Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Jun 11, 2005


Hi guys, almost summer but here is another chapter of coach's assistant. Hope you enjoy it. If you wanne read any other story that I have written go to

I am going to go on slowly with the story at the moment maybe some response of you guys could encourage me to go on so if you wanne let me know what you think of it send an e-mail to

And now here is chapter 62:

It was a nice evening. We watched a movie together, cuddling on my bed. We talked a bit and then stopped talking, just laying in each other's arms.

"Are you ready for this, Nick?"

"I think so. I'm not sure what to expect, you know?"

"Yea, I know. I'm expecting the worst and hoping for the best."

I gave him a smile.

"But I see it as a first step, Francis ... a step I need to take before the trail. That will be more of a strain on me than this, you know."

"I guess so."

I'd rested my head on his shoulder; his left hand arm was on my other side, gently holding me.

I'm not sure when I woke up again. We'd done that quite a lot lately, falling asleep, cuddling close together. I took a deep breath. This would be the day. I turned my head slightly and saw that it was just after 6 a.m. I slowly got up, making sure I didn't disturb Francis.

When I was in the bathroom, I looked in the mirror and thought, "Are you ready for this, Nick?" I knew I was really afraid to answer that question. But, then again, I had my family ... including Kathy and Francis support me. Together, we'd get through it all.

I stepped into the shower and started to wake up slowly. I knew I was early, as normally we didn't get up until 7. The house was still quiet as I walked downstairs to prepare some breakfast.

I was almost finished with making the toast and the coffee when dad walked into the kitchen.

"You couldn't sleep, Nick?"

"Oh, no ... I just woke up early, that's all."

"OK ... just wondered if you'd slept at all."

"I can't change anything, dad. It'll be there, all out in the open today ... so there's nothing I can do."

"Oh, I know ... but still. I'd have expected you to be more nervous."

"I'm OK, but thanks for caring. Are you going to be there this morning for the team meeting"?

"I thought about going ... but I think I'll leave this up to you two. I know you can handle it and David will be there too. If need be, he knows where to find me."

I walked past him to go upstairs and wake Francis, but he stopped me and gave me a hug.

"You've grown, Nick. The strength your mother had is definitely showing in you. Use that."

I smiled shyly at him. Mom, strong? Well, that was not how I remembered her.

We arrived at school about 10 minutes before the time we'd asked the team to be there. Steve was standing in the corner, waiting for me.

"Are you sure, Nick?"

"Yea, I'd better be."

"It'll go OK, trust me."

"Well, I hope so, but you never know."

"You have my support and I'm sure of others, too. You're still Nick ... nothing changes that."

"We'll see. You're going to stay?"

"If you want. I might end up writing a bit about it, if that's OK with you."

"Yea, no problem ... as long as I can see things beforehand as we'd agreed."


He handed me the first samples of the school paper. The story was on the front page, as I expected.

Francis walked in and stood behind me, watching over my shoulder.

While we were reading, the other team members walked into the locker room. They were talking among themselves but, when they saw us standing in the corner, they went silent.

"I guess you guys want to know why I called for this meeting?" Nick said.

Some of them nodded, but most of them remained silent.

"I have to tell you something ... something that I want you all to know before it becomes public knowledge. I don't want to jeopardize this team's success. I know that, this season, we'll have a chance of repeating last year's victory or perhaps achieving even more."

I saw that David wanted to say something but I gave him a wave to keep silent. I knew I had to do this in my own way, in my own words.

"I know that some of you might have an idea what transpired at the state championships last year ... or, rather, after them. It's something I'd rather forget and not talk about. But I couldn't just let others get away with what happened. There are two reasons for this meeting. Chances are everything will come out later this week or next week. It's all very unpleasant, and because you're all my friends, I wanted you to know first. I don't want any gossipy stories going around ... that's why I asked to be interviewed by our school paper, to get the true story out there. I wanted to make sure that the truth was said before anyone starts making things up. I have the next edition of the school paper here in my hands, and I'll give it to you in a moment. But before I do that, I think Francis wants to say something."

"Thanks, Nick. Yes, I want to add one thing. We never planned on hiding anything from you. It's just that, with everything that has been happening, we didn't want any of our personal affairs to distract any of you from your goals. So keep that in mind as you read the story and, if you have questions, I think I speak for the both of us when I say, ask us rather than wondering or talking about it behind our backs."

While Francis was talking, I looked around. I saw quite a few questioning looks on some of my teammates' faces, but also some curiosity about what was in the paper. I slowly started to hand them out as Francis was finishing.

When I approached David, he stood up and gave me a hug. The ones who already had the paper looked at me with surprise on their faces, but quickly returned to what they'd been reading. Seeing that reaction, the others who were waiting were now even more eager to get their copies of the paper.

When I was finished, I walked towards Francis. It was Thursday now ... the story was out ... and I knew I should be able to cope until the weekend.

I couldn't look at them. I just waited, looking down at the floor. Francis put his arm over my shoulder. I don't know if he was looking for their responses, but that definitely said enough to me about his feelings. I wasn't alone ... he was there for me. Whatever might happen, we'd make it through this.

It remained quiet, mouse still. I had no idea how much time had passed but it felt like ages. Was no one going to say anything?

I knew that normally my brother was one of the guys ready to speak up, but I guess he was waiting for them just as I was. Standing beside my brother was Tommy, a friend of my brother who would normally be in his half of the team as well. Then there was Eric, a very shy and solitary guy, but a good member of the team. Then there were the twins, Charles and Jordan. Happily for us, they weren't identical, so we could tell between them. The team member whose reaction I most feared was Brad. I had no idea how he would respond. He was just about the most macho guy among us ... not at all the typical gymnast.

Eight guys ... strong together as a team but what if one of them made a fuss? I knew that David was on our side but still ...

I felt that someone had approached me. I looked up when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Good piece, Nick."

"Thanks, David," I responded.

"My god! I thought you came to tell us that the both of you were leaving so you could train at the national level, Nick and Francis," Jordan said.

Not the reaction I'd expected, and I smiled quietly at him.

"You go put those basterds in jail, Nick."

"That was the plan, Jordan. That's why some time next week, we'll be in court and the whole unhappy story will probably be picked up by the newspapers."

"Damn! Are you OK now?"

The others were waiting for my answer to this question, I could see that.

"Getting there slowly, Jordan. I'll be definitely starting training with you in two weeks. We have lots of new to share with you after our summer trip."

"Yea, I'm sure ... fucking flaming fags in Europe," Brad said, probably a bit louder, I think, than he intended.

I looked at Francis. I'd expected some kind of response but not so openly.

"Hetero, gay, Muslin, colored ... it's all the same to us. We're a team of gymnasts," David said.

"Yea, and we're going for the title again," Tommy shouted, enthusiastic enough to get the tension out of the air.

"So you're a couple, then?" Charles said, looking at Francis and me.

"Yea, almost from the moment I arrived," Francis answered proudly.

"Good! That means two good-looking competitors less on the market for girls!" he responded, smiling.

"Oh, sure ... as if that would stop you from girl-shopping all the time!" David teased.

I guess the tension was broken now. The twins and Tommy had responded well, and Eric had not said anything but was laughing with the others. That left Brad. I looked at him.

"What?" he said.

I looked at Francis. "Sorry, Brad. We know you might have a different point of view on some of this than the others, but we hope we can depend on your skills and strength for the team," Francis said.

"Don't know ... depends," he answered.

"What?" David exclaimed. "I thought you liked gymnastics and enjoyed it?"

"Yea ... but I don't want to be made out as a fag by the whole school."

"Why would you, Brad? You're no fag, everyone knows that."

"Well, you're evidence for the belief that all gymnasts are gay."

"No, Brad ... that's what you think. You're not that insecure, are you?" Tommy said this time.

I wasn't sure if his comment was the good one.

"Well, just as long as you don't act like queers when I'm around," he said.

"They'll behave as any other couple in love," David said. "They deserve that, nothing more, nothing less."

"I don't think our minds are focused on each other as we practice, Brad, so don't worry."

"OK. Well, see you in two weeks then." He stood up and left.

"Sorry about that," Jordan said.

"We're all on your side, if you need us. Nothing has changed and I'm eager to know every trick you learned in Europe. How was the trip?"

The others came closer and together we told them as much as we could about our trip in Europe.

"Next classes start in a minute, guys ... if you're ready," my dad said as he walked in.

"Yea, we'd better get on our way. Let's meet after school on Wednesday next week, so we can tell you more," David said.

Everyone agreed and I was happy that the first hurdle had been overcome. Now all I had to complete was the rest of my classes. I was glad that at least some of the team members were in my classes. I knew I'd have their support.

By now, the school paper would be in the distribution bins, so some of my classmates might have read it but normally it took a day or two before the bins were emptied.

But, then again, the headline this time was quite big.

Everything went more or less OK until lunch time. The teachers definitely had no idea what was going on, and most of the students were either too shy to ask or were unwilling to say anything about it.

During lunch, I saw some people looking at us ... me most of the time ... but no one came up to ask or say anything. Our group of friends was OK with the story, or so it seemed. Kathy and her friends had joined us. I don't know if they did it deliberately, but nothing was said about the school newspaper.

As we were leaving for my next class, I saw Andrew and Peter walk towards me. I hadn't talked with them for quite some time. I didn't want to remain in touch. They had failed me big time. I knew they were blackmailed but, still, they could have stood up.

"Can we talk?" Andrew asked.

"I don't think now is the time," Francis said as he looked at me.

"No, but maybe next week sometime?"

"Yea, OK," I said, wanting to move on.

"What is it with them?" Tommy asked.

"Nothing," Francis said.

But I saw how Tommy looked and I knew they (Andrew and Peter) couldn't be anonymous any more. They'd been able to hide up to now, but the truth would come out eventually and people would pay more attention to them.

The looks and whispers grew that afternoon and one or two teachers wanted to talk with us after class. Most of them spoke just for moral support, I knew that ... but still. I made it through it all, as I knew I would. I didn't react or say a lot that day. I saw David keeping an eye out for me that afternoon when we had classes together, and I guessed that he'd asked Tommy to do the same during my last class.

I was glad when I could leave; I'd feel safe back at home. I knew we'd be the focus of attention for a day, but still it felt odd, not at all nice. Still, it would get quieter. At home, before anyone could ask me anything, I took out my sketchbook and positioned myself in front of the backyard window, drawing.

I know that my dad talked with Francis and David that evening, but I kept to myself. I needed the time. When I was finished with the sketch, I went to my room and continued to read The Lord of the Rings. I had just reached the part where Frodo had left the fellowship and had moved with Sam towards Mordor.

I must have fallen asleep reading for, when I woke up, I could hear the birds singing outside. My lights were turned off and I could feel the heat of Francis's body on my left side. I smiled. Waking up like that was worth everything I'd endured. I turned around and, before I knew it, I was back into dreamland.

Friday went more or less the same way. I started to get used to the fame ... or, at least, it felt like that. But what I didn't want was feeling guilty or anything. Damn! There, I'd done it again, I thought, during a very boring math class. The doctor had warned me about such feelings. I'd put myself in the guilt place, the way I'd felt yesterday and, if I looked back, the way I'd responded to others. I hadn't done anything wrong. I was the victim, but I could take control and get on with life. At least that was what we'd been working on during the last months. I knew I could do it ... but, still. There was no way I would push others away.

I didn't know why but I gradually felt better. I was happy that the teacher didn't ask me anything ... although he spoke to me after class. With concern in his voice, he said that I needed to concentrate on the lessons as well as I could.

No, I thought, the past hour had been spent a lot better than the others during the past two days. I walked out of the classroom with renewed energy. When I got to my next class, Francis was waiting for me.

"Let's skip," I whispered in his ear.

"What?" was his first reaction.

"Let's skip," I repeated, with an incredibly seductive smile to match my words.

"Oh! Are you sure, Nick?"

"Yea, I'm fed up with it for today. Monday will be a new start, OK?"

"OK, let me get my books." He walked into class. Books, I thought. They were under his arms, I thought, but I wasn't sure. I looked and he got something from his desk, which was close to Kathy's. I wasn't sure but I think he said something to her.

When he reappeared, he looked at me. "Where to, Nick? Any ideas?"

"Yea, our room," I said.

"Oh," he said, but that was all.

On the way home we chatted about several things. I saw him look at me from time to time but that was it. He didn't ask why I wanted to skip.

When we walked into our bedroom, I was all over him. I didn't want to give him the time to ask. I wanted this time for us, trouble free, enjoying all the love that I felt for him, showing him that there was more to our relationship than the troubles I'd gotten myself into.

I pulled his t-shirt over his head, kissing his nipples in the meantime and moving up towards his face. My hands had now gone lower to reach his jeans. They were not tight enough to prevent my hands from slipping in, feeling the warmth of his buttocks coming through the material of his underwear. He knew I liked to see him in briefs and I knew from the feel that he had a pair on. That turned me even more on.

Not sure how to act, he'd put his hands around me. Now close and hugging each other, I could smell him.

"Let's try to forget everything and have some fun," I whispered in his ear.

"Are you sure, Nick?" he whispered back.

I didn't answer him in words but I pushed my jeans against his and, with my hands, I pushed him back. I didn't need to say any words, I thought, just feel how I feel, Francis.

I heard him let out a deep sigh. "Will our lives ever be quiet, Nick?"

I rubbed his ass and hugged him tightly.

"I don't know. Nobody said life would be easy. But I do know one thing."

"What's that?" Francis asked, moving his head off my shoulder to look me in the eyes.

"I know that we'll do it together. I know that we love each other and that we are destined to be together."

Francis smiled broadly and leaned in to kiss the man he loved more than anything. I closed my eyes, anticipating the feeling of Francis's lips on mine.

When our lips touched, I felt the shock of energy that he must have felt too as he trembled a bit. I knew I'd never feel that with anyone else. This was right and was meant to be.

Soon the kiss became heated and my tongue came out to caress Francis's lips.

He grabbed it and sucked it into his mouth. I moaned with pleasure. Our tongues dueled back and forth and we moaned into each other's mouths.

I had reached down with my hands again, gently pushing us apart, slowly reaching for the zipper that would give me access to his cock. I slipped his jeans down, but left his briefs alone ... still kissing him hard ... just letting him go for a second as he pushed my t-shirt over my shoulders and face ... but then returning to a passionate exchange of kisses.

It didn't take long before his hands had found the zipper of my jeans as well and had them pushed down.

With one hand I had a grip on Francis's shoulders, with the other I lightly stroked his thigh just where his briefs stopped. He groaned loudly as I moved my hand slowly up his thigh to lightly cup and rub his balls through his underwear.

Francis let go of me, his hands moving to stroke my full pecs. He felt my hardened nipples pressing against his palms and rubbed them in a circle. I broke the kiss and cried out in pleasure.

"Baby," I panted, "you know what that does to me."

Francis smiled smugly and returned his tongue inside my mouth. I felt it almost being sucked out of my head as he continued to lightly play with my nipples with his fingertips. My hand moved to lightly grasp Francis's growing cock. I felt him tense up while I gently stroked up and down his length. Then I felt him relax while his dick grew harder and harder in my hand.

Francis could feel my erection pulsing between his thigh and my stomach. "Let's move to a more comfortable place," I suggested.

"Now?" he asked.

"Yea ... I'm just starting to heat up," I said seductively. I grabbed Francis around his shoulders and under his legs and stood with him in my arms.

"My strong boyfriend," Francis cooed.

I kissed him on the nose and carried him to the bed. In the process we both lost our jeans. I laid him down on the bed, bending over myself so that I ended up on top of him, our erections rubbed against each other through our briefs.

I started licking and kissing down Francis's body. He sighed happily as I licked at the patch of hair in the center of his chest, then nibbled at each of his nipples. Continuing down, I licked at his navel and grasped his hard dick through his briefs. Stroking lightly, I watched as a drop of precum started to wet the fabric of his briefs, showing the position of the head of his dick.

Smiling, I slowly started to suck it out of his briefs, tasting Francis's precum. I got his briefs in between my teeth and slowly I pulled them away, giving a full view of his organ. Pulling it back behind his balls, I let it slip a bit too hard. Instead of a cry of pain, he let out a moan of joy. Now I took the head into my mouth, sucking it to taste some more. I rubbed my tongue around the ridge and was rewarded with another larger deposit of precum. Letting the head out of my mouth, I licked down the shaft towards his balls and sucked each of them, making Francis squirm. After they were coated with my saliva, I returned to his cock and started taking the length into my mouth and throat. Francis now started to hiss in pleasure.

I bobbed up and down his length, my throat easily getting used to his thickness. Then I felt Francis tense and his cock grow steely hard. I stopped and looked up.

"Oh, Nick ... I'm so close," Francis panted.

"I know, but I don't want it to end just yet."

Francis grabbed me under my arms and pulled me up to him and kissed me. He licked his own precum from my lips and tongue. For a moment I lost control and he took charge at that moment and rolled over so he was on top.

He kissed his way down my chest, his tongue reaching for one distended nipple. I sucked in air as Francis took it into his mouth.

Biting gently, he rubbed his tongue around the nub, making me shake and cry out his name. He repeated that with the other nipple, leaving me limp and panting. He kissed his way down my abs, past my navel. With one hand he cupped my balls and slowly started to massage them. Just as I'd done to him, my now throbbing cock started to wet my briefs. His other hand moved towards my cock and he took it in his hand. Slowly but forcedly, he started to rub me through my briefs. My dripping precum lubricated his hand and my briefs as he pumped my cock. He stopped, looked at me as he brought his hand to his nose and took a deep sniff. Instead of returning it to my dick, he brought it to my own nose and mouth. I could smell my own precum, mixed with the sweat and smell of Francis's hand.

I lifted my head and licked his hand. He brought it back but now he took care of the briefs, pushing them down my legs as I lifted my hips off the bed to help.

Even before I'd laid down again, Francis had his hand closed around the base of my cock, watching it throb. Precum ran from my hugely swollen head, covering it before running down the shaft onto his hand. He slowly started to rub it again. Smiling up at me, he noticed my glazed expression, my eyes rolling up into my head. Grinning, he lapped at the large cock in his hand, cleaning it. He took the head in his mouth and started sucking fiercely, bringing another groan from me. Bobbing up and down slowly, he gradually took more and more of me into his mouth and throat.

I tensed as I moved my hands over his shoulders and through his hair ... a feeling that I've always felt very erotic. Oh my god! It'd been far too long since we'd done this. Francis sensed that I was close and picked up his pace.

No, I thought, not yet. I pulled away and brought him back up to my face. I shoved my tongue in Francis's mouth, kissing him passionately.

"Oh, Francis! That was incredible ... you almost made me cum."

Francis grinned. "I know ... that's what I was going for. Why'd you stop me?"

I looked into his eyes. I smiled and said, "This is for us Francis ... not for me ...not for you ... but for us."

I didn't say anything more but I sensed that he knew what I meant. I slowly turned myself a bit so I could get to his throbbing member and he to mine. At almost the same moment, we closed in on our climaxes, moving our tongues around the head of each other's cock. Then I took a deep breath, gently blowing over the head. I could feel Francis tense as he imitated my moves. I had a hard time not to clench my teeth when I felt a warm breath flowing over the head of my cock.

Moving on, I let my mouth slowly slide over his cock, at first gently, then stronger, more insistently. I could feel him mimic my moves. I had a hard time concentrating on what I was doing with all the feelings and emotions he was causing me.

I knew we were close. I knew because I almost lost it when he sucked me and once again blew some air over my cockhead before he let go of it and then sucked it down again. My moans and groans now were muffled by his cock ... I knew that he must have felt me tensing up, too. He suctioned powerfully one time, then for a moment held my dick in his mouth. I knew I was about to lose it. Instead of keeping it there, he let my cock go. He was quick enough with his tongue to lick the head once again and I thought, wow! At that moment, I felt his cock start to tense, and I think I automatically did what he'd been doing to me. Letting his cock go, I felt his cum splash against my lips as I was squirting my cum on his face. That feeling excited me, and I cam even harder.

Slowly coming down from my orgasm, I felt his cock throb gently as his own cum came to an end. I opened my eyes just in time to see the last drops of his cum running down the shaft towards his balls. I turned my head and looked at him. He just opened his eyes and looked at me. I moved closer to his face that was covered in my cum.

I moved closer to kiss him. "For us," I said and kissed him passionately, our tongues mixing our cum together.

Ok that was it for this chapter, hope you liked it. If you wanne chat with me, or just send me an e-mail you read it, that is very much appreciated. E-mail: or through ICQ at 36967366. For more fun visit my website at

Next: Chapter 63

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