Coming Through the Back Door

By anonymous.a

Published on Dec 11, 2016



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This is a work of fiction. All persons are intended to be age 18 and above.


By anonymous.a

I don't know what it is with kids these days. They never go outside.

Maybe that's why they're allergic to everything. They never get dirty, sunburned, or stung by a bee.

I guess it's my generation's fault. We invented video games, the internet and social media – all the reasons kids don't go outside.

If I could change that I would, because today's kids are missing out on a fun world, and I'm missing out on some hot boys to fool around with.

Again, let me emphasize that by using the word "boy," I don't mean a male under the age of 18. I do find it odd that in some states children as young as 14 can get married as long as their parents say it's OK. Fourteen? Are you kidding me? The first time I ejaculated I was 14.

No, I'm not interested in underage males, but I confess I've seen (and fooled around with) some 18-year-olds who were definitely hot stuff. By comparison I would say guys in their late 20s and older know a lot more about what feels good and what's fun about sex. But sometimes the young guys' enthusiasm makes up for their lack of knowledge.

Like the boy down the street, the one I rarely saw because he never came out of the damn house. He turned out to be a firecracker, although he had never fucked an actual human being until he met me. His sexual experiences were entirely virtual, as in Snapchat, Scruff and Zoosk.

I say he "never" came out of the house; obviously he had to come outside sometimes. But sightings were so rare I could count on one hand how many times I had gotten a glimpse of him.

He was an interesting-looking kid, about 5-9, 160 pounds, with furry legs, a mop of dark brown hair, and wire-rimmed glasses. He always wore nylon shorts and T-shirts, and seemed to have a book bag surgically attached to his shoulder. Between his glasses and his bangs, it was hard to tell what those eyes looked like.

He walked to a nearby bus stop to catch a ride to high school, and for that reason I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to him. I assumed he was too young. Sometimes as I was leaving for my morning walk we would cross paths. I would say "Good morning" and he would respond pleasantly enough – that is until his parents bought him his first Galaxy. From then on his nose was buried in the damn thing.

Then one morning as I returned from my walk, I saw him slowly making his way back to his house. I decided I would force him to look away from the phone and engage another human being in communication.

"Miss the bus?" I asked in what I hoped was a pleasant tone of voice.

He did look up. In fact, I think I startled him. He appeared shocked at first, but then smiled guiltily.

"Yes, and my folks are going to kill me," he said in a near-whisper. "My mom doesn't drive and my dad is sick with a cold. The last thing he'll want is to drive me to school."

"Don't bother them," I said, waving my hand. "I'll give you a ride. C'mon," and I motioned for my house.

We entered the kitchen which, thank God, I had cleaned up that morning, and I got my wallet. Out at the car he tossed his book bag into the back seat and slouched into the front. I got in and we headed out.

Along the way I learned his name, Jody, and that he was 18, did not have a driver's license, had no idea what he would do with his life, and loved the Flaming Lips. I told him my name, where I worked and what I did, that I was a fan of The Killers, and then, right before we turned into the high school parking lot, that I liked guys.

That didn't seem to faze him at all. When we stopped he dragged his book bag up front and, as he was getting out, said, "I really appreciate you giving me a ride. My dad probably appreciates it more, but don't tell him. He and Mom would probably freak out that I accepted a ride from a stranger."

"We're not strangers," I corrected him. "We're neighbors, and neighbors do things for one another. So you have a good day and I'll be seeing you around the 'hood."

He smiled and said, "Later" as he headed off for the front of the building.

I watched him go. Eighteen, huh? Now I could look at that meaty butt of his and not feel guilty.

I didn't see Jody again until a few nights later. I had gotten home from work, changed clothes and was trying to decide what frozen object I wanted to thaw for dinner when I heard a light tapping at the front door. I flipped on the porch light and there was Jody, looking over his shoulders to see if the neighbors were watching. I opened the door and he slipped inside, turning off the porch light once he was in.

"My folks think I'm walking down to the convenience store for a Coke ..." and then his voice trailed off, as if he didn't know what to say after that ... or maybe was embarrassed to continue.

I nodded and said, "OK ... and?"

He gave me a sheepish smile and said, "The other day you told me you liked guys, and I was wondering ... well, I wanted to know if ... um. ..."

I nodded and smiled. I collected his hand into mine and gently led him to the back bedroom.

I didn't say anything after that. I simply did.

He followed me eagerly. We stopped next to my bed. I placed my hands on his shoulders, and leaned in to kiss him. It was not one of those slobbery, all-tongue porn video kisses. I covered his lips with mine and kissed him tenderly, making satisfied "Mmmm" sounds as I did so. He returned my kisses and we stood there a good two minutes, enjoying each other's lips, his hands tentatively roaming my body at first, then exploring more vigorously when it became obvious I wanted him to continue.

I paused to take off his glasses and put them on the nightstand next to my bed. Then I pulled off his T-shirt. He had a thatch of black chest hair between his tits. I ran my hand through it as I stooped and sucked on his nipples. He cupped the back of my head with his hand and encouraged me to suckle, gasping when my lips closed over the nipple and applied suction.

As I did that I hooked my thumbs under the waist of his shorts and began pulling them down, bending my knees so that my body lowered, my lips traveling from his nipples to his stomach and following a hairy treasure trail to his steamy crotch.

He was extremely hairy. His bush was thick, like a lumberjack's, and my impression was he'd never shaved it, which suited me just fine. I love a thick nest of pubes. Peeping from that black forest was a fat cock that grew larger as I breathed on it – not a long pole of a cock, mind you, but a thick, fat fucker protruding above a pair of hairy coconut balls. He hadn't showered since that morning, I guessed, and I could smell a day's accumulation of heat, sweat, and sex hormones radiating from his crotch.

I took his cock into my mouth and sucked. Jody let out a loud gasp and his entire body seemed to shiver. I didn't know this at the time, but mine was the first mouth to touch his dick, which explains why it grew so hard so fast, and why he suddenly grabbed my head with both hands, thrust with his hips, and spewed out an explosive geyser of cum into my mouth and throat.

Wow. I wasn't prepared for that. Usually the cock-sucking is a prelude to bigger and better things. But Jody was a virgin and to him, the sensation of my lips and tongue on his sausage of a dick was all the stimulation he could stand at that moment. And he erupted.

At least some of his brew leaked from my mouth and ran down my chin. I could feel his beefy mushroom cap pulsing as he stood there, emptying his balls into me while he sucked at the superheated air of my bedroom, gasping for breath.

I swallowed and swallowed. Really, it was all I could do. He was gripping my head and had his crotch rammed into my face, and there was no escaping this sex lock.

He finally stopped pumping sperm into me and I gave his dick a good cleaning before I backed off it. He was breathing heavily and when I looked up, he was smiling down at me, his eyes half lidded, a dreamy smile smeared across his lips.

"That was so fucking awesome," he whispered. "That was the best, just the best. I don't know how to thank you."

I reached up and jacked his cock a little. Despite the recent tongue bath I had given it, the flesh was sticky, as if he hadn't showered all day. And it was getting hard again. Oh, to be that young.

"Here's how you can thank me," I whispered, and dropped my shorts. I lay back on the bed with my ass right at the edge of the mattress, raised my legs and exposed my asshole by spreading my legs.

Jody didn't need to be told what to do. He knelt a little and positioned that fat cock tip that had so recently been in my mouth against my anus. Then he started pushing. I tried to relax my asshole to let him in because I hadn't really lubed him, except for my spit. I felt the head starting to penetrate me and then the muscles surrounding my hole pulled back and the head popped in. He slowly pushed it in and as he did so, that delicious feeling of being filled with mancock slowly enveloped me.

I felt his cock bottom out as his crotch took over my ass. I could even feel his balls pressing against my ass cheeks. He leaned in to kiss me and as he did so, I slid my hands over his burly ass cheeks, trying to pull him more deeply into me. The breath whistled between our lips as we struggled for air amidst our combined passion. I could not believe how good this felt, having this boy, now a man, buried in my body. I allowed my right hand to explore his crack and it was hot and sweaty inside. I could imagine steam rising from his flesh, flavoring the air of my bedroom with ass, sperm, and sweat.

He started fucking me, slowly at first, then accelerating. I started jacking my cock, enjoying the sensation of his young flesh pounding into my ass. His bangs had fallen over his eyes but I no longer needed to see them to know he was out of control with lust. His banging away, his deep-throated moans and the savage contractions of his ass muscles told me everything his eyes would have said.

He fucked me and I held on for dear life, riding his cock, allowing it to touch every square inch of my insides. The shaft rubbed deliciously against my ass muscles as he pulled out and plunged in, banging against my backside, the flesh gluing and ungluing with wet slapping sounds.

I knew this was not going to last because it felt too good, and as my finger found his asshole and rubbed the wrinkled outside, he suddenly arched his back, gritted his teeth and fired another titanic blast of sperm into my body. I could feel it pulsing into me and the knowledge that until a few short minutes ago, this kid had been a virgin, was too much for me to bear. I clamped onto his ass, holding him inside me as my own cock erupted with a bone-shattering explosion of cum. It came out of me in a single, titanic jet that coated both our chests as Jody leaned in again to smother me with scalding kisses.

We lay in that position for a good minute or two, enjoying the pleasure of our mutual satisfaction, waiting for the simmer of orgasm to cool, and then he slowly eased from me. I tightened my ass muscles so that none of his cum would escape. I had some in my belly and now my colon. I wanted it inside me as long as possible.

He stood up and shook his head. "I think part of my brain exploded," he laughed. "I think if you look at the back of my head, you'll see a giant hole with smoke coming out of it."

"Don't say that! I don't want you dying on me. I've got plans for that crotch," I joked, cupping his balls.

We got cleaned up. Jody started to leave but I stopped him. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

He looked confused.

"You told your folks you were going to the store for a Coke." I opened the fridge and handed him a plastic bottle. "Now get going before they wonder where the hell you are."

These days Jody drops by a couple of times per week. He climbs the fence in his back yard, sneaks across the neighbor's back yard and enters through the gate to my place. He comes in through the back door.

He does that because the neighbors are always watching, and we don't want it getting back to his mom and dad that his trips to "the store" aren't just to slake his thirst.

Well, not that kind of thirst, anyway.

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If you'd like anonymous.a's work in e-book format, check out his Kindle offerings:

"Servicing the Serviceman": Ten stories about a middle-aged gentleman's encounters with members of the armed forces:

"Daddy's Boys": Ten stories about a middle-aged gentleman's encounters with younger men.

"Eros, Philia, Agape": The very best hot stories from "Servicing the Serviceman," "Daddy's Boys" and "Analogy."

His books are priced at 99 cents, but you'll get more than a buck's worth of hot action!

Remember, you don't need a Kindle device to read a Kindle story. Download the free app for your phone, tablet or PC.

Anonymous.a is on twitter at @anonymous_sexie .

He's also on tumblr at .


The author wishes to make it known he does not want to receive communication in any form regarding issues of underage individuals.

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