Common Misconceptions

By James Knight

Published on Aug 11, 2008


Common Misconceptions

Chapter 1

Author's Note: This story is a work of fiction. Any similarities to anyone are merely a coincidence. This is a story involving sexual activates between males. If that offends you or you are under the age of 18 please leave now. Please enjoy the story. This is my first try at writing so all comments and criticisms are welcome, just email me at

Grey clouds roll violently over the sky of the city of around 100,000 inhabitants, at least during the summer months.

Justin was walking back to his home in this less than desirable part of the city. He had just turned eighteen years old a few days ago, August 15th to be exact, but he really didn't have much to celebrate. He had just finished high school, and he had hoped to be on to bigger and better things, but so far the summer had brought nothing but disappointment.

He had saved what little money he had in order to send in many different applications to different colleges around the state, but of those that bothered to return to him, all had rejected his applications. It is true that he was never very accomplished at school, but there was a good reason, most of the time he had to work.

His future in this life seemed to become more real to him as he continued walking along the cracked sidewalk. The houses he was passing became smaller and dirtier, until finally he reached his destination, the Star Crest trailer park. He had lived there as long as he could remember, just him and his mother.

His father had left them before Justin was even one year old, but that never stopped his mother from bringing in the lowest levels of life into that trailer. As time passed she seemed to be going through them faster and faster, and they seemed to be bigger jackasses all the time. By the time that Justin reached the old trailer, he was practically drenched in sweet. He had to walk all the way home from the Wal-Mart store that he worked at during the morning; it was maybe two or three miles away from where he lived, but because of their financial difficulties they only had one car. It was some kind of Toyota that was about twenty years old.

Justin stood at the door for a few seconds wondering if his mom was there, and if she was did she have anyone there with her. For the last few months she had been seeing this guy named Richard. He was not a bad as the others, at least he doesn't hit anyone, Justin thought bitterly, remembering some of the men that have been though the old trailer.

Justin ran his right hand across his forehead, taking the sweet with it. He slowly shook his head, his dark, silky black hair swaying gently in the wind. Just as he was getting ready to open the door, he heard his mother's voice from inside laughing at something or someone. 'Great she's still here,' Justin thought as he opened the door and stepped inside. The main room from the door was small, one side held the small living room with its two-person couch and small TV, and on the other side the stove and refrigerator, and the fold out table, where you could eat but they hardly ever used it.

As Justin walked thought the door he noticed that his mother was walking down the small hall that led to the two tiny bedrooms and the bathroom. He thought that it was a little weird that his mother was still there, since she was supposed to be waiting tables at the local diner. Justin walked into the room and slammed the door shut.

"Justin is that you?" His mother called from the somewhere down the hall.

"Yea ma it's me." Justin called back, before moving over to the refrigerator to get something to drink.

Janet Michaels is a tall woman but she was rather skinny, with brown hair and brown eyes. She had some of the features of Justin, but it was obvious that the two had major differences. "Justin, I need you to do me a favor, ok?"

"Um, ok, what do you want?" Justin asked casually, already knowing what she was going to ask.

"I'm gotta go and meet Richard downtown, I need you to take over my shift at the diner tonight, you got that?"

As his mother was talking Justin was looking down on the counter where his mother had put the mail earlier that day. As usual there was the huge stack of bills and late notices, but under that stuff was a large envelope that looked like it was from some college, which immediately drew his attention away from his mother, not that he was paying that much attention to begin with.

"Justin!" his mother screamed when she realized that he was paying attention to her. "Did you hear me!"

"Yea, I heard ya! There's no reason to scream! But I gotta go to work tonight, so I can't cover ya, too bad." Justin said, walking to the little counter where the mail was located and subtly started to shift the letters around.

"Don't you dare take that tone of voice with me young man!" His mother screamed at him, a vein popping on the right of her forehead. "You can just take off tonight at the bowling place or where ever your supposed to work because you need to be at the diner."

"Fuck that shit!!! I'm going to go to my job tonight, and you can either go to yours or go where ever the hell you plan on going just leave me the fuck alone!" Justin screamed while he began walking to his small room at the other side of the trailer.

Once he got past the threshold he slammed the door shut and turned around and jumped down on his bed. As soon as he head his mothers yells subsiding from the front of the trailer he took out the package that was addressed to him from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

He greedily tore open the letter and began reading in haste.

Dear Mr. Justin Michaels,

We are delighted to inform you that you have been accepted into the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and we hope to have you attending for the next school year. The Financial Department would also like to congratulate you on receiving financial aid for the coming school year. As you informed us on your application you would be willing to work on campus to help pay for your schooling, we have taken the liberty of signing you up in either the Political Science or History department for the time being.

We here at the University would like to apologize for delaying this letter as long as it has been, and once again we hope that you join us for the coming school year.

Sincerely Yours, Dr. Thomas Young, President of Admissions

Justin could hardly believe his eyes as he continued to re-read the letter. He finally got into a college and with financial aid to boot. At that moment in time nothing could get Justin down from his high, not where he lived, not where he worked, not his clothes, not his bitch mother or her jackass boyfriend.

Looking through the rest of the papers that came with the acceptance letter, he filled out some forms that had to do with whether or not he was going to go there, and some other information about the financial aid he would be receiving. With that information was also a request for him to be at the Financial Office early Monday morning to meet with one of the councilors who would work with him.

Finally getting done with all the paper work, Justin finally looked at the clock and realized that he only had one hour to get ready and be at the bowling alley. He quickly looked out his door and realized that his mother must have left; he went into the bath room and started the small shower. As the water was warming up, he quickly stripped off all of his clothes and looked at himself in the mirror.

He really didn't see how he took after his mother, except maybe the height, they were both the same height, being around 5'8 or 5'9, but other than that they really did not look alike. He had dark, silky black hair which bounced around his head; it was medium in length, coving part of his ears. His body was a light olive skin tone thanks to his Italian heritage. Many people had told him over the years that his skin was almost perfect, he had no blemishes or scars, nor did his face have any acme. In terms of body hair, his was very light, just a sprinkling over his arms and legs and none on the chest or stomach. His eyes were a dark brown with tiny drops of silver and grey through out his pupils.

Once the water was warm enough, it never really got hot, Justin quickly stepped inside. He knew that he didn't have a lot of time, but if he jogged to work, then he should be able to make it in plenty of time. Not that it mattered anyways, now that he had finally gotten accepted into college, he was walking on cloud nine.

As soon as the water started hitting his body Justin immediately felt relaxed. His Hands roamed up and down his body, washing the different parts of his body. His hands stopped at his dick, and he began paying special attention to his quickly enlarging member. He kept his pubic hair short and trimmed, which tended to show off his eight inch cock better.

Justin grabbed the bottom of his already rock hard cock and slowly began to pick up the pace of his jacking. He was imagining what having sex with some of the jocks at the school might be like. He only has had sex a couple of times, nothing really great, just some quickies with some of the men that he met at a dance club. His mind kept flashing images of hot men with rock hard six packs and pecks, with sweet dripping off their incredibly hot bodies. Wondering what it would be like to go down on them, or to fuck his hot little ass.

How great it would feel to have their huge cocks up his ass. As he continued to pound on his pulsating cock while the warm, steamy water kept hitting his body, suddenly Justin found himself rising quickly over the edge, past the point of no return.

He let out a loud moan when he felt the first shot of cum hit the wall in front of him. He kept on jacking his dick as he spewed three. . . four . . . five . . . six times. Wow! He hardly ever shot that much, and even after the final shot, his cock kept a steady stream of cum coming out.

Finally coming down from the high of his orgasm a minute later, he moved the water around in the shower to make sure that he washed away all the cum. The water was losing its warmth very quickly, becoming just like ice in a matter of seconds.

Justin jumped out of the shower and began to dry himself off before wrapping a towel around his waist and went to the sink to shave and get ready for work. Returning to his bedroom about ten minutes later, Justin grabbed the envelope that contained all his college information and left the trailer.

It took Justin only about forty minutes to make it to the bowling alley, where he could quickly tell he was not late because there were hardly any cars in the parking lot. Justin quickly made his way into Cougar Lanes and headed towards the front part of the building, past the bar and lounge, and clocked in for the night.

"Running kinda late aren't you Justin?" A young woman said from the other side of the back hallway.

"Oh you know me, I always like playing it fast and loose!" Justin said, heading over to give the woman a hug.

"It's good to see you again Rachael, so how's the baby?" Justin asked, noticing that Rachael already looked much better than she had a couple of months ago.

"The baby's just fine, had a little trouble breathing when it first came out, but she is doing much better now." Rachael said. She was about 5'6 in height, and despite only being twenty-four she already had three children, the youngest, Savannah, just being born two months ago. Justin considered Rachael to be his best friend even though she was six years older than he was. She had been working at Cougar Lanes since she was sixteen, her mother also works there, and she and Justin become good friends when he started to work there two years ago.

"Yeah, I heard Linda and Cindy talking about that a couple of days ago, I'm glad that she's okay now through."

"I bet you did, those two can never shut up when there is something to talk about." She replied moving back through the hallway that lead into the bar.

Justin went into the snack bar, which faced the lanes, and was right next to the front desk. Jan was in charge tonight because they had to get ready for the beginning of the new season of league bowlers. Jan was not the type of woman that you wanted to piss off. She was nice enough if you just left her alone, but once you started to do something that she wanted control over then you just better watch your ass. She is one of those people that want control over everything even though they are not the one in charge.

Justin, being in charge of the snack bar, did not have to help get the new bowlers ready and show them how to run the new computers. Rachael, working in the bar, also did not have to help and she came out into the snack bar after about an hour.

"Wow something really good must have happened to you, I haven't seen you this excited in a long time." Rachael said, coming up from behind Justin.

"Holy fuck! You scared the shit outta me!" Justin said his heart beating really fast from the recent fright.

"It's just awesome scaring you, it has to be the part that I missed most when I was gone. So anyway what is this information that's got you so excited? Meet someone? Maybe a new boyfriend?" Rachael was the only the person that he ever told that he was gay. She didn't have any problems with it, and they often kept a look out and comment on the guys that they think are hot, even though she has been married for five years.

"No, not at all, but I did get a letter from U o L. . ." And he proceed to tell his best friend about how he got accepted and the financial aid he is receiving, and how great it will be to finally get away from that god awful trailer. He continued to talk, making the little food and drinks that the people wanted, until finally he heard a gasp from Rachael.

"Oh my God!" Rachael exclaimed. "He is gorgeous!"

"Who?!" Justin asked, turning in the direction that Rachael was facing, and there walking through the doors at the far end of the alley was a group of college aged men. In the center surrounded by a bunch of other guys had to be the one that Rachael was talking about--and boy did he agree with her on that.

He had to be about six foot with brown hair, but he was wearing a tight muscle shirt which showed off every curve of his incredibly hot body.

"Your not kidding on that one Rach, he has to be one of the hottest people I've every seen in my life. Damn!" And Justin turned away and walked towards the other end of the snack bar, which is close to the main desk, in order to get a closer look at the guy.

They only bowled for a little while that night, and being that school was starting back up so soon, there was hardly anyone bowling, so he was told to close up the snack bar and go home. Of course he had no intention of going home to his bitch of a mother, most likely drunk off her ass by now, so he hung around the bar for about half an hour until Rachael got off.

They decided to go to one of the `looser' clubs in the city, meaning that he could easily get into it and get as many drinks as he wanted. They left, and in just about five minutes later Rachael drove into the clubs parking lot. It was in a more industrial, warehouse part of the city. It was as busy as any week night. They made their way to the bar, bypassing the dance floor filled with dozens of people.

"Rachael I can't believe you wanted to come here!" Justin said loudly over the music.

"And why is that?" She asked putting her arms on her hips.

"Uhhh, maybe because you have three kids and a husband!" Justin exclaimed.

"Yeah but I haven't been out since Savannah has been born and I was just going stir crazy in that house."

Rolling his eyes, Justin said softly, "Whatever."

After about ten minutes and some teasing between the two back and forth, out of the corner of his eye Justin noticed someone looking at him, or at least in their direction. He turned and saw the guy from the bowling ally earlier that night. Justin thought that he looked even more stunning now in the club than he did earlier. And the best thing was that the stud was looking directly at him!

Justin subtly elbowed Rachael. She quickly turned to look at him and began to say something, but in doing so he hushed her. "Shhhhhhhh! I need you to tell me if that guy from the alley over there is looking at me."

"Okay." And Rachael began to look at the guy.

"Rachael!" Justin said in a loud whisper. "Don't look at him!"

"How the hell am I supposed to see if he is looking at you when you won't even let me look!" Rachael said loud enough that half the bar turned and looked at them.

Justin turned red in embarrassment and lowered his head to look at the ground. Rachael always thought that Justin looked much cuter when he was blushing. By this time people's attention was back to where it was before, but not for the man standing at the end of the bar looking right at the blushing Justin.

The man decided that this was as good as any to introduce himself to him. He slowly walked over to where Justin and Rachael were sitting, and if right on cue Rachael said to Justin, "Look here he comes, and with that I believe I need to take my exit, see you at work tomorrow and have fun!" She gave a little giggle and patted his thigh before leaving the club and going home.

Finally looking up a few second after Rachael had left, Justin noticed the amazingly hot body of the man that he saw earlier that evening standing right in front of him.

"Hey, do you mind if I sit down?" The man asked.

"Uhhh, uhhh, n. . . no go right ahead." Justin said his nervousness all too apparent to the stranger.

He sat down and introduced himself to Justin as John. After a few very tense seconds Justin replied and they started talking. There was something about the man that Justin did not trust, but he was just so hot that he allowed himself to follow John out the back door and into an old alley that was usually inhabited by people having sex. Whether it was just making out, or sucking, to actual fucking it was done at night throughout the back rooms and alley.

Being as late as it was on a weeknight, there was hardly anyone in the backrooms let alone in the alley, so John led Justin out to the back, and taking him by the hand, pulled him into a corner wall. There he slowly kissed Justin, and with his tongue gently rubbing against Justin's lips, Justin slowly opened his mouth and let the invading tongue in.

It stated out as a very slow and gentle kiss, but after a couple of seconds, it was full of lust. "You want this hot body of mine, huh boy?"

"Oh, yea you're so hot!" Justin replied, allowing his hands to travel up and down this strangers hard, hot body.

John roughly pushed Justin's hands away from his body and lifted them up above Justin's head, and he held them there as he kissed him hard again, but this time he started to rub his body all over Justin's. "You like this hard body don't you? No need to answer, I can see what it is for myself." John reached down and roughly grabbed Justin's crotch.

"Hey! That hurts! Stop!" Justin managed to say while John's face was away from his own. Not only was his gripping of his cock really starting to hurt, but John was not letting go of his arms. Justin began struggling against his grip, but John was several inches taller than him, not to mention much stronger.

"Come now baby, you don't want me to stop, I know that you are enjoyin it." He said in a drawn out voice, still grinding his body against Justin's.

Justin was really starting to panic. This guy was not letting go, and he couldn't see a good way to get him off of himself. Once again John tried to kiss him, but this time Justin shut his lips tightly together and when John came close to him, Justin turned his face making John's face run up along the side of Justin's.

"Now come on baby, don't do shit like that." John said pulling his face and body back enough to get a good look at Justin. "You want to be my little bitch boy for the night don't cha? I saw ya looking at me at the bowling alley tonight. You want this as much as I do, don't you bitch?"

When John stepped away from Justin momentarily, Justin saw his one chance at getting rid of this annoying self-conceded idiot. And when John said those words to him, it drew nothing but anger out of Justin.

In just a spilt second Justin pushed his arms out and down, causing John to put his attention back to restraining Justin. At that moment Justin brought up his knee and rammed it into John's balls and cock. John immediately fell to the ground, moaning and groaning in pain, his hands clutching his cock.

"That's what you get you fuck!" Justin yelled at the top of his voice. "How fucking dare you do that to me!!" Justin threw another kick at John still rolling around on the ground. It hit him in the side, causing one of his hands to move off of his dick and to the place where Justin had kicked him.

Justin stood there watching for a moment before turning and silently walking out of the alley and into the street, smiling to himself.

To Be Continued. . .

Next: Chapter 2

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