College Roommates Meet

By Tom The Writer

Published on Sep 5, 2014



"FINE... If you want to throw a tantrum and run to THEO" he said in a mocking voice, "then be my guest. You're always running to Theo every chance you get!"

"What are you talking about? You are delusional. I'm out of here." Devante rushed out the room and down the stairs to Theo's waiting car.

"What prompted your change of heart?" Theo asked coyly.

"My roommate's being a dick. I just couldn't stay there with him this weekend so I figured I would take my chances with you."

"Smart man. You won't regret it" Theo said as he pulled off.

Chapter 18:

Devonte sat, arms folded, as thoughts ran quickly through his mind and Theo sped away from his dorm. Devonte could not figure out what that whole situation was about. He had only wanted to get over the rough spot they were clearly in. Devonte sank into the seat as Theo turned a corner.

"So I guess seeing me was not the reason you said yes then, huh," he asked after looking at the miserable face Devonte was wearing.

"Nah, but I'm sure this will be cool though," Devonte responded as he grabbed for his cell phone which had just gone off.

"Come back," read the text message he received from Spencer. The look on Devonte's face went from anger to shock and back to furiousness before he could finish the text.

"Y SHOULD I?" was his response.

"Cuz I want talk to u," was Spencer's retort.

"Oh now u wanna to talk, but when I was tryn..." Devonte sent texting quickly as if the key strokes would convey his anger to Spencer.

"NEVERMIND," was the last text message he received from Spencer.

Within minutes they were pulling up in front of Theo's house. When they got inside, Devante felt relieved to be able to throw his stuff down and plop down on the couch.

"I'm going to throw your stuff in my room ok?" said Theo.

"Ok! I just needed to crash for a second. I can moved it."

"No worries dude. Just relax. This weekend is all about you?"

"What do you mean?" asked Devante confusedly.

"I'm just saying, you seem a little stressed so I want you to relax and enjoy yourself this weekend. Don't worry about the outside world, what people think, what they expect, just think about what makes you happy and what makes you feel good."

"Ok. I can do that."

After sitting for a moment, Devante got up and asked if he could hop in the shower quickly. Theo nodded so Devonte grabbed boxer briefs and a tank top from the duffel bag, a wash cloth and towel out of Theo's linen closet, and walked into the bathroom as Theo stood in front of the stove.

He took the soap and turned the shower heat all the way up and stepping into the scolding hot water. As Devonte stood there, his mind began racing and he began to wonder about things. Why had Spencer texted him? Why had he acted that way? Why had he come to Theo's place?

Water continued to shower down his body, onto the bathroom floor, and down the drain. Devonte turned off the shower and let the last of the water funnel into the drain. He stepped out and wrapped the towel around his waist and walked to the door to walk out. As his hand touched the door handle, he became completely frozen.

"Am I going out there, in front of Theo, like this," he thought to himself as he stood there motionless.

His mind became a maze of thoughts yet his body did not show,the internal strife his mind and heart were going through. He went back and forth until the moment when he made a decision.

"Nice tank top bro," Theo said to Devonte as he walked out the bathroom.

"Thanks," Devonte retorted.

"I made us a gourmet meal bro. Sit down and I'll unveil your plate."

Devonte sat at the table and Theo placed a dish covered in paper towel in front of him.

"Wuh lah! Bon appetite," Theo exclaimed as he pulled the paper towel off.

"Hamburger helper," Devonte asked confusedly.

"Yea man! Gourmet stuff right here bro." Theo said as he made himself a plate and sat down.

After dinner, Devante got up and grabbed his backpack and got started cranking out his literature paper. He was writing about the juxtaposition of characters in Great Expectation. About two pages into his ten page paper he looked up to find Theo staring at him in the distance.

"What are you working on?" inquired Theo.

"Nothing, just writing this paper for Rhet/Comp 1024."

"What's it about?"

"It's about the book Great Expectation"


"Yeah. Why?"

"That's one of my favorite books. The imagery and whimsy that Charles Dickens uses in that book makes me feel like I'm right there with Pip talking to Miss Havisham and its untraditional characters and story progression really leaves you constantly asking yourself what's next."

"I would have never imagined you for a literature junky."

"I wouldn't call myself a junky but I do enjoy a good book every now and then; afterall, I am in college aren't I?"

"I guess"

"I always keep a trick or two up my sleeve" Theo bantered with a sinister grin on his face. "I have the perfect thing to help you with your paper" he said as he slid out of the room.

"I hope it's the Cliff Notes version, cuz I could sure use it"

"It's NOT!" Theo echoed from the other room. "And I already told you that that's one of my favorite books so I am all the Cliff Notes you need!"

Moments later, Theo returned with a bottle of chilled Moscato wine and two large glasses.

"Oh no no no..." Devante protested. "NONE for me! I have to finish this paper."

"And you will, the wine is just to help you think"

"I don't need any help thinking, I need help figuring out what direction I want to take this paper in."

"Relax. Have a glass of wine. You've had a long stressful day and your brain is probably in overdrive. Just have a glass of wine and take a couple of deep breathes and I promise you will crank this paper out in no time. Plus I'll even help you."

Hesitantly, Devante accepted the glass of wine and took a big gulp before returning to his paper.

"Slow down cowboy. You got to finish this paper so don't drink too fast!"

Throughout the night they sipped and worked on the paper. Devante would type out his ideas and Theo would read through the novel and look for quotes and examples that supported his argument. Two hours and 3 bottle of wine later they were putting the finishing touches on the paper.

Slamming the computer down on Theo's lap for him to read, Devante asked "So what do you think?"

Theo read a couple of paragraphs and responded, "Looks good to me. Obviously I would say that we should read it again once we're sober but all in all, it looks..."

His thought was suddenly interrupted by Devante's soft lips pressing against his.

"You must have been reading my mind" Theo said as their lips parted.

Half drunkenly and half longingly, Devante responded "Shut up, I don't want to talk! Just kiss me."

That's all Theo needed to hear. He pulled Devante closer and planted another kiss on those luscious ebony lips of Devante's. There were still faint traces of the wines that they had drank on Devante's tongue and Theo savored it.

This concludes Chapter 18.

Many thanks to my friend and fellow author, Johnny, who co-wrote part of this chapter for me. If you want to contact him about the chapter shoot him a message at .

I truly hope you enjoyed this chapter! As always, I love hearing from you so email me your thoughts (the good and the bad) at Also, don't forget that this story would not be possible without this site so please consider donating if you can :).

Next: Chapter 19

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