College Cum Dump

By Hoover Plano

Published on Oct 11, 2007


Disclaimers: Don't read this story if you have a problem with guys sucking cock - or if it's illegal where you live to do so. Don't break any laws in your local jurisdiction.

Otherwise, use the story as you wish. Hope it can produce a little fun in your day. If it does I'd love to hear about it.

College Cum Dump (Part 2) Adam Lands a Big One!

It had been a long dry spell. Almost six days without sticking my cock in anything, male or female. A fucking eternity!

My girlfriend Cathy was up to her ears writing a mid-term essay for her psych class, my best friend Jacob was down in Austin at UT, and his little brother Jeff had been so busy between high school and working in his Dad's dental practice that he wasn't even around for a good roll in the sack! The last time I'd shot a load in anything except my own fist was last Saturday when I visited a local gloryhole that a guy put up in his house.

That had been kind of a kick, too. I'd been looking forward to feeding that cocksucker and was pretty shocked when I saw a guy from school coming out the front door as I was getting ready to head in. Would have been hot to share the mouth, but maybe next time!

Kind of funny, really, that you can walk into a stranger's house and have him suck a load from your hard cock without ever seeing his face or letting him know who you are. In this case, the anonymity was pretty one-sided. I'd visited my old schoolmate Cody in that same house back when we were in high school. His parents had gotten a divorce in his freshman year and no one seemed to know why. Except me, of course, and I didn't find out that Cody's dad liked sucking dick until just a few months ago! He's pretty fucking good at it, too!

The bottom line is, though, is that it was a beautiful day out and I was alone, bored, and horny. The email I sent to "Mr. Glory Hole" hadn't even been answered, so I decided to head over to U-Dallas and hang out by the pool at the Athletic Center. If there's no-one to play with, at least a guy can catch a little eye-candy!

Settling into a lounge chair at the Athletic Center, I was disappointed to see that there weren't very many students around. Mostly older men, faculty and alumni, and it would take longer than a six day stretch for me to get very excited by them!

I contented myself with stretching out on the blue vinyl chair and letting the sun add more color to my naturally dark olive skin. Lying on my big white beach towel, I let the sun wash over my face and limbs. My mind began to wander, as it often does, to all the fun I'd been having with my best friend's little brother. That kid's an insatiable little cum factory! And a better than average cock sucker to boot!

I must have dozed off for a minute thinking my happy thoughts. When I stirred awake I could feel my own hand resting on my chest, playing with my hard brown nipple. Not wanting to draw too much attention I stopped the pinching and instead ran my fingernails over the erect little nub as I slowly came out of the fog of my nap.

The sun beating down on my outstretched legs focused on the head of my cock and brought me to the realization that there was about eight inches of hard college cock tenting my loose swim trunks. I opened my eyes to see how obvious a display I was putting on.

Two things were immediately clear. The first was that you'd have to have been blind to not notice the shaft of dick pushing the front of my shorts toward the sky. My pole had started with the head facing down and then pushed the leg of my swim trunks open as it sought daylight, resulting in an obscene display of hard cock to anyone seated across from me. The second was that a fellow student, who had taken a seat across from mine, had a lopsided grin on his tanned face as he amused himself by checking out my equipment.

The last few months had taught me that having another guy look at your cock was more often an opportunity for fun that embarrassment. So I grinned back at my voyeur and snaked my hand down the front of my trunks to reign the unruly beast back in.

"Sorry, Dude" I laughed as his eyes met mine in a bemused glance. "Sometimes the damn thing just wanders off on its own - no controlling it!"

"No problem, buddy - he looks big enough to hold his own out there!" he shot back without missing a beat.

"Holy Shit" I thought! My gaydar might not be exactly fine-tuned, but another dude complimenting your cock definitely means something.

Pulling myself up into a sitting position, I brought my left knee up and felt my nuts slide down into the opening. The afternoon breeze tunneled up my trunk legs and washed over my sweaty ball-sack as my companion let his eyes dart briefly down to discretely check out my low hangers.

From my new vantage point I had a chance to see him better, too. And I liked what I saw. One of the tallest guys I'd ever seen, I estimated him to be well over 6'6. You'd expect someone of that height to be skinny, but he was well toned and muscular, without coming across as brawny. Long sinewy muscle draped across his arms and chest. His legs seemed to go on for miles, stretching from his green and yellow swim trunks into a pair of sneakers that I could have used for a bed!

His long straight nose would have looked ridiculous on anyone but him, but it matched his angular face perfectly. Close-cut, curly light brown hair framed big blue eyes and gave him the appearance of a very large little boy. The laughter coming from those eyes drew me in.

"I'm Adam" I announced, extending a hand toward him. "Jeremy. Nice to meet you, Adam" he replied as his huge paw engulfed mine. I'm a pretty good sized dude, plenty able to intimidate most guys, but the sheer volume of this guy made me feel small!

As it turns out Jeremy was a junior at UDal and, of course, a member of the basketball team. We spent the next hour chatting like we'd known one another for years. I kept sneaking peaks at his package as we talked, and I could have sworn I saw him doing the same. But the "straight-guy" façade was the rule at the pool, and we kept the bargain.

As the sun began to sink in the west, Jeremy mentioned how thirsty he was getting and invited me back to the Athlete's Dorm for a cold one. Sounded like a great idea, though by this time my restless cock would have preferred a more private spot.

Entering through a side door I was immediately struck by what can only be described as the aroma of testosterone that filled the air. The sweetish smell of teen sweat mixed with the stronger scent of male musk to create a fragrance that would have any red-blooded American girl creaming her panties.

Not wearing panties, and definitely not being female, I have to admit that the pervasive scent of young male hormones caused my cock to stiffen again, forcing a large drop of left over pre-cum to drip out the end of my tingling cock.

Busting through the unlocked door of his dorm room, Jeremy explained that the team had the weekend off and his dorm-mate had a date in town and would likely be gone until Sunday. Pulling an old cooler from the closet, Jeremy extracted a couple of almost-cold Budweisers and tossed one to me as he turned to his dresser and began to rummage through the clothes stuffed inside. Emerging with a pair of boxers, he asked if I would mind if he got out of the damp swim trunks he was wearing.

"Your place, your rules" I quipped as I eagerly awaited a quick glimpse of his package.

With the grace of an athlete, Jeremy dropped his shorts and planted himself on one foot as he pulled one leg and then the other free of the cloth. Standing with his feet slightly apart, he reached his long fingers into his crotch to free his sticky low-hanging balls from their perch on his thighs.

The cock I saw would have looked freakishly big on anyone except this guy. Even then it was almost too large for his gargantuan body. At least eight inches of (almost) soft cock swung like a pendulum as he moved the shaft aside to scratch his over-sized nuts.

"Fuck me!" I said out loud without meaning to! "I mean....well, shit!" I struggled to recover some dignity.

Jeremy just laughed. "Don't get too fucking impressed" he said "This thing scares off a lot more pussy than it gets me! And as for a decent blowjob...well, I haven't had one of those since I was fifteen!"

Slipping into old blue boxers; I'd guess they were about a size too small; Jeremy adjusted his package and took a long swig from his beer. Arching his back as he drank down most of the can in one gulp, he pushed his bulging crotch toward me and I tried to take a mental picture.

The beer wasn't very cold but it was damned sure plentiful. Funny thing about young guys - if we're not having sex, we're talking about it! So Jeremy and I soon found ourselves swapping stories of conquests both real and imagined. For my part, it seemed just wrong to talk about the things that Cathy and I do, so most of my stories involved earlier girls and the fun I'd been having with Jeff and Sean - changing the gender of my partners for the sake of propriety of course!

I could see Jeremy's huge snake lengthening its way down the legs of his boxers as I recounted the excellent blowjobs I'd been getting, describing in minute specifics every suck and every lick of the tongue. I found myself getting more and more explicit in the details so I could watch the effect the tales were having on my new buddy.

Finally Jeremy interrupted my accounts with a question. "What's the weirdest thing you've ever done - sexually?"

I wasn't quite ready to get into that, so I threw the question back to him with the promise that I could probably beat him in that department! He grinned and shook his head as he began.

"You remember me telling you that I haven't had a decent blowjob since I was fifteen years old? I didn't tell you who it was that gave me that blowjob back then. Who blew me is what makes it the weirdest thing I've ever done."

He looked at me as if expecting me to accept that as the whole story. No fucking way! I kept my mouth closed and my eyes on his as I waited for him to finish.

The silence became awkward as he debated with himself about whether to complete his tale. Finally he took in a deep breath and almost sighed out his words.

"It was my cousin from Oklahoma. He started sucking me off when we were nine and kept it up for six years until his parents moved away. He's tall like me so he's the only one who's ever been able to suck my whole dick"

My cock was already hard from all the talk about sex, but it lurched in my shorts as I looked over at this giant of a teenager lying across his bed avoiding eye contact with me.

"Well I told you I could beat you for weird, so here it is..." I began

Not wanting to sound too gay, I portrayed myself as the receiver of all the blowjobs in my stories, but admitted that it was my best friend's little brother who'd been swinging on the end of my cock. As I finished my description of how it all began, Jeremy's gigantic cock looked like it was about to tear free of the flimsy fabric of his boxers. I could literally see it throb through the thin material as his large spongy corona leaked a sizable deposit of ball slime through the blue cloth.

Running his palm down the long shaft, Jeremy involuntarily trembled as his cock lurched with excitement. "Shit, man - any chance we could get that kid over here for a little while? I sure could use a hot blowjob right now - it's been over a week since I got any action and my balls feel like they're about to bust open!"

"I don't know if I could take something that big" I whispered in a husky voice.

I blushed hard as I realized I'd said what I meant instead of sticking to the story.

Jeremy looked hard into my eyes as he took in my words. Reaching deep into his shorts, he pulled his long hard pole into the daylight and used the top of his hand to push the stretched blue cloth down around his balls. The sound of fabric tearing made it clear that this was no ordinary cock that his long fingers were freeing.

"Maybe you'd like to try" he whispered hoarsely "You know - just to help a buddy out of a jam"

My mouth went dry as I sank to my knees between his long thick legs. Reaching up with trembling hands I pulled his shorts away from his thighs and heard the sound of tearing again as the waistband continued to rip apart. Reaching around behind him, I wrested the tight fabric over the large bubble of his tight butt.

Finally free of the huge expanse of Jeremy's crotch, the boxers flowed down his long hairy legs with ease and gathered around his massive feet. Pulling forward I guided them across his graceful arches and stopped to run my hands across his long instep.

Looking back up at the gentle giant lying across the mattress, I could see an impossibly large cock pushing its way off his belly, leaking a river of pre cum back onto his tight abdomen. I had never seen such a large piece of meat on any guy before and doubt I ever will again. All the stories about twelve inch dicks had always seemed just so much bullshit to me, but I reached up to grasp a shaft that must have been every bit that long!

Jeremy's cock felt almost heavy as I pulled it upright and leaned in to lick his ball juice from the tip of the fleshy shaft. He shuddered and thrust his hips forward as my tongue made contact with the sensitive underside of his slick cock head.

Covering the base of his cock with my fist, I could still see more dick than I could swallow emerging beyond my hand. Balls the size of plums anchored down his hairless sack. The thought flashed through my mind that this must be what its like for a little kid to try to suck an adult cock.

The width of Jeremy's meat stretched my mouth as I pulled my head down onto his shaft. Using my hand and mouth in unison I worked the leaking shaft down my quivering tongue and savored the flavor of ball slime as it leaked onto my taste buds.

Jerking/sucking the teen athlete's pole, I could hear him moaning loudly from far above me. His hips thrust forward in a desperate attempt at impaling my face with his oversized shaft, but my fist around the steely pole kept me from choking on his long slab of hard dick.

Pre-cum flowed so freely that I thought he might be cumming, but his moans told me that although he might be getting there it wasn't time yet. So I reached down between his thighs with my free left hand and lifted his giant balls from their resting place. They had actual weight, unlike the soft rolling feel of Jeff's nuts. As I pulled them up I realized that they filled the palm of my hand and even then tried to slip off the side from their sheer volume.

His cock made a slapping sound against his belly as I released the slick shaft from my mouth and dove south for a taste of these jewels. The flesh of his ball sack was salty and smooth, with just the right combination of teen sweat and athlete musk. My mouth watered as I tongued the over-filled sack and felt the plum-sized balls react to the warmth of my breath.

Trying to take one of the orbs into my mouth, I moved cautiously; afraid that it might be too big to fit without hurting him. Clearly, though, Jeremy didn't suffer from over- sensitivity as he pushed his crotch into my face and moaned with satisfaction as his huge testicle squeezed itself onto my hot tongue. Bathing it with warm saliva, I could feel the soft meat give way to my mouth and slip along the moist flesh.

Thoroughly sliming both of his balls, I returned to his long hard cock. Juice coated the end of his meat and ran in thick streams down the fleshy shaft. As I pulled his pole back into my mouth I grasped his ball sack in my left hand and pulled it gently down to stretch the moist skin to its limit. To my shock, my entire fist covered the expanse between his crotch and his dangling balls, leaving a tight sack of over-filled nuts extending from the bottom.

He definitely liked this play! Sweat poured from his forehead as his pink lips gasped for air like a fish out of water! His groans drove me as I swallowed as much of his meaty cock as I could handle. Thrusting hard, the huge spongy head of his cock hit my throat and was blocked from entering by its sheer size. There was no way I could deep-throat this guy, but that didn't stop me from giving him all I had!

Working the long pole with my fist and my mouth, I pulled harder on his balls and was rewarded with an extra large release of ball juice as he groaned his approval. Almost seven inches of cock ran its way across my tongue, leaving a thick smear of ball slime in its wake as another five inches coursed through my fist. His pounding crotch forced his tight ball sack further down in my other hand.

Jeremy's groans grew louder and I recognized the signs of impending orgasm. By this time my mouth was beginning to ache from trying to accommodate a cock of his size, so I intensified my sucking and got ready to take his load.

Grasping the base of his fleshy pole with my fist, I could feel the hot cum racing up the tube on the underside of his huge cock. A flood of musky semen hit the back of my tongue and blew down my throat like a fire hose. I gagged on the load and pulled my face from his crotch to keep from choking.

His cock wouldn't wait for me to recover, though. The next spurt of cream from his balls arched over my face and landed squarely on top of my head. From there the shots hit my forehead and face as I tried to catch his jerking cock with my lips again.

Finally able to regain a lip lock on his twitching shaft, I swallowed furiously as more and more ball batter filled my mouth and delighted my tongue. Jeremy slumped onto the bed, emptied of all his juice, and sighed loudly as his massive hand cupped my head and spread his cum through my hair.

I collapsed onto my back and lay there gasping as hot juice ran down my face. My cock was as hard as it has ever been. Throbbing with my racing heart, my pole (one that I'd always considered to be large until today!) pulsed and leaked as I recovered. Hot ball juice ran toward my eyes, forcing me to close them.

At first I thought I was dreaming as I felt Jeremy's oversized hand slid down my shaft with a huge puddle of ball snot greasing its path. His meaty paw covered my eight inch piece of frat cock from base to head, creating a perfect piece of pussy with his warm flesh.

I peeked through closed eyelids to see the tall teenager kneeling between my legs, intently studying the pole he held. His face drew close to my groin and I could feel his hot breath brush against my balls as he fisted my shaft. I groaned and felt more juice leak from my hard cock.

Tentatively, as if curious about the taste, Jeremy extended his tongue and licked lightly at the balls in his face. That was all it took to bring my nuts up tight against my thighs to unleash their load!

Six days of abstinence combined with an hour of completely hot sex to made it impossible not to unload a cascade of white hot cum onto the tall athlete's smooth face. He drew back in surprise at first, but then leaned in again to watch my shaft release its load. Cum splattered him from his shoulders to his nose, with the last spurt covering the corner of his mouth.

Satisfied that he'd returned my favor, Jeremy slumped next to me on the small bed, our sweaty bodies touching as we panted and sighed in fulfillment. Brushing away the cum that threatened my eyes; I opened them fully and glanced over at my companion. The mirror hanging on the opposite wall reflected two teenage students lying in a heap with long rivers of white cum dripping from their faces. Jeremy licked his lips and drew in the juice tickling the corner of his mouth.

"Maybe next time you can bring your little friend over" he grinned.

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