College Roommates Meet

By Tom The Writer

Published on Jun 22, 2013



Once the door closed, Spencer dropped his shorts revieling his semi-hard dick.

"Eww dude, put that away."

"You wish you could have some of this" Spencer remarked.

"No the fuck I don't! Put some damn pants on!"

"I will, I'm just changing to go to the gym. Wanna come?"

"Naw, I'm cool. I'm just gonna chill out here."

With that, Spencer was changed and out the door and Devante was left alone with only his thoughts.

Chapter 10:

For the first time in his college career, Devante decided to pick up his phone and call his parents. Although he had spoken to them several times, it was only because they had always called him.

"Hello" answered his mom.

"Hey Mom, how are you?"

"Well isn't this a welcomed surprise. I'm fine and to what do I owe the pleasure of this phone call?"

"I thought I would surprise you guys and call you instead of you guys always having to call me."

"Well I definitely appreciate that! So what have you been up to son?"

"Nothing much, just studying. This whole college thing is a lot harder than I was expecting. But I'm hanging in there."

"We didn't send you there to "hang in there", we sent you there to make Dean's list and to graduate with honors!"

"MOM... Mom, I know. Please don't start this!"

"I just want to make sure you are staying focused, that's all. Can't a mother do that?"

"I guess..." Devante said hesitantly.

"By the way, how's that roommate of yours? He's a party animal isn't he?"

"He's fine. What makes you think that?"

"Vante, you know how those people are. All they think about is partying"

"Oh my God mom, that is rude and racist!"

"I'm not trying to be rude or racist, I'm just telling you how I see it. They get drunk as a skunk and party all night and some kind of way still get good marks. We just can't do that, and I don't want you to try to either."

"OMG Mom, what are you talking about? Spencer is a good roommate and he really doesn't even party that much; I probably party... Nevermind that. But he's a great guy and so is everyone else here. And what are you British? "Marks".. Who says that anymore? They are called grades."

"Well excuse me sir..."

"Is dad around?"

"Yeah, hold on let me get him for you"

A few seconds of silence past on the phone before Devante heard his father's voice.

"You must be in some kind of trouble to be calling here" his father said letting out a little chuckle.

"No Dad, I just had a few minutes free and thought I would give you guys a call."

"Well I hope you're not wasting too much of your time on that damn phone. You need to be hitting those books... HARD! We sent you to that school to be on the Dean's list and graduate with the highest honors possible."

"Oh God dad, you sound like mom!"

"We just want the best for you son. I was your age once too you know, and I know that college is filled with distractions so just stay focused."

"I will dad"

"And speaking of distractions" his father said in a lower and more secretive tone "Have you found any distractions of the female persuasion?"

This question caught Devante a little by surprise and made him think back on the past couple of weeks. Devante thought about him finding the picture of Spencer and beating off to it then about being sucked off by Theo and having a wet dream about him just the other night. He couldn't possibly tell his father about any of these things; after all, he didn't even know how to feel about them. So instead he did the only thing he could do.

"Nope dad! How can I when I have my head in these books all day?"

"That's alright son. I'm sure the opportunity will present itself, and trust me, take FULL advantage over it" his father said rather bluntly. "And don't study too hard son. Listen, I got to go pick your sister up from school."

"Ok, tell her I said hi and I'll text her later."

"Will do. I love you son and I'll talk to you later!"

"Ok! Love you too dad." And with that Devante hung up the phone.

Devante sat on his bed sulking for a while after his conversation with his parents. He thought about all that had happened in the short two weeks he had been in college and how it was the furthest thing from what he expected going in. But then he began to think about how much excitement and exhilaration he felt with each thing and how he wouldn't want to necessarily trade those experiences for anything... at least not right now.

Devante was roused from his daze by a quick knock at the door.

"It's open" he yelled.

"Wassup Devante?" said Jeff as he rushed into the room.

"Nothing much. What's going on with you?"

"Just got home from class. Where's Spencer?" asked Jeff plopping down on Spencer's empty unmade bed.

Until then, Devante hadn't even thought about class or the fact that he had missed the two he had that day.

"Oh, uhm... I think he left to go to the gym." Devante responded trying not to look upset about his discovery.

"What a bastard! He didn't even invite me, and I thought we were friends! Anyway, what are you up to?"

"Nothing, just got off the phone with my parents trying to figure out what to do next."

"Oh. You mind if I crash here with you until Spencer gets back?"


"So what's the deal with you and Spencer anyway? I mean have you guys always been best friends or what?"

"Uhm, actually no! We met freshmen year of high school but didn't actually get cool until the end of our junior year. I got a car my junior year and everybody wanted to be my friend. Niggas... Uh oops, I meant guys."

"Yeah you gon have to watch that" Devante said rather sternly. ."I don't say that word because it carries with it so much displaced hate and oppression and I just can't see why, in today's society, people still use it."

"I'm sorry man"

"It's cool! Just make a note of it for the future. Anyway, keep going with your story."

"So yeah, like I was saying, I got a car and people started coming out of the woodworks to be my friend so I could chauffeur them around. At first I was flattered from all the attention, but after a while it got annoying.. And expensive." Jeff said before pealing off his shirt and leaning back to get more comfortable on Spencer's bed.

Devante followed suit and got more comfortable in his bed.

"So anyway, one by one I started putting out of my life. The funny thing was that for some reason Spencer never got the message. I dropped hint after hint, and the more I tried to drive him away the more tightly he hung on!"

"What kinds of things would you do to hint to him, cuz you know he's not the brightest light bulb in the chandelier?"

"Everything! Literally EVERYTHING! He would ask me to pick him up For school, I would tell him I had to be at school early. He would ask to hang out and go different places on the weekend, I would tell him I was busy. He would try to start conversations with me in the hallway, I would quickly brush him off."

"Damn dude, you were giving him the complete cold shoulder huh?"

"Yeah, like I said I thought he was just trying to use me like the rest of them were."

"So what changed your mind about him?"

"It was until mid-way through the year that he got a car of his own. His parents got a new car and gave him their old hand me down. Anyway, instead of him leaving me to go hang out with his new found car friends..."

"Car friends?" Devante interrupted confusedly.

"Yeah, remember the ones I was telling you about? The people that flock to you once you get a car." Devante remembered shaking his head yes. "Yeah, so instead of him kicking me to the curb for them, he kept trying to hang out and get to know each other, and it was that moment when I knew he was a genuine friend."

"Wow bro, cool story!"

"Yeah, and now that we are in college I feel like the one trying to flock to him."

Devante stood to turn on the tv and grab an Xbox controller. "You wanna shoot around on the game a little?" he asked continuing to dismiss the fact that he hadn't done a singe productive thing all day beside calling his parents.

"Yeah, why not?"

The two played for about an hour and a half before Spencer returned.

"Look at you two best friends" Spencer said before dropping his bag on the bed and making kissing sounds.

"Oh shut up jerk" Jeff said.

"What y'all been up to?" Spencer asked as he threw off his shirt and lowered his gym shorts.

"Nothing much, just talking" Devante said without looking up.

"Anything juicy?"

"Naw, just reminiscing on high school days."

The match ended and both Jeff and Devante looked up to see Spencer gaping butt hole as he bent over looking for something at the bottom of his closet.

"Damn, yo shit hanging open. What you been putting in there?" Jeff laughed.

"Ha ha... Real funny ass munch" Spencer remarked. "I'm going to take a shower.... Wanna join?"

Devante sat there a bit confused. Not sure whether or not his should take this as innocent banter or a weird lovers quarrel.

"Fuck you! Just hurry up in there me and Devante are hungry" and with that Spencer was out the door. Soon he returned and the three left for an early dinner.

This is chapter 10 of College Roommates Meet.

I've gotten a lot of requests for a sex-free chapter so let me know what you think. I also have been thinking about doing a point of view chapter from a certain character's point of view. If you like that idea, please let me know which character you would like.

My email address is below and as always email me at with any comments, questions, critiques, or suggestions. I love hearing from my readers and try my best to respond to every single post. Also, don't forget to donate!

Next: Chapter 11

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