Codename Phoenix

By moc.loa@N131TRJ

Published on Feb 12, 2006


Codename: Phoenix Chapter one

Today was suppose to be a normal day. Get up at six, go down stairs and meet up with Lynn, Denise, and Johnny, go to rehearsals, photos shoots, interviews and more.Yep, just a normal day in the life of an up and coming group called N*sync. Or is it?

Justin Timberlake, age 15 sat back listing to most of what Johnny, their manager was saying about the schedule for today. But he wasn't able to pay close attention, he looked over the shoulder of Johnny, looking at a news report about something, but because they were in Germany he wasn't able to fully understand, but by just looking at the screen, he could tell it had to do with another mutant attack. He had heard that mutants were running rapid in Germany, but he didn't know it was that bad. He couldn't help but frown. He had read somewhere that most of the new mutants where around his age, their parents disowned them once they found out about there kids and so no one could pass judgment, the parents just got rid of them like they were garbage. He was so busy sulking about the thought of his own mother doing that to him, he didn't realize his name was being called. "Justin!" He jumped a little and looked up. "Yes?" "You okay, you look like ya lost your best friend." said Johnny. Johnny was really a nice guy, always making sure that the guys were alright. He saw them as his own sons. "Sorry, kind of zoned out a bit, but I'm good." he gave a quick smile, just to show that he was fine. With that Johnny Continued.

Once Johnny had finished, the guys all piled up in the large van, then they were off.

JC Chasez, age 20, couldn't help but glance over at Justin. He had notice that he hasn't been his prank playing, goofball, happy self lately. He was starting to worry. He had talked to Chris about it, but he said that it was probably teenage problems, it was totally normal. But JC wasn't so sure. He couldn't take the quiet Justin, he made him worry to much. "J, are you doing alright?" he asked. Justin looked at him with wide eyes, like it was the first time he had ever seen him. "I'm fine Josh." "Are you sure?" He gave him the I-know-that-there-is-something-wrong-look. "You know the reports, about the recent boom of new mutants?" Justin asked in a small voice. "Yeah, its all over the news, is that what your worried about? Look, Justin, none of those mutants are gonna hurt you, if that's what your worried about..." "No not that, can we talk about this when we get back to the hotel?" "Of course."

Justin and JC stared at each other for a while, until Justin looked away staring out the window again. At least now you know what's bothering him, thought JC. For the first time starting in this whole group JC had never want to got back to a hotel so badly. Justin was going to open up to him and he couldn' t wait to help.

They've dealt with almost every different photographer since starting in the group, some were nice, some really were a bitch and others just plain weird. But this one was really different, not bad different, but good different. He was the first photographer, who actually took the time to get to know there names, that was truly a first. "Guys, this is Mark Lewis, he'll be taking your pictures for today." said Johnny. A man, who looked at least thirty, tall and bright green eyes. He shook each young man hands, smiling at each of them. He stopped short at Justin, he stared straight into his eyes. He felt a spark shot down his spine when he looked at Justin. This one... he thought is going to very powerful, once he is able to call upon his powers. "Now that I don' t make any mistakes about names, you are Joey, Chris, Lance, JC and this young looking one must be Justin." "Wow, you're the first photographer who actually took the chance to remember our names." said Chris. "Well, I have to know the people that I'm taking pictures of, I don't want to be like some photographer, who call you by what you have on or what you look like, I find it to be very rude. Okay enough about that, let's get down to business, um you all will go in for hair and make-up and then meet back here for group pictures, then some single pictures and some spontaneous pictures" said Mark. " Spontaneous pictures?" asked Lance. "Yeah, spontaneous pictures, I want to take some pictures of you guys while your just relaxing, doing your own thing, not posing, but in your own element. Its for a photograph book that I publish, I have it here if you want to take a look at it?" Mark asked one of the people there to get his copy of it. They person came back with a hard cover book. He hand it to Joey who looked it over. "Dude, you got Madonna in here, half naked too, hello." "I'm glad you like it, now let's get to work."

Lance Bass, age 17, had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. It was doing turns and back flips. And to top it off, he had a splitting headache. He didn't tell anyone because he knew that they might have made him stay home, and that's something he didn't want. "Okay, all done sweetie." said a male make-up artist. Lance slightly grew red. He went over the others waiting for Mark direction. "Okay, Lance, I need you to stand behind Joey and if Justin can stand next to Lance that would be great." Once Justin was next to Lance, he got that ice cold feeling, that he had been getting since Justin's fifteenth birthday. He tried to shrug it off, but no such luck. The ice cold feeling crept down his spine. Justin notice him shiver. "Lance, are you alright? " "Yeah, just a little cold, don't worry about it." They both stared straight in each others eyes. Lance knew that Justin wasn't buying it, the kid may be blonde but he was a lot smarter then people gave him credit for. Justin didn't believe any of it, but to humor him, "Ok, but if there is anything bothering you, you can come talk with me, you know that, right?" Lance nodded. " Yeah I know that." He knew that Justin wanted to say more, but lucky for him, Mark was ready to take pictures.

Chris Kirkpatrick, age 25, just wanted to hurry up with the pictures and go home. With all of the mutant sightings, he was scared that something would happen. Not to him, but to his band mates, his `brothers'. Yeah, he would act more like a big kid then the oldest, but that didn't mean that his was always immature. In fact he could be very mature, when the time was right and this time felt right. " What's up with Justin and Lance, they seem, I don't know, out of it." he said to Joey. Joey looked over at them. They did seem to be in there own little world. Nothing really new to Joey, they were teens, teens zone out, big whoop. "Nothing new Chris." "I just can't help but get this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach that something really big is gonna happen." "Oh stop it, you sound paranoid. Its all in your head." I hope so Joey, I do hope so. He let out of loud sigh and started to get ready for the next shot. "Hey curly, you feeling ok?" "Oh hey Chris, yeah I'm alright, just a little tired, why? What's up?" asked Justin. "Nothing much, just a little freaked out about this whole mutant thing. I mean, there out of control." " They just don't know how to fully use there powers yet, plus a lot of them have been disowned from there families. You can excepted them to be all okay upstairs. Something like this could tear a person up in side." Wow. Chris didn' t know what to say. Justin sound so beyond his years. He knew that Justin was very mature, but this was different. He seem to be very, passionate about the whole mutant thing. Justin hated to hear people talk badly about mutants, hell, he hated hearing anything bad said about any people. " I didn't really think about it like that." Chris said softly. "Well, maybe its time you did."

Joey Fatone, age 19, sat back looking at the small TV that was set up on a table. It seem that every change was the same thing. Mutants, mutants, mutants. All this talk about mutants was driving him crazy. He let out a loud sigh. He was ready to call it a day. "Man, what time is it?" he asked. "

7:50, we got ten more minutes of this, then off to an interview." said Lance half to himself. Joey notice that Lance wasn't his usually upbeat self. " Lance you feeling okay?" "Yeah its just that I've been having this really weird feeling lately and I don't know why." "Weird felling? Like a sick feeling? " "No, like a bad feeling." "What kind of bad feeling?" Lance shifted uncomfortable in his seat. This really wasn't like Lance, he could tell Joey anything, this time shouldn't be different. Lance started in Joey's eyes. " Anytime I'm around Justin, I get a cold chill going down my spine, something happening to Justin, what it is I'm not sure, but I'm not sure if it's a good thing."

Mark needed to get in touch with Magneto and fast. He stepped out the room without anyone realizing he had left. Going in to a unused room he close the door behind him. Dialing quickly on his cell phone. "Hello?" asked a deep voice on the other end. "Its me, I've found someone I think you'll be very interested in." said Mark. "I'm listening." said the man. " Alright, there is this young male, by the name of Justin Timberlake, who gives off the same aura, like the Carter boy." He could almost hear the smile spread across his face. "Good, if you say that this is true, then I will take your word for it. But Mark, if you are wrong, then I will have to leave you in the hands of or rather the claws of Jinx." With that, the phone call was ended. Mark slowly hung up the phone. He wiped the sweat off his brow. Even on the phone Magneto could be scary. He check his watch. He quickly mad his way out the room back to the guys. He hoped he didn't look to freaked out.

"Okay, guys thanks for all the great pictures." he shook hands with each guy. But slightly linger when he reached Justin. "Alright guys lets get going. We've... wait hold on. Hello? Yes this is he. What? Oh man, is everyone all right? Okay.. yeah... No the guys will understand. Okay well thanks for the up date. Bye. Alright change of planes. Looks like you get to start on your break, because the interviewer canceled saying that with the whole mutant thing, everyone is being asked to not travel that much, so we have to head back to the hotel." said Johnny. There we a few happy sighs of relief, it had been a long day and they needed the rest. Plus they were happy because they had a two week vacation. They all then hoped in the van and traveled back to the hotel.

Hotel.. JC and Justin's room... JC had just gotten out of the shower. Wiping the rest of the water off of his

chest. He walked over to his suitcase looking for a clean pair of underwear. He shiver when he felt a cool breeze enter in to the room. "Justin can you put the window down, please?" he said. He still felt the cold air. "Justin?" he turned around, to see Justin sitting by the window, looking out in to nothing. He look so sad, so lonely , so beautiful. JC watched for a while, looking over the boy who was turning into a man. While Justin wasn't looking, JC quickly put on some underwear and slowly walked towards Justin, like he didn't want to scare away the beautiful creature that sat in front of him. He knelt down in front of him and place a hand on his knee. "Justin? Sweetie, tell me what's on your mind?" JC said softly. " I can't." he said in a soft flat voice. " Yeah, you can. You know you can tell me anything." JC softly stroked Justin leg. Justin let out a sigh. He looked down at JC, whose eyes said that- can-tell-me. "You'll hate JC, everyone will, if they knew what I was." "I could never hate you, Justin. No matter what it is I'll be there for you." JC gave him a reassuring smile. Tears started to leave Justin's eyes. "I'm bi." He cried harder when JC just stared at him. oh god, he hates me, why, why, did I say anything. Justin rushed to get up, but was stopped by a pair of arms pulling him in to a tight hug. "Josh?" Justin was shocked at first but it went away. Being JC' s arms made him feel safe. JC rocked him back and forth. Yeah, he felt real safe. JC pulled away a little, wanting to look at Justin. "That's not all JC, I have something else to tell you and this may make you hate me. I'm a mutant." "What is it with you and thinking that I'm going to hate you?" "But how can you not? I'm one of those mutants that are causing trouble." "J, that's not you, those people are doing that because know one will show them that they care." Justin stared back at JC. Not really sure of what to say. "You don't hate me?" "I could never hate you." "Not even if I robbed a bank?" "Nope" "Killed someone?" JC just shook his head.

Justin pulled JC in to a hug. "Thank you." he said in his ear. JC pulled back and lightly trace over Justin lips. This action kind of confused Justin. He knew that JC was gay and he had seen him do this to other boyfriends. He wanted to speak, but couldn't find the words, as JC `s lips touched his. He was shocked a little, but that went away quickly. JC tugged on his hem of his shirt, which he quickly took off. JC then attacked his neck. Sucking and placing little bit a bites. JC stood up, taking Justin with him and leading him to the bed. He pushed him on the bed, not to rough. He continued to kiss Justin hungrily. "Your still over dress, angel, let me help you out." JC said in a husky voice that just screamed pure sex. Justin just looked up at him and nodded. JC undid Justin belt and button, he pulled the pants and black underwear completely off. Revealing a young, pure, hard body, just begging to be touched. Justin gasped as J.C.'s mouth closed around one of his nipples, sensually drawing his tongue back and forth over it. J.C.'s fingers teased the other one as J.C.'s remaining arm held the panting boy up in his kneeling position. J.C. parted Justin's legs and sat between them, stroking the teenager's sides as he ran his mouth over the flat, tight stomach. He slowly made his way down Justin leaking cock, "Baby, this going to feel a little weird, okay?" the only response that he got was a low moan. JC pushed Justin legs up, making his legs bend. JC then spread Justin legs, JC's finger pushed into his body, gasping slightly, Justin tensed; tightening around JC's finger. "Relax, angel, I'm gonna make this real good for you." Justin relax as much as he could.

Adding another finger, JC heard Justin moan. Finally he added the third. Leaning up, he kissed Justin, their tongues ducking it out. JC started to move his fingers slowly in and out of Justin. Justin had never felt anything like this before, it was so much pleasure that JC was giving him. He arched when JC put all fingers in thrusting in and out a little harder. "oh god, oh fuck." Justin grabbed a hold of the bed railing. Pushing down on to JC `s fingers. Justin whimper when he felt the fingers leave him. JC reached over to the bed side draw, taking something out. He ripped the condom open, and slipped it on easily. He pushed into Justin. Arching his back, Justin winced in pain. JC waited for him to relax again, and get past the pain. He knew that this would be Justin's first time, otherwise, he would of asked. Feeling Justin relax around him, JC rocked his hips, thrusting into him.

After a few thrusts, Justin didn't feel the pain anymore. Jolts of electricity shot through his spine, making him shudder as JC hit his spot. "Fuck." He moaned as JC hit his prostate again. JC kissed him, beads of sweat falling from JC's face onto his own. Picking up the pace a little, JC thrust into him faster. His head falling back, as Justin moved his body against his own, making each thrust that much more pleasure. "God." Justin moaned, He gripped the bedpost, moaning louder and louder in pure pleasure. JC keep hitting his prostate, over and over. JC looked down at Justin swollen cock, taking it in his hand, he pump fast and hard. It didn't take long before Justin came all over him and JC not for behind, with on last thrust, filled Justin with his seed.

They laid like that, waiting to come down from there orgasm. Justin was the first to find his voice. " Josh that was... wow. I have never felt anything like that before in my life." JC couldn't help but giggle. He got off the bed and made his way to the bathroom, he returned back with a wet washcloth. He sat back on the bed and began to wipe off the cum that was on him and Justin. Justin jumped a little when the washcloth made contact with his stomach. " Sorry angel." JC put the washcloth on the bed's nightstand and got into bed. He pulled Justin in to his arms. Justin nuzzled his chest. "JC, does this mean that we're like a couple now?" asked Justin. "Yeah, we're a couple now." JC said. Justin mutter a `cool' and fell to sleep. JC listen to Justin soft snores and smiled to himself. He couldn't believe what had happen. It had actually worked. Maybe being a mutant wasn't such a bad thing after all. He held on to Justin a little tighter and fell to sleep. Dreaming of his new boyfriend and his knew life.

Next: Chapter 2

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