
By Chris Vestal

Published on Oct 26, 2014


House Punishment

This is a continuation of my Conditioning series.

Usual disclaimer that this is a work of fiction applies.

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We were all working our chores on an ordinary afternoon when we were called into the dinning area. We noticed that at the front of the room, there was a platform setup. The platform held a chair and a lectern high enough up to give everyone a clear view. Those of us who had served the house for a period of time knew what was about to happen, one of us was being punished.

In short order, our Master and his keepers walked into the room escorting one of our fellow slaves. Even though we were all used to seeing each other fully nude, somehow the sight managed to stir our cocks. I didn't envy who was assigned to floor mopping today as the site before us caused many of us to spontaneously start dripping all of the place. Our fellow slave was walking awkwardly towards the front, his cock pointing straight up bulging beyond any normal hardness. A stream of precum ran from the deep red head down the length of the shaft helping to accentuate the veins popping out. His breathing was that type of desperate, erratic gasping that comes when one feels like they are a couple of strokes away from having the biggest orgasm in their life. That orgasm would not be happening today however as he was being kept from it by a wide studded cock ring fastened behind his balls along with a another at the base of his cock in front of the balls. His face showed the strain and anguish of having been constantly driven towards climax that would never come for the last 6 hours. Such was the first portion of a Level 2 punishment in the house.

This level of punishment was a fairly rare thing in the house. Indeed a sizable portion of the current staff had not seen it carried out. Master treated us well and kept us comfortably. In return we worked hard for him. Obeying the basic rules set down by Master was easy. Minor transgressions such as doing a sloppy job on chores, showing up late for a session and such, were punished by stints in chastity. Level 2 punishments were reserved for much more serious issues such as sex with another slave, continued and willful lack of effort in conditioning, or disparaging remarks regarding Master or the Household. Master's philosophy of punishment relied heavily upon the use of shame. The idea was that we would see the discomfort of another of us stuck in a cage, unable to get relief for 10 days and it would serve to make the rest make an extra effort not to have that happen to us. The shame of punishment was also intended to induce a sense of compassion between subject and group. We were encouraged to provide comfort and empathy to subject in order to help him through his situation. As the name would imply, all of this was taken up a notch with the Level 2 punishment.

Punishment day would start as soon as the subject completed breakfast. A keeper would pull the subject aside and escort him to one of the training rooms. In the room, the head housekeeper and often Master himself would confront the subject with accusations and evidence. More often than not, the evidence was video in nature. Although Master had a philosophy trust, it was very much in the Cold War style of trust but verify. There was no such thing as an unmonitored space in the house, and tapes were audited weekly for problems. After being informed of the accusation, the confession phase of the punishment was started. The subject would be required to confess their violation, promise to never repeat it, and beg for mercy in front of everyone. A simple acceptance of the accusation in the presence of Master was not enough. Master demanded that the confession come from the instinctive animal side of the mind. The confession must be true in every nook and cranny of the body and mind. This required pushing beyond conscious thoughts, getting beyond reflex, and getting down to the instinctive moral mind. To that end, the dildo stool was brought, with the full 9 inch by inch and half dildo mounted to it. The subject was secured to it by his ankles. The act of sittling on it forced an erection. At this point, a normal guy or even a new slave might beg for mercy. However, the conditioning we underwent instilled a sense of pride in our bodies. The subject would force himself to take the dildo, and show off his erection as an attempt at demonstrating loyalty to Master. Even a good display of pain tolerance and loyalty would not stop the punishment howerver. The subject's full-blown erection was secured by a cock ring. Next, a vibrator was placed under the subject's balls to drive the erection even farther. As the cock ring was too small to allow orgasm, the subject was soon stuck in a place racked by pain on his inside from riding the dildo, but getting the involuntary pleasure of being close to climax. Of course the pleasure of being near orgasm would soon give way to frustration. Frustration would turn to anguish as lactic acid built up in the muscles and the limits of cardiac endurance were approached. Anguish turned to terror as the fear that it wouldn't end set in. Then almost magically, terror turned into an acceptance of sorts that would in turn produce a true confession. The process could take anywhere from two to eight hours depending on the person. As a safety measure, the subject was allowed to drink water as needed, and a break for urination was allowed every two hours. Taking the break only made things worse however. The subject would have to urinate past large amounts of precum, thus incurring a significant burning sensation. Then the subject faced having to start the cycle all over again. At length, the subject would be ready to give his confession and the next phase began.

Judging by the time, it had taken about five and half hours to produce the confession today. The subject presently was seated in the chair and silence fell over the room. Master announced our housemate had something to tell us. Trying to hold back tears, our housemate proceeded to tell us that he had had sex with another slave. He knew it was wrong, but he let his urges get the better of him. It was a moment of weakness that he couldn't control. He begged our forgiveness and asked for help dealing with his urges better in the future.

With the confession given, it was time for the punishment phase to begin. The cock rings keeping the subject hard were released. An ice pack was then applied to the subject's erection in order shrink the subject's cock to as small a size as possible. Realizing that orgasm was going to be completely denied often this caused the subject to almost completely breakdown. They had spent hours longing for orgasm only to have the rug completely ripped out from under them. Once the subject's erection had been relieved, a chastity cage was fitted. The subject was then led, often incoherently crying out, to an isolation room until lights-out time that night.

At bed time that night, the subject was brought into the sleeping area. A decline weight bench was setup in the middle of the room. The subject laid down on it and was secured by the ankles, knees, and thighs. There was no need to restrain the hands as constant training to only cum when authorized had removed the instinct to make any play for the genitals. A human-sized hamster bottle of water was positioned so that the subject could drink from it. The chastity cage would be removed, exchanged for bullet vibrators under the head of the cock and under the balls. A rope was run from the subject's balls to ceiling, and back down subject's chest. The rope was attached to a chain running between nipple clamps. The length was adjusted to that if the subject crunch up, it would go slack, but if the subject went all of the way down, it pull hard on the balls and nipples. Lastly, a pressure switch was secured to the bench under the subjects shoulders. Laying on the switch turn off the vibrators, raising off of it turned them on. The subject now had a choice of allowing the vibrators to push them to orgasm in exchange for spending the energy to keep their abs tight, or he could stop the vibrators and relax by accepting the intense pain.

For the next eight hours, the rest of us share in our housemates struggle with making the choice from minute to minute. Tonight, the intense conditioning training would work against him. All of the work on the abs, all of the work producing multiple orgasms, all of the edging control work, it would only serve now to extend torment. The subject would not be able to simply pass out. As a reflex motion to avoid the tugging on his nipples, the subject would crunch up. At first the sensation of the vibrators was the lesser of evils to deal with. That would all change after the first orgasm, which due to the pent up demand, would not take long. Orgasm would bring with it a devil's choice. Stay crunched and deal with the pain of being milked immediately after cumming, or relax down onto the bench and deal with the pain of the rope on the balls and nipples imposed on an post-orgasm body of greatly heightened sensitivity. The initial screaming could be intense but would soon subside into a whimpers. It would eventually build back up again in erotic moaning leading inevitably to another now unwanted orgasm. After each orgasm, the subject would double his effort to crunch up in order to get relief from the stimulation, each time screaming louder from the effort. No one would get much sleep tonight. Simultaneously we both did and did not want to be him. Yes, he broke the rules and was being punished but at the same time our housemate was suffering badly and at some level we wish we could take some of it for him.

In the morning, we were allowed to end our housemates punishment. We would hold him up as we shut off the vibrators. Taking him into a tight embrace, we would try to comfort him during for the final bout of searing pain that comes with the removal of the nipple clamps. We would pick him up and lay him down on a bed in order to message out the muscle cramps. Aloe would be messaged into his swollen cock and balls. When he could stand up again, we would walk him to the shower and clean off his cum and urine stained body. Sin would be answered with comfort, shame with new respect for facing punishment and surviving.

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