
By moc.liame@yug_yb

Published on Feb 21, 2000



Copyright 2000 by,

It has been two years now since I started pouring my heart and soul out on the computer pages. I am now in the seventh year of my sentence. What was it the judge said in my dream?

"I sentence you from seven to ten years of small cell lymphoma."

Things have not gone well for me over the past 24 months. With all the drugs and treatments that I have had to take, life has lost most of it's meaning. I now suffer from short term memory loss and severe depression. I probably would have ended it all by now if it weren't for my very perceptive doctor putting me on antidepressants.

My family life continues to deteriorate. I feel that I am a millstone hanging around my wife's neck. I have tried to be closer to her but all my attentions are rejected. It could be her self preservation response kicking in, knowing that if I aroused her in any way I would not be able to satisfy her needs. But what about my needs?

Our communications have turned to being mean and spiteful without any kind words for each other. I know that the stress of her job is part of the problem but I am no longer her lover or companion. I am just another burden for her to carry along with the burden of her father in a rest home.

The more I feel rejected, the more I live in my fantasies. I keep up with my first love, that is writing poetry, and I am trying to put my fantasies into more stories for others to reflect on.

I've also noticed that in the past two years, most of my new friends are gay or bi. It seems that they are attracted to me and I to them. They seem to be more sincere in their feelings and are the ones that really care about me. I've never had any relations with them, other than friendship but it not that I haven't thought about it. I so desperately need to be held and loved and caressed.

One of my new friends is my barber. He works in a shop close to where my wife works, so I stop and visit with him whenever I am in the neighborhood. It is quite often, as I drive my wife to work in bad weather. He is definitely gay but I had never noticed it before. He and his lover shared an apartment close to the barber shop. He will surly be in one of my fantasies.

I received an e-mail the other day from one of my writer friends saying that he was going to be in town for some business meetings or something. Anyway he has invited me to meet him at his hotel. I am looking forward to this meeting as it will be the first time I've met anyone face to face that I have corresponded with. Maybe he will be the one. I know that when I read his stories I can feel the love and understanding he has in his heart. (Oh God let it happen}

I decide that I will meet him and let nature take it's course. I can only count the hours and minutes until the moment arrives.

Oh what a beautiful sunny morning. It was finally here. the day that I was to meet Bob.

Bob and I had been corresponding with each other since I first read his stories on nifty. He was a man about my age, late 50's, graying at the temples and a little bald on top. Average build with love handles and a definite sense of humor as I found out later. Anyway that is how he described himself to me in his e-mails. Today I would meet him for the first time. I hope he won't be disappointed in me, I thought to myself as I was dressing for our first encounter.

Well here I am sitting in traffic waiting for the light to change. The hotel is just two blocks away and here I sit. My frustration and anticipation was starting to get to me. The antidepressant I had taken earlier had not fully kicked in and my nerves were on edge. Hurrah it turned green and I was on my way. I pulled into the parking lot, parked and locked the car and entered the restaurant.

There he was, just as he promised he would be sitting at a table in the rear. He was just as he had described himself only much more handsome. He recognized me as soon as I entered and motioned for me to join him.

I realized there was something that Bob hadn't told me about himself and that was that he was an amputee. His left leg was missing just above the knee. This of course made no difference to me but I thought it strange that he had not mentioned it.

I sat down and a waitress was there almost instantly. We ordered breakfast and chatted about almost everything. Bob was intelligent, witty, and the best company I had been in, in ages. We drank coffee and talked long after we were finished with our meal. I was in heaven. I knew that I was in love with Bob the moment our eyes met.

"lets go up to my room and relax. We can order more coffee and continue our conversation there without extra ears listening in."

"It sounds good to me." I said as I handed him his crutch.

We both headed to the elevator, him for his room and for me, paradise.

"Well here it is, my home for the next four days. Won't you step in said the spider to the fly."

I entered the room and Bob right behind me closing the door and locking it. I stood there and Bob came up to me and put one hand on my shoulder.

"I'd throw both these arms around you in a big hug, but I'd probably fall on my ass."

Hearing that statement I put my arms around Bob and gave him the most passionate kiss I could.

"Your not upset about me missing a few parts?"

"Not as long as you still got the most important ones." I kissed him again.

Bob went over and sat on the bed placing his crutch against the wall.

"Won't you come over and join me? I feel a little lonely over here by myself.

The second I sat on the bed next to him, we were in each other's arms, our hands exploring and caressing each other's bodies. The clothes soon disappeared and we were lying naked on the bed.

I felt his lips kissing my neck an shoulders working their way down to my chest and my nipples. His tong drew a line from my navel down to my groin and to my balls. My whole body was now on fire with a passion that I hadn't felt in such a long, long time.

Our love was so hot and so intense that I wished it could go on forever, but we both reached climaxes and laid back to rest.

It was early afternoon when I looked at my watch. I knew I had to get dressed and get home before my wife arrived. I gave Bob another long mouth searching kiss and bade him my farewells.

"I'll call you tonight my sweet one. I want to be with you every chance I can get while your in town. I love you."

Bob kissed me one more time and I left for home. What a beautiful day is today....

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 3

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