Confined to Quarters

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Apr 21, 2005




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



Cadet Mark Phillips and I stood at rigid attention in Colonel Burke's office, side by side, while he thundered at us. "By God, I want the truth and I will have the truth out of you if I have to keep you here all day!" he blasted right into our faces, the first half into mine and the second into Phillips'.

"You!" he jerked his face back and rammed it into mine, so close that if I had moved the slightest bit, I would have bumped noses with him. "Did you give Cadet Phillips the answers to the test?"

"No, sir!" I shouted back at him. That's how you do things in military academy, everything has to be done at the top of your lungs.

"Did he give you the answers?" he bellowed.

"No, sir!" I bellowed right back at him.

"Then explain to me why you two got identical answers on the test, and missed the same questions in the same way, all the way right down the line, CAH-DET!"

"I don't know, sir!" I said. Actually, I had my suspicions about Phillips, but that was beside the point.

He turned to Phillips and issued the same questions at him and got the same answers. Feeling wronged...I didn't know what had happened, but I knew darned well I hadn't cheated!...I said, "Sir, it must be a coincidence!"

He was back in my face in an instant. "Oh, so you both just thought the capital of Peru was LA PAZ?" He asked. "Are you so stupid you don't even know that La Paz is in BOW-LIH-VIH-YAH!"

"No, sir!" I said. This puzzled me, I had meant to mark "Lima" but colored in the wrong little oval and so marked it wrong that way. So why had Phillips missed this easy question in the same way?

"Did you also think that the F-80 fighter plane was first utilized during the Vietnam War too, CAH-DET?"

Now THAT question I had just plain guessed on! "Yes, sir! I guess I was wrong, sir!" I settled for saying.

"Five hundred questions on eight subjects and you both missed the exact same questions in the exact same way!" Colonel Burke roared out. "Do you both think that I'm STOO-PID?"

"Yes, sir!" I belted out. Oops! "Uh, I mean, no, sir, I don't think you're stu--." I stammered.


A small, moist explosion of a stifled chuckle from Phillips drew the heat from me and Colonel Burke started in on him. The Colonel was actually getting red in the face, I wondered if he'd one day just drop dead from apoplexy or something during one of these screamfests.

Some interminable time later, he gave up. "Well, then, if I can't find out which one of you did it, I'll just have to give you both a new test." he said. "With totally new questions and you take it in separate rooms. That'll show which one did the answering and who did the CHEE-TING! Show up at Room 104 on Monday morning at 7:30 a.m. sharp. And just to be sure that neither of you pull any funny business while I find out which one of you to kick out on his ass, you are both confined to quarters this weekend; you two are not to leave the bunkroom except for meals, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"

"Sir?" I said, appalled. This weekend was the one weekend every six weeks that cadets got to go home! A three-day weekend, home, my old bed, home cooking, MOM!

"The cadet who's innocent will get all of next week off, from Monday afternoon until Sunday at lights out." he said.

"Oh! Yes, sir!" I said, cheering up somewhat. Phillips would get caught and that would be the end of it. I wondered if Colonel Burke would apologize to me. Probably not!

"DIS! MISSED!" He turned it into two separate words, two distinct roars of tone comprehensible only because we expected the word we got.

I turned around and strode out according to military protocol. After we got into the hall, Phillips burst out laughing. "Damn, Fred, don't you know better than to even try to answer any question from an officer that has the word `stupid' in it? You should have kept your mouth shut like I did."

I grinned sheepishly. "I meant only that I agreed we got identical test scores. How the hell DID that happen?" I asked him, more than a bit mad. "You sit all the way across the room from me!"

"That's right." He said and grinned and I suddenly didn't care that he was the reason I was being accused of impropriety. Phillips was in many ways the perfect military officer, tall, broad-shouldered, flat-stomached, recruiting-poster handsome, his blond hair and blue eyes transparent enough to cut right through you. When he smiled, his teeth were bright as pearls and glistened in the same way; you looked into those eyes and you could deny him nothing he asked of you. He filled out that uniform the way I only dreamed about, tried to adjust it to look, failed. The uniform wasn't to credit or blame for that, it was the same off-the-supply-rack dull-gray monstrosity, but on him it fell into neat, broad lines that exuded masculinity and begged you to follow it into battle and die in some glorious, foolhardy way.

Trouble was, that wonderful body was attached to a guy who thought the world was nothing but a toy to be played with, or a game you won by outwitting everyone else; a bundle of trouble packaged up in a way that, like Pandora, you had to open it up even though you knew better all the time you were doing it. How he'd roped me into this I didn't know.

"So how'd we end up with the same test scores?" I suddenly burned to know.

He gave a look that said that, if he'd been smoking a cigarette right then, he'd take a puff and let it blow out languidly to show superior disdain. "Coincidence, my comrade in arms. If a billion monkeys sat and pounded away at a billion typewriters, one of them would create the works of Shakespeare. Doesn't change the fact that the rest of them would just be wasting good paper. These things just happen some times. There were only seven wrong answers on both our test sheets after all, it's not that big a coincidence."

"Only a gazillion to one." I said. "Instead of five gazillion."

"Still, it happens. And look at the silver lining." he said. "They'll figure this out some time Monday, and we'll both get a week's vacation from this stinkhole. So chin up and think about those six days of sheer freedom."

"Meanwhile, we're stuck in the bunkroom for the next two days." I said. "This place will be deserted over the weekend, we'll end up digging out sandwiches for ourselves in the commissary."

"It'll be fun. Besides, we'll have Charm with us."

I'd forgotten about Cadet Charm. He was Indian (the country in Asia, not the Wild West type) and his name started with "Charm" and went on for about seven or eight syllables. His family had, for some unknown reason, sent him over here to attend military school, so the short weekend vacations we got didn't do him any good. He was pleasant, amiable, good-natured, and polite to the point where he came across as feeble-minded. He wasn't, it was just his personality, the eternal sort of happy-happy-joy-joy nature combined with a less than perfect grasp of English. Combine that with his name and the nickname was unavoidable.

I smiled. As Phillips had pointed out, this wasn't all bad and I felt sure a retest would vindicate me. It still left a mystery as to why we had identical test answers, but as he pointed out, the most unlikely events do occur sometimes. Other cadets had been put into our position (tests were always followed by a long weekend off) and been confined as we were. The cheater showed himself on the retest and was discharged in disgrace.

Still, lying there on my bunk and watching my comrades pack their bags and leave was pretty hard to take. Buses were lined up outside to take the cadets to the bus and train stations, and so the exodus was pretty much a mass stampede and abrupt silence.

I pulled out one of my textbooks and began to study; if I had to take another test on Monday morning, a review sure wouldn't hurt. The F-80 made its first appearance in the Korean conflict, I should have realized that.

"Please to pardon me." Cadet Charm said. His brown hand reached down and took my book away. He was shorter than me, thin-boned, with a strong sharp nose and deep brown eyes and hair black and shiny. The smaller-sized cadet uniform he wore fit him well, but in a different way, it made him almost a miniature figure to put on a mantelpiece and admire; you couldn't quite believe that a nineteen-year-old man was actually that size.

"Hey!" I said as my textbook was respectfully closed up by him and placed under one arm. "That's mine!"

"Colonel's orders." he chided me gently. "All textbooks are to be appropriated and held until after the second test. You are not to be allowed further study time before your second test; it is not fair to the other students." Charm KNEW all the words and meanings in English just fine, just not how us regular speakers made use of them, it turned his speech sort of exotic and sort of precise at the same time.

"Oh, okay, then." I said. "The rest of them are in my footlocker."

"I never would have guessed." Phillips snorted. He was lying on the bunk next to me, not his own at all. The footlocker was our only place to keep personal items, it rested at the foot of the bed and nothing was to EVER be placed on top of it or on top of the nightstand beside the bed. Made the bunkroom of some twenty beds (they weren't double-deckers, at least) look downright utilitarian.

"What do you suggest we do with ourselves for the rest of the weekend then." I said. Then turning to Charm. Charm would be our monitor while we were in confinement, that hadn't been declared but was obvious; we all participated in enforcing the Colonel's orders in things like this. "Are we allowed to go to the social hall?" That was a room just across the hall and down a ways, it held a pool table, pingpong tables, television and such minor diversions. The bathroom adjoined this room, and treated as a part of it.

He shook his head dolefully. "You are to remain confined to this room. You are allowed to play card games if you possess cards, or talk or sleep. I am to escort you to the commissary at the designated hours for eating, morning, noon and evening."

He gathered up my books and added them to a pile of Phillips' books he's already gathered. "I will take these to the Colonel now."

He left and I turned onto my back, tucked my hands under my head and looked up at the ceiling.

"Now what are we going to do?" Phillips asked me. "Got a deck of cards?"

"No." I admitted.

"Me, neither. Got any sort of handheld game, you know, Gameboy or such?"

`No." I said. Then, with a sort of superior sound, "I came here to study. Which I'm not allowed to do."

"That's your trouble, Fred, you don't know how to have fun." He protested.

"And you don't know how to have anything else."

"At least I didn't cheat on the test."

"I didn't either."

"Oh, really?" I asked him. I knew he hadn't cracked a book since the test, he hadn't had a chance. "In what war were tanks first used, and by whom?" I asked him one of the tougher questions on the test.

"First World War, the British had a version of the tank." Phillips said, quite accurately. "At least they had an armored track-laying vehicle they shipped over in crates labeled "tanks" for secrecy's sake, and that's where it got the name."

He was right. "Shit!" I said. "It was coincidence!"

"That's right." He said. "Now prove to me you know how to have fun."

"How?" I asked him.

"That's right, how."

"I don't see you having fun."

"That's because you're not looking over here." he said.

So I did. "Good God!" I stuttered. "Are you crazy?"

While he'd been talking to me, Phillips had taken out his cock and was playing with it. I couldn't believe my fucking eyes! His cock was long, tall, pale-skinned and curved like a bow, topped with a long, almost thin head that burned a light pink, and he was stroking it lazily back and forth while he talked to me, his head turned and looking right at me. "Nope." he said.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"What's it look like?"

"Jeez, cut it out?"

"Why?" He asked me. "Got nothing better to do. Might as well whomp the old sausage."

"God, you're sick."

"So don't watch. Or join in with me. Or don't you know how to have fun, Carpenter?"

"I know how to have fun." I objected.

"So do it with me. Nobody's around except for Charm, and he's going to sit down the hall and watch television. That's what he did the last time I got confined to quarters." He chuckled. "I did it on your bunk that weekend, did you know that?"

"Shit!" I said.

"Yeah, I lay there and I whomped my pud until I got close, then I got up and I shot my wad all over your bedsheets." He informed me. "Must have done that to a half-dozen different bunks. You all got back that Sunday night and skinned down and got into bed and you were all laying on my dried jism. God, that got me so horny I jerked off again and again that night, thinking about you laying there on my come, you and Martin and Scofield and Meyers and Catalano and Washington.... Oh, God! God, I'm getting close!" he huffed. "You getting a good look at me pumping my dick over there? Can you see me?"

"I can see you." I said, but my lungs had no energy, it came out like an intimate whisper. "I see you just fine."

"Take yours out." he gasped. "Let me see your cock. I see it puffing out your trousers, it looks nice and hard. Bet it could use a good flogging right now."

I reached down slowly for my fly and his eyes followed my hand down hungrily. I caught the zipper and then paused. What was I doing?

"Come on." he urged me. "Take it out. Take it out for me. Let me see it."

"I don't know." I temporized.

He made a sound of almost disgust and scooted over and got up, standing next to me. "Come on, Fred, show me that hard cock. I'm showing you mine, aren't I?" he waggled his cock at me for emphasis.

It was so close to my hand, so close. All I had to do was reach up and touch it.

I don't remember raising my hand, but the next thing I knew I had reached up and wrapped my hand around his cock. It was hotter than I expected, felt like a rifle muzzle at the height of a hot afternoon's drill, when you have to "Order Arms" and the hot steel sizzles your hand as you slip it from your shoulder to place the rifle butt on the ground, holding it only by that rod of burning steel, in the same way Phillips' cock burned my fingers and in the same way I didn't let go.

I pushed the foreskin back as far as it would go and then pulled it forward and Phillips gave out a long, low moan. "Ooooh!" He groaned. "So that's your game is it? This is what gets you hot, huh? Ooh, yeahhhh!" he moaned because I had done it again, pressing his foreskin back so far that cockhead dimpled under the pressure, then pulled it back up and that red knob vanished in the thick folds of velvety flesh.

His hand reached down and snatched the zipper pull-tab from my hand and he yanked it down hard. His knee went up on my bunk and both hands fished into my fly and were tugging at my briefs, struggling to free my dong from its tight confinement. My left arm, which he had nearly knelt on save that I had lifted it up hastily as his knee came down, went up above my head, feeling useless and awkward there, but when I felt his hand fasten onto my dong and struggle with the elastic tying it in place, I let my left hand do what it wanted to do, which was reach down and cup one of his asscheeks while my right continued to pump his cock. God, he was hot! Precome poured out of his cock onto the back of my hand, a thick, heavy snail-slime-like trail that crept down my hand as I pounded his prick, that hot prick, that luscious, savory dong that smelt so damned wonderful, deep, rich...animal.

He had my cock in his hand now and he was beating it hard and fast, while his mouth made a round "O" of ecstasy, his eyes closed tight. And his cock steamed, beckoned to me.

Lost in his pleasure, I was scooting around and my lips touched his cockhead before he realized what I was up to. "Oh, jeez, Fred!" He heaved and his cock met my touching tongue with a gush of crystal clear, salty, pungent pre-jizz that rushed out onto my tongue and paved the way for his cock as I pushed it into my mouth, tasting him as I went, all salty, hot, meaty dong redolent with musky need and dark-flavored fullness.

I nursed his prong and he greeted my every move with a moan of lust, loud, full-throated groans that echoed around the large, empty room, the two of us locked in our mutual need on only one of the many long, narrow, thin-mattressed bunks.

He was wrenching my cock with his hand, yanking it so hard it almost hurt the way he palped and manipulated it so roughly. My own grunts were composed partially of pain, but they were a pale echo of his own just the same, he was giving full vent to his hunger, his need.

He gave himself so thoroughly to his passion that I wasn't so surprised that when I flagged in my labor of loving his dong, the awkward position straining my body with its unnatural contortion, that he moved to rectify this without my asking, moving so that I could stretch back out on my bunk, him moving his legs so that he could straddle me flat on my back, and his position puzzled me at first since his back was to my face, and that puzzlement was answered when he finished shifting his body and now on all fours, I felt his lips grasp my dong.

As he clutched my prod with his lips, his hips shoved his own prick all the way down my throat, that huge, long, slender arc of male flesh flew on its arrow-flight of joy all the way into me, so that his balls slapped on my nose and his pubic hair tickled my chin, and when he buried his pud inside of me, he groaned and his own lips swathed and slavered over my cock, and his lips followed that path of moisture down, until he had all eight inches of my prick firmly inside of his mouth, and he pushed his cock down roughly into me while he crammed the last bit of my thicker prick into him, and once he did that, he held still, as if we were suddenly frozen in our moment of lust.

Filled to the very brim with his cock, my own buried totally within him, there was pleasure in this act of taking and being taken utterly, I groaned and I felt my throat vibrate around his prick, and he groaned from that and his muscled throat fluttered around my cock, pulsating and rippling my dong with his echo of pleasure.

I moaned my appreciation and how much and how far this would have sufficed to drive us to our mutual peaks, for his own cock was a white-hot shaft within me and my own agitated prong was throbbing in concert to his pulses of ecstasy.

"May I ask what you think you are doing?" Charm demanded from us, and his accent turned even that into something less serious. It wasn't his fault, but it's hard to take serious a tone of voice that is so fluid with the sounds, almost like it was being filtered through water into golden round notes that slipped from his burnished lips.

With Phillips' cock still buried in me deeply, I couldn't answer and couldn't even move with his legs planted on either side of me, but I felt my cock relinquished by Phillips' warm lips and then he said, "What does it look like? We're sucking each other's cocks."

"This behavior is most inappropriate and contrary to the rules of this school." Charm said.

"Nobody has to find out unless you tell them." Phillips pointed out. "Tell you what, you keep quiet and I'll have Fred here give you a blow-job when he's done with me."

I almost choked, and it wasn't his cock. What the hell was this, had I become his personal property or something?

"Better yet, you pull that sucker out and he can suck you while I fuck his ass." Phillips continued.

I groaned, thrashed and managed to pull that huge long sword of manhood out of my body. "Who the hell said you were going to fuck me?" I said.

"You want Charm to turn us both in?" He asked me. "He's got us both dead to rights, you know."

"That is for certain." Charm said and I knew then that he wouldn't turn us in...if I sucked him off.

"Now, look, I'm willing to suck on Charm if that's what it takes to keep us out of trouble." I said. "But there's no way I'm letting you fuck my ass."

"If you don't, I'll report you myself." Phillips said. "I'll just march down and tell the Colonel that you made a pass at me. Charm was a witness, weren't you?"

"God damn it!" I said. "I am not a hands-around whore here!"

"Sure you are." Phillips said. "Who reached out and grabbed my prick when it got in range. Who was the first one to start with the sucking here, huh?"

"That's not the same thing." I said. I couldn't call him a liar for that, he was right. "I was willing to do that."

"You'll be willing for the rest of it, when I get it into you." Phillips said. "Come on, Charm, get over here and I'll help him work your dong for a while."

Phillips got up and turned around and lay back down on me and I felt his cock, hard and sticky wet, on top of mine. Charm had his cock, its tip a surprisingly bright pink color, and he was shoving it towards me and Phillips caught it and guided it to my lips.

Shit, what had I gotten myself into? A weekend of being the love slave of two horny teenaged cadets?

When Charm pushed forward, Phillips' hand guided it so that instead of entering me, it glided over my lips and then he was pressing his own on top of it, and so Charm's cock was sandwiched between our lips and...and Phillips was kissing me around that hard dong! He hunched his hips and that hard, spit-sticky dong of his slipped over mine and it was almost as good as fucking. Phillips began to run his lips back and forth over Charm's almost-sweet-tasting prick and I imitated him, to keep our lips together and Charm let loose a stream of fluid syllables in what I suppose was Hindi, and it was almost like a prayer the way it sounded though I suspect it was actually something raunchy and even derogatory, something like, "suck my cock, you white dogs?" or such. The thought of that, being degraded in another language, turned me on, and I humped back up at Phillips.

Suddenly, the thought of being fucked by him didn't sound so bad at all!

As usual, he caught the acquiescence in my movements, and chuckled, lifted up and I was left to nurse on Charm's prick, and Charm quickly crammed it in my mouth--no doubt about it, I was a public hole he was fucking, nothing gentle about him despite his surface demeanor at other times. Again those syllables, and I sucked on him while Phillips began to pull my shoes and socks off, then my pants and briefs, leaving me naked below the waist.

"Come on, Charm, really give him that cock of yours, make him choke on it!" Phillips grunted as he removed his own uniform. "Really shove that dong of yours right into him, give it to him hard, real hard, oh yeah! God, I'm ready to bust wide open, but I'm going to take my time, really drench you in come when I do let loose. Jeez, my balls are bubbling, they're so damned ready; I hope I don't pop my cookies the minute I get it in you!"

He spun me around and now my head was hanging off the bed, and Charm used that position to grab my head and shove his cock into me that way, fucking my face upside down. That supposed politeness was nowhere to be seen in his lovemaking, he fucked my face, I was a slab of meat he was using to get off.

Then Phillips' cock hit my anus as he spread my legs apart by yanking them wide with his hands at my ankles, and I had a brief instant of panic. God, would he rip me open?

But he was gentle enough, and must have put some lubrication on his cock that I hadn't observed, for his dong was well-slicked and went into me without a great deal of trouble. Oh, it hurt like hell at first, but his keen senses seemed to pick up nuances quickly, he always would stop and let me adjust before he pressed on.

This let Charm catch totally up with us, for by the time that Phillips got the rest of his cock into my ass, Charm was already groaning and hunching my mouth so hard that it hurt worse than my ass did.

Charm burst loose with a loud near-howl of pleasure and his sperm shot into me. He thrashed so much that his cock slipped out of my mouth and he was still shooting it and it landed on my lips and chin, splashed on my cheeks and then he got it back inside and shot the last few wads into my mouth. When he lifted it away, his come was a long, sticky rope of jizz that clung to his cockhead and then dripped away to smear me from lips to my hair with a long strand of his spunk.

"That's the way." Phillips said. "God, look at all that jizz on his mouth, it looks so damned hot!" Then he leaned over and began to kiss at my face, kissing away all of Charm's come wherever it had hit me and his hips moved within me as he did so.

I'm not sure what happened to Charm because my world was wrapped up in Phillips, in Mark, my gentle, lusty lover. As hard as his cock was, as much as he shuddered from his need to release that long-pent-up load, he took his time and he fucked me proper and it wasn't until I reached my own shuddering climax that he let himself go, feeling my pleasure-wracked body as leave to join in, and as I sprayed his stomach with my come, he squirted his inside of me, a load fully as heavy and thick as he had promised, it felt like a gallon of it inside of me as he came, and came and came, so that his prick still pumping in and out of me made a squishy sort of gooey noise like the sound a bicycle pump makes when you're pumping up a tire, not loud, just kind of...sexual.

When he was done at last, thoroughly worn out and soaked clear through, both of us, with his sweat, he rested his head on my chest and I kissed his hair all soaking wet and salty.

For a good long while, we lay like that and neither of us said a word, his cock still inside of me, still semi-hard, and I wondered for a time if he would start in on me again, but he seemed to take strength after a time and he rose up, just onto his elbows and looked down on me.

"I was wrong." he said. "You do know how to have fun."

"Thanks." I said. A question occurred to me. "How did you get the same answers on the test as I did? You were all the way across the room, and we were being watched by three proctors."

He grinned. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Yeah, I would." I said.

"Make you a deal. We're bound to both get the week off on Monday. I was able to pass that test, I just wanted to get you alone and see if those looks you were giving me were for real or not."

"Is that why you did it?"

"That, and to see if I could." he agreed.

"So tell me how you did it."

"Make you a deal." he repeated. "You come with me for that week, up to my parent's mountain cabin, instead of going home. We'll be alone up there, just the two of us, in a fully stocked cabin. At the end of that week, I'll tell you how I did it."

"Deal." I agreed.

So after a gruff apology from Colonel Burke, Mark and I had a hell of a great week up at the cabin, and it was the start of a long and wonderful relationship.

Oh! How did he do it, from across the room and with three proctors watching? Easy enough...if the proctors are the ones who are looking at my answers and passing them on to him. He said his biggest problem was convincing himself that, as smart as I was, I had actually put down La Paz as the capital of Peru!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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