Connors Compulsion

Published on Nov 9, 2019


Connor's Compulsion Chapter 2

Connor's Compulsion – Chapter 2 – Reality Sucks

This story is a combination of true and fictional events. The premise and the main characters are based on actual people and real places, but

all the names have been changed. Literary liberties have been taken to make the story more interesting. Depicted are sexual situations involving

underage boys which are sometimes extremely graphic. If you are under the age of 18, or the material is offensive to you or is illegal in your locale,

read no further. If you enjoy reading this account please consider a generous donation to Nifty! Now, let's continue with the story.

After over a month of intimidation and meanness dished out from DeAndre, Connor was ready to quit school and run away. Every day he dreaded

having to go to his miserable school. He tried playing sick, and even suggested to his Mom that he might not be smart enough for the magnate

program. Of course Connor had told her of DeAndre's bullying – and she had called the magnate school Principal about it. But the ever politically-

correct administrator was anxious to show what a huge success his school-within-a-school program was, and quashed her complaints, saying that

such behavior was very rare under his watch; and anyway, Connor's classrooms were all upstairs, well away from DeAndre's. She saw an unsettling

change in her beautiful young son, but chalked it up the "middle school angst", and counseled Connor to "Stay away from DeAndre."

She just didn't get it.

The black tormentor was devious, knowing instinctively that he needed to take some care in beating on Connor. If there were any cuts or bruises on

the blond kid's body teachers and the high and mighty Vice Principal might come down on him. He skillfully inflicted pain in ways that would not show

– so he could claim innocence. Kneeing the little fag in the nuts was always fun, and kidney punches usually made the kid cry. Titty twisters were also

a favorite, along with wrenching the slender boy's arms up behind his back.

Despite the misery DeAndre caused, Connor actually did like his classes – and his teachers; but they were just not willing to fight the system. The big

black teen overshadowed everything else for him. But there was a bright spot in his days: he had a good group of friends, including, of course, Evan.

They were all brilliant and fun to be with, especially at lunchtime. Several of his friends brought their lunches rather than buy the school's cafeteria food.

Connor had decided to do the same, or he would get no lunch at all since DeAndre would snatch away his money every day. After a couple of days of

"no money", DeAndre had contented himself with inflicting serious pain on the blond boy, taking whatever sweets Connor had brought, and then whapping

the pilfered lunch sack over the small kid's head.

In the lunchroom one day his friend, Jeremy, asked, "Why is DeAndre on your case so much, Connor?"

Connor swallowed a bite of his mangled sandwich and glared at Jeremy. "Fuck if I know," he mumbled, "He doesn't seem to get on any of your asses

that much, does he?" He knew some of them must feel guilty because, though they had all been bullied by DeAndre, they knew that Connor was taking

the brunt. More than once they had fled the scene as soon as they saw DeAndre sauntering toward Connor as he tried to hastily grab essentials from his


"What are you gonna do?" Evan asked, sympathetically. Connor just shrugged his shoulders and silently shook his head. What could he possibly do?

Clearly no one was going to stand up for him against DeAndre Phelps – no one.

On the following Friday morning Connor was grabbing books out of his locker, hoping that DeAndre hadn't made it to school yet, when a too-familiar voice

croaked behind him, "Good mornin' Fag." And with it he felt his right arm being forced up behind his back. Books tumbled to the floor. It hurt so badly that

the slight blond boy thought his arm was being be pulled out of its socket. Tears welled in his eyes.

With a mixture of submission and panic Connor cringed, "Owwww!" and before he could stop himself he blurted out, "If I suck your dick will you stop beating

on me?" The big black teen immediately released the kid's arm, and as Connor rubbed his aching shoulder their gaze locked for a long moment. At last

DeAndre's eyes narrowed menacingly, and he slowly shook his head, breaking the intense encounter. He said nothing which, in a way, terrified Connor.

Then without another glance or word DeAndre turned and sauntered away. "Holy shit," Connor whispered to himself as he hurried up to his classroom,

"What the fuck was I thinking?"

All the rest of that day Connor wasn't able to concentrate on anything but his screw up. No doubt DeAndre would broadcast that young Connor offered to

give him a blowjob. What if the story got out in his part of the school? He replayed every scenario in his head, staring off into space, until, late in the day his

English teacher demanded to know "Is Connor with us today?"

When the bell rang at the end of the school day he snapped out of his preoccupation long enough to groan to himself, knowing that the daily chaos of just

getting out of the school building was about to start. Teachers and school administrators were posted to manage the daily melee, but ushering the magnate

school kids outside usually turned into a circus. It was during that chaotic few minutes that Connor felt someone grab his arm and press a wadded up note

into his hand. Unsure of what had happened, he turned to see DeAndre weaving through the hallway crowd, not looking back. Once safely on the bus he

furtively opened the note and read, "Meet me at 10 tomorrow morning at the Quick Mart on 4th street." Connor couldn't believe his eyes. Anyone could have

written this note, but it was definitely DeAndre who had put it in his hand. A relief flooded over him that the black teenager evidently hadn't blabbed about

Connor's blowjob deal. But just as quickly he sucked in a sharp breath as he realized what DeAndre would be expecting tomorrow morning. The only dick he

had ever sucked was the little boy penis of his best friend, Evan. His heart pounded at the idea of actually taking DeAndre's big black cock into his mouth.

Could he do it? And if he did, would DeAndre really stop the torture?

That night in front of his computer Connor feverishly looked up videos that showed white twinks sucking on huge black cocks; and he imagined himself as one

of the dick suckers. "Fuck, look at that! How can anybody have a dick that big?," he whispered to himself, staring at a particularly oversized black penis. His

thoughts wandered, the reality of the situation dawning on him, "Oh man, he's probably gonna shoot his cum in my mouth!" All night the small blond boy tossed

and turned with restless dreams and images of giant black dicks poking at his mouth dancing in his head.

As a Saturday morning treat his mother had made his favorite, waffles, for breakfast – and that made him smile. As he wolfed down another syrup-drenched

bite of waffle his mom said, "Connor, I've been worried. Are things going any better – you know – with that bully that's been bothering you?

"Yeah, Mom, it's been better lately. I think it's gonna be OK," Connor said, his mouth half full. The image of a giant black cock popped into his mind as he said it.

She tenderly put her hand on his head and did something she rarely did anymore: ruffle his silky blond hair.

After helping his mother clear the table she told him she had to go to a meeting, and that she should be home before 3:00. "There's food in the fridge," she began,

"but I know you would rather have pizza or something; so here's some money for your lunch." She pulled a $20 bill out of her purse and put it on the countertop,

"And I expect some change! Let's do something fun this evening. OK?" Her young son smiled and nodded, but his thoughts were far away.

Nine-thirty – almost time to ride over to the Quick Mart on his bike. The recently renovated neighborhood where Connor lived was not very far from the almost totally

black area just "on the other side of the tracks", but it was a world away. The boy liked exploring further afield than the streets of his well-kept trendy neighborhood

on his bicycle; so he knew the location of the run-down convenience store, and had even stopped in a few times. His heart was racing, and not just from peddling his

bike, as he rode to meet DeAndre. After chaining his bicycle to a pole Connor pushed open the grubby shop's glass door which was festooned with tacky signs and

peeling vinyl lettering. He glanced around for DeAndre, and the clerk eyed him suspiciously. Not knowing what else to do he made his way down the narrow aisle to

the drink cooler and took out a Coke. Taking his time he looked at the bags of chips and candy hanging on the racks, pretending to be thinking about picking out some.

The clerk was watching him intently, no doubt thinking he was probably shoplifting. When he couldn't stall any longer Connor paid for his soft drink and walked out the

door. There, slouching by the ice freezer, was DeAndre. With only the slightest tilt of his head the black teen indicated that Connor was to follow him. The kid fumbled

with the bike chain for a second, but DeAndre frowned and shook his head. Walking fast the bigger boy turned into the alley behind the run-down store. Connor

followed on foot. Just ahead DeAndre had stopped beside a grimy dumpster and was waiting for Connor to catch up. The big black teenager grinned as the pretty

little kid approached. "I knew you'd show up. You want my cock donchu, bitch?" he snarled.

"I, uhh..." the slight blond boy mumbled, trying to build up his nerve, "Not really; but I mainly just want you to stop beating me up and taking my stuff every day."

"We'll see `bout dat. I knew you wouldn't pass this up," DeAndre laughed, "What the fuck's yo name anyhow?"

"I'm Connor," the kid managed to croak out. He wasn't sure how this was all going to play out, but just possibly he could already detect a little bit more civil DeAndre

than he had ever seen before.

"Now you listen to me, you little fag. I ain't gay, and I sure as fuck ain't innerested in you. I just been thinkin it might be fun to have a little white bitch boy like you

around to use. Somebody I can get blowjobs from without all the bullshit I get from chick bitches, `specially the white ones. Got it?"

"Yeah, I got it," Connor mumbled, "but what about you not hurting me anymore?"

DeAndre offered a devilish smile and sneered, "Aiiiiight, you do what I tell you to do, and I'll lay offa you. I want you to take care of my big cock. And if you ain't

gonna do it, I'll find me another little fag who will. You unnerstand me?" Connor looked him in the eye and gave a little nod. "Come on den," DeAndre finally muttered,

and turned to walk further down the alley, "I'mo show you a place I know of." As they made their way down the seedy alley, strewn with piles of trash and lined with

head-high weeds, Connor's gut began writhing. He was feeling doubtful that this was going to solve anything, and he was nervous that DeAndre might just be setting

him up somehow. But he followed the lanky black teen anyway, suppressing his fears.

DeAndre stopped beside a rusty fence of haphazard corrugated metal, and looked back to watch Connor hesitantly approach. "Come on bitch," he barked; but oddly,

there was just a hint of a smile, "I ain't got all day." With his large hand he pulled back one of the metal sheets and motioned with his head toward the narrow opening,

"Get in here." Connor's heart was racing as he bent down to squeeze through. When DeAndre wriggled through the gap the sheet metal panel fell back into place with

a clatter. They were standing on broken-up concrete paving in a small weedy parking area behind what looked to Connor like some kind of big old garage. Windows

were caked with grime, and the sagging metal garage doors were totally rusty. The whole building was covered in random graffiti. What had, at one time, been a barred

outer security door hung uselessly half open. The old steel entrance door looked as if someone had tried to kick it in. DeAndre lifted a bucket half full of greasy engine

parts and bent down to pick up a key that was hidden underneath. He looked back at Connor through slitted eyes, his expression menacing. Amazingly the key worked,

and the two of them slipped inside, locking the door behind them. In the dim cave-like interior the dank air smelled of mildew, old piss, and car grease. DeAndre gazed

around, seemingly lost in thought for a few moments, "Dis place," he began in a low voice, "used to belong to my uncle. He fixed cars. Long time ago. He got killed here

when I was maybe two years old. Somebody tryin't rob the place, ya know. Been shut down eva since."

Then, as if coming out of a trance, DeAndre looked at Connor and said in a whisper, "In here." As the black teen pushed open a squeaky door, he pointed into a smaller

room illuminated only with yellowish light filtering through a ragged curtain hanging crookedly over a grimy window. In one corner on the floor was a broken down-looking

mattress with a mosaic of blotchy stains. The smell in the room was a blend of mold and old cigarette butts, with a faint tinge of urine. The wide-eyed blond kid guessed

that it probably had been used for sex many times before. "Ain't nobody gonna bother us here," DeAndre assured the boy, and continued, "An' if you eva tell anybody

about it I'll beat yo skinny ass good."

"As if you didn't do that all the time already." Connor muttered to himself. He just nodded his agreement, knowing that the moment of truth had arrived. DeAndre began

unzipping as Connor stood motionless, staring at the black teen's crotch. The black boy yanked his shirt up over his head, and with one quick motion dropped his pants

and boxers down around his ankles. "Aww fuck," Conner whispered to himself as DeAndre fingered his pendulous nine-inch cock, causing it to rise and stiffen, "Look at

the size of that thing..." Of course the sweet blond kid had seen plenty of big cocks online, but somehow seeing one in person, right in front of him, was completely

different. He was a little surprised that his own much smaller dick began to swell in his pants.

Connor and Evan had been sucking each other's dicks for over a year, but neither boy possessed anywhere near such a huge penis. He felt light-headed, and his heart

pounded as he found himself being irresistibly drawn to the black cock. He dropped to his knees in front of the naked teen. When he was close enough DeAndre cupped

the blonde head in one of his big paws and pulled the boy's face into his steamy crotch. Connor knew what to do. He opened his mouth and let the black teen guide the

throbbing warm meat between his pretty lips and over his soft tongue. The sweet and sour odor of DeAndre's shaft and heavy balls filled his nose, overwhelming his senses,

and making him hornier than he had ever been in his life. The bulbous dick head was firmly in his mouth, but not much of the thick shaft would fit. He closed his lips and

began to suck and lave the smooth skin of it with his tongue. DeAndre now had Connor's head in both hands, and was hunching his hips forward to force more of his huge

cock into the blond kid's mouth. The boy's silky blond hair swayed like golden fringe as the black cock meat was stuffed into his small mouth, jostling his head.

"Ahhhh, fuck yeahhh, white boy, suck it. Suck my nigga dick," the muscular black teenager moaned as he pushed in deeper, causing the slender blond boy to gag and cough,

"I'm gonna shove it right down yo skinny little throat." The plum-size dick head was lodged far back at the entrance to Connor's throat, but the young boy simply couldn't take

it any deeper, try as he might. He choked and convulsed, and even feared that he would throw up. He was red in the face, and his blue eyes were streaming tears. DeAndre

let the innocent-looking young boy pull off his rock-hard shaft to catch his breath.

Connor gasped, "I can do better, but I gotta get used to it. I never had a dick this big before. Can I just suck it for now?" Connor had not taken off his clothes, and DeAndre

hadn't told him to do so. He could feel his hairless dick straining to get out, but he couldn't do anything about it.

"Suck it den," rasped the older teen, his nine-inch cock at full mast, arching up from his handsome body. Grasping the thick black shaft with one small hand Connor guided

the leaking penis into his mouth. He tasted the pre-cum seeping out, and felt an intense thrill run through his slender frame. Imitating cocksucking he had watched countless

times on his computer monitor he tightened his lips and used his tongue to stimulate the massive black penis – all the while using both his hands to pump the shaft, slowly

masturbating it as he sucked. In a frenzy of oral sex the beautiful blonde child tried again to take more of the massive cock into his mouth. The boy reached around DeAndre's

hips with both hands and pulled the black teen to him. His small white hands were like clasping spiders dancing on the black skin of DeAndre's firm ass cheeks. The young

boy's eyes bulged and his face reddened as he attempted to force the bulbous cock head into his throat, but it just wasn't happening. Backing off the huge teen cock meat he

feverishly started making love to it, licking up and down, and kissing its length, all the while massaging the older boy's heavy balls. He lapped at the tip to take in another few

drops of pre-cum – viscous and salty tasting. Then, plunging the black shaft back into his mouth, he resumed using his hands to pump out what he knew was coming:

DeAndre's cum load.

He had never tasted semen. Both he and Evan were still dry; but he had seen plenty of it during his porn watching sessions. Now it was too late to turn back. DeAndre's head

was thrown back and his big hands were holding Connor's head, moving it up and down his cock shaft as he face fucked the cute blond kid. A muffled "Mmmmpfff," was forced

out as the thick cock churned in and out of his mouth, and snot streamed out of his nose over his upper lip and onto to the spit-slick black dick.

"Awww fuuuuuck," the big teenager moaned, "I'm gonna cuuuuummmm." Jets of warm semen flooded Connor's small mouth, coating his tongue and perfect teeth with thick

teen cum. The blond boy didn't taste it at first, but more and more pumped into his mouth as he continued to suck. A sharp acrid taste hit him as he was trying to keep sucking

and swallowing at the same time. Slimy jizz slid down his throat as even more spurted out of the pulsing piss hole. It was just too much cum for the young boy to swallow. His

mouth overflowed and strands of semen ran down his delicate chin, and dropped onto his t-shirt like translucent pearls.

After a big swallow he opened his mouth and DeAndre held his pulsing cock so he could watch the last few squirts of the thick discharge land squarely on his little friend's pink

tongue. Connor closed his eyes as the syrupy cum wads bubbled out of the throbbing black cock right onto his outstretched tongue; and then he let the viscous stream flow

down the back of his tongue and into his throat. All that porn watching had paid off'; but the fact that young Connor was evidently a natural-born cocksucker helped, too.

The bleachy smell of cum now filled Connor's nostrils as DeAndre actually smiled at him and ruffled the boy's silky blond hair. "You done good," DeAndre said, "We gonna get

along jus fine. Guess I'll have to lay offa whuppin you fo a while." After stuffing his big cock into his boxers and pulling up his pants he rested his hand on Connor's slender shoulder.

"Come on," he muttered, "We betta go."

Connor squinted at the bright sunlight outside. His shirt still had slimy wet spots from the black teen's overflowed cum, and he could smell it faintly as they made their way through

the metal fence and back into the alley. The hunky black teen peered down at the small white boy and muttered in a low voice, "Aiiight den, you make a pretty good dick sucker."

And without another word he swaggered off down the alley. Conner followed a couple of minutes later, and by the time he reached his chained-up bike DeAndre was nowhere in

sight. His head swimming with a confused tide of emotions, young Connor rode toward his home – on the other side of the tracks. So DeAndre wasn't going to bully him at school

anymore. That was good, but was the trade-off better? He had sucked a huge black teenage cock and swallowed his first load of cum in exchange for a truce. He hated the

beatings, and was definitely not turned on by pain; but taking the big black dick in his mouth was so degrading, but, well, at the same time, kind of exciting. He hated to admit it to

himself, but he decided that...he didn't really mind doing it.

Back in his room well before his mom was due to return home, he stripped off his clothes and flopped down on his bed, his small white stalk already almost painfully hard.

Wadding up his cum stained t-shirt he pressed it to his face, inhaling the lingering scent of DeAndre's teen semen as he feverishly jerked off with his other hand. After an intense,

gut-wrenching dry cum he instantly fell asleep.

After about an hour he was roused out of a deep sleep by someone calling his name. "Connor!" his mother called from the foot of his stairs, "Connor, are you up there?"

Still drowsy from his jerk-off nap he staggered to open his door to call down, "Yeah, Mom, I'm here. I'll be down in a minute. I gotta take a shower. I'm all sweaty from riding my bike."

"Well don't be too long," his mother urged, "I thought we were going to go out and spend a little time together."

Just a short while later Connor thundered down the stairs, looking like a rowdy little angel, freshly showered and his blond hair still wet. His mom hugged him, gave him a peck on

the cheek, and said, "Well, I guess you've had a pretty lazy day. Let's go do something fun." The sweet blond boy just smiled, thinking that he wasn't completely sure, but that maybe

he had already done just that.

-  To be continued? No responses, no new chapters -

If you liked this story please send me an email at . Since I last posted a story my email address has Changed from (discontinued email).

Your opinions and suggestions will be welcome. Dan Price

Next: Chapter 3

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