College Story

By Silver Haired Dad

Published on Jul 5, 2023


Though there is some basis in reality, this is a fictional story. Any resemblance to individuals or places is purely coincidental. Copyright 2023. Comments welcomed.

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Danny and Billy were both brothers attending the same college when they met Tom. Both visited Tom's place after playing pool at a local bar and had initial male/male experiences.

Having Billy visit was a great way to start off the afternoon: not expected, and full of new experiences (and a lot of cum)! As Tom sat back on the couch, his t-shirt streaked in jizz, the swim meet was still on TV. It made Tom remember that one idea for the afternoon was to visit the campus pool! It didn't take him long to put this idea into motion. He went into his bedroom, changed out of his clothes, put on his swim boardies and a fresh t-shirt, grabbed his beach towel, and headed out for the pool. It was about three blocks away, so Tom decided to walk. It was hot, but not too hot for walking, and Tom knew the exercise would do him good. He set a nice pace and was at the pool in a short time.

As expected, the pool had a good-sized crowd, but wasn't packed. Tom showed his student ID, and entered the pool area, quickly spotting an empty space with a good overall view of the area. Even though Tom had just coaxed a load out of Billy with his mouth, received a pretty-good handjob from Billy and then watched Billy jerk himself off to a second cum, Tom's eyes were keen to look at the guys who were visiting the pool. College men of all types were there, most in boardies, but a few in speedos. Seeing those guys made Tom remember Billy's pledge to stop back by his place sometime and model his speedos for Tom. He scanned the guys, totally looking past the women--some of whom wore provocative bikinis, obviously showing off to the horny college boys who were at the pool. Tom was interested in the muscular guys, the thin guys, the `regular' guys who were sunning themselves poolside. He wondered how many of them had already beat off before coming to the pool and how many would do so after getting back to where they lived. That made Tom chub up ever so slightly, even though he had shot his load less than an hour ago. He was thankful he had on boardies, as a slight bone wasn't really noticeable.

Tom recognized by sight a few guys he had seen at the pool before, but most were strangers to him. That made his visual scanning more enjoyable: fresh meat! Most guys were simply stretched out on their towels. Those lying on their backs offered the possibility of showing off bulges. Those lying on their stomachs were possibly grinding their hips into their towels. Those in the pool could either swim off their tension, or stand by the jets and feel a rush of water targeting their crotch. So many possibilities! Tom simply lay back and closed his eyes, imagining all those college cocks in need. He was still kind of high and totally relaxed as these fantasies ran through his mind. Suddenly he was jolted out of his daydreams by a greeting.

"Well, fancy finding you here." Tom opened his eyes and from his vantage saw an upside-down Danny standing at his head. (Had Tom anticipated his arrival, he could have looked up the leg of his boardies!) "Heeey," replied Tom, sitting up and turning around toward Danny. "Wassup, dude?" "Just trying to burn off the hangover from a wild Friday night," laughed Danny. Tom joined in his laughter. "That's what Friday nights are for!" said Tom. "But there is always a price to pay!" "No shit," said Danny, who squatted down next to Tom's beach towel. "Have you been in the pool yet?" asked Danny. "No," said Tom. "I'm just soaking up some sun right now. The water may be too hot to cool down in." "Maybe," said Danny," but I want to get wet! Can I leave my towel here next to you?" "Of course," said Tom. Danny dropped his towel and walked toward the pool, entering the water by walking down the steps rather than jumping in. Tom watched while Danny swam around and then started some slow laps. His mind filled with images of Danny's naked body stretched out on his couch, hard cock ready to be sucked. Again, he was glad for his baggy boardies, as his cock filled out even more. Tom discreetly adjusted himself to avoid any tenting awkwardness. He watched from a distance as Danny swan a few laps, then climbed out of the pool, heading back toward where Tom sat.

As Danny got closer, his wet boardies were like a second skin, and Tom could see the outline of his junk. Trying not to obviously stare, Tom couldn't control himself. Danny bent down to pick up his towel, and as he dried off, Tom had full visual advantage. Boy, was this guy hot! "You were right," said Danny as he sat down, not acknowledging the staring--if he even noticed. "It's like bath water in the pool. Not satisfying at all." "Then I'll stay out," said Tom. "I can heat up in the sun, then walk home and take a cool shower." "That's probably the best idea," said Danny. Both of the guys laughed. "What did you do last night?" asked Danny. "My buddy Rob and I shot a couple of games of pool, but I actually went to bed early," said Tim, skipping the details about Danny's brother. "I had chores to do this morning." "Damn, you are productive," said Danny with a chuckle. "I am a slave to the weekend!" Both of them laughed out loud. "And tonight?" asked Danny. "Haven't made any plans yet," said Tom. "What about you?" "Gonna party somewhere," said Danny. "Truth be told!" laughed Tom.

Both of the guys sat there silently for a few minutes as they enjoyed the feeling of the sun. "Ummm, do you think you might sell me a spliff for the evening?" asked Danny. "I'm not sure I can handle another drunk like last night." Tom paused for a few seconds. "I don't really sell my stuff," said Tom. "That kind of complicates things." "Okay," said Danny, with disappointment in his voice. "But if you want, I'll give you one," said Tom, recognizing that he had just resupplied, and also wanting to keep Danny in his debt. "Really?" said Danny excitedly. "I just don't have a regular supplier," he explained. "I understand," said Tom. "I'd rather keep getting high on a casual friend basis, not a commercial one." "I can't argue with that," said Danny. "I appreciate your willingness to share." "You want to come over and pick it up now?" asked Tom. "I'm kind of done with the sun." "Sure," said Danny. "I walked over," said Tom. "Then I'll walk back with you," said Danny.

Both Tom and Danny left the pool and set off on the walk towards Tom's place. They chatted about stuff, but nothing serious. And Danny didn't bring up his brother (nor did Tom). Tom was a bit worried that Billy might show up while Danny was at his place, but he thought that since Billy had just been there not too long ago, it was probably safe. And if he DID show up, the brothers would just have to find a way to explain to each other! Tom would maintain each of their confidences. When they got to Tom's place, they went inside, where the air conditioning was a respite from the outdoor heat. "Have a seat," said Tom. "I'll be right back." He went back to his bedroom, where he kept his stash locked up. He debated getting out the `sex weed' but wanted to keep that for the times the two of them might be together. So he pulled out the bag Matt had brought over earlier in the morning. He grabbed his pipe and some rolling papers and went back to the living room.

"I tell you what," Tom said. "Let's get Saturday started right. We can do a bowl and then I'll roll you a joint to take away." "Awesome," said Danny. Tom filled up a bowl and passed it to Danny, who lit it up and took a deep toke. He handed the pipe back to Tom, who did the same. They both held their breath and savored the taste and impact of this really good weed. For Tom, it reinvigorated his earlier high, which had worn off. For Danny, it set him on the pathway to making the most of Saturday! Tom handed the pipe back to Danny, and got up to put on some music. When he sat back down, Danny was handing the pipe back to him. Tom took another toke. Both of them felt the really mellow high of this new batch that Tom had gotten earlier in the day. "This is really good," said Danny. "Is it different from what we smoked last week?" Tom had a little twitch in his crotch as Danny brought up their previous `interaction.' "Yeah, this is a new batch," said Tom. "Quite a different high." "Well, any high is a good one," said Danny. "But the one last week was spectacular." He kind of blushed as he said that. "I'm glad you liked it," said Tom. "You'll have to stop back by sometime and we can do some of that kind before I run out." "Cool," said Danny. Tom filled the pipe up one more time and handed it to Danny. While Danny torched up, Tom got out his papers and started to roll a generous spliff. Danny held the pipe back out to Tom who interrupted his rolling to take another toke. "I really appreciate your doing this for me," said Danny. "It's my pleasure," said Tom. "Weed is meant to be shared." Both laughed. Tom finished rolling the joint and laid it on the table in front of Danny. Then he fired up the pipe one more time, and handed it back to Danny for a final hit.

Both Tom and Danny sat there for a minute, listening to the music and enjoying the high. "I guess I oughta get out of your hair," said Danny. "You are never a bother," said Tom, assuring that Danny was always welcome to stop by. "I can assure you that when you fire up that join tonight, the high you have now will be rekindled!" "I can't wait," said Danny. "Do you know what you are doing yet?" asked Tom. "No, but I'll figure something out," replied Danny with a laugh. He stood up and stretched, reaching for the ceiling. "Well, I'm taking off," he said. "I've got to jump in the shower and then get something to eat. Once again, I really appreciate your sharing your stash." "My pleasure," said Tom. "Sure I can't pay you something for it?" asked Danny. Tom wasn't certain if Danny was angling for a repeat of last week or genuinely offering to pay, which Tom didn't want. "No, that isn't necessary," said Tom. "You sure?" asked Danny again. "When you get some of your own, you can bring it by sometime and share it," said Tom with a smile. "That's a deal," said Danny. He kind of hesitated, and then said, "this is a different high." "Yeah, each batch affects you in a different way," said Tom. "But each is enjoyable in its own way." "Good," said Danny. He headed for the door. "Make the most of it," said Tom with a smile. Danny hesitated again, but then opened the door and stepped out. "He turned back to Tom. "I owe you," he said. "Deal," said Tom. And Danny was off. Tom watched as Danny walked away, admiring his taut body and hoping that a repeat of last week was in the not-too-distant future.

As Tom closed the door and turned back in to his place, he thought the first thing he should do is take a shower. It was a sticky kind of hot outside, and though he hadn't gotten in the pool, he wanted to cool down before he did anything else. As he walked toward the back, he heard a soft knock at the door. Not knowing who to expect, Tom answered. It was Danny. "I'm sorry to bother you again," Danny said. "Do you mind if I come in?" "Of course," said Tom, standing aside for Danny's entrance. He closed the door behind him. "Wassup?" asked Tom. "I just feel bad having you share your weed with me and giving me some to take on my own," said Danny. "I told you," said Tom, "it's more fun to share than it is to get high alone." "And this new high is good," Danny said," just like you said it would be. And it is different from last week." Tom wasn't sure where Danny was going with this line of commentary. "I just thought I owed you something for your generosity," said Danny with a sense of urgency in his voice. "What do you mean?" asked Tom. "Can we sit back down?" asked Danny. "Sure," said Tom. They both sat back down on the couch.

"Uhhh, last week was something I hadn't done before," said Danny, unexpectedly bringing up the BJ he had gotten from Tom. "I understand," said Tom. "Thanks for letting me show you what it was all about." "And I'm not here to ask for that again," said Danny. "You've already given me a nice high and some for later tonight." "Okay," said Tom. "As I was walking away, grateful for the joint you gave me as well as the high you shared, I thought I should give you something in return," Danny said. "While I'm not ready again to do what you did to me last week, I thought I could at least show you how this new high affects me." As he said that, Danny began to rub his crotch, drawing Tom's attention. Tom was immediately transfixed. "Is it okay if I beat off while you watch?" asked Danny. "Sure as shit!" exclaimed Tom. Danny kept rubbing himself through his shorts as Tom watched. "Is it okay if I take my clothes off?" asked Danny. "Have at it," replied Tom.

Danny stood and pulled his t-shirt over his head, dropping it on the floor. He untied his boardies and dropped them to his ankles. That incredible cock that Tom had so willingly sucked the week before was rapidly rising to a full hard-on again. Danny sat back down and began to stroke himself, his eyes directed at Tom. "Wow" was all Tom could say. Danny's cock was now rock hard. He took his hand off of it for a second and let Tom see how it throbbed. "Are you sure this is okay?" he asked. "Oh, man, yeah," said Tom in amazement. Danny's hand continued to stroke up and down as Tom watched. "You know I'd be happy to do again what I did last week," said Tom. Danny kind of shuddered. "I'll let you do that another time if that's okay," said Danny. "This is something I want to do for you." His hand continued to stroke up and down. Tom, despite his cum earlier in the day, felt his own cock growing inside his boardies, and he reached down to squeeze it. Knowing that his masturbation show was turning Tom on, Danny squeezed his cock tightly and made a bead of precum bubble up at the surface of his cock slit. "Mmmmmm," said Tom (who really wanted to taste it). Danny continued to stroke his cock. "Pot always makes me horny," he said matter-of-factly. "I'm glad it does," said Tom as he continued to watch and rub himself through his boardies. Danny stretched himself out on the couch, a sight to behold with his boardies around his ankles and his hand running up and down that deliciously-hard cock. "I'm gonna shoot my load for you," said Danny. Tom wondered where Danny got his vocabulary. Had he done this with someone else before? Or was it one of Danny's fantasies? Tom's eyes remained glued to Danny's hand. He squeezed himself through his boardies as he watched. Danny's body tensed up noticeably, emphasizing his six-pack abs, and Danny's eyes rolled into the back of his head. A low moan escaped from his throat. Danny's hips thrust upwards and a giant dollop of hot college cum shot out onto Danny's six pack, followed by several smaller squirts that covered his stomach and crotch with jizz. Tom involuntarily shot his own load inside his boardies. After a few seconds, Danny came back to reality. He looked at the base of the couch and found the roll of paper towels that was still placed for easy access. He grabbed them and began to towel off the mess. Though Tom's own crotch was now wet from his own orgasm, he tried not to make an issue of it as Danny cleaned up. "Whew," said Danny. "That really felt good." "It really looked good, too," said Tom. "Thanks for sharing how you get yourself off." Danny kind of involuntarily shuddered again when Tom said that, dropping the paper towels on the floor.

"I tell you what," said Tom. "That deserves one more for the road." And he quickly rolled another joint while Danny pulled his boardies back up and put on his t-shirt. He handed the new joint to Danny and said, "next time we can do more." His inference was clear, and once again Danny shuddered a bit in anticipation. Danny stood up and said, "I feel better giving you something for your generosity." "And I really do appreciate it," said Tom, as he also stood. Danny didn't appear to notice the wetness in Tom's crotch. "Gotta go see what kind of trouble I can get into tonight," said Danny with a laugh. He walked toward the door, before turning back to Tom. "Thanks again, bud," he said. He opened the door and was gone.

Tom really needed that shower now. And he needed to do laundry as well.

Next: Chapter 5

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