Companionship Inventory

By Tanner Bowen

Published on Mar 15, 2015


This story is completely fiction and comes out the the inner channels of my mind. Any resemblance to persons or events real is purely coincidence. This is part two of a multi-part story containing a fictional sexual liaison between at least two consenting male adults. If such material offends you or if you are prohibited by laws local or broader its your skin you're gambling by continuing to read this story.

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As I stepped out of the shower the mystery cum caught my eye. I quickly scooped it up in a piece of toilet paper and tossed it into the toilet. I walked back out into the outer portion of the bathroom and watched as I dried myself off. I rubbed the towel slowly over my body watching as my balls dropped and bounced as they were disturbed when I was toweling off my legs. All this attention that I was giving myself was starting to turn me on-not that I had anything to give. My morning shower ritual left me dried up. A fantasy started to play out in my mind-one that I had done at least a hundred times before.

It always started with me on a pole dancing in some skeezy night club in front of men-showing off my hot body I spent years sculpting and forming. Men would slip their hands in my less then conservative underwear depositing bills and trying desperately to graze my generous package-an abrupt shift would find me at the bar passionately making out with a patron as more drunken men would stuff bills in the back of my "uniform" and I oblivious to them. I would take this lucky creature-who looked like any generic man-by the wrist to a back room and we would begin to have sex.

As the fantasy continued I unconsciously began to stroke my growing shaft and braced myself against the wall. My other hand-not wanting to be left useless at my side was busy feeling up my body. This was only serving to make the fantasy I was feeling more intense. Through my mind's eye I looked into the face of this lover (who usually resembled Chris Evans) but was brought abruptly to reality when I realized that the face that belonged to the body of the man that I was passionately making love to was that of Elder Corazone. I realized it was his body that my hands were exploring-but just the top half. I stopped and took a step back as he appeared to be standing before me; his top half exposed and his bottom half covered by the dress slacks I had seen him so often wear in our missionary service. I shook my head and blinked a few times to come back to reality-this had gone too far.

I finished drying myself off as I walked out of the bathroom-still a little undone by what I had fantazied about. It had never before been one of my companions. I glanced at the closet door to see it still shut-meaning elder Corazone was still in there getting ready. I sauntered over to my dresser to gather what I was going to need to get ready when Elder Corazone finally exited the closet. As I was doing this I happen to casually peek over at Elder Corazone's bed. The way the room was set up, his bed and head would be against the wall where immediately on the other side the shower was located in the bathroom. At first I didn't pay this any mind until I noticed his pillow was slightly askew-revealing the top part of a dark spot on the wall. Just as I was about to do over and investigate the closet door burst open and Elder Corazone burst out belting the words to one of the songs we sing as missionaries to pump ourselves up.

"Called to serve...hey, what's up?" He asked.

I shook my head and flashed one of my million dollar smiles. I told him I was just lost in thought but that he needed to hurry so I could get dressed. I just laughed and continued singing as he left the bedroom and went out into the kitchen.

As I was getting dressed he started another anthem and I heard him walk into the bathroom-still singing. He continued as I heard him relieving himself, finished and walked out of that compartment into where the vanity was to wash his hands. A sudden thought occurred to me-as I could hear him while he was in there doing his business while I was in the closet-I began to freak out as I wondered if he could hear me when I would slap my balls against the wall where just on the opposite side he would be getting ready. And if he could hear it-did he know what I was doing? My body went into immediate freak out mode and I decided that I would have to stop until I could figure out a reasonable explanation to have on hand as in case he ever asked me what I was doing in there.

I finished getting ready and walked out into the front room where he was already sitting at his desk, kneeling in prayer before he began his daily personal scripture study. I had just a moment to check out his tight ass before I squeezed past to my own desk to begin my own study.

The rest of the morning passed in silent boredom-the fears of being caught during my morning ritual gone from my mind. We began our companionship study at the appointed time and then when the time came that we would normal head out for work we switched gears and began our weekly planning session.

Here comes the boring part-missionaries take one day a week to plan out the next week. Details about who they are going to see and when as well as what the people they are teaching at present need to learn as they progress towards baptism. All missions around the world do it differently-ours was on a Thursday. I used to silently chuckle to myself that on Thursday mornings the area was safe from out going and slightly intrusive missionaries.

Today was such a Thursday and we began our planning. We broke for lunch around 11 at which point I went back into the closet to change my pants (I was a 20 something year old that still ate like a 2 year old and managed to ruin the pants I was wearing) and Elder Corazone took his usual trip to the bathroom that would last for the rest of lunch. Normally I would sit at my desk and sleep or write a letter or two (we were only supposed to do that on Mondays but I sent one a week to my family and I would write it like a journal-such was my rationalization).

This time the apartment was quite as I found myself in the closet-quite enough I could hear what was going on in the bathroom like the wall wasn't even there. I heard heavy breathing that lasted for a little bit followed by a sharp breath or two. I thought I also heard the sound of something metalic jingling-the way a belt does when its around your waist but undone. I immediately knew what was going on in there-Elder Corazone was spanking the monkey! I couldn't believe it!

I immediately looked down to see a tent forming in my own pants-the idea that my companion was masturbating just a few feet away from me was hot! I began to wonder what he was thinking about-my imagination ran wild. Maybe it was me, the front desk girl for our apartment complex. Even as a gay man (closet yes but gay none the less) I thought she was attractive. Elder Corazone had mentioned how attractive he thought she was but it always felt forced and untrue.

I was still trying to process the information when I heard the toilet flush and I snapped back to reality. I changed my pants and was back out to my desk by the time my companion exited the bathroom. I still unsure if I should confront him or not (the idea of black mail popped into my head but I immediately dismissed the idea.) I decided to let fate figure that one out.

We finished planning and moved into what is called Companionship inventory. This is the part of the week when you and your companion take a serious look at your companionship and see where you are doing well and where you need to improve both as individuals and as a companionship. Its like couples therapy but for traditionally straight men who are forced to live be together more then a typical husband and wife would be. This is where issues of obedience are brought up and solutions to be more obedient to commandments and mission rules are made.

I was debating with myself if I should bring up the cum I found this morning on the floor of the bathroom or not. I waited for a time when it would be appropriate to do so but I couldn't find an opening. It is kinda hard to find an appropriate time, hey do you masturbate and could I watch you some time? Those moments don't really present themselves all that often. I suppose in reality I was just stalling-I really did not want to have this conversation. The more nerve I tried to work up the more nervous I became. In the end I appeased myself by deciding I would check the floors this week before I showered and if I found more cum (that wasn't mine of course) that I would bring it up next week in our companionship inventory.

We finished and went back into the bedroom to change into our service clothes-which were basically old t-shirts that no longer fit us and basketball shorts; and completing the ensemble was always our usual black knee high dress socks and a pair of ratty old sneakers the served as basketball shoes as well as service shoes. Every Thursday after planning the zone gets together for a weekly service project-an idea recently instituted by our new mission president. I watched as Elder Corazone changed with his back towards me-he bent over sticking his beautiful, perky ass out in my direction as he put his shorts on and then again as he put each sneaker on. It was all I could do to conceal the hard on I was yet again growing in my pants.

I heard the car honk indicating that the other elders had arrived and that it was time to go. I hurried and put on my sneakers and sunglasses. I didn't know what was in store for us but I wanted to be prepared on the off chance that it was outside. We drove in relative silence-idle chit chat filling the car occasionally. I was usually the talkative one but I was deep in thought-or more accurately put fantasy-when one of the other elders asked me if I wanted to switch him seats. I didn't think anything of it as the elder driving pulled over and we made the switch.

Normally I sleep whenever I'm in a car-I work hard and it all catches up with me the moment I sit down and am not active anymore. Today however I was wide awake as we drove to the church building. I would occasionally glance in the rear view mirror as we drove. I talked with the companion up front as Elder Corazone and the other missionary were talking amongst themselves.

At one point I thought I saw the other elder (a blonde blue eyed jock from Tennessee named Elder Blenkly) rub his hand on Elder Corazone's thigh-but I dismissed it until I was watching them in the mirror as Elder Blenkly placed his hand on Elder Corazone's thigh, his fingers slipping into Elder Corazone's shorts. I watched as Elder Corazone laid his head back and lifted his right arm up over the head rest behind Elder Blenkly. I watched as Elder Blenkly's hand slipped all the way up Elder Corazone's shorts and appear to rub his inner thigh.

I was mentally cheering Elder Blenkly on when the elder that was driving-Elder Shaw-announced here we had arrived and told me to wake up. I realized they must have all thought that I was asleep and that's why Elder Blenkly started petting my companion they way that he did. Then it dawned on me, Elder Corazone didn't fight it! He didn't even seemed phased by Elder Blenkly's actions! I had only a second to begin the process this information when the Zone Leaders walked up and handed out assignments. Once a week the church buildings in the area were cleaned by the members of each congregation that attending the building would volunteer to clean them. When we were given the new weekly service project requirement we decided as a zone to once a month go and clean on of the 5 buildings that were in our zone.

The zone leaders gave each companionship an assignment to do but when it came to Elder Corazone and my turn the zone leaders told us that we were going to be split up-Elder Shaw and I who were very tall-would be going through changing light bulbs and checking to make sure they all worked. I realized this was all busy work-there were people that were paid to do this but it fulfilled our service requirements. So Elder Shaw and I went off to find where the lightbulbs were kept and Elder Corazone and Elder Blenkly went off to clean class room black boards.

We started on the opposite side of the building as out companions. Around half way through the building I was about to walk into a classroom when I heard someone talking inside. I peeked through the window of the door to make sure I wasn't interrupting anything when I saw Elder Blenkly and Elder Corazone standing in front of the blackboard. I immediately noticed Elder Blenkly rubbing Elder Corazone's groin with his free hand as they both worked. Again-Elder Corazone didn't seem to notice nor mind. I was about to walk in on them and see if I could get in on the action when Elder Shaw called out my name.

I walked into the room just in time to see the lightbulb crash to the ground sending glass shrapnel flying. At first Elder Shaw wasn't injured however when he bent down to pick up a large piece of glass he managed to slice open his leg which caused him to grip the piece of glass harder which in turn caused him to cut up his hand. There was blood everywhere! I ran down to the hall and grabbed the first aid kit. By the time I had got back everyone (except Elder Blenkly and Elder Corazone) were gather around Elder Shaw doing their best to recall their rigorous Eagle Scout training and trying to bandage him up themselves.

I called the mission president and described the injuries. He asked to speak to the zone leaders and told them to take Elder Shaw to the hospital-he was severely cut after all and all the boyscout manuals in the world couldn't save him; Elder Shaw needed real medical attention. So they bandaged him up and loaded him into their vehicle and told everyone else to go back to their apartment and go to work for the day. Elder Blenkly, Elder Corazone and myself would stay at the building until we heard more from the zone leaders-elder Blenkly and Elder Corazone having just showed up, but nobody except me noticing.

We went back to the room where the light bulb shattered and cleaned up the broken glass-taking great care not to injure ourselves too. After that was done we went back to the room where I had spied Elder Blenkly feeling up Elder Corazone while they washed blackboards. I felt a little tension and excused myself to go to the bathroom-the one place I could escape to by myself. I waited a few minutes before I snuck out of the bathroom and spied on them again.

Elder Blenkly's back was to the door and both he and Elder Corazone were engaged in a passionate kiss. I watched as one of Elder Corazone's hands cradled and held Elder Blenkly's head to his while the other free hand slowly made his way down Elder Blenkly's back. Lower and lower it got until it reached the waistband to Elder Blenkly's shorts. Elder Corazone paused for a moment and then continued down and around Elder Blenkly's voluptuous and round ass. Much bigger but in a good way then Elder Corazone's Elder Blenkly appeared to melt into my companion. Elder Corazone pulled Elder Blenkly's leg up and around him and his hand shot back to the waistband and plunged into the darkness.

I could make out the impression of Elder Corazone's hand under Elder Blenkly's shorts and watched as he massaged Blenkly's firm and tight butt. His finger then disappeared as he centered his hand and he began to dig for Blenkly's hole. A second later, the other hand joined down Blenkly's shorts and began to push the shorts down-shorts, underwear and all.

Elder Blenkly on the other hand kept his arms wrapped around Elder Corazone-appearing to be the more honorable of the two. I could see his hands make towards Elder Corazone's waistband but stop just short and repositioning themselves back to Elder Corazone's upper back. I felt a strain in the crotch of my shorts-I decided it was time to put it all on the line.

I burst into the room to the shock and mortification of the two missionaries.

"So-we got ourselves quite a situation here." I said in as authoritative voice I could muster, "It looks like you two know each other a little better then most missionaries do."

Both had their heads hung in shame-Elder Corazone looked up and said, "Look-this isn't what it looks like. At least-I don't know!" dropping his head once again.

"Well, don't stop on my account. You two looked like you were enjoying it-why don't you keep on going?"

Both looked up with a confused look on their face-unable to tell if this was my usual brand of dead pan sarcasm or if I meant it. To put their minds at ease-I walked over to the door, pulled my shirt off and placed it over the window do the door. I then put a chair up against the knob to stop anyone that might try to enter into the room.

I grabbed a folding chair and removed my garment top and folded my arms.

"The only catch is that this time, I get to watch."

They moved uncomfortably at first but soon it became apparent that they forgot that I was in the room. Elder Blenkly quickly took it from PG-13 to softcore porn when in one fluid motion he slid down Elder Corazone like a pole, removing his shorts and garment bottoms and inserting Elder Corzone's growing cock into his mouth.

Elder Blenkly took it like a champ-going all the way to the bush without once gagging. I suspected this wasn't his first ride at the rodeo. I was getting turned on and slid my hand down my pants-fondling my growing cock. He had to have been doing something with his tounge because Elder Corazone stumbled back with a look of ecstasy on his face exclaiming his pleasure.

Elder Corazone regained control of the situation and grabbed Elder Blenkly's head and began to face fuck him-thrusting faster and faster. Blenkly fell back on the ground on his back but Elder Corazone stayed on top of him-fucking his mouth while Elder Blenkly massaged Elder Corazone's pecs and stomach-pushing his shirt and garment top up and over Elder Corazone's head letting it fall to his wrists.

Unable to take it anymore-I kneeled down and pulled Elder Blenkly's shorts and garment bottoms off and pined his knees up. I knew what I wanted and went in for the kill-my nose in his groin and my tounge working feverishly his hole over-in and out in and out. All this was going on while I was removing my own shorts. After I had my fill I hoisted him up by his ankles so that his upper back was left on the ground-Elder Corazone still face fucking him-and spread his legs apart forcefully. He let out a yelp when I posistioned my throbbing head at the entrance of his back door and forced my way in. Cries of pain immediately subsided into groans of pleasure as I continued my downward assault.

Before I knew what was happening, Elder Blenkly was on his side with Elder Corazone's cock in his mouth and my cock up Elder Blenkly's ass but Elder Corazone was coming at me and the next thing I knew I was in the most passionate kiss I've ever experienced. We both pulled out of Elder Blenkly at the same time as Elder Corazone flung himself over Elder Blenkly's body and onto mine. The passion! My hands could not move fast enough as I gropped and fondled every inch of my companion. I kissed his neck and his chest all the way down to his enormous, saliva covered cock. I posistioned it just right and went in for the kill................

"Hey Elder! You okay?"

I blinked a few times and shook my head. I had been fantasizing the whole thing-Elder Blenkly and Elder Corazone were walking out of the room and saw me just staring off into space in the hall way facing the door.

"Yeah I'm fine-just got lost in thought I guess. Lets go."

"You go to the foyer and we will clean up-you can still see us down the hall." Elder Corazone suggested.

"Yeah, I'll do that." I turned and walked down the hall and looked back just as Elder Corazone and Elder Blenkly walked back into the room to clean up their stuff-I swear I saw Elder Corazone lean in for a kiss!

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