College Roommate Series

By moc.oohay@0211ttemme

Published on Jun 27, 2014


AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is work of fiction involving consensual gay sex between two college aged young men over 18 years of age, and involves oral and anal sex. The characters are fictional. If this sort of material offends you, is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, PLEASE LEAVE THIS SITE NOW!

This story is copyrighted by The Author. It can ONLY be downloaded for personal enjoyment, NOT for republication or sale and distribution. If you wish to provide feedback, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me, using the story title as the subject line, at

Chapter 4 - Home, part 1

After a 2 hour drive - most of it in the heat and smog of the San Bernardino/Riverside areas, I reached my parent's house in San Clemente - 25 degrees cooler with ocean breezes. I got home just in time for dinner, so I ate dinner with my parents and then pulled my stuff out of the car, and unpacked in my room. I noticed that some of my briefs had cum stains in them, so I quickly got all my laundry into the washing machine. My mom was impressed that I was doing that, and I told her that it just needed to be done. I went to bed that night, started to rub one out, but stroking my irritated cock hurt, so I stopped, deciding to not jerk for a couple of days to let my cock shaft "heal".

The next couple of days were uneventful. Just did my Sunday duties at church in the morning, followed by hanging at the beach in the afternoon. On Monday, after I got home from work I talked to my parents about Matt coming down before the summer ended, and they were OK with it. I knew he wasn't home yet - they were up in the cabin this whole week as well. But I decided to write to him at home, just to be sure. Then, the idea of doing something ON the letter came to my head. So, I wrote the letter, telling him my parents OK'd him coming for a week, and asked what week would be good. I didn't reference anything sexual in the letter, just in case. But, in writing the letter, with the hope that he'd come down for sex, I got horned up, and decided to jerk off onto the letter. My mom was taking her daily afternoon nap, and my dad was out of the house. Still, I closed the bedroom door and jerked off, thinking about what Matt and I had done in the cabin. Thankfully, my cock shaft had healed up, and wasn't red from irritation any more. Didn't take long to shoot out a nice load that went all over the letter. Since the mail man had already delivered, I set the letter under my bed so it could dry, and then I'd mail it the next day. I switched into swim trunks and headed to the beach to hang out with whoever might be there.

The next day, when my mom was out and my dad was in his studio, I took the letter from under the bed - the cum had dried - and folded it, and stuck it in an envelope, putting it on the mailbox to go out. It was Tuesday, so I didn't have to work at the church. I went to hang out in the studio with my dad, and then noticed the postman drive up our street. Usually he hit our place last on our street, so I waited to see his truck drive back down. I went to the mailbox to make sure he'd taken my letter, which he had. I made myself a lunch, and then headed out to go to one of my church buddy's house for the afternoon. He and I were going to go see a movie. Tuesday night was college/career Bible study, so we went from his house, got some McDonald's and then went to the Bible study, which lasted until 10 PM.

Wednesday was a work day for me, so I went up and did my duties at the church, returning home at lunch time. Mom told me there was a letter from Matt on my bed, and after I wolfed down my sandwich I went to get it. I made sure she hadn't followed me into the room before I opened it, not knowing what the contents might be. As I tried to open the letter, the paper stuck together, and I realized that Matt had done what I did - jerked off onto the letter before he folded it. But he had done it with his cum wet, not dry like my letter to him was. I boned up a bit just thinking about him jerking off over the paper. I started to read where I could - the paper had ripped where the cum and glued it together. He wrote about how he jerked off that night after everyone went to bed thinking of our few days of sex together. He said that he had gone back to the neighbor's cabin because he realized we'd left the lube there, and he did take it back and toss it in his duffle bag. He wrote that his parents liked me a lot and were totally fine with him visiting me in San Clemente for a few days. He wrote about wanting me to fuck him again, and sucking our cocks, and then he said we'd not be able to do too much in the dorm, so we'd need to "get it out of our system" at my house. He then wrote that he was really horny and that he was going to jerk off onto the letter before he sent it. I lifted the cum encrusted letter to my nose and could smell his fragrance. I felt like jerking then and there, but I knew it wasn't a good time. I folded the letter up and inserted it back into the envelope, and shoved it under my mattress. Later that day my mom asked about the letter, and I told her that Matt was just saying that his folks liked me and that he was looking forward to coming down.

The next couple of weeks were interesting: I worked, went to the beach, got a letter from Matt suggesting some dates for him to come down, and I called him that night to make the arrangements. He did have a car, so he planned to drive down. He'd come down on Sunday after church, and then the rest of the week, when I wasn't working, we'd hang out. I never mentioned to him, though, that my parents planned to put him up in my old bedroom at the back of the house - right next to theirs. My bedroom was up front. Knowing that there was no way we could have sex in the house at night (since my mom was light sleeper and woke often during the night), I started to think about asking if both Matt and I could sleep in the studio, since there were two day beds in there. I didn't know how to word it if I were to ask my parents about it, so I decided to wait for Matt to come and then we'd see how things would go.

Sunday arrived and I got a call from Matt saying he'd be down in the afternoon. Mom had me help clean the house on Saturday, so everything was ready. She went down for an "early nap" so she could be awake when he arrived. He showed up about 4 PM or so, and we decided to run him out for dinner, rather than eat at home. There was a coffee shop we liked, so we went there. Summer Sunday nights were the youth group fellowship time at the beach, so Matt and I headed down there. He met all my church friends, and was really relaxed. It was difficult for me to believe that we had fucked only a few weeks before, but he was acting like nothing happened. In fact, he started to flirt with one of the hot high school girls while there, which made me jealous. Funny thing was I didn't know if I was jealous of him or her! The beach gathering ended up around 9 PM, and a few of the group wanted to go to McDonald's, so Matt and I joined them. That was followed by a stop at someone's house for a hangout there, since they had a Jacuzzi. I really wasn't paying too much attention to the time, but it was nearly midnight before we headed back to my house. When we got there the porch light was on, but all the other lights were off. I quietly walked Matt back to the back bedroom, where he said goodnight, and patted me on the shoulder. It had been a good evening, but for some reason, I really wanted to have sex with him - badly. I went to bed myself and thought about sneaking into his room in a bit. I looked at the clock - nearly 1 AM. I needed to get to sleep, since I had to be at the church at 9 AM. I lay in bed, my door open, hoping that he'd walk in. He didn't. I finally got off to sleep around 2 AM.

The next morning I woke up, showered, and then mom fixed me breakfast before I headed up to the church to work. She asked what time we had gotten in, and I told her past midnight. She asked when Matt might wake up and I told her it could be close to 10 AM. I took off, went to work at the church, listened to more stories from my boss about how someone at church had actually USED the church, much to his dismay. After my morning work was done, I headed home, hungry for a good lunch. By the time I got there, Matt was awake, and hanging out in the studio with my dad. Matt was good with all ages of people, and he was fascinated with my dad's artwork, and my dad's history at the aerospace company he'd been at for over 30 years. We grabbed a bite to eat, and Matt joined me as I had to go back to church for the afternoon shift. My boss was nice to him, and we spent the afternoon doing some projects there. Matt was quite good with his hands and with tools, and my boss joked about replacing me with Matt. The rest of the afternoon was just the usual bullshit session my boss loved, and we left at 4 PM. Matt wanted to go to the beach, but I told him my mom liked early dinners, and we could go down after dinner, or just go the whole next day. He suggested we go down afterwards, which worked fine, since dinner was done by 6 PM. We got in the car and headed down. Even at 6 PM there were still a few folk there, but no one we knew. Matt stripped down to his board shorts, showing his tan, smooth torso, and ran into the breakers. I wasn't as sure a swimmer, so I walked in a ways. It was obvious Matt loved the water, because he was body surfing the small waves, or just diving under the waves. I went in a bit, then came back out, wrapped a towel around me and stood on the sand watching him. Soon, he came out and came towards me, the water sheening off his smooth body. I felt myself get a bit stiff, and I started to think about how I could suck him that night. He came up to me, grabbed his towel and started to dry off.

"So," he started. "You wanna do somethin' tonight?" I nodded vigorously. "But how," I asked, "with you in the back bedroom, right next to my parent's room?" He started to dry his legs. "Well," he said. "I was thinkin' that maybe we could bunk in your dad's studio. I was talking to him about it this morning - about the two daybeds. He said you have sleeping bags. That way, we could hang in there until they go to sleep, and then" he dropped his voice, "we could have" He smiled suggestively at that statement. "Funny," I replied. "I was thinking about that a couple of weeks ago when we wrote each other. That'll work. Thing is, my mom still gets up in the night, so we have to make sure we keep it quiet and keep the lights off. I don't want her seeing anything." Matt agreed, and we picked up our stuff, and headed home. On the short drive home we discussed how challenging it'd be to have sex, even if in the studio. We'd have to avoid fucking, and keep it to hand jobs and blow jobs. Matt was totally fine with that. By the time we got home it was after 8 PM. Dad helped us get the sleeping bags out, and we set them up on the studio daybeds. Then we went into the living room and watched TV, long after my parents went to bed. Finally, about 11 PM or so, Matt and I separately went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. We then headed out to the studio. As soon as we got in there, Matt stripped off his tank top so all he had on was his swim trunks. I knew the pair - they didn't have a lining. The rode low on his hips, revealing his flat smooth chest and flat smooth belly. I took off my shirt so I was in just my trunks, and then realized that I hadn't brought in anything to sleep in - no underwear or shorts. But then I figured that I wouldn't be wearing anything that night. We sat on our beds, and started just to talk. We made a plan for the next day (mall in the morning, then the beach), we talked about the people that he'd met in my youth group, and finally getting to the subject we wanted to discuss: sex. He started to tell me what he'd been doing since our last night in the cabin, how many times he'd jerked off thinking about it, how many times he'd eaten his own cum wishing it was mine, and so on. I noticed that he'd tented up in his shorts - he was hard. And, for that matter, so was I. After 30 minutes or so of him talking about sex, he got up from his bed, walked to the wall switch, and turned off the room lights. I was glad he did that, and was equally glad that even with the room lights off, the street lamp across the street created enough light in the studio that we'd be able to see each other, but my parents wouldn't be able to see in. As Matt walked towards me he undid the string tie of his board shorts, allowing them to slip past his hips. He did have to help them a bit, taking them past his erect cock. By the time he reached me, they were at his ankles. He stepped out of them and then bent down, starting to pull at the waistband of my swim trunks. He giggled as he did this, and I raised myself up a bit, allowing my trunks to slip down. I too had to help the trunks past my erect cock. Matt continued to pull them down, past my thighs, my knees, and down to my ankles. He easily pulled the trunks off my feet. Then he got on his knees in front of me, spread my legs apart, and positioned himself between them and over my cock. Slowly he started to stroke me. He asked me when the last time I jerked off was, and I told him the previous week, because I wanted to save a good load for him. He smiled, and continued to slowly stroke me. Then he bent down and started to lick me. GOD! It felt good! It had been weeks since he did that in the cabin, and I SO missed it! Soon, my cock was in his mouth, and he bobbed up and down, giving me a wonderfully sloppy blow job. He'd pull off me on occasion, stroke me, and then go back down on me. I knew I was going to have a good load, and I wanted to make sure I didn't shoot too soon. But for some reason, Matt did an extraordinary job, and it wasn't too long before I felt the surge, and even though I warned him, he stayed on me as I shot stream after stream of my cum into his mouth. I could feel him swallowing as I shot. After a few seconds on me, he pulled up, licking his lips, and then wiping them with the back of his hand. "That was A LOT!" he giggled. "Obviously you held that all for me." He smiled. He then leaned forward, crossing his arms and resting on my legs. "God, I've been wanting to suck you again since the day you left the cabin", he said. I smiled, and ran my right hand along his toned left shoulder and arm. All of a sudden I felt something strong for him, not just sexual desire, but desire. I leaned forward, continuing to run his arm and shoulder, and with my left hand I did the same on his right side. I leaned down, parted my lips a bit, and he moved up, slowly, and our lips met. His kiss was sweet, and salty from my cum. Soon, he moved up closer to me, kissing me passionately and forcing his tongue into my receiving mouth. We moaned softly, and then I laid back on the sleeping bag, pulling him with me. He was on top of me, and like he'd done in the cabin, pressing his cock against mine. But this time he laid on me, and continued to kiss me passionately. Soon, he was humping against me. As much as I liked him kissing me, I wanted his cock in my mouth - badly! As our lips parted I whispered that I wanted to suck him. He shook his head, saying "I want you to, too. But now," he dropped his voice to a very quiet whisper, "now, I just wanna make out. I've NEVER made out with a guy before." I smiled, and we returned to kissing. It wasn't too long before I felt a warm wetness on my belly - Matt had cum. "That was the BEST orgasm...." he paused, "I've EVER had," he whispered to me. He pushed his hips up, revealing in the light from the street lamp the white wetness on my belly and both of our cocks. I reached down and wiped it up, and brought it to my mouth, but before I could lick it off he took my wrist and slowly, and very sensually, licked his cum off my fingers. He then kissed me again, and I could taste his cum as we kissed. For some reason that fired me up, and I aggressively wrapped my arms around him, placing my hands firmly on his toned butt, and I kissed him hard as I pulled his hips against me again. I wanted him - badly. And I knew I wanted to fuck him. No matter what, I HAD to fuck him.

Our lips parted. "You got the lube?" I whispered. Matt moved away from me, surprised. "I thought you said we wouldn't fuck?" He looked into my eyes. "I dunno," I started. "For some reason, making out with you REALLY turned me on, and I really want to - really HAVE to - fuck you." Matt shook his head. "I didn't bring the lube, dude." I felt dejected, and I took a deep breath. It was like all the sexual energy had drained from me. "So," he asked. "Making out really turned you on?" I nodded my head. He kept looking into my eyes. "Are you....feeling something?" I looked at him. "Like what?" I asked. "I dunno," he replied. "Like, you know, passion?" He looked at me. I took a breath, and started. "Well, I sure felt passionate in kissing you. And I REALLY want to fuck you, bad." I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess I do have a desire for you, not like just wanting to suck you and stuff. But, you know, wanting you, I guess." I really felt it difficult to express what I was feeling, because I didn't know. But it felt good to kiss him, make out with him, really. It felt good to have his naked toned smooth body lying on top of mine. And as I started to massage his lower back with one hand, and his fine, toned ass with the other, I found myself moving a finger to his hole. I whispered to him "how 'bout if I finger fuck you?" He smiled a bit. "I'd rather have your cock in there," he said. "But your finger or fingers will be just fine." He smiled more, and I moved my hand down to his hole, and slowly inserted my middle finger in. It slipped in easier than I thought it would, which then prompted me to insert a 2nd finger in. Matt shifted his body up, so his smooth chest was at my chin, which made it much easier to hold my hand such that I could keep the fingers in his ass. But soon he started to hump against my hand, fucking my fingers. "Gotta get some lube tomorrow," he whispered. I felt the strong surge of passion again as he fucked my fingers, and so I inserted a 3rd finger, which made him moan softly. He leaned down and started to gently kiss my forehead, and my cheek, as he fucked my fingers strenuously. My hand began to cramp, so I told him we needed to stop, or needed to change positions. I removed my fingers, and then Matt got off of me. He got off the bed and onto the floor, and, facing away from me, got down on his hands and knees. "Ok," he breathed, "fuck me some more." I shifted on the bed so that I was sitting facing his ass. I told him to move closer, which he did, and then I re-inserted the same 3 fingers up his hole. I continued to finger fuck him, and it became very intense. Matt reached up with one hand and started to vigorously stroke his hard cock, and seeing him do that, I took my free hand and did the same. It didn't take too long before I felt his asshole tighten around my fingers and saw a small jet of cum drip onto the floor. That got me going, and soon I too shot my load, although all it did was spew out of my cock head and dribble down my cock shaft to my pubes. I pulled my now cramped fingers out of his ass, and Matt sat down on the floor, both of us panting and sweating. "Shit!", Matt said. "That was almost hotter than fuckin' in the cabin!" I agreed, as I massaged my cramped fingers. I then felt a wave of exhaustion and fell back onto my sleeping bag. Matt got up, looked down at his dripping cock, and then to the floor. "Uh, I need to clean up." I got off the bed and went into my dad's darkroom, getting some paper towels for him to clean off with. I cleaned myself as well, and then wiped Matt's cum off the floor. Matt then sank into his bed, turning to look at me as I walked back from tossing the towels in the trash. He kept his eyes on me as I plopped on my bed. We were sleeping with the heads of our beds close, so I was looking at him, bathed in the coolness of the streetlamp. He stayed on top of the bag, turned his head into his pillow, and I did the same. Both of us were exhausted. We both fell asleep quickly.

Next: Chapter 5: College Roommate 5

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