Conquer the Fire

By Francis O'Ratigan

Published on Nov 30, 1999



You all know me from the series Twist and Turns. I am proud to announce a new story has been born today. It is called Conquer the Fire. This is completely fiction and in no way reflects the sexual orientation of the members of Nsync. If you are a minor than leave now. This is an adult story. For those who are legal enjoy. Special note to my Twist and Turns fans. I do plan on continuing the series Twist and Turns and From out of the Ashes. Just trying something different. If you like it e-mail me at

Conquer the Fire

Chapter One.

"Man it's raining again," complained Justin as he stared out the bus window. "Three days of nothing but rain."

"What are you complaining about Curly?" asked his best friend J.C. sitting beside him ruffling the young man's hair. Justin hated that and that was why J.C. did it. "It's not like we're doing anything you know," teased J.C.

"I'm hungry I'm going to find something to eat," announced Justin as he slipped passed J.C. He walked to the back of the bus and opened the cubbard. Pulling out a box of corn pops he poured himself a bowl and added some mild and began to eat. As he ate he allowed his mind to drift back a few months ago when he was in Orlando. Tyson was his name and he was five years older than he was. They had met in a club and he fell head over heals in love with him. It was his first true love. That was until Justin caught him in bed with Chris. He still hadn't forgiven Tyson for that. Poor Chris had felt really bad about it he had no idea that Justin and Tyson was together. He worked overtime making sure that his friendship with Justin was safe. Justin assured him that the problem was not with Chris but with Tyson. Justin had figured out why Tyson had cheated on him. It was about sex. Justin was waiting and Tyson was not willing to wait so he didn't. Tears came to his eyes just thinking about it. He didn't see J.C. walk in.

"You want to talk about it?" J.C. asked sitting down beside Justin. Justin shook his head no and looked down at his bowl of soggy corn pops. J.C. like Justin a lot and it hurt him to see Justin sad. Which it seemed that Justin was sad all of the time. "Come on Curly, you need to talk about this. I'm here for you," J.C. gently urged him.

"You wouldn't understand," Justin sniffled getting up to leave but J.C. reached up and gently pulled him back down.

"You can't keep it inside all the time you know. Some time it is going to have to come out," urged J.C. again. J.C. knew what it was, Justin was gay and hadn't told anyone about it. The only one that know was Chris. Chris had told J.C. and swore him to secrecy.

"If I told you, you would hate me," admitted Justin looking away. "I value our friendship to much for that to happen."

"You mean that you don't value our friendship enough to trust me to make that decision for myself," said J.C. harshly. Justin looked up at him with fear in his eyes.

I'm just afraid of loosing you as a friend," wimpered Justin. J.C. took Justin's hand in his and looked into his eyes.

"Trust me Justin, there nothing in this world that you could possibly say that would make me change how I feel about you," insisted J.C.

Justin looked down at the table and started sobbing. J.C. gathered his young friend in his arms and held him until he stopped crying. "I'm gay," he mumbled softly. J.C. took Justin by the chin and brought his face up to his and looked him in the eyes. He saw a young confused boy trying to make it in a very adult world. He wiped his tears away with his thumb.

"Justin, I've known for a long time that you were gay. And we are still friends aren't we?" J.C. asked smiling at Justin. Justin looked surprised. J.C. almost laughed at the young man's expresion but held it back.

"When did you know?" he asked shocked. J.C. just smiled and bent forward and lightly kissed him on the lips. His tongue gently probing until Justin parted his lips and allowed him in. The kiss lasted but a couple of seconds. They drew apart breathless. "I always wanted to do that to you but I was afraid to," J.C. breathed.

"Does this mean you are Gay?" Justin asked smiling shyly. J.C. nodded yes. "So what does this all mean?" asked Justin.

"I don't know what this means. I hope that you will allow it to mean something," J.C. responded hopefully. Justin bowed his head as fresh tears flowed down his face. J.C. quickly took his chin and lifted it up. "Please don't cry Angel. You are too beautiful to cry. I don't want you to ever cry again," J.C. pleaded.

"But you don't understand," started Justin looking out the bus window.

"What don't I understand?" J.C. gently pushed.

"My heart belongs to someone else right now," Justin sobbed. "But he is to selfish to wait."

"Are you talking about Tyson?" J.C. quietly asked. Justin nodded.

"I still love him. I mean I know he cheated on me and all but he still has my heart," sobbed Justin.

"I'll wait for you Justin. I've waited this long for you I can wait as long as you want," J.C. said with tears in his eyes. Justin looked at him closely and his eyes widened as the realization dawned on him.

"My God you love me, don't you?" he asked. J.C. nodded. Justin pulled him into a hug and kissed him lightly on the lips as the kiss lasted it intensified untill both of them were driving their tongues down each others throat like they were starved. They were interupted by loud cheering. They broke apart shocked at being caught. They looked up to see the other three band mates clapping and cheering. Joey came forward and slapped Justin on the back. Lance hugged them both and Chris just stood there smiling.

"Jesus you two, it's about time you two stopped beating around the bush," joked Chris.

"How long have you guys suspected?" stammered Justin blushing.

"For about as long as we've been together," laughed Lance ruffling Justin's hair who promptly swatted Lance's hand away.

The rest of the guys stayed up and talked for a few more hours. and than they went to bed. Justin walked towards his bunk and he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and looked into J.C.'s eyes. "Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" asked J.C.

"Only sleep right?" Justin asked.

"I wouldn't think of asking you do anything that you were not ready for," said J.C. Justin nodded and climbed into J.C.'s bunk and J.C. followed once inside they snuggled together. Justin wrapped his arms around his friend. He never knew how well built J.C. body was until now. He put his head on his shoulder and closed his eyes and tonight he slept with out thinking or dreaming about Tyson.

Chapter 2

Justin was thrown roughly to the floor and J.C. came crashing down on top of him. Justin screamed in pain. They could smell smoke. The bus was rolling over and over again. Windows were smashed and glass was flying every where. Finally the Buss came to a stop on it's ceiling. Justin tried to get up but he was pined by one of the bunks.

"J.C.," he screamed. He could see him laying face down with a jagged peice of glass sticking out of his back.

"Justin," shouted Joey. "Are you alright?" he asked making his way over to him.

"I can't get up, this bunk is holding me down," replied Justin. In a few moments they got the bunk free. "Quick we have to get to J.C.!" urged Justin pulling Joey with him. Once they reached J.C. they heard him moan in pain.

"J.C. don't move, you have a peice of glass sticking out of you back!" yelled Justin. With the help of Chris and Lance and Joey they loaded J.C. on to one of the doors using it as a back board to keep his back straight. Once outside of the bus they made there way up to the road. By the time they got to the road the police and firefighters and ambulance had arrived. A huge racking explosion rocked the early morning hours as the bus exploded into a huge ball of flame.

"Did everyone get out alright?" asked the highway patrol.

"The bus driver was still inside the bus," yelled Chris looking down at the bus now fully engulfed in flames. The firefighters tried in vain to get the bus driver out. Unfotunately he did not survive. One hour later in the Hospital Justin was sitting up on a stretcher trying to get rid of his oxygen tube. A nurse was trying to get him to keep it on.

"Please Mr. Timberlake, you need to keep that tube on," insisted the Nurse.

"I'm fine and I want to check on J.C.," complained Justin swatting her hand away.

"He is in surgery, so you can't see him right now. The Doctor is doing everything they can for him. You need to stay put. You have inhaled alot of smoke and you need to rest," said the nurse. He could tell that she was not taking no for an answer. So he slumped back on the stretcher.

"You will let me know when he is out?" he asked. She assured him that he would. He laid back on the stretcher and closed his eyes.

A phone rings in an office building and a young man behind a desk picks it up. "Yea, this is Tyson," said the young man. "Did the job get done?"

"Yes sir the job got done," said the voice on the other end. "One problem though."

"No! I don't want to hear about any problems!" yelled Tyson slamming his fist down on top of the desk.

"I'm sorry sir but he survived the crash," the voice reported. Tyson slammed down the phone and turned and looked out the window.

"Damm You Justin, if I can't have you than no one can," he swore. "Oh well, you know what they say. If you can't get the job done right the first time it is time to do it yourself." He dialed another number, "Yea this is Tyson, have my jet fueled and ready for take off in the hour." He hung up the phone and reached into his desk and pulled out a gun. He slid the magazine in and chambered a round and walked out of the office.

At a Justin's home in Florida.

Justin slid out of bed and and shuffled into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He saw a tired man staring back at him. He had bags under his eyes. At only 19 he was to young to look this tired. "I need a vacation," he mumbled to himself. After getting out of shower he shaved and brushed his teeth and changed into some sweats. Everyone except J.C. had been released from the Hospital early that morning. They kept J.C. overnight for observation. Justin made his way into the kitchen and ate breakfast and than left the house and climbed into his car and backed out of the driveway and raced off to the hospital to see J.C.

Once at the Hospital he walked into J.C. room where the rest of the guys were present. "Hey J.C. how you feeling?" asked Justin. J.C. looked up and smiled at his friend.

"I'll be fine as soon as I get out of this place," complained J.C. Justin walked over to the bed and bent down and kissed J.C. full on the lips. J.C. grabbed the side of Justin's face and slid his tongue in his mouth moaning. They broke apart smiling at eachother. They looked up at the rest of the guys who were making gaggin noices at them.

"Ahh you are just jealos of us is all," laughed Justin. "So when are they going to let you out of this joint?" asked Justin sitting beside J.C. putting his arm around him.

"As soon as the Doctor comes in hopefully," answered J.C. No sooner did he say that than the door opened and in walked a very young and attractive Doctor. He smiled and extened his hand out to J.C.

"Hi I'm Dr. O'Riely, you can call me Ryan," he said shaking J.C. hand. "Now let's look at your chart and than give you a once over and see if we can't get you out of here." After about five minutes Ryan announced that J.C. was fit to be released.

Justin walked back into the room after the Doctor's visit and came up behind J.C. and slid his arms around him. "I can't wait to get you home," he purred seductively. J.C. looked at Justing in shock.

"Does this mean what I think it means?" asked J.C. looking Justin in the eyes.

"Yes it does, I think I am ready for the big step," he smiled. The smile faded when he saw a look of worry on J.C. face. "You mean you don't want to make love to me?" he asked hurt.

"There is nothing I want more in this world than to lay you down and make love to you Justin, but I have to wonder if this is to soon for you," cautioned J.C.

"I've thought about it last night J.C. and I haven't been able to think of anything else. I want to love you so bad," he said with tears comming to his eyes. J.C. smiled at him and pulled his chin up so he could kiss Justin's lips.

"What have I told you about crying?" he lightly him teased wiping his tears away.

"Hey can I help it if my man moves me to tears?" Justing sniffled.

"Well we'll just have to do something about that," teased J.C. climbing out of bed. With the help of his band mates they checked out of the Hospital and after signing a few autographs for the Nurses "daughters" they headed down to the main floor of the Hospital. The Elevator doors opened and they headed out towards the Main doors. Justin saw something out of the corner of his eyes and heard his name shouted and looked to the right and his eyes went wide.

"I have to hurry if I am going to catch them when they come out of the elevator," said Tyson as he quickly checked his gun. He rounded the corner and saw them just exit the elevator. "Damm, I almost missed him," he swore to himself. Raising the gun he shouts, "Justin!!" He than fires three shots at the young singer. Justin's eyes go wide and he freezes like a deer in the headlights. Suddenly out of nowhere this man slams into Justin shoving him out of the way. Three bullets slam into the young man hurling him to the floor. Justin screams and heads towards the fallen man. Tyson raises his gun a second time to fire again. Two slugs slam into him and throws him to the ground. There is total pandomoniom raging through the first floor of the hospital. The entire Nsync gang is surrounded by hospital security and raced to the rear of the hospital and rushed outside into a waiting Limo.

"What about the guy who shoved me out of the way?" asked Justin franticaly trying to get loose from the tight grip of the body gaurd. "Let me the fuck go, I have to go back! He saved me!" shouted Justin. The Bodygaurd slams his fist into Justin jaw. His eyes roll back and he passes out.

"Sorry about that Kid but we have to get you guys safe," the body gaurd aplogiesed picking up Justin and throwing him in the back of the Limo. Slamming his hand on the top of the car the car screeches away from the hospital.

Well that is it for the first two chapters of Conquer the Fire. Sorry for the Cliffhanger but if you read Twist and Turns than you should be used to my style. Let me know what you think of this story. E-mail me at Let me know if I should continue this story or not.

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