Companionship Inventory

By Tanner Bowen

Published on Feb 26, 2015


Companionship Inventory-Part 1

This story is completely fiction and comes out the the inner channels of my mind. Any resemblance to persons or events real is purely coincidence. This is part one of a multi-part story containing a fictional sexual liaison between two consenting male adults. If such material offends you feel free to express your opinions on you are sure to find like minded individuals. If you are prohibited by laws local or broader its your skin your gambling by continuing to read this story.

Mormon? Former Missionary? Have experiences/fantasies based on missionary/religious life you want to share and have appear in future installments? Email them to the address at the end of the story!

I was laying on my bed in my underwear covered by a small, thin blanket thumbing through a magazine when he walked out of the bathroom having just finished his shower-towel draped around his supple waist and his chest and stomach hair plastered to his toned and fit body. He crossed from the bathroom door to the closet pausing at his dresser to grab a few things. He sauntered into the closet and deposited his items on a shelf therein and turned and reached out grabbing the door knob to shut the door-staring at me with his big, brown, laughing eyes; gave me a wink and closed the door.

His name was Elder Corazone and we were Mormon missionaries. I was gay and he was most definitely not-at least he played the part of straight ladies man super well. I had my suspicions but I attributed them to wishful lusting. But there were also stolen glances and I swore he was checking me out on more then one occasion. But again-I would have given just about anything to get into his pants so I convinced myself that I was seeing something that didn't exist.

As soon as I heard the latch on the closet door shut I removed my blanket, the only thing concealing a massive hard on that would not go away. I jumped out of bed and grabbing my towel I made a bee line for the bathroom before he had a chance to literally come out of the closet which would have ended up figuratively dragging me out of the closet-something which would have proven to be quite detrimental for me.

I secured myself in the bathroom and began my morning routine-stripping all the way down immediately. I've never like clothes nor the confinement they placed on me-I liked to move freely and when I was sure that I was alone not a stitch of clothing would touch my body. These days that only happened in the morning while I was getting ready.

As soon as I was completely free from clothing I looked at my 22 year old self in the mirror-a flabbier version of the man I was 18 months ago. I flexed and what used to be a bulging bicep was now just part of my arm, my toned and tight torso was gone and my defined and chiseled features had all but rounded out. My legs however were thick and muscular, my calves having achieved a level of muscle that I never imagined from riding a bicycle everywhere I went seven days a week. My ass-well it was there. I was once proud of my perky bubble butt figure but this looked now a little more solid-more manly and it was growing on me-literally!

I walked through the doorway from the vanity and sink into the small compartment that housed the toilet and shower. Normally I always shower in the dark-just a quirk of mine but today for some reason I just left the light on. I turned on the shower and turned my attention to the toilet to relieve myself-my hard on still raging--when something glimmering on the floor caught my eye. I leaned closer and found what was standing out on the off white linoleum was an fatty glob-if I didn't know any better I would say that it was cum. But whose? Not mine-my hard member refusing to go without attention-and only one other person had access to this bathroom. But it couldn't be his-he wouldn't do that? Would he?

My mind wandering now-wondering if this man that I held in such high esteem would actually do something-so...normal? He seemed like he was above that sort of behavior but maybe he was just like everybody else. Just like me. It was during this course of thought that my hand pushed against a tile on the shower which gave way revealing a hole in the wall. As I bent down to retrieve the tile I noticed that by simply peering through the hole I could see directly to my bed! Weird as it was I was more concerned that there was a hole in the wall that somehow I had failed to notice the whole time I was living here! I wedged the tile back in making a mental note to speak to the maintenance people to have it fixed later.

I continued on with my shower, rubbing my body down with soap and water, lathering up my hard on and working it over-the hole in the wall and the cum on the floor out of my mind. I was just after one thing in that moment-the satisfying and addictive orgasm; the moment I would throw my head back in ecstasy.

I started rubbing down my already throbbing piece, slowly and leisurely becoming more turned on as the second passed. I grabbed my nipple with a free hand and began squeezing it while simultaneously increasing the tempo. I don't have a lot of time during these sessions so I have the whole process down clocking in at 1.5 minutes. I brace myself against the shower wall and I seized my now pulsating shaft with both hands-pumping for all I was worth. My balls slapping against my hands clasped around my shaft and then against the shower wall. This was key to getting done so quick was stimulating my balls-which was what the cold wet shower wall was doing.

Right before I erupted I heard the tile fall from the wall but didn't pay it much mind as I was about to explode right then and there. An eruption of colors appeared in my vision as the sensation of cum flying out of my penis caused me to tense up and flex what muscles would still show. As soon as the last drops exited my now softening shaft I thought for a minute I saw a light flicker in the wall hole-but I just assumed that I had to have been seeing things following the rush I just experienced. I bent down and grabbed the tile and placed it on top of the toilet tank. I finished washing up, turned the shower off and stepped out to dry myself off. Today had started out weird...little did I know it was about to get a whole lot more weird!

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Next: Chapter 2

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