Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Jan 14, 2006


Here is another chapter of the ongoing story of Nick and Francis. It is even a bit of a historic chapter as with this 11 pages counting chapter the story now contains more then 1000 pages. A mile stone I would never have believed I would reach or even could reach. Hope you enjoy this story as much as the others. If you wane congratulate me with that mile stone or just want to send in some comments about the story then use my e-mail: or You can also add me on your MSN or ICQ.

And don't forget more about my stories and the contest picture of the year 2005 you can find at my website

Have fun with the chapter ...

That Friday evening was spent in silence, everyone sunk in his own thoughts.

I'd wanted to go to Suzanne's to talk with my dad but Francis's mother said it'd be better to leave him for a while. I knew she was right; he'd had a lot to deal with lately ... and now he was being punished for all the support he'd given us.

I knew there was no way that I could stay all weekend without knowing anything new. I'd have to find out what had happened. So, on the Saturday morning, I started out on a search for news, alone, leaving Francis quite warm ensconced in our bed.

I found a newsstand that was open and still had Friday's newspaper. I bought both the Friday and Saturday editions and made my way back to the house. I made some coffee and read the stories.

First, there was the newspaper that was allied with the defense. In the Friday newspaper they printed a lot of rubbish, mainly about the things that I didn't say or didn't answer. Large parts of my story were left untold.

The other newspaper had a bit more of a neutral tone to their coverage. I was a bit startled to read their editorial, as it was about Steve's request for honest journalism instead of street rubbish just to sell newspapers. The editorial fully supported Steve's position and decried the other newspaper's way of reporting. Finally, it printed Steve's article that had been blocked in the school newspaper as a letter to the editor.

Wow, I thought ... the decision to prevent publication had backfired on them! Not only was Steve's article spread around school, but also it was printed in one of the city's newspapers. Good for Steve, I thought. He deserved this.

That was all I could find in Friday's newspaper. It seemed that either the Thursday evening meeting had run too late to get into the Friday edition, or everyone involved had kept silent ... something that I wouldn't have expected to happen, given that so many conflicting opinions had been expressed.

I was right for, when I opened Saturday's newspaper, there on page 2 was an account of what had happened during the Thursday evening. Seemingly one of the participants had reported on what had happened that evening.

The article didn't detail the discussion ... just that they'd been rough and hard. But the outcome had been that my dad had been suspended for an extended period to allow a full investigation of what had happened with the team over the last year. Furthermore, the director was told to withdraw our team from the gymnastics competition this year and, on top of that, Steve was to be punished: he was no longer on the school newspaper's list of writers.

It was hard for me to understand how teachers who'd been so friendly to me ... well, some of them at least ... could have decided something like that. I wondered what had happened at school on Friday. Had all these decisions been known already, or did it take some time for all this to become known?

I had Jordan's telephone number somewhere and I knew he was the best source for information. I guess that Andrew and Peter would know, too, but I didn't want to call them. In my mind I still was not sure I could trust them.

"Wow! Who is this?" said a sleepy voice on the other end of the telephone line.

"Sorry to phone you so early, Jordan. It's me, Nick," I said.

"Oh, damn! Nick! It's still before 8 a.m. ... what are you doing up?"

"You need to ask?"

"Damn! OK ... I guess not. Sorry, Nick, my mind's not awake yet."

"Jordan, do you know anything about what happened Thursday evening and Friday at school?"

"Yea... at least some of it, Nick."

"Can we meet somewhere to talk about it?"

"I thought you'd have come up with that question ... but not before Monday."

"Well, I haven't talked with my dad yet ... it seems he needs some time alone ... and I want to know what's going on. I started this ...," I said as my voice began to quaver.

"OK ... give me 15 and meet me at Matt's diner, OK?"

"Sure, that's fine."

I wrote a note for Francis and joined Jordan about 20 minutes later. I'd taken Saturday's newspaper with me, just in case he hadn't read the story. I handed it to him and he started to read.

"Damn! They can't do that to the coach, can they?"

"Well, it seems they have. So you didn't know anything about this?"

"Not about the coach and the team. But the word on Friday was that Steve had been thrown off the school newspaper, had been suspended for one day, and had detention for the rest of the month."

"Wow! That's harsh!"

"Well, not harsh enough in the eyes of some. It seems that a few wanted him to be suspended for a much longer time, but the director stood firm on the grounds that he had a right to his education, just like the rest of us. So he got off with detention for the most time."

I let this latest news sink in. Another person's life damaged by all of this! The detention would not be a problem, but the suspension would go on his record. I was lost in my own thoughts for a while.

"Hey! You still here?" Jordan asked.

I looked up.

"Are you OK, Nick?" he asked concerned.

"Yea, I'm just thinking about it all. It's starting to become a real mess, isn't it?"

"Yes, so kit seems ... but don't despair ... there's always help closer bye than you think."

Then my cellphone rang. I knew who it was without answering. So I said straight off, "Yea, Francis, are you awake?"

"Where are you, Nick?" he demanded immediately ... and I could hear anger and worry both in his voice.

"I'm with Jordan at the moment at Matt's but I'll soon be on my way back."

"OK ... see you in 10 then."

"Yea, I think so."

"Are you OK? Do you want me to come and pick you up?"

"No, I'm fine, Francis. Just going to say goodbye to Jordan and then I'll be on my way."

I hung up and looked at Jordan.

"I'd better go, Jordan. Thanks for getting up and telling me all this."

"You're welcome ... and remember, help is closer than you think."

With that we said goodbye and I left.

I was a mess. This whole situation was a mess, but the last thing I wanted to do was worry Francis more ... so I steeled myself and put a smile on my face. Yes, that was what I was going to do. I needed some time alone to think ... to ... well, whatever.

So I found myself, about an hour later sitting in the park with my sketchbook. I'd convinced Francis that I was OK and that he needed some time alone with his mom ... which, I could tell from the look on her face, was something she really looked forward to. So, feeling a bit better as I'd at least accomplished something positive, I walked off with my sketchbook and a new set of sketching pencils.

I did quite a bit of drawing over the next few hours: dogs sitting beside their masters ... geese sailing on the small lake ... kids playing football. All in all, it was nice to be forced into a welcome state of concentrating on something I liked.

I started to get hungry and went back to Matt's diner again, sitting in a corner, thinking about the whole situation. I could back off and then things wouldn't get worse. But then there were a lot of people who didn't want me to cave in. I knew that. I just had to make sure that it would be over quickly. I needed to talk with the shrink about it, but I didn't think there was any better way out of this mess. It was the only way, as far as I could see. Nothing else would solve this problem.

I called the shrink and he said he'd look into it with a friend and that he'd make time all Wednesday afternoon for me to see him.

Happy that that was arranged and that he was willing to help, I left Matt's and went back to the park. I wanted to do a bit more sketching and then go back to see Francis. While concentrating on the scene in front of me, my mind wandered off. Francis was undoubtedly the best thing that had ever happened in my life. He was my anchor, my center ... the person who'd kept me going so far. At the same time, I could feel overwhelming love coursing through my body. What was I doing here alone when I could be with him, I thought. I completed the sketch quickly and walked home. A note on the table told me Francis and his mom had gone to a movie and would be back around 5 p. m. An hour, I thought. I went upstairs, had a shower, dressed, and tidied our room. I did some stuff in the kitchen and, around 4.45, I called Francis. They should be on their way home by now, so it was safe to call.

"Hi, love," I said when he answered the phone.

"You OK, Nick?"

"Yes, I am. Can you pass me along to your mom for a moment?"

"Oh, sure!" He sounded a bit confused by my question.

I told his mom what I wanted and she agreed, no problem. I finished the things I was doing and, when I heard the car, I walked into the hall.

I saw through the window that Francis was looking a bit bewildered as he left his mom in the car and walked alone to the door.

Just as he tried to open the door, I pulled it back.

"What?" he said ... but he stood there with his mouth left open when he saw me.

"Good gracious, Nick!"

I saw his eyes rake up and down my body. I'd made just the impression I wanted.

"Come here, Francis," I said. I pulled him closer and kissed him hard, passionately.

"Wow! Good thing you finally ended the kiss ...I needed some air!" he said as I let go of him. When I'd initiated the kiss, he thought it'd just be a welcome home ... but I had other ideas.

I took his hand and guided him to the couch. I had to push him down, or else he'd have remained standing there, just looking at me.

I got us the glasses of champagne that I'd poured just before he'd arrived.

"To us!" I said, handing him the glass.

He smiled now and took a sip.

"Where did you find this, Nick?"

"Oh, with the rest. It seems your mom has a good supply of everything."

His gaze now went to the table behind the couch, which was full of snacks I'd prepared in the kitchen.

"So that means you had a good day then, Nick?"

"Yes! I'm sorry I needed time to think, Francis."

"I thought it was something like that."

"But not about us. I've never been more sure about anything."

This time it was Francis who started a passionate kiss.

"So, are you hungry?" I asked him.

"Yes! What do you think, as long as you're dressed like that?"

"Not that kind of hungry!" I said. "Food wise."

"Oh, well, food can wait, can't it?"

"Definitely not, Francis ... some of them are warm."

"Oh, you don't want them to cool down, but you're OK if I cool down?"

I laughed at that remark. "No, silly ... but I know I can warm you up in seconds!"

"Damn! Let's get some food ... then we can have what I want."

For the next 30 minutes, we enjoyed the food ... feeding each other a taste of the different snacks. I'm sure that not one of them landed between our lips through our own hands ... more than once, it was shared or followed by an exchange of small kisses.

"I found it very strange when you wanted mom on the phone and wondered what had happened ... but now I can see what you were up to."

"Yea, I thought that, just like dad, we needed some time alone ... special time ... so I dressed up and put something nice together."

"Dressed up? That looks more like dressed down! That shirt and those nipples coming through them are just driving me crazy, Nick. And I saw that little Nicky was happy, too, earlier on."

"Yea ... well, I just wanted to make sure that you know I'll always be there for you, Francis."

"Come here," he said and he kissed me again.

I got up to refill the glasses. The bottle would be finished by the end of the evening, I was sure of that. On the way back, I walked past the CD player and turned it on. Some soft music filled the room. I set the glasses on the table and held my hand out.

"May I have this dance?" I asked with mock formality.

He smiled and got up. Slowly we moved to the middle of the room where there was the most space to move around.

Close together now, we danced. I could feel his body heat through my clothes ... they were thin and, as he'd said, left very little to the imagination. Dancing, snuggling and making sure that we touched everywhere, we danced ... sometimes kissing ... sometimes just looking into each other's eyes.

"Let's go upstairs," he whispered in my ear.

"Hmmm, no ... not yet," I whispered back. I looked at him, let his warm body go and turned around. Taking him by the hand, I led him to the bathroom. I slowly opened the door.

"Nice," he said. His voice quivered with emotion. I knew he'd loved what I'd done so far.

"Now what?" he asked.

"Well, it seems to me that you're a bit overdressed for what I had planned next."

"You think so?" he said with a smile.

I got close to him and roughly started to unbutton his shirt, tearing off one or two buttons in the process. His pants quickly followed. I looked for one moment, enjoying the full view of him in his dark red briefs, tight around his waist. Then, with one move, I slipped my hands to the bottom and pulled them down. His dick sprung out, as it was happy to be freed out of its concealment.

He hadn't moved when I stepped back. Not waiting for him, I stepped with one foot over the edge and put it into the bath. Just the right temperature, I thought.

"Hey! Don't move ... now you're the one overdressed."

"No, I'm not! I can bathe dressed like this!" I moved my other foot into the bath and, without waiting, I sat down. I knew that the white briefs I was wearing would become transparent and the t-shirt would probably do the same.

"Oh, is that what you wanted?" He jumped into the bath right beside me. He sat down in front of me, resting his head at my chest. His arms were caressing my legs. My dick was sticking up his back, rubbing against it from time to time.

"Little Nicky needs to be freed of his confinement!" Francis said. He moved out of his comfortable position and turned around. He slowly started to rub my dick through the shorts. It felt strange ... exciting ... being rubbed through the material and the water.

It didn't take long before he moved upwards and slid his hands underneath my shirt. Edging closer, he took my head in his hands and brought it up to his face to kiss me.

We made love in the bath ... as far as that possible. It went just as I'd wanted ... as this was a night for Francis.

"Come on ... let's get out," I said when I felt him shiver a few times.

I got a towel and, rubbing it over Francis, I slowly started to dry off the drops of water that made his skin glisten. I could have licked them but that would come later, I thought.

Kissing, we moved towards the door and then up the stairs. Don't ask me how but we were able to do that. The bedroom was lit up with candles. Another big smile came to his face as we moved towards the bed.

"You've planned all this, haven't you, Nick?"

"Shush!" I said.

I pushed him onto the bed. Lying on his back, I could see he was making himself comfortable. Smiling a little, I moved beside him, my head just on his stomach. I started to feel him up ... first his legs ... then, slowly, teasingly ... leaving his dick alone ... going towards his nipples. While I was playing with them, I could feel his dick jumping up against my shoulder. I moved upwards a bit ... I must have stroked his dick with my body as he moaned quite loudly. Now level with his nipples, I took them in turn into my mouth ... sucking softly on them ... licking them with my lips ... feeling them getting hard. I used my lips to lick around them ... taking up my own salvia as I sucked them.

Louder and louder he moaned. He was getting closer, I thought, so slowly I moved downwards again.

"Careful, Nick, or I'll come," he whispered through his heavy breathing.

I looked at his dick, not touching it just sniffing his aroma ... so Francis ... so full of his musk ... so wonderful. He pushed his hips up. I knew what he wanted, but instead I just blew some cool air over it.

"Cruel, Nick," he said with lots of love in his voice.

I smiled as I moved even further, towards his feet. I started to lick the inside of his calves. When I reached his feet I motioned for him to turn over. Now on his belly, I made my way back up, licking his legs ... enjoying the knees ... and then his muscular upper legs ... leading towards that glorious bubble butt. I just looked before I slowly started to lick each globe ... slowly ... teasingly ... then moving up to his back. When I reached his shoulders, I knew I needed to rest and let my weight slowly come down on top of him. Now resting myself on him, my dick ... well, he was happy just lying like a sausage, in between his buttocks.

"Oh, god!" he moaned now.

"No, just me ... Nick," I whispered into his ear.

I could feel him smile at that comment ... but I didn't leave him a lot of time to control himself as I moved slowly lower again. Now back at his buttocks, I slowly moved down the crack. With one knee pushing his legs open a bit and his ass and the back of his balls came into view. I moved lower quickly, keeping my tongue in touch with his skin until I reached his balls. Now not able to control myself any more, I put them in my mouth, just pulling them a bit, which led to more loud moans from Francis.

OK ... it's time to go for it, I thought, and I went back up and started to swirl my tongue over his ass. He moaned even louder now and I thought it was good that his mom wasn't at home. I took his buttocks in my hands and got in a bit deeper ... now opening his sweet rosebud lips a bit ... slowly licking up his ass nectar, nice and clean after the bath ...but still tasting of Francis.

More moans from Francis with, from time to time, an "Oh, Nick!"

I let my lips rest for a moment and moved my right hand closer to his hole. I rubbed it gently, as if I were about to tickle him.

"Oh, yea, Nick ... please, make love to me."

I knew what I wanted and it seemed Francis was ready for it. I got up a bit and slipped on a condom that was beside me.

"Don't stop," he said. Then he looked back to me.

"Oh, you've got your gun ready!" he said, smiling.

Then a worried look appeared on his face. "You have some lube, too?"

"I'm prepared," I said and got the lube that was beside the bed.

I opened it and put some on my finger. He turned his head again. He jumped a bit when I touched his ass the first time. I slowly started to rub the lube into his ass, opening it very carefully.

"Oh, yea ... come on ... deeper," he whispered between moans.

I used another finger and opened him up a bit more. In the meantime my dick had been more than ready ... ready to feel his warm ass around it. I opened his hole more and more. I could feel him start to relax. Again I moved upwards when I reached his shoulder. I rested my weight upon him. Now my dick was in between his legs, ready to move forward. With my mouth close to his ear, I whispered, "I love you, Francis." I could feel him start to shiver, not from cold this time but from anticipation.

I needed my hand to move my cock up towards the hole and then, slowly, I pushed a bit. When he moaned, I moved a bit further in, but there was lots of resistance. So I pushed in a bit more ... just adding more and more strength behind it, slowly. Then, with a loud moan from Francis, suddenly I felt my dick slide in. His resistance broken, I'd passed the portal.

I waited before I moved in deeper. I wanted him to get used to it before sliding in deeper.

"Come on, Nick ... make love to me ... push it in."

Yea, he was ready ... so I slowly slid in further. My god, what a feeling! So tight ... so close ... I was so close to him ... the one I loved ... the one who meant everything to me ... the last person I'd ever wanted to hurt. "Oh, Francis!" I almost yelled and pushed myself in further. I waited again and then, when his breathing became steady again, I pushed again, slowly, until I heard him gasp. "Oh, god, Nick!" Francis screamed. I wasn't sure if he screamed because I'd hit his prostate ... I'd read about that ... or because he'd felt those same sensations I'd felt when my balls had hit his ass.

Again I waited, not wanting to leave him ... keeping my dick enveloped in his warm ass. Until ... oh, no ... this time it was my turn to scream as he manipulated his ass muscles and squeezed my dick at the base.

"Come on, Nick ... fuck me ... give it to me." This was said, no longer a whisper between moans, but a straightforward request with an emotion-laden voice.

Slowly, almost hesitantly, I now started to slide out again. I let out more screams, as this was pure pleasure. But I wanted to slip back in ... after the heat of his ass, it seemed cold out there ... so I speeded up a bit and, just before I felt the head of my cock popping out ... I changed the rhythm and pushed back in.

"Oh, yea ... more, Nick ... more."

Encouraged, I slowly started to get into a rhythm, pushing it in slowly and retracting it quickly. My body told me to do it the other way but I didn't want to hurt Francis. This was hot ... it was very hot, and sweat dripped from my body onto his, making his back and buttocks glisten, his skin shining.

I knew I couldn't take much more as I was getting close. I wanted to feel more skin so I decided I'd slide in a bit harder. As I did that I also went down on him. Francis must have felt that as he turned his head a bit. I moved closer to him, breathing hard, reaching for his ear. I kissed it... licked it ... and, then, just when I moved even higher to be able to take his earlobe into my mouth, I pushed my cock in as far as I could and I definitely felt that I'd hit something this time. He screamed as he contracted his ass muscles again. That was too much for me as I could feel my balls start to contract and pushed out shots and shots of my cum into my dick, filling the condom.

I lost control of my knees and again I put my whole weight on him, resting my head on his neck.

"That was incredible, Nick," he whispered. It seems that he came to his senses a bit quicker than I did.

"I love you, Francis," I repeated again.

"Thanks, Nick! It was even better than I'd imagined."

A bit relieved that my plan had worked, I now got up and slowly started to slip out of his ass. I took off the condom and put it out in the bin.

"We'd better empty that tomorrow morning," he said, smiling.

"You were amazing, Francis! I never knew it could feel like that."

"Oh, you did all the work. I just laid there and enjoyed it."

"Damn! You came!" I though suddenly as I'd only thought of my own pleasure.

"Oh, yea. Why do you think that I contracted those ass muscles again?"

"Oh!" I said, too surprised that my plan had worked to say a lot.

He turned around. "Come here," he said, and gently kissed me on the cheek. I rested my head on his chest; he folded his arms around me.

It was light when I woke up again. I turned around and saw Francis looking at me.

"You OK?" I asked him.

"Yea! Thanks, Nick ... that was wonderful." He moved forward and kissed me.

"Good, that was what I wanted," I said, smiling.

Francis walked with a bit of difficulty ... but, by the time that we'd gotten downstairs, he was able to not show how his ass was feeling. It was funny to watch, though.

Dad came to pick us up around midday and I could see he'd had a hard weekend so far.

We didn't talk a lot, at least not until we reached the house, again through the back garden. Then we talked about what had happened but so far dad couldn't shine a lot more light on the situation. He was allowed to appeal the decision about his job ... but he wanted to find out first from other teachers if that would make any difference. He didn't understand why so many of his colleagues were avoiding him.

I didn't have a very good night. The memories of the night before helped a lot but, still, we didn't know what would happen on Monday. Would the atmosphere change when the students knew what had happened, or ...

At first sight everything looked the same that Monday morning. The students were still friendly to us, more or less. The teachers, though, were a different story. I felt ignored by most of them and, if I asked a question, the answer was short and sometimes even rude.

Damn! This was going totally in the wrong direction.

... well that was it chapter 66 for you guys, more to come soon I hope. Comments welcome at or or visit my website at

Next: Chapter 67

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