College Chemistry

By Jane Doe

Published on Aug 27, 2001



These writings are merely facets of my experiences and imagination and are wholly fictional. They contain explicit descriptions of sexual activities between members of the same sex. If you are offended by such stories, please do not read further. However, if you find this type of reading enjoyable and wish to contact me to make comments, you may always find me at I would love to read them.



As Connie drove her new gold metal-flake Mustang convertible up the long oak-lined cobblestone drive, she could not help but be impressed with the quaint beauty of the campus. Though she was a freshman and slightly older than others in her class, Connie was somewhat nervous as she approached the sorority house where she would pledge. Easing her new convertible into a vacant parking space, Connie turned off the ignition, withdrew the key and hopped out of the car while exposing ample thigh to any interested spectators.

While quite petite, a mere five feet tall, Connie's beautiful swirl of blonde locks and athletic build compensated for her short stature. She turned heads of both male and female as she trotted up the few steps to the sorority house.

"Excuse me," she said to a cute young girl exiting the front door, "where could I find the person in charge of new pledging?"

"You'll find her in the main lobby at a small desk along that wall," the young girl replied pointing her slender finger.

"Thanks, uh I'm sorry I don't know your name. I'm new at the college," Connie said in her sweetest `receptionist' voice.

Tittering, the young girl shot back, "My name is Candy"!

Thinking nothing but lascivious thoughts, Connie held out her small hand in preparation for a handshake, but was pleasantly surprised when Candy wrapped both arms around Connie's muscled shoulders and squeezed tightly. Hesitatingly, Connie reciprocated and soon both were involved in hugging and patting each other in a most friendly manner.

Seizing the opportunity, Connie whispered, "I'll just bet you are good enough to eat too"!

Giggles and as an added bonus of intimate touches were the only responses from Candy.

Seconds later, the two disengaged and Candy softly said, "I think you will love it here in our sorority".

With a wink of her azure eyes, Connie smiled then turned and briskly walked through the open front door.

Following Candy's explicit directions, Connie stepped to the small desk, cleared her throat and said in her most pleasant voice, "Hi, my name is Connie and I'm pledging at this sorority."

"Welcome Connie, the beautiful brunette sitting at the desk replied as she extended her well manicured hand, my name is Andrea and I'm the Sorority Mother."

Rising from her chair, Andrea wrapped both arms around Connie and hugged her sharply. For the second time in only minutes, Connie was shocked at such an open display of friendly and intimate behavior. Yes, I truly will love it here if everyone is as friendly as these two, she thought. As the opportunity presented itself, Connie dropped her right hand toward Andrea's left buttock and gently rubbed the material covered object. Swiftly, Andrea's lips grazed Connie's right cheek in a delicate but meaningful kiss. Holding the pose for only a moment, the two separated and continued in a business-like manner.

"Connie, you will be assigned a room with another pledge," Andrea said in the sweetest southern voice she could muster. "Let's see", she continued while looking at a clipboard pad with a list of names. "Yes, here is your name. You'll be rooming with Christina according to this list."

"Do you happen to know if she has arrived yet?" Connie, always wanting to be assertive inquired.

"No, according to this list, she has not checked in as yet", Andrea replied strongly. "She may be delayed for some unknown reason, but she must be present in time for the welcoming ceremony. Missing that guarantees that she not be allowed to pledge", Andrea explained.

Puzzled by that bit of information, Connie indicated to the Sorority Mother that she would go upstairs in order to locate her room and begin the timely task of unpacking. Glancing at the ornate staircase, Connie turned and quickly walked in that direction. Once on the second floor, she was amazed to see the number of bedrooms contained on that floor. Each opened bedroom door was assigned a nameplate that began with words that had a sexual connotation. The first she passed was called Orgy; the second door's plate read G Spot. Smiling broadly, she continued on until she found her room marked with the word Clit on the doorplate and entered. How appropriate, she thought silently, but it would have been far more appropriate if the name had been something like Pucker.

The beauty of the room suddenly struck her as she stood in the entranceway. With two large canopy beds separated by a large chiffon curtained window and a small sitting area replete with computer desk and printer stand, the room looked as though it belonged in a magazine. Hesitatingly, she decided on the left bed and unceremoniously tossed her suitcase on the white quilted bedspread. Landing with a dull thud, the suitcase sprang open as one of the latches broke. Muttering softly, Connie walked toward the damaged suitcase and flung it open in disgust. Escaping the bonds of the suitcase, Connie's vibrator flew out and softly landed on the bed with an audible plop.

"Well, I see you came prepared", came a melodic voice from behind Connie.

Surprised by the sound, Connie whirled red-faced and spied a very tall girl with soft flowing auburn hair.

"I always do," Connie retorted with a bit of sarcasm.

"I couldn't help but notice your vibrator on the bed. I hope I didn't embarrass you too much", shot back the mysterious voice. "Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Christina", the melodic voice continued.

"Let me be the first to welcome you to Sorority Hall even though I have been here a short while myself", said Connie as she walked toward Christina with arms outstretched.

The two girls met in mid-stride and embraced warmly. Connie could detect an expensive perfume and was entranced by Christina's warmth. The embrace lasted longer than was prudent, but the two girls seemed to have simultaneously ignited a small flame. Reluctantly separating, Christina backed away slowly to gain a more complete view of her new roommate. Beginning at her head, Christina noticed she had long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail framing a slightly freckled, but beautiful face that gave her a pixie-like quality. As her gaze traveled downward, she saw a wasp-like petite figure clad in a very short pale blue skirt and matching translucent blouse.

Satisfied with her assessment, Christina gathered her most seductive smile and presented it for Connie's benefit. Furtively following suit, Connie noticed Christina's two most prominent features. Firstly, she was extremely tall measuring almost six feet and secondly, her breasts were enormous.

Feeling totally inadequate, Connie pursued her quest for a more thorough view of her new friend and roommate. She noted Christina's clothes, a pink blouse and white form fitting pants, were stylishly expensive replete with her white spiked heels.

On closer inspection, Connie noticed Christina's facial features were soft with inviting lips worthy of long lasting French kisses. As if in secret reply, Christina slowly licked her lips in a very seductive manner.

Minutes passed before either girl moved or said anything. Suddenly both spoke as if on cue from someone outside the room. "You are very beautiful," they said simultaneously and laughed at the incident.

"Well, I can see we are going to get along for we both had the same idea at the same time," Christina said in a very seductively mellow voice.

"Why don't you unpack your things and then we'll go downstairs for the welcoming ceremony," Connie said pointedly.

As in silent reply, Christina began to lift her heavy suitcase and fling onto an empty spot on the bed. Suddenly spying the other bed, she quickly retrieved the case and set it on what was to be her bed on the other side of the expansive window. Unlatching the case, she slowly opened it, less one of her many "toys" should happen to fall out. Seeing all was secure, she set about the task of removing each object from its resting-place and carrying it to the large dresser on the other side of the room.

Sitting in one of two straight-back chairs ornamenting the room, Connie carefully observed Christina at work. Noting the expensive clothing being removed from the oversized case, Connie was quickly becoming envious of Christina's obvious flair for matching wardrobe with accessories. Ultimately, Christina's case was empty save for the many sexual "toys" remaining in various compartments inside. Rising and walking toward the case, Connie was visibly curious at the items she saw. Upon her approach, Connie's eyes widened at the assortment. Inside the case were several dildos of varying sizes, some flesh colored, some clear plastic and two had attaching straps. In addition, there were several long tapered flexible devices and she also spied more than a dozen anal plugs of different diameters.

"My," was all Connie could manage as she stared into the case.

"Do you like them?" Christina beamed.

What are all these for?" Connie sheepishly asked.

"How about if I save the explanations for later when we have more time?"

"I guess so!"


They were gathered downstairs for the beginning of pledge week. The "Housemother" was a tall girl with long flowing, silky blonde locks and deep blue eyes. She seemed friendly while not participating in pledge week however; such was not the case during that span of one week.

As the new pledges gathered in the expansive dining room of the sorority house, Connie could see each member's facial expression filled with excitement mixed with apprehension. The first order from the housemother, whose name was Andrea, was given in a very gruff commanding tone.

"Strip, ladies!"

A mixture of gasps and giggling emanated from the group as slight movements by individuals of the group to obey the shouted command could be detected. As each girl in turn began almost identically, first with shoes and sox while those who had previously pledged stared maliciously at the activity with evil anticipation.

Once the remaining items of bras and panties were discarded in a heap on the floor, Andrea barked out another command, "Upstairs, ladies!"

Leading the procession in single file was the Master at Arms of the sorority, Liz, followed closely by each member of the current pledge group and snaking out toward the front door were current sorority sisters. Silence in the room was deafening as each pledge contemplated her fate. Upon reaching the second floor, all the pledges gathered in what appeared to be one giant bedroom, with a few exceptions. In place of one bed, there were several and in place of a single TV, there were many. Each screen was displaying a different view of the same room. Surreptitiously glancing about the room, Connie saw several tables filled with implements of sexual pleasure. Dildos and vibrators of every size and color were clearly displayed as if they were snacks at a lady's social tea event. The next order of business came from the lips of the Master at Arms, Liz.

"Ladies, if you will gather closer around me, we can begin pledge week," she said in a soft sexy voice.

As the small group clustered around the speaker's striking figure, Connie suddenly noticed a young girl on the outside edge of the group. She was much taller than every other member, but the most striking difference was her auburn brown hair. Its shine reflected her softness. Gazing farther down her statuesque body, Connie saw in silhouette her ample bosom. It was very prominent, as each breast stood out proudly topped by a large succulent pink nipple. As her eyes gazed below the tall girl's waist, she noticed a quaint trimming of her pubic hair. It appeared to be shaped like a heart just above a set of pouting labial lips that seemed to cry out to be kissed. However, Connie's eyes were mystically drawn to the eyes of the tall young girl as she turned slightly when Liz cleared her throat to speak.

Christina simultaneously had been making furtive glances toward her new roommate in order to assess her as well. At first notice, she saw a petite blonde who appeared to be almost perfectly proportional. On closer inspection, as her eye traveled downward, she noted an interesting area of her anatomy.

While Christina preferred to keep a small portion of the hair around her pubis neatly trimmed and quite short, such was not the case for Connie, the girl she was spying.

As Christina's eyes beheld that area between Connie's legs, she saw a pubis completely devoid of hair. This, in turn, accentuated her small, but very pink labial lips.

"Girls, you have been chosen as this year's group of new pledges. We, at this sorority, expect each of you to participate in each event with enthusiasm and conduct yourself in a manner that will reflect favorably on this house."

With that succinct evocation, Liz turned on her heels and walked quickly toward the double doors that served as the room's entrance.

Andrea, the Housemother, stepped into the small circle of naked girls and said in a soft, but commanding voice. "In the tradition of this house, we will begin the initiates' first contact with our members. Pledges, form a single line there and face the curtained windows."

With shuffling feet on thick pile carpet and soft bursts of conversation, the new pledges followed directions closely. Soon they were facing a line of fully clothed girls a mere four feet away. As the naked girls became accustomed to the impudent stares, their respective hands covered less and less exposed anatomy in a show of defiance toward their potential tormentors. As if on some invisible cue, the fully clothed girls walked the short distance separating the two lines and stood directly in front and faced each naked young girl. Simultaneously, the right hand of each fully clothed sister was raised to chest level and placed palm outward grasping the respective right breast of each new pledge. An echo of gasps was audible as each unsuspecting pledge had her right breast touched then gently squeezed. This act signaled the official opening of festivities.

What occurred next was a blur of motion. As the giggling sorority sisters released each breast, the looks of shock on the pledges' faces were replaced by giggles of embarrassment at the boldness of this act. This blur of motion included those fully clothed proceeded to alter that fact by quickly disrobing. The sounds of snaps and zippers were heard over the din of giggles and gasps. Each new pledge watch with awed anticipation as each sorority member reached the same state of nakedness as the pledges. Those same two parallel lines seen only moments ago now appeared somewhat less defined.

"Ladies, ladies, order please! Sorority members choose your pledge and for your circle," barked the housemother, Andrea.

As each member padded toward her respective pledge, a particularly striking member spied Connie and marched quickly to her. The member whose name was Candy seemed very sweet and then it struck Connie that she had spoken with her earlier in the day. She just didn't recognize her without her clothes.

"Hi, remember me? Candy spoke in that lilting sweet tone.

"Why, yes I do," replied Connie in a mocking southern drawl. "You were kind enough to give me directions to the house this morning and I remembered whispering in your ear," Connie continued in that same manner. "So, is it true?"

"Well, I guess you'll just have to find out!" answered Candy giggling.

With that short dialog, Candy reached for Connie's hand and held it to her breast. Connie's hand closed over the proffered breast and squeezed gently. That movement brought a soft moan from Candy. Connie brought her other hand to follow suit with the now vacant breast. Soon Connie was kneading and squeezing both breasts in a more active manner. Candy, whose eyes were now closed, seemed to relish this action because her knees were bent and at one point almost buckled completely. However, the mood was soon broken by a loud gasp from someone nearby.

The definite sound of orgasm had reached Connie's ears and with that her heightened sexual energy began to take over. Quickly, she stopped her breast action and put both her arms around Candy to embrace her more closely. As this occurred, the nipples of each girl came in contact and an imaginary spark between them sent sexual electricity through their bodies. That slight touch was quickly replaced with more frenetic rubbing and soon both girls had sunk to the floor in an orgiastic writhing. Connie gathered herself around so that she was in a sixty-nine position with Candy. Connie's mouth wantonly touched Candy's now flowing pussy.

As her tongue licked the copious amounts of womanly secretion, Connie muttered to no one in particular. "Oh, you certainly are!"

While this occurred, Candy's tongue had been busy licking its way in and out of Connie's deliciously wet slit. One of Candy's fingers strayed and presented itself at the entrance to Connie's anus. With some slight inward pressure, the finger began to disappear. This instantly had the desired effect of putting Connie into frenzy. Unbeknown to Candy, Connie's ass was notably the most sensitive part of her anatomy, particularly when something was pressed inside. Between her oral ministrations, Connie's moans were becoming more pronounced and she felt the first orgasm of the day almost upon her. Candy's finger, now a flesh piston, began its more insistent movement in and out of Connie's ass. That motion brought added moans and gasps to Candy's ears and she doubled her efforts in order for Connie to be the first in the room to reach orgasm.

Quickly, Connie reached her peak with a shrill moan and a shout of, "Don't ever stop!"

Someone responded with a loud giggle and Connie, now slumped completely on the floor, closed her eyes, in order to more thoroughly enjoy that embedded finger now wiggling sporadically.

What seemed like hours later, when in truth only a single hour had passed since the pledges' first encounter with the sorority members, the initial orgy began to subside. The aroma of free flowing sexual juices was rife while many glistening bodies remained locked in satiated embraces.

Carefully, the tangle of arms and legs began to disengage from the impromptu orgy and order began to return to the room. Many of the girls now seemed embarrassed by the earlier activities. Perhaps they were not accustomed to performing such lewd acts in the public eye.

"Ladies, tonight's initial event was apparently quite successful," Liz, the Master at Arms shouted. "We will continue with the second event in a few moments after you girls have had a chance to go to your rooms and freshen up if you'd care. Just remember you should be back here in this room in shall we say a half-hour. That should give everyone enough time."

Connie immediately glanced about the room to find Christina, her new roommate. Spying her with a pretty young girl she hadn't seen before, Connie walked briskly across the room to where the two were talking quietly.

"Christina, do you want to go back to our room and freshen up?" inquired Connie.

Looking at the perspiration glistening on Connie's naked body, Christina replied, "Yes Connie, I would like to at least take a shower and change into a dress or nice skirt ensemble. Besides, we can talk as we shower or whatever, right?"

With that exchange, the two girls walked together toward the hallway and their room. Connie walked behind Christina for the sole purpose of admiring her undulating ass. Smiling to herself, she remembered that day at the lake with Kim.

"That was some first pledge event," Christina exclaimed over her shoulder to Connie, trailing behind!

"Did you ever see so many naked girls in one place in all your life?"

Secretly smiling, Connie continued her thoughts over the erotic events that unfolded just a few minutes earlier and the erotic experiences earlier in her childhood. Secretly, she would have preferred to couple with Christina had she known what was about to happen. There will be plenty of time to "get to know" Christina better she thought further.

In their room, the two girls, Connie and Christina, began to make preparations to shower and refresh themselves. As Connie located a bath towel and walked into the well-appointed bathroom, her thoughts were rekindled regarding the events of the afternoon. She was interrupted in her reverie by Christina's insistent banging on the bathroom door.


"Please, can I come in?"

"Can't you wait until I'm finished with my shower?"

"No, I need to pee!"

"Hurry, please let me in!"

"OK, come in and pee."

Christina hurriedly opened the door rushed to the toilet and sat allowing the liquid to escape her overly filled bladder. Unbeknown to her however, Connie was surreptitiously peering around the shower curtain in order to watch her roommate sit on the toilet and pee. Secretly, she wished she could get a closer view, but was afraid Christina would not understand Connie's arousal over such actions.

That reminded Connie once again of her first encounter with watching a girl perform the act of peeing. She and a classmate in their first year of high school were talking near the lake they used to visit during the summer with their parents.

Connie suddenly remembered her name was Kim. Kim was extremely daring and used to tease Connie for not wishing to do daring things. That day, Connie showed her that she could be just as daring. She took off her swimsuit right in front of the little girl and went out to the lake's edge. Kim squealed in delight at the sight of Connie walking naked toward the water. Instantly, she followed suit. All too quickly, they were both in the water naked and frolicking about without a care in the world. Moments passed and suddenly Kim was very still. Fearing something the matter, Connie asked her if everything was all right. She answered that she had to pee and didn't want to get out of the water.

But, realizing she must in order to empty her bladder, she walked back to the beach, with Connie following closely. Connie's eyes focused on Kim's undulating buttocks.

Kim headed straight for a thicket she thought would be out of sight from prying eyes and proceeded to squat over the sand. Soon, a golden yellow stream of liquid began to squirt out from between the girl's legs and the sight fascinated Connie. In fact, she was visibly aroused to the point she too had to pee. Quickly, she went over to where the girl was squatting and did the same. The young girl giggled in delight and as Kim had done only seconds before; a golden yellow stream of liquid shot out from between Connie's legs as well. The puddle quickly combined with that of the one made by Kim.

"Have you ever wondered it tasted like?" Kim asked daringly.

"Oooh, how could you even think of such a thing," chided Connie.

"Would you let me lick it from you if I want?" continued Kim.

"You mean you would want to do that what you said?" Connie asked incredulously.

"I wouldn't have said anything to you if I didn't want to," continued Kim.

Connie could only nod her head and in a flash, Kim was kneeling in front of Connie with her head at the juncture of Connie's legs.

"Mmmm, I like the view," Kim teased.

"Have you ever done this before?" Connie inquired.

"What do you think?" Kim winked and giggled.

"I've only heard of such things before. I couldn't imagine anyone ever doing anything like this." Connie squirmed.

"Well, I'm not an expert, but I have seen some of my father's magazines he keeps hidden," Kim replied by way of a giggle.

And with that said, she leaned down and placed her protruding tongue right on the slit where the golden liquid had exited only moments before. A moan escaped someone's lips and Connie wasn't sure which one did the moaning. The feeling of her tongue there was even better than when she used one of her fingers to rub her "little bump" as she called her clit since she wasn't aware of its rightful name. The lapping continued and she became so aroused that she fell backward onto the sand. As she fell, Kim used one of her fingers to lightly graze Connie's back hole with her fingertip. Kim continued with her tonguing, but now at a much faster pace. Slowly, Kim's finger began to disappear inside Connie's tiny wrinkled pucker and she could feel her sphincter close tightly around it as the finger sank deeper.

Connie felt all tingly inside and was on the verge of "going over" as she termed the big O. She couldn't help but to place her hand behind Kim's head and direct the tongue movements to best suit Connie. Moments passed and Connie was very close! Between Kim's finger penetrating Connie's anus and that educated tongue on her little slit the feelings she felt were fantastic! Connie could feel her back hole throbbing in tune with her heartbeat.

Nothing had penetrated her in such a manner before and she suddenly knew why she was attracted to that part of the anatomy. Seconds more and Connie teetered on the edge of that great precipice then fell to earth in a great crash! All Connie could do was to moan and lie there as if she weighed a thousand pounds. Every muscle in her body felt as if it were made of molten lead.

Raising her head from its previous position, Kim smiled then giggled and said, "Well?"

All Connie could manage by way of reply was a series of moans and squeaks. She truly had never felt anything like that in her entire life. She also knew wanted to repeat that feeling many more times. The loud flushing sound interrupted her erotic thoughts of the past and she was immediately returned to the present where Christina was spreading her legs wider in order to place the tissue there for cleaning purposes. For a split second, Connie had an unhindered view of Christina's pink slit. Connie's tongue unconsciously snaked out and licked her lips in a slow provocative manner. All the while, the water had been running and suddenly Connie had an idea!

"Christina, why don't you get in the shower with me in order to save time and hot water?" Connie asked hesitantly.

"Ok, be right there!" Christina shouted with a slight giggle for emphasis.

Christina appeared seconds later and drew back the curtain to step into the shower. Steam swirled around the young naked bodies as the two girls allowed the torrents of water to cascade over them.

"Oh, now I've got to pee. After watching..." Connie halted in mid-sentence and simultaneously cupped her mouth indicating she had said too much.

"So, you were watching me! I thought that was you I saw peaking around the curtain. You little devil! I hope I put on a good show for you!" Christina retorted in mock anger.

Suddenly, Christina surprised Connie by reaching over to turn off the water, then seductively said, "Now it is my turn to watch you pee!"

Shocked by what she had just heard, Connie said one word, "OK."

Then, she immediately went into a semi-squat, spread her legs and within seconds a steady stream of golden yellow liquid appeared. Instantly, Christina knelt in the shower between Connie's legs to have the warm liquid wash over her. Initially, the pee landed on her thighs and she inched her way forward until her breasts were the recipients of the golden shower. Squealing with delight, Christina reveled in the erotic fantasies she now came to realize. However, within seconds, the stream had been reduced to a trickle.

Seizing her opportunity, Christina was emboldened by the day's earlier pledge orgy and placed her protruding tongue right on the source of the second golden shower of her life. Gasping at the sudden action by Christina, Connie quickly gained her composure and followed Christina's lead in this new erotic game. Placing her hand on the back of Christina's head, Connie now guided Christina's oral ministrations through a series of pressure and release movements. Quickly, that magical tongue was bringing Connie to the brink of orgasm. As Christina's tongue lapped faster and deeper, Connie's moans became louder. With a final groan, Connie reached her peak that made her legs buckle. With her back against the wall, she slid down into the tub and lay their motionless. In the meantime, Christina's tongue did not cease its lapping of Connie's pink folds. After lying motionless for several minutes, Connie gathered what little strength she had remaining and stood leaving Christina sprawled in the bottom of the tub. "Wow!" was all Connie could muster as her breathing, evinced by a heaving chest, slowly returned to normalcy.

"I can do more, if you're willing," Christina said teasingly.

"And I thought it would take a while before we were really comfortable with each other," Connie retorted dramatically.

"Connie, I liked you from the moment I saw you earlier today. Especially when I saw you downstairs naked, I thought you had a beautiful body. When I discovered you were pledging here too, I asked the housemother if you could room with me and she arranged it. I hope you don't mind my sneakiness?"

"Well, thanks. I don't know quite what to say. I like you too and I think you have a beautiful body. I must tell you though, I am intimidated by your large bust!" Connie said and emphasized her last statement with a nervous laugh. As added emphasis, she grasped both her nipples between thumb and forefinger squeezed slightly and said, "Look at them, they hardly become larger even when they are stiff!"

"You mean like these?" Christina teasingly asked as she placed a hand under each breast to lift and proffer them.

"Well, are you offering those to me right now? As succulent as they look, we really don't have time now. Aren't we supposed to be back in the "orgy" room in less than half an hour?" Connie questioned.

With a loud sigh, Christina dropped her hands walked the short distance between the two girls, leaned over, kissed Connie on the left cheek and said, "Well, we can continue this after the next event."


After the two had completed their ablutions, they quickly walked down the hall towards the "orgy" room where most of the other pledges had already gathered. Connie had changed to a short pleated white skirt and matching blouse with sandals, while Christina reappeared in a light green pants set and white translucent form-fitting blouse. The blouse emphasized her breast size even more because of its almost transparent nature. This was quite obvious to Connie from the many stares Christina received from almost every pledge and sorority member. This, in turn, made Connie feel even more intimidated by Christina's ample endowments. At least, she thought, Christina "offered" them to me personally and later I'll take her up on that offer.

"Ladies, gather closer and we can begin the second event of this night's pledge ceremony," Liz, the Master at Arms shouted above the din.

Andrea, standing beside her, motioned with her right hand for the pledges to form a semi-circle around both sorority leaders. The room was filled with a buzz of conversation as many of the pledges closed in to form a tighter circle. Connie was pressed in toward a cute girl standing in front of her. As Connie moved forward, she suddenly felt something familiar poking her in the back. Glancing over her shoulder, she caught the gaze of another cute girl the same size and athletic body as Connie. The young girl smiled in a very provocative manner as her hand rested on Connie's butt. Connie, surprised by the boldness of this girl's move, returned the smile. Leaning close to Connie, the girl with the twinkling green eyes whispered something quite lascivious and very suggestive. Connie, surprised and even slightly shocked at her boldness, giggled and pressed her back harder into the young girl's breasts by way of reply. Casually, the girl's hand inched its way around the front of Connie's skirt and down toward the hem that stretched a mere three inches below the juncture of her legs. Slowly, the hand crept its way upward rubbing Connie's leg as it went under her skirt. The girls around them were not mindful of these nefarious proceedings because others were similarly engaged.

As the Master at Arms droned on, the hand attached to "twinkling green eyes" reached its apparent destination, the entrance to Connie's now smoldering pussy. This was made possible due to the fact Connie almost never wore panties. Whether the young girl knew this prior to their encounter or that she guessed was a mystery to Connie, but at the moment that was the furthest from Connie's mind. Almost imperceptibly, a finger insinuated itself deeper into Connie's oozing damp slit and began a slow methodical sawing motion. With each stroke, Connie's legs became weaker and she found it more difficult to concentrate on what was being said by the sorority leaders. At the same time, the other hand reached around to cup Connie's left breast and begin a wonderful massaging action. Between both activities, Connie was on the edge of having yet another orgasm. At this point, she would have wanted something to occupy her "other hole" as well. But, she had to be content for the moment until she could be alone with this vixen, which was eagerly producing such erotic feelings in Connie's body. Minutes passed and Connie began to shake with the onset of her orgasm. An almost inaudible moan escaped her lips as she reached her plateau. Her legs felt weak and she would have fallen, except "twinkling green eyes" managed to steady her.

Connie, despite this new encounter, felt Christina and she were kindred spirits and that rooming together would be beneficial for both. But, that did not mean she couldn't have some fun with other girls as well. After regaining composure, Connie glanced again over her shoulder but "twinkling green eyes" had moved farther away and was sniffing at her fingers in an obvious manner, while lewdly smiling at Connie. At one point, the mystery girl opened her mouth slightly and inserted those same fingers and loudly licked each one as though they were laden with raw cake batter. Disappointed that she could not talk to the girl and at least discover her name or the location of her room, Connie returned her attention to the speakers at the head of the semi-circle of pledges.

"Tonight, you ladies are privileged to participate in a solemn event which, when completed, will signify your promise to the "sisters" here in this house to be loyal and give of yourself whenever asked and by whomever," Andrea was saying with solemnity and reverence.

As Christina was hearing this, she thought of Connie some where in the crowd and the intriguing possibilities this sorority might bring to her love life. For the moment however, she was content to try and become better acquainted with Connie, her new friend and roommate. Smiling to no one, she remembered the shower they had taken earlier and the dampness between her legs increased considerably. However, interrupting her lascivious thoughts were the voices of the sorority leaders directing the pledges in some fashion.

"Pledges, you know the routine now. Strip!" voiced the accentuated gruffness of Liz, the Master at Arms.

With some rumblings from a few of the pledges, the sounds of clothing being removed were quite evident in the great room. As the pledges began to remove the last vestiges of clothing, the shyness so evident earlier was abundantly absent now. The girls were all but frolicking about as if they were at a nude beach. "Order!" shouted Liz in an overly gruff tone.

Instantly a hush fell over the room and one could almost hear the proverbial pin, except of course the floor was richly carpeted. The pledges, nakedly waiting for the next directions, pressed closer to the two leaders. Suddenly, Christina felt a presence very close behind her. A finger touched her well-rounded right buttock lightly and began a slow methodical dance toward her crack.

Goosebumps immediately formed on her skin as the digit danced its way to one of her very sensitive areas. Pausing at the top of her rear crease, the finger began a steady slide downward following the crease. By separating her legs slightly, Christina's crease widened allowing easier access to her crinkled pucker. That tantalizing finger followed the pathway toward her tiny opening. With a shiver, Christina felt some pressure exerted by the finger on her rear hole. Slowly, the finger began to penetrate her rear, but the passage was impossible because of a lack of lubrication. In a pique of frustration, Christina exhaled sharply. Seconds passed, and then she felt a different sensation. Suddenly the finger was back, but with it came some slippery substance she couldn't identify directly. A soft giggle behind her let her know the identity of the person wielding the mysterious finger. Connie had sneaked behind her while the sorority leaders were giving pledges new instructions. Armed with this information, Christina opened her legs wider for the now burrowing finger. As it pressed inward, Christina gasped softly at the thrilling intrusion. Totally oblivious to proceedings occurring around her, she was only vaguely aware of giggles and tittering by others around her. Receiving pleasure from that single finger sunk in her rear; Christina found it exceedingly difficult to concentrate on anything else. Within seconds of the finger's intrusion though, a gentle sawing began thus moving the finger in a piston-like motion in and out. This new sensation produced another gasp from Christina and she automatically covered her mouth with her hand to muffle the sounds she made. Within a few seconds, Christina experienced a thundering orgasm brought about by the circumstances and the fact Christina was doing this in a public area. Her quaking orgasm continued for another minute, then subsided slowly. Suddenly aware Connie's finger was no longer there; Christina turned around to see the grinning face of the owner of that marvelous digit.

"...and don't be afraid to switch with any other girl in your group," Andrea instructed.

Christina missed those first words of instruction by Andrea and whispered questioningly at Connie.

Connie giggled and whispered in return, "I thought you heard every word! We're supposed to break into small groups and smear honey on a girl in your group by any means other than with your hand."

Giggling softly, Christina replied in a whisper, "I'm going to like this sorority, I can see that now. First I meet you, Connie, then I get to smear honey on a naked girl!" As an after thought, Christina added, "Can I lick it off as well?"

Given a small jar of honey, the circle of girls, including two blondes, one with auburn hair, Christina and one with jet-black hair and eyes to match, began to decide who would start the process of smearing the sticky liquid. Connie was chosen by default to have the golden syrup applied to her compact body. Standing in the center of the circle, she spread her legs slightly and waited for the "fun" to begin.

Behind her, the girl with black hair, and the other blonde collaborated in an effort to lift the jar with their bodies, shoulder to shoulder and manipulate the jar upward toward Connie's back. Straining and grunting, the two girls managed to work the jar upward and by standing toe to toe with the jar sandwiched between them, their breasts held the jar steady. With a significant effort, the girls simultaneously tipped the jar and released a glob of honey onto Connie's back. The jar however, slipped and fell crashing to the carpeted floor with a thud. Gasping in unison, the two girls tried to use their toes to raise the jar off the floor.

In doing so, they managed to spill most of the contents and suddenly one of the other members slipped and fell to the floor in a heap. Reaching down to check the condition of the girl, someone was pushed from behind and fell likewise. Together the two now sprawled in a heap on top of each other. Arms and legs were splayed in not lady-like positions. Connie, laughing uproariously, dropped to the floor on top of the two who had fallen earlier. Suddenly, the "game" did not matter to the three, for hands and tongues began to travel freely over the bodies of each in turn. Soon, a cacophony of grunts, groans and giggles was audible in the small circle of girls. A finger was mysteriously embedded in Connie's well-lubricated slit and a tongue was slathering her lips with saliva. Minutes passed and the "game" all the pledges had been playing ebbed into another orgy of tongues, fingers and any other part of anatomy that could be put into play.

Connie was curious about Christina's participation in this small orgy, now turned massive. However, her attention was quickly drawn elsewhere as another finger was attempting to insinuate into her most sensitive hole, her starred pucker. Suddenly, she thought she recognized the finger as that belonging to Christina. As if on cue, Christina poked her head closer to Connie's and smiled a most lascivious grin!

"Oh, there you are!" Connie said in a loud voice to be heard above the din of grunts and groans.

Giggling while continuing to press her finger deeper inside Connie, Christina replied, "Where did you think I'd be?" Moments passed before Christina continued, "I've been here all the time." And for emphasis on the word here, she pressed her finger deeper yet into Connie's tight butt.

Succumbing to the pleasure of having that finger delving into that sensitive part of her anatomy, Connie could only moan in reply. Soon the finger began a familiar sawing motion and that produced a renewed series of moans and gasps from Connie. As the motion `s speed increased, Connie's moans did likewise. A tongue, now concentrating on her fully engorged clitoris, stabbed and circled the sensitive button and produced, in consort with Christina's finger, the approaches of a thundering orgasm. It began in Connie's toes and traveled in a wave upward toward her eyes, stayed for microseconds and then traveled downward again. Her breathing came in gulps and coughs and she thought she would pass out from the pleasure. In a last screaming groan, Connie orgasmed then slumped rag doll-like on the pile of bodies beneath her.

Unable to move, Connie tried to concentrate on assessing her body. Slowly becoming aware of things, she could feel Christina's finger still in place in her throbbing back passage. That magical tongue, though slowed in its movement, continued the dance around her now tender clit and sloshed into her pussy in light stabbing and licking motions. Even with her brain remaining foggy, she could also detect someone's mouth clamped around her left nipple. Lying there limp as a dishrag, Connie attempted to assess her surroundings. Here she was in a large room filled with beautiful naked young girls, with at least two of them lending their womanly talents to her pleasured body. What more could a girl want? She thought as a faint smile appeared at her lips.

As the room began to take on its original ordered condition, clothing was not being put on, but merely gathered by the respective owners and bundled in naked arms to be carried to all those rooms with "nasty" nameplates. Along the halls, remnants of the earlier orgy were in evidence as panties and bras lay, dropped unsuspectingly by their owners.

Once safely back in "their" Clit room, the two girls pounced on their beds in utter satiation. Connie, glancing over at the supine naked form of Christina, saw her in a different light than she had earlier in the day at their initial encounter. She now viewed her as a compatible sex partner with whom she could pass many nights in lurid pleasures. Patience, she thought as she eyed the body lying near her.

"Do you want to shower first," Connie asked softly?

"No. Why don't we shower together? Besides, I have to pee again," Christina teasingly said with a lascivious gleam in her eye.

Slowly, the two gathered their strength and headed, on shaky legs, toward the bathroom and a warm shower to revive them. Christina reached into the shower stall and began to adjust the water temperature and force. As she did so, Connie stepped in and gasped as the icy water cascaded over her tired body. Giggling, Christina readjusted the temperature to a more suitable one for Connie's taste, then stepped in to join her new companion.

Christina, true to her word earlier, went into a semi- squat and appeared to concentrate intently. Seconds later, a strong flow emanated from her pussy and immediately Connie crouched in front of Christina to receive the golden elixir. With a squeal of delight, Christina aimed the stream to cover as much of Connie's body as she could. With her hands, Connie rubbed the liquid over her breasts and down into her shaven pussy, while moaning and gasping loudly. A minute later and the stream from Christina's pussy subsided. Connie stood, wrapped both arms around Christina and pressed her lips to Connie's. Surprised, Connie paused before opening her mouth to receive the probing tongue offered by her shower mate. Quickly, the kiss escalated to writhing bodies and pressed nipples dueling for added pleasure beneath a torrent of warm water. As this writhing continued, Connie pressed her pelvis to Christina's body and began a furious rubbing and grinding motion. Placing one foot on the tub's ledge, Connie was able to position her clitoris directly in line with Christina's pussy lips. As the two ground their pelvises together, the two girls reached orgasm within seconds of one another. Now totally exhausted, the two gathered what little remaining strength was left, lathered then rinsed their glistening bodies.

After getting out and drying each other, Connie padded naked into the bedroom to retrieve her suitcase. Throwing it on the bed, she opened it and extracted a medium sized anal plug and a small tube of water- soluble lubricant.

Watching intently, Christina inquired, "What are you going to do with that?"

"You'll see," Connie retorted. After having replaced her suitcase under the bed, Connie lay on her side on the bed and raised and bent her right leg. Opening the tube of lubricant, she squeezed a liberal amount onto her middle finger. Once closed, she placed the tube on the nightstand, then reached behind her and placed her middle finger at the opening of her starred pucker. In a slow and circular pattern, Connie smeared the lubricant around the outside before applying pressure in the center of her rear hole. As her finger began to disappear, Connie moaned softly to herself. Once her finger was in completely, she thrust it in and out several times before she was satisfied enough lubricant had been applied. Withdrawing her finger, she grasped the previously lubricated plug and pressed it to her nether opening.

With her eyes closed and moaning softly, Connie pressed the plug inward until the entire length had disappeared.

With that completed, she felt to see if the plug was secure in her butt, lowered her leg, reached over to turn out the night stand light and said to a perplexed Christina, "Goodnight!"

With the room bathed in darkness, Christina stared at the motionless Connie and asked in a puzzled tone, "Are you going to sleep with that butt plug inside you all night?"

Connie just managed a titillating giggle as she proceeded to enjoy the feeling of having something inside her rear passage once again.


Over the course of the next several days, the new pledges were involved in many erotic events that seemed to ultimately end in some type of orgy among the pledges and current members. On one occasion, the pledges were required to drive around campus wearing nothing but a smile and report back to the sorority house once they had been seen by at least five people. To keep things on the "honor system", a member accompanied each pledge as she drove her car about the campus. Needless to say, there were times when the pledges' attention was diverted by the "friendly behavior" of many of the members. An incident was reported where one pledge came precariously close to being involved in an accident because she was engaged in fingering the member's pussy as she attempted to negotiate the streets around the sprawling campus.

"What's the matter? You look a little pale tonight," inquired Connie of her roommate.

"I feel a little funny," was all Christina could say.

"Is it your stomach?"

"Yes, I can't seem to go to the bathroom lately," Christina replied shyly.

"Oh, I think perhaps if you took an enema, it just might help," Connie boldly reported while secretly squirming in her seat at the thought of giving Christina an enema.

"Gosh, I haven't taken one of those since I was a very little girl and my mother gave one to me," Christina said reflecting on her childhood.

"I have an enema kit if you'd like it!" Connie volunteered with a smile.

"Why, I'll even help you if you want me to that is," she added seconds later.

"I would be too embarrassed," Christina added sheepishly.

"After what the two of us have done together! Are you kidding me?" Connie replied practically shouting.

"Well, since you put it that way."

Bending to retrieve her suitcase, Connie grasped it by the worn handle and dragged it out from underneath the bed. Throwing it on the bed, she quickly opened it and removed a bulging vinyl bag. Releasing the clasp, she withdrew the contents and spilled them on the bed. Watching intently, Christina was mesmerized by the items she saw. Among the contents was a red rubber bag with a black screw cap on one end. Secondly, a narrow white flexible tubing with flared ends was coiled and secured. Thirdly, there were several nozzles strewn about the bed that appeared as though they belonged on one end of the tubing. As Christina's conjecture was correct, Connie finished assembling the tubing to the opposite end of the red bag. She then paused, as if deciding on the appropriate size, before selecting a medium sized nozzle to screw into the adapter already in place at the other end of the tubing.

Completely in awe of this operation, Christina was quickly drawn back to her childhood when her mother had given her several enemas during her younger years. As the memories came flooding back to her, she remembered the warm cozy feeling she got as the diminutive nozzle was pressed into her bottom and the water coursed through her tiny bowels. Suddenly a slight shiver overtook her as she now joyfully anticipated having that feeling once again.

And the fact her roommate was administering it was of little concern to Christina. In fact, Christina thought, it might be more fun if Connie gave her the enema. Who knows, she continued in her reverie, she might get to really enjoy this as a part of her sex life there at the sorority. Little did Christina know what was truly in store for her in the days to come?

Once the "kit" was assembled, Connie turned to Christina and indicated to her that she should remove her clothes. Christina quickly began to remove her tight white shorts and pale blue blouse she wore at that moment. As the shorts lay in a "puddle" around her ankles and the blouse thrown carelessly on the bed, Christina reached behind her to unsnap her bra. As her rather large breasts came free, they set about a slight jiggling motion that caught Connie's attention. Eyeing the wobble of those magnificent melons, Connie was awe struck by their sheer size and firmness. She was once again intimidated by this knowledge, but secure in the fact that she had just recently suckled at those turgid pink nipples. Next, Christina wiggled her hips in an effort to shed her tight translucent panties. Of course, this action set her breasts jiggling even more severely and Connie's attention was clearly transfixed on this renewed movement. She unconsciously licked her lips at the memory of tonguing each of those succulent orbs. Once the panties lay in a heap around her ankles, Christina deftly kicked them flying toward the neatly-made bed where they landed with an audible plop.

Now completely naked, Christina stood with legs slightly apart waiting for Connie to prepare the enema bag and remaining items. In the meantime, Connie had gathered the enema kit and walked toward the bathroom.

"Are you coming?" Connie asked over her shoulder.

Giggling at the double entendre, Christina said, "Oh, I hope so!"

And with that exchange, Christina followed Connie into the bathroom to get further instructions. Once they were both inside, Connie initiated the proceedings after first testing the water's temperature from the faucet with her empty hand. Connie, holding it with her left hand, began filling the red rubber bag with warm water. Entranced by the precision, with which Connie worked, Christina stared intently. Satisfied of the water's level inside the bag, Connie placed the screw cap on the bag's open end. With the flexible tubing extending from the opposite end of the bag, Connie reached for a hook inside the shower and suspended the bag from it. Grasping a small vial of water-soluble lubricant, Connie smeared a generous portion onto her fingers before rubbing them over the nozzle's end and shaft in an obvious lurid manner, while grinning at Christina.

"Get in and bend over," Connie said in a mock Drill Sergeant-like voice!

Following instructions, Christina pushed open the shower-curtain and stepped into the shower/tub combination.

Standing in the middle of the tub, Christina bent halfway at the waist with her back toward Connie and subconsciously shivered at the thought of what was to come. Connie grasped a small container of water- soluble lubricant and squeezed a generous amount onto the fingers of her right hand. With her left hand, she separated Christina's cheeks and paused to view the object of her attention. As her eyes gazed upon Christina's tiny starred pucker, Connie unconsciously licked her lips at the prospect of perhaps placing her tongue in the center of such a perfect puckered hole!


Hearing Christina say that single word broke the spell of Connie's reverie and spurred her back into action. She gently placed her lubricant smeared fingers at the center of the opening and rubbed slowly in a circular pattern. At the first touch of Connie's fingers on Christina's hole, an audible moan escaped the lips of both girls. Connie continued to smear the lubricant for several seconds before reluctantly ceasing. Her next course of action was to take the pre- lubricated nozzle and place it at the center of Christina's puckered opening. At the first touch of the cool nozzle to Christina's skin, she flinched slightly in response.

"Relax, I won't hurt you," Connie said with a hint of a giggle.

"I promise to always make it feel good," she went on to add.

"Hurry, because my back is getting stiff bending over like this," responded Christina in a muffled tone.

"Well, I have an idea that will fix that problem just as soon as I insert this," Connie replied.

And with that last statement, Connie pressed inward and the nozzle began to disappear slowly. Connie, smiling as she enjoyed the view and her task, pushed the medium sized nozzle as slowly as she dared. As it disappeared, Christina began to moan more and more. However, all too quickly, the nozzle had reached its limit and was firmly inside Christina's rear passage.

Connie admired the erotic view one last time before saying, "Christina, there is enough room for you to lie in here on your back and lift your knees some. That will ease the pain in your back and make you more comfortable while you have your enema," Connie continued.

Christina stood up, then crouched in the shower before lying back completely. During this maneuvering, the nozzle remained in place because Connie held it there. Now by raising her legs and bending her knees, Christina was able to find a position much more comfortable than she had initially. Connie thought to herself that even in this position, the view was extremely erotic with the tubing snaking out of Christina's ass. And with that thought, Connie reached over to release the tubing clamp and allow the water to begin to drain into Christina's cute butt.

Almost immediately, Christina moaned and said, "Ooh, that feels so nice! I can feel the water surging into my bowel and it feels very sexy! I think I could learn to like this enema thing. It isn't anything like I remembered when I was a little girl."

Within minutes, the red rubber bag was flat indicating all the water had drained into Christina.

As if on cue, Christina said, "Oh, I can feel my tummy gurgling and I think I need to go!"

"If you leave the water in for a while, it will feel that much better when you finally do expel it," Connie directed. "Do you want me to remove the nozzle?" she further inquired.

"No, I'm getting used to having inside me and it feels good!" Christina retorted.

"OK, I'll leave it in until you ask me to take it out," Connie intoned.

As an after thought, Connie said, "You know an anal plug would help you keep the water in without having to clamp your sphincter so tightly."

"Do you have one?"

"Of course, silly," Connie replied with a short giggle.

And with that, Connie stepped out of the shower and padded naked over to her bed. Leaning over to retrieve her suitcase, she caught a glimpse of herself in the wall mirror. Pausing, she gazed at her image captured in such an awkward position.

She was entranced by the erotic image she saw and suddenly had an urge to pose in several more risqué positions. Pivoting on her knees, she opened her legs as widely as she could and stared right in the center of her lewdly displayed pussy. Noting the puffy lips and the moisture gathered at the entrance to her slick labia, she placed two fingers at the point of her gaze and rubbed them back and forth slowly.

As having a mind of their own, her fingers began rubbing faster and moving in the direction of her fully engorged clitoris. At the instant of contact, she moaned loudly.

"Hey, what are you doing in there?"

Snapped out of her reverie, Connie replied, "Oh, nothing. I'm coming." And instantly followed that with a giggle.

Finishing her task at hand, Connie held the anal plug loosely and walked silently back to the bathroom and the patiently waiting Christina.

"I almost wanted to come looking for you. What took you so long?"

Without a reply, Connie set about lubricating the latex device and then bent on one knee to withdraw the enema nozzle and quickly replace it with the latex plug. In one practiced motion, Connie succeeded in that procedure, except for having trouble inserting the plug into Christina's tight puckered opening. The difficulty lay in pushing the plug's center bulge through the tightly clenched sphincter. As the puckered opening expanded to except the larger girth of the bulge, Christina moaned and some liquid seeped out of Christina's rear hole and dribbled onto the shower's porcelain finish.

Giggling and moaning, "Christina could only manage a, "Whoops" by way of reply.

With the plug firmly in place, Connie sat relaxed on the shower's floor between Christina's legs. Intent upon Christina's lewdly displayed pussy and the heart shaped pubic hair, Connie leaned over and blatantly began to rub Christina's clitoris with her right middle finger. At the first touch, Christina smiled then closed her eyes and began moaning softly, followed by a loud sigh. Presently, Connie's finger began its digital ministrations in a more determined way. By pressing more firmly, rubbing faster and utilizing three fingers of her other hand to slip inside, Connie quickly produced a series of moans and gasps from Christina that led to a shattering climax. At the onset of Christina's orgasm, Connie noted the spasm simultaneously produced in Christina's puckered rear hole. Watching it created additional warmth inside Connie's pussy resulting in more womanly secretions dripping down her open thighs.

"That was the most fantastic cum I've ever had in my life!" squealed Christina.

"I know!" Connie accentuated her statement with a quiet giggle.

"I was hoping you might say that. I wanted to give you a proper gift to welcome you as my new roommate!" Connie offered.

"Whew, I don't see how you could possibly have made it better!" Pausing a few seconds, Christina added, "Now don't you think we should do something about all that water inside me?

With a nod to acquiesce, Connie stood then stepped out of the shower, motioning to Christina to do likewise. When Christina bent over slightly as directed, Connie grasped the latex plug and began to withdraw it from Christina's back passage. With moans of protest at the withdrawal, Christina cooperated fully and permitted it.

With that completed, she quickly sat on the toilet and instantly the sound of a stream of water rushing at high speed accompanied by moans and gasps of pleasure could be heard resonating inside the bathroom. Simultaneous to that action, Connie knelt in between Christina's legs and pressed her face into Christina's crotch and began to furiously tongue Christina's dripping pussy. That, in turn, produced still more moans and grunts of pleasure until the entire bathroom was filled with a cacophony of erotic sounds.

Minutes passed before those sounds ebbed and Christina, slumped on the toilet, could only manage a feeble, "Wow!"

Looking up from her position on the floor, Connie smiled and licked her lips.

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