Connors Compulsion

Published on Aug 19, 2022


Connor's Compulsion Chapter 14

Connor's Compulsion – Chapter 14 – Going All the Way         [Caution: Serious Scat]

In this story sexual situations are depicted involving underage boys which are very graphic, and will get even more extreme as the story unfolds. If you're under the age of 18, or the material is offensive to you, or is illegal in your locale, stop now and read no further. You have been warned.

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In this chapter Connor finally surrenders to his compulsion and his craving for really nasty sex with DeAndre. Advisory: If you're scat-shy you'll definitely want to skip this chapter. Now, let's see how far young Connor is willing to let things go:

"OK, I want you to, you know... shit in my mouth," came the whispered reply, "but we can't do it here."

"Why not?" DeAndre said in a low voice, flashing an evil smirk at the kid.

"Well, duh," Connor shot back, "Why the fuck do you think?" After considering it for another minute he went on, "I don't wanna do it in the garage either. We need someplace with a shower. Maybe you can come to my house. We could do it in my room."

"Now, how the fuck I'm gonna get to yo house?" the black teen complained, "Somebody see me `roun' there and they'll call the cops on me. An' anyway I ain't got no car or nuthin'" Both boys thought this dilemma over, and finally DeAndre had an idea. "You got any money?" he demanded.

"What?" Connor asked incredulously, "What does that have to do with anything?"

The big black boy's eyes narrowed, and he asked quietly, "You know wut a no-tell motel is?" Connor shrugged and shook his head. "Over on Manchester they's a motel where the hookers take they dates. Nobody sees nothin' and nobody does nothin'. Lemme check it out. Maybe we could go there."

The two of them agreed to think about it as DeAndre pulled up his pants and slipped out of the stall. Connor's cute face was still wet from tonguing DeAndre's ass trench, so he wiped his hand across his mouth and stood up. "Man this is so fucked up..." he muttered to himself, but his boner hadn't gone down. The taste of the black boy's cum was still strong in his mouth as he headed for homeroom.

His stiff little dick had softened by the time he got to his classroom upstairs, but he was still as horny as fuck after his rendezvous with DeAndre. He needed some relief. It came unexpectedly in his Earth Science class after his teacher, Mr. Andersen, announced that the class would be viewing a video about the plight of dolphins. As soon as it began Mr. Andersen ducked out of the room. Glancing around nervously, Connor slid down in his seat and carefully loosened his belt. His right hand slipped into his pants until he could grasp his hot little cock. He thought about that kid, Kim – the boy his friend Alex had seen jacking off in his Earth Science class. "If he can do it, so can I" he thought as a wicked smile crossed his face.

It wasn't easy masturbating inside his pants – there just wasn't that much room in there. He used one hand to pull the front of his pants down enough to allow his stiff young penis to pop free. Then he found an angle where stroking his hard little dick was possible, and quickly brought himself to a wonderfully tingly dry orgasm. This was when it's convenient not to be shooting cum yet. Connor had yanked his pants back up and was fully recovered by the time Mr. Andersen returned, the film ended, and the lights went on. He self-consciously looked around to see if anyone was looking his way. To his horror one of his classmates, Heather, a really cute girl with long light brown hair, was looking straight at him with a knowing smile on her face. He blushed and turned away as his teacher droned on about dolphins.

In the hall as he left his class room he felt a tug on his sleeve. It was Heather. Incredibly, she came around to face him, and looking around to see if anyone was watching, she stepped closer, boldly closed a hand right on his crotch, and squeezed. Backing away slightly, she stuck her index finger into her mouth and sucked on it suggestively, her eyes fixed on Connor's. Working the finger in and out of her mouth, she left no doubt about what she meant. Then the girl popped her finger out, giggled like a 7-year old, and whispered in the blonde boy's ear, "I saw what you did. You don't need to do that. You're pretty cute. If you want to mess around sometime I'm good at..." And with that she stuck her wet finger back in her mouth, and the precocious 12-year-old girl turned to walk away.

"Fuck!" Connor whispered to himself, "What a little slut! Too bad I'm not into girls." It had been a close call, but he was pretty sure Heather wouldn't say anything about watching him jacking off in class.

Over the next couple of days Connor and DeAndre worked out a plan. He had scoped out the motel, and thought about how a young blonde kid could get into a room without being noticed. As far as he could determine the run-down motel had no security cameras, but there was a skinny old guy up in the front office to check guests in, take their money, and generally keep an eye on things. When DeAndre stopped by, trying to look like he just happened to be passing by, he had asked the wizened old man about how he might get a room for a few hours. Since the big teenager looked older than he was there were no questions about age.

"Thirty," the old scarecrow wheezed, "Pay me up front an' you got four hours. Overnight is sixty. Which you want?" The black teen explained that he didn't want a room right then, but that he might be needing one later. The man shrugged and flopped back into a rump-sprung recliner to resume watching the droning TV. Since the old guy didn't seem to be watching him DeAndre left without a word, and started poking around the place.

The Skyline Motel was a pitiful relic straight out of the 1950s: individual units surrounding a central parking lot with open garages beside each room, rusty air conditioners hanging crookedly in front windows, and stucco exteriors painted a ghastly Pepto-Bismol pink. The open garages had no back wall, but instead had low sagging fences. Some of the units, he noticed, had side doors leading straight from the garages into the rooms.

Even though both boys were underage DeAndre didn't want to be seen hanging out with a very young-looking blonde kid anywhere, much less at this sleazy motel. Connor would stick out like a sore thumb, so it was vital that they figure out how the little white boy could sneak into a room without being spotted.

After a quick before-school blowjob on Thursday morning they settled on the plan, and Connor handed over $30 from his savings. DeAndre told his young friend that he had to be sure to wear a hoodie so his "white ass" wouldn't be so obvious. On Saturday morning at about 10:00 the boy was to ride his bike to the address on Manchester Avenue and chain up the bike to a sign post by the tire shop next door to the motel. Then he had to go around to the back of the motel, climb over one of the garage fences, and slip in the door right inside. "OK," Connor agreed, "Sounds good. I'll Google the address. But how will I know which garage fence to climb over?

DeAndre had already thought of that. "Aiight," he said, "It'll be room 6 – that's the first one from the end by the tire shop." They went over the plan until they were satisfied, and then the black boy said in a low voice, "You sure you wanna do dis? I mean, you know, the shit part? Cuz if you do it's turnin me on like a muthafucka." Connor smiled weakly and nodded his head, thinking that maybe he wasn't so sure after all.

As luck would have it Connor's mom let him know that she would have to leave the house early Saturday morning for a meeting downtown, but that she would be home by late afternoon. Perfect. So the day arrived and, as he and DeAndre had planned, Connor hopped on his bike and headed for the Skyline Motel right on time. His heart was racing as he pumped hard on the pedals – and not just from exertion. He had obsessed on the idea of letting the black teenager take a shit in his mouth, but he couldn't say how much more he would be able to stand – how far he would go with the raunchy act. In what seemed like no time he had reached to motel and the tire shop next door. He spotted a rusty pole near the fence, and chained up his bike. Then, pulling the hood of his sweatshirt as far over his head as he could, the blonde boy furtively went around to the rear of the ramshackle motel.

Connor glanced around nervously and, finding no one in sight, crept over to the first carport fence, and scrambled over into the shadowy parking space. The side door was right there. "Well," he muttered, "I guess this is it," and, taking a deep breath, he turned the knob and entered the dark room. The place smelled like old cigarette smoke and some kind of pine-scented cleanser. The dim room was dingy and smelly, but it was a huge improvement over their garage sex den. Sitting on the bed, naked and idly fiddling with his long, semi–hard cock was DeAndre. "Hey," said Connor in a weak voice.

"I wadn' sure you was gonna come," the big teenager said, standing up. Connor pulled the hoodie off over his head, and eagerly started to strip. When Conner was naked the black teen turned toward him menacingly. "Suck it," he commanded, pointing at his swelling black dick. Savoring his role as the bully, DeAndre smiled to himself as the young white kid knelt in front of him and began to suck his cock. "I'mo tell you sumpn, you little cocksucker," he growled, "You got me all the way ova here f'me to shit in your mouth, an' that's wut I'm gonna do. I wanna watch you eat my nigga shit. I wanna see my turds in yo bitch mouth." The blonde boy just nodded, the salty, bulbous dick head still resting on his tongue.

Whether it was intentional or not, DeAndre had reverted to his extreme bully persona for this encounter. For Connor the domination was exactly what he wanted. In a complicated way the younger boy preferred that it seem like the muscular black teenager was forcing him to go through with the ultimately degrading act, rather than his actually wanting it. Bending forward the beautiful blonde boy took more of the thick black shaft into his mouth, and spreading his delicate white hands on the black teen's firm butt cheeks he pulled the older boy's steamy groin closer, forcing the rigid cock into his throat with a little jerk. He loved doing this, and moaned as he felt the kinky pubic hair tickling his upper lip. "Awww fuuuuck," DeAndre groaned, "You the best cocksucker I eva had, but don't make me nut yet, not dis quick." And with that he backed away from the blonde boy's cute face, his slick penis withdrawing from the teasing lips like a sword from a sheath. "Look at me, white boy." He growled, "You're on your knees suckin' my cock, you queer little cocksucker. That's all you are, ain't it? A dirty little nigga cock lover. Ain't dat right?"

Connor's nodded meekly, accepting the humiliation. "I'm a pathetic little cocksucker," he said. Still kneeling at DeAndre's feet, he looked up with pleading eyes. The black boy reached for his long cock and started slapping the white boy across his face with it, leaving tracks of pre-cum on the boy's soft cheeks.

"Anyway," DeAndre said sharply, holding Connor's face up so they could look into each other's eyes, "I been holdin' my shit all mornin', so I'm ready to feed you my dookie."

They spread a couple of the grayish white bathroom towels across the bed and on the floor by it. Compliantly the slender blonde boy positioned himself on the bed on his back with just his head hanging over the side. DeAndre saw what the boy intended, and got up onto the creaking bed straddling him, his knees on each side of the boy's smooth body, facing his pretty feet. He lowered his black ass so his pucker hovered about 8 inches above the younger boy's mouth.

To help support his head and neck Connor reached his arms up around DeAndre's firm thighs, and wriggled his body into the position he wanted. In the dim light he could see the purplish pucker and the dark skin of the black boy's smooth ass. His heart was pounding with the knowledge that he was willingly about to do one of the nastiest acts possible: take another boy's shit into his mouth. As the enticing pucker began to pulsate, he thought to himself, "OK I have to do this. Don't back out now."

Nothing happened right away. It's not as easy as it may seem to defecate in someone's mouth on command. The asshole continued winking as Connor watched intently. Then suddenly the pucker opened, and a long, thick rope of smooth shit squeezed out directly into the blonde boy's wide-open mouth, connecting it with the beautiful black ass above him. The semi-soft turd continued to snake out of DeAndre's smooth asshole in an unbroken column, curling like soft serve ice cream in the young boy's mouth. At last a final brown shit curl deposited itself right on the pile already in the pretty blonde kid's mouth.

The boy willed himself on, his strong compulsion making him determined to go through with this degrading act. His eyes were watering with the effort. He let his head fall back a little, suppressed a muffled cough, and tapped the black teen on one thigh. DeAndre lifted his body off the younger boy and got off the bed to get a better look at his shit over-filling the kid's mouth. Connor scooted his body further up onto the mattress with the towel bunching up under his now messy blonde hair. Wordlessly fascinated, DeAndre peered at the kid's beautiful young face and the mound of dark brown shit covering his mouth, amazed that he would do anything so raunchy. The innocent-looking boy had not really decided what he would do once his tormentor had defecated in his mouth. He thought he wanted to swallow it, but wasn't absolutely sure if he could force himself to go that far.

The foul stench emanating from the pile of shit just under his nose should have been nauseating, but, strangely, it wasn't. Not to Connor – because now his compulsion had taken over his senses. The taste was a bit bland, like softened clay, but with a bitter tang. Unable to take his eyes off the young boy's face, DeAndre watched, spellbound. Then, breathing through his nose, the angelic-looking blonde boy gagged slightly, and DeAndre was sure Connor was about to vomit. But instead the gorgeous little child began to swallow. Maneuvering the soft shit with his tongue, little by little the stinking mass of feces sank into the kid's mouth. The black teen could see the pretty boy's throat working as he swallowed it down. His silken blonde hair spread like a small shiny pillow under the gorgeous boy's head. Connor was frantically jerking his hairless little dick as he chewed the foul excrement. It was about the hottest thing the well-experienced black boy had ever seen. His big black cock was throbbing; so, when the young boy had swallowed most of his shit load, the big teen pulled Connor's head back over the side of the bed so he could straddle his face and get at the boy's mouth easier. He swung a leg over to straddle the kid's torso, and aimed his pulsing black cock at the adorable face.

DeAndre shoved his hard cock directly into the kid's shit-filled mouth, and forced it, along with bits of soft shit, down into the boy's convulsing throat. He shit-fucked the tight throat until his orgasm reached an unbelievably intense peak, and shot his thick cum directly down the boy's esophagus, and on down to join the contents of his bowels, now in Connor's belly. The blonde boy's lips worked on the black invader, sucking it around the shaft close to the black boy's curly pubic hair, the rest of it probing deep down his throat. The loose skin of DeAndre's black scrotum covered his pointy little nose.

Then, with perfect timing, DeAndre pulled his softening cock shaft out until the bulbous head rested on the blonde kid's tongue, and he let out the first trickle of piss. "Drink my piss, you little shit eater," the black boy snarled, "Wash my shit down wit it." The flow increased, but the older boy pinched it off to allow Connor time to swallow. Again and again he filled the hungry mouth with his strong-tasting pee; and again and again the compliant boy drank it down, sometimes swirling the warm piss around in his mouth to dislodge the shit clinging to his teeth. The boy continued to masturbate his little white penis as he swallowed the strong piss until his back arched up off the bed as he reached a powerful dry climax.

Both boys moved into the middle of the bed and lay panting after the intense experience. "I didn' think you would do it, but you sure as fuck did," muttered the black teen, "An' you even ate it. Day-ummm. Man, that was fucked up." Connor just nodded weakly and stuck out his tongue to show DeAndre that he had consumed every bit of the older boy's shit, piss, and cum.

Amazingly, beyond a lingering odor, there wasn't a trace of their nasty adventure in the dingy room, except a little on the blond boy's innocent-looking face. Connor went into the shower, and stayed a very long time, letting the haphazard shower spray flood into his mouth. DeAndre joined him in the small cubicle, but it was too tight a space to do anything more. The blond boy stepped out and left DeAndre to get cleaned up. Without discussing what has happened, the two boys dressed and made ready to leave. First, Connor slipped stealthily out the door, and was over the garage fence in the blink of an eye. Then, pulling the hood of his sweatshirt close around his face, he unchained his bike, hopped on, and rode off. After a few minutes, DeAndre strode out of the room, and left the Skyline Motel without looking back.

As he rode toward home Connor exulted in the fact that he had actually done it. His growing compulsion had driven him to it. Rather than being repulsed by what he had done – by the eating of DeAndre's whole foul shit load – he felt oddly triumphant. He smiled as he imagined that he could feel DeAndre's shit all warm in his stomach. In a perverse way he thought that the only thing he wished was that somehow they could have made a video of the nasty act so he could watch himself consuming DeAndre's shit over and over again. He was already thinking about how they could do it again.

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Dan Price

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Next: Chapter 15

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