College Roommate Series

By moc.oohay@0211ttemme

Published on Jun 21, 2014


AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is work of fiction involving consensual gay sex between two college aged young men over 18 years of age, and involves oral and anal sex. The characters are fictional. If this sort of material offends you, is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, PLEASE LEAVE THIS SITE NOW!

This story is copyrighted by The Author. It can ONLY be downloaded for personal enjoyment, NOT for republication or sale and distribution. If you wish to provide feedback, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me, using the story title as the subject line, at

Chapter 2 - The cabin, part 1

I returned to my home with dad, and within a couple of days landed my old job as assistant church custodian at my church. That kept me going 3 days during the week and then Sundays. I had thought about Matt, so I fired off a letter just to tell him how things were, what I was doing, and that the girl I'd gone out with that last night at school was calling me and asking me to come and see her in the San Diego area. I was pleased when a week later a letter from Matt showed up. He shared about working at church in the youth program, about Gina, about what his folks were doing, and then asked if I'd like to spend a week with them in July at their cabin in Arrowhead. The next time I was at church I asked my boss, and he OK'd me going, but asked that I only be gone through Saturday - that I work Wednesday morning, and be back for Sunday. I called Matt, told him I could go, and made arrangements. Turned out that his family stayed at the cabin most of the summer, avoiding the excessive heat of the Thousand Oaks area. So, a couple of weeks later I packed my bags for summer mountain weather, and headed out on a Wednesday afternoon for Lake Arrowhead.

It took a couple of hours to get there. My car didn't have AC, so the drive through San Bernardino was pretty warm. But when I got up to Arrowhead, it was a nice, dry, upper 70's. It took a while to locate the cabin, and I only found it by seeing the family van out front. It was a nice cabin, set in a row on a poorly paved street, but space between each cabin. The shore was about 100 yards away. I parked on the street, and as I got out, Matt bounded down the steps of the cabin in the same OP shorts and loose fitting tank top that he'd worn the day we moved into our dorm room. He came up to me, shook my hand, and asked if I needed help bringing my bag in. I said I'd get it later. We stood out front for a bit - felt good to stand after a 2 hour drive - and then we went up the steps into his family's cabin.

It was a nice cabin, with a spacious central living area, and a big kitchen and dining area. There was a Franklin stove, obviously for the winter. Matt showed me the rooms downstairs where his parents and sister slept, then took me up the steep steps to the loft where we'd sleep. There was a single bed there, and a mattress on the floor. He told me he'd sleep on the mattress and I could have the bed, to which I replied thanks, but no need to do anything special for me. He gave me a light punch in the arm, saying that I was a guest. I asked about his parents and sister - dying to meet his sister, because he'd shown me pictures of her and she was hot. She was just 17, and starting her senior year of high school. He told me they were on their boat, and would be back by dinner. Then, much to my surprise, my mind thought "is he going to take this chance for us to do oral sex again?" But my thought was not fulfilled. Instead, we went to downstairs to the kitchen, where we made sandwiches, got some sodas, and then headed out to the deck. We sat there and talked about Gina, about the girl that I had been calling and writing to, about the cabin, about Arrowhead, the lake, the town, where we could go since I had my car, all sorts of stuff. We talked about school, and found out that we both had requested that we room together for our final year. That was a relief to me - he was a good roommate. We then took a walk down the road to the lake, and sat on the shore for a bit. There were houses and docks lining the shores, but we had a nice spot sitting on a fallen tree. At one point Matt jutted out his arm and pointed to a boat whizzing by, towing a skier, and said that was their boat and that his sister was the skier. We sat there for a while, until we saw their boat start to head off to the far end of the lake. Matt commented that they were coming back in, so he and I walked up to the cabin to wait for them. It was almost 7 PM before the car carrying Matt's parents and sister rolled up. He and I were on the deck, enjoying the heater they had over the deck, as his family walked up. I greeted his dad, introduced myself to his mom, and then his sister, who looked quickly at me and then away. We all walked in, and then Matt's dad suggested that Matt start up the grill. So, Matt and I headed back outside, and fired it up. Dinner that night was hamburgers, with baked beans and chips. It was a nice dinner. Matt's dad offered us beers, and both Matt and I declined. The sister seemed like she was bored and basically ignored me. I thought she was hot, but I didn't care - I was thinking of my girl in San Diego. After dinner I joined them all in a board game which we played until late. Finally, before midnight, everyone turned in for the night. Matt and I went to my car to retrieve my single duffle bag, and then we climbed up to the loft. There was just a single lamp in the loft, which Matt fumbled to find and turn on. He reiterated for me to take the bed, which had sheets and a pillow, and he'd take the mattress on the floor, which had only a sleeping bag. We debated that for a moment, but then I agreed to take the bed. Then, just as we'd done countless nights in our dorm room, we stripped to our underwear. This time, though, I did more than just peek at Matt. He looked just as good as he had a couple of months back in our dorm room the night he gave me head. I tried to put that out of my mind - I didn't want to have any expectations that something COULD or would happen. We crawled into our respective beds, and Matt fumbled to turn out the light. From my vantage point I could look out the single window of the loft and see the whole canopy of stars. It was beautiful. We soon could hear the sounds of Matt's parents and sister going to bed: the bathroom routines and doors closing. Finally, after the cabin quieted down, I drifted off to sleep. I don't know what time it was, but I was awakened by the sound of my name being whispered close to my ear. It was Matt.

"John," he whispered. "You awake?" I stretched.

"What time", and I gave a big yawn, "is it?"

He was quiet. "Dunno. No clock up here. Mabye 1 or 2 AM." I stretched again. As I did I felt Matt's hand slip into the bedding and on my hip. I stopped in mid-stretch, now waking up a little bit more. In the darkness I smiled, pretty confident that I was going to be played with again. Sure enough, as my thoughts flew by, Matt's hand slipped onto the crotch of my briefs and he started to squeeze. I pulled the bedding back, inviting him in. As he stood up to crawl into bed with me I could see in the dim light coming from the outside that he was naked and hard. Matt slipped into bed next to me, and with my assistance, pulled my briefs down. I quickly became erect as we did this. Matt didn't wait at all - he slipped himself down, and immediately began to take me into his mouth. I knew we had to be even quieter than we had been in our dorm room. It was just as good this time, even though not as "new". It also lasted a bit longer - maybe 15 minutes before I shot my load, which Matt again swallowed. After he finished, he pulled himself up so our faces were close. I found myself reaching for his hard dick, wondering if I had what it took to suck him. He laid there next to me as I began to massage his fully erect cock. I shifted in the full-sized bed so he had room to lay on his back, and then I propped myself up so I could jerk him with my right hand and look at his naked body. I must've done a good job because he shot his load all over his chest and belly in about 5 minutes. I watched as he wiped up his cum with his fingers, and licked it off. Then, on his last wipe, with just a little bit of his cum on his fingers, he asked if I wanted a taste. I whispered an agreement, and took his wrist in my hand, and pulled it to my mouth, licking his cum off his fingers. I was surprised - not really any taste to it, nor a thickness as I expected, but just a bit salty. I commented to him that we needed Kleenex to finish him off, but he said he was OK, and then slipped off the bed, back down to his mattress. I laid back on my back, staring at the ceiling, still naked, and still reeling from the 2nd blowjob I'd gotten from Matt, and thinking of the hand job I'd just given him, wondering if before I went back home I'd get up the nerve to suck him. Soon, I fell asleep again, staring out the window at the stars and listening to Matt's breathing, which I knew meant that he was sleeping now.

I was awakened by sounds in the kitchen, which was just below the loft. Soft voices told me that both of Matt's parents were up. So, I slipped my briefs back on, then, got up and got dressed, and then crept down the steps, to be greeted by his mom and dad. They gave me coffee, and his dad asked if I liked to fish. I responded I had never fished, so he said we were going. He advised changing into jeans and getting a jacket, so I went back up into the loft, changed, and came back down. He and I headed out to the car, drove to the boat, and with his help I got us launched. I was not too sure on boats, but I didn't want to show it. He headed out slowly to a spot he liked to fish, and set me up with a rod and reel. Soon, my line was in the water as was his, and we began to troll. It wasn't long before I had a bite, and I reeled in a nice trout. We fished for about 2 hours, trolling around, catching about 4 total trout, talking about school, my job, my church, my family, and life in general. Matt's dad was nice, and it seemed like the 2 hours went by fast. We headed back to the dock, and then back to the cabin, carrying our catch. Matt's dad offered to show me how to clean fish, and I eagerly watched. As he expertly gutted the trout, Matt walked out, his hair all disheveled, his hoodie on over his OP shorts, appearing very tired. His dad teased him about sleeping in and missing out on the best catch they'd had all week. We finished cleaning the fish, and headed inside to a nice breakfast. Matt's sister came out, almost the same look as Matt: a hoodie on over a t-shirt and Dolphin shorts. As I looked at her, trying not to be obvious, I completely put out the blowjob that Matt had given me the night before. I wanted HER to give me a blowjob now. I wondered what her tits were like, what her ass was like, if she had a small bush since Matt had only a small patch of pubes. I sure hope she couldn't read my mind, but it seemed like she could, because she gave me a slightly dirty look. As we enjoyed breakfast, Matt's parents thought a morning of waterskiing might be something I'd enjoy, but I told them that I really wasn't into it. The suggested that I could still go with them, to which I did agree to do that. So, Matt's mom prepped some snacks with his sister's help, and Matt and I went up to the loft to change into swim trunks. I watched as he dropped his OP shorts - no underwear. Matt looked at me and smiled as he saw me looking. He took his dick and wiggled it a couple of times for me, then pulled up a pair of swim trunks. We were changed soon, and down the steps. We all helped carry something out to the van, and then left to the dock where they kept the boat.

For the next 2-3 hours I sat and did "spotter" duty, holding up the flag when anyone was in the water. I liked this duty because when Matt's sister was in the back of the boat I could see her. She had on a one-piece suit that was cut high in the hips, and when I looked at her as she buttoned up her safety vest I could see camel toe. That's when I could even see that the fabric of her suit was flat against her pubic area. I felt a tingle thinking that maybe she was smooth there, or maybe just a small patch. I then saw that she looked at me in the eye, again giving me that dirty look. She knew I had been looking. She climbed over the side and into the water, and I thrusted the flag up, and soon we were off, and I lowered the flag. Matt was in the bow of the boat, and every once in a while I'd steal a glance at him. He was shirtless - only in his swim trunks. He was tan and smooth. Damn! I was lusting after a guy I had been given head from on 2 occasions, and his teenage sister. I loved it, and felt myself stiffening slightly. I shifted a bit to hide when I heard "DOWN!" and turned to see the splash where Matt's sister had eaten it. I thrusted the flag up. The rest of the morning was spent giving each of Matt's family a ride, and watching them in their various abilities. Matt's dad was the best, and his mom good too. But they were all good - and much better than I could ever try. They kept after me to get me to go skiing too, but I just politely refused. Matt did ask why and I told him that I was afraid of being in deep water. As we headed back to the docks, we snacked on the stuff Matt's mom had packed. We drove back to the cabin, where Matt's mom made a good lunch. Then Matt's dad announced that they wanted to go back out and do some more skiing. It surprised me when Matt said that he and I wanted to just hang out. His parents were OK with that, so after they finished their lunches, and I offered to wash the dishes, they drove back off to the docks. Matt suggested that we walk down to the 7-11 and get some sodas or something. I was still in my trunks, which didn't have pockets, so I went up to the loft and changed. Matt followed me up, and we both changed out of our trunks into shorts, although I put on briefs, and he only put on his OP's. We headed out the cabin, walking down the driveway and to the road that looped along the lakeshore.

We took our time walking to the 7-11, talking about girls, about the skiing, the boat, the food, his sister, stuff in general. He asked about my job, my dad, and even suggested that maybe later in the summer he could come down for a weekend. Our talk was not sexual, which I was both relieved that it wasn't AND wishing it was! We got to the 7-11, got some sodas and sweet snacks, and walked down to a spot on the shoreline where there was a fallen tree, perfect as a bench. We looked out on the lake, drinking our sodas and spotting his family's boat. It was nice - a breezy day, warm, water lapping on the shore, when Matt said, "So, you wanna fuck my sister?" I spit out some of my soda.

"How'd you figure that?" I asked, wiping my chin with the back of my hand.

"Eh," he shrugged. "I saw you staring at her this morning in her swimsuit. Don't waste your time, though," he continued. "She got a guy at church she likes, and she's kinda told me that she thinks you're square - you know, 'cause you like classical music and stuff. She thinks you're not that great." I had heard this kind of stuff before from Matt. He was one of those kind of guys that girls liked as a friend, and then other girls liked as a cute guy they wanted to make out with. He had both types of girls. All that year at school I'd tell him who I liked and he'd give me the lowdown: whether she liked me or not, or if I had a shot. I had actually found that by selecting girls to date that already were into me, or at least thought I was OK, I had been on more dates in 9 months than I had been on in all of high school and my first two years of college. Matt was a bud for sure. So, he telling me about his high school sister made it easier to put her out of my mind, even though I would have liked to have fucked her. Then he leaned closer to me, and asked another very personal question. "So," he started. "Was I your first, uh, guy?" I was a little more prepared for this question. I looked around us, making sure there was no one around to hear me say anything. Still, I responded to him in a near whisper, just to make sure. I told him of my buddy that I fooled around with in my parent's motor home just before I turned 13. I told him about my boy-crush on our 13 year old paperboy when I was 15. I even told him about the other friend that tried something when I was 11, and another buddy who had tried to do stuff from the time I was 12 until I was 15. Matt then asked why I hadn't done more, and I told him honestly of my desire in all those years, and my years in high school and now in college, I wanted a girlfriend more. I also shared that it was difficult in the place where I had moved to just before I started high school, since it was a beach community where if you weren't a surfer, skater or jock, or went to the beach, you were somewhat an outcast, and even considered "gay", just because you didn't fit the mold. I confessed that I was afraid of being called that, so I avoided any type of friendship that would have allowed any rumor or speculation that I might be gay. Matt was quiet, and then said he understood, although he added that since he was a skater, and a surfer, and was in sports, he didn't get that as much as I did. He was still cool about it, though. There was a pause as we chowed down on our snacks and took swigs of our sodas.

"So," he started, "you, uh, well, you've liked what we've done, right?" He looked up at me, obviously concerned that I might now think differently of him and our friendship. But I nodded my head, and smiled.

"Yeah. Yeah, I did." There was a bit of awkward silence.

"So," he began again, now almost in a whisper. "You wanna go do some more? Like, uh, now?" He smiled.

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled, "Yeah. Your cabin?"

He looked pensive, and then said "actually, I was thinking of a neighbor's cabin. That way, we can kinda not worry 'bout being, uh, well, interrupted." I questioned him about this neighbor's cabin, and he told me that the cabin next door to his parent's place was vacant for the week, and they knew the owner. He then shared that both he and his dad had been asked to check the place while they were up here, make sure nothing was on, and to keep an eye on it, so, Matt knew where the key was. He could then tell his parents that we had checked out the neighbor's cabin, as an excuse for where we had been, and it'd be true. So, we got up and started to walk up the street towards the neighbor's cabin. As we approached it, I could see it was vacant: no car, nothing. It was about 50 yards from Matt's parent's cabin, so it was fairly distant. The stairs were on the side away from their cabin too, allowing us a more discrete entry. Matt's parent's car was not in the driveway, so I knew they were still skiing. Matt went to the back of the cabin, and I heard a slam as he then came back out, key in hand. He walked up the steps to the front door, with me following, feeling myself stiffen up while looking at his smooth toned and tanned back and his slender toned legs. I also knew that we were going here specifically for one reason: sex. Matt unlocked the door, and we stepped in. It was a full A-frame, with no bedrooms, but a loft with a ladder. Matt started to climb up the ladder, and motioned me to follow. By the time I got to the top, he was kicking off his shoes (he was wearing Keds), and had unzipped his OP shorts. As soon as I was off the ladder, he was naked, and obviously just as excited as I was. He was hard. I stripped as well, and he stepped towards me. By the time I was down to just my briefs I was fully hard, and Matt was touching my bulge. So, I stripped off my briefs, allowing them to fall to the floor. Immediately, Matt dropped to his knees, and without hesitation took my hard cock in his mouth, and fully began to swallow my full cock. I ran my fingers through his hair, enjoying the oral sensation. After a moment or two of him bobbing on my cock, I leaned down and quietly said that it was his turn. He pulled off of me, looking up and smiling. He then laid down on the floor, and I knealt down on my knees, then laid flat on my belly, I positioned myself between his spread legs, and took a hold of his fully hard cock. It felt good in my hands, and I started to stroke it. I saw the glistening wetness of precum on the tip, so I dropped my face down and with the tip of my tongue, licked it off his dick. It jumped in my hand as I did that. His precum tasted good, so now I started to lick his whole cock head. As I did, Matt let out a nice quiet moan. Even though we were in a place where we were very likely not to be heard, we both were used to being quiet. I really had no clue what to do next, even though he'd sucked me twice and I had watched carefully. So, I started to put his cock in my mouth, and found it easier than I thought. At first, I took it in and rested it on my tongue, and then actually did a suck on it, like a straw. He moaned softly, and with his right hand, started to run his fingers through my hair. Slowly, I moved down lower onto his cock, feeling very natural as I did. Pretty soon I had most of him in my mouth. So now, mimicking what he had done with me, I pulled up, and then back down. Soon, I was doing the motions correctly, and found myself vigorously bobbing up and down on his cock. His moaning became more intense and louder, and he was now gripping my hair with his hand. He also started to thrust himself into my mouth, basically mouth-fucking me. I was enjoying it tremendously. He tasted good, and I promised myself then and there that I would swallow his load when he came. After just a few moments of this I pulled off, and swallowed my mouth load of saliva. I then licked his cock head again, and then ran the tip of my tongue down his shaft - so nice. I continued on, down to his smooth balls, and then, holding his cock back a bit in one hand, I licked his smooth balls like a lollipop. He moaned again and held my head down in place. Soon his balls were drenched in my saliva, so I worked back up to his cock, and eagerly took it in. As I did, Matt released his grip on my head, and started to play with his erect nipples. I felt him start to tremble as I bobbed up and down on his cock, and soon I felt the shudder, then the pulse, and then the warmth as he released his juice fully in my mouth. What must've lasted only a few seconds felt like minutes as pulse after pulse of his cock shot loads of cum into my mouth. I swallowed a couple of times to take it all in. Then I slowly pulled off of him, feeling a mix of saliva and cum run down my chin. Matt picked up his t-shirt and wiped off my chin. I looked at him, naked, toned, smooth, tan...and he'd just shot his load in my mouth. I knew I wasn't gay, but at that moment, I knew I was bi.

Matt propped himself up on his elbows, flexing his flat abs as he did. I had pushed myself up off the floor and was sitting on my legs, looking at him. "Wow!" he said. "That....was....GOOOOOOD!" He smiled. "Best BJ I've ever had. Damn! And I didn't expect you to swallow, either. I thought I was going to have to clean up." He wiped a bit of my saliva off his belly with his shirt, and then sat up, facing me. "So," he started. "Have you ever thought of" and his voice dropped real low, "fucking a guy up the ass?" I leaned back from him, surprised. This was a day of surprises it seemed. I wet my lips.

"Well," I replied, "I used to have a fantasy guy that was completely made up, and one of the fantasies I had with him was him laying on his belly and I'd enter him from on top. So, yeah, I've thought of it." Honesty at this point was best. As I looked at Matt, he shifted himself and turned himself over, lying on his belly, and spreading his legs. With one hand he reached back and spread his right butt cheek, slightly exposing his hole.

"Uh," I said with a bit of trepidation. "You want ME to, uh" and now in a whisper, "fuck you?"

Matt didn't say anything, but nodded, trying to spread his cheek even farther from his hole. "Start by fingering me" he suggested. I didn't know what to do. Yes, I HAD fantasized about fucking a guy, but never thought of actually doing it. I moved between his legs so I could get my finger up his hole. Just before I moved it down Matt suggested wetting it in my mouth, to lubricate it. I took my right hand middle finger, inserted it into my mouth, and pulled it out, covered in saliva. Then, with my left hand I spread his left ass cheek aside, giving me a full view of his hole. I started to put my finger against his hole, feeling the shape of it, and soon I had it in, just a bit. Matt moaned very softly, saying it felt good. He then told me to push it in further, which I did. He moaned again. He was tight. He then told me to fuck me with my finger, which I started to do. I was now just aching, wanting to get off, and I told him that. He told me he wanted me to stick two fingers in, which I did. He was even tighter as I did this. Then he suggested that maybe we needed lube, and we might not be able to do this, but he said he'd love it if I humped his ass, quickly adding that he wanted me to do it in the bathroom so he could watch in the mirror. So, I got up off the floor, reached down and helped him up, and then we climbed down the ladder and walked into the bathroom.

Next: Chapter 3: College Roommate 3

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