
By Chris Vestal

Published on Oct 17, 2014


This is a follow on to my previous story Condition Session.

Usual disclaimer that this is fiction applies

We woke up this morning and were told that it is one of the house's semi-annual evaluation days. This was a twice a year ritual where our daily regimen of physical fitness and sexual conditioning would be evaluated. The trainers checked on both our personal progress as well as the overall effectiveness of their conditioning program. On paper the tasks that were demanded were straight forward. It amounted to jacking off four times in varying circumstances and increasing difficulty levels. The exact day of the evaluation was not announced, although it was possible to guess when it was coming due as the conditioning sessions became somewhat lighter as the time approached. Still, it really wasn't worth the pain of trying to save anything up. The one concession the trainers did make was that we were told immediately upon waking up. Most of us abstained from the usual morning ritual knowing what was coming.

After breakfast we gathered in the locker room of the big gym on the estate. Our names were called out at intervals to begin the tasks. The timing was intended to provide minimal rest between stations.

The first station is really basic and as easy at it gets. It's lay down on the cot and jack-off. The trainers were looking for a couple of basic items. First, it was expected that the cum shot should reach at least your upper chest, if not hit you in the face. Second, it should leave a thick, visible trail all of the down to the genitals showing off a great volume of cum. This really isn't a problem for anyone as the conditioning program encouraged and catered to both of these goals. Further, as we had all skipped our usual morning session, we all finished in minutes. The first station was not intended to be difficult, it was really intended to setup the next station.

The second station was not really something that I would deem difficult either. It could be a bit tricky however. The second station required that we jack off while sitting on the dildo stool. This was exactly what it sounded like. It was a stool that could be rigged with various sizes of dildos that the slave would be require to sit on. In the stool's more usual role as a punishment tool, it would be fitted with a dildo 9 inches long and almost 2 inches wide at it's thickest point. For the purposes of this evaluation, it was fitted with a much tamer 6 inch by 1 inch dildo. It was enough to provide plenty of stimulation with only a modest amount of pain. Now the tricky part about this particular jack off effort was caused by the trainer's desire to see an orgasm that occurs at full erection and with a cum shot that flies well clear of the base of the stool. The act of pumping the cock naturally causes movement on the dildo which causes quite a bit of

stimulation of the prostate. Also remember that this is the second time around in short order. The combination of the two circumstances often causes a premature orgasm while your cock is still at half-mast. The trick was to feel it out and relax, using the dildo to do most of the work while not overly manually stimulating yourself. Once you got fully hard, some focused attention on the head would produce that nice hard initial spray of cum.

At this point, we get a sort of break from the jacking off, although it comes in the form of hard exercise. While some folks like jacking off after a workout, I was never one of them. I find this test difficult both for having to cum after hard exercise as well as being the third time around. On the other hand, some of the more naturally muscular guys actually enjoy this part of the testing. As a setup to the third station, we put on thermal underwear and undergo a physical fitness evaluation that consists of 10 minutes of running at a 7 minute mile pace followed by maximum reps of pull ups, push ups, and body-weight squats. The purpose of the underwear is to cause our bodies to get totally sweaty, especially the genital area. Immediately upon completion of the exercises, we are required to jack off for the third time.

The final station is by far the most difficult. In fact it is considered so difficult that successful completion of the task the first time around is rewarded by three days off from chores and training and a day pass off the estate. Even completion on the second attempt was rewarded with a day off.

After completing the sweaty J/O, you return to the locker room and spend ten minutes taking a cold shower. This has the effect of totally resetting your body to zero as far as desire to cum is concerned. From the shower, you quickly dry off and are expected to cum in a standing position in front of the trainers. Further at the point of actual orgasm, your hands can not be touching your cock. If you don't visibly cum in twenty minutes, you had to return to the shower and start over. In this particular day of evaluation, only one of the twenty of us got a day off. No one got the full three days. I myself took three tries which is considered about average. Taking as many as five tries is not unusual.

After everyone was finished, we were given special ingredients to prepare ourselves an extra nice dinner as a reward for our effort. The trainers would huddle around the day's results and devise any adjustments to their program based on what they saw. This sometimes would result in small changes to the program such as volumes and times, but occasionally would bring some diabolical new lesson plan. But tonight, we didn't care, we just enjoyed our dinner and celebrated making it though another day.

Next: Chapter 3: House Punishment

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