College Life

By vanessa barea

Published on Aug 6, 2011


College life chapter one By V Barea This story is a work of fiction, any resemblance to real events is purely coincidential. Copyrighted work.

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Tala and Dj had been roommate since the beginning of their college year and they had been paired by random selection. At first they were not sure if they would get along. Tala looked like the typical queen bee from high school. First day of college and she already had a swarm of boys and girls around her. Dj was more of a quite fade in the background nerd that also happened to be good at volleyball. She loved the game and she has played since elementary and hoped to qualify one day for Olympic team. They started to settle in and when dividing closet space, dj was surprised that Tala didn't quire or need more space for she seemed to be the kind that would require the whole closet if you where to judge by the appearances. She was surprised she was actually her roommate, her rents looked to have enough money to afford her living alone but there she was her new roomie and she thought it might be a long year. She also based her assumptions by the car that Tala drove because it looked like a rare car even though it was a Nissan.

Dj came from a poor family, first in her family to go to college and she was attending under a sports scholarship and she had also won an academic scholarship for a paper she wrote in literary competition. Her idea of transportation was a mountain bike she got that day at a discount store and hope that she would be able to manage the hills that lead to down town and the hangout hot spots. Tala was high maintenance as she seemed and if you didn't get to know her, she could off as a being a snooty. Tala was what rich people call new money. Her parents had won a huge amount of money in the lottery a few years back and his dad had made very smart investments that would turn him into a multi millionaire. She had never gotten accustomed to live with excess and that was something she was looking to escape in college. This is also why she insisted in living in a dorm the first year. She wanted to experience college and escape her mom's compulsion to keep her in a protective bubble she controlled. She tried not to judge her roommate but she seemed like one of those bookworms that would suck fun out of the air with her straight arrowed ways. She hope she wasn't jumping to conclusions but looking how organized and ocd categorization she had of her clothes its seemed like she had her worst companion neat freak when she didn't care so much for organization as long it wasn't a sanitary issue for health. But like the saying says "if you assume you make an ass out of you and me".

At first each one kept to their own assuming they wouldn't get along. Then one day Tala was coming from the kitchen with sandwich when she notice D.J. was flustered. She seemed distressed and she walked over and asked "hey, hey, what's wrong?" with the sweetness and familiarity as if they where the bests friends and not the relative strangers that DJ felt they were still to each other given the fact she barely knew anything from Tala. But she was overwhelmed and gave in to emotion since she felt she had no one to talk to and cried on Tala's shoulder and between sobs she let her in on her dilemma. "I'm dyslexic and I've been able to manage with my condition in high school cause I got help from a teacher whose specialized in that kind of teaching and thought me how just cause I see thing differently and learn different that wasn't going to be a limitation to me academically and been fine so far. The bit thing is that I learn from hearing and I got this class that is necessary for my concentration and this professor doesn't lecture its all assigned reading and essays. And It's a lot of reading and I'm falling behind and I'm failing this classes and I need to keep up grades for both scholarships and stay in the team and she couldn't afford staying in college without her scholarships and I will disappoint my family I'm the first one to college you know?" and she said this fast and together running out of breath and at this point Tala took the advantage to interject " There, there take a breath, just relax a moment, have you thought that maybe the problem is that you don't give yourself enough of a break to see the solution?"

Dj looked at Tala as if she was saying something in alien talk. "What do you mean? It's just I don't have the time for a break. I'm doing the bad on this class as it is!" "Have you stopped to request a student aid at the rehabilitation center for that class? I know that it's not the most popular choice to take specially for the independent ,I don't need any help type of people, but they is student aids available for you to have help with the material. Maybe one can make audio recording of your reading material and that way it will be easier for you to study for the class and write your papers.

Tala's words were like a godsend and she ignore the fact that she was stereotyping her without knowing her which would normally drive her mad. Then D.J. realized she too had fallen into that and from then on made an effort to get to know Tala more. Tala offered her half of the grilled cheese and continued to her desk. And they started talking. It turned out that Tala was with a scholarship too and felt the stress that meant in keeping it. She had been a queen bee in high school, that was true but she quickly learned that meant a lot of fake friends so in college she was actually only keeping company of those who where real friends, So Tala decided to cut up the swarm that had initially felt attracted to her to a just a handful. And soon also Tala and Dj realized they shared a few friends in common. Especially Maria, she was from California and very spunky girl that new who to turn everything into a fun time or party in a low key way but still fun.

Within a few weeks they started to grow on each other even more. Tala was never really into sports but found fun watching games and soon became a regular at sporting events with Maria and Dj. And Dj had started to go to school music activities since it had rubbed off from Tala. She was always going to all the music activities from opera to local bands playing on activities. They adapted to each other so well that they could predict the dreaded pms mood swings of each other. By the end of the first semesters they had become close friends and actually were rather sad to have to spend Christmas vacation away from each other. While Tala was back for Christmas vacation she noticed that her relationship with her boyfriend had grown farther apart and he was very aggressive with her and she started to not feel for him as she used to. She was started in a dream when she realized that she was comparing him to Dj and she was left confused. "Why am I comparing him to her, I don't even like girls" she shrugged it off and was able to go back to sleep. She paid no attention but was glad to go back to college in a few days.

Mean while D.J was also struggling with emotions of her own. She couldn't seem to get Tala of her mind and wondered how she spent Christmas vacation being that she was of Arab Jewish decent. Her family wasn't really big in religion but if she was to guess the closest thing would be catholic because her grandma believed in saint and all that superstitious stuff. For her it seem rather long because most of her friends had stayed in campuses for Christmas having they parents flown up instead of them down. It was cool to spend time with family but it was rather boring after a while and family made it difficult to maintain training regimen. She was hoping to try out on March for the next Olympics try qualifiers.

Once they where back for the second semester they picked up where they had left off before Christmas, studying and hanging out like they used to. Then came close to the games that would allow DJ to qualify for the next Olympics and she started to play more games and she was kind of wearing herself out but she kept it up because it was for her dream and Tala admired her determination. But a few games prior to the big qualifying meet, D. J went for a spike and when she landed on her leg she hear several snaps. And as she though she broke one of her legs in several location. She thought she had left this behind in childhood. She had been diagnosed with brittle bone syndrome but after her first few years of life she had kind of grown out of it and all she hoped is that she kept within the 50% that didn't go deaf. The pain was beyond she could remember and she was taken to local hospital. She felt a huge blow was given to her because since bones took time to heal this meant she wouldn't be able to compete for a spot at the Olympics team. She would lose one of the scholarships, so she was going to have to adjust her expenses all this was rushing through her mind on her way to hospital. Tala rode with her all the way worried, but when she gathered her senses a bit after the pain killers she explained to Tala this wasn't new to her and she will be fine. Tala could see that Dj didn't even believe that herself but didn't push her in such a sad and painful moment. They would come up with something to help her out she was sure of it.

Tala and Dj grew closer as Tala took upon herself to help Dj. Recover and readjusted her schedule so she could drive D.J to physical therapy. Then came Spring break and her family had bought her tickets to fly her back to home for spring break. She felt bad leaving D. J. but she said she would be okay and not to worry. Dj took advantage to look for a part time job for she would need it soon and she didn't want to bring this up with Tala for she never felt comfortable talking about money manners with others. Tala didn't seem to have a good spring break for when she returned to college she spent five days in their room and missed three days of classes. On the third day D.J. came in and saw she was still not going to class and decided she needed to confront her. She had come too far this semester to risk losing her scholarship too; although her parents could pay she was proud of not needing their assistance and understood what it was to get this on her own terms. So she was going to be a good friend and try helping snap her out of this funk." Not again Tala, com one talk to me, what's wrong?" sitting by her on Tala's bed. Tala looked up at her, sat up and with a heavy sighed gave in and talked. "He ... He... He broke up with me, Yanny... because I wouldn't sleep with him". She tried to continue but finding herself lost for how to explain what happened she started to cry again. Not fully understanding D.J. said "hey don't cry. It's his loss. You take the time you need before you have sex. If he doesn't understand then it wasn't meant to be". And Tala spoke again "It's not just that is things he said and did afterwards that hurt. I really cared for him and I thought I was in love." Dj said "look I know it hurt but he is not worth it if he can't understand how you feel about things, especially sex it's not something you want to rush into because it has consequences too if you don't take the proper precautions and stuff. Besides being pressured into things is not a good sign in a relationship either. Come here, forget about what he said, words are words" she said as she pulled Tala into a hug. "Now you can't let him get in the way of finishing the semester right after you've busted you ass so hard to get the grades you have. You can't just let you grade slide when you're at the finish line".

"You're right D.J., and I should have missed class live I've been doing" her tone still very depressed and D.J still sitting next to her pulled her into another hug and said" hey cheer up , it's his loss and anyone would find themselves lucky to have you want to be their girlfriend. So com one let go get some grub and rent a funny movie. It will be fun. Tala pulled away from hug to wipe tears from her face when D.J. cupped her chin lightly and pulled her face up and said " come one lets have some fun". And on impulse not thinking, a compulsion that Tala couldn't explain she leaned in and kissed D.J. And her initial response was not to pull away, D.J did the opposite and pulled Tala closer and this is when Maria walked in. "oh... I'm so sorry, I should have knocked. I'm sorry , you know me and my lack of manners and started rambling making to leave the room. D.J was shocked and looked like a dear in the headlights. And mid ramble from Maria apology attempt she dashed and going as fast as her half healed leg allowed her to get to her bike and started riding in the torrential down pour out side she need to clear her mind she needed space she needed something she couldn't explain. Tala already confused and overwhelmed fell back on her pillow and draped her arm over her eyes and started to quietly cry again. She sensed that Maria was still in the room. "Oh Tala , I'm really sorry to had barged in like that. I'm so inconsiderate I was just coming to check in on you since I hadn't seen you leave your room in a few days. And also I was kind of excited cause I aced the paper that you helped me with for my English lit class."

"Tala, what's wrong? What did I do? Why D.J. left that way?"Maria continued. "I think I just broke our friendship, Mar." Tala said this with an exasperated sigh and started to cry again. Maria pulled her to a hug and let her cry till she calmed down a bit. "Come on honey, tell me what happen and let's see if it so serious that you say you broke your friendship." Tala with a heavy sigh started to tell Maria what had happened explaining what had happened in the last 10 to 15 minutes. "But what I didn't tell her because I wasn't sure who to go about saying this is that he confronted me and my feeling for D.J. I ... Think that I... I'm in love with D.J. And when I didn't deny that he was right he called me names and a degenerate. And he told everyone in our synagogue so my parents found out now my mom won't talk to me and doesn't want me to fly back for summer. My dad was a bit more accepting of me but he was raised modern orthodox and not Haredi orthodox like my mom. He said everything would be okay just giving it time. And if mom didn't change her mind he would come to visit me." And Tala sat there still digesting all that she just had said, processing all this in her mind when Maria asked her "So, who did the kiss came about?" Tala explained "She cupped my chin so I would look at her and said something about going out for grub and a movie and said come one it will be fun. While she was saying this I had my mind going "kiss her , Kiss her" and then her saying come one it will be fun, I felt this impulse to kiss her and she didn't back way she actually pulled me closer. So I just kept with it and then..."she trailed off looking at Maria feeling she might start to cry again. "And that is when I barged in and ruined everything" Maria finished. "Well it wasn't you who ruined tit, it was me. She ran away from me, Mar" as she said this she could feel her eyes pooling again and Maria made a hand gesture as if for a time out." Hold up chica, maybe she is just as confused as I was when I came in. It doesn't matter to me if you straight or queer but I was confused for none of you gave me the queer vibe and I have a good qdar". Maria continued "And her reaction is completely normal, it's called flight or fight response in moment of stress or danger. She reacted in the form of running way instead of fighting.

It's completely biological response not really much of a conscious I can't bear to be in the same room. She probably need to process what happened and what this meant to her. I just hope she didn't go out in this rain. It was brutal out there and not good for her to be out on her bike." Maria finished. "Oh Mar, I hope that is all, I can't bear to lose her friendship right now. It would be too much to bear". Maria wanting to reassure her said "Ay mija, you will see all will be okay". She stood up and pulled Tala up off her bed and said "Come one that D.J. had a good idea in getting grub, I'm starving".

Mean while, D.J had left the building grabbing her bike and she pedaled all the way to down town before she felt out of break and took shelter at a bus stop. "What did just happen? Did I initiate that kiss or was it Tala? What does this mean? I'm not a lesbian or am I?" She continued to try and find the answer to the questions that just kept on pouring in like this rain she found herself in. She couldn't get over the fact that her lips still tingled after that kiss. She had never experienced this with any of her boyfriends, but then again she never really loved them, she had them for the status of being an normal teenager but never really felt like they clicked and definitely no one kiss left her like she was now, craving for another. She shook her head to shake away the image of Tala pulling in for the kiss, as if her mind were an etch a sketch pad and by shaking it, it would be erased. "I don't know what to do? Does this mean she like likes me? Is this why she wouldn't sleep with her looser ex? Does she even like girls and wasn't just a got caught up in the moment kind of thing? Why did I kiss her back?" getting frustrated with the lack of answers or not sure if she liked the answers to the questions she did have. She started to focus on how to get back. The rain hadn't let down in intensity and she had left without her wallet or phone so she couldn't take the bus nor could she phone for a ride. "I definitely didn't think this through...ugh" as she tried to muster the energy to bike back, she answered herself "I guess I'm a lesbian because I so want to kiss her again and it makes sense. All those times I was jealous wasn't because I was afraid to lose her as a friends as I though. I have looked at other women appraisingly but we all do that, women do that straight or not so that doesn't mean anything. I've never been in love with a woman but I've never been in love with men either. I should head back, she might start worrying, not to mention confused because I ran out on her. " Dj's internal dialog was interrupted by insistent beeping noise.

The car that had startled her was none other than Tala's Nissan Nx. It was a cute car and when she saw Tala's face she was very angry. This took Dj a bit by surprised not seeing Tala so angry before. Tala shouted "Are you crazy? You are going to catch pneumonia! Get in the car now". D.j did as asked putting her bike on the trunk and sitting on the front passenger seat. D. J. cringed at the thought she was soaking Tala's car with rain water. And as if reading her mind Tala said "Forget about the dam car getting wet. What were you thinking running out in this rain? I know you were aware of the rain before you ran out because Maria told me it had been raining all day. And two hours passed and now word from you, you left your walled and phone, I was worried sick".

She finally stopped and took a breath, all this time she had been gripping the stirring wheel so hard her knuckles started turning white. D.j. lay her hand gently on top on Tala's and said "I'm sorry Tala, I was confused and not thinking clearly and I'm sorry to have worried you. I was overwhelmed and reacted without thinking. And ... about the kiss, I ... I ..." D.j stammered. Tala interjected "I will understand if you upset with me, I'm sorry I did that without thinking about your feelings and..." When D.J. interrupted saying "Don't be sorry, I was surprised, I didn't expect the kiss nor how I reacted and I had to be honest with myself, Tala. The truth is that I... I'm... I think I am.. I'm in love with you, but I've never been in love before and didn't know what if felt like. I just thought I was being an overzealous friend, a bit jealous or insecure of losing your friendship. I never even gave the thought that I could be a" she trailed off. Tala spoke up "I've known for a while but I thought I could change. I felt attracted to you since the first day we met. But being so distant at first I figured that we wouldn't get along or maybe you was straight and I wasn't to give in due to my religion is unacceptable and I wanted to be right by Elohim ( God), this means I would be rejected by my congregation which is like my family. When he confronted me with my feelings for you I couldn't hide it. My mom completely rejected me and won't talk to me, but my dad is cool." She trailed off choking on the desire to cry again.

"Oh Tala, I'm so sorry "Dj reached over and hugged her tightly and said "don't cry honey, it will all turn out okay, you'll see". And this that she cupped her chin and kissed her again , and it was a slow kiss at first but it slowly grew more passionate as Tala allowed Dj `s tongue into her mouth and after what seemed like fore ever they broke the kiss to catch their breath. "Wow that was... Wow "Tala said slightly blushing and it was all she should day. Dj said "yeah it was Wow...So this means I'm your and you're my girlfriend?" at the end of her question she had a slight smile that made Tala's heart beat faster and she nodded yes.

"Ahem, we should head back for dry clothes for D.J before she catches that pneumonia that had you so upset" Maria finally manages to pipe in "and some grub too!" They both froze at the realization that Tala forgot completely that Maria had been dragged along to help her search for D.J. And D.J hadn't noticed she was in the back seat. During all that time, she was cringing she saw and heard everything. Maria said "look at you two love birds so flushed, completely forgot about little old me, I'm hurt" she said with mock hurt expression. "Mar, hi, um... sorry about that ... um" D.J. continued to stammer. Tala said "I didn't mean to forget about you. She came to help me look for you D.J. I didn't know where to look for you." D.J just kept growing redder. Maria waved her off and said "Chica please! It's not the first time I've been to fall into the background. I don't care if you are queer or straight. You are my friends and I'm just happy for both of you to get this out in the open and no more moping." She said as she poked them both. So dry clothes and food, let's get a move on it" she finished. Tala and dj shook their heads in unison and Tala drove back to the dorm, they took quick showers and dressed and met at the lobby for dinner with Maria. They went downtown for Greek food, a good time with local music and headed back to the dorm. They said goodnight to Maria and she answered back " buenas noches chicas ( good night girls)" with a wink. Once they reached the room D.J. closed the door with lock and rested against the door... To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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