College Bound

Published on Oct 11, 1999



Hope you like!! Adults only!!!

College Bound by Heather Sinclair

" Lexi, if they found out they would kill me." I exclaimed.

"Don't worry Chase. If I thought for a moment that they would, then I wouldn't have asked you to do this," she replied.

Sound familiar? Well that was me last year. My high school graduation day. We might as well. I mean we grew up together. I've known her since I was three. We were inseparable. We've even dated, although that was short lived. The first time we had sex we both burst out laughing at the absurdity of it. We completed the act, because we both wanted our first time to be with someone we loved. I digress.

When Lexi and I were accepted to the same college we went out to celebrate at a local restaurant. She had started our dinner conversation off with how our majors are the same, and how we were going to take the same classes, etc., but when she broached the topic of housing she mentioned that she wanted to get an apartment together. I was dreading this moment. I had seen in the school catalog that freshmen were required to attend the first year in the school dormitories, and the worst part... they were same sex rooms. You couldn't have a member of the opposite sex in your room at all. There were meeting rooms where you were supervised by campus assistants, but that's as far as socializing in the dorms were concerned.

Lexi was devastated when I told her. She started getting teary eyed, and that was more than I could bear. Growing up, Lexi could play me like a concert flutist. All it took were tears. I've fought for her honor, bought her gifts, protected her from crawling insects, and the like. However, I can do nothing about this situation. The school has rules and they must be followed. If we live off campus and were caught, we would be expelled and probably wind up at separate colleges, and that would be unacceptable.

So Lexi was crying and there wasn't a thing I could do about it. I took her hand in mine and stroked it softly. "Chase, what are we going to do," she paused " There is no way I can live with a total stranger for an entire year."

I looked down, unable to meet her eyes. "I'm sorry Lex. I feel the same way, but there is nothing that I can do to solve this problem. Rules are rules."

The waiter came with our food and we both ate in silence. I could tell she was trying desperately to think of some loophole or way around the rules, but everything she thought of I had shot down as being absurd or unrealistic. We finished our meals and ordered our dessert, when I made a simple gesture, one that I do every time I eat. After I finish eating, I push myself away from the table cross my legs and sip on my water.

She sat looking at me. She was still had a thoughtful look on her face, running her eyes from my glass to my legs. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but that was the turning point of my life.

" I could do it!" she exclaimed almost jumping out of her chair.

I was caught off guard. "Do what?"

"Uh, nothing. I've got an idea, but I need some prep time to figure," she slowed. "Can you come over tonight, say 9:30?"


She left her dessert uneaten, and bolted for the door. "I'll see you then, and don't be late."

Now I was curious. What did she have planned, and she was way too excited to eat her dessert. That meant that something was definitely up.

I sat wondering what she had up her sleeve. Then I gave up, paid and left.

It was still early, so I decided to go to the mall to check out the new CD's at the music store. No luck, still the same old stuff. When I was about to leave the store I caught a glimpse of Lexi leaving Lerner of New York and heading for Victoria's Secret. I figured she was doing some mad shopping. She always shops when she's upset or has to think. I don't pretend to understand or judge her when she is like this. I just let her do it and the end result is a much happier person to be around.

This time though I was curious about her shopping habits, because of her weird behavior at the restaurant. I exited the music store and hid myself around the corner and watched her through the front windows. She was going from rack to rack with a sales lady behind her holding all of her choices. I figured she must be starting on her fall wardrobe. It could be the only reason for so many clothes. Lexi finally finished and exited the store with several packages. I followed her out to the car and she opened her trunk. My jaw almost dropped. It was stuffed with packages, and bags. WOW, she must have maxed out her credit cards. I was almost caught off guard when she turned around and headed back into the mall. She must be going crazy.

Her next stop was the shoe store; she browsed around for a while and decided on several different pumps with various heel sizes, and a few casual shoes, running and the like. She repeated her car trip to drop them off. This time I guess she called it a day and got into her car to leave. She knows my car too well or I would have followed her some more. I glanced at my watch. Seven o'clock. Hmmm. I bet she was headed home so I jumped into my car and headed to her house. I would surprise her and arrive a little early.

I made it to her house as she was unloading the last batch of boxes. Lexi seemed surprised to see me, but not unhappy. I parked and got out.

"Want some help with those, Lex?"

She grinned at my offer. "Sure. Thanks. I'm glad you came over early. I thought I was going to take longer at the mall, but I think we've got everything we need."

Now I was getting really curious. The way she said that didn't seem like a slip of the tongue. What did WE need with all of these clothes??

I followed her into her house and looked around. "Where are your mom and dad?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. My mom's sister got sick and they went to Austin for the week."

"So you've got the house to yourself, cool."

"Yeah, and that's the good part. You can stay over and keep me company all week. They checked it out with your parents, and said it was OK."

I chuckled, "So does this mean we get to have a slumber party?"

She burst out laughing. "In more ways that one." then she laughed even more.

"Come on, lets go to my room, I want to show you what I got." she grabbed my hand and pulled. I trotted along eagerly had to get a look at what she had.

"Gheez, did you buy half the mall." and I wasn't kidding. Her bed was covered and on the floor were stacks of boxes. Lexi must have gone earlier and had made a second trip to the mall when I had seen her. Good lord.

"Well I've solved our living problems." she said.

"OK, I give. Are you going to bribe the Dean or something?"

She smiled, showing all teeth. " Nope, you are going to be rooming with me at the dorm."

"Lex, I thought you understood. You can only live with a ......." Oh shit, It finally dawned on me. How could I have been so stupid. She wasn't buying all of those clothes for herself. They were for ME!!

"Uh Lex, you don't mean that you want me to play at being a girl?"

She nodded her head waiting for it to soak into my thick skull.

"Don't you think it would be a good idea?"

I backed up a step. "Lexi, there is no way that I would pass. I'm a guy. I don't look anything like a girl."

Her thoughtful look turned into a crooked smile.

"Are you kidding? Look at yourself. You are the same height as me. You swim all the time, so you don't have hardly any fat on that slim body," I started to protest, but she cut me off. "And you wear your hair longer than most boys. You have small feet and hands."

I was starting to get a complex. Was I so like a girl?

I finally got a word in. "Lexi, it wouldn't work. I couldn't pull it off. I'm sorry I can't do it."

Can you guess what happened next? Of course, she knows my weakness, and the tears started to flow.

"I thought you cared more about me. How am I going to make it at school? And what about all of these clothes. I can't take them back. They cost a fortune." She ran to the bathroom and closed the door. I heard loud sobs emanating, and soon felt like the biggest heel. OK, I reasoned to myself. All I have to do is prove to her that it can't work, and she will agree. Then I'll try to think of what to do with all of these clothes.

"Lex......Lexi, OK we'll try it your way." she opened the door a little too quickly and was jumping into my arms now crying tears of joy.

"ThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyou." she followed each thank you with a kiss on my cheeks.

"OK already," I said pulling her off. " What do you want me to do?"

She immediately pulled me into the bathroom. "Strip."

I was taken aback a little, but she had seen me in the buff more times than I could count. She was just never this authoritative before. I kicked off my shoes and slipped off my shirt. In a few seconds I was standing nude waiting for her next order.

She took a minute checking me out. "Hmmm."

"What?" I said.

"You smell like a guy."

"Good. That's what I've been telling you."

She turned around and started the shower. "Get in, and use this." She handed me a loofa, some scented soap, and a razor. "Clean up with these and make sure to use that loofa all over your body, I want it nice and soft for the evening."

I went to work.

After an eternity I finally finished. My body was glowing red from the scrubbing and the shave, but I was perfectly smooth from the eyebrows down.

I wrapped a towel around me and checked myself out in the mirror. OK, I admit it. My legs are really hot. But legs are not what make a girl.

I opened the door and walked back into the bedroom. Lexi wolf whistled me.

"Very nice. Much better." she leaned in . " And you smell much better also."

"I smell like you." I muttered.


"Now for the good stuff. I hope you like it. I know I love them."

I looked down into her hands. She was holding a silk thong, a garter belt and a pair of stockings.

I sighed. I just told myself that all I have to do is just tough it out for another hour or so and the issue would be closed. I took the undergarments and laid them on the bed. From previous experience with Lexi I knew the garter belt was first. I dropped the towel and slipped it on adjusting it to my hips, then sat down to pull up the stockings. The silky feel amazed me on my now smooth leg. I attached the clasps and proceeded to put the other on. That was when I noticed something. I was starting to get an erection. Gheez, not now. But as you know, it has a mind of its own.

I hurried and clasped the second. Without standing I grabbed the thong and put it on as fast as I could without attracting any undue attention from Lexi. I tried to adjust myself between my legs, but it was too late, I was rock hard, and nothing I could do would hide it. Lexi turned and saw my problem.

"I knew you would enjoy this," she said proudly. "But you are going to have to do something about your problem. Girls aren't supposed to have large bulges there."

I excused myself and went to the bathroom again.

"Just tell me if you need a hand in there." Lexi giggled.

Now I was really embarrassed. I was standing there in front of the mirror looking at myself, and it turned me on. I pulled down my thong and looked at my legs as I tried to ease my burden. I only stroked it five or six times and I came. I was stunned. I've never cum that quick. I cleaned up and exited once more. This time I was properly adjusted and no sign of that bulge appeared. But there was one thing that kept nagging me and that was the back of the thong riding up between my cheeks. It was all that I could do to keep my mind off the feeling of that silk.

"Here don't forget the bra."

I grabbed it and put it on. She adjusted the straps. Then pulled it up "Hold it here for a minute." She then produced a box, which she opened and inside were a pair of breast forms. She took one out and applied what I found out later was some very strong adhesive. Then she held it to my chest. Lexi waited for a bit then let go. I felt a sudden weight, not much for they weren't too big. Possibly a B cup. Then she did the same with the other. I pulled the bra over the forms and suddenly I had breasts. I started to get worried. She had thought of everything. She might pull this off and I would be stuck a girl for the entire school year. Lexi sat me down at her makeup table and turned me around so I couldn't see. After about an hour of trying certain things and starting over to try others she seemed to find the look that she liked. I starting squirming and was berated then told me to hold still. Finally the eternity was over. She seemed a little too pleased. I started to turn and Lexi stopped me.

"First the outfit then you can see."

I was handed a black leather mini skirt. I stepped into it and pulled it up. Lexi zipped it up in back I noticed two slits cut into the front of the thighs to show as much leg as possible. Then I put on a royal blue silk blouse. After tucking here and there I was done.

"Oops, I almost forgot." the last box was produced and it contained a pair of patent leather pumps at least three inches or more! I slipped my feet into them and balanced myself as best as I could. She brushed my hair a little, pulled out a curling iron, and spritzed my hair with some spray.

"OK, I'm done."

Lexi lead me shakily to a full-length mirror.

"Oh My God!" had to be the first words out of my mouth. I almost fell down. Lexi caught me.

"Those pumps you'll have to get used to but they make your ass look great."

I didn't hear a word that she said.

Then I passed out.

Chapter 2

The change was unbelievable. Gone was the short underdeveloped wisp of a man, and from the ashes...a wonderfully pretty young lady. Lexi was ear to ear with grins.

"You make quite the sexy lady Chase."

I was dumbstruck, and at a total loss for words. "I....uh ...well....uh..."

"Come on, we've got to try on some more outfits."

Lexi started to unbutton my blouse. I stared at her briefly. She loved every minute of this! I didn't have the heart to let her down, so I helped her and unzipped my mini and let it slide down my legs.

She stared at my legs. " Good lord, you have sexier legs than I do. You bitch!" she said jokingly. "Take off those stockings now you tramp. Ha ha ha."

I laughed along with her and did as she instructed.

She rummaged through a different set of packages, and pulled out a pair of black chinos and a short white top . "Here try these on."

I slipped into the chinos. They were skin tight, but they felt wonderful on my smooth bare bottom. The top was much shorter than I thought and it showed a lot of midriff. Next, she handed me a pair of black two-inch mules, which I slipped on my bare feet.

"You look great...just right for a night on the town."

"What?!" I replied quickly.

"Come on, you've got to go out sooner or later."

I thought it over. I know I could pass with my looks but my actions while not entirely masculine, were not feminine.

She read my mind

"You are going to have to learn how to be a lady, and that is something I can't teach you at home. It will have to be real life experiences."

"Are you sure Lex, I don't want to make a total ass of myself in my hometown."

"Don't worry. You don't even have to speak. If we bump into anyone that you might talk to I'll just say you are my cousin from Germany, and you don't know any English yet."

The prospect of going out in public excited me, and Lexi seemed to have all the bases covered.

"O.K. lets go before I lose my nerve."

"Hold on. Don't forget your purse."

Lex handed me a simple shoulder strapped black leather purse. "All you need is in there."

I slung it around my shoulder and headed towards the front door.

Lexi seemed to pause a moment before she followed me. "Are you sure you haven't walked in heels before, you seem really comfortable in them."

I hadn't even noticed, but I was walking fine and I didn't stumble once! It's like I had walked in ladies shoes all my life. They just felt right.

Lexi drove us to a local restaurant/sports bar where we had a light dinner and watched the last few innings of a baseball game. After the game was over the waiter came over and set a couple of drinks in front of us.

"Compliments of the gentleman at the table in the corner."

Lexi and I looked around the waiter, and sitting in the corner was Lexis's current boyfriend Cameron. He motioned us over. I was suddenly very self- conscious.

"Damn Lex, its Cameron, he knows me."

"Don't worry, you aren't you tonight. You'll be Chastity, O.K.?"

We picked up our drinks and joined Cameron at his table. Lexi leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Hey what are you doing here?" she asked.

"Just came in to watch the game, babe. Who's your friend?"

"Woops, my bad manners, Cameron this is Chastity... Chastity Himher."

"Himher?" he asked.

"Himmer, you nut. She's my cousin from Germany. You remember I told you she was coming to the states to learn English and go to college."

I stared at Lexi, HimHer!!! What did she think she was doing, she was going to blow it and we hadn't even gotten through the first night yet.

"Oh yeah, I remember." he stood and reached out his hand, I held mine out as effeminate as I could without trying to be a limp wrist. He held it softly and barely brushed his lips against the back of my hand. I smiled.

"Hey Lexi, I was going to go back to my apartment and listen to some music. What are you two up to."

" Oh, just hanging out." Lexi replied.

"Why don't you come with me."

Lexi looked at me and smiled, "Sure, why not."

We paid the bill and left in Cameron's car. Lexi took the back and I took the passenger seat. I noticed on the way that Cameron was looking at my legs, but I thought nothing of it. I did it all the time, a stolen glance at a sexy pair of legs always gave me a thrill, and I knew that mine were worth the look. When we arrived, Cameron offered us a drink and proceeded to put some music on. Lexi accepted for the both of us, and I just smiled. I was getting tired of not saying anything and the smile was all I could resort to.

He came back with the drinks and carried on a conversation with Lexi that I tried not to pay attention to.

"Can she understand us?"

"Oh, Chas knows a few words, but she's mostly in the dark," Lexi paused, "Just use big words if you want to say something private and she won't know what you are saying."

"Well Lex, I wanted to know if - well..uh Lexi I'm really aroused by you two."

"And?" Lexi said coyly.

"You remember how you said you wouldn't mind doing a-. ya know."

"A three way?"

I almost choked on my drink.

"Yeah, I remember. Are you saying that you want to participate in relations with Chas and me?"

Cameron looked like he was defeated and would accept the berating that would soon follow.

"O.K." Lexi said flatly.

This time I did choke. Lexi pulled me by the arm. " We'll be right back sweetie."

She led me to the bathroom shutting and locking the door.

"Are you nuts?!" I immediately injected.

"Come on, you can't fool me. I know you are bi. You said your self, before I started dating Cam, that he was good looking."

"Yeah, but I didn't mean that I wanted to fuck him!"

"You don't have to, that's my job. But you could do other things, and anyway you don't plan on living like a nun when we get to college, are you."

I stopped. Looking at her with a questioning eye.

"You will be expected to go out with a few guys while we are there. And in college the guys expect a little bit more than in high school," she paused, "You won't have to have sex with them, but you will be expected to give a blow job at the very least."

I was floored. I almost backed out right there. But I knew Lexi was right. I liked to go out too much to put my social life on hold for an entire year. And in my current get-up very few ladies are going to go out with me.

"Lex, I've never had a guy before- in any way. I wouldn't know what to do"

"Yes you would. Don't be silly. What do you like girls to do to you?"

A brief glimpse of my last date came into mind, and I got very nervous.

"Just follow my lead, O.K."

I was about to protest again, but she opened the door and led me back to the living room.

"Cameron, I told Chas what you wanted and she said O.K., but she hasn't done anything like this before so take it easy on her all right."

Cameron almost jumped out of his seat right there.

"No problem- no problem at all."

He got up and walked up to Lex and me and Lex kissed him deeply. He then turned to me and proceeded to do the same. I felt his tongue probe into my mouth and I felt all inhibition drain away. I dueled my tongue with his and he increased his efforts. I felt myself harden underneath my chinos and knew I mustn't let him see, so I started to kneel in front of him. I unbuttoned his jeans and opened the zipper.

"God, I knew this would be hot." Cameron gasped.

Lexi continued to kiss him while I disposed of his jeans and underwear.

My eyes were glued to his erection. I knew right then why Lexi had been with him so long. He was hung. Almost twice my size which would put him in the eight or nine inch category.

Lexi was watching me while Cam was kissing her neck. She smiled and nodded her head.

"Go it."

I braved myself and grabbed his monster by the base. I brought my mouth closer and flicked my tongue out to catch a dollop of precum. It had almost no taste. So I proceeded and circled his bulbous head which brought a moan to his lips. He jerked forward in a reaction and I wound up with his cock half way in my mouth. The feeling was wicked and wonderful. I immediately began sucking and tonguing him the way I like to have it done to me. He started to bend to his knees and me and my mouth played along. Reaching the floor he started to lean back so he could enjoy it more and Lexi started to help me. Her face was next to mine I could see her take his balls into her mouth one at a time and lightly sucking them. This sent him into a frenzy. I had always liked it when I got deep throated so I thought to give it a try. I wound up choking, but Lexi was there to help.

"Just take a little breath and relax your throat. Let his cock do the rest."

I did as she instructed, and after a second he was all the way in, my nose brushing up against his pubes.

"Now swallow a few times."

It was extremely hard but I tried. He screamed and I thought I hurt him, but instead all I felt was something going down my throat. He was cumming!

"Oh God Chase, YES!"

I let him finish and pulled him out. Man, I'm going to have a sore throat for a week. Hold ON!!


"Lexi," I croaked "I'm gonna kill you."

Lexi smiled and looked a little nervous at the same time.

"Come on Chase, I had to tell him."

I got up and ran to the front door. Cameron had two locks and I was so frustrated that I couldn't get them open.

"Chase, what are you doing!" Lexi sounded really worried.

"I'm leaving. I can't believe you did this to me Alexis."

Now she knew that I was really pissed. I only use her given name when I get this way. I finally managed to open the locks, the door was next, and I found myself in front of Cameron's apartment with no car and a five mile walk to my house.

More to come....if you you.....?

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