College Story

By Silver Haired Dad

Published on May 30, 2024


College story 7

Though there is some basis in reality, this is a fictional story. Any resemblance to individuals or places is purely coincidental. Copyright 2024.

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Danny and Billy were both brothers attending the same college when they met Tom. Both visited Tom's place after playing pool at a local bar and had initial male/male experiences.

Tom had to take a couple of deep breaths after the boy left. That had been totally unexpected! What had initially started as a cooling-off trip to the pool (with perhaps some ogling) had turned into a multi-cum young teen experience! Not only had the as-yet-nameless boy enticed Tom in the pool shower by displaying a rock-hard teen penis, but he had shot three loads in less than an hour, two in Tom's mouth, and once all over his hairless teen stomach. AND he had watched Tom jerk once and given Tom a hand job minutes after Tom had done himself! That's the kind of stuff that erotic fantasies were made of. And Tom seemed to be living them this summer. What was especially intriguing was that the boy had intimated that he'd come over again sometime. He knew where Tom lived, as he had brought Tom here in his car. So Tom knew he might have a chance to taste some of that sweet splooge again.

He turned on the TV set and sat on the couch. He hadn't changed the channel from Billy's visit on Saturday, so it was on the same swim meet that was being televised for a second day. Tom settled in, watching the lithe bodies in their tiny Speedos diving and swimming in the natatorium. He kind of dozed off for a few minutes (being thoroughly sated from all the activity) until he heard his phone ringing. Tom jumped up from the couch and grabbed the handle of the extension phone on the kitchen wall. It was Roger, his roommate who would return at the end of the summer. "Just checking in with you," said Roger. "What's been going on?" Now Roger and Tom were good buds, but Tom thought it premature to give him details about the excitement he had been having the last couple of weeks. "Just summer in collegetown," said Tom with a smile. The two of them chatted for a few minutes, then Roger ended the call. Tom went back to the couch and resumed watching the guys in their Speedos. He decided to fire up a bowl so he had a buzz while he wondered about the shenanigans these swimmers got into in the locker room. And buzz he got! There was a constant parade of hot guys in small suits, and Tom enjoyed watching every one of them. Before too much time had passed, the swim meet was over, and Tom simply turned off the television. It was time to figure out what he'd do for the rest of the afternoon. He debated going back to the college pool. But figured the water would be hot and the crowd too big, so he ruled that one out. He thought about going to the gym, but was still buzzed and didn't think that was a good idea. He didn't have any work responsibilities on the weekend, so basically was free to do whatever he wanted. He just didn't know what!

About that time, there was a knock on the door. Immediately, Tom thought of the different guys who might be waiting on the other side and what that might mean. His buzz actually made him almost immediately swell up a bit, but he adjusted himself and went to the door. It was his friend Andy, with whom he and his buds had gone to the moves last night. "What you up to?" asked Andy, as he came into Tom's place. "Nothing much," said Tom. "Just chilling." "I'm bored," said Andy. "But it's really too hot to do anything outside, and the only movie I wanted to see we polished off last night. You wanna drive out to that chicken place in the country and grab an early dinner?" Finally there was an option! "Sure, why not?" replied Tom. "Why don't we do a bol first so we have the munchies when we get there?" "That is an awesome idea!"

Tom and Andy sat on the couch, and Tom filled the bowl, handing it to Andy for the first hit. As Andy breathed in deeply, Tom took his own first hit. "What did you think of the movie last night?" asked Andy. "It was entertaining," said Tom, "but not the best movie I've ever seen." "Agreed," said Andy. "But it beat staying at home and watching television." They both laughed. Tom added another piece of bud and handed the bong to Andy, who took another hit. When he was done, Tom did his second. "Paul wasn't a pest last night, was he?" asked Andy. "No--what do you mean?" asked Tom in reply. "Well, he couldn't take his eyes off you all evening, and then he asked you for a ride home. He lives way out. I knew we were all baked, and was hoping that wasn't an issue." "Naw," said Tom. "I didn't mind taking him home. I used it as an excuse to go back home after I dropped him off and get a good night's sleep." "Okay," said Andy. "From the way he had been looking at you, I'm surprised he didn't jump you in your car!" Again, they both laughed. "I didn't say he failed to express his gratitude for the taxi service," Tom said with a smile. "Oooooo, dish, dish," said Andy. "There's got to be a story behind that statement." "Let's just say we both were satisfied with how the evening turned out," said Tom.

As Tom loaded a third bowl, Andy insisted on pressing the issue. "C'mon, dude, tell me what happened!" "I think you must be a pervert," said Tom with a laugh as he handed the bong back to Andy. "Always have been, always will be," said Andy as he torched the bowl. Tom began to relay the story. "It began with weed," said Tom. "When we got back to Paul's complex, he invited me up to do a nightcap. Turns out the weed he had made him horny, and before I knew it he was playing with himself through his pants," said Tom. "Damn," said Andy. "So I encouraged him," said Tom. "I told him to get it out and beat it while I watched. So he did." "Double damn," said Tom, enthralled. "Then he asked me to play with his balls while he stroked. And I reached over and played with his balls. It was actually pretty hot to watch him get in to jerking himself off." "I bet," said Andy, adjusting himself through his pants. "And as he got close to cumming, he asked me to finish him off, so I did. He shot a mega-load." As Tom paused in his story, Andy continued to actively grope himself through his pants. "I've never told this to anybody before," said Andy," but Paul did the same thing with me last month." No shit, really?" asked Tom. "It was almost an exact duplicate," said Andy. "He stopped by my place one evening and said he had missed his ride and would it be possible for me to take him home. I wasn't doing anything else, and I drove him out to his apartment. When we got there, he encouraged me to come up for a smoke to show his appreciation. We got high, then he started playing with himself. Without me even saying anything, he unzipped his jeans and got out his cock and started beating off. Then he asked me if I'd play with his balls while he jerked, so I reached over and did that. He must have shot two feet in the air," said Andy excitedly. Tom noticed that Andy continued to grope himself through his pants as he repeated almost exactly the same experience Tom had with Paul. "Looks like reliving that experience gets you excited," said Tom, nodding at Andy's not-too-stealthy groping. "Oh, man, it was hot," said Andy.

"Then why don't you get it out and we'll pretend it's that night again?" asked Tom. Andy visibly blushed, but didn't hesitate, unzipping his pants and sliding them down to his knees. His white briefs were bulging with his hard cock. Tom and Andy had messed around before, but this scenario was a turn-on to both of them. "Get it out. Beat it for me," Tom said softly in encouragement. Andy did just that, his hard cut cock throbbing as Andy released it from his briefs, sliding those down to his knees as well. His hand started that familiar up-and-down motion that every male is familiar with. Tom also didn't hesitate. He reached over and started fondling Andy's balls as he jerked. Andy's moan made it evident that he was enjoying this. "Paul liked you playing with his balls. This is what it felt like. It adds a new dimension to beating your meat," Tom whispered. Andy continued to groan. Tom pressed lightly on the tube beneath Andy's balls. "Arrrrrghhhh," grunted Andy, who immediately shot an enormous rope of steaming cum all over the front of his t-shirt, followed by several smaller ropes before his orgasm ended with cum oozing out of his cockhead. "Yeahhhhh," whispered Tom, continuing to lightly fondle Andy's balls. "Paul had the same feeling," Tom continued. Andy kind of collapsed on himself. Tom reached down and got the roll of paper towels from the edge of the couch, ripping off several sheets and handing them to Andy. "Cleanup on aisle one!" said Tom cheerily. Andy suddenly demonstrated post-orgasmic awareness of his situation and lightly blushed again, but he mopped up his load as best he could. "Damn," he said. "This t-shirt needs the laundry!" Tom said, "everyone at the chicken restaurant will think it's their secret sauce!" Both of the boys laughed out loud, relieving what was obvious tension in the air. "I've got a t-shirt you can borrow for dinner," said Tom, who got up from the couch and went to his bedroom to retrieve another shirt from his closet. Andy used that time to pull up his briefs and jeans, and get himself "presentable" again. He pulled off the soaked t-shirt. Tom re-entered the room and tossed the clean t-shirt over to Andy. "Get dressed, dude," he said with a laugh. "We're gonna get some chicken."

The drive out to the chicken restaurant was normal," as both of the guys just chattered away. In was shortly after 5 in the afternoon when they arrived, so there wasn't a big crowd yet and they were immediately seated. Table conversation was as you might expect it to be between two friends. And the chicken was as it always was: delicious! When they were done eating, the guys went one by one to the rest room to wash their hands, then headed out to Andy's car. "That was good," they said, almost in unison. The drive back was also normal,' and when they got to Tom's place, he turned to Andy and said," that was a great idea, dude. Thanks for inviting me. I'll check in with you this week." Tom got out of the car and walked into his place, waving as Andy drove away.

He sat on his couch, reliving this latest chapter to what had been an active weekend! Tom wondered if it would be like this all summer. He chuckled as he considered that possibility. Though he hadn't gotten off with Andy, it was still enormously hot. And Tom had already had more than his share for the weekend! It was still light outside, and still warm but cooling down a bit, so Tom decided to take a walk around his neighborhood to get some exercise and to burn off some of the fried chicken calories. It was a nice walk, and Tom was enjoying himself, kind of lost in his thoughts but realizing that his thoughts weren't organized anyway. It felt good to be outside with no cares in the world and with all of his chores done. Tom wasn't really paying attention to anything, just enjoying himself. As he turned a corner, he realized he was back on his street, so he picked up his pace as he headed home.

As Tom got closer to his place he noticed a strange car in his driveway. He looked toward the front door and saw the young boy he had met at the pool earlier in the morning, knocking on the door. "Hey," Tom said as he got within earshot. The boy turned toward him. "Hey, he said in return. "Welcome back," said Tom. "Let me unlock the door." Tom opened the door and let the boy in. "Have a seat," Tom said, motioning to the couch. The boy took a seat. Tom sat beside him. "Are you here to tell me your name?" Tom asked with a smile. "Marco," said the boy. "Glad you came back for a visit, Marco," said Tom. "Yeah," said Marco. "Have you had a good day?" asked Tom. Marco looked Tom directly in the eye. "Suck me again," he said. Tom had hoped the boy would say that. He reached down and felt Marco's crotch. The boy was already hard. "Let's take those off," said Tom softly, working Marco's zipper down. Marco shifted on the couch and slipped his shorts off. He was naked beneath and his cock was rock hard and throbbing. Tom wrapped his hand around Marco's cock and stroked it up and down a few times. "Suck it," Marco said insistently. Tom didn't need additional permission. He got down on his knees in between Marco's legs, spread them apart with his hands, and dove in, lapping his tongue around Marco's balls and then licking his way up the teen pole of stone. About halfway from the balls to the head, Tom tasted Marco's precum, which was bubbling out. Tom slurped, not wanting to miss any of the sweet nectar. He continued up and over the top, swallowing Marco's cock all the way down in one fell swoop, opening his throat as the boy's cock entered the tight space. Marco groaned. "Yeah," Marco said over and over. "Suck it. Suck it." And Tom did, giving the boy what had to have been a mind-shattering suck job. He sucked up and then plunged down, letting Marco's head lodge in his throat. Tom's nose nestled in Marco's sparse pubes as he moved his head around to give Marco even more pleasure. Tom came up again, then plunged down again, and Marco's hands went to the back of Tom's head, guiding Tom's oral ministrations to maximize Marco's pleasure. "Swallow it," Marco grunted, as he shot a massive load down Tom's throat. Actually, when that first shot entered Tom's throat, Tom was amazed at how much it was! The boy had just cummed repeatedly earlier in the day! That initial shot was followed by penile pulses that indicated Marco was depositing his boy load deep into Tom's gullet. Finally, when it seemed he was done, Tom went all the way down, once again placing his nose in Marco's pubes, and held himself there as his throat muscles milked the last pleasure out of Marco's cock. Then he pulled off and sat back on his haunches, taking in the erotic sight before him: hot boy, freshly sucked off, cock still hard, look of intense satisfaction on his face. "Mmmmmmmmmm," said Tom as he licked his lips. "Do it again," said Marco, who had started to jerk his cock, which had not gone soft. Tom went right back at it. As Marco stroked his cock, Tom's mouth was over the head and licking the shaft and lapping at his balls. "Fuuuuuuck," said Marco after just a few seconds. Another giant load shot from his cock, hitting Tom in the face before he could get his mouth on Marco's cock to swallow the rest of his jizz. He swirled his mouth and tongue around as Marco's second immediate orgasm finished. Once again, Tom sat back, and he used his hand to swipe Marco's cum off his face and into his mouth. He rubbed the inside of Marco's hairless legs from his knees to his crotch, amplifying the feeling. Then Marco said, "I've got to go." He adjusted himself on the couch, and Tom moved out from between his legs. Marco stood up, his cock still mostly hard, and stuffed it back into his shorts. As Marco zipped up, he said, "I'll be back for more of that," and headed for the door.

As Tom held the door for Marco and watched him walk to his car, the aftertaste of Marco's cum was fresh in Tom's mouth and throat. Tom closed the door and looked down. During the activity of sucking Marco to two back-to-back cum shots, Tom had also had an orgasm, and the front of his shorts was wet with his own cum. He hadn't even realized it, as he was focused on the boy's ultimate pleasure. Clearly, though, Tom's own cock had shared that pleasure. Now Tom had to do laundry!

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