Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Oct 9, 2006


Here is chapter 70, so enjoy it and let me know what you think at You can also visit my website at

What was that all about? There shouldn't be anything new until next Thursday, or so I thought. I dialed the number and waited for the secretary to answer.

"Hi, there. This is Nick."

"Oh, yes. Wait a minute, Nick. I'll have to forward your call to the courthouse as he's been there all morning."

I waited and then got through to him.

"Hi, Nick! I'm glad you called. We have a new situation at the moment. Last night the defense lawyers contacted the judge and asked him to begin deliberations as they want this over with as soon as possible. They didn't contest any of the evidence submitted by us and they don't want to make any closing arguments, either. It seems they want this over as quickly as possible."

"Is that possible?" I asked.

"Well, it's not the most common procedure but it's happened a few times before."

"So now what happens?"

"Well, the judge contacted the foreman of the jury and they decided that the jury would meet on Friday to see if they could reach a verdict or not. So this morning, behind closed doors, they were given instructions by the judge.

"Oh, isn't this all very strange, sir? It loOKs to me that they feel sure they'll win because they've bribed a number of people of the jury or something else."

"Well, I'm not sure what they're thinking, but the Judge has decided that the trial should end now. He didn't want to extend the publicity longer than necessary."

"But were all of the members of the jury available on Friday?"

"Yes, they had to be available both on Thursday and Friday, just in case any part of the trial toOK longer than planned."

"OK, so now what? Do I need to come in?"

"Yes, I asked the judge about that but the jury has asked to have time to consider their verdict until 3 p.m. to see if they could reach a verdict. So, if all goes well, we should know the verdict by 3:30 or so. Is that enough time for you to come to the courthouse?"

"Yea, it takes only 20 minutes to get from school to the court house, so just let me know what's happening. Do you want me to leave my mobile on?"

"Yes, I think that would be best, Nick. Are you OK with all this? It's going a lot faster than we thought it would."

"Yea, no problem. I'll see if I can contact my dad and Francis before 3:00 so they know what's going on."

I hung up. Oh, yea ... no problem, I'd said but I wasn't so sure. I'd had to sit down slowly during the last minute or so when it became clear that today could be judgement day. Though I was sure they'd be convicted, I had a nagging feeling that they might not. I knew I was afraid of that as I had no idea what a verdict of innocent would do to me or the effect it would have on my future.

The bell announcing the end of break went off and, in a bit of a daze, I walked towards the next class.

[From Francis's point of view]

"Are you ready for this, Jordan?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, but we'll see where it leads. You're going to be on the stage with us, Francis?"

"No, I think this is yours and Susan's bit to do."

"We'll see."

"Ladies and gentlemen," he started as he climbed onto the stage. "Please be quiet for a moment so I can pass along some information about procedures. We'll start by making a statement first, so that all the students in class throughout the building will know what's going on. Then there'll be a short statement from our director, followed by a period for questions."

"OK, systems ready?" Susan asked.

"Yea, go ahead."

"Fellow students, we promised you an update on what was happening as soon as we could. In a moment we'll inform you of the outcome of our morning session with representatives from the parent-teachers organization and members of the board of education. At the moment, we're down here in the auditorium. The information I'm providing you is part of the statement that is being issued to the press at the same time. Copies are available down here, and everyone will have the opportunity to ask questions when we're finished. Jordan is going to update you about what happened this morning."

"Thanks, Susan. Well, I can tell you that the board of education has decided that there's no reason to ask the police to empty this building empty, as we're being taught just as the rules say. Also they have urged the director to hold a new meeting of the parent-teachers association as soon as possible to discuss the situation. This will happen tonight at 6 p.m. down here in the hall and it will be a public event in which several students will be permitted to state their opinions. I ..."

He had to stop then in response to the roar of approval from all the students in the auditorium. I knew, just as Jordan did, that this announcement alone must have felt like a victory for most of the students. I could see him smile. I loOKed around at the reporters and others to see how they were reacting.

When the applause stopped, Jordan continued. "Please, I know this feels like victory but it's not done yet, although I hope that, with your support, we can convince the teacher-parents association. For this reason, we call upon all teachers and parents of students of this school to come to this building tonight at 6 p.m. The meeting will be held in the auditorium and anyone who can't fit into the auditorium will be invited to join in and listen to the debate in the classrooms available. For you students, I ask everyone who wants the chance to speak to the meeting to come forward and tell someone from the organizing committee. For members of the press, I have just a few things to add. In addition to the information I have given before, I can tell you that some of today's teachers are able and willing to answer question at a later time to be announced after lunch. I want to end this statement by thanking the board of education for their attendance today and hope that they will learn from their investigations and set in place a number of reforms that will only make our educational system better. Now I want to give the floor to our director."

"Students, parents and teachers: I can only support Jordan's invitation to tonight's meeting. It will be held according to the rules of the association but it'll also be a public meeting which it should have been in the first place. I also want to stress that, if any parent or teacher wants to put forward any points that need to be discussed, they are welcome to submit them before 4 p.m. this afternoon. To the press, I want to emphasize that I'm proud of the achievements of the students and that I hope they can respect tonight's discussion and its outcome."

At that point I was distracted by the ringing of a mobile phone.

I recognized the number as Alexei's and answered it.

"Francis here. Anything wrong, Alexei?"

"Yea. I was teaching in the classroom beside the one Nick was in, and he just fainted for some reason."

"Damn! Where are you?"

"I'm up in room 304."

"OK, I'll be up there in a minute."

Now what? I thought. What could have happened? It's been good news so far, so there's no reason for Nick to faint. I knew he'd been under a lot of pressure and he didn't want to talk about it very much. I'd given him the possibility to talk a few times but I didn't want to press the issue either.

I'd hoped that the extra visits to the shrink had taken most of the pressure off him, but that might not have been enough.

When I came upstairs, Nick was lying on one of the couches in the teachers' lounge. He started to come around, but he was staring into space as far as I could tell. He didn't respond to seeing me but he must have been aware of my presence. I wondered when this would be over.

"Nick? Can you hear me, Nick?"

He didn't respond; he didn't even move.

"Francis?" Alexei said as he tapped my shoulder.

I loOKed around. "Come here for a minute if you will."

I stepped a few feet away from the couch.

"Did he talk with you, Alexei? What did he say?"

"As far as I could tell, he didn't say anything to anybody after he wOKe up."

Now what, I thought? Everything was going our way at last."

"Well, maybe that's what Nick is having a bit of difficulty dealing with, Francis. One of the girls in his class saw him talking on his mobile just before the class started. Now we can't see who he was talking to, but maybe you can."

"You think there's another reason why he passed out than the announcements?"

"There could have been. Here's his bag."

"OK, let me see his mobile. It should be in here."

I got his mobile out and loOKed at it. It was still on, which he never did.

It must have been something important; otherwise he wouldn't have left it on. I dialed voicemail and waited for the recorded message to come on. It was from his lawyer. What had he wanted?

"It was his lawyer, Alexei. What happened?"

"I think you'd better give him a call, Francis. I don't think Nick is going to tell you anything. We need some information to get him talking."

"OK." I phoned the lawyer and was put through when I told the receptionist what had transpired down here. Wow, was the first thing I thought as I tried to comprehend all that the lawyer had told Nic. No wonder Nick had gone silent on us! He must be on the edge of a nervous breakdown. It seemed that today would be the climax of so much of his life.

"Damn!" I said as I hung up the phone.

"What, Francis?" Alexei asked.

"Let's go somewhere private, Alexei."

In a few words I told him what I'd heard. "OK, no wonder it got to him, Francis. I think you'd better talk with him alone. I'm not sure how best to deal with this, but I'd say you need to let him know that you understand.

That might make it easier for him to talk about it."

I walked back into the room. Alexei was quietly asking everyone else to leave.

"Nick, just blink if you can hear me," I said softly.

He blinked. At first, I just thought it was a normal response but he did it a few times.

"I know, Nick, that you need to talk about it. I know about the jury arriving at a verdict today."

Wow! He'd responded to that comment. Tthat was something. He slowly moved his head and loOKed at me.

"I know, Nick. It'll all be OK.. There's just one day to get through now."

"Oh, Francis! You think so? I don't know! It seems to just keep going on and on!"

"It won't, Nick. I'll go fine. No jury in their right mind could acquit them, not after the testimony Randy and you gave."

"I know ... well, I know in my head but my heart fears differently. With all the smearing that has been going on. I just don't know anymore."

"Well, whatever happens, we'll still have each other, Nick, and I'll never let you go, whatever happens."

A broad smile came over his face. "I know," I said.

"So you have any idea why you fainted?"

"I have no idea. I guess that, as Jordan began to speak, it all began to sink in. The lawyer asked if I was OK but I don't think I realized what he'd said until Jordan added his news to it."

"So you are feeling better now?"

"As well as I can be today, I think, Francis."

"Oh, you'll feel a lot better later tonight, when this is all over."

"Ah, you're going to make sure I'll feel better, guaranteed?" I said with a sexy undertone in my voice.

"Don't press your luck ... but I might just do that. So now, what do you want to do ... stay here ... leave ..."

"Well, I need something to take my mind off of things, so staying around is the best option. But don't tell anyone else what's going on, OK?"

"Alexei knows, Nick."

"Oh, well ... I'm sure if you ask him to, he can keep his mouth shut. I just don't want this to get in the way of everything else here. They're just a small step away from a full victory, I think."

"Yea, they're doing pretty well and, with all the students standing behind us, they'll succeed later today as well."

"OK, so now what? Lunch or do I have something else on my schedule first?"

"No, it's lunchtime. They skipped the last lesson of the morning so everyone could hear the latest news and discuss what'll happen tonight."

"Ah, good! Well, let's go and join the others. You talk to Alexei, right?"

"Yes, of course."

"OK ... go ahead. I'll be right out."

I found Alexei waiting just outside the door. "He'll be fine," I said. "But he doesn't want anyone else to know that the verdict might come in this afternoon, OK?"

"OK, as long as you let me know when, I'll agree ... and I think some of us might want to be there for support."

"Yea, I think I can arrange that."

Nick came out and together we walked to the cafeteria. The rest of the lunch break went past quickly. I stayed close to Nick and let the others do their job. I'd go back as soon as Nick went to his next lesson. I knew everyone would understand. I'd asked the lawyer to give me a ring instead of Nick so I could tell him if the jury had come to a decision. I wanted to break the news to Nick myself and join him in court. There was no way he could keep me from going to this last court session.

The time up to 3 p.m. went quickly. I was able to wiggle out of answering questions about why Nick had fainted. I'd asked permission for us to leave around 3 if we needed that afternoon off, and that was all I was going to tell them. I was kept very busy with getting the day all organized. Several of the press wanted to attend the meeting that evening and dealing with that and answering questions on the phone from a lot of parents and teachers ... where should they be, what was the agenda, and did they have to sign to attend or speak? I wasn't sure what was going on but I got the feeling that there might be more on the agenda than just the discussion planned.

Trying to deal with several lines at once, I almost missed the lawyer's call when it came in, but I just caught it before the person at he other end hung up.

"Francis, I think you'd better make your way over here. It seems that the judge wants the court back in session at 4 p.m. I think that gives you more than enough time. Just give me a ring when you arrive and I'll meet you so I can tell you what's going to happen."

"OK, sounds like a plan. Did you call Nick's dad, too?"

"I can do that if you want, Francis."

"Yea, I think you'd better do it."

I loOKed around to see if Jordan or Susan was around. I found them together in the far back corner.

"Jordan, Susan, I have to leave. Is that OK?"

"Well, we agreed earlier that you could ... so, sure, go ahead. But the reason for your absence needs to be reported in the boOK. Otherwise there might be trouble after this is all over."

"Hmmm, well, can we take care of that later next week?"

"I guess ... but why can't you do it now?"

"Sorry, guys, but this is personal. It won't be private by next week, but for now it is, and I promised Nick I'd keep it that way."

I saw Jordan give me a funny loOK. Damn, had I just said too much? He loOKed at Susan and I saw their minds working.

"The verdict is in?" Jordan asked.

"I can't say anything, Jordan. But I really have to go."

"OK, I know when to shut up. Good luck, Francis."

I walked away with a smile on my face. I knew I could trust them and, in any case, we'd both be away from the school soon.

I walked towards the gym. I knew that Nick had gym with Alexei that period, so I didn't even need to tell him; he'd know. When I walked in, I saw Nick loOK right at me, as if he'd sensed my arrival at that time.

I winked at him. "We're due at 4 p.m., Nick, so let's go. We're in no hurry, but still ..."

We walked towards the locker room. As I opened the door to let Nick past, I loOKed back and saw Alexei. I nodded and held up four fingers. He winked at me to tell me he understood.

"So, this is it, Francis," Nick said.

I watched as he started to undress. "Well, it's nothing and it's everything, Nick. Whatever the decision is, life will go on. We know and others know what happened and that won't change but at least those who did it will be punished in the end. They won't be able to do this to others any more."

"I know." He continued to undress and, my god, what a terrible moment to think of how beautiful he loOKed. When he got his shorts off, showing his deep red briefs, snuggled tightly around his basket, I felt my dick twitch. I started to get a chubby. No, not now, I thought. I was happy that he was concentrating on what he was doing, for I don't think I'd have been able to give him an answer with a steady voice. He was so beautiful! My god, I loved him so much and whatever today's outcome would be, I'd be there for him.

"OK, let's go," he said when he was finished.

I followed him out of the locker room. We didn't talk a lot as we made our way over to the courthouse. I guess we were both locked in our own thoughts and fears.

"You called dad?" he asked as we walked up the stairs.

"No, but the lawyer did."

He was waiting for us at the entrance. Susan was with him. It was good, I thought, that those two had found each other. I know we hadn't had a chance to spend a lot of time together, but I knew that the coach was having a hard time dealing with all of this. I just hoped it would turn out for the better after today.

"OK, let's go in and get this over with," his dad said and gestured us upstairs to a room where the lawyer was waiting.

"OK, guys. I know this is all going quite quickly, but I don't think that's bad, not at all. The fact that they didn't want to add any more evidence must have influenced the jury a lot, too."

"So, what's going to happen now?"

"Well, the jury has two things to do. First, they have to decide if they are guilty of the charges. Then the judge can approve or reject the jury's verdict. If they're found guilty, then the judge will set a date for sentencing."

"And what is our role in this?" I heard Nick ask.

"Nothing, Nick. As the victim, you're allowed to be there."

"Can Francis sit with us?"

"I'm sorry, Nick, but that's not recommended. He'll be as close to you as he can."

"So when do we have to go in, then?" I asked.

"Not for another 10 minutes, Francis. This is the last item on the court's calendar for the day."

We quietly waited in the anteroom, everyone silent with his own thoughts. I wanted to ask the coach if he was aware of what had transpired today, but it just seemed totally inappropriate to ask anything at that moment.

"OK, you'd better go in. We'll follow shortly," the lawyer said to us.

"I'll be there, Nick. Just turn around if you need me," I whispered softly as we left the room.

I followed the coach and Susan into the courtroom but almost stumbled against the coach as both Susan and he stopped as soon as they opened the door. The room was filled with people. I loOKed over his shoulder to see who was there. I saw several of the journalists who'd been in the school earlier and some others as well. But most of those present were our friends. Alexei, Randy, Andy, James, Peter, Andrew, the members of the gymnastic team, my mom ... they were all here. I even saw several teachers there.

Oh, no, I thought. I just hope Nick can handle this. I wanted to turn back but the coach held me back and said, "Don't worry. Nick can handle this. It's just the kind of support he needs. He knows they're here for him."

I loOKed at the other side, the chairs behind the accused. There was hardly anyone there. I saw that Mike's family was present. His mom loOKed awful. I knew they'd support him, no matter what, just like most parents would do. Mike was sitting in front of them. I could see his back. His former confident attitude didn't come through at all any more ... the self assured person he used to be seemed to have gone. Beside him was his lawyer. Beside them sat the doctors, still displaying the same arrogant manner. I hoped they'd soon get their just reward.

I heard the door open and knew it would be Nick with his lawyer and the DA. It became silent at first, but then I heard people call his name. I loOKed around and saw that he'd stopped to talk with some of them. I let out a big sigh of relief as I'd been afraid of his reaction. By the time he reached the first row, I could see a smile on his face and I smiled back.

The moment he sat down, it got quiet as the Judge walked in. The next few moments were a blur for me, as I kept a close eye on Nick. I just wanted to make sure he wouldn't faint again.

[From Nick's point of view]

I was glad that Francis had talked with the lawyer and knew the process. I wasn't sure I'd have been able to tell him. I'd gotten through the afternoon by trying to keep concentrated on other things but it wasn't easy.

I know Alexei had been doing his best as he kept me occupied during gym. He didn't give me a chance to slack off or anything. But I kept glancing at the door a lot and was relieved when I saw Francis standing there. At least this was it: the jury had reached a decision and they didn't need more time.

I'd seen from the corner of my eye the exchange that Alexei and Francis had, but I didn't mind, not at that point. People would know. I just didn't want their attention on me all afternoon, and that certainly hadn't happened. I knew we had lots of time so, when I noticed that I'd caught Francis's complete attention when I started to change in the locker room, I even had some fun with him, stripping a bit more slowly than I would normally have done.

The tension started to build up again when I entered the courtroom. I knew there was nothing that I would need to do this time, just be there ... but, still, that was challenge enough. The lawyer and the DA repeated again what Francis had said. We knew what had happened and that wouldn't be changed by the verdict. It would only help to make sure they could never, ever, hurt someone again. I knew that ... but still, guilty is guilty and not guilty is not guilty and, at that juncture, doubt about the outcome had the upper hand.

I stopped the moment I walked into the courtroom, amazed by the number of people..., well, the number of friends there. At first, I was a bit ashamed that they all knew what I'd been going through but, when some of them shouted my name and they all were smiling at me, I became more relaxed. I talked with Brian and Alexei for a short time and with Francis's mom. I thanked them for being there. I continued slowly towards my seat. I saw Francis smiling and couldn't resist a big smile back for him, too. I toOK my seat and then loOKed over to the opposite side.

I wondered if the defendants would loOK defeated after what had happened yesterday, after they'd decided to present no further defense. For Mike it definitely had. He was loOKing down at the table and I could see that he'd been crying. A bit further on sat the doctors, who were openly loOKing at me. I felt myself withdraw into myself, still impressed by their aura of authority. I loOKed down, knowing what they were thinking. Who was I to put them on trail was. They only had the best intentions with me; they just have given me what I wanted. No I screamed in my head, they had wanted me to believe that but they just had given in to their own indulgence. They had used me and they needed to be punished for that. They had used my feelings of submissiveness. Oh, yea ... I was who I was ... there was no denying that, I thought ... but they'd abused the respect I'd given them. They'd gone over the line. More than just a bit ... they'd intentionally crossed it. They deserved quick punishment ... quick and, I hoped, severe. I loOKed up again, with a what I hoped was a loOK of triumph in my eyes. I could handle this, whatever the outcome was. I'd grown as a person. I knew that, despite my submissive feelings, they'd gone too far. They had to know that they had no power over me any more. It wasn't like it had been in Cologne when, with a single phone call, they had captured me again. I had learned; I'd grown for sure.

My attention then shifted as the judge and jury entered the room. I felt the tension growing within me. I was hardly taking in what was being said. I was waiting for the big question, the question that the judge would ask the jury.

There it was, that fateful question from the judge. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury: Have you reached a verdict?"

I loOKed from the judge to the foreman of the jury, who stood. "Yes, we have, your honor. We find all three defendants guilty of all charges ..."

Though the foreman continued to speak, he couldn't be heard because a big cheer came from behind me. I loOKed at my lawyer and the DA, who smiled at me and gave me their hands to shake. I loOKed over my shoulder and saw more smiles. I'd finally gotten them. We'd nailed them.

The judge rapped his gavel and demanded quiet. "Does the jury have any further recommendations?"

The foremen stood up again and continued. "We, the jury, recommend no leniency in the case of the older defendants, but we do recommend in the sentencing of the younger defendant, that consideration be given to the fact that he was under their influence and we ask you, as judge, to keep that in mind when you decide on sentences. But we didn't think that making such a recommendation was part of our decision."

"I accept your decision and will take your advice into account when we come to the penalty phase. Please forward your verdict to the court clerk."

Now the last part would come immediately, I knew. The judge would confirm that all legal procedures had been followed, and then he'd hand down his sentence.

We all waited in silence. I heard quiet sobs coming from Mike, but the doctors were still stoic, sitting upright in their chairs loOKing at the judge.

"Following the jury's verdict, I sentence Drs. Black and Stevens to a sentence of not less than 20 years without chance of parole. I also sentence the defendant Michael Steward to the maximum penalty for his age group, ten years in custody. If he agrees to psychiatric counseling, the penalty will be reduced to a minimum of five years or to a term of psychiatric care to be decided by the judge responsible."

Good, I thought! It couldn't have gone better! I loOKed around and saw tears in Francis's eyes. Yes, we'd won. It was over now. I couldn't wait till the judge has said his last words but I stood up, ran to the first row, and threw myself into Francis's arms. I could feel the floodgates of emotion open ... emotions that I'd barely kept in check all day since I'd found out that the verdict could be made known today. They were floods of relief.

The next 15 minutes or so were all a blur to me. I remembered that many people tried to congratulate me but I was just so happy that I just shoOK hands without knowing who they were. It was over ... over and done with. Now we just had to make it through that evening's celebrations and then it would be finished. Life could return to normal ... or at least that was what I was certainly hoping for.

We left the courthouse and were surrounded by about 50 journalists outside. At that moment, though, I had nothing to say to anyone. We got to the awaiting cars as quickly as possible.

"Where to now?" Francis asked.

"How late is it?" my dad asked.

"Just a little before 5 p. m." I pointed out

"So that gives us about an hour before we need to be at the school."

"Yea. Are you going?" Francis asked the coach.

"Yea, I think I'd better," he said. "I'm not going to say anything ... I just want to make sure that they know I'm there and I can hear any accusations that might be made about me."

"Good idea," I interjected.

"Are you going to join us, Nick?" my dad asked.

"I don't know. Do you think it'd be OK to do so?"

"Well, you have nothing to hide, do you? And with the verdict in, there can't be too many irresponsible remarks. I'm sure that they didn't expect the verdict to be decided so quickly, so that is a bit of a bummer for them."

"Let's go home first, then, and make our way to the school just before 6, OK?"

"Sounds like a plan."

At home the telephone was ringing from the moment we arrived and, after picking it up twice only to hear journalists on the other end, we decided not to answer it any more.

"We need to think of something. They'll probably keep following us till we've made some statement."

"They might, but it can wait till tomorrow. Let's see what happens tonight first, OK?" my dad said.

"OK. So, have you been in contact with any teacher today? Do you have any idea what might happen."

"No, I've talked to two of my colleagues, but they said they'd just heard about the verdict and weren't sure what the various representatives would say. They said they'd try to contact as many people as they could to find out what others were thinking about the issues at hand. We'll just have to wait and see."

"Are you coming along, Susan?" I asked.

"Yea, I want to be there for your dad."

I knew that they'd quickly gotten quite close ... but now that my problems were resolved, I was coming to know just how close they were. I was happy for dad. He deserved that. He'd been alone too long.

"So, I guess it's time for a celebration. What do you think of a big party tomorrow night, guys? With all your friends close by, I think it's time to relax a bit," dad proposed.

"I don't know, sir" Francis started. "I must admit I had other plans for tomorrow."

"Oh, well ... we can do it at a later time just as easily," Dad said.

"Oh, can't you cancel your plans, Francis? It's no fun if you're not there to party," I pleaded.

"You can't be there either, Nick. We have a date tomorrow evening. I hope you'll be able to make it," he said with a twinkle in his eye.

I blushed. "Is that OK with you, dad?"

"Yea, I understand ... you've had very little time to spend together lately."

"We can do it at Thanksgiving ... we'll invite everyone. I think there is a great deal to be thankful for over the last few months."

"That might work out, too. Let's hope people haven't already made other arrangements."

"We can tell them tonight, OK?" I said.

"Yes, let's do that."

I turned to Francis. So, what are we going to do tomorrow night?"

He smiled and said, "You'll find out."

"Oh, one of those dates!"

He smiled again. "Just be patient, Nick."

We had a bite to eat and then went off to the school. It was busy ... well, that was an understatement. We had to park the car about three blocks away.

It seems that the announcement of the verdict on TV and the subject of the evening's meeting had combined to bring a lot of people to the school. As we got closer, we saw a lot of TV cameras outside. Although it was a public meeting, no broadcast would be allowed. Journalist were allowed inside to report, but no cameras.

"I think we'd better see if we can slip in through the back door, guys," David siggested.

"Yea, I think that's a good idea."

We found our way to the back of the school. The door wasn't locked but there was a student waiting outside.

"Ahhhh ...we were wondering if you guys would show up."

"You've heard the news, then?" Francis asked.

"Definitely! As soon as the students who'd gone to the courthouse got back, we had a little party down here. The decision has boosted spirits considerably. Tonight will be the second blow to them and then we hope this'll all be over."

I saw a few laughs and smiles. If every student was as positive as this one was, it'd be a great evening.

"So, you were waiting for us down here?"

"No, I'm standing guard. No one is allowed to come in this way. Everyone has to go in through the front and register, so we know who's in the building but I think for you guys I can make an exception. Just make sure you register, OK?"


"Good luck, Coach," he said as he opened the door for us to enter.

So that was chapter 70, more to follow soon. Let me know what you think at You can also visit my website at

Next: Chapter 71

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