Confusion Rains

By ds elliot

Published on May 15, 2004


Confusion Rains - Part Six

by ds elliot

The story of two gay high school students discovering each other.

All rights reserved. This story may not be distributed on or linked to any other sites including pay sites without the express permission of the author.

Copyright 2004.

This story contains descriptions of sexual contact between two young men. This is a story of intimate sexual contact and discovery. If you are not of legal age in your area to read stories of this nature or if you are offended by stories of this nature, please navigate to another site and stop reading now.

I would appreciate your comments, suggestions, and constructive criticisms. You can contact the author at:

and now for Part Six...

Christmas was more subdued than usual, but still a very happy occasion. As always the time was spent visiting friends and family, eating great meals as well as all the usual holiday treats, and of course opening presents Christmas morning. My parents treated Ty like he had always been a part of our family. For his part he seemed to adapt well to that change, referring to my - our - parents as mom and dad. Ty and I did attend Christmas Mass after the gifts were opened. When we returned home we had a wonderful breakfast waiting. Ty was invited to a New Year's Eve party with his friends from high school. Not being 21 yet we didn't have any other options. Ty really wanted to go to this party. I really thought it a good idea as part of his process of moving on and getting over the death of his dad. It was obvious that he did miss his own family connection during the season and despite how included in my family he now was, it would never be quite the same.

We did go to the party at the same house as the party in July. This time I promised not to abandon Ty if I got pissed. For his part Ty promised that he wouldn't do anything stupid -- that remained to be seen, but I was more than hopeful without expecting the impossible. I was more than confident in my ability to fend off any verbal attacks and physical attacks if it should go that far. Everyone at the party was more than cordial. Many knew that Ty was staying with my family now and didn't seem to have a problem with that. Everyone who knew about the death of Ty's dad went out of their way to offer condolences and comfort with many of them offering any help they could give him. A couple of the guys even offered for him to stay with them when he came home for the summer. It was nice of them to consider him and his situation both now and when summer came along.

Naturally there was drinking -- lots of drinking. There was plenty of booze to get everyone drunk and many were well on their way by midnight. No one really said anything too upsetting to me. I'd overhear an occasional comment, but nothing was too vindictive or mean. Many of the conversations I had with people were centered around the tragic loss of Ty's dad with many asking how Ty was really doing. It was a pleasant evening until about 1:00 when the jerk from the men's room and some of his buddies showed up at the party. I learned that he'd been invited, but no one really expected him to show up -- at least not this late in the evening. He had a buzz going, but he didn't seem to be drunk. He seemed to be looking for me when he arrived because once his gaze found me I could see evil in his eyes. I knew there would be a confrontation, but decided I would deal with it when it happened. Ty noticed their arrival though he was in the kitchen when they first arrived. Ty and I made eye contact -- like he wanted to make certain I knew he'd arrived.

The asshole managed to make several inappropriate comments and graphic suggestions -- all indirectly aimed at me. Several of the guys and girls at the party tried to shut him up, but he wouldn't be silenced. When I didn't respond to him, he became more aggressive and began addressing his comments directly to me. I told him that the party wasn't the place. I suggested that further bad behavior on his part would end like the last time. He vocally told the group that he'd beat me again because I was the one who came on to him -- tried to suck his dick when he went to the men's room to take a piss. Ty started to walk towards us, but I looked at him trying to indicate that he should back off. The verbal abuse continued a bit longer until the point where he shoved me, attempting to knock me down. He was telling me and the room that he thought I looked better on my knees. That was the point where I told him we could settle this better outside.

Ty grabbed me before I followed the asshole out the sliding door to the backyard. I told Ty not to get involved -- that I could handle this myself. Ty realized that I was angry and determined to see this through to the end without his help. Outside in the yard he continued his verbal assault -- making idle threats and suggesting what he'd do to me before he was finished with me. Ty walked over to him to try to put a stop to it before it started, but the asshole told Ty that he wouldn't hurt his 'fag boy' too badly though I'd have a sore throat when he was done with me because he was going to fuck my face after he beat the shit out of me. I heard Ty say,

"He can take care of himself. You should think about who had the busted nose from your last encounter."

"The fucker got in one lucky punch the last time. The bitch fights like a girl."

By now all of the party goers were in the yard. Everyone was standing around the perimeter of the yard -- some trying to stop anything from happening, some encouraging one or the other of us, and most talking shit. The idiots buddies were egging him on. And so it started... we were perhaps 20 feet apart when he charged toward me. I knew he planned to slam me to the ground. I turned slightly and bent down as he got closer. I used my shoulder and the momentum of his charge to flip him over the top of me and into the air. He landed on his back. I know that he had to be surprised, and I'm sure the air was knocked out of him. The asshole got up anyway. He was making comments about my use of Kung Fu moves and decided on a different plan of attack. He got close enough and threw a few punches. I danced around him as much as possible in the yard -- always avoiding his swings and watching his style. I did land a few punches in the process. It didn't take long to realize that he had no training or skill. He was just throwing wild punches. I decided to play with him -- hitting him so it hurt, but not so hard that I knocked him completely down and out. Most of the punches I landed were to his face. I did hit him in the chest a few times and in the gut too just to take his wind away and slow him down a bit. He had a nasty cut over his eye. I had hit him there fairly hard three times. The eye was definitely closing up on him. His nose was bleeding and looked to be broken because it seemed a bit crooked in the dim light of the yard. After twenty minutes I was tiring of the game and decided since he wasn't ready to quit I would make the decision for him. I landed a fairly hard punch to the jaw. I felt the jaw give when I made contact. That sent him to the ground. He tried to get up, but didn't make it back to his feet. It seemed to take a minute for the results of the battle in the backyard to take effect. When everyone realized that he wasn't getting up again, I was instantly the hero though I am certain most of them were hoping to see me get my ass whipped when this all started. I went over to the guy and turned him over on his back. He was a mess. His eye was badly swollen. His face was showing signs of the fight with bruises starting to show. He had blood all over his face and shirt. His nose was definitely broken. His jaw was at least dislocated if not actually broken. I told his buddies -- the same guys from the bar -- that he needed to go to the hospital right away. One of them was talking about pressing charges against me for assault, but Ty told them that would be stupid since everyone at the party was well aware that he started the fight. I was only defending myself. The three guys helped him to his feet and more drug than walked him through the gate and to their car.

Back inside I washed up my hands in the bathroom. Ty came in while I was there. My knuckles were tender and a real mess, but most of the blood washed off and fortunately wasn't mine. By the time we walked back into the living room I was the toast of the party -- the center of attention. Everyone was talking about the fight and my moves and asking where I learned that. I think all of them were surprised to find out that I learned that in college. Ty and I left shortly after that.

The next day my hand was slightly swollen and stiff. Naturally my parents wanted to know what happened. I was content to give then a simple 'nothing' to answer their question, but Ty decided to give my dad a blow by blow account of the event. Ty was like a kid at his first major sporting event -- full of excitement and more than over anxious to share all of the details. Of course Ty then mentioned that it wasn't the first time I'd beat him. When he learned that my parents hadn't heard about that either he went on to describe it in exaggerated detail for my dad's benefit. He then volunteered all of the information about the marshal arts and boxing class. Naturally he decided to give another blow by blow account of the final match in the boxing class. When he was finished bragging about my 'skills', my dad said that he had worried that I wouldn't be able to defend myself against some people in the world but now realized that not only could I defend myself but probably had to worry about making sure I didn't hurt anyone too badly.

We lounged around watching football and eating pizza and even drinking some beer that my dad provided (that was a first). Ty got a few phone calls at the house from people at the party just wanting to relive the events of the previous night and to update us on the condition of my opponent. He had a shattered nose that would never be quite as good as new as well as a broken jaw. He had to have eight stitches to the cut over his eye and his face was a purple mess. Someone had pictures and promised to make sure Ty got copies. The story given to the hospital staff and the police, after the hospital called to report the incident, was that he'd taken a bad fall. The police pressed one of his buddies because they suspected there could be another guy just as bad off in an alley somewhere. Off the record he told the officer that the other guy didn't even have a scratch on him. That wasn't completely true. My hand would be a reminder of the fight for the next week or two, but in all I really did fair pretty well.

We packed that evening to return to campus the next day. I asked Ty to drive because of my hand. He was more than willing to do that and even insisted that we take an ice pack along so my hand didn't swell any more than it already had. On the way back we talked about missing our chance to get our own place, but decided that we could always do that during the summer. Ty started to talk about attending summer school because of the credits he'd missed by taking light loads during spring quarter and because of a class that he's failed. We talked about staying at school during the summer and both taking classes. I knew that I wouldn't get much of a position without a Master's degree and really needed a PhD to make any real money in my chosen field. We were still vaguely talking about those ideas as we pulled into my dorm parking space.

School had become just school. The drama in my life had quieted to a very tolerable pace. Since Ty and I really were a couple and true partners working together towards the same goals, life had become so much simpler. Life in general seemed so much more enjoyable. Ty and I were spending at least four of the seven nights together in my room. It occurred to me midway through winter quarter that no one ever said anything about the two of us basically sharing my single room. Several of the guys on the floor had been in my room at one time or another so they were well aware that there was only one twin bed. Several of them also saw us together in the communal bathroom as we got ready in the mornings so it was pretty obvious that Ty was spending the night with me. I asked Ty if he'd ever considered that. He told me it was one of the things that made him nervous in the beginning when I first got the single room, but since no one had ever mentioned anything to either of us that it just didn't seem to be a big deal to anyone so it wasn't to him either. That seemed like a major hurdle for Ty to overcome, but he seemed to do it without too much difficulty. The guys on my floor were pretty decent I decided. I knew all of them casually and had some in my classes, but I didn't know any of them well enough to discuss something as personal as my sex life or sexuality. They must have all assumed that we were gay and dating. The best part is that no one voiced any problems with the arrangement. That might be different if I had been around any of them when they got drunk, but that hadn't happened because I was always the first to leave the party.

Ty and I were slowly building our own group of friends -- gay friends. We had Lyle and Mark. We did lots of things with them over the course of winter quarter usually spending one weekend night doing something with them -- a movie or miniature golf or something else. Tony would occasionally come around to visit. He had warmed up to Ty and vice versa. Tony was about 5'9" and around 150 pounds. Tony really liked the muscled boys on campus. Ty convinced him to get involved in weight training so he'd develop some muscle of his own. Tony quickly decided he liked the idea because then he'd be closer to the guys with all the muscles while he lifted weights with them. It seemed Tony could endear himself to anyone so we both figured that he'd have lots of guys offering him pointers and help along the way. I got more involved with one of the campus gay groups after the campus news covered what could only have been a gay bashing incident on campus. I wasn't sure what I hoped to accomplish by attending meetings and getting involved, but I suppose my point was to encourage the gay campus population to learn how to defend themselves and to go places in pairs or groups. The rumor was that a group of jocks beat up the gay guy while he was walking in a rather deserted part of the campus. Tensions were running fairly high on campus as winter quarter was coming to a close.

Tony probably got the worst of those tensions. It seems that he spent a little too long looking at one of the football players while they both happened to be in the shower. The football player had Tony cowering in a corner of the shower and was ready to beat the hell out of him when Ty interceded. Ty was just coming in the locker room to start a workout when he heard yelling in the showers. Fortunately he went to see what was happening. He got the big guy, nicknamed Rock because he had a body like the professional wrestler and a near shaved head, to give the kid a break. Ty tried reasoning with him asking if Tony had suggested anything or touched him. Rock said that he hadn't but that he was looking at him like he wanted to do something. I'm sure that was the case, but looking didn't warrant a beating in my opinion. Eventually Rock calmed down enough to get Tony out of the shower and on his way. Tony got a lot of shit from the other guys in the locker room as he dressed without drying himself off then ran out the door. When Ty told me what happened I called Tony and told him to come over as soon as he could. Ty and I talked until Tony arrived. Ty knew Rock and didn't think he was usually like that. I didn't know the guy at all and wasn't sure who he even was at that point. Ty said that he was going to try to talk to Rock since he still felt this was way out of character for him. I decided to talk with Tony just to make certain he realized that he'd put himself in a bad situation and to make sure he didn't have plans to go back there for a little while anyway.

Tony trembled as he told his side of the story. He did admit to looking at Rock. At first he said he was just admiring his body, but he did admit that he thought Rock was the most perfect man he'd ever seen. Tony said that he just couldn't stop looking. As much as Tony had talked about muscled guys I wasn't at all surprised at that. He was ready to fall in love with any guy with muscles -- the more muscles the harder Tony was going to fall. Things like being able to communicate with a partner or share common interests just didn't matter to Tony at this stage of his life. He was just thinking about the muscled body. I'm surprised he didn't have an erection in the shower, and maybe that is what had happened until Rock scared it completely away. We talked about tensions on campus and that he really picked the wrong time to do what he did. Tony knew that he did something that wasn't right or tolerable at any rate. I told him he really did owe Rock an apology for invading his privacy, but that I didn't think he should go anywhere near him or something worse might happen. Tony vowed to stay as far away from the gym, locker room, and all jocks forever. I knew that wasn't likely, but at least I wouldn't worry about him making that mistake in the near future. I hoped it would all blow over quickly.

Ty and I met for dinner after Tony left. Ty brought Rock with him to introduce him to me. I'm sure he did that because my first reaction was that the jock was at fault and to blame for all of it because he scared a little guy who was basically harmless. Ty had tried millions of times to tell me that the jocks weren't as bad as I always thought they were. He accused me of stereotyping them because of my experiences from high school. I really couldn't argue with him. I knew that was true. Ty would always bring up Mark as an example of the true jock -- well grounded, intelligent, stable, witty, attractive. Ty knew that I liked Mark so he could easily win with that comparison. When Ty brought Rock to the table I was immediately intimidated by him. He stood at least 6'3" and couldn't have weighed less than 230 pounds. He was fully dressed, but even dressed it was obvious why Tony was attracted to him. We shook hands and all sat at the table to eat. We had a very pleasant conversation during dinner. Rock and Ty were both History majors. This was Rocks last year. He planned to play pro ball next year if he could get a decent contract. He already had an agent who was working deals for him. He was really one of the nicest guys -- very playful and funny -- a truly infectious laugh. Ty had told Rock that I tutored Tony. Rock apologized for scaring Tony and said that he probably really owed the kid an apology too. He told us that since the gay bashing incident on campus that the jocks were assumed guilty. He knew several who'd been questioned about the incident already. Rock didn't really seem to be homophobic at all. I asked him about that. He told me that he'd never had a run in with anyone ever off the football field. He went on to say that he didn't have any prejudices toward gays or anyone else for that matter. I couldn't help but believe him. He seemed extremely sincere. I told him that Tony probably owed him an apology too for invading his privacy. Rock didn't say anything to that, but did say as we were leaving that perhaps I could invite Tony to a public place to talk it out. I told him I'd see what I could do. He gave me his phone number and told me he was out of class by 2:00 each day.

I called Tony a few days later to convey the invitation from Rock. Naturally Tony refused to meet Rock because he was certain the guy would just beat the shit out of him in public and make his life even more miserable. It seemed word of the incident had spread around campus quickly. Tony was getting a lot of shit from a lot of guys including guys in his dorm. They didn't want him in the communal showers when they were there. His 'friends' weren't talking to him and most of the guys in the dorm were treating him like he had the plague. Tony finally agreed to meet Rock as long as I went with him. It wasn't enough for me to meet him there. He wanted to know for sure that I was going so I had to walk to the Student Union with him. We met Rock at the food court and took a table off to the side where our conversation would be more private. After we all shook hands -- and Tony was literally shaking, Rock got all three of us soft drinks and came back to the table. Rock started by apologizing for his over reaction. He tried to explain that with campus tensions and jocks being blamed for the incident he was feeling picked on by everyone just because he played sports. Tony then apologized for his behavior in the shower. Tony did admit that he was looking at his body. He quickly followed that with a compliment that couldn't have been taken in any other way other than hero worship. Rock smiled. Tony went on to tell him that he'd been trying to build muscles and mass and wished that he could some day be in the shape Rock was in. Rock told him to keep lifting and working on his body and he'd see results. In an off hand comment Tony said that it wasn't likely that he could go back to the gym or locker room after what happened because several jocks already told him to keep the fuck away from them. He honestly said that if he went back he would probably get a beating for sure. Rock seemed to be really sad when he heard that. He told Tony that he hadn't even considered that and would try to make it up to him by getting the guys to back off and leave him alone. Rock suggested that perhaps they could workout together for the next few weeks then no one would bother him at the gym. Tony said that he'd really like that then asked if he thought he could do anything about the guys in the dorm who wouldn't let him in the shower if there was another guy in there because now everyone knew he was gay and figured he was after them. Rock took another deep breath and sighed, saying...

"Shit! I really didn't think this thing would get so out of hand. It never occurred to me that it would get around campus. You life must really be hell."

"It is, Rock." Tony said. "It really isn't your fault though. I really do think you have the greatest body. You should be in magazines! When I saw you walk in the shower while I was there I couldn't help myself. It was like seeing God right before my own eyes. I never would have tried anything, honest. I just couldn't believe how perfect you are."

"Kid, you're gonna give me a swelled head if you don't stop that. I'm no different than you. Well, maybe we could try this idea and kill two birds with one stone. Hear me out... Tomorrow we'll go to the gym together to work out. When we finish our workout we will take a shower together. That should help to stop the shit you're getting at the gym. After we do that we'll head over to your dorm and hang out for a while. I suppose we could always take another shower there so that calms the guys down in your dorm. After that we can go to dinner together and invite some of the guys from your floor to join us. That should help get you back in good standing with them. I think it's worth a try."

"Oh God, Rock... that would be great! I think you really are the nicest guy I've ever met... well, you and Brandon. He's pretty cool too. I had the hots for him when he started tutoring me, but he calmly told me he wasn't interested. At first I thought he was gonna beat the crap out of me, but he was so nice about it just like you - now that we've talked. I guess I'm just too horny all the time and get myself into trouble when I let the little head do my thinking."

Rock was laughing his head off. I thought we'd have to throw cold water on him to help him stop. When we all got back to normal after our laughing fit, Tony said...

"Now I just have to work on some self-control in the south forty. Knowing I'm gonna be taking two showers with the Rock has already got the little guy standing up to take a look. I don't know if I can keep him down on the farm where he belongs."

Rock was laughing again. He reached over toward Tony and pulled him into a headlock with his face pressed against his huge pec. Tony was beet red and Rock messed his hair and continued to laugh. When he released him Tony sat back up and said...

"You really are such a nice guy. You really are the best! No one has ever done anything this nice for me ever. I really will never forget this. Hey Rock... do you care if Brandon comes to the gym with us?"

"No, I don't care. We'll all get a good workout together."

Ty and I laughed at Tony who'd joined us for dinner that evening. He retold the whole story to Ty word for word. I was certain that conversation was permanently etched in his brain. I couldn't believe how excited he was to get to not only work out with Rock but to also hang out with him at his dorm. He told us he was going to make certain it was spotless and that he had a nice clean towel for Rock. This was the worst case of hero worship I'd ever seen, but his excitement and enthusiasm were almost contagious. At the end of dinner even I was looking forward to the workout.

Tony and I walked to the gym together. I know he was struggling with himself trying to keep his courage especially when he got some stern glares from some of the guys in front of the gym complex. Rock jogged up to us as we approached the door. He wrapped his arm over Tony's shoulder as we walked in to the gym and back to the locker room. We all took lockers next to each other and changed into our workout gear. We all worked the various machines and free weights as Rock gave both Tony and me some tips and suggestions. While I was spotting Tony I noticed that Rock made the rounds talking with all the guys either alone or in groups. I figured he was just being social. When we finished we all showered together -- well not exactly together but together in the same facility. We all walked out together and I noticed no one made any comments or even glared at Tony. A few feet from the gym Tony asked,

"Hey Rock... What did you say to all those guys in the gym?"

"I explained that what happened the other day was my misunderstanding. I told them we talked and were now friends. I also mentioned that it would be a really stupid idea for any of them to mess with one of my friends."

"You are the absolute best guy. I can't believe you're like a regular guy even though you look like a god. Have you ever met a nicer guy, Brandon? Don't you think he's just the best?"

"I do think he's pretty special, Tony. He really has gone out of his way to help you out, and I think that is right up there with sainthood." I said.

We saw Tony with Rock and another dozen or so guys from his floor when we went over for dinner. Tony waved at us when he saw us and couldn't have had a bigger smile. He was in his own private heaven. I made a mental note to thank Rock the next time I ran into him. Tony called me that evening after Rock left the dining hall. Tony said his life at the dorm was going to be better because Rock did the same thing he did at the gym -- letting the guys know not to mess with his friend. I could hear Tony's smile over the phone. He told me he wanted to do something nice for him but didn't know what he could do. I suggested he let it all rest for the time being. Tony was in hyper mode tossing out ideas as quickly as they came into his head without even thinking about them. I told him he had to consult me before he actually did anything so we could make sure it wouldn't cause Rock any problems. I already knew that Tony didn't have much extra money to spend so figured he wouldn't be sending flowers, though that was one of his ideas. Before you get mad at the stereotyping... I'm not saying straight guys don't like to get flowers, maybe they do. I just don't think straight guys like getting flowers from other guys and certainly not gay guys.

A few days later I ran into Rock. I said...

"Rock, I really want to thank you for all you did for Tony. You really did help him out a lot. I know he created the situation that started it all and it was great of you to see beyond that and help restore his life on campus."

"Hey it really has been my pleasure. I'm still working out with Tony. I think I might just keep him around. That kid is good for my ego. He's always complimenting me and praising me. He's like my own off season fan club -- my groupie."

"I hope that doesn't get old. He really does seem to worship you."

"Hey Brandon... Your last name doesn't happen to be Hayes does it?"

"Yea it is. Why?"

"Well after that problem with the campus gay bashing I thought it would be a good idea to have some self-defense classes for the gays so maybe they could have at least a fighting chance if someone ever tried that again. I went to the Gay Alliance group on campus and volunteered my time four evenings a week. My plan was to do two classes, each two nights for a couple hours each. The problem is that there really aren't a lot of people signing up for the classes. Right now there are less than twenty signed up for both classes and the school requires at least 20 per class to set the space aside. I was going to hold the classes in the Student Union so no one would feel threatened or get hassled. Anyway, when I told them they suggested I talk to you because you were the guy who was advising gay students what classes were available and helping them sign up. I was hoping you might help sign some up for my classes."

"Sure, I'd be glad to help fill your classes. How many can you take in each class?"

"I figure I can easily handle 30 people for each class. If there are more people than that I can always get a few other guys involved and take up to 40 in each class. The space I've reserved for the quarter won't accommodate any more than that."

"What exactly do you plan to teach?"

"For the past two years I have been working at the Y in my hometown during the summer. One of the things I taught there was a self-defense class for women. The Y wasn't in the best part of town so the women who came to the classes were ones who often walked or took a bus wherever they went. They were prey to all kinds of thugs. The Y program was to teach them what to do. That involved several different things -- how to use mace spray, carrying a fake purse, some basic self-defense moves. It was a 13 week class like these will be so there wasn't a lot of time to really get serious about any actual fighting skills, but it did give the women confidence. I think I can do the same thing for the gays here."

"Would you be happier teaching a group of women? I have had several requests from lesbians on campus."

"It really doesn't matter to me. I thought I could help and so volunteered my time. I get some extra credits for the work, but that isn't the reason I'm doing it. I really believe all people need to not feel afraid to be in public. I can't imagine anything worse that feeling like you can't walk from your room to the library after dark without worrying about being attacked. It shouldn't be that way."

"I agree with that. I know I can fill your classes. I probably get ten calls a day from students seeking advice. Your classes should be full within two weeks, and I think you should look for volunteer help because I'm positive I can get the classes up to 40 each."

"That's great man! Maybe you want to volunteer to help with one of them. Tony tells me you beat up guys all the time."

"Actually that isn't true. It's just one guy a couple of times. He didn't get the message the first time."

"I hope you aren't upset that I approached you this way. The guy at the Alliance described who I needed to talk with, and I was sure it was you. I asked Tony about your last name. He confirmed it was Hayes. I told him we were going to work on something together so asked him for some information about you. I could tell that he was upset with himself when he gave away the fact that you were gay, but don't be mad at him. He was over excited to tell me the details of your 'Battle in the Backyard' as he called it. If his version of the story is even half true, you are more than capable of taking care of yourself and teaching others what to do if they are in that situation."

"I was a little surprised when you mentioned the Gay Alliance and self-defense classes. When I agreed to advise people who wanted to find a class that would be right for them, it never occurred to me that anyone from the straight community would be talking with them. As you can probably guess, I'm not exactly out on campus or anywhere else for that matter."

"It's cool. I can understand that. I saw how hard it was for Tony. That kid has got some big balls to be out. Most people here are tolerant and accepting and understanding, but unfortunately not everyone. I talked to Mark about talking to you. He told me that you were a decent guy. I grew up with Mark. I was one of the first people he told he was gay. We're still friends. I figured you and Ty are together so I understand the reason to keep what you've got going secret. All sports teams are worse than any other group of people. I know what Mark and Lyle have to go through. It isn't easy for them so I'm sure it isn't for you and Ty either. Both are decent guys -- not that you aren't. I just know them better because we've lived in the same dorm for a few years now."

"Was I correct in assuming you're straight?"

"Yea, I am."

"You really are enlightened for a straight football player. I'd be happy to work with you. My schedule spring quarter shouldn't be too hard so count me in for one of the classes. If you haven't already signed Tony up, he'll be the first addition. I worry that the next guy he ogles won't be quite as nice to him as you were. Besides he needs some physical activity. The weight training you've been doing with him has been great, but he needs more. He's got too much energy. I think that is why he was struggling with school."

"I think you're right about him. He just seems to race into everything without waiting for all of the instructions. He means well, and he really is a nice kid. I look at him as the little brother I never had. I was the youngest of five kids so it's kind of nice to play the big brother role."

"You're a good guy, Rock. I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you've done for him. He really does idolize you. I'll keep you posted on your class size. I know it won't be a problem to fill them both."

"Lookin' forward to working with you. This will be fun and educational."

With Ty's baseball schedule, he only had two days at home during spring break. We planned to use that time to work on his house. We really hadn't had much time to decide what to do with the place, but whatever way we decided to go it did need to be painted. We selected colors for each of the rooms and set to work. When we finally got to his bedroom and started to move the furniture, Ty found the papers he removed from his dad's safe deposit box. He had given those that looked important to my dad -- house and truck title, a copy of the will, some insurance papers. The rest he just stuffed in the top drawer and forgot about. We sat on the bed and started to look over the papers and things from the box. There were several clippings that had been saved over the years from Ty's baseball career. He found his birth certificate and his parent's marriage license. He also found some legal documents granting custody of Ty to his father. Along with that were some other legal documents that had been filed by his mother to gain custody of him. Ty was amazed with that discovery because he just assumed she'd forgotten all about him when she left. I think he was happy to learn that she tried to get him away from his father. He had so many more questions that the papers could answer. I told him we should discuss them with my dad -- that he would know who to talk with about the documents. Ty just nodded his assent. He also found a stock certificate for a few shares of stock. Ty realized that he really didn't know anything about most of what was in the box. We put the certificate in the pile of things to take to my dad. He also found an envelope with some jewelry in it. One was his dad's wedding ring and the other pieces we assumed belonged to his mother or perhaps his grandmother. Those also went into the pile for dad. He also found two baptismal certificates -- one for him and another belonged to his mother. He also found some pictures from his parent's wedding. His parents looked so young especially his mother. From the date on the baptismal certificate we calculated her age at only 16 when she married his dad. Ty was born four months after their wedding.

Ty and I talked for a while about his family. His dad had always told him that he was an only child, but one of the photos in the box was of his dad at a much younger age with several kids in the photo with two adults. It seemed to be a family photo taken in a backyard somewhere. Ty didn't know any of the first names on the back of the photo. Ty also realized that he never knew his mother's maiden name until today. The questions kept growing, but none of the answers were readily available. We went back to painting the bedroom and continued to talk mostly about all of the questions Ty had. Ty told me when he was a kid he asked about his mom all the time, but those questions always pissed his dad off and often started verbal and physical abuse. We talked more about the abuse Ty lived through all those years. Ty talked about it such a matter of fact manner -- like that was the way all children were raised. I couldn't believe the difference between our two lives. He asked about my life growing up. My complaints about my parents when I was a kid seemed so petty in comparison to his life. The worst that ever happened to be was being sent to bed early or on a very rare occasion being grounded. By the time I reached my teen years I was so removed from the rest of the world without any real friends that I didn't do much more than read or play on my computer -- and most of my time on the computer was spent in chat rooms talking with other gay men around the world.

Back at home Ty went over the papers he'd found with my dad. My dad was most interested in the stock certificate, but that was because it was his thing. He asked Ty what he wanted to hopefully learn from the information he brought home. Ty told him that he'd really like to find his mother or at least learn what had happened to her. My dad thought that he could do that or at least start the process. Ty seemed like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders at the news that my dad thought he should be able to find information about his mother. I was sore from painting so planned to relax before dinner. Ty joined me for a shower. The hot water did wonders to relax my arms and shoulders. Ty washed my hair then started to wash my body. He ran his soapy hands all over my body -- slowly washing away any dirt while awakening a tingling sensation everywhere he touched.

The mere thought of Ty naked aroused me. Having him naked with me sparked the slow burn of my passion's desires deep inside me. His soft, slow touch as he lazily played his fingers over my body awoke nerve endings and transmitted pleasures from every area his fingers grazed. Out of the shower, we exchanged tender, loving kisses. There is no greater joy then feeling the heat from you're lovers lips as kisses are gently placed on the cheek, nose, neck, eyes, and finally -- God! Finally -- on my lips. The journey he took was excruciatingly slow, but deliciously sensual. I'm not sure when or how, but we were on the floor. Ty's body was partially covering mine -- trapping me under him - pressing against me. More maddeningly light kisses to my lips. His tongue brushing against my lips -- in one instance cooling my lips and quenching my desire and the next instant igniting a flame and creating insatiable desire. His fingers traced lazy patterns on my skin -- too slow and too soft to be tickling, but in their wake a giddy, light-headed feeling. My body strained to get more of him -- to share urgent kisses, to feel more of his body connected with mine, to have his fingers grasp me firmly in his strong grip. Yet he kept a distance -- never disconnected but just slightly out of my grasp -- toying with me, teasing me, tempting me, taking me -- slowly, oh God, so slowly. My lips begged for his mouth on mine, his tongue to come into my mouth. I could see him and feel him, but I couldn't yet possess him. He was controlling me -- taking me with him as he fanned the flames of the needs that were burning in every part of my body. He changed positions -- pinning me to the floor as he sat on top of me. My hands held in his and pinned to the floor. More light kisses on my arms - under my arms -- across my chest. My body felt on fire where his lips touched, and the flames of passion and excitement smoldered long after his lips moved on. My body was one raw nerve -- over stimulated and not capable of much more -- yet I was begging him not to stop. My head was thrashing back and forth... brain on sensual overload... too many pleasures, too much stimulation, too much passion. My dick was rigid. It was standing up from my body twitching our of control as it sensed and then felt Ty's dick close.

Ty raised up and positioned my dick at his hole. Slowly he slip down -- one agonizingly slow downward motion -- until I as completely inside. My need for release was urgent, insistent. Ty just sat their on top of me -- occasionally shifting, occasionally sliding up and then down. I could feel my dick twitching inside the warm cavern, attempting to create the needed friction that Ty was denying. What had once been soft pleas for more were now louder demands and unabashed begging to finish this torturous journey. My attempts to buck my hips to gain my own relief were met with the weight of his resistance. When he wouldn't increase the pace I tried in vein to change our positions -- with knees bent and feet on the floor I tried to slam into him, tried to buck him off me, tried to find a path to relief. There was none. With my arms now pinned above my head Ty continued his gentle kissing and nibbling -- my ears.. God, my ears. He was driving me insane with more stimulation than my body could endure.

Had it been days? Time was not a concept I could fathom. My whole focus was centered wherever Ty's lips landed on my body. Nothing existed beyond the area he was attending to at that moment. Babbling... nonsense... How long had it been since I'd had a coherent thought? I wasn't capable of forming words only sounds... not my voice... Exquisite agony... Ty finally relaxed. Some how my body knew. Positions changed. I was ramming into him with the urgency and steady pace of a machine -- slamming in hard long rhythmic strokes. I covered Ty with my body as I continued to piston away inside of him. My tongue in his mouth -- demanding his, pulling a part of him inside me. The rhythm became erratic and still more urgent. I could feel the impending climax that had been building for hours... days... My whole body tensed for the coming release. The first eruption was hard. My whole body trembled -- shook violently -- and the eruption continued. My next conscious thoughts were peaceful and calm... warm, relaxed, sated. Ty was there with me -- under me -- holding me.

"Fuckin' A, man! That was fuckin' intense. Did you pass out Brandon?"

"I don't know. Everything is a little fuzzy -- blurry right now."

"You were like some crazed animal... You've never been that wild before. I thought you were gonna split me in two or cram your dick so far inside me we'd never get it out."

"Were you trying to kill me or make me insane?"

"I was just trying to get you in the mood. Guess I succeeded. I think you had a religious experience, an epiphany or something. You were speaking in tongues." Ty chuckled.

"Did you get off?"

"Hell yea! That was the best yet! You're a mad man! You think you take after your dad?"

"What? Have you got a thing for my dad now?"

"No. I was just wondering."

We stayed on the floor for about 30 minutes as a gradually took inventory of various body parts and regained the strength to move. When I rolled off Ty he stretched and slowly climbed to his feet. He offered his hand and pulled me up with him. My legs felt rubbery -- unsteady. We went into the bathroom and cleaned up. The cool water refreshed me -- revived me. We joined my parent's in the family room. Of course my mother would have to open her mouth. She said as we sat down with sodas from the fridge...

"Sounds like you boys had a good time."

I was beet red the moment I heard the first word. I could feel the heat in my face increase as she continued -- going up by several degrees with each word. Ty wasn't as bothered by my mother's comments as I was and responded with,

"We sure did! More fun than we've had in a love time. Did you two have any fun this evening?"

I was ready to hide. I didn't want to discuss my sex life, and I certainly didn't want to hear about my parent's sex life. Dad pretended to ignore the whole conversation as he fixated on the TV. Mom and Ty, however, kept their conversation going...

"We haven't yet, but I have a feeling we will later."

I could see my father blushing in his chair. He probably knew better than to say anything -- knowing it would only make the discussion worse.

"Maybe I should take Brandon to a late movie so you can have a little privacy."

"That's a great idea Ty. Ben is a little skittish when we've got guests in the house."

"Geez, mom. I'm sure we don't need the details." I intoned.

"Brandon, you're old enough to have sex so you should be mature enough to discuss it. It isn't anything to be ashamed of. You are just like your father in that regard. I bet he's sitting in that chair right now with a red face and an erection, just wondering when that late movie will start."

"Helen, for gods sake. You are embarrassing the boys." Dad chided.

"No she isn't, dad." Ty responded for us. "I think it's great that mom is so open about it. What I heard about sex growing up made it sound like something guys did to girls. It didn't sound nice or fun. It sounded like something dirty, something to hide and not get caught doing. Mom makes it seem much more healthy and wholesome. Something you share with someone you love. I don't imagine it is easy knowing that Brandon and I are a couple. I'm sure that was never what you envisioned for him as he was growing up. I can tell you that I love the guy. He's taught me a lot during our time together, but so have the both of you. I hope we will have the spark and the passion and the desire that still exists in your marriage when we are your age. You are both excellent role models."

"I guess you are right on several counts, Ty." Dad said. "Most of the people we know have been divorced at least once. All of them seem to have been through very unhappy times at one point or another. Helen and I have never really been unhappy in our marriage. Sure we've had some disagreements and even an argument or two over the years, but those issues never clouded the fact that we love each other. She is the best part of my life. I knew from the moment I first met her that I had to spend the rest of my life with her. Thank God she gave me the chance. As far as Brandon goes... well I guess we always just wanted him to be a happy and well adjusted man. He had us worried for a very long time -- all through high school really. He was never happy and always alone despite all of the different things his mother and I suggested or encouraged. When the two of you became friends that last part of high school we could see the changes in him immediately. We both probably knew then that he was gay because he'd never responded to anyone else like he did to you. The two of you have had a rough road so far, and that road is likely to be even worse in the future. More than anything we want the both of you to be happy. We both hope you will always be happy together. The two of you seem to have found your soul mate in each other. That find is exceptional and will take work to maintain. Marriage isn't an easy relationship as I'm sure you are learning. Committing to each other is one thing -- the easy thing. Nurturing the relationship, working through difficult times, respecting each other, growing your love for each other -- they are all harder and require constant attention on your part. As long as you always put your love and your relationship first, you will succeed. Now, doesn't that movie start pretty soon? Your mother and I have some things to discuss in private."

Laughing we found our jackets and headed out to give our parents a few hours of privacy. Instead of a movie, we ended up at a Denny's. We ate burgers and drank milkshakes as we talked about our parents and laughed at them. Ty was more taken with the open discussion than I was because we had always discussed most topics very frankly while I was growing up. My parents never talked around issues or tried to disguise what they were discussing. Thinking back I really couldn't ever remember my parents fighting. Sure there were some heated arguments, but I never remember those arguments taking on a personal nature. They never attacked each other or tried to belittle the other's point of view. Ty vowed to model our 'marriage' after theirs. I loved Ty for his grand ideas and his willingness to embrace positive concepts especially when it came to the two of us, but I always had that nagging feeling in the back of my mind that we still weren't where we needed to be despite all of the progress we'd made. There were so many issues for us as a couple and so many questions that Ty still had to find answers to before we'd truly be where I know we both desperately wanted to be. I believed Ty knew this too, but he was willing to paint with broad strokes where I tended to pay more attention to the smaller details.

Classes started again. Spring quarter was harder this year because Ty was traveling with the team to every away game. I wasn't able to go to most of those games and missed him terribly when he was gone even though it was usually only for a day. Ty always called after each away game to tell me the high lights. He was having a great season. He'd matured in his position at third base and had greatly increased his hitting ability. He had recently been moved into third in the line up. Scouts were attending games regularly. This didn't bother me until I learned that scouts were interested in him as well as others.

Rock and I became fast friends as we worked together with his self-defense class. Our students seemed to be learning what we were trying to teach. The increase in individual confidence was amazing to watch each week. Rock and I demonstrated defensive moves for the group. Rock always had a sense of humor about our sessions and seemed to naturally garner the respect and attention of the students. Tony happened to be in the class we both taught. He adored Rock and didn't miss a chance to praise him, compliment him, and rave about him to the other students. Rock and I would often stop for a beer after a session at a little bar just off campus. He was easy to be around -- intelligent and funny. It wasn't too long before I considered him one of my better friends. He'd even stop by my room when Ty was away with the team to just talk. He was dating the tiniest woman, but then any woman would look small next to him. She had such a positive outlook and bubbly personality in addition to her stunning good looks. The two of them were a perfect match -- aside from the height and size difference. It looked like he would crush her if he was actually on top of her.

Ty's scholarship was fully funded for his last years of school. He could play a fifth year on the college team if it took him that long to get his degree. That news was very welcome because it eased his financial worries substantially. After talking he decided to use his inheritance money that would have gone towards school to buy his first car. He didn't really need the car, but I knew having one was important to him. He would have spent nearly $10,000.00 of his money for school so he had a substantial amount set aside for his first car. Ty really wanted a pick up or an SUV. I tried to talk him into something more gas efficient, but knew that his first car should be one that he really wanted and not something he settled for.

Between spring and summer quarter we had about ten days off. We finished painting the house and cleaned up the yard. We decided to rent the house for the time being since we weren't at a point where we'd be moving into it any time soon. Dad agreed to handle the details for us. My parents owned two other properties that they rented -- one a duplex and the other a small strip mall with eight different small businesses. Adding our house to the mix really didn't create any extra work.

Dad had also tracked down Ty's maternal grandparents and one of his mother's sisters. Dad talked to the sister prior to telling Ty so he could gage their reaction to Ty's desire for information about his mother and her family. The sister seemed more than willing to talk with Ty. She told my dad of their family problems way back then with Ty's mother getting pregnant at 15 and married at just 16. She also shared what she knew of Ty's dad who was 24 when he got Ty's mother pregnant. She went on to say that she hadn't heard from Ty's mother since last Christmas. At the time she was living and working in the Los Angeles area. She had remarried and had two additional children -- a boy and a girl. She wasn't positive but guessed their ages at 12 and 14. Ty was more than excited about the news. He did phone his aunt. They had a long conversation -- nearly an hour. His mother's family was from the Mississippi. She still lived in the same small town where they were all born. His grandfather was a Baptist minister, now retired. His grandmother was the church organist and music director and still filled that role on a part time basis. She had written to Ty's mother and had a return phone call from her. She was more than anxious to meet her son again, but at this point couldn't afford to take time off from work to travel back to where he lived. Ty got her phone number from his aunt and place his next call after their tearful good-bye.

When Ty's mother picked up the phone I could see the emotions welling up in Ty's eyes. They too talked for nearly an hour, and most of what was said was through tears on both ends of the phone. I tried to leave the room so Ty could speak in private, but he wouldn't release his grip on my hand. Within five minutes after hanging up Ty had decided that the money he planned to use for a truck would be better spent on a trip to see his mom and then one to see the rest of her family or at least those in the immediate area of his grandparents home. I felt this was a trip Ty needed to take alone, but he insisted that I was going along. He needed me for moral support and didn't want to spend a week traveling the country without me at his side. By the time Ty was finished with all his phone calls he had us booked from home to Los Angeles with a room and rental car there. From Los Angeles we flew to Jackson, Mississippi with a rental car for the drive to our destination -- about an hour drive away with a room at a hotel there. From Jackson we'd be flying back home. The trip would take six days. We had three days in Los Angeles and two days in Jackson. The rest of the time would be spent on a plane.

Reunions are strange things. Ty's mother was over joyed to see him after so many years. She wasn't at all saddened about the death of Ty's dad -- and understandably so after what she'd lived through for the years they were together. She did give Ty more information about his dad's family, but she didn't know very much about them. Ty's dad was the black sheep of the family. He'd been kicked out when he was 18. He'd been in trouble most places he'd been in his early years. His step brother and sister didn't seem nearly as happy to meet Ty as he was to meet them. By the time the visit was over the kids had warmed up considerably. His mother's husband seemed like a very nice guy. It was clear that they didn't have a lot of money, but they seemed to have everything they needed and all seemed to be happy. His mother hadn't talked to her parents since they forced her to marry Ty's dad and basically disowned her. She was only in contact with the one sister. They had only seen each other a hand full of times over the years, but they did keep in touch with letters. His mother wasn't really pleased that he was visiting his grandparents, but seemed to understand Ty's need to connect at least on some level. For his part Ty told her of his life: college, baseball, me -- his partner, our house, and other personal high lights of his life. His mother didn't really comment when I was introduced as his partner and didn't flinch at Ty's references to us as a couple. Before we left for the next leg of the journey, they exchanged phone numbers and addresses and promised to keep in touch from now on. As we were leaving the kids seemed really sad to see us go. The boy had become especially fond of Ty and was referring to his as his brother. His step sister seemed more smitten with the two handsome visitors and enjoyed the attention we gave her.

The drive from the airport in Mississippi took half again as long as expected, but we were eventually checked into the motel. Ty called his aunt to let her know that we'd arrived. She told us she was sending her oldest to meet us and drive us to their farm since the rural roads weren't well marked. Almost 45 minutes later there was a knock on our door. Ty opened it to John, his cousin. John came into the room for a few minutes. He told us he hadn't been in the motel before and always wondered what it looked like inside. We encouraged him to take a tour. If he noticed there was only one bed in the room he didn't mention it to either of us. Instead of the old truck John arrived in, we took the new model rental. By chance and not request it was a very nicely equipped sedan. John was very talkative on the trip to the farm -- asking lots of questions and not always waiting for the answers. He reminded me a lot of Tony in many ways. At the farm we were introduced to everyone. His aunt hugged him like she would never let him go. She had four sons. The youngest was 12 and the oldest 16. Each of the boys was named after the gospel authors -- Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John. John also happened to be John Jr. which we didn't find out until later when their dad came in from the fields. The chatter was constant and seemed to change topics as quickly as questions arose. We did learn that Ty's grandparents would be joining us that evening for a picnic dinner in the yard. The tables were already together and the food was cooking. His aunt would occasionally excuse herself to tend to something or another in the kitchen. The boys were all rambunctious. It didn't seem to be too long before a baseball and mitts and bats appeared. It seems that they all knew that Ty played baseball in college and wanted to see what he could do. A backyard game began. All the boys were very impressed with Ty's arm -- how hard he threw and how accurate. It didn't take long for them to tire of chasing the balls he constantly hit beyond their reach. Chasing balls through the field wasn't as much fun as it initially sounded.

The grandparents were typical of grandparents everywhere it seemed. They were cordial and friendly. They too wanted all of the information about Ty and even asked about his mother. The evening went fast. It seemed that it was over too quickly. About 10:00 we headed back to the motel. John came along with us to retrieve the truck. We asked him about a restaurant in town so John took us by the place so we could find it the next morning. Ty invited John and his brothers to come into town in the morning to join us for breakfast. John was very excited to join us, but Ty cautioned him that he needed to ask his mother first before he told his brothers. John agreed with the plan. We went right to bed as soon as John left. We were both emotionally drained from the trip and far more tired than either of us realized. We slept soundly until I heard the noise of the pick up pull up right outside our door. I got up right away. It was just 7:00. I didn't figure the boys would be here until much later. I woke Ty before I went to answer the door. Since we both just got out of bed we were only dressed in boxers. The boys didn't seem bothered by that and piled into the room to find space to sit. They fought over the one comfortable chair in the room -- with John winning that battle. They boys busied themselves with the TV and bouncing around on the bed while first Ty and then I showered and dressed. It was nearly 8:00 when we arrived at the restaurant.

At the restaurant Ty and I started to make our selections and discussing our choices with the boys. I think we were both expecting that the low prices likely indicated small quantities -- not true at all. The boys each picked one item, and all of their selections were in the bottom price range of menu items. None of them wanted more than water to drink. When we told them they could order whatever they really wanted the youngest one, Luke, told us that their mother gave them strict instructions to not be pigs in the restaurant and try ordering expensive things because we were college students and probably didn't have a lot to spend. Ty told them that he appreciated and respected their mother's advice, but wouldn't be happy if they didn't order things they really wanted and that included beverages too. So without fail the boys followed Ty's suggestion. Everyone had juice and large glasses of milk along with their favorite breakfast items. It was after 9:00 by the time everyone finished eating and we were ready to leave. Back in the car John asked if we were rich. Ty told him that we weren't. He explained that he went to school on a baseball scholarship and had set money aside for a car but decided to use it for this trip instead because he really wanted to meet some of his mother's family. John said that he'd have spent the money on a car before he went on a trip especially to Mississippi.

We all drove over to the grandparents home for a brief visit. There were lots of memories shared many through pictures of happier times for his mother. His grandmother gave Ty several pictures as well as the names and addresses of his moms brothers and sisters. We didn't leave their house until nearly noon. We decided to take the boys to the only drive-in restaurant in town before heading back to the farm. Once again the boys were reserved, but quickly got the idea that they should order what they really wanted. A dozen burgers, half a dozen fries, and six extra thick shakes later everyone seemed full. Back at the farm the boys showed us their rooms and favorite things. The younger three drug Ty out into the fields while I stayed with John discussing some of the books he read, John was so much calmer when it was just the two of us sitting in his room talking about books. It seemed that he read a lot. He told me there wasn't anything else to do in Mississippi and couldn't wait to leave. He already had a plan to join the service so he could see the world and find a place he liked better. He told me that he thought we were a lot alike. I didn't really think too much about that comment at the time he made it. We had dinner again with the family. Tonight we were going to meet another of Ty's aunts and some of her family. It was another endless round of questions and answers as the night wore on. As we were ready to leave John came along to retrieve the truck. He told us both that he really wished that he could come with us. I think we both felt sorry for him, but we also knew that we couldn't take him along. We exchanged hugs with John and encouraged him to write to us. We told him we'd always write back. He didn't have a computer and neither did his school so email was out of the question unfortunately.

In our room Ty said,

"Looks like John has the hots for you."

"What do you mean? I think he just found someone he could relate to. We talked about books we've both read all afternoon."

"He likes something you got more than books. He couldn't keep his eyes off you this morning before you dressed. I thought his eyes were going to fall out of his head. That kid has it bad for you."

"He did tell me that he thought we were a lot alike today, but I thought he was talking about our shared interest in reading. John actually reminds me a lot of Tony. He's a cute kid. I don't think he's ever talked to anyone outside this area who wasn't related one way or another. I really hope he keeps in touch. It would be nice if he had access to a computer. I can't believe there's a place in the US that doesn't have computers."

"They do seem to have a pretty meager existence. I think today was one of the few times they've ever eaten in a restaurant -- and twice in one day never happened before according to Luke. That one is a real talker."

We had to be up at 5:00 to catch our 9:00 flight back to the real world. We slept during most of the flight home. Mom picked us up at the airport. She had lots of questions, but could tell we were really talked out by our simple answers to her queries. We had dinner that evening and talked about the trip. We went to bed early hoping to get a decent night's sleep before the grind started once again.

I did hear from John about two weeks after our return. He was bubbling over with news from home as well as the splash we made in town. It seems that the few people from town we met were quite taken with us. John mentioned that he didn't know when he'd be able to write again because he was nearly out of paper. I decided to send him a small package of paper, envelopes, pens, and stamps so he'd be able to write whenever he wanted. I got a thank you letter a few days after his package arrived. He told me what books he was reading and asked for suggestions. His town was serviced by a bookmobile so could place his order for books one week and receive them the next. His grandparents usually placed his orders and picked up his books since he wasn't always able to come to town because of his farm chores. He did tell me that he was saving his money so he could come visit. I told him that he was always welcome to come visit us. John always asked about Ty, but never really said much more about him that that. His letters were intended for me even though I always shared them with Ty.

School in the summer sucked, but probably not any worse than working. We did have nearly three weeks between summer and fall quarters. Without my knowledge Ty booked a little trip for us to a quiet lake a few hours from campus. It seems Mark and Lyle had recommended it to Ty as the place they went on their first trip together. We could rent an A-frame cabin that was fairly secluded for a reasonable price. The lake was perfect for swimming or boating and we could rent a boat for not too much. There was a small town about 30 minutes away from the cabin with a small store, gas, a restaurant, and the basics we'd need for a week-long stay. Ty wanted to drive as we left campus. I couldn't have been happier. My last days were a frantic mess as I was kept busy finishing up a project and preparing for two finals. I don't know how long Ty had been driving before I realized we were not headed in the right direction. When I mentioned it to Ty he just laughed at me saying he wondered how long it would take before I noticed. When I inquired further he told me that he had a surprise for me. He said we were having our own first real vacation together. I told him I should have told mom when I talked with her yesterday, but Ty let me know that mom was well aware of the plan. I didn't really like being the last one to know, but at the same time I really did like surprises. When we stopped at the little grocery, Ty loaded up on things he thought we'd need for the week. Everything we bought was pretty simple to prepare. I was glad for that alone. I could cook some, but had never really cooked for anyone besides myself. I really didn't have a clue about Ty's abilities in the kitchen, but figured that he probably avoided cooking just like most guys. I knew we wouldn't starve.

The cabin was quaint -- the only word I can think of to describe it. The setting was a heavily wooded area. The cabin was perched on the side of a small hill about twenty feet above the water. The entrance to the cabin was on the side facing the lake. A deck ran the length of the cabin. One end of the deck had a hot tub built in the other was home to a fairly new gas barbeque. Scattered about the rest of the deck were a few wooden outdoor chairs and a picnic table for four. The whole side of the cabin facing the lake was glass from floor to the pitched ceiling. There was a kitchen area with a table and four chairs at the same end as the barbeque. The other end housed the living room area with a huge fireplace and a fresh supply of wood if we wanted to use it. There was also a bathroom on the main floor with a huge tub and separate shower. The bedroom was in the loft. A spiral staircase took us up to the bedroom. From their we could look down into about a third of the living space below. We were about ten feet from the windows with an amazing view of the lake. The bed was huge, at least to both of us who spent most of our nights cramped in a twin bed. It was king size and extremely soft. Lyle told Ty that it had a feather bed top. When we sat on the bed we seemed to sink down a foot. We went back downstairs and unloaded and put away the food. Once that task was done we went upstairs to unpack and change into swim wear for a dip in the lake. As we were undressing Ty was pulling new swim suits out for both of us. He must have shopped hard to find the smallest possible Speedo made. Mine was yellow and was cut to barely cover the basics. Ty's was blue and didn't cover all that much more though his wasn't the same style as mine. After looking around the lake closely I decided that there didn't seem to be anyone near us so decided to wear his purchase. I felt unbelievably self-conscious as I climbed down the stairs and went out on the deck. It really felt like I had nothing on, and it certainly wasn't much more than nothing. Once in the water I felt better. The lake water was warm and relaxing. We swam and horsed around in the water with Ty constantly grabbing at my crotch and ass. He had me aroused enough that my erection was no longer confined inside the skimpy suit. I was hanging on the edge of a diving platform about thirty feet from shore. He boosted me up onto the platform and proceeded to lick and tease my erection until I no longer cared that we were in a public place where anyone could see what we were doing. After he swallowed my load he allowed me to return my suit so it covered at least a part of me. We sunned ourselves on the platform for an hour or so before swimming back to the cabin. On the swim back I played the same grab ass game Ty had been playing with me. He was obviously erect when we walked up the steps to the cabin deck. We drank lemonade and lounged in the sun the rest of the afternoon. Every time I noticed that Ty was losing his erection I teased it back to life. It didn't seem long that just the movement of my hand toward his crotch would cause his dick to start filling with blood. I kept him hard as we cooked dinner together on the outside grill. After dinner I tried to make a show of stripping off the skimpy suit before climbing in the hot tub for a leisurely soak. I asked Ty to join me which he did immediately. He started to step in with his suit on, but I told him there was a no clothes rule for the hot tub. He did strip off the suit before he climbed in. We relaxed for awhile as I fondled him under the water. He was still hard and ready for action, but I wasn't in the mood to race through this one. He'd plenty of times toyed with me without granting quick relief no matter how desperately I begged. I was going to play his game with him tonight.

After soaking for a time we both eased out of the hot water to sit on the side of the tub. Ty was still hard. I pushed him back and moved between his legs. I started flicking my tongue at his pucker to tease it into relaxing. He did almost immediately. The gentle tongue flicks turned to licking and progressed to tonguing his hole. This always drove Ty nuts. I nipped at his ass and alternated the tongue fucking with gentle action over his prostate with my finger while I sucked on his balls or kiss his perfect ass. It didn't take but a few times before Ty was ready for more. He started by telling me he was ready. That progressed to asking to be fucked. From there he started demanding to have my dick. All the while I kept up the gentle finger and tongue action. Before long Ty's voice was raspy and haggard as he whimpered and he pleaded for what he needed. When I positioned myself between his legs he let out a sign of relief at the thought that he was finally getting what he wanted. I still wasn't ready. I ran the head of my dick over and around his ass -- gently poking at the hole but not pressing in. Ty was squirming on the deck. His legs we pulled back and apart as I toyed with the opening -- gentle pressure but not enough to actually enter him. The teasing was making him loud and verbal -- demanding that I fuck him now. I pushed inside then pulled back out -- then repeated that move. I pushed in a third time with the intention of pulling back out when Ty's legs wrapped tight around me and slammed me inside him. He held me tight and dug his heels into my ass as he tried to establish the pace he needed. Once I was at a pace he like, he became verbal again telling me where he wanted it and how hard and how deep. Within five minutes he was shooting like fireworks on the 4th. He arched his back and with his heels slammed me deeper inside. Seeing the pleasure Ty was experiencing sent me over the edge. Coming down from my climax I slipped out of Ty and back into the tub. The gentle bubbles and the hot water soothed my tensions and made the real world like a million miles away.

and that bring me to the end of Part Six...

Thanks for reading my story.

Please share your comments and constructive criticisms with me at:

Please try my other stories on Nifty...

"College Life" in the 'college' section - last updated May 1.

"Walk in the Park" in the 'beginnings' section - last updated April 19.

Thanks for reading my submissions!

Peace and Love.

ds elliot

Next: Chapter 7

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