College Dorm

By Sean O'Brien

Published on Jul 31, 1999



This is my first attempt at writing an erotic story for anyone else to read beside myself. I wondered how one of my stories would fare if I put it up for all to see and obtain some constructive criticism. Thanks for taking the time to read my first and I hope that it will not be my last.

A little background is in order, I suppose. I'm 18 years old, cute, popular, and hiding the truth about my sexual orientation so well that I really should dump what I'm doing now and go into acting. I'm about to go away to college and possibly inter into a more diverse and accepting population where I can be myself or maybe more like myself. I started having sex two years ago and it's been fun, don't get me wrong, just not as fun as a relationship could be seeing how I've never been in one before. Anticipation and motivation that I have to begin college life inspired this story. I call this my "best-case scenario" when thinking about how to start college.

Dorm 53-B

"What do you mean there's no elevator?" My arms strained with the weight of my desktop monitor.

"I mean, there isn't an elevator on this side of the building and you can't get over here from the other side. You're just going to have to carry everything up like everybody else." The dorm advisor then gave me a grimace that somehow made her even uglier than she had appeared earlier which seemed impossible. I turn away from that hideous face and reluctantly begin my accent up the stairs to my dorm on the 5th floor. Sweat covered my palms as I tried to keep a hold on that which I had worked so hard for the past summer.

Even though I had worked hard over the summer, I had fun doing it. My job at Phil's Gym in my hometown, allowed for extra incentives beyond the medical plan. The hot, heath conscience males that frequented the gym kept my eyes busy every day. The more eventful days came from looking at the right guy, the right way, at the right time. A sly wink in the hallway, a phone number slipped into my sweaty hand, or even a quick flash of cock in the lockeroom were all the extent of my sexual experiences so far. I'm not a bad looking guy at 18 years old. I'm 5.10, 160lbs and fairly cut (I get to use the gym for free). My brown hair is cut short to show my boyish face and light green eyes. My hope for the future, when it comes to Sean O'Brien's sex life rests on solely on College. It if doesn't happen here, it's just not going to happen.

"Number 53-A," I whispered to myself with relief as I approached the entrance to my room. I pushed on the partly open door with the back of the monitor and moved inside. My dorm really wasn't that bad, compared to some of the smaller rooms I had seen with I visited over the summer. After the main door of the suite there was a foyer with two doors on the left and right. Beyond those doors were two-person dorm rooms with bathrooms. I found if funny that something so small could pass as a suite but I guess in your average Urban University, space was limited. I went to the door on the right and put the monitor down just inside on the only empty desk, which I assumed was mine. Someone had already brought there stuff up, begun unpacking, and judging from the toilet flush that came from behind the closed door, christen the bathroom. Even before the bowl finished flushing, the door swung open and a rather tall and strong boy strutted towards me and grabbed my hand.

"Name's Trevor," he boomed with his low tones as he wrapped his massive, and not to mention wet, hand around mine. He hadn't had time to wash them so the wetness I felt could only be...

"What's yours, man?"

"Sean, its, um, nice to meet you," I managed to mutter as he finally let go of my hand. I slyly wiped the urine on my pants without him noticing and took a good look, taking him in with my eyes. He was cute; I'll give him that. Cute in that big dumb-ass jock sort of way that would get him play no matter where he went or what he did. Dressed in work out shorts and a rather tight T-shirt, he smiled and looked at me once again.

"So, you're my little roomie. Oh, by the way dude, I've got the bottom bunk."

As I rode the top bunk that night after successfully moving in to College life, I could tell that this year was not going to be anything like I had expected. I was 18, gay, living with a cute asshole who snores like a foghorn, sleeping on bunk beds, and thinking of excuses that would get me out of reality and back home and in my real bed. After a half-hour or so, I gave up and fell asleep.

Part 2

I decided that the worst thing about being on the top bunk is that your alarm clock is down near the ground and your not. I took me five minutes to get annoyed enough with the incessant beeping to climb down and shut the damn thing off. It was 9 am and the charmer himself was nowhere to be seen - early classes I hoped because then I wouldn't have to fight him for the shower and lose. My first class didn't start until 11, thank god. The room was dark and unfamiliar but I managed to find the light switch, only after stubbing my toes a couple times. Still groggy and sporting some massive morning wood in my boxer-briefs, I opened the front door and reached for the paper. Surprised at finding only linoleum I then realized just in time for the door to my room to lock shut that I wasn't at home anymore.

"Shit," was all I could say after trying the doorknob because if this was going to happen to anyone, it was going to happen to me, that much was clear. I rested my head on the door with a thud and closed my eyes. If things didn't start looking up real soon I was going to reconsider the whole higher education thing for a simpler existence, possibly homelessness or even hustling. On the bright side, I might become more confident with being sparsely clothed and outside.

"No key, huh," an amused voice whispered quietly from behind. I spun around startled and found a smiling face that I didn't recognize but wish I could get to know. The boy was hot, to say the least but that wouldn't do him justice. His light hair was cut much like mine but his features were much stronger. A square jaw with soft lines framed his A&F good looks and his wide smile made me feel like I was his best friend in the world. I decided that he had just been running because his face was flushed and he was breathing heavily. His tight Grey shirt was soaked through on the chest and under the arms and the dark blue shorts he was wearing were high enough to reveal his powerful legs. I suddenly felt very naked after his wide blue eyes made a downward trip to my Grey boxers and then quickly back up again. I also realized that the thin cotton was doing nothing for hiding the protruding boner that I had the entire time. Nonchalantly as possible, I moved my hands in front of my package to hide my hardon and then managed a quick smile. It had been silent for some time before I was able to speak.

"Uh, yeah. It's kinda funny, really. I came out to get the paper and then realized that there isn't one."

He ran his fingers through his wet hair, sighed, and gave a look of reassurance that wasn't mocking or patronizing in the slightest.

"You can come to my room if you want, I don't have class until 11 today so we can hang out until your roommate comes back, if that's ok? Oh, I almost forgot, the name's Keith." He extended his hand to me and I took it eagerly, a little too eagerly perhaps. I still kept one hand down to cover my crotch.

"Sean, nice to meet you -- and thanks man."

"I can lend you some clothes too," he said almost without laughing. He rested his hand on my bare shoulder and we walked to the 53-B. He swiped his key card and held the door open, motioning me inside. He followed close behind.

Part 3

"Have a seat Sean, I'll get you something to put on." Keith pulled the top drawer of his dresser open and fished out a pair of pants and a blue shirt and handed them to me. I sat down on the edge of his bed and tried not to look nervous. I must have looked pretty pathetic because he gave me this consoling look and then patted my shoulder.

"Its really ok dude, don't feel bad. I won't tell anyone about this. It'll be our little secret, alright?" I nodded and cracked a smile that I hoped would put his conscience at rest. The truth was that I was just so uncomfortable and nervous in his presence that, even if I wanted to, I couldn't act normal.

"I'll just be a minute," he said softly and then turned towards the bathroom. Grabbing some clothes on the way in, he flipped the bathroom light on but then didn't close the door. Facing the opposite wall, he peeled off his damp shirt and threw it on the floor. The bright florescent lighting caught every muscle and curve of his back. Chiseled and wet was the way to describe his body as he dropped his shorts to the floor and revealed one tight ass. I moved my eyes down for a moment; afraid he would catch me looking. I was squeezing the hell out of the clothes he had given me without even realizing. I took the opportunity to pull on the khakis and shirt he had given me. The pants fit nicely but the light blue T was so tight that I was surprised that I hadn't ripped it while putting it on. Anyway, it already had a three-inch tear right across the chest. Had Keith picked this one specifically for me to wear and see me in or had he grabbed the first shirt he found? I also couldn't decide if he was changing with the door open to give me an opportunity to peek or if he had forgotten to close it.

"I saw your roommate yesterday." Keith emerged from the bathroom wearing khakis and an open dress shirt. He sat down across from me in an overstuffed chair and put his bare feet up on the arm.

"He was moving some stuff inside and completely ignored me even after I said hi." I guess I was listening but I couldn't get my eyes off his bare chest. His shirt's tails were pushed behind his body to reveal his hard stomach. I was almost sure that he wasn't wearing underwear because his Khaki's sat so low on his hips that I could follow his trail of light hair from his chest to his lower abs.

"Sean?" I looked up quickly but I was sure he had seen me looking.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. He isn't exactly a people person. I think things have always gone his way up till now. People must have done whatever he wanted them to do for him back home. I'm not going to walk on egg shells around him, that's for sure." I tried to sound confident but I would probably end up following his orders anyway. I'm not one for conflict.

"I know what you mean, dude. My roommate, Alex, has been one big pain in the ass since the beginning." I noticed that Keith's eyes were on my chest and I couldn't resist looking down at myself to see what he was looking at.

"Oh, sorry," he muttered and then moved his eyes back to mine.

"I was just remembering the last time I wore that shirt." Sitting up, he leaned closer to me and rested his elbows on his knees.

"It was about a year ago and at the beach. I went with a few friends and one night we all decided to sneak onto this private beach. My shirt got snagged going over the chain-link fence that went around the beach." He reached out slowly with his right hand.

"It caught me right here..." He traced the length of the tear with his finger along my chest. I couldn't help but shiver with his touch. Finding the end of the opening, he grazed my nipple before letting his hand fall to the bed beside me. His ice blue eyes slowly moved from my chest and then up to my face where they met my own nervous eyes. He must have noticed that I was trembling because he smiled and then brought up his hand from the bed and rested it on my thigh.

"I thought so," was all he said with his soft voice before he rose out of his seat and leaned his face toward mine. Supporting his weight with his left hand on the bed, his other hand moved up my outer thigh and around to my lower back. His face was moments from mine as he paused only to make one last smile before planting his lips over mine. I closed my eyes but I could still feel his hand inside my shirt and slowly moving up my bare back. I could feel the weight of his body as he continued to lean over till we were both lying down on the bed. His tongue entered my mouth and met mine as his left hand grasped my shoulder. Passive was the least I could call myself because I would have let him do anything he wanted to me and would have never asked for anything in return. Finally able to move my stunned arms, I reached inside his open shirt and wrapped both arms tightly around his waist. With this sign of acceptance, Keith picked up the pace and began to move his hands down to my pants. Arching his back to get some room between us, he undid the button, pulled the zipper, and inched my boxer-briefs off my ass in the back. He pulled his face away from mine just far enough to speak.

"I've seen these boxers before, I just haven't seen what's in them yet." He slid his body down so that his face was above my boxers. My cock was tenting the thin cotton and Keith began to feel it with his tongue through the fabric. Only after he had thorough soaked the front of my under-shorts did he then pull them over my thighs and to the floor with the pants. My rock hard cock sprang to attention, which invoked a wicked smile from my new friend's face.

"Now that's what I've been looking for," Keith whispered before taking my member into his wet mouth. I moaned at this new sensation that was all I could have imagined and more. His lips, tight around my cock, moved along its length till they reached the base. He inhaled the scent of my crotch as the dark hair tickled his lips. Bringing his head up, my wet cock slipped from his mouth and slapped to my stomach. Saliva still connected his bottom lip and my cock head before dripping to the warm skin of my thigh.

"Has anyone ever done this to you before, Sean?" he asked licking the spit from his bottom lip.

"No, you're the first," I managed to say between breaths. That beautiful face lit up with eager anticipation.

"I'll give you one to remember, baby." Keith started to suck my cock again but this time he bobbed up and down with a wonderful rhythm that made my whole body quiver in excitement. He moved his hands blindly along my chest, moving my shirt up as he went. Tucking the cloth under my arms, he was free to explore my bare chest without opposition. He tweaked my nipples with the tips of his fingers and then ran his fingers along the ridges of my abs. I ran my fingers through his damp hair and held the back of his strong neck with my right hand. I was close and I didn't want to loose my load this early. There was so much more to do.

"Whoa there," I warned as I lifted his head off my slippery cock. Keith smacked his wet lips and understood.

"Don't want to do that just yet, man." With one deft movement, Keith jumped onto the bed and stood straight up with one foot on either side of my bare torso. From my point of view, he appeared as a towering Greek statue, only one wearing Abercrombie & Fitch. Not for long, anyway, I thought as he moved his shoulders back and let the open shirt fall to the floor. He was sweating, just as much as I was which made me notice that we had heated that small dorm room fairly quickly. His khakis were so low on his hips that just undoing the first button made them to fall from his waist to the bed.

"Holy shit," was all I could say after seeing the piece of meat that boy had managed to hide in his pants. It was easily 8 inches long and he wasn't even completely hard yet. He cracked a big smile, kicked his pants off his foot, and grabbed the long bone with his fist. I finally slipped off the tight shirt that he had rolled up under my arms and placed it next to me on the bed. Now laying completely naked below my horse-hung god, he slowly jerked his cock to a rock hard state before my eyes. Completely erect now, Keith kneeled down on the bed, straddling my chest with his powerful thighs and teasing my face with his cock head. Sliding the head along my chest, my chin and then over my hot lips was enough to make me moan with anticipation for what was about to occur. I ran my hands over his hard stomach and cupped his low balls with my palm. He threw his head back, tossing beads of sweat that had formed on his chin to the floor.

"Yeah, man. You want it?" he asked sternly with as much of a dominating tone as he could muster. I licked my already wet lips and succumbed to his teasing. With the next pass his cock head made over my lips, I captured it with my mouth and took as much as I could inside. I felt his ass with my hands and traced the crack with my finger. His low moan convinced me that he was enjoying himself but I wanted him to always remember that guy next door, in the boxers. At that very moment, I wanted to please him more than anything in the world. With that train of thought I gently parted his cheeks with my hands and found his hot hole with my finger. I pulled his long cock out of my mouth just long enough to spit on my finger. I rubbed the saliva on the outside of his hole, circling the opening for what seemed like an eternity. After minutes of teasing, I slipped one finger all the way up his hot ass.

"Yeah Sean, I want it" he screamed as he raised his arms to run his hands through his wet hair. With his cock in my mouth, I look up to see those beautiful tuffs of dark hair, damp with sweat, that he had under his strong arms. I pushed his cock down my throat till my nose met his pubic hair. His breathing increased and I felt his ass tighten around my finger.

"I'm cumming!" he yelled and his low balls lifted to my chin. I pulled the head out of my hot mouth but I kept it right in front of my face. I jerked him through the last few moments before his prick erupted spurts of jizz onto my cheek then up to my forehead. He groaned from the intensity of the moment and his cock kept spilling juices onto my eager face. It was hot and it hung on my face, dripping down into the shallow of my neck. After five or six good sized spurts, the eruptions ceased and I pulled my finger from his open hole.

He let his upper body fall towards me, holding himself up only by his arms that he placed on either side of my head. He lowered his head to my cum drenched face where his mouth found mine. Kissing with a post-orgasmic gentleness, Keith didn't seem to mind tasting his own cum on my lips and I sure as hell didn't mind. He moved his lips across my wet cheek and to find my ear.

"Fuck me, Sean! I want you to fuck me!" He spoke the words with a slow but forceful voice, which I took as an order that he wanted followed. I tilted my head towards his and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Only because your such a sweat talker." Grabbing the ripped shirt I had next to me, I wiped his jizz off of my face. I flipped him off of me and to the side with my legs and then straddled him. I moved my head down to taste his chest. I lapped up the salty sweat off his magnificent chest and flicked his already hard nipples with the tip of my tongue. I lifted his thick arms above his head and revealed those wonderful pits to my eager mouth. I licked them till there wasn't a drop of sweat remaining, only my saliva. I could feel his entire body wriggling in pleasure beneath my legs. Having had my way with his body for some time, I decided to kill the foreplay and get down and dirty with the business at hand, no matter how pleasurable it would be for me. I could have easily blown a load just from feeling that magnificent body benieth me but I controlled myself. I moved off his body and lifted his knees over my shoulders, scooting my crotch up into his ass. I let my cock slip down his crack a few times and poked his hole gently with the head of my cock. I positioned my head over my cock head and mustered up as much spit as I could in my mouth before letting it fly onto my rock hard member. Moving the spit around with my hands lubed my cock and I was ready for action.

"Oh yeah, sweetie. Honey, give me your cock. Don't be afraid of hurting me, man. My hole is always ready." On that motivating note, I threw my hips forward, as far as they would go, plunging my wet cock deep inside my new friend's eager asshole.

"Fuck yeah!" Keith screamed with excitement and a little pain too, I decided. I pulled out, up to the cock head, and quickly fucked it back inside. After getting a rhythm going and moving my hips accordingly, I felt in control. This unbelievable sensation was something I couldn't describe. The feeling of being inside this man and knowing that he wanted what was happening just as much as I did somehow justified the act. Keith crunched his amazing abs and brought his torso up to mine. His face, now much closer, stared eagerly into mine. I couldn't believe the strength he had in his abdominals to hold himself up off the bed, parallel to my body, while I held his legs and fucked his hole. He reached around my tense neck and folded his arms against my glistening back. As if he wasn't attached to me enough ways, he brought his lips to mine which completed the sensation that we were one entity: homogeneous in nature: inseparable. Staring at him, eye to eye, somehow made me feel dominance for the first time since we had met. I was in control and could give him as much or as little of anything as I pleased. I lifted his body with my arms and raised his body off of the bed. His arms around my neck and my cock in his ass kept him on me and my strong legs kept us both from falling over. I used my hands to move his ass back and forth on my cock faster than any of my movements could achieve. The sweat that covered both our bodies made it difficult to hold on but I managed to keep him in the air and on my prick. I could feel my boiling point begin to rise from a distant future to an impending reality. My face flushed as I quickened the pace.

"I'm cumming man." It didn't need to be loud because his face was practically on mine when I said it.

"I know," was all he replied then he tightened his grip on my back to let me know that he didn't intend on going anywhere while I dropped my load. I nodded and then bit my lower lip. I could feel my balls tighten against my body and the intense sensation that was moments away. I couldn't hold it anymore but just before I opened the floodgates, Keith covered my mouth with his and our tongues met for one final exploration. My vocal response to shooting my load up his ass was muffled by our final embrace. A throaty moan was all that escaped my mouth as I filled his hole with my hot seed. Six or seven jets later, I was spent and soft inside Keith, which was exactly where I wanted to stay, forever if possible. Alas, I had to eventually let go or my legs would give out from the exertion of holding us both off the bed. The kiss ended and I lowered Keith to the bed, pulling my cock from him into the cold air.

"Up for another go, buddy?" Keith asked lovingly but he knew I was spent and I would be a while before anything could happen again. I smiled and then tackled him to the bed. We both laughed as we wrestled each other, one mounting the other and then turning over to crown a new champion. I was content with what was happening. I wasn't looking for my shoes and a way out the door, which was exactly how I pictured my first real sexual experience. I didn't want to go anywhere: home, to my room, to class...

"Class," I said again, out loud. I was on top of Keith and looking around the room for his clock. When I found it, all I could say was shit.

"Shit Keith, it's 10:50. We've got 10 minutes to get showered, dressed, and seated in class."

"Time flies when your having--" I put my hand over his mouth to stopped the cliché before he could finish.

"Please, my dad says that." He laughed from under my palm and managed a muffled "sorry."

"I don't think being late to the first day of class is a good move." I removed my hand and released him from the weight of my body. I was halfway to the door before I realized that I was still completely naked.

"Going somewhere?" Keith held up my boxers and stretched the waistband a few times before throwing them at me.

"What's your first class?" I asked as I pulled them over my thighs.

"World Art History in the Anderson building, room 517." I looked up from my boxers, astonished at what he had just said.

"Are you shitting me? That's my next class, dude!"

"Well then I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other," Keith said while looking rather suggestively at me. I cracked a big smile and pictured the upcoming year. It seemed much more promising than it had only a few hours earlier.

Keith stood from the bed and the image of his body hit me like a left hook. He looked like an oiled centerfold ready to shoot photos for a men's fitness magazine. His body was slick with the sweat of sex and probably my own sweat as well.

"Jump in the shower with me and we can walk over together when we're done. What do ya say?" My only response was to move towards him and wrap my arms around his tight waist.

"Lets do it," I said as I kissed his neck. We walked in the bathroom and turned on the water. Keith looked at me and flashed one of his million dollar smiles before adding one last touch.

"Don't forget to leave the door open. It's a great way to meet guys!"

The End

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