Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Oct 4, 2004


Wow guys as of tomorrow October 5th it is 5 years ago since I posted the first chapter of Coach's Assistant on the nifty archive. 5 years has brought me to chapter 55. I know not many chapters a year but still lots of fun to enjoy. In total now 870 pages of just one story. I couldn't have done that with all the support of you my readers. Fan's of Nick and Francis, who sometimes are eager awaiting new chapters.

But also not without the help of Dana from Ottowa in Canada and Bill from the USA. Without your help guys I would never have gained the english skills I have now and still you work with me to make it all a bit easier for you guys to read it. So thanks Dana and Bill for your work.

To celebrate this event I have done an large update of my website at So go and take a look their or let me know where you live so I can add it to the map.

I will do my best to make this month of October into a reading fest. So to start that off you can find chapter 55 of Coach's Assistant.

And of cause nothing of this would have been possible without the help of the nifty archive. So thanks guys for giving us writers the platform to display our creativity on.

Lets go on with chapter 55 now:

"Mike blackmailed us, Nick," Andrew started. Well, that was no surprise, I thought. I waited until he went on.

"We didn't know what he wanted until we were in the hotel room. When we saw you and all the things around you, we wanted out but he didn't listen. He showed us some pics of you and it seemed that you'd done it before so we thought you were OK with it ... at least, in the beginning."

Hmmm, yea, he could have done it like that ... he's a smooth enough talker to carry it off, I thought.

"When we found out that you were missing, we didn't know if that was on purpose or not and then, when we came back down here and you were still not found, we knew something was wrong and we went to Brian and Andy to see if they could help us."

I wanted to say something but I didn't know what. Peter had been silent and was now quietly crying.

"We're sorry, Nick. You must believe us ... we were blackmailed and tricked by Mike into doing this."

I just looked at them. I'm sure that my face was still showing anger, as that was a big part of what I was feeling. I'd been prepared to take out my anger on someone ... but, now ... well, my head knew that he'd used them just as he had me ... but still. My heart was full of rage ... a rage that I knew I'd better not express now. I needed time ... I needed rest ... I ... my god, what a mess this was becoming! And Francis would be crushed.

"Does Francis know you were there?" I asked.

"Francis? Well, no, not until a moment ago ... but he must have heard some of the discussion that went on and probably will wonder why we're here."

"Look at me," I said. They lifted up their heads. I was still very sure that no one could know what had happened and that I would tell Francis myself in time ... but not now.

I could see that both now had tears on their faces.

"You must not answer any questions anyone might ask, not one ... not even that you were there. Do you understand?"

"If you want, Nick."

"Yea, that's what I want, Andrew. I might tell him at some point but not now ... and I definitely don't want anyone else to find out what went on in there. You promise?"

"If that's what it takes for you to forgive us" Peter said now.

I looked at his face. "NO, Peter ... that's not what it takes for me to forgive you but that is what it takes to not be punched and thrown out of this house this second." My anger started to return along with my fear that someone else might hear of this.

"We won't say a thing, Nick. So far we only told people what we thought they needed to know as that information might help you cope with it."

"OK, promise me. Never a word about this."

"We promise," they both said.

"Leave me now. I've seen quite enough of you for quite a while."

I looked away from them, towards the window. I'm not sure but from the corner of my eye I saw that Peter wanted to say something but Andrew signaled him to shut up and they moved towards the door.

I know that Francis was probably going to give them a hard time downstairs but I hoped that they wouldn't break. I just didn't want Francis to know what happened, how filthy I was.

I wanted my mind to stop thinking, just to shut down and relax for a moment ... but, then again, I knew when it did that flashes of memory of that awful evening and night would come back. I felt tears start to flow down my face. Why me? I thought ... and, even worse, why did I respond to it in the way I did? Damn! How could I go on? Would Francis ever understand?

I heard the sound of raised voices coming from downstairs. I knew it'd just be a few moments before someone would come up the stairs again. I was still filled with anger but more filled with the desire to get some answers. I hoped they'd keep their promise to me.

Damn! This day had started out so well ... so nice ... a slow step back to trusting each other, to let the others back into my life. I knew from the last time that that was the hard part of this all ... to let them all back in. Or maybe the other way around, to get out from behind the walls that were put up as a protection barrier around me ... a protection I knew was very important because, if it would break down now, it would do more damage than the whole evening and night had.

I listened again, but it had gone quiet. I thought I'd heard a car driving away but I wasn't sure. I waited as I knew someone would come up. I just listened, concentrating on any sound from downstairs, but it was quite quiet. I slowly felt my tears dry up and I felt tired.

Well, I guess you know what happened next. I fell into dreamland then.

[Authors note: I know that, following the pattern in the last few chapters, I would now return to the situation downstairs and would tell you now what had happened there. I'm not sure that my readers realize just how detailed the story has become and that, for the last 10 chapters or so, I've been telling the story from the different points of view. I'm undecided how far to take this, but I want to make sure that the feelings of others involved in the story ... especially the feelings of Francis ... become clear because they are part of the world that Nick is living in and has to deal with.] When I woke up, I noticed that it was dark outside. I turned over to look at the clock and saw that it was almost 10 p.m. I could hear the sound of the TV from the living room. I thought for a second that I'd just turn over and sleep again but, at that moment, both my bladder and my stomach told me otherwise. I needed to pee and get some food.

I got up, put on my robe, and started to walk downstairs. I think that my movement gave away the fact that I was awake as, before I was downstairs, the door of the living room had been opened and Francis looked at me.

"You OK?"

I smiled to reassure him I was. "Yea, just hungry."

"Oh, I can believe that ... but we thought we'd better let you sleep."

"Thanks," I said, giving him another smile. As I passed him to go into the living room, I touched his hand and gave him another smile.

The severe look on his face slowly turned into a gentle smile.

"Come and sit here," my dad said.

I sat down on the couch beside David, where Francis had probably been sitting, I thought.

"You want anything special, Nick?" Francis asked.

"No, just a sandwich or something simple. Or maybe something warm," I said, smiling at him again.

I wanted to make sure that, somehow, I could keep him from asking me any questions, not now and not whenever we might be together. I just hoped this would work.

"Let me help you," dad said and he and Francis went into the kitchen.

"That was very convincing," David said. "I think that was part of what Francis has been waiting for."

"I know," I said. "Or, even better, I thought he would. He's been asking questions?"

"Hmmm, you bet! It almost ended in a fight and Alexei and Andy had to rush Andrew, Peter and Randy out of the house."

"Oh, that was to be expected. So, they didn't say anything?"

"No, but he might know enough, Nick ... just as I have strong suspicions about it all."

"Well, he'll just have to wonder for a while. I'm not ready yet."

"We know and I'm sure he knows that, too, Nick. Brian talked with him tonight and that seemed to calm him down." "Good." Brian, I thought ... yea, he'd been Francis's first love ... he was perfect for Francis, not me. If that is what he wanted, I knew I wouldn't stand in their way. It would hurt ... oh, yea, it'd hurt incredibly ... but still.

"You OK, Nick?" David asked.

"As good as can be, David. I worked through so much this morning and then ... well, I guess I just need to get a grip on it all again. It's so overwhelming ... I guess I'm more or less out of control at the moment and I need a way to make sure that I get a grips on it all again. I ...." Damn! The study, I thought ... I'd better take a look.

I stood up and started to walk in the direction of the study.

"Hmmm, Nick ... I don't think that's a good idea, brother ... not in the state you're in at the moment."

I turned around and looked at him. "That bad?" I asked.

"Let's say that I've never seen you so mad. It took the four of us to get you under control again. I think that the strangest part of it all was that we were afraid to use force on you but, then again, you could have hurt yourself any minute, so we needed to do it."

"Hmmm, probably better not then" I walked back to my chair and waited for the others to return from the kitchen. David had returned his gaze to the TV again. Well, most of the time at least ... as I knew that he was watching me from the corners of his eyes as well.

After 10 minutes or so, both Francis and dad came back in. I can't remember any more what they made me. I only know that it was way too much. I think that I ate about a quarter of it, then they more or less forced me to eat a bit more until half of it was gone. The subject of that afternoon didn't come up. I guess we all tried to stay away from it as best we could.

A bit later on, I said good night and went to bad. The smile on Francis's face disappeared when I told him he could stay down stairs. I tried to make it up to him a bit by touching his hand again. I know that I was crying before I was back upstairs again and that I must have fallen asleep crying as well.

I woke up as I heard a gentle knock on the door. "I'm awake," I yelled. "Come in."

The door opened slowly and Francis looked around the corner. "Can I come in?"

"Yea, of course."

He sat down on the corner of my bed, just looking at me at first. "Were you mad at me last night, Nick?" he asked.

Not the question that I expected.

"No, I wasn't, Francis. Why would I be?"

"I don't know but, after yesterday morning, I thought ....." He waited for a moment, then continued. "I guess I expected too much, Nick. I'm sorry."

"Never be sorry, Francis. You have no reason to be."

"I'd hoped you'd want to chat with me last night or, at least, be together for a bit before going to sleep."

"Ah, well ... I guess I'm not up to that, not after what had happened."

"Yea, I know that ... and I understand it as well ... but I guess I hoped for something better too early."

"I don't know, Francis. If nothing had happened, who knows what might have happened? But, after yesterday afternoon, I just needed to get a grip on things again.

I felt lost, alone, without direction."

"You're never alone," Francis interrupted before I could on. "I'm always there for you."

"Well, I know that. We said we'd be honest about our feelings, Francis, but I just couldn't last night. I guess that was the second reason. I know you had questions as you must have heard something of what transpired. And I don't have the answers, Francis ... not yet."

"I know. Well, at least I know this morning, Nick, but last night ... I swear if I ...."

"No, Francis, don't. As I said yesterday, I'll tell you one day but not yet."

"So you want some diversion today?"

"Yea, that sounds like a plan ... but I promised that I'd talk with Keith first. I want to have that behind me and then we can go and do something nice, Francis."

"OK ... but if you want to do it, you'd better get out of bed."

"Oh, I'm sure that I have some time before Keith is here. Dad said something about 11 or so."

"I know but Keith has been here for a half hour already, so ...."

"Damn! Why didn't someone wake me up?" I got up quickly and almost ran to the shower. I felt Francis's eyes on my back. I smiled in myself and went into the shower.

I'd hardly any time to prepare myself as I'd wanted for my meeting as I found dad and Keith in the kitchen sitting at the table which still held some breakfast for me.

"You want to talk here? I asked.

"Yes, David has gone over to Kathy's. It seems they had something to discuss with Kathy's parents and Francis went out for a walk."

'OK, so where do we stand, Keith. Have they found the doctors already?" I asked, coming straight to the point.

"No, not yet but we will, I'm sure."

"And Mike ... did you confront him with the internet stuff?"

"No, not yet, Nick. We needed to talk with you first. I had a chat with the DA's office this morning, just to make sure I could answer all the questions you probably have. Later they'll want to talk with you as well but we can leave that for now if you don't feel up to it."

"Thanks, Keith."

"So, you wanna go through with this, Nick?"

I looked at my dad and back to Keith. "Yea, I guess I need to. I don't think that I can live with the idea that they might go free."

"They won't ... not with the internet thing now ... but they might just get a much longer sentence if you're there, testifying to what they did."

"So, what do you think will happen if I do?"

"I'm not sure ... it depends on a lot of things. I don't think we'll be able to settle this without going to court but if Mike acknowledges everything, we might be finished in just one day or so. But, on the other hand, if he continued to deny what happened, we might need to do a lot more ... present witnesses ... perhaps even show the internet taping we have."

"You saw it?"

"Yea, parts of it. Sorry, Nick, but we needed to establish if it was authentic or not."

"Hmmm ... yea, I guess you do," I said. "Do you think I'll need to take the stand myself?"

"No, I think we could get around that. The tape of the internet site is pretty convincing, but I'm not sure about that, Nick. It'll also depend on Mike's defense."

Yea, I could see that. If he claims I was there of my own free will, I'd probably have to say the opposite.

We talked for a bit more ... seeing how things would evolve from the moment that I'd press charges and what would happen then. It became a lot clearer to me then how things would work. But there was one big question that kept leaping to mind.

"When do you think that the press will pick up the story?"

"Good question, Nick ... one that I expected from you. To be honest, we're not quite sure about that. I think they'll be around during trial. There is no way they'll ignore that but they might start to come around already after you press charges. We'll just have to wait and see. I know that some DAs are savvy enough to press charges at a time when the press is focused on something else. Then the story might not be picked up for weeks. But, as I said, I can't promise anything on that."

"So, we'll just have to wait and see. The details of all the charges will be included in the indictment ... or just the fact that there was an abduction and assault?" my dad asked.

"Probably only the general charge of assault and kidnapping ... nothing detailed yet," Keith answered.

"Anything about timing on this, Keith?"

"Well, the trial would be somewhere in the fall, I'd say but it depends on how busy the courts are when hearing are held."

"When will you know the answers to my questions if I'm willing to press charges?"

"In a few days, Nick ... let's say the day after tomorrow."

"OK, that should be enough time. I just want to have time to think about the big picture and make sure we're not forgetting anything at the moment."

"Maybe we can set up an appointment then. I'm sure the DA will want to see you by then as well."

"Good ... just give us a ring," my dad said.

Keith stood up said goodbye and left.

"Are you ready for this, Nick?" my dad asked.

"I'd better be, dad. I can't let Mike or the doctors get away with this, you know."

"I thought you'd feel that way ... but you must see what might happen. The press will be on this for sure. You know how they love these kinds of things."

"Yea, that's one of the down sides of it all being out in the open."

"You've talked about this with Francis?"

"We did, yesterday morning, but that was before the all internet stuff. We might need to talk again. What about school, dad?"

"Well, they know you're sick after your kidnapping ... but that's all for the time being, I think. Although I'm not sure what will happen once you press charges and the press gets ahold of it."

"Damn! How I am going to deal with that?"

He came closer and put his hand on my shoulder. "One step at a time, Nick ... one step."

"I know" I said, more or less on autopilot.

"I'm not letting you go back to school until you think you're ready for it. It's only three weeks till exams and I know that most of the subjects are just doing review at this point, so you need to see if you can do some review at home and then you can take your exams as usual."

"We'll see, dad. Did you cancel the team meeting you had planned for yesterday?"

"Yes, there was too much going on to be bothered with that. We'll see about that some time next week. I know that most of the guys have been in touch with David so they'll understand."

"So, do you have any plans for the afternoon, Nick?"

"Well, I asked Francis if we could go do something nice, something to take my mind off of things."

"OK, that sounds like a plan. Dinner will be around 6 tonight, so if you're going out and still want dinner, you'll have to be back by then."

"Thanks, dad, for everything."

He looked at me closely after I said that. "You know, son ... I'm available whenever you want to talk. I can see that you're struggling with lots of things. Just try to take it easy, step by step. Don't try to solve the big issues all at once ... that won't work."

"Yea ... well, it'll be OK."

"I'm going to be upstairs ... will you tell Francis that when he gets back?"

I lay down on my bed and found my copy of Lord of the Rings. I looked to see where I was, opened the book and started reading. It felt good to disappear in the adventures of Frodo and Sam.

Not that my peace lasted very long, as Francis came back rather sooner than I thought. He came into the bedroom and took a position at the other end of the bed, sitting down.

"You're ready to have some fun, Nick?"

"It depends, Francis. I'm not in the mood to see a lot of people."

"I know ... don't worry."

"So what did you come up with?" I didn't want to see a lot of people but, on the other hand, being alone with Francis all the time did scare me as well.

"Brian and Andy offered to allow us to use of their sauna, jacuzzi and gym this afternoon if we wanted."

"Hmmm ... sorry, Francis, but I don't want to see them, to be honest."

"They're not going to be around. Alexei might be there, if you want, but Brian and Andy are leaving for sure and, if we wanted to be together, Alexei would go and do something else as well."

"Well, that could be fun, I guess." With Alexei there, I know we'd not be together alone.

"Let's get out of here, then." He seemed pretty enthusiastic about it, I thought ... but, then again, it might be some fun. I picked up my book as I wanted to take with me.

A half hour later, we were ringing the bell at Brian and Andy's house. Alexei was there and opened the door.

"Hi, guys ... come on in."

"Thanks, Alexei," Francis said.

"Well, it's Brian and Andy who you have to thank, not me. I'm just staying here till my flight leaves later tonight."

"OK ... well, we'll thank them later."

"I'll leave you guys alone now. If you have any questions, let me know ... I'll be upstairs in my room."


"You OK, Nick?" Alexei asked as he passed me on his way upstairs.

"Yea, I'm fine. Maybe we can chat a bit later?"

"Ok, just give me a call."

We walked further to the back. I noticed that the sun was shining through the windows in the pool. The jacuzzi was bubbling and the sauna light was on, so I guess that was working, too. On the deck beside the swimming pool there were chairs set up and a table with some food and drinks. Well, I must admit ... they gone to some effort to make it something very nice.

"Shall we change, Nick, so we can swim? Or do you want to go skinny dipping?" he said with a wink.

"Let's change."

I started off towards the changing area and, to my surprise, Francis followed me. I looked back at him and gave him a small smile. We started to undress but, when I undid my pants, I turned around. I didn't want him to see my still damaged balls. Yes, they were still in a state, if you were wondering about it. Blue, yellow, purple, even a bit black in some places. The doctor in the hospital had said it was because of the electrodes that had been used there. I just didn't want him to see them. I heard him move and jumped into the swimming pool. I finished my laps and wandered back to the side of the pool. No, I wasn't going to imitate him and jump in. I know that my balls probably wouldn't be happy with that.

Francis was swimming, his arms powerfully thrusting into the water, his hair wet. When he reached the side where I was standing, he came to a rest and floated a bit on his back. Yea, he was definitely a gorgeous guy.

"Come in, it's nice," he said.

I moved to the side of the pool and slowly slid in. He was right ... the water was very nice. Together we swam for about 15 minutes or so. I felt my body in a complete different way than I had felt it before. It was nice.

"You're tired, Nick?"

"A bit, I guess ... I need to get back into an exercise routine again. We haven't done a lot recently, have we?"

"No, I guess not ... but then we deserve a holiday."

"Let's get a drink."

We walked to the deck chairs and lay down. We both poured a nice glass of orange juice to start with.

"Are you OK, Francis, if I do a bit of reading for a while?"

"Of course, that's fine, Nick ... we're here to relax, so go ahead."

I got my book and started to read.

Once I saw Francis looking at me. I looked up and smiled. "You OK?"

"Yea ... just enjoying the view."

"This?" I asked, pointing at my body.

"Yea, you, Nicky."

"Oh!" I blushed and thought, "Shut up, Francis ... I'm not something to enjoy."

"I'm going to do a bit of exercise in the gym, Nick. Wanna come?"

"No, I'd rather stay here, reading, if you don't mind."

"No, that's fine," but I could see a bit of disappointment on his face.

He went and I kept reading. I heard Alexei coming down at some point and I looked up.

"I just thought I'd come and get a drink." "You can stay if you want, Alexei. I don't mind."

"Oh, I thought you wanted some time together?"

"Not particularly. You're always welcome to join."

I wasn't sure if he believed me or not.

"Well, I'll have my drink here. I have a question anyway."

I put the book down and said, "OK, shoot."

"I've gotten a response from the granting organization and Francis, David, James and you have received a full grant to come and join me on my European tour this summer as a learning experience."

"Wow! That's great!"

"Well, I already knew after your performance that there'd be no problem but I wanted to wait until I got this on paper and then ... well, somehow it doesn't seem to be so important any more."

"Oh, but it is."

"So, you're going to join us then?"

"Oh, they should go ... it's a chance of a lifetime ... but I don't know, Alexei ... first I need to work a few things out."

"Yea, that's what I thought, too, but in three weeks time you might feel completely different."

No chance, I thought ... but then again.

"We'll see."

"How are things with you and Francis, Nick?"

I looked at him cautiously now.

"Sorry ... if you don't want to talk about it, that's fine."

"No, your question just caught me off guard, Alexei."

"Sorry, I didn't intend that."

"Well, I guess we're OK ... starting to work this whole mess out again."

"Well, as long as you're talking and trying ... that's the most important thing ... and remember that he loves you."

"Yea, I know. There he is," I said as I saw Francis walking towards us.

"Alexei has some great news, Francis ... our scholarships for the summer trip to Europe came through!"

"Good ... I was really looking forward to that ... seeing Europe and, even more, working with you, Alexei."

"I'm going to go in the sauna now, Francis."

"Yea, I'll join you in a minute. I need a drink first."

I left them and walked to the sauna. I thought about removing my swim trunks but I knew that I couldn't.

After a few minutes, Francis joined me and I saw he was embarrassed because he'd left his swim trunks outside.

"Oh, sorry, I can get them," he said.

"No, come on in, Francis."

"Are you sure?"

"Yea, as long as you understand that I can't ... not yet."

"I know."

He sat down beside me. I could see that his dick was thinking of other things.

I got closer to him and leaned against him. It wasn't the perfect place to cuddle, but I rested my head on his shoulder. I could smell him ... he really must have been given himself a workout in the gym.

Well I promise more soon but this is it for now. Don't forget to either send me a mail at or visit my website to celebrate this 5 year anniversary with me (

Next: Chapter 56

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