Colors of Love

By Stephan Mizu Simpson

Published on Dec 6, 2000


Disclaimer: sigh I once had this dream that was so mundane, that when I remembered it weeks later, I thought it had actually happened. Did you ever have one of those? I dreamt about a normal day in my life... Getting up, going to class, drinking coffee, doing my homework... But you know what? It never happened. And neither did this story. Are the members of 'NSync gay? shrugs Dunno.

Thanks to everyone who gave me feedback on my last story! (That includes all the people who wrote me back the first time I posted it!)

~~ Red ~~

JC lived for mornings like this. Lazy Sunday mornings spent in bed with the one who completed his soul. The two had woken hours ago, but they were still lying in bed, reveling in the warmth that surrounded them, the soft mattress beneath them, the silky comforter covering them, and the soft flesh of their bodies pressed against each other.

"Is it the alarm clock?" asked Justin, his fingers running up and down one of JC's arms.

"You win," JC said, grinning at his young lover. "Your turn."

"Okay," Justin said, his eyes scanning the room, his gaze dancing across all the objects in it. They finally came to a rest and settled on JC's face. A huge smile broke out over Justin's face. "Um, I spy with my little eye... something red."

JC propped himself up on one elbow, looking around the slightly untidy bedroom. "Is it... my sweater?"

"Nope," Justin said, sitting up and placing a small kiss on the tip of JC's nose. "Try again, babe."

JC wrinkled his nose, playfully wiping it off. He stuck his tongue out at Justin and searched the room again. "Um..."

"Do you give up yet?" Justin asked in a sing-song voice.

JC looked down at Justin, taking in the smooth, creamy skin, the sparkling eyes, the mischievous grin. In one quick motion, JC rolled over onto Justin, pinning him to the mattress, the whole length of his lean body pressing in Justin's. "I give up," he said, huskily, entwining his fingers with Justin's, pulling his hands over his head. "What is it?"

Justin moaned as he felt JC's weight on top of him, as he felt the delicious feeling of JC's hips pressing into his. "You..." he gasped, grinding his hips up into JC's.

"Mmm, me?" JC muttered, his lips brushing across Justin's forehead. He felt Justin push up against his hands, trying to free them from JC's grip. He held fast, holding them still against the bed and raised himself up on his knees so that he was straddling Justin. "What do you mean, me?"

Justin groaned with frustration. He bucked upwards, craving for the intimate contact that he and JC had just shared. He pushed up frantically at JC's hands, wanting desperately to touch him, to pull him down on top of him and kiss him until they were both left gasping for air. "Josh, please," he begged.

JC smiled as he watched Justin squirm beneath him. "Nuh uh, not until you tell me. It's me?"

"Yes," Justin said. "Please, Josh..."

JC leaned down and pressed his lips against Justin's. Justin moaned with pleasure, opening his mouth, wanting more. His tongue slid into JC's mouth, briefly tasting his lover before JC pulled away.

"Josh," Justin whined.

"I'm red?" JC asked, his eyebrows raised and a devilish smile on his face.

"You're a fucking tease," Justin growled.

"And you're not getting any until you explain how I'm red," JC said. "So, spill."

Justin sighed and stopped fighting. "You're red. Everything about you, it's red. You're so passionate about so many things, it's like there's a fire burning within you. When you're on stage, you're breathtaking. You put your all into everything you do, it's awe inspiring. It shines from you, Josh, and it shines red. And when you hold me and you tell me you love me, I can FEEL it. I can feel your love, it's like I can reach out and touch it. And it feels red."

JC stared into Justin's eyes, tears coming to them. Slowly, he lowered himself so that he was lying back on top of Justin. He leaned down, placing a soft, gentle kiss on Justin's lips, releasing his hands so that they could play with the blond curls that topped the head of his angel. "Oh, Justin," he sighed. "I love you," he murmured, he didn't know what else to say. Justin had left him speechless, so what he couldn't say in words, he said with kisses...

Yes, it was short. Yes, it was sappy. But I like it, dammit! Did you? Feedback, please! Send to:

Next: Chapter 3: Envy

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