
By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on May 13, 2017



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To celebrate their first wedding anniversary, Mike and Bob hosted a cocktail party in their apartment on the upper east side of Manhattan. One of the guests was Mike's best friend, Gary. Gary and Mike had a history together that went back as far as kindergarten. Naturally, Gary was among the invited guests. Most of the guests were gay men, and Gary knew quite a few of them. There were some women present, and a couple of men Gary did not recognize.

In his youth Gary had been a player, but now he was in his thirties, and he seriously wanted to settle down, hopefully with one great guy. When he saw how happy his buddies, Mike and Bob, were, he decided that it was time for him to grow up.

Out of pure habit, he started to cruise the very few men at the party whom he didn't know. He spotted Andrew immediately. He was the best looking guy in the room by far. It was apparent that Andrew didn't know anyone at the party, except one or both of the hosts. He was standing alone, looking very uncomfortable.

Gary had never been shy, and he wasn't going to change while he was actively looking for Mr. Right. He sauntered right over to Andrew, and stuck out his hand.

"Hi Buddy," he said, "I'm Gary, and I'm pretty sure we haven't met. Have we?"

Andrew shook Gary's hand, and smiled. He looked a lot more relieved and relaxed now that someone talked to him. "I'm Andrew," he said.

"I've never seen you around before," Gary probed. "Are you friends of the hosts? I thought I knew all their friends."

"Well technically, I'm Mike's friend. We share an office at work, and we've become pretty close buddies."

Mike was a lawyer, so now Gary knew that Andrew was also.

"Bob, Mike and I socialize together often, and yet we've never met," Gary said. "Do you ever socialize with them, or at least with Mike?"

"Mike and I have lunch together every day, but that's it. I know that he and Bob have their favorite hangouts, but I'm straight, so I wouldn't be comfortable in those places."

Gary was not happy when he heard that Andrew was straight. He finally had heart palpitations for someone he wanted to get to know better, and he couldn't have him.

If you and Mike are such good buddies, why don't you ask him and Bob out for a sociable evening in a straight bar? They don't have the same hang-ups you do."

"You're right, of course, but I was transferred from our Dallas office about two months ago, and I really don't know where to hang out yet. I haven't made enough straight friends to seek their advice."

Gary took the bull by the horns. "I'd like to be your friend and orient you to New York, if you'll let me. I may be gay, but I'm not a pariah," he said. He waited for a reaction from Andrew.

Andrew smiled. "I'd like that," he said. "I'd like that a lot."

"Tell you what," Gary said, sounding conspiratorial. "Let's start out by having a TGIF drink this Friday after work, and we'll see where that leads us. If it will make you more comfortable, we can go to a straight bar this week, a gay bar next week, and just keep alternating."

"It sounds like a plan to me, but how would you feel about having dinner together after the drink?" Andrew asked.

"You're on," Gary grinned at Andrew. "Meet me this Friday at 5:30 at Duffy's on the corner of 47th St. and 8th Avenue. Believe it or not, I know where the good straight bars are also. We can decide where to go for dinner while we are having our drinks."

"And where will you take me next week?" Andrew asked.

Gary couldn't tell if Andrew was being cute, or if he had a real concern, so Gary answered him very seriously. "I know you think that all gay bars are meat factories, but it isn't true. That's just another stereotype, another urban myth. If I'm looking to score, I will go to one of those places, but if I just want to enjoy the company and camaraderie of other gay men, I go to Dude's on 86th Street. I'll meet you there. I think you'll enjoy yourself. The patrons are more mature, but I can't guarantee that nobody will come on to you, so we'll pretend to be a couple."

"That should be fun," Andrew laughed. "Now let's go over to the free and open bar in this apartment, and I'll `buy' you a drink."

The two men hung out together for the rest of the party. They found conversation between them to be easy and unstrained. At the end of the day, they exchanged business cards, on which they had also written their home numbers, but it wasn't over yet. Andrew looked forlornly at Gary. "It's Saturday," he said, "Friday is a whole week away. Like I said, I haven't made any real friends yet. Would you be able to have dinner with me one evening before next Friday?"

"That would be great," Gary said. "Would Tuesday be good for you?"

"That's perfect," Andrew said.

"Okay, meet me at Yuri's at 6 PM. It's a Russian restaurant on 48th Street just west of Broadway."

"Terrific. I'll see you there. I'll call you at your office Tuesday afternoon to confirm, and make sure that you can still make it; and Gary, thanks." The two men reluctantly parted.

Gary was surprised, and very pleased, when Andrew called him about 8 PM on Sunday evening. "Are you doing anything special, and are you free?" Andrew asked.

"I'm not doing anything special, and I'm free. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I told you. I've been pretty lonely since I moved to New York. I just want to talk."

And talk they did, for nearly three hours. They talked about nothing and about everything. Conversation flowed as easily as water from a faucet. Then on Monday night, Gary didn't want Andrew to think that he was ignoring him, so he called Andrew. They had another three hour marathon, and reluctantly hung up.

When Gary put the handset on the cradle, he began to cry. He knew that he was crazy in love with Andrew, but he couldn't have him. He despaired over what to do about it, and finally, he made a decision. He would attempt to seduce Andrew. If he was successful, the worst case scenario was that the friendship would end. The best case scenario was that Andrew would love the experience, and they would commit to each other. Gary knew that was wishful thinking, but he was so in love, he had to try.

Gary entered Yuri's on Tuesday evening and looked around. He didn't see Andrew. He approached the maître d' and told him he had a reservation. He gave the man his name.

"Would you like to be seated now?" the maître d' asked, "or would you like to wait for your companion at the bar?"

"I'll go to the bar, thank you. My friend's name is Andrew. When he gets here, please direct him to the bar."

Gary had only taken one sip, when Andrew was ushered into the bar. He was shocked and pleasantly surprised when Andrew gave him a manly hug. Gary had an urge to kiss the man, but he restrained himself. Andrew ordered a drink, and they took their drinks to their table.

Half way through the meal Gary tried to steer the conversation around to sex. "Do you mind if I ask you some personal questions?"

"Not at all, but be warned; if they are too personal, I may not answer."

"Fair enough," Gary said. "How old are you?"


"Have you ever been in a serious relationship with a woman?"

"Yes, Gary, I got married at twenty-two, but my wife dumped me last year for a trillionaire. That's why I requested the transfer to New York. There were too many memories in Dallas."

"Gee, I'm sorry," Gary said.

"Don't be. These things are always for the best."

"Now for a hard question," Gary warned. "Have you ever had sex with a man?"

"Never! Have you ever had sex with a woman?"

Gary surprised Andrew. "Yes, several times, in high school and college, but it didn't take me long to realize that my preference was for men, and for gay sex."

"Are you hinting at something?" Andrew asked. "Please don't go there. Don't spoil our friendship."

"I would never pressure you to do anything you didn't want to do, but let me just throw something out at you. During my adult years of sexcapades, I have slept with several straight men. They were just plain curious. Every one of them enjoyed the experience, and thanked me profusely, but not one of them converted. So why don't you think about it? I can give you a night of unbearable pleasure, and you don't have to worry that I would ever kiss and tell, and based on past history, you will not be converted to homosexuality. If I was born gay, it follows that you were born straight."

"It's never going to happen between us, but I do find it interesting what you tell me about those straight men. Did any of them ever want a second experience?"

"Yes, but I wouldn't do it. They were all married, and I didn't want to be the cause of breaking up a marriage." Gary started to laugh. "If you were interested, you'd be the only straight man I made love to that was single."

"Are you saying that if we did have sex, and I enjoyed it, I'd have a chance at a repeat performance?"

"As often as you like, but it wouldn't be sex. It would be love. Don't you know how much I love you? I fell head over heels in love with you at the cocktail party. Nevertheless, I'd never make a move on you, and risk spoiling our friendship."

"Thanks Gary," Andrew said. "I've never had a friend like you. I feel we can tell each other anything without being judged."

"Yes, Andrew, we just did."

Over the next two years Gary and Andrew were inseparable. After countless TGIF drinks, and even more dinners together in restaurants and in their homes, Gary kept his promise. He never pressured Andrew for sex.

One night at dinner, Gary said, "I'm sorry Andrew, but I can't see you anymore."

"Why?" the crestfallen Andrew asked.

"Because I haven't been with anyone else since we met. Frankly I'm tired of whacking off. I want to get you out of my system, and start dating again."

Andrew laughed sardonically. "I haven't been with a woman since I met you either. I've done a lot of whacking off also. Maybe you're right. Maybe we have to go our separate ways, but I sure will miss you."

They finished their meal without speaking. They paid the bill, and said goodbye.

Six months later, on a Saturday afternoon, Gary got a text message from Andrew: Need to see U. When? Where?

Gary texted back: My apt. Tonite after 6.

Gary put his phone down and started shaking like a leaf. Immediately he got another text from Andrew: OK

Andrew arrived at 6:30. Gary had been waiting for him since 6. It was the longest thirty minutes of Gary's life. He paced the floors, and fretted that Andrew would not show up. He answered Andrew's knock and threw open the door. Gary thought that Andrew did not look well. He wasn't certain what the problem was, but Andrew had definitely lost weight. Along with the weight loss, he had lost his robust complexion. In fact, he looked ashen.

Gary wanted desperately to hug Andrew, and kiss him, but he knew that wouldn't be wise. It was Andrew who embraced Gary, and said, "I've missed you so much,"

"I've missed you too," Gary agreed, "but what's wrong? You don't look so good."

"I'm not sure what the problem is. I've taken a couple of women to bed since I saw you last, but I didn't enjoy the experience. I just kept wishing that I was with you at Duffy's or Dude's."

"At least you had sex," Gary said bitterly. "I still haven't been with anyone since the day we met. I love you so much; I can't be with anyone else. I'm still whacking off."

Both men began to cry.

"Is it possible that I love you too?" Andrew asked. "I never believed that two people of the same sex could actually love each other, and not be in it just for the sex."

"I can't analyze it for you. I just know that I love you."

"Gary," Andrew said. "I want to try that experiment you proposed, and make love with you, but you must promise me something first. If I can't do it, or if I'm totally grossed out, promise that we'll stay friends. I don't want to lose you again. These past months have been torture."

"Even if we can't make love together, I promise you, I want us to be friends. I need your friendship also," Gary said.

"It's a deal then," Andrew sighed with relief knowing that the pressure to have gay sex was off him. He could stop at any time.

"Will you spend the night with me?" Gary pleaded.

"I can't think of anything I want to do more."

"Have you had dinner?" Gary asked.

"No, I was too nervous about coming here. I had no appetite."

"Then let's go to Yuri's. My treat. There's no rush. We have all weekend."

After dinner, Gary locked his door as soon as they entered his apartment. He didn't know what he should do, but he knew that it was up to him to get the ball rolling. He put his arm around Andrew, and whispered in his ear, "If we are going to make love later, or attempt to make love, let's start with ABC, the basics. I want desperately to kiss you."

Andrew turned his face away. "I didn't think we'd have to kiss," he said.

"Look love, (Gary purposely used a term of endearment) let me set the rules. I swear this is just an experiment. No matter what happens, we'll return to our TGIf drinks and dinners together. It will be difficult for me, but I'd rather be close to you, than lose you again completely."

"Tell me what the rules are, and I'll tell you if I can live with them."

"It's very simple. There are only two rules. One: please do everything I tell you to do, and two: you can abort the whole thing anywhere along the way."

"I can live with that," Andrew said. "How do we start?"

"Tell me how you and your wife made love, at least at the beginning of your marriage."

"Well, it usually started in the living room. We would sit side by side watching television. I'd put my arm around her shoulder, and pull her in for a kiss. When our kissing got very passionate, we would start groping. She would undo my zipper, and pull my cock out. I would reach under her panties, and start to gently massage her clit. When we reached a fever pitch, we ran to the bedroom, and showered. We wanted to smell clean for each other. We always showered separately."

Gary was hard now, and getting excited. "Go on," he said. "What next?"

"We would continue groping each other, but eventually we began to give ourselves the pleasure of oral sex. She'd go down on me first, and bring me to the edge. Then I'd go down on her. We both knew that she never came vaginally, so I licked her clit until she had at least three orgasms. After she was rested, she put in her diaphragm, and I entered her vaginally, and finished myself off."

"Believe it or not," Gary said, "we are going to do the exact same things with minor differences. First of all, I'm going to make us each a cocktail before we start making out. That will loosen you up a little, and get you relaxed. The shower will definitely be a joint endeavor, and you'll suck cock instead of clit. Finally we'll climax with a great fuck in the ass."

"I don't know," Andrew said. "It sounds pretty yucky to me. For sure, I can't suck cock or fuck in the ass."

"Please, honey," Gary said, "try it this one time. I swear you don't ever have to do it again, if you don't want to. Remember it's just an experiment."

"I'll try, but I don't promise anything."

"I want you to know that I agree with you that it can be very yucky, but it won't be yucky for me. Do you know why? It's because I love you. Love changes everything. I only pray that you love me enough to forge ahead, and try everything."

"Oh, Gary, I told you I can't fall in love with a man. The experiment is bound to fail, but you promised me your friendship no matter what."

"I'll keep that promise, I swear. Now let's begin. You go sit on the sofa, and I'll make us a drink," Gary said, smiling at Andrew.

One cocktail did not do the trick. Andrew was firmly trying to delay the process. It wasn't until they were sipping their third cocktail, that Gary attempted the seduction. He pulled Andrew in for a kiss. As long as their lips were tight shut, Andrew was okay with it, but when Gary attempted to part his lips, Andrew was resistant. Gary finally won, and the two men were tickling each other's tongues. Suddenly, like a tidal wave, Andrew seemed to go crazy, and he kissed Gary more passionately than any man he had ever been with.

This encouraged Gary to grope Andrew's crotch, undo his zipper, and pull out his cock. Apparently, Andrew wasn't going to do that to him, so he removed his own cock, exposing it to Andrew.

Gary started to stroke Andrew's cock as gently as he could. Unfortunately, the straight man was not erecting. Andrew was about four flaccid inches, and cut. Gary stuck to his job. Suddenly, Andrew sighed, and at last Gary felt him plumping up. "Relax," Gary whispered in Andrew's ear. "Allow yourself to enjoy this experience."

"It feels very nice," Andrew was willing to admit.

Gary took Andrew's hand and laid it on his own very hard cock. Gary was cut also, and seven erect inches. Andrew's hand just lay there. He made no attempt to stroke Gary until his passions began to rise. Then he began to stroke Gary's pulsating rod. Reluctantly, Gary had to stop him, and he stopped stroking Andrew. He sensed that Andrew was close to climax, and he wanted to take it to the next level.

"Why did you stop?" Andrew asked.

"Because I have better things in store for you. I intend to take you to Seventh Heaven, and we are a long way away."

"So what's next?"

"We shower together."

Gary wouldn't let Andrew do a thing in the shower. He soaped the neophyte's body all over, not missing a square inch. When he stroked Andrew's cock and balls with soap, Andrew started to purr like a kitten. Gary even let a soapy finger wander into Andrew's crack. Gary was convinced that Andrew wasn't even aware of what he was doing. He just kept purring away. Since Andrew made no move to reciprocate, Gary soaped himself.

After a little while, he allowed the water to rinse off all the soap from both their bodies, and then he shocked Andrew. He fell to his knees and started to suck Andrew's cock. Andrew erected immediately. He was not about to stop Gary. He just convinced himself that his former wife was doing the deed. Once again, Gary brought him to the edge and stopped sucking.

"You're torturing me," Andrew said.

"That was only a lick and a promise. Better things are coming."

Andrew wondered what could be better.

They dried off and Gary dragged Andrew into his bed. "Are you okay?" Gary asked Andrew.

"So far so good," Andrew admitted reluctantly, "but nothing that would change me."

"I didn't expect that you would be converted, but I did hope to give you a great time."

Andrew was on his back. Gary mounted him and rubbed their cocks together. He was disappointed. Andrew was flaccid. Using his tongue, Gary worked his way down Andrew's body. He didn't miss a square inch, except he avoided Andrew's cock and balls. He even licked his toes. When he was satisfied, he turned Andrew over and started to kiss every inch of his backside. He paid particular attention to his bubbly ass. He spread the luscious cheeks and started to rim the man he loved.

At last he put Andrew on his back, and began to pay attention to his pubic area. He was delighted to see that Andrew was finally sporting a pulsating erection. He started by sucking Andrew's balls. Andrew began to moan and squirm, so Gary started to suck his cock. It didn't take long, and Andrew's balls hardened and started to shrink.

Gary stopped sucking immediately, and Andrew screamed out. "You bastard; you're killing me. How can you stop now?"

Gary started to laugh. "You're only halfway to seventh heaven," he said. "I insist that you be patient." Andrew resigned himself to trusting Gary, who reached into his nightstand and extracted a condom and a tube of lube. He rolled the lubricated condom down Andrew's rod which had grown to eight inches. Gary coated his own ass generously with lubricant. He squatted over Andrew, guiding Andrew's cock up his ass. He sat perfectly still, while Andrew began to squirm.

"I'm going to start pumping now," Gary said. "When I thrust down, you thrust up."

It didn't take long for them to begin a dance of love. Their thrusting became synchronized like a perfect swim team. Andrew began to make weird noises. He thrust harder, and his cock, rubbing against Gary's prostate, brought Gary to a climax. Seconds later, Gary could feel Andrew's spunk swimming in his guts. The condom must have broken, but it didn't bother him at all.

The dance ceased, and Gary collapsed on top of Andrew. They lay still like that for a good five minutes. Andrew's cock fell out of Gary's ass, and they finally got out of bed. After they cleaned up, they climbed into Gary's bed, intending to retire for the night.

They were both silent until Gary finally asked, "Aren't you going to talk to me, and tell me how you feel?"

Andrew hesitated for several minutes before finally speaking. "Gary it was wonderful, but I can never be what you want. I could never touch you there or rim you or let you fuck me in the ass. I'm truly sorry, but I want to go on looking for a good woman. Now that you promised to stay my friend, I think I'll be able to find her. I urge you to find the right guy for you." They both started to cry.

Before he fell asleep, Gary asked, "Do you think you would ever want a repeat performance?"

"I would like that, but it would be all one sided like tonight."

"Anyway, I'll cut you off when you find that woman."

"Please forgive me," Andrew said.

"Of course, I forgive you. You were born that way."

Three years later, Gary and his partner, James, were at the bar at Yuri's waiting for Andrew and his wife, Carrie, to join them for dinner. James spotted them first. All four greeted each other with hugs and kisses. True to their promises, Gary and Andrew had remained good friends, and took great pleasure in their "bromance." They still met every Friday after work for a TGIF drink. Gary and Andrew were always home before dinner, and they had their partners' blessings for their weekly ritual.

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