Coming Out in the Worst Way

By moc.loa@592teloiV

Published on Nov 2, 2012


What a horrible feeling, my first night out and in a real TG scene. What was I thinking? My ball shrunk to little nuggets and my libido fell of the chart. I was way above my raisin and not at all comfortable .Around me was a clique of Trans gendered folks that were at ease with their bodies, their personality and their place in life. Here was little ole me, trying desperately to for fill my destony.Of course I could not conceive of that at the moment, it was all about how insecure I felt. Suddenly my mint green undergarments were crap, my dreams were crap and I felt like running into the night for safety. "My goodness I wish I had legs like yours!" The voice was close to my ear and I turned, startled and a bit rattled. Next to me stood a statuesque Red head, very striking but yet non threatening. I felt the slightest amount of

relief. "I bet you drive the men wild!" She was oblivious to my distress. I contained my fear and inner demons and stuck out a lose hand to introduce

myself." Rebecca" I said. She took my hand and held it, seeming to look me up and down, yet to enjoy the introduction. "Megan, Megan Mac Tavish." The name nearly made me laugh, I could only reply, "You are not Scottish by

any chance?" She affected a Scottish Bro ugh and answered, "How did you guess." Her laughter told me my reaction had hit home and in a humorous manner. I suddenly felt a bit less self conscious and began to look her over as a compatriot. She still had a hold of my hand and I would normally find that uncomfortable but for some reason I found it reassuring. "She took the lead and asked me if I would join her in a Scottish whiskey, since I had guessed her heritage. What is a poor girl to do, but comply? We moved into the buildings interior and it was just loaded with like ladies. Some dressed like tramps, some very classy but all obviously men wanting

to share the reality I was experiencing tonight. My comfort lever was improving. Megan ordered us two Scotches on the rocks and assured me this is the only way to experience her heritage. I obliged by shooting the drink down as it arrived and she laughed at me as my face puckered in disgust. She patted me on the back as I coughed and choked and informed me that Scotch was a sipping whisky and not a shot to be chugged. I had little doubt she was right. "So tell me Rebecca, how is it a girl your age does not know shit about Scotch? She asked. The whisky had warmed my body like a drug and I was a tad more confident and was fairly sure she was teasing me. "I know Scotch alright but this is Irish Whisky, right? I mean I figured you better chug it to choke it down." She laughed with me, not sure if I was the witty one or her. "No love it is, make it was Scotch Whisky, not that Irish Bootleg crap we spit out." I could see she was making a joke and we both laughed out loud as if we were simpatico. I felt a tiny flush of excitement below, and suddenly worried what would happen if I did indeed get excited, would that be good or bad? Megan seemed to be beyond that situation and I decided to follow her lead. Hetero sex is one thing, Gay sex yet another but transgender sex was foreign to me .Suddenly my fears rose to the surface again. I am not ready, I am not worthy, I am not a woman all ran through my mind at once. How I will never know but Megan read my mind and leaned in close to my ear and told me, :Hon, you are among friends and believe me it is all up to you.

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