College Guys Collection - Mason and Makai

By K Writing

Published on Dec 23, 2013



This story is complete fiction. Any similarities between these fictional characters and any living person is purely coincidental. This story contains scenes of a sexual nature between two men. If that offends you, please do not continue.

A "thank you" in advance to anyone who takes the time to read my story. I would love to hear from my readers. Comments are highly appreciated, so feel free to let them come.

Freshman year was the most important part of college. It set a precedent for the following three years. Freshmen who worked their way into a popular social group would be set for four years, which is exactly what Mason Hudson did.

Two hundred pounds and 5'10'', Mason was determined to elevate the popularity he acquired as a high school quarterback in college. When he applied to Umbraport University on a football scholarship, he was sure college life was going to be even more exciting than high school. As a freshman, he didn't get to see much action in the games, and was pretty much second-string, but getting to hang out with the guys and walk around the school in his football jersey made him feel just as important as the quarterback.

When he first met his roommate, Makai Keoloha, he didn't think they would get along. Makai was always barefoot, always. Whether he was walking across campus, sitting in class, or just chilling at the school café, he never put on shoes. The only footwear Makai had brought to college were a flimsy pair of flip-flops and some dress shoes for special occasions. And it wasn't like Mason had an aversion to bare feet or anything, but it was a little weird how Makai was barefoot all the time.

For his part, Makai was just unsure of his new roommate. It seemed like Mason's entire world orbited around football. When he and his football buddies weren't packed on his side of the dorm room, they were walking in packs across campus together. His computer background was of his high school football team; his wall was plastered with posters of NFL players, and it was a rarity to see him without his football jersey. Makai thought it was a little bit obsessive, and only assured him they had nothing in common.

Mason pushed the door to his dorm room open. After the first week of school, the hassle of fishing out the key from his pocket, and Makai's overwhelming tendency to lock himself out of their room, they decided to just keep the door unlocked at all times. It wasn't like they had anything of real value worth stealing.

He walked into his room and tossed his backpack onto his bed. A slumbering Makai mumbled in his sleep and shifted around his bed before sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Oh sorry, Makai. I didn't even see you there."

"Don't worry about it, dude. I gotta get up anyway."

It had been three months since they became roommates, and Mason still called him by his full name. Nearly everyone else called him "Kai," but Mason wasn't sure if he was afforded the same privilege since they weren't very close.

Makai pushed the covers off his body and stood up, his post-sleep stretch making every muscle in his body tighten. Just an inch taller than an even six feet, and about one hundred fifty pounds, Makai had the ideal "surfer's body," Mason had heard about, which made sense since Makai was an avid surfer and took every opportunity to go to the nearby beach on the weekends. With his shaggy dark blond hair, green eyes, and light freckles dotting across his face and upper chest, Makai looked like the poster child for "Hawaiian Pretty Boys."

"Gonna take a shower," Mason said. "If you're not here when I get back, I guess I'll catch you later, man."

"Yeah, see ya, dude."

Christmas vacation was just a couple weeks away, and so to celebrate before finals crunch time, Dana Lynsten was throwing a Christmas party at her house. She lived on the dorms, but her house was just a couple blocks away from the campus, and her parents were out of town. How could she not throw a party?

This was his first college party, and if it was anything like the parties he heard the older football guys talk about, it was going to be a great night. Mason had done his fair share of partying in high school, and had even thrown a couple during his senior year that only cemented his popularity even more firmly than it already was.

Plus, Dana's best friend and roommate, Marcy, would definitely be there, and though things were still casual, Mason had been seeing a lot of Marcy over the past three months. They weren't exclusive—they made that abundantly clear the first time they made out. It was freshman year, and neither one of them wanted to rush into a commitment without seeing what else was out there first. Mason got with other girls, and he assumed Marcy got with other guys. The whole arrangement made him feel mature. The girls at his high school never would have been so understanding, and Mason probably wouldn't have cared that much if they didn't anyway.

He walked into the bathroom just as a pair of sophomore girls came out, towels wrapped around their bodies. Mason smiled and chatted with them a bit, leaning against the doorframe so that he could flex his muscles inconspicuously, and they seemed just as enamored with his body as he was with theirs.

Under the steady stream of shower water, Mason closed his eyes and slowly ran his hands across his body. Having a roommate and sharing a dorm room with limited space was just a necessary part of the college experience, but Mason hadn't realized what an obstacle it would be when he got horny. He couldn't just shuck his clothes and jerk off on his bed whenever he wanted to—especially since he and Makai decided upon a constant unlocked door policy. It was frustrating, and even though it had only been three months, Mason already had experienced two wet dreams.

The first time, the image that brought him to climax fuzzy when he opened his eyes, and when he reached down and felt how sticky the inside of his underwear was, he quickly changed and slipped back into bed. High school wet dreams were one thing, but it was embarrassing to be getting them in college with his roommate sleeping just a couple feet away from him.

Still, the second time made him hot even now. He remembered every curve of the naked woman's body, a beautiful blonde with tits so huge, all Mason wanted to do was bury his face in them. As his mind reformed the image of that woman, Mason swallowed hard and fought the urge to stroke his dick, which was quickly growing hard.

He had done it before, jerked off in the showers. It was at midnight, after he had come home from hanging out with his football teammates. The cheerleaders had dropped in, and stayed long enough for Mason to make out with two of them. The girls even made out in front of each other while he watched. He had a test the next morning so he headed back to his dorm around midnight, and took a shower, imagining what everyone was doing in his absence.

Mason soaped up his body, taking his time to rub his chest, sighing as he his hands sprawled out across his tightening abs. He wished he could have stayed. From what he had heard, things had gotten a little wild. The Resident Advisor actually busted them for noise violations, but a couple of his buddies bragged about scoring that night.

His head fell back and moaned. Soapy hand wrapped around his cock, Mason thrust forward into his tight grip, the loud squelch of wet soap making his balls ache. It was nearing three weeks since he last got off. He was already so close that he knew it wouldn't take much more to reach orgasm, but he pulled his hand off and began washing the soap away. Maybe it was wishful thinking on his part, but Mason was pretty sure there was a possibility that some girl could get him off at the party. And someone else's hand always felt better than his own.

Dana Lynsten had a three-story house, and most of the rooms were so packed with people, Mason wondered if the entire freshman class was at this party. Just a couple minutes after he walked into the living room, Marcy asked him to dance, and he joined the mass of already sweaty bodies moving to the bass-thumping EDM playlist.

Although he was a little worried that the unfamiliarity of the college scene would inhibit him, Mason lost himself in a sense of comfort within minutes. His hands on Marcy's waist, both of their bodies swaying in rhythm with the electronic music, college parties didn't feel that different from high school parties.

If anything, people were more comfortable. People didn't have to worry about getting caught by their parents. There were already a couple people who were completely trashed, stumbling around the living room and pouring themselves red cup after cup of alcohol. Definitely some first-timers, Mason thought to himself.

There was nothing wrong with getting wasted the first time around though. He and his best friend Cody got drunk off their asses when they first got access to alcohol their freshman year of high school. Wanting to taste all the different drinks in the house, they had two cans of beer, some vodka, and some red wine Cody's parents saved for special occasions. The wine was Mason's favorite. It made him feel mature, like an actor on a movie.

After twenty minutes of dancing, he decided to get some beer and hang out with a couple football buddies. They voiced their excitement, trading bragging rights about which girls they danced with, and compared notes about which ones were the hottest.

"So what's going on with you and Marcy?" Rick asked. "Are we going to be hearing wedding bells soon?" He nudged Mason, who laughed in response and took another swig of beer.

"No way. She's really cool, but I'm not thinking about marriage, and neither is she."

"How far have you gotten with her?"

"Not very. Just making out and stuff."

Rick chuckled. "Not losing your magic are you? Alicia told me to bring some protection to this party just in case."

Mason knew the expression on Rick's face. His friend was getting lucky. It was the combination of a gleam in his eye and a toothy grin that gave it away. Mason had no problem acknowledging his competitive nature. It put him on the losing side of a lot of dumb high school bets, but also helped take the quarterback position in high school and lead his time to the championships. When he saw how Rick was excited about getting with a girl, the need to speed things up with Marcy became pressing.

"Hey, isn't that your roommate?"

As far as Mason knew, Makai wasn't much of a partier, but when he saw the mop of blonde hair and slender body, there was no doubt in his mind whose it was. Makai turned around and waved. Mason offered a head nod in response. They had never been close, but it kind of bothered Mason that he didn't know his roommate was going to the same party as him. How could two people who live in the same dorm room know so little about each other? If they were going to the same party, that had to mean they had something in common, right?

But before he could give the thought any more attention, his eyes met Marcy's and there it was. The gleam. Resisting the urge to run across the room and appear too eager, he let the moment linger, kept her gaze while he counted to sixty in his head before walking over to her.

It was surprisingly difficult to find somewhere private. Rooms and spare closets were already occupied. Dana's parents' bedroom was the first available room, and even though he knew Dana would have a fit if she ever found out, Mason let Marcy lead him to the bed.

It took him back to the first time he did something more than make out with a girl. Spring semester of his eighth grade year, Cindy Jackson invited him to her house. He wasn't expecting anything to happen, but before he knew it, they were kissing on the couch in the living room, and when she suggested they go somewhere more private, he had no objections. She rubbed his crotch and let him touch her boobs. That was as far as he got, but the stimulation and nervousness were so overwhelming that he came the moment she slipped her hand into the zipper of his jeans and made contact with his dick.

He was so embarrassed that he couldn't do much afterward, not even kiss her. Preoccupied that he would get a reputation for having a short fuse, he started doing masturbatory exercises, jerking off every day but not allowing himself to come unless it was necessary. It left him with a couple cases of blue balls, but the orgasms were so much more rewarding.

When he got with Cindy the second, he lasted a lot longer. She came before he did, a surefire sign that he was doing something right. The pride he felt at that moment, seeing her face contort with ecstasy, was ingrained in him. He made sure to make any girl he was with feel exactly like that.

With Marcy in his lap, feeling her tongue in his ear, Mason felt his entire body tremble. He was doing his best to fight the gradually growing temptation to come, but it was hard to think straight. She ground against him and he moaned. It was too much. He felt too submissive, that her experience outweighed his, and he wasn't in control of her pleasure or his own.

"Wait a minute," he said. "I gotta piss."

Not the most graceful exit line, but it would have to do before he creamed his pants. Mason waited in the bathroom for a couple minutes, willing his boner to die down. But no matter how much he tried to distract himself by counting the ceiling tiles, or the number of clouds on the shower curtain, his thoughts shot back to Marcy. It wasn't until another guy burst into the bathroom and puked in the toilet that he was calm enough to go back.

But Marcy wasn't in the bedroom when he returned. He found her in the living room, dancing with Mike Thompson, a sophomore and second-string on the football team. He was pissed, and rightfully so, he believed. She couldn't wait five minutes before seeking out someone else? And from the way she was grinding against him, she had definitely already moved on.

Mason's first thought was to confront them, but Mike was even bigger than he was, and was one of the favorite second strings. The last thing he needed to do was ruffle any feathers and cut off the ladder he needed to climb to the top of the football team.

He felt powerless, and not in the mood to socialize. Grabbing a couple of beers, Mason headed back to Dana's parents' bedroom and let loose.

Four beers in and the room was starting to spin. While the frothy liquid poured down his throat, Mason questioned everything that was happening with Marcy, everything that had happened with girls throughout high school.

He had only ever had one official "girlfriend," whom he dated for the spring semester of freshman year and the fall semester of sophomore year. She broke up with him because "they were going in two different directions," which was code for she was already interested in someone else. Mason thought everything had been going well, and for a week after the breakup, he spent nearly all of his extra time in the gym trying to punch, lift, and run off his frustrations.

The whole "serious relationship" thing just didn't seem to be worth it after that. It was easier just to hook up with girls without trying to force a commitment. That was how he got through high school, and was how he was getting through college. So it shouldn't have been a big deal that Marcy was getting with another guy, but it was.

"Hey." Mason looked up and though his vision was a little blurry, he recognized Makai in front of him. "People are starting to clear out. You wanna head back to the dorm?"


Seconds after he stood, Mason fell back down. He wasn't usually a lightweight, but maybe he chugged those four beers a lot more quickly than he meant to. Makai helped him up, not letting him go even when they walked out of Dana's house. The night air was cold, but his football jacket was warm. The season had ended, but he was determined to continue wearing his sports jacket, at least until the end of the semester. And he wasn't the only one. The other football players proudly sported their jackets as well.

He talked all the way back to the dorm, and he wasn't really sure what about-but Mason seemed to be listening the whole time. They stumbled into their dorm room and Mason flopped onto his bed. But falling that quickly set his stomach off, and he ran to throw up in the little trash can by his desk. Of course the smell of vomit only prompted him to hurl again, and by the time he was caught between dry heaves, the dizzying sensation had died down a little.

"Sorry," he said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Go brush your teeth. You'll feel better after you sleep it off."

Mason was suddenly glad that his roommate was so understanding. Not many people would go through the trouble of walking him all the way back to campus and cleaning up his vomit. When he came back into the room, he collapsed onto a bed and sighed. It wasn't until he noticed that the covers were sky blue that he realized it was Makai's bed, and not his own.

Makai walked back into the room with a clean trash can. "You really got trashed. You wanna talk about it or do you just wanna crash?"

Going to sleep was probably the better option, but he figured Makai at least deserved an explanation. His roommate wasn't even chastising him for lying on his bed. With Makai sitting on the bed beside him, Mason explained the events of the night, shifting to find more comfort when he recalled the details of making out with Marcy. His dick was pulsing at the memory, and he suddenly regretted not getting off in the shower like he had wanted to.

"Wow, sorry to hear it, dude."

"Can't do anything about it now, I guess," Mason said. "I barely saw you at the party, though. Were you off getting lucky?"

Mason elbowed Makai in the arm. "Nah, I'm not really into hooking up at parties."

"So what are you into? If you don't mind me asking."

"I like privacy, for one thing. A lot of kissing. And I like getting my toes sucked." Makai grinned.

Mason laughed. It seemed like a joke at first, but when he realized Makai was serious, his dick throbbed. The thought of sucking a girl's toes never crossed his mind, but imagining Makai getting his toes sucked was strangely erotic.


"My older brother's friend, Zac, got me into that."

Zac? As in a guy? Mason had no idea his roommate was gay. Where was the vague sense of discomfort that made him re-analyze every quick moment they shared? Maybe it was the alcohol still running through his system but he wasn't grossed at all. He was turned on.

"So you're gay?"

"I can make out with girls and that's cool, but they don't really turn me on like guys do. Zac was the same way."

"So this Zac guy was pretty special to you, huh?"

"Yeah." Makai had a dreamy look on his face that reminded Mason of a high school girl crushing on her favorite boyband star. "Taught me how to jerk off, and then a lot more after that. And we always sucked on each other's toes. Sometimes he spanked me."

"Spanked you? That's wild," Mason said. He absent-mindedly rubbed his crotch. He was pretty sure Makai was hard in his skinny jeans too.

"Yeah." Makai breathed hard.

They were quiet, the occasional sigh and deep exhale filling the space between them. Mason was openly groping his crotch, his balls aching with the need for release. He was watching Makai, who was more subtly rubbing himself.

"Sorry, man, but I really need to get off. I think I'm getting a bad case of blue balls," Mason said.

"Do you want me to help?"

The question hung in the air, and Mason scolded himself for not answering right away. He should have refused outright because he wasn't gay, but he was really horny, and that took precedence over everything right now. He closed his eyes and nodded.

He grabbed Makai's covers when he felt an unfamiliar hand rubbing his crotch. Even through the fabric of his jeans and underwear, Mason could distinguish how Makai's touch was different from his own. Makai was rubbing between his legs more firmly, more slowly, as if he was committing the feel of his crotch to memory. Mason couldn't help but let out a low moan when Makai squeezed his balls.

Makai pulled down Mason's zipper, and Mason's hips shot off the bed when he felt Mason's hand wrapped around his dick. Only the thin fabric of his boxers separated his cock from Makai's bare hand, but he already felt like he was caught in sensory overload.

"Fuck," he cursed when Makai rubbed his thumb against his cockhead.

Every muscle in his body tightened when orgasm ripped through his body, thick spurt after spurt coating the inside of his boxers. His bod convulsed with every shot, and a ragged moan occupied the room until he shuddered through the post-orgasmic tremors.

God, he had never come like that before. It was dripping down his balls and the insides of his thighs. He opened his eyes and looked at Makai, smiling back at him.

"Sorry. Didn't know I was gonna shoot so fast. Been saving it up for a while."

"Don't worry about it. Now you can relax and enjoy it for real this time."

This time? He had already come. But before he could protest, Makai had climbed off the bed and was kneeling between his legs.

"Relax, okay?"

"Makai, I..."

"Call me, Kai, okay?"

His mouth felt dry and his dick was still twitching when Makai slipped off his shoes. His back against the wall and his legs hanging off the side of the bed, Mason sunk deeper into the bed when Makai started rubbing his feet. His roommate was so attentive, paying him more attention than he had ever given to a girl. And it felt good. Makai's fingers rubbed over every inch of his foot, pressing more firmly against the sensitive areas.

"God, that feels good," Mason moaned.

When Makai pulled his socks off, Mason felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness come over him. Makai said he liked getting his toes sucked, and he and Zac always sucked on each other's toes. Would he do the same to him? He couldn't imagine getting his toes sucked would feel particularly pleasurable, but he was intrigued by the idea.

He tried to ignore his disappointment when Makai let go of his feet. The question of how good it would feel would be stuck in the back of his mind until he knew.

Makai leaned forward and pulled off Mason's jacket, before undoing each button of his black shirt. With every new patch of skin that was revealed, Makai licked and sucked, leaving open-mouthed that kisses that went straight to Mason's dick. Even though he had already come once, he was rock-hard again. Makai undid the last button of his shirt, and rubbed up and down his chest. His roommate's hands were so warm.

"Tell me what you like," Makai whispered.

Mason gulped. He didn't really know what he liked. Girls rubbed his chest, and he especially liked it when they touched his abs, but he never had this much attention lavished on him before. Everything Makai was doing felt good. He didn't know where to start.

"Nipples," he said.

Makai smiled and gently twisted Mason's right nipple. "That feel good?"

Mason chuckled. Was it strange that this was the most friendly the two of them had ever been? "Yeah, man. Would you mind licking them?"

Their eyes locked, Makai leaned down and flicked his tongue across Mason's right nipple, moving the tiny pink bud back and forth with the tip of his tongue before sucking on it harshly. The sudden suction made Mason arch his back, desperate to feel as much of that wetness as possible.

After Makai gave the same attention to the left nipple, both buds were erect, and Mason's dick was pressing against his boxers again.

"Suck my dick, Kai," Mason said.

"Ready to come again?" Makai said with a smirk.

"Fuck yeah."

Makai pulled down Mason's jeans, peeling off his roommate's cum-soaked boxers afterward, leaving the football player completely naked. Mason thrust into Makai's touch when he felt the warm hand around his hard length. It was so much better without his a layer of clothes halting the touch of Makai's bare hand.

The Hawaiian boy alternated between slow and quick strokes, seemingly knowing just how to bring Mason to the edge of orgasm before stopping in favor of squeezing his balls. It was the best handjob he had ever gotten. Makai's hand felt even better than his own. This was one of the biggest sexual thrills he had experienced, and yet he wanted more. And just as the thought entered his mind, he felt wet warmth around his dick.

He wondered how much experience Makai had sucking dick, because he was definitely good at it. Makai rubbed his thighs and Mason instinctively flexed them, which seemed to go over well with his roommate, who hummed around his dick in appreciation. Makai bobbed his head between Mason's legs, running his left hand up to grope Mason's chest.

Lying there, Mason couldn't help but curse every time Makai did something with his talented tongue. "Fuck man, right there," "shit, suck me harder." He couldn't keep quiet, especially when he came for a second time. Mason grabbed Makai's hair and thrust forward, his ass clenching repeatedly as he came down throat.

Makai pulled off with a wet pop. Mason felt the tips of his ears heat up. Makai had swallowed. No girl had ever swallowed his cum before. And only a couple of them even offered to do it. His body was trembling from oversensitivity.

"Your cum is really thick, dude," Makai said.

Mason looked down and saw Makai's cock sticking out from the zipper of his jeans. It looked about six inches, just like his own, though it was a little thinner. The head was purplish, shiny with pre-cum. Mason knew his roommate was dying to get off.

"Don't worry about it," Makai said. "Can I jerk off to you?"

It was the least he could do. After that blowjob, Mason wanted to do something for Makai. He nodded. When Makai reached down to touch his dick, Mason whispered "Wait, take your clothes off. Let me see your body."

Mason said it mostly for Makai's benefit, hoping that it would sound sexy instead of a corny line from a porno. Makai didn't seem to mind either way, pulling his shirt over his head before slipping off his jeans and white briefs. Makai then toed off his socks. Mason didn't know what qualified as "sexy feet," but that was the term that crossed his mind when he saw Makai's.

Sitting on his bed, next to his roommate, Makai wrapped one hand around his dick and slipped the middle finger of his other hand into his mouth. Mason watched his Makai's body contort from pleasure, his back arching and his hips thrusting upward while he moaned around his finger. Mason had already come twice, but he was getting really turned on by watching Makai jerk off.

It was strangely intimate. And when Makai brought his wet finger between his legs and gently pushed his finger inside, Mason felt his heart start racing. He had never fingered anyone's hole, let alone watch someone finger their own. Despite his curiosity, the two girls who he asked refused to let him do anything. Even though Makai was a guy, watching him finger himself was an erotic display that outmatched any other he had seen.

"You never play with your ass?" Makai asked, pulling his middle finger out in order to push two digits inside him.

"No way!"

"It doesn't make you gay or anything if that's what you're worried about. Straight or not, any guy would love getting his prostate touched. And you can do it anytime you want."

"I'm all for you getting off on it, but I don't know, man. Sounds pretty gross."

"It's a lot cleaner than you think. You wanna try it?"

Mason still didn't want to finger himself, but he soon realized that wasn't what Makai had asked him. His roommate pulled out his fingers and spread his legs. And the look on Makai's face was one of simultaneous lust and warmth, a nearly lethal combination to a hesitant Mason. After Makai whispered to him to suck on his fingers a little to get them wet first, Mason followed the direction and slowly pushed his middle finger between Makai's legs.

The tight wet heat as unlike anything Mason had ever experienced. Watching Makai's abs tighten and relax as he navigated his roommate's inner walls, Mason felt hyper-aware of Makai's pleasure. He was in control, but he was taking his time, making sure Makai felt as good as the Hawaiian boy had made him feel.

Sex, if he could call it that at this point, felt different than it usually did. There was something a lot more comfortable about doing this with Makai, paying attention to someone else like this. His own dick was throbbing again, but Mason completely ignored it in favor of Makai's. With his free hand, he began pumping Makai's dick.

"Oh god," Makai moaned. "I'm gonna cum if you keep that up."

Although he was tempted to prolong the pleasure and slow his pace down, Mason really wanted to see Makai come. So he thrust his fingers deep into Makai's ass and jerked him off as quickly as his hand would allow, causing Makai to gasp and tense up, thick globs of cum shooting across his sweaty chest. Mason had never seen another guy come, outside of porn at least, and the sight made his dick pulse with need. He felt the veins along Makai's dick throbbing, but the best part was watching Makai's face wash over with ecstasy.

It was unreal at how turned on he was, because of another guy, because of Makai. He leaned forward and crushed their lips together. It wasn't that different from kissing a girl, except for the fact that Makai didn't instantly fall into submissiveness. Their tongues rolled between their mouths, and once Makai started sucking on his tongue, Mason's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he let Makai take control of the kiss.

He pressed his body against Makai's so they were rutting against one another while they made out, each of them groping the other as if they were trying to touch every inch of their bodies.

"Inside," Makai whispered between kisses.

Mason didn't even give himself time to dwell on the idea of going that far with another guy would definitely spell consequences tomorrow. He had already done enough with Makai that there would be questions and thoughts to deal with later, but he didn't care about any of that. All that he cared about right now was Makai.

Sliding his fingers inside Makai was one thing, but when he pushed his cock into his roommate's hole, Mason had to stop himself from coming for a third time. The tightness was stimulating, and as he slowly pushed forward so he wouldn't hurt Makai, Mason reminded himself that his job was to make Makai feel as good as him. He was determined to make them come at the same time.

He thrust forward, slowly at first, allowing Makai to become accustomed to the intrusion, before he gradually picked up his pace. Making out with Makai had practically become second nature, so when he was rolling his hips hard enough for his balls to start slapping against Makai's perfect ass, he was so lost in kissing Makai that the sound barely registered in his mind.

Figuring there was no better chance than right now, Mason pulled back and began sucking on Makai's toes, which really set the taller boy off.

"Oh god," he moaned.

It was so kinky, but even more erotic than feeling Makai's toes curling against his tongue, was watching Makai jerk himself off while sighing and moaning like crazy. And knowing that he was the one responsible for this much pleasure filled Mason with excitement. He fucked Makai even harder and sucked on his toes more vigorously, paying particular attention to the little toe since that seemed to be the most sensitive.

"I-I'm gonna cum again," Makai said.

"Fuck, me too."

Mason managed to outlast Makai by a couple strokes, but when he saw more cum shooting from his roommate's dick across his body, Mason fell over the edge too and came inside the tight hole constricting him. It was like Makai's entrance was milking him of every drop of cum in his balls. He collapsed on top of his roommate, and while they caught their breath, Makai started stroking his hair. Mason kissed him.

They fell asleep like that. Mason woke up a couple hours later, knowing full well that he was building his way up to a hangover, but the sight of Makai underneath him, sleeping so peacefully put his mind at ease a little. This wasn't the start of a romantic relationship, but tomorrow was Saturday, and after he sobered up, he and Makai could hang out a lot more comfortably than they had in the past three months. He closed his eyes again and laid his head on Makai's chest. He was really glad he had such a great roommate.

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