Colin the Intern

By Christopher Lawrence

Published on Feb 21, 2024



I'm a partner in a small brokerage firm. I've been running this place with my partner Colin for the past five years and I'm very proud of what we've built. Our staff of ten work hard but we pay them well and I think we all enjoy what we do. I know I do.

One of my main duties is cultivating new clients. My partner Colin hates it but not me. I'm a natural salesman. I like traveling and meeting new people. My busy lifestyle makes it hard on my dating life. I'm single but there are plenty of available men or woman willing to take care of my sexual needs. It's a benefit being bisexual. It doubles the dating pool. It certainly helps that I'm 6' 2", 180 pounds, in great shape and blessed with a good head of hair. I work out a lot and as the face of my firm, I must present myself in the best light. At age 42 I feel I'm at the peak of my physical fitness. Women and men seem to always be flirting with me and who am I to turn them down.

Anyway, back to my story. We were in a particularly busy period and our trusted office manager was going out on an extended medical leave. It was the perfect time to hire a summer intern to pick up some of the slack. It was a win, win situation. The intern can earn some valuable work experience and we can get some needed help about the office. Just before she went out on leave the office manager hired a second year MBA student with the name Colin. Somehow, she never thought that having an intern with the same first name as one of the partners would be confusing. Naturally we started calling our new hire "Colin the intern".

Colin the intern turned out to be a good hire. He was smart, a hard worker and always willing to learn something new. He was also easy on the eyes. Not that I was looking to mess with the kid. It's not my style but at 6 feet tall, slim hips, square jaw, sandy colored hair and piercing blue eyes, he would make a yummy treat.

Summer was moving along and Colin the intern was fitting in well. On occasion he would stop by my office and ask if I had any projects for him to work on. Sure, I was happy to find special projects for Colin to work on. As I say, he was a hard worker and quick to learn. He was like a puppy, very eager to please. Besides, I enjoyed Colin's company. He reminded me of myself when I was his age.

After about three weeks of working here Colin the intern stopped by my office and said he had something to ask me. Intrigued, I asked what it was. He said he wanted to take me out to lunch to discuss something. I couldn't imagine what he would want to discuss with me, but I wasn't going to let this opportunity pass by.

He suggested we go to the sandwich shop down the street. He also said that since he invited me to lunch, he wanted to pay for the meal. Now, there is no way I am going to let a 22-year-old student pay for my lunch, regardless of who invited who. I told Colin that I had a better suggestion and made reservations at my golf and tennis club. We made our way to my BMW and off we went.

Colin was quite impressed with my car and the club. I could also tell he was nervous trying to decide what to order from a menu with no prices on it. He calmed down a bit when I told him that the meal would be charged to my account. I patiently waited for Colin to get the nerve to ask me whatever it was he wanted to discuss, but we needed to back to the office soon.

"So, Colin", I started, "what is it that you wanted to discuss with me?"

"Well, Mr. Porter", Colin began.

"Please Colin, call me Paul."

"Okay, Paul". Colin the intern finally got up the nerve to ask me what he wanted. It turned out that all Colin was looking for was a mentor. He told me that his father died when he was 14 and he doesn't have anyone in his life that he can talk to, ask advice and benefit from their experience. He hoped to become a stockbroker after graduation and thought that since I was older, successful and had my life together I might be willing to help him.

I wasn't in the market for a protégé, but I have to admit I was more than intrigued. Colin was a good kid, but he was definitely rough around the edges. He could certainly use someone with my experience to guide him as he began his adult life. Who knows, it might be fun to mold and shape a young impressionable kid. I was inclined to say yes but I had a few questions I wanted to ask him first. If he got defensive or insulted by my questions, then I would definitely pass.

"Tell me Colin", I began. "Where did you get your haircut?"

"Um, Supercuts". Colin replied.

"I thought so. And your suit? Did you get it from Men's Warehouse?" Colin blushed and I could tell he was somewhat embarrassed. "No offense. I'm not passing judgement. It's just in our business you have to present yourself in a certain way."

I then pulled out my phone and jotted two names on one of my business cards. Handing the card to Colin I said, "The first name is the name of my hair stylist. Give him a call, use my name and he'll squeeze you in." I reached across the table, took hold of Colin's hand and looked at it. "When you're there tell them you want a manicure as well. The second name is the manager of Hive and Colony, the best men's clothing store in town. Ask for him when you go there. He'll take good care of you. Get two new suits. Tell them it's a rush job. Again, use my name and tell them to put them on my account."

"I couldn't. That's too much." Colin protested.

"Not at all. It's an investment in you and I can write them off as a business expense." I then told Colin that I would give him my answer about mentoring him on Monday. We finished our lunches and headed back to the office.

Come Monday morning I was in the office early. I was surprised to see Colin there before me and sporting a new stylish haircut. No more looking like a little boy. He looked like a young business professional. I checked out his nails were trimmed, buffed and looking good.

"So, you saw Joshua?" I asked.

"Yes, it was the best haircut of my life. My nails too. I was apprehensive at first, but I didn't want to disappoint you. I'm glad I did. They look awesome. I can't stop looking at them."

"And the new suits?"

"I stopped by Hive and Colony after my haircut. Spoke with the manager and the suits will be ready on Wednesday. I can't thank you enough, Paul."

"No problem, Colin. I'm happy to see that you followed through and took my advice. I also wanted to tell you that I decided to be your mentor. It would be my honor, Colin."

"Really? That's awesome!" Colin jumped up out of his seat and gave me a hug. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that."

"Perfectly okay. I like to see your enthusiasm," I said. Actually, it was more than okay. I enjoyed Colin pressing his young supple body against mine. I could swear I could feel his dick pressed against mine when we hugged. Maybe it's been too long since I got laid. Anyway, it got me thinking about Colin and the fun we could have together. Maybe I can teach him a thing or two in the bedroom as well.

Regarding our mentorship we agreed to meet each Mondays for lunch. Colin would talk about his goals and the progress he was making. I would give him articles and books to read and guide him with establishing goals. After settling on school and professional goals we moved on to personal goals like fitness and relationships. I came to work one morning with a pair of running shoes for Colin.

"What are these for?" he asked.

"No offense but I saw your legs at the company barbecue last week. They are a bit scrawny. I recommend that you take up running. It's good for your legs and your overall health but if you set up a morning routine it will clear your mind and help you focus more on work."

Colin took the shoes and asked how I knew his shoe size. "If you want to succeed in this business you have to learn how to size up a person. After studying you I concluded you were a size 11."

I was happy to report that Colin took my advice. He started running a few miles each morning and a few weeks later reported back that he was loving it and was feeling the benefits of his daily run. I felt it was time to move this mentorship to the next level. During our next weekly lunch, I praised Colin for all the work he's put in and how much progress he's made. I told him how proud of him I was. This was no BS line. I couldn't have been prouder of him if he was my own son.

I told Colin that he needed to work a little more on appearance. He was dressing better and had a better haircut but there were small details like shampoos, body wash and aftershave that I felt he was lacking. I told him I suspected he was using Suave or Johnson's baby shampoo and Bic disposable razors to shave. He didn't correct me, so I figured I was close to the truth.

"What do you suggest Paul? I'm willing to do whatever you tell me. I'm putting myself in your hands."

That's exactly what I wanted to hear. When he said that, my cock chubbed up a bit.

I told him to be at my condo on Friday night at 7:00 pm and I'll run him through my "routine". I wasn't sure if he knew what he was getting himself into.

Colin showed up right on time. Good boy. After pouring him a glass of Burgundy, a nice masculine, high alcohol percentage wine, I showed him around my place. He admired my décor and artwork. He complemented me on my style and taste. Whether he meant it or not, he appeared to be sincere and honest in his comments. I taught him well.

The tour ended back in the living room, and I topped off his wine glass. "Okay, we should probably begin. Please stand here in the middle of the room." Colin did as I asked.

"Now I'm going to give you the best piece of advice I could ever give you" I began.

"Please do."

I stood behind Colin. Then with my right hand I reached in front of Colin and grabbed his crotch. I held on firmly and gave it a good squeeze. Colin held his breath but didn't flinch or move.

I whispered close to his ear, "My advice to you Colin is whenever you give a speech, run a meeting or even walk into a room, you go in believing that you've got the biggest cock in the room." I gave his crotch another squeeze. "It's not about ego and it's not a macho move. It's about confidence and self-esteem. You lead with your big cock and you are bound to succeed. Trust me, it works. My cock is just slightly larger than average. It's about 6 and a half inches and average girth but whenever I go into a sales meeting or give a speech, I convince myself that my cock is thick and throbbing and out measures every other man in the room. When I do that, I slay. Men and women are eating out of my hand and I usually get what I want. That's how I've been able to grow my business so fast."

Colin held his breath and didn't move a muscle. Well except for his cock, which was growing hard in my hand. That's when I knew I had him.

"What do you think of that Colin?"

"Well, that is certainly fascinating. I will try to follow that advice."

"Don't try Colin, do." I gave his cock one more squeeze. "Okay Colin, I think it's time for me to examine your complete body. I want you to strip."

Without a word, complaint or comment, Colin kicked off his shoes, removed his socks and pulled off his polo shirt. Then he unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pants and let them drop to the floor. He was standing there in his underwear. He was wearing white Fruit of the Loom briefs. I realize that Colin is young and inexperienced but there is no excuse for wearing tighty whities. Those have to go.

"Colin, in order for a man to be truly confident you must feel confident and that begins with your underwear. Your most precious possession, your cock and your balls must be engulfed in material fitting their status. No more BVDs, Fruit of the Loom or Hanes briefs for you. I will give you a list of suitable underwear brands you should purchase. In the meantime, I will give you a few pairs of mine to wear. Now takes those off."

Without missing a beat, Colin grabbed the waistband of his briefs and slipped them down his slim hips to his ankles. I finally got to study Colin's naked body for the first time. Colin's cock was fully erect. It was uncut, stiff and throbbing with a drop of precum hanging from his cockhead. What I noticed about Colin's cock was that it was big and thick. It was definitely over 8 inches and about 7 inches of girth. Like I said, it was big. It was then that I realized the advice I gave Colin about entering a room as if you have the biggest cock will most likely be true in his case.

Being that Colin was a light brown, sandy colored haired man, I wasn't too surprised to see how hairless he was. His chest was smooth and blemish free; so were his legs. Thanks to Colin's running routine his legs were toned and strong. He was still very much a young man, almost kind of boyish but I knew in a short time he was going to grow into a full fledge hunk.

I ran my hands across his chest and shoulders, gliding them down his arms to his wrists. feeling his biceps, nipples, back and flat stomach turned me on sexually in unexpected ways. His boyish enthusiasm, charm, intelligence and good looks were so exciting to me. I wanted to devour this young man and make him mine. In many ways Colin reminded me of myself twenty years ago.

I took hold of his balls and rolled them around in my hand. They felt so good. They were the perfect size. I wanted so much to pop them in my mouth and run my tongue over them but first I needed to check out his ass further. Moving behind him I studied Colin's ass. It was quite magnificent. Round and plump but not big enough to be considered a bubble butt. I gave each butt cheek a good squeeze while Colin let out a low moan. Separating his ass cheeks, I bent down to admire his perfectly hairless hole. Wetting my thumb, I rubbed it up and down his hole as it winked at me.

It took a lot of restraint not to drop my pants, spit on my cock and shove it in Colin's exposed hole. But I had other business to take care of first. We were there to show Colin my grooming and skin care routine. I led the young man to my bathroom where there was a line of products on the vanity.

We started with a facial mask. I explained the benefits of a regular facial mask such as moisturizing and firming your skin, diminishing fine lines and controlling oily skin. It was quite a turn-on applying the mask to my hunky protégé. While we were waiting the appropriate time for the mask to do its thing I went over my shower routine of body wash, shampoo and conditioner.

It was now time. I turned the shower on and guided young Colin into the shower stall while I removed my own clothes. I took my position behind Colin and started washing his hair and body. It was such a treat to run my hands over Colin's firm young nubile body. I was getting more and more excited watching the soapy water cascade down his back and between his ass crack. My own growing cock was poking against his ass or hip whenever I moved.

With our shower lesson over, we exited the shower stall and dried ourselves with the fluffiest towels I own. "I have one more lesson for you tonight, Colin. It's about pleasure. Giving and receiving."

"Yes Paul. I'm ready."

"I believe you are, Colin" I left the bathroom and headed toward my bedroom knowing Colin would be following me. Once there, I removed the towel from around his waist and instructed Colin to lay on the bed.

"Whenever you are with someone in a sexual situation, whether you're with a woman or a man their pleasure should be of utmost importance. You should experience pleasure too of course but only after your partner is satisfied. You should quickly learn what they like and be ready to provide it. These are the only words I am going to say right now. The rest of the lesson I will demonstrate with my actions."

With that, I wrapped my hand around the base of his penis and put his cockhead into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around the sensitive underside. Slowly I engulf more and more of his manhood into my mouth. Using a combination of suction, saliva and tongue, I was determined to give Colin the best blowjob of his young life.

Whatever limited experience I figured Colin had with blowjobs I knew would be no match for my fellatio technique. I wasn't just blowing his cock I was making love to it. I eased up a bit when I sensed that Colin was close to climaxing. I needed this to last as long as it could. I switched my focus from his shaft to his balls and gave them some needed attention. I tongued and licked those tasty stones for a while as precum leaked from his cockhead down his shaft to where my eager mouth was licking his balls.

I continued my advances further down, under his balls to his taint. Regardless of his sexual history I was certain no one had explored this area of Colin before. As my tongue did its magic on Colin's taint I was pleased with his reaction. Colin lifted his legs in the air and pulled his knees close to his chest exposing more of his boy ass and virgin hole. Not wanting to miss my opportunity, I started to lick and probe his hole with my tongue. Colin responded with satisfying moans and groans. He was definitely enjoying the first ever rimming of his hole.

Then Colin slowly turned to the right and moved from his back to his stomach exposing his ass completely. It was as if he was offering himself to me and I was not about to pass on that offer. No words were exchanged but I knew what he wanted, and he knew want I was planning to do.

I continued my rim job on him, getting his hole nice and wet. He was enjoying himself so much his hole was opening up as my tongue kept probing. Soon my fingers joined my tongue to help push my spit and saliva down his hole as preparation for what was next.

First one finger, then two. In and out, probing his hole as I continued to add spit as lubricant. Moans of pleasure escaped Colin as he rocked his hips up and down to meet my penetrating fingers. With one hand still deep inside his boy hole I reached over to my nightstand to retrieve a bottle of lube. Squirting a big dollop of lube onto his hole I lathered my hard dick with another squirt. I was now ready to take my conquest. More important, Colin was ready for the taking.

Lining up my dick to the opening of his hole I slowly began to push my way inside. With any virgin you have to go slow, but with Colin I wanted, needed to be extra slow and careful. My desire was for this to be the most pleasurable sexual experiences Colin ever had. Slow and steady I entered him inch by inch until I reached my ultimate goal. My cock was completely inside Colin's ass, and it fit like a glove. I sensed that Colin was tensing up and feeling discomfort, so I rested a bit before continuing my lesson. While lying on his back and waiting for Colin to get use to my invading cock I nibbled on his earlobe and tweaked his nipples. This seemed to relax him enough for me to begin slowly pulling my dick out of his hole and pushing it back in. This went on for a long while, slowly exiting and entering his hole. Gradually I picked up speed and each time my cock hit the bottom of his hole Colin would release a passionate groan. He was loving the experience and so was I.

Before long I was slamming my cock in his hole pretty hard. My cum was building up and I knew it wouldn't be long before I blew my load inside this boy. It was then that I stopped my thrusting and remove my cock from his hole. Colin had a slight look of disappointment on his face. Was he missing my cock in his ass? I then grabbed his legs and flipped Colin around on his back. Lifting his legs up and back toward his chest I reinserted my cock into his gapping hole.

"I like to look into my partner's eyes when I cum." Those were the only words spoken since the beginning of our encounter. Colin was breathing hard and looking angelic as I continued to plow his hole. Each time my cock hit the bottom of his hole a small bit of cum would squirt from his cock. We locked eyes with each other. I could see so much passion and desire in Colins face. I was feeling as if we were one being. That's the best kind of sex to have.

With my climax building it was only a matter of moments until I erupted. "Here it comes. Take my load."

"Give it to me." Colin responded. "I'm ready." With that, wave after wave of hot cum shot from my dick and filled up Colin's welcoming hole. At the same time, Colin's cock also began sending out shot after shot of cum landing on his chest and stomach. Fully spent, I collapsed into Colin's arms.

"I'm very proud of you Colin. You took it like a man and performed like a champion." Colin's big grim said all I needed to hear. After our session we relaxed and recovered as we spooned. I was the outer spoon with Colin nestled up against my chest. I loved the sight of watching my cum slowly leak out of Colin's used hole onto the bed sheets. It was getting me horny for round two.

After that night Colin came over every Friday night for his "intimacy lessons". I taught him all the lessons and techniques I knew. He became quite good at sucking cock as well as fucking ass. All I know is I was never disappointed when Colin fucked me or sucked on my cock.

Summer was coming to an end, and I knew my days we Colin the Intern would be as well. My firm had its big annual event around Labor Day and I asked Colin to help me prepare for it. I thought it would be a good way for Colin to see the softer side of the business. A lot of our biggest clients as well as prospective clients would be there, and I was to give a speech on the latest trends in the industry. This would be Colin's final day of work before heading back to school the following week.

The day of the event arrived and as usual a bunch of clients kept bussing around me during the cocktail hour. They were trying to get my attention when all I wanted to do was focus on the speech I was about to deliver. One particularly high maintenance client, Ben McDonald, was more annoying than usual. He kept trying to pull me away and asking me questions. As one of our oldest and best clients I certainly couldn't blow him off but I needed to prepare for my speech. It was then that I saw Colin standing close by.

I called to him. "Colin. I'd like you to meet one of our best clients. Ben McDonald, please meet Colin Hedvig. Colin is one of our brightest new brokers." Colin and Ben exchanged handshakes and pleasantries then Ben immediately turned back to me and said "Paul, I need to ask you opinion on the Feds latest statement. What does it mean for my investments?"

"Ben, all your questions will be answered during my speech, which I'm about to deliver. When I'm done, I'm all yours and you can ask me all the questions you want. In the meantime, I'm putting you in Colin's hands. He'll look about you,"

"Really". Ben responded. "He seems kind of young."

"Young but talented. I have complete faith in Colin. He'll take good care of you."

As I started to leave, I could see apprehension in Colin's face. I simply leaned in close, patted him on the back and whispered, "Trust your instincts, you'll know what to do. Treat him like I would." That was my final piece of advice as I took off for the podium.

My 40-minute speech was well received. I knew I slayed it, and we would probably gain some new clients from my performance. I was feeling good as I was receiving congratulations and handshakes from the crowd, I began wondering how Colin was dealing with high-maintenance client Ben. He could really put you through your paces if you are not prepared. As I said, Ben was one of our first clients and his commissions only could pay for this event. He was my client at my old firm and when I went out on my own, he followed me here. Very loyal. Now that he got his three kids through college, he is looking to reinvest some of his investments as he eases toward retirement. Poor Colin. I hope he's not in over his head. The thing is I couldn't find Colin and Ben anywhere. I searched the room and they were nowhere in sight. I asked around and no one had seen them. Ben's wife Ellen was still there drinking so I knew he wouldn't have left. Maybe we went out for a smoke. Now my curiosity was peaked where could they be?

After searching a while, I came across an unused coat-check room. Since it was August there was no need for it to be in use. Peeking in, past the coat racks, I saw Colin leaning against the back wall. He had a strange look on his face. Lowering my gaze, I discovered that Colins pants and boxer briefs were down around his ankles and Ben McDonald was slobbering on his big erect cock. Ben was sucking Colin like a first-class cocksucker. I had no idea Ben was into cock or how Colin managed to get Ben to suck on his. It was so hot watching Colin's big 8 inch cock being swallowed by my client Ben.

Not wanting to interrupt, I began to turn to leave when Colin noticed me standing there. He gave me a quick wink and thumbs up just as his face contorted indicating to me that he was just about to blow a load down Ben's throat. His hands went down to hold Ben's head in place as I silently slipped away.

I didn't get a chance to talk with Colin that night or get an explanation of how he managed to get my allegedly straight client to suck on his cock. He was soon back to school and no longer my employee, but I know that I had taught Colin everything I could and that he was no longer an intern.

The End

Postscript: Colin turned out to be such a great worker, when he graduated the following Spring, we hired him as a full-time employee. Of course, we no longer slept together. It was one thing when he was my intern, but it wouldn't be appropriate now that he's a regular employee. After just a few years, Colin proved to be so valuable we made him a junior partner. When he was named partner, I rewarded him by giving him Ben McDonald as his own client. How he managed to get Ben to suck his cock a few years ago, I'll never know. All I know is that Colin is a great broker and is probably ready to mentor his own Intern.

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