried to look down and could see my dick standing up proudly. Then I felt it. It must have happened before, as my dick jumped again, getting even harder than it had been before. It was just a short sensation, then it was gone again, leaving me with an even harder dick. But it was back before I realized it, this time not only making my dick harder but also starting to make me do some rocking motions. My god, my dick wanted to shoot again! I'd no idea how long I'd slept . probably quite some time. Would it be light soon as, I wondered as, once again, a twitch went through my dick and balls. This time I could feel my balls starting to contract again. I wanted to cum . even worse, I needed to cum. I started to realize that somehow I was still hooked up by the ring to the electric machine, as this would be the only thing that could have made this sensational feeling. This time, though, it was set, not at a painful point but at a lower level. It felt as if someone was giving my groin a tug, a suck job and a fuck job, all at the same time. It was still a bit painful, but a lot more pleasurable than before. Then again, I felt it a bit longer this time, long enough to make me go over the edge and cum again that night. More and more I realized that the lingering pain afterwards remaining in my balls was getting sharper, a pain that was dull and strong at the same time, a pain that I would never forget, I knew that.

I tried to rest a bit after that orgasm but, after I had my eyes closed for a bit longer, I felt again the tingling feeling around my dick, which responded to it straight away. No! Damn! Not again! It was not so much the pain of the sensation but more and more the pain after I shot that I was starting to be afraid off.

But lying there, I knew I had little control over it and, about ten minutes later, I shot my load again, this time with a little more power at the end. Still, my load consisted of just a few drips for, as you can imagine, my balls were starting to get drained, nearly empty. I'd heard about dry orgasms, that some people loved them, but this, with this amount of pain, was incredible. Again I rested a bit and, closing my eyes. I more or less waited for it to start again. I lost track of time and I'm sure I'd fallen asleep when I was awakened again, still with a hard dick.

[down in the lobby, Kathy and Susan (James's mother) speaking]

Kathy slowly opened her eyes as she saw some light coming through the lids. She rapidly came awake when she felt a bump in her back, caused by the unnatural position she fell asleep in. She looked up to see the guy behind the reception desk looking at her. She saw him turn around and say something to someone who was behind him in the office.

She looked around again. It was still quiet but the sun was up, already high above the horizon, so it must be at least after 7 or 8 already. It was very quiet for a Sunday morning in a hotel, she thought. She saw someone coming out of the office as her eyes wandered back to the reception desk. He was walking towards her and had two cups of coffee in his hands.

Then she realized what they were doing there. Nick! Nick was lost! Damn! He probably hadn't turned up, as someone would have told them by then if he had. The security officer (she recognized him now) was almost beside her.

"You want a cup of coffee, miss?"

"Yes, thanks," she said.

"We'd better leave her sleeping for a bit . it's still early and there'll be plenty enough to do later." Kathy looked at him with a puzzled face. What had he meant by that?

'Come on, let's go into my office."

She followed him down there. "So, are you the sister of the guy who is missing?"

"No, I'm the fianc‚e of his brother."

"Oh, OK. Do you know Nick well?"

"Yea, especially during the last year, but I've been going to the same school as him for quite a few years now."

"Oh, OK, I just wondered."

"Wondered about what, sir?"

"Well, there was a lot of fighting and yelling . and then, later on, worry about someone who was missing. I thought . well, let's say that I made up my mind about the whole situation. Francis is gay, right? And Nick is his boyfriend?"

"Yes, but I thought Alexei told you all that last night."

"Well, not exactly. I wasn't there when the cops came to get Francis's father but I started to get some idea when you were all worried about how Francis would react."

"OK . well, there's no secret about any of this so far and, if you didn't know before, sorry, you should have been told . but it's just something we're used to and it didn't seem to be important information."

"So, had Nick and Francis gotten into a fight or anything?"

I looked at him. This was starting to seem more and more like an interrogation than anything else.

"What do you want, sir, because I'm start to dislike this conversation more and more."

"OK. Well, maybe being straightforward with you is better . but please give me an honest answer as there is more on stake than just keeping anything secret."

"Hmmm, what do you mean by that?"

"Hmmm . well, I've just given an order that the hotel's senior management must be awakened at 8 o'clock, so in ten minutes, I'll be having a meeting with them. I've never had to do this, but I'm starting to feel that I just can't wait any longer. They have to make a decision how serious to take this. So, to make sure that I have made the right call, is there any reason why Nick would have wanted to get out of here without anyone knowing it?"

"Like running away, you mean?"


"No, nothing like that. I'm sure he would never leave any of us behind without telling us where he'd be."

"But he left the other night."

"I know, but that was partly because of tension over the meet, nothing more.

After they won yesterday, that's all over now."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, positive."

"OK . then I'll leave it up to you to wake up all the others. I've ordered breakfast to be served at 8.15 in the private breakfast room, as I want to lay the situation and my plans out for you and the hotel management."

"OK, that sounds like a plan to me. I'll be right back."

I'd no idea what had changed the security officer's mind but something must have done so . either he'd some news or he'd just been taken by the way we were worried about Nick.

I got back to Susan and, together, we went to wake the others.

[in the lounge at the hospital, the coach speaking]

As usual, life in the hospital started early Sunday. Around 7 I woke up from things that were happening outside the lounge. I saw that the others were still asleep and I didn't want to wake them up. I walked outside and went to the nursing station. The nurse told me that Francis hadn't woken up yet and that orders had been given to let him sleep until he woke up on his own. I left her to get some sandwiches and coffee for breakfast for the others.

While I was downstairs, my mobile phone went off. It was Keith.

He quickly brought me up to date on what he'd been doing. He'd explained the details to the guy in charge of the investigation of Francis's dad and it seemed that, so far, they'd not gotten a lot of answers out of him, as his lawyer had been present all the time. But they got the lawyer to step outside the interrogation room. They informed him of the gravity of the situation . that his client had better answer any questions regarding Nick or he'd regret it otherwise. It seems that the lawyer understood the situation and had probably hoped for some consideration for his client if he worked with the police on this point. So about 90 minutes earlier, he'd said that he'd not seen Nick around at all and had only come up to see Francis and his wife.

That brought me some relief but, then, I was still uncertain what had happened to Nick. The other options were, if anything, more frightening. I waited for Keith to ring off.

"Sorry, Robert, there's nothing new on the other possibility. I couldn't get the inspector who handled the matter the last time down there to get involved yet. He promised he'd look into it in the morning and send someone out to check if the doctor was around or not."

"Damn! You know, I just think that's the answer, I don't know why. It could be just one of those times that my intuition is right . though I so hope I'm wrong."

"Well, stop worrying for now. How is Francis doing?" Keith asked.

"Still asleep, so we have no idea what's going on there."

"I asked the police to come to the hotel, too, this morning so they should be there around 8.30 or so. I think they're convinced as well that something has happened and they definitely don't want to wait too long before taking action."

"Oh, that's great. I think I'll stick around for a while to see how Francis is when he wakes up, then go back to the hotel, too."

"Sounds like a plan . if you need help, contact me, OK?"

"I will ... thanks, Keith."

"You're welcome."

I hung up and thought for a second . yes, I definitely wanted to be back to the hotel. I wanted to know what was going on but, even more, I felt I needed to be there the moment they found Nick.

I went to the cafeteria, got myself some coffee and walked back upstairs.

The others were awake now as well. I might have woken them up or the things going on in the hallway might have. I handed them the coffee.

"No news, then, I gather?" Linda asked.

"No, sorry, he's still asleep and they're not going to wake him up. They want him to wake up by himself, as that would give the best chance of recovery."

"And what about Nick, dad?" David followed up quickly.

"I haven't yet had any contact with the hotel, but I just got off the phone with Keith . you know, the policemen who helped us before back home. He had contacted the police here and an hour or so ago they found out that Francis's dad hadn't run into Nick . so that's not the reason why he's missing."

"Oh . then, where is he?" David mumbled more or less out loud.

Then Brian's mobile went off. It was Andy, who brought him up to speed with what was going on in the hotel. Brian also told what had happened with Francis when we'd visited him last night. They'd be in contact again in an hour as, perhaps, more news would be available at either end.

[newspapers in Nick and Francis's town, the main headline]

Happenings During State School Gymnastics Championships

Yesterday afternoon what seems like a small miracle happened during the State School Gymnastics Championships. Thanks to Nick Calder, an 18-year-old student from this town, the local College of St Andrew won the state Final. They were thought to be one of the main contestants with a chance to win but a wonderful performance by Nick landed them in first place at the end of the competition. During his last three rounds, he got almost perfect 5.9 scores for his exercises, as they were more or less a copy of the earlier demonstration given by Alexei Nemov, the former world champion. When asked how this was possible, Nick stated in a press conference, "Well, it seems I just was in a zone, I had the proper concentration and I did the exercises without realizing I'd done them. But we wouldn't have won without good work by all our team's members today."

It seems that this new wunderkind on the gymnastic horizon hasn't been competing for long: he only started to compete this season. Other team members have long-standing records but for Nick, this is only the fourth competition of his life. During the press conference, Alexei Nemov said that he'd never seen such a talented young gymnast as Nick and that he hoped he'd develop this talent. It was rather strange to see how involved Alexei Nemov was with these youngsters after the press conference. He has had two training sessions with them during the past year as a result of a special program, but there was more personal attention paid to young Nick than you'd normally expect from a champion like Alexei.

We checked and it seems there'll be a big party Monday night at the school to celebrate their victory. Naturally, this paper will be present to give you a follow up on the homecoming of the amazing performers of our local team.

[Mike's room, Mike speaking]

I'd been awake for quite some time as I watched Nick struggle in bed. He didn't know that I was awake . or at least he didn't realize it yet. I'd watched the first time he came that night as I'd pretended to be asleep but, actually, I was awake. I wanted to stay awake all night long and enjoy it all but I knew that would be impossible so, at some point, I'd fallen asleep. But when I woke up, I heard Nick moan and a moment later he let out a soft cry as he reached another orgasm. A dry one, I presumed, as I'd set the machine on a time clock to go off at irregular intervals, making sure that Nick would be massaged to come twice, three or even four times in a row in each cycle. I watched him, as he seemed to settle back into a somewhat more regular breathing pattern again. I noticed that he was lying on his back and had his eyes closed. His dick was still standing out proudly, so I guess there was more to come. A thick layer of cum sat on his belly, an amount at least three or four times a normal load, but I knew that this was the result of at least 20 orgasms during the night. I was right: when I saw that he'd opened his eyes again and started to moan softly, he was in the middle of another set of orgasms.

I waited to see how he was taking it. I was told I could do this without causing any damage to someone, but still I'd better make sure he was OK. There was a mixture of pain and pleasure on Nick's face, so the sounds he made . which were more moans than cries of pain . assured me somewhat that he was doing reasonably well. Well, at least he wasn't suffering too much distress yet. I saw on his face, though, that he was exhausted . which was about the place I wanted him to be by now.

I watched him until another orgasm was reached. Now there was pain on his face just after he came . without cum, it hurt. I was told his balls would hurt, as they couldn't find any fluid to shoot any more. So they'd been right . he'd remember this every time he came in the future. I looked at the clock . yes, it was time to end it now. I walked toward the machine and turned it off, then I slowly walked back to Nick.

"Go to sleep now." He hadn't seen me coming closer, and I didn't get a response but I could see that he closed his eyes. I waited a few moments and then his breathing returned to normal. He must have been exhausted. Good! I'd have a quick shower and then . well, we'd see what would happen then.

[down in the private breakfast room, Alexei speaking]

Kathy had woken us up. We'd all slept a few hours, but it hadn't been long enough to feel at all rested. A quick shower had made us ready to go downstairs. Kathy had told us what the security officer had said and that we were expected to be downstairs soon. It seemed that, at last, he was going to take some more action. He seemed to agree that this was not just a normal case of a runaway teen.

When I walked with James into the room, there were a few people present. I waved at the security guard, and Andy and Kathy were present as well James's mother. Beside them, there were two people he didn't know. The security guard walked towards him.

"Mr. Nemov."

"Alexei," I interrupted.

"Alexei, may I introduce you to Mr. Harris and Mr. Finger? They are the two directors of this hotel."

"Pleased to meet you, sirs."

"The honor is all ours," Mr. Harris said. "We always love it when an athlete like you stays at our hotel."

"Well, that may be but it all depends on what is going to happen today, I guess, whether I remember this visit favorably or not."

"I know there's something going on . otherwise, our senior security officer wouldn't have brought us down here. Please, help yourself to some breakfast and let's start. Can you bring us up to speed as to why we're here, Colin?"

Over the next ten minutes the security guard told the directors of the situation and what they had done so far.

"I've called in extra staff already and some of them are interviewing some of the shop owners who were not open late last night. But there's more that we need to do today, as I think the situation is serious enough to justify it."

"You don't think he ran away?"

'No, I don't think he did, not this time."

"Not this time? What do you mean?" The security officer informed them what Nick had done on Friday night.

"Are you sure he didn't just wanted to get away again?"

"Well, I'm starting to think that it's just a coincidence, that he's missing two nights in a row. His friends are very worried by it all."

"OK, so what is your plan then, Colin?"

"Well, I thought we'd do a door-to-door search of the hotel. I know it'll take some time to go through all the rooms, but it's essential we do it."

"Hmmm, last time that was done in a hotel, the directors were fired as a result as it was considered to be a violation of the guests' privacy."

"I know. I've thought about this all night but I thought it was the best."

"Any news of his friend who is in hospital?"

"Hmmm, maybe I can answer that," Andy said.

"You may . you look familiar to me."

"I might be but that is not important now. I got a phone call from Nick's father and he told me that Francis was still asleep, but that something strange happened last night before he went to sleep. It seems that, while his mom and Nick's father were with him, he asked for his father so they are a bit in a fog why he'd do that but it could mean that Francis has some memory loss or something. He fainted earlier in the hospital as well."

"Damn!" Kathy said. She said it before she realized it and blushed when everyone looked at her.

"Hmmm, sorry guys, but it just slipped out. I was just thinking out loud, I guess."

"Well, I guess you said what we're all thinking," Alexei reassured her. "We'll just have to wait and see. We should leave others to take care of Francis . at the moment, the best we can do here is find Nick."

"OK . but still, I don't see a need to go through all the rooms yet. He might have left the hotel earlier. You have no proof he didn't?" Mr. Harris said.

Just as Colin was about to answer that, there was a knock on the door. A bellboy came in to hand a note to Colin.

"I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Any news?"

"It might be the case. I'll be right back, Alexei."

The room quieted and we slowly ate our breakfast. I saw that James was talking quietly with his mom. I think that was a good sign, as we all were going through a rough time. Kathy was holding on but was very worried, I could see that on her face . and as for Andy . well, he was staring at the other side of the room, probably missing Brian, I thought with a little smile.

A moment later Colin walked in together with a policeman we'd seen the night before.

"This is Officer Walker . he was here last night, too, and it seems that the police want to get involved as well."

"Well, not involved, Colin. We're just worried about the situation. The guy we arrested said he'd never run into the missing teen and we've some other information that makes it important to find him."

"Oh, what is that?" Mr. Harper asked.

"I'm not at liberty to tell you but I think the plan that Colin laid out is a sensible thing to do next."

"I don't think we .."

"I have one more important piece of information before we go on, Mr. Harper.

One of my staff just talked with the shop owner just around the corner overlooking the lobby. It seems that Nick had been in that shop and then, after buying something, he left and walked straight to the elevator. The time he gave suggests that Nick didn't leave the hotel as he was supposed to be going back to his hotel room by that time."

"Oh, well, that is important information."

"It is and it leaves us with no other choice, Mr. Harper," Alexei added, his intervention intended to throw in some extra weight.

"OK, but I guess we can wait until 9.30 or so before we start."

"Yes, that gives us time to prepare. I have five men waiting to help me with it," Colin said.

"Can we help as well? That will make the search go a little faster."

"You might, but we need to make sure you have some official standing, otherwise it might cause problems."

"OK. Well, go ahead . just keep us informed what is happening. We trust you to handle this as carefully as you can, Colin."

"Yes, sir."

Mr. Harper and the other director who'd hardly said anything left the room.

"So, we're going to barge in and search the whole hotel?" James asked.

"Hmmm, that might be a bit difficult, James. We're not allowed to do that as long as people are registered, but we can ask them kindly if they've seen Nick and if they respond strangely, we ask them politely if we might see inside their rooms but, if they refuse, that is all we can do. We need to leave it to the cops to do any more."


"Well, you're going to go along with us, so you can give us some idea if there is anyone in the hotel who might be a threat to Nick as well."

"OK, so you say we should hook up with one of you and do a search together and what can the cops do what we can't?"

"Every person who refuses, we can check on the hotel registry and then the cops can check them out."

"OK, let's go and get this thing on the road."

[Mike's room, Mike speaking]

I'd a nice shower and thought, what now? Nick was bound to the bed and exhausted. He was not going to move for quite some time. I was not sure, though, that he'd be silent, so I might need to gag him. I walked towards him and found a towel, which I could use for that purpose. I made sure that his nose was kept open, as I didn't want him to choke or anything. Even if he twitched or turned in his sleep, he'd be safe. He was tired, as he didn't make any sound as I put the towel in its place.

I then got up to get my wallet. I wanted to have some breakfast but didn't want to bump into anyone, so I'd better order it . yea, that's what I'd do. I picked up the phone and ordered room service. My breakfast would be delivered in a few minutes.

I thought about what I'd do after breakfast. I thought it might be better to leave as soon as I could, as they'd start looking for Nick at some point. I'd paid cash for the room so I wouldn't leave a trail.

I waited close to the door. I opened it a bit the moment the trolley with the breakfast was put in front of the door and even before there was a knock.

"Good, you're here, let me get this from you."

I quickly gave the waiter a tip and brought the trolley inside, closing the door, leaving the waiter standing in front of it.

I'd seen some man walking in the hallway when I got the trolley, but I didn't pay much attention. Then there was a knock on the door. Was the waiter back?

"Can you please open the door for a second," a voice said from the other side of the door.

Damn! Now what, he thought. He opened the door a little bit, making sure they'd not be able to look into the room but not so secretively as to raise questions.

"Sorry to disturb you, sir, but we have a question for you."

"OK, fire away."

"Do you know the young man in the picture or did you see him yesterday evening somewhere in or outside the hotel?"

He looked down but he knew instantly whose face would be on the picture.

"Ahhhh .."

As you can imagine chapter 50 is something to celebrate so it will be definitely a longer one so I hope till then you stay tuned in. bye for now and if you want to respond let me know.

Next: Chapter 50

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